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COMMENTS: 2020 S1 Afr4 Final 1=Do your best next semester, #N in order to show your true potential. 2=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. 3=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. Keep up the good work! 4=I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. 5=I can hardly wait to see how you impress me in Afrikaans during the next semester, #N! 6=Keep up the good work! 7=Keep up the good work, #N! 8=#N , I am proud of you. Stay focused! 9=#N, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work! 10=#N, never give up! I am so proud of you. 11=#N, you have so much potential! Focus and do your best in Afrikaans next semester COMMENTS: 2020 S1 Afr4 Intro 1 med 1=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. 2=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks enthusiasm. 3=#N enjoys Afrikaans. 4=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 5=#N has worked very hard this semester and is making commendable progress in Afrikaans. 6=#N is a capable student who underestimates #h own language abilities in Afrikaans. 7=#N works steadily and the quality of #h Afrikaans work has shown a marked improvement this semester. 8=#N enjoys Afrikaans and quietly gives of #h best. 9=#N is making a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills. 10=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 11=#N does really well in Afrikaans and rises to every challenge with enthusiasm. 12=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always gives of #h best. 13=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 14=#N enjoys Afrikaans and has quite a good understanding of the language. 15=#N enjoys Afrikaans and is always eager to participate. 16=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates enthusiastically. 17=#N enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. COMMENTS: 2020 S1 Afr4 Speech 1=#N speaks very well. It was a pleasure to listen to #h speech about #?. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H speech on #? was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and is keen to try and engage in simple conversations, as #e has grown in confidence. This was evident in #h speech on #?. 4=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #h pronunciation. #H speech on #? was well prepared. 5=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared speech on #?. 6=When #N delivered #h speech on #?, it was clear that #e was well prepared and it was a delight to listen to #m. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Closing 1=In order to succeed, you will need to put in some extra effort next year, #N. 2=Don't give up, #N! I believe that you are capable of improving your Afrikaans skills in Grade 5. 3=#N, I know that it was a challenging subject for you. Keep trying, you will succeed! 4=#N, stay positive and work hard in Grade 5 and your Afrikaans skills will improve! 5=I enjoyed having #N in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 6=Never give up, #N and you will continue to improve your Afrikaans. 7=#N, I believe you will be able to work on your Afrikaans skills next year and continue your progress. 8=#N, keep working hard at mastering Afrikaans! 9=#N, with your enthusiasm for speaking Afrikaans, you will be successful! Keep up the good work! 10=#N, keep up the good work in Grade 5! 11=#N, keep working hard in Grade 5 and your Afrikaans skills will continue to improve! 12=#N is valued by #h peers and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work in grade 5! 13=#N is a wonderful student, and I'm happy to have had #m in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 14=With #N's friendly, cooperative attitude and dedication to hard work, #e will continue to succeed in grade 5. 15=With your friendly, cooperative attitude and dedication to hard work, you have had a very successful year, #N. Keep up the good work in Grade 5! 16=#N is a positive role model for other students and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work in Grade 5! 17=#N is a conscientious student and it was a pleasure to have #m in the classroom. Keep up the good work next year! 18=#N, I am proud of all you have achieved this year. Keep it up next year! COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Comprehension 1=#E has steadily improved #h comprehension skills. 2=#N finds comprehensions and reading inference a continuous challenge, but with continued practise, #e will master this skill. 3=#N should continue reading daily in order to improve #h reading vocabulary and understanding. 4=#N has worked hard to improve #h comprehension skills this semester. 5=#N seems at ease with comprehensions, completing them with accuracy. 6=#N is able to complete comprehensions with relative accuracy, but should take care to focus to the end, in order to answer every question to the best of #h ability. 7=#N seems to understand stories when we discuss them, but finds it difficult to complete comprehension activities accurately. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 General 1=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts and #N grasped all of these with ease. 2=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts and #N grasped most of these. 3=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts. #N grasped most of these, but as was evident in #h term test, #e should pay more attention to mastering #? in order to achieve success next year. 4=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts. #N did not do as well in #h term test as #e could have, and should pay more attention to #? in order to achieve success next year. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Intro good 1=#N has made a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills throughout this year. 2=#N is an enthusiastic student who has made steady progress throughout this year. 3=#N has demonstrated very good progress in Afrikaans this year. 4=#N has worked very hard this year, and #e has made strong gains. 5=#N has shown good progress in Afrikaans this year and is speaking it with more confidence and apparent understanding. 6=#N has shown enthusiasm and dedication towards Afrikaans throughout this year. 7=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produced quality results this year. 8=#N has worked very hard this year and has made commendable progress in Afrikaans. 9=#N has made good progress this year, and now shows greater confidence in #h ability to express #s. 10=It was a pleasure to have #N in Afrikaans. #E showed enthusiasm and interest in the subject, throughout this year. 11=#N has had a positive year in Afrikaans with good progress. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Intro med 1=Although #N has given of #h best in Afrikaans throughout the year, #e is still having difficulty with some aspects of the language. 2=#N works steadily and the quality of #h Afrikaans work has shown a marked improvement throughout this year. 3=#N's Afrikaans has improved considerably throughout this year. 4=#N has shown great improvement in Afrikaans throughout this year. 5=#N's Afrikaans has improved greatly in the last semester. 6=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #h perseverance is commendable. 7=#N tackled Afrikaans with quiet determination since the lockdown. #E can be proud of the gains #e made. 8=Although the standard of #h Afrikaans work has been variable this semester, #N has worked very hard and produced some work to be proud of. 9=#N has produced some good work in Afrikaans when #e made the effort. #E needs to apply #s more consistently in Grade 5 as I believe #e is capable of more. 10=#H attitude to Afrikaans this year was good. #E needs to focus on completing #h tasks next year, in order to progress to the level I know #e is capable of. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Reading 1=#E has steadily improved #h reading fluency this semester. 2=#N finds reading out loud a challenge, but with continued practise, #e will master this skill. 3=#N should continue reading daily in order to improve #h reading vocabulary and fluency. 4=#N has shown great improvement in reading confidence this year. 5=#N has worked hard to improve #h reading skills this year. 6=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is reading with greater confidence and understanding and should continue developing #h reading next semester. 7=#N reads beautifully, with apparent ease and great confidence. 8=#N reads very well. #E needs to be more confident in #h abilities as #h pronunciation is brilliant! COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Speaking 1=#N speaks very well in front of the class. It was a pleasure to listen to #h show-and-tell speech. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H show-and-tell speech was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and is keen to try and engage in simple conversations, as #e has grown in confidence. This was evident in the show-and-tell speech. 4=#N has shown great improvement with #h Afrikaans pronunciation. #H show-and-tell speech was well delivered. 5=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #h pronunciation. #H show-and-tell speech was well prepared. 6=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared show-and-tell speech. 7=When #N delivered #h show-and-tell speech, is was noticeable that #e has become more confident through this last term. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Spelling 1=#N has been performing well in #h Afrikaans spelling tests throughout the year. 2=#N still finds Afrikaans spelling tests, as well as applying the learned vocabulary, a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve in Grade 5. 3=#N has consistently been performing well in #h Afrikaans spelling tests. 4=#N has done exceptionally well in both #h spelling tests as well as the application of this skill. 5=#H spelling test results are wonderful and #e should focus on applying those skills in Grade 5. 6=#N did well in spelling tests, when #e learned. Unfortunately, #h results were not consistent. Practising spelling, should be a daily activity and I am sure if #e does this in Grade 5, #h results will be pleasing. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 AFR4 Test 1=#N did fairly well in #h term test, although #e had some difficulty in remembering all the steps when changing sentences into the #?. #E will have to focus on fully mastering these concepts next year. 2=Although #N can do most of the language exercises with ease during classwork activities, #e seems to forget the rules when #e is completing a more formal test. 3=#N did well in #h term test, but has to focus on the details in order to be more accurate when working with concepts such as #? and #?. 4=#N did very well in #h term test and shows mastery of the concepts taught this year. 5=#N does well in #h term test, when applying skill-based knowledge. #E does however lose marks where #e had to study vocabulary lists. Focus on these areas next year, #N. 6=#N did well in #h term test this semester. 7=#N needs to master the rules when applying certain language skills such as #?, in order to improve #h general term test results. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 1 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=LISTENING & RECALL and HIGHER ORDER THINKING COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 10 COMMUNICATION 1=COMMUNICATION COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 11 COMMUNICATION 1=#N did not follow the clear guidelines for communicating #h research on #? through a slide/poster presentation. #H planning, organisation and presentation of information needed to adhere to the requirements of the project in order to effectively share #h findings with #h target audience. 2=#N’s presentation on #? was lacking organisational planning and appropriate graphics, thus not clearly communicating #h findings in an appropriate manner on #h slides/poster. 3=#N created a very informative presentation on #?. #H research was communicated fairly well, but #e could have better organised the presentation of #h findings. #H use of graphics added value to the information #e shared in #h slides/poster. 4=#N created an exceptional presentation on #?. #H research was clearly communicated through the well-organised slides/poster and #e included appropriate graphics to share #h findings. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 12 COMMUNICATION 1=In the water investigation, boys were required to follow a set of instructions in order to observe the effect of salt on ice, and then to communicate their insight and learning by taking appropriate photos of what they did. #N struggled to follow the instructions and took poor or no photos to communicate that #e understood the investigation. 2=In the water investigation, boys were required to follow a set of instructions in order to observe the effect of salt on ice, and then to communicate their insight and learning by taking appropriate photos of what they did. #N followed instructions to a satisfactory standard and took passable photos to communicate that #e understood the investigation. 3=In the water investigation, boys were required to follow a set of instructions in order to observe the effect of salt on ice, and then to communicate their insight and learning by taking appropriate photos of what they did. #N followed instructions well and took acceptable photos which communicated that #e mostly understood the investigation and knew what to look for. 4=In the water investigation, boys were required to follow a set of instructions in order to observe the effect of salt on ice, and then to communicate their insight and learning by taking appropriate photos of what they did. #N followed instructions perfectly and took expert photos that clearly communicated that #e understood the investigation and knew what to look for. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 2 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=#N was unfortunately not able to recall the names (scientific vocabulary) of clouds in the creation of #h clouds poster. I encourage #m to listen actively and to take good notes. This will assist #m in remembering content and applying it appropriately. 2=#N was only able to recall some of the scientific names of clouds, in the creation of #h clouds poster. I encourage #m to listen actively and to take good notes. This will assist #m in remembering content and applying it appropriately. 3=#N was able to recall most of the scientific names of clouds, in the creation of #h clouds poster. #E takes responsibility for #h own learning and #h poster was therefore of a very good standard. 4=#N was able to recall most of the scientific names of clouds, in the creation of #h clouds poster. #N has the ability to listen actively and take good notes. #H poster was therefore of an excellent standard. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 3 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=In the data analysis task, #N needed to examine and identify trends from a table and graph. #E was also unable to derive accurate calculations in order to interpret data. #E must read for understanding and identify key words in the questions, as is done with the language subjects. 2=In the data analysis task, #N needed to examine and identify trends from a table and graph. #E struggled to answer most of the questions in this task. I encourage #m to read with understanding and to highlight keywords in the questions. 3=In the data analysis task on temperature, #N needed to examine and identify trends from a table and graph. #E showed good analytical skills by highlighting keywords in the questions and #e displayed a fair understanding of the data. #E was therefore also able to answer some of the higher order thinking questions. 4=In the data analysis task on temperature, #N needed to examine and identify trends from a table and graph. #E showed very strong analytical skills by highlighting keywords in the questions and #e displayed an in-depth understanding of the data. #E was therefore able to answer the higher order thinking questions with ease. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 4 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=Unfortunately, #N did not engage with the materials to complete the task and, as a result, did not finish the weather and climate comparison assignment. 2=#N did not adequately engage with the audio and visual materials comparing climate and weather. As a result, the subsequent assignment was not completed to standard. 3=#N completed the comparison of weather and climate more than adequately. #H engagement with the audio and visual materials was satisfactory - more reading practise will greatly benefit #h research output. 4=#N fully engaged with the audio and visual materials of weather and climate comparison and #e successfully answered the ensuing task. This displays a proficiency in #h listening, recall and research skills. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 5 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=After watching an edpuzzle about the three states of matter, boys were expected to recall and apply what they had learned. #N struggled to answer the questions well and showed a poor understanding of the concept of states of matter. 2=After watching an edpuzzle about the three states of matter, boys were expected to recall and apply what they had learned. #N was able to answer a decent amount of the questions well and showed an average understanding of the concept of states of matter. 3=After watching an edpuzzle about the three states of matter, boys were expected to recall and apply what they had learned. #N was able to answer many of the questions well and showed an assured understanding of the concept of states of matter. 4=After watching an edpuzzle about the three states of matter, boys were expected to recall and apply what they had learned. #N was able to answer the questions flawlessly. #E showed that #e understood the concepts extremely well. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 6 LISTENING, RECALL and HIGHER ORDER 1=#N did not adequately follow the instructions for communicating #h research on #? through a slide/poster presentation. #H planning, organisation and presentation of information needed to better satisfy the instructions. Additionally, a bit more effort and engagement would go a long way to improving #h work output. 2=#N’s presentation on #? was lacking planning and appropriate images. Unfortunately, this resulted in an unclear communication of #h research. #H conceptual framework, however, was sound and better planning will serve #m well in the future. 3=#N created a very informative presentation on #?. #H research was communicated in an exemplary manner. #H organisation of #h findings could have been more structured. #N made good use of images, which added value to the research #e presented in #h slides/poster. 4=#N’s presentation on #? was outstanding. #H research was effectively conveyed through the well-organised slides/poster and #e included appropriate visuals and diagrams to enhance #h findings. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 7 CREATIVITY 1=CREATIVITY COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 8 CREATIVITY 1=#N did not hand in #h 3D Water Cycle Project. This is unfortunate, as it was an opportunity to expand #h creative skills by using recycled materials for a learning experience. 2=#N found it challenging to create the 3D Water Cycle Poster. The design and layout was not planned very well and it was obvious that limited thought went into the choice of materials used. 3=#N’s 3D Water Cycle Poster was quite creative. The design and layout was planned fairly well and the choice of materials used to create the poster ensured that the final project was pleasing. 4=#N created a wonderful 3D Water Cycle Poster. The design and layout was planned very well and #e obviously took great care when choosing materials for this project, ensuring an excellent final product. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM 9 CREATIVITY 1=#N unfortunately did not complete/hand in #h South African shape poem. 2=#N struggled to write the South African shape poem. Planning to fit the words into a rigid shape, as well as writing in a descriptive way, was a challenge. 3=#N put a lot of creative thought into #h South African shape poem. #H poem was visually pleasing, but #h use of descriptive language was not as effective as it could have been. 4=#N put a lot of time and effort into writing a truly South African shape poem. #H poem was visually pleasing and #h use of descriptive vocabulary was appealing. The title was unique and suited the message of #h poem very well. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM GENERIC 1 1=Through Social and Natural Science, we investigated Climate and Weather, States of Matter as well as South Africa’s Cultural and Natural Heritage. Each field of study was examined primarily through a scientific lens with an additional emphasis on the ways in which humankind is a part of the ecosystem and a view to future sustainability. COMMENTS: 2020 S2 STEAM GENERIC 2 1=We looked at what it means to define ourselves as African - this involved analysing the origins of our national anthem, coat of arms, and provincial names and then delved more deeply into the biomes, flora and fauna of our country. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR Gr6 General Language 1=#N has to practice changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 2=Although #N has mastered most of the language skills, #e needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 3=#N Needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 4=#N Has fully grasped #AfrikaansTaal, #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal. 5=#N has to slow down and think carefully when doing #AfrikaansTaal, in order to avoid careless mistakes. 6=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided. 7=Although #N can successfully change sentences into #AfrikaansTaal, #e still has difficulty following the rules for #?. 8=#N needs to follow all the language rules carefully when #e attempts #? as #e forgets the basic rules and then repeats #h mistakes. 9=#N has grasped most of the tenses rules and is able to apply them accurately, most of the time. 10=#N has grasped all of the tenses rules and applies them with consistent accuracy. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Final 1=I am so proud of you, #N. Well done on an amazing Semester 1. 2=Never give up, #N! You are able to achieve so much! 3=You have so much potential, #N! Pay attention and focus on what you need to achieve, in order to be the best you can be. 4=Focus and persevere. I know you can do it, #N! 5=Keep up the good work, #N! COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Intro 1 1=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 2=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates eagerly. 3=#N enjoys Afrikaans, is a keen participant and has a fair understanding of the verbal language. 4=#N enjoys Afrikaans, participates enthusiastically and always gives of #h best. 5=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 6=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. #E needs to apply #s daily in order to master the language. 7=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks focus. 8=#N has astounded me with #h knack for Afrikaans. #E tackles each lesson with enthusiasm. 9=#N is a friendly member of the Afrikaans class, who works with enthusiasm. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Intro 2 1=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 2=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. #E is making good progress in this subject. 3=#N actively engages in lessons. #E enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. 4=#N consistently uses #h personal best effort in Afrikaans. 5=#N has an enjoyable sense of humour and is an integral part of our class. 6=#N is a capable student. #E is very conscientious and has produced some quality work. 7=#N is a conscientious student and always gives #h best effort. 8=#N is a positive role model for other students and #e strives to do #h best. 9=#N is valued by #h peers and would benefit from being more conscientious towards #h work, in order to set a good example. 10=#N, participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. #E is making good progress in Afrikaans. 11=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produces quality results. 12=Although the standard of presentation of #h Afrikaans work has been variable, #N works well and has produced some work to be very proud of. 13=#N takes a lot of pride in #h work. 14=#N works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 Afr6 Kokkedoortjie Video 1=It was a pleasure to watch #N's Kokkedoortjie video about #h #?. #E spoke well and the end result was very entertaining. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H Kokkedoortjie video was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and started off #h Kokkedoortjie video well. Unfortunately #e seemed a bit nervous, and became less fluent towards the end. If #e rehearses speeches or presentations repetitively, #e will have more confidence when the final project is presented. 4=#N has shown determination to improve #h pronunciation. It was obvious that #e spend a lot of time rehearsing, before recording the final Kokkedoortjie. #H video presentation was well prepared and very entertaining to watch! 5=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared Kokkedoortjie video. 6=#N really struggled with the pronunciation of certain words during #h Kokkedoortjie video. #H confidence seemed to fade, as the video went on. In future, #e would benefit from repeated rehearsals, before recording or presenting #h speech. This goes a long way towards building confidence and ensuring fluency. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Listening 1=#N is a careful listener, but #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 2=#N is able to gather information while listening and consistently follows directions. 3=#N is able to gather information while listening and is able to follow directions. 4=#N is able to gather information while listening and usually follows directions. 5=#N works hard in Afrikaans. Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 6=Although #N sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 7=Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 8=Although #e sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 9=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E is often distracted, and misses important instructions. This hinders #h ability to finish tasks effectively. 10=#E is improving #h listening skills and is learning how to focus on instructions. 11=When #N is focused, #e can listen carefully and follow directions. 12=When #N is focused, #e listens carefully and can follow directions. 13=#N did really well in the listening comprehension, paying attention to detail, both when listening and answering. 14=#N finds listening a challenge. The listening comprehension we did, proved that #e misses a lot of detail during such activities. 15=Although #N is usually able to listen carefully and follow instructions, the listening comprehension we did was challenging, as #e was not able to recall much detail from the story. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Reading & Comprehension 1=#E has steadily improved #h reading and comprehension skills. #E needs to pay careful attention when answering inference questions, as #e seems less comfortable voicing #h own opinion as an answer. 2=#N finds comprehensions and reading inference a continuous challenge, but with continued practise, #e will master this skill. 3=#N should continue reading daily in order to improve #h reading vocabulary and understanding, as reading with comprehension is a very important skill to have when mastering a second language. 4=#N has shown great improvement in reading confidence this year. #H comprehension skills are still lacking a bit, as #e seems reluctant to answer questions at the level expected of #m. 5=#N has worked hard to improve #h comprehension skills this year. With continued reading practise, #e will be very successful as an Afrikaans second language speaker. 6=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is reading with greater confidence and understanding and should continue developing #h reading in order to master comprehension skills. 7=#N reads very well and it is evident, when answering comprehensions, that #e is working hard at understanding all the text #e works with. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Spelling 1=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve. 2=#N finds the weekly Afrikaans tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident, #h marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N has been doing fairly well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests, but finds it difficult to remember previous vocabulary. As #e becomes more confident, this will improve. 4=#N has been doing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. 5=#N has been performing very well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember previous vocabulary and apply this to #h daily Afrikaans work. 6=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember most of the previous vocabulary and should now focus to apply this into #h daily Afrikaans work. 7=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember previous vocabulary and apply this to #h daily Afrikaans work. 8=In Grade 6 Afrikaans, there are many vocabulary lists that need to be studied in order to recall them. #N does not put in enough effort into this, as was apparent in both #h tests and the exam. 9=#N is putting in a lot of effort to study all the vocabulary expected of Grade 6. #H good results in spelling tests and the vocabulary sections of term tests and exams prove that hard work pays off. COMMENTS: 2021 S1 AFR6 Work ethic 1=#N avoids careless errors through attention to detail. 2=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 3=#N can be distracted by those around #m but #e does #h best in redirecting #h focus. 4=#N is often distracted by #h peers and does not always complete tasks on time. 5=#N is too easily distracted in the Afrikaans class. #E will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 6=#E needs to stop rushing through tasks and work at an appropriate pace in order to complete #h work to a satisfactory standard. 7=When focused, #e manages to complete structured tasks with ease, but does sometimes require redirection. 8=#N gives of #h best, paying attention in class, asking questions and completing work and tasks on time. 9=#N needs to pay more attention to instructions and #h work ethic in class, as #e prefers fooling around and then completing work at home. This is not an acceptable practise, as a lot of times students are assessed on work done in class, during an allocated time. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Final 1=Do your best next semester, #N in order to show your true potential. 2=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. 3=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. Keep up the good work! 4=I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. 5=I can hardly wait to see how you impress me in Afrikaans during the next semester, #N! 6=Keep up the good work! 7=Keep up the good work, #N! 8=#N , I am proud of you. Stay focused! 9=#N, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work! 10=#N, never give up! I am so proud of you. 11=#N, you have so much potential! Focus and do your best in Afrikaans next semester 12=#N, if you apply yourself and pay more attention in class and to the completion of work, your Afrikaans skills can only improve! COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 General 1 med 1=#N needs to study and apply the language rules and apply #h spelling skills in order to improve #h Afrikaans. 2=#N would benefit greatly if #e paid closer attention to instructions given. #E should also plan ahead for spelling tests and projects so that it is not left to the last minute. 3=#N needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility towards Afrikaans and focus on completing work on time, in order to achieve #h full potential. 4=#N needs to do #h spelling homework daily in order to improve #h Afrikaans vocabulary and comprehension. 5=As an Afrikaans speaker, #N seems to think #e does not have to study the grammar rules or spelling words. #E will benefit greatly if #e pays closer attention and takes time to ensure #h work is of the standard I expect of #m. 6=#N would benefit greatly if #e did #h Afrikaans spelling homework, every day. 7=Although Afrikaans is a new language for #N, #e would benefit greatly if #e participated more actively in everyday lessons. 8=#N has begun accepting responsibility towards #h Afrikaans work. 9=#N participates with abundant enthusiasm and should persevere and practise daily, along with the voice notes on Google Classroom, in order to improve #h vocabulary and better #h pronunciation. 10=#N will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 11=#N tackles each lesson with enthusiasm and because of this; #e is well on #h way to success in mastering the basics. 12=#N has given of #h best in Afrikaans throughout this semester. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 General 1 strong 1=#N is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 2=#N is making excellent progress in Afrikaans. 3=#N has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h Afrikaans, and sets a superb example to the rest of the class. 4=#N has worked hard in Afrikaans and has produced some work to be really proud of. 5=#N does allow #h focus to drift at times when socialising becomes too tempting. #E needs to concentrate on redirecting #h attention as #e often misses instructions given. 6=#N is distracted and does not always complete tasks on time. 7=#N needs to increase #h work pace, as #e often does not complete tasks on time. 8=#N needs to increase #h work pace, in order to complete tasks and turn them in, on time. 9=#N needs to self-regulate #h work ethic in Afrikaans. If #e took more time to complete tasks on time, and follow instructions properly, I am sure #h work would be of a much higher standard. 10=#N has been very distracted and as a result, #e sometimes misses instructions given during lessons. 11=#N can be distracted but #e does #h best in redirecting #h focus. 12=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 13=#N comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly so that #e can hand #h assignments in on time. 14=When focused, #e manages to complete structured tasks with ease, but does sometimes require redirection. 15=#N is becoming aware that #e can avoid careless errors through attention to detail. 16=#N stays on task with little supervision. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Intro 1 med 1=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. 2=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks enthusiasm. 3=#N enjoys Afrikaans. 4=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 5=#N has worked very hard this semester and is making commendable progress in Afrikaans. 6=#N is a capable student who underestimates #h own language abilities in Afrikaans. 7=#N works steadily and the quality of #h Afrikaans work has shown a marked improvement this semester. 8=#N enjoys Afrikaans and quietly gives of #h best. 9=#N is making a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills. 10=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 11=#N finds Afrikaans difficult however, #e is determined to improve and works hard to achieve this. 12=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always gives of #h best. 13=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 14=#N enjoys Afrikaans and has quite a good understanding of the language. 15=#N enjoys Afrikaans and is always eager to participate. 16=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates enthusiastically. 17=#N enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Intro 1 strong 1=#N enjoys Afrikaans, is an enthusiastic participant and has a good understanding of the language. 2=#N enjoys Afrikaans, participates enthusiastically and always gives of #h best. 3=#N exhibited an excellent attitude towards Afrikaans this semester. 4=#N has really astounded me with #h knack for Afrikaans. 5=#N is a capable student with strong language skills which are apparent in #h Afrikaans work. 6=#N is a diligent, capable student who is making excellent progress in all of #h Afrikaans skills. 7=#N is an extremely conscientious pupil. 8=#N participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 9=#N perseveres relentlessly, participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 10=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produces quality results. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Language 1=#N has to practice changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal and focus on the "special word"-rules. 2=Although #N has mastered most of the language skills, #e needs to follow all the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 3=#N needs to follow all the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 4=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided and applying them correctly. 5=#N has fully grasped #AfrikaansTaal rules, and is able to change sentences from the Present Tense, successfully. 6=#N has to learn all #h #AfrikaansTaal rules, in order to successfully change sentences from the Present Tense. 7=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided. 8=#N was struggling with #AfrikaansTaal, but has used the remediation lessons to #h advantage and managed to master most of this language aspect. 9=#N should focus on building #h vocabulary in order to successfully identify the verbs in sentences. This makes the manipulation of sentences from the Present Tense to #AfrikaansTaal much easier. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Speech 1=#N speaks very well. It was a pleasure to listen to #h Zoo advert presentation. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H Zoo advert presentation was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and is keen to try and engage in simple conversations, as #e has grown in confidence. This was evident in #h Zoo advert presentation. 4=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #h pronunciation. #H Zoo advert presentation was well prepared. 5=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared Zoo advert presentation. 6=When #N delivered #h Zoo advert presentation, it was clear that #e was well prepared and it was a delight to listen to #m. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Spelling Tests 1=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. #E should practise #h words daily, and use the voice notes on Google Classroom to improve #h pronunciation. 2=#N finds the weekly spelling tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident and practise #h words daily, using the voice notes on Google Classroom to improve #h pronunciation, #h marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N needs to continue writing #h spelling words out daily and use the voice notes on Google Classroom to improve #h pronunciation in order to consolidate #h vocabulary. 4=#N needs to study #h assigned spelling words each week. #E should practise #h words daily, and use the voice notes on Google Classroom to improve #h pronunciation. 5=Since #N started practising #h spelling words more regularly and using the voice notes on Google Classroom to improve #h pronunciation, #N has been doing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 6=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 7=I can tell #N studies for #h spelling test each week as #e consistently achieves fantastic results. 8=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 9=When #N studies for #h spelling tests, #e achieves good results. Unfortunately #h results have not been consistent. 10=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. 11=#N finds the weekly spelling tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident #h marks will improve and become more consistent. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Work ethic 1=#N avoids careless errors through attention to detail. 2=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times, but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 3=#N is often distracted in class. #E will benefit greatly if #e paid more attention, as important language elements are explained during lessons. 4=#N is easily distracted during Afrikaans lessons. #E needs to be more responsible towards #h own learning. 5=#N seems distracted at times, but still manages to get #h work done. 6=#N should pay more attention to finishing tasks on time, as #e often does not complete work in the allocated time. 7=#N often ignores the task at hand and does not even attempt the work #e has been given. COMMENTS: 2022 S1 Afr4 Writing 1=#N struggles to express #s when writing sentences in Afrikaans. Continued practise when doing #h homework sentences and reading will improve this. 2=#N writes beautiful Afrikaans sentences. #E must just take care to use #h dictionary to find the Afrikaans meaning of words, instead of using an English word. 3=#N shows full understanding of #h learned vocabulary through #h wonderful sentences. 4=#N did not follow the brief on the Zoo advert. When doing projects, it is very important to follow all the steps and use the given rubric as a guideline. 5=#N's Zoo advert was very well done. #E followed the brief and wrote a very interesting radio advertisement! 6=#N's Zoo advert was very well written. #E followed most of the brief and wrote a very interesting radio advertisement! It is important to follow all the steps of the brief and use the rubric as a guideline for future projects. 7=#N's Zoo advert was lacking basic information in the written format. #E should have followed all the steps of the brief and used the rubric as a guideline for this project. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 AI General 1=#N has made good overall progress in #h Afrikaans second language skills this semester. I am very pleased with #h dedication and improvement. Well done! 2=#N has developed a strong foundation in Afrikaans as a second language this semester. Keep up the great work! 3=#N has shown a positive attitude towards learning Afrikaans as a second language. #H attentiveness and participation in class are an inspiration to others. Very well done! 4=#N has worked on expanding #h vocabulary and speaking abilities in Afrikaans as a second language. I see a clear improvement in #h communication skills. Keep it up! 5=#N has shown significant progress in writing simple sentences in Afrikaans as a second language. #H efforts to write independently are commendable. I am very proud of you! 6=#N has a good understanding of basic vocabulary and language rules in Afrikaans as a second language. I encourage #m to build upon this solid foundation. Very well done! 7=#N has improved #h language skills in Afrikaans as a second language. I am excited about the progress #e is making. Keep up the hard work! 8=#N has made pleasant strides in Afrikaans as a second language. I appreciate #h hard work and dedication. Excellent job! 9=#N has enhanced #h communication skills in Afrikaans as a second language. I am impressed by #h ability to understand and respond to the language. Keep up the great work! 10=#N has actively participated in classroom activities in a positive manner. #H enthusiasm and growth are noticeable. Congratulations on your achievement! 11=#N has put in tremendous effort to master all the language skills in Afrikaans. Well done! 12=#N should not be discouraged when attempting to grasp new Afrikaans language skills. With continued effort, #e can only improve. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Comprehension 1=#N needs a lot of repetition and practice of #h homework-stories, in order to develop #h reading vocabulary and comprehension. 2=#N needs to read #h homework stories every day, in order to improve #h comprehension skills. 3=#N is developing sound comprehension skills. 4=#N's comprehension skills will improve with continued practice. 5=If #N uses #h spelling homework to build #h vocabulary, #h comprehension skills will also improve. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Final 1=Do your best next semester, #N in order to show your true potential. 2=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. 3=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. Keep up the good work! 4=I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. 5=I can hardly wait to see how you impress me in Afrikaans during the next semester, #N! 6=Keep up the good work! 7=Keep up the good work, #N! 8=#N , I am proud of you. Stay focused! 9=#N, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work! 10=#N, never give up! I am so proud of you. 11=#N, you have so much potential! Focus and do your best in Afrikaans next semester COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Following instructions 1=#N is a careful listener, but #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 2=#N is able to gather information while listening and consistently follows directions. 3=#N is able to gather information while listening and is able to follow directions. 4=#N is able to gather information while listening and usually follows directions. 5=#N works hard in Afrikaans. Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 6=Although #N sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 7=Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 8=Although #e often asks questions, #e seems to find it difficult to follow either written or verbal instructions, and this impacts on the standard of #h work. 9=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E often misses important instructions. This hinders #h ability to finish tasks effectively. 10=#E is improving #h listening skills and is learning how to focus on instructions. 11=When #N is focused, #e can listen carefully and follow directions. 12=When #N is focused, #e listens carefully and can follow directions. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 General 1 med 1=#E needs to study and apply the language rules in order to improve #h grasp of Afrikaans. 2=#E would benefit greatly if #e paid closer attention to the instructions given and focused on completing tasks on time. 3=#N needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility towards Afrikaans, and complete tasks on time, in order to achieve #h full potential. 4=#E needs to do #h homework in order to improve #h Afrikaans vocabulary and comprehension. 5=As an Afrikaans speaker, #N seems to think #e does not have to study the grammar rules. #E will benefit greatly if #e pays closer attention and takes time to ensure #h work is of the standard I expect of #m. 6=#N would benefit greatly if #e did a bit of #h Afrikaans homework, every day. 7=Although Afrikaans is a new language for #N, #e would benefit greatly if #e participated more actively in everyday lessons. 8=#N has begun accepting responsibility towards #h Afrikaans work. 9=#N participates with abundant enthusiasm and should persevere in order to improve #h vocabulary and better #h pronunciation. 10=#N will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 11=#E tackles each lesson with enthusiasm and because of this, #e is well on #h way to success in mastering the basics. 12=#E has given of #h best in Afrikaans throughout this semester. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 General 1 strong 1=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 2=#E is making excellent progress in Afrikaans. 3=#N has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h Afrikaans, and sets a superb example. 4=#N has worked hard in Afrikaans and has produced some work to be really proud of. 5=#E does allow #h focus to drift at times when the online or home-setting becomes too tempting. #E needs to concentrate on redirecting #h attention as #e often misses instructions given. 6=#E is distracted and does not always complete tasks on time. 7=#E needs to increase #h work pace, as #e often does not complete tasks on time. 8=#E needs to increase #h work pace, in order to complete tasks and turn them in, on time. 9=#E needs to self-regulate #h work-ethic in Afrikaans. If #e took more time to complete tasks on time, and follow instructions properly, I am sure #h work would be of a much higher standard. 10=#N has been very distracted and as a result, #e sometimes misses instructions given during lessons. 11=#E can be distracted but #e does #h best in redirecting #h focus. 12=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 13=#N comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly so that #e can hand #h assignments in on time. 14=When focused, #e manages to complete structured tasks with ease, but does sometimes require redirection. 15=#N is becoming aware that #e can avoid careless errors through attention to detail. 16=#N stays on task with little supervision. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Intro 1 med 1=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. 2=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks enthusiasm. 3=#N enjoys Afrikaans. 4=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 5=#N has worked very hard this semester and is making commendable progress in Afrikaans. 6=#N is a capable student who underestimates #h own language abilities in Afrikaans. 7=#N works steadily and the quality of #h Afrikaans work has shown a marked improvement this semester. 8=#N enjoys Afrikaans and quietly gives of #h best. 9=#N is making a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills. 10=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 11=#N does really well in Afrikaans and rises to every challenge with enthusiasm. 12=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always gives of #h best. 13=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 14=#N enjoys Afrikaans and has quite a good understanding of the language. 15=#N enjoys Afrikaans and is always eager to participate. 16=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates enthusiastically. 17=#N enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Language 1=#N has to practice changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal and focus on the exception- rules. 2=Although #N has mastered most of the language skills, #e needs to follow all the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 3=#N needs to follow all the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 4=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided and applying them correctly. 5=#N has fully grasped #AfrikaansTaal, and is able to change sentences from the Present Tense successfully. 6=#N has to learn all #h #AfrikaansTaal rules, in order to successfully change sentences from the Present Tense. 7=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Reading 1=#N needs a lot of repetition and practice of #h homework-stories, in order to develop #h reading vocabulary. 2=#N needs to read #h homework-stories every day, in order to improve #h fluency and decoding skills. 3=#N is a most expressive reader and even though some words might be mispronounced, #h expressive style indicates a solid understanding of the text. 4=#N is a capable reader with a good vocabulary. 5=#N reads with accuracy and should now practise to implement reading expression into #h reading. 6=#N is an expressive reader with an excellent fluency rate. 7=#N is a confident, fluent reader who is developing sound comprehension skills. 8=#N reads beautifully and decodes new words with ease. 9=#N is a very confident reader. 10=#E shows good phonological awareness and is able to decode new words with apparent ease. 11=#E reads with accuracy, good expression and the correct intonation. It is a pleasure to listen to #m read. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Spelling Tests 1=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve. 2=#N finds the weekly spelling tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident, #h marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N needs to continue writing #h spelling words out daily in order to consolidate #h vocabulary. 4=#N needs to study #h assigned spelling words each week. 5=#N has been doing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 6=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 7=I can tell #N studies for #h spelling test each week as #e consistently achieves fantastic results. 8=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 9=When #N studies for #h spelling tests, #e achieves good results. Unfortunately #h results have not been consistent. COMMENTS: 2023 S1 Afr4 Work ethic 1=#N avoids careless errors through attention to detail. 2=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times, but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 3=#N is often distracted in class. #E will benefit greatly if #e paid more attention, as important grammar elements are explained during lessons. 4=#E is easily distracted during Afrikaans lessons. #E needs to be more responsible towards #h own learning. 5=#E seems distracted at times, but still manages to get #h work done. 6=#E should pay more attention to finishing tasks on time, as this impacts on #h learning. COMMENTS: 2023S1 Afr4 Intro 1 strong 1=#N enjoys Afrikaans, is an enthusiastic participant and has a good understanding of the language. 2=#N enjoys Afrikaans, participates enthusiastically and always gives of #h best. 3=#N exhibited an excellent attitude towards Afrikaans this semester. 4=#N has really astounded me with #h knack for Afrikaans. 5=#N is a capable student with strong language skills which are apparent in #h Afrikaans work. 6=#N is a diligent, capable student who is making excellent progress in all of #h Afrikaans skills. 7=#N is an enthusiastic student who is making steady progress in Afrikaans. 8=#N is an extremely conscientious pupil. 9=#N participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 10=#N perseveres relentlessly, participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 11=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produces quality results. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Final 1=Do your best next semester, #N, in order to show your true potential. 2=#E sets a good example to #h peers and this makes #m a popular class member. #N, I am so proud of what you have achieved in Afrikaans this semester. 3=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. 4=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this semester, #N. Keep up the good work! 5=I am so proud of you! Keep up the good work. 6=I can hardly wait to see how you impress me in Afrikaans during the next semester, #N! 7=Keep up the good work! 8=Keep up the good work, #N! 9=#N has an enjoyable sense of humour and is a valued member of the Afrikaans class. Keep up the good work, #N! 10=#N is a conscientious student and it is a pleasure to have #m in the Afrikaans classroom. I can hardly wait to see how you impress me during the next semester, #N! 11=#N is a pleasure to have in the Afrikaans class. You are an amazing student, #N! 12=#N is a positive role model for other students and it is a pleasure to have #m in the Afrikaans class. 13=#N is a valued member of the Afrikaans class. I look forward to seeing what you have in stall for us next semester, #N! 14=#N , I am proud of you. Stay focused! 15=#N, I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work! 16=#N, never give up! I am so proud of you. 17=#N, you have so much potential! Focus and do your best in Afrikaans next semester. 18=#N, you have tremendous potential. I can't wait to see you apply your concentration to all aspects of the Afrikaans class. 19=You have had a terrific semester, #N and I am confident the next one will be even better! COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 General 1 1=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E needs to focus and resist the temptation to distract those around #m. 2=#N is generally hardworking in Afrikaans, although #e can be easily distracted. 3=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E needs to focus on the task at hand. 4=#E needs to put more effort into completing Afrikaans tasks. 5=If #N develops a more positive approach to Afrikaans work, #e will reach #h full potential. 6=#N is too easily distracted in the Afrikaans class. 7=Unfortunately, #N lacks confidence in #h own ability in Afrikaans and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard, when #e puts in the effort. 8=Although the standard of presentation of #h Afrikaans work has been variable, #N works hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 9=#E is quiet in class but produces a high standard of work in Afrikaans. 10=#E takes a lot of pride in #h Afrikaans work. 11=#H attitude to Afrikaans, when working in class is good but #e needs to focus on completing #h tasks in the allocated time. 12=In order to maintain the progress that #N is making in Afrikaans, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 13=#N could avoid careless errors by paying more attention to detail. 14=#N gets so absorbed in the completion of tasks and only focuses on one instruction at a time, often forgetting the next step. 15=#N is often distracted and this impacts #h work pace as well as listening skills. 16=#N is sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in #h written work. 17=#N needs to listen to directions in order to complete tasks. 18=#N never completes #h class-work in the allotted time. 19=#N rushes through work. #E needs to work at an appropriate pace in order to complete tasks to a satisfactory standard. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 General 2 1=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 2=#E is making excellent progress in Afrikaans. 3=#N has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h Afrikaans, and sets a superb example. 4=#N has worked hard in Afrikaans and has produced some work to be really proud of. 5=#E does allow #h focus to drift at times when the social aspect of the Afrikaans class becomes too tempting. #E needs to concentrate on redirecting #h attention as #e often misses instructions given. 6=#E is distracted by the enthusiasm of #h peers and does not always complete tasks on time. 7=#E needs to increase #h work pace, as #e often does not complete tasks. This impacts on #h self-esteem and at times #e becomes quite anxious. 8=#E needs to increase #h work pace, as #e often does not complete tasks. 9=#E needs to self-regulate #h behaviour in Afrikaans, in order not to cause distractions. If #e took more time to complete tasks, I am sure #h work would be of a much higher standard. 10=#N enjoys being the centre of attention and as a result, #e sometimes misses instructions and distracts those around #m during class or group discussions. 11=#E can be distracted by those around #m but #e does #h best in redirecting #h focus. 12=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 13=#N comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly. 14=When focused, #e manages to complete structured tasks with ease, but does sometimes require redirection. 15=#N is becoming aware that #e can avoid careless errors through attention to detail. 16=#N stays on task with little supervision. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Intro 1 med 1=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. 2=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks focus and commitment. 3=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks enthusiasm. 4=#N enjoys Afrikaans. 5=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 6=#N has worked very hard this semester and is making commendable progress in Afrikaans. 7=#N is a capable student who underestimates #h own language abilities in Afrikaans. 8=#N works steadily and the quality of #h Afrikaans work has shown a marked improvement this semester. 9=#N enjoys Afrikaans and quietly gives of #h best. 10=#N is making a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills. 11=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 12=#N does really well in Afrikaans and rises to every challenge with enthusiasm. 13=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always gives of #h best. 14=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 15=#N enjoys Afrikaans and has quite a good understanding of the language. 16=#N enjoys Afrikaans and is always eager to participate. 17=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates enthusiastically. 18=#N enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Intro 1 strong 1=#N enjoys Afrikaans, is an enthusiastic participant and has a good understanding of the language. 2=#N enjoys Afrikaans, participates enthusiastically and always gives of #h best. 3=#N exhibited an excellent attitude towards Afrikaans this semester. 4=#N has really astounded me with #h knack for Afrikaans. 5=#N is a capable student with strong language skills which are apparent in #h Afrikaans work. 6=#N is a diligent, capable student who is making excellent progress in all of #h Afrikaans skills. 7=#N is an enthusiastic student who is making steady progress in Afrikaans. 8=#N is an extremely conscientious pupil. 9=#N participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 10=#N perseveres relentlessly, participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. 11=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produces quality results. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Intro 2 1=#E needs to apply #s daily in order to master the language. 2=#E would benefit greatly if #e participated more actively in everyday lessons. 3=#N needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility towards Afrikaans in order to achieve #h full potential. 4=#E needs to do #h homework in order to improve #h Afrikaans vocabulary and comprehension. 5=#N will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 6=#N would benefit greatly if #e participated more actively in everyday lessons. 7=Although Afrikaans is a new language for #N, #e would benefit greatly if #e participated more actively in everyday lessons. 8=#N has begun accepting responsibility towards #h Afrikaans work. 9=#N participates with abundant enthusiasm and should persevere in order to improve #h vocabulary and better #h pronunciation. 10=#N will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 11=#E tackles each lesson with enthusiasm and because of this, #e is well on #h way to success in mastering the basics. 12=#E has given of #h best in Afrikaans throughout this semester. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Language 1=#N has to practice changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 2=Although #N has mastered most of the language skills, #e needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 3=#N Needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 4=#N Needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal, #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 5=#N has fully grasped #AfrikaansTaal, #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal. 6=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided. 7=#N understands the basic rules of time and negative in Afrikaans, but #e should pay careful attention when completing #AfrikaansTaal so that #e follows all the steps, in order to provide an accurate change. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Speech 1=#N speaks very well in front of the class. It was a pleasure to listen to #h speech about #?. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H speech on #? was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and is keen to try and engage in simple conversations, as #e has grown in confidence. This was evident in #h speech on #?. 4=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #h pronunciation. #H speech on #? was well prepared. 5=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared speech on #?. 6=When #N delivered #h speech on #?, is was noticeable that #e has become more confident through this last semester. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Spelling Application 1=#H spelling application is a cause for concern. 2=#N does not double check #h spelling carefully. 3=#N has difficulty applying spelling and phonics rules. 4=#N needs to become a more independent speller. 5=#N should focus on the application of spelling in #h general work. 6=#N finds it difficult to remember previous vocabulary. As #e becomes more confident, this will improve. 7=#N needs to carry this knowledge through into #h written work. 8=#E needs to carry this knowledge and spelling application through into #h written work. 9=#E is also able to remember most of the previous vocabulary and should now focus to apply this into #h daily Afrikaans work. 10=#N needs to apply these spelling skills to written assignments. 11=#E is able to remember previous vocabulary and applies this skill into #h daily Afrikaans work. 12=#N is a natural speller and uses the dictionary with ease if #e needs to confirm the spelling of a word. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Spelling Tests 1=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve. 2=#N finds the weekly spelling tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident, #h marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N needs to continue writing #h spelling words out daily in order to consolidate #h vocabulary. 4=#N needs to study #h assigned spelling words each week. 5=Although #N does very well in #h weekly spelling test. 6=#E does well in #h weekly spelling tests, but #h spelling application needs improvement. 7=#N does very well in #h weekly spelling test but does not achieve the same results #h application of this skill. 8=#N has been doing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 9=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 10=#H spelling is of a high standard in both the formal tests and other written work. 11=I can tell #N studies for #h spelling test each week as #e consistently achieves fantastic results. 12=#N does exceptionally well in both #h spelling and the application of this skill. 13=#N has been performing well in #h weekly spelling tests. 14=When #N studies for #h spelling tests, #e achieves good results. Unfortunately #h results have not been consistent. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Tafel dek & Kos Video 1=It was a pleasure to watch #N's video about #h healthy dish, #?. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H video presentation was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and started off #h video presentation so well. Unfortunately #e didn't follow all the instructions and only did one half. #E needs to carefully plan and prepare projects in order to meet the criteria so that #e can improve #h marks in future. 4=#N has shown determination to improve #h pronunciation. #H video presentation was well prepared and very entertaining to watch! 5=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared video-speech. 6=#N really struggled with the pronunciation of certain words during #h video presentation. In spite of this, #e showed determination and enthusiasm, which sets #m well on #h way to becoming more fluent in Afrikaans, with practise! 7=Although #N submitted a lovely video on #?, #e did not submit it on time. #E needs to carefully plan and prepare projects in order to meet the deadlines. 8=Unfortunately #N did not submit the video presentation on setting the table and #h healthy dish. I could therefore not include this project in #h report, which is a pity, as oral presentations are a key element to learning a new language. #E needs to carefully plan and prepare projects in order to meet the deadlines so that #e can improve #h marks in future. 9=Unfortunately #N did not follow all the instructions for the video presentation on setting the table and #h healthy dish. #E had no table setting demonstration and did not explain anything about #h dish, which is a pity, as oral presentations are a key element to learning a new language. #E needs to carefully plan and prepare projects in order to meet the criteria so that #e can improve #h marks in future. COMMENTS: S1 Afr4 Writing 1=#N struggles to express #s when writing sentences in Afrikaans. Continued practise when doing #h homework sentences and reading will improve this. 2=#N writes beautiful Afrikaans sentences. #E must just take care to use #h dictionary to find the Afrikaans meaning of words, instead of using an English word. 3=#N shows full understanding of #h learned vocabulary through #h wonderful sentences. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Final 1=#N, I am so proud of you. 2=#N, never give up! I am so proud of you. 3=#N, you have so much potential! 4=Focus and do your best in Afrikaans next term! 5=Focus and persevere. I know you can do it, #N! 6=I am so proud of all you have accomplished in Afrikaans this term, #N. 7=I can hardly wait to see how you impress me next term, #N! 8=I know you can do it, #N! 9=Keep trying, #N! 10=Keep up the good work, #N! 11=Keep up the good work, #N! I believe in you! 12=Keep up the good work, #N! Never give up! 13=Keep up the good work! I know you can do it, #N! 14=You can achieve anything, #N COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 General Language 1=#N has to practice changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 2=Although #N has mastered most of the language skills, #e needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal. 3=#N Needs to follow the rules when changing sentences into #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal, as #h careless errors affect #h results. 4=#N Has fully grasped #AfrikaansTaal, #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal. 5=#N has to slow down and think carefully when doing comprehensions, in order to avoid careless mistakes. 6=#N has to focus on #h work in order to complete tasks accurately, by following the language rules provided. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Intro 1 1=#N enjoys Afrikaans and always participates with enthusiasm. 2=#N enjoys Afrikaans and participates eagerly. 3=#N enjoys Afrikaans, is a keen participant and has a fair understanding of the verbal language. 4=#N enjoys Afrikaans, participates enthusiastically and always gives of #h best. 5=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #e perseveres. 6=#N finds Afrikaans challenging. #E needs to apply #s daily in order to master the language. 7=#N has a knack for Afrikaans, unfortunately #e lacks focus. 8=#N has astounded me with #h knack for Afrikaans. #E tackles each lesson with enthusiasm. 9=#N is a friendly member of the Afrikaans class, who works with enthusiasm. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Intro 2 1=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. 2=#N actively engages in Afrikaans lessons. #E is making good progress in this subject. 3=#N actively engages in lessons. #E enjoys Afrikaans and with #h enthusiasm, will succeed in mastering the language. 4=#N consistently uses #h personal best effort in Afrikaans. 5=#N continuously uses #h personal best effort in Afrikaans. 6=#N has an enjoyable sense of humour and is a valued member of the Afrikaans class. 7=#N is a capable student. #E is very conscientious and has produced some quality work. 8=#N is a conscientious student and it is a pleasure to have #m in the Afrikaans classroom. 9=#N is a positive role model for other students and it is a pleasure to have #m in the Afrikaans class. 10=#N is valued by #h peers and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. 11=#N, participates with enthusiasm and always gives of #h best. #E is making good progress in Afrikaans. 12=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produces quality results. 13=Although the standard of presentation of #h Afrikaans work has been variable, #N works well and has produced some work to be very proud of. 14=#N takes a lot of pride in #h work. 15=#N works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Listening 1=#N is a careful listener, but #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 2=#N is able to gather information while listening and consistently follows directions. 3=#N is able to gather information while listening and is able to follow directions. 4=#N is able to gather information while listening and usually follows directions. 5=#N works hard in Afrikaans. Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 6=Although #N sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 7=Although #e is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated or translated and clarified. 8=Although #e sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 9=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E is often distracted, and misses important instructions. This hinders #h ability to finish tasks effectively. 10=#E is improving #h listening skills and is learning how to focus on instructions. 11=When #N is focused, #e can listen carefully and follow directions. 12=When #N is focused, #e listens carefully and can follow directions. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Spelling 1=#N finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve. 2=#N finds the weekly Afrikaans tests a challenge, but as #e becomes more confident, #h marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N has been doing fairly well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests, but finds it difficult to remember previous vocabulary. As #e becomes more confident, this will improve. 4=#N has been doing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. 5=#N has been performing very well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember previous vocabulary and apply this to #h daily Afrikaans work. 6=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember most of the previous vocabulary and should now focus to apply this into #h daily Afrikaans work. 7=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. #E is also able to remember previous vocabulary and apply this to #h daily Afrikaans work. COMMENTS: S1 AFR5 Work ethic 1=#N avoids careless errors through attention to detail. 2=#N can be a bit slow to finish at times but #e is gaining confidence to ask for clarification of tasks. 3=#N can be distracted by those around #m but #e does #h best in redirecting #h focus. 4=#N is often distracted by #h peers and does not always complete tasks on time. 5=#N is too easily distracted in the Afrikaans class. #E will benefit greatly if #e focused more on the lessons. 6=#E needs to stop rushing through tasks and work at an appropriate pace in order to complete #h work to a satisfactory standard. 7=When focused, #e manages to complete structured tasks with ease, but does sometimes require redirection. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM 3D Documentation 1=#N’s understanding of 3D shapes was good, as was #h collaboration with #? in completing the spaceship using the 3D shapes. 2=#N’s understanding of 3D shapes was fair, but #e did not get all #h documentation of the vertices, edges and corners correct. #H collaboration with #? in completing the spaceship using the 3D shapes, was good. 3=#N’s understanding of 3D shapes was excellent, as was #h collaboration with #? in completing the spaceship using the 3D shapes. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Collaboration Spaceship 1=#N enjoys the camaraderie of working in a group, but does not collaborate easily, or when facing difficulties. #E should learn to uses other’s experiences as a valuable resource. 2=#N is a caring and quiet member of the group, and enjoys working independently. #E should however try to collaborate more with others as this can be a useful resource. 3=Although #N enjoys the camaraderie of #h STEAM group, #e could collaborate more, and share #h expertise and findings with those who are struggling. 4=#N is really good at enlisting help when necessary. #E enjoys working collaboratively, has strong verbal skills and #h charming nature endears many to #m. 5=#N is self-contained and motivated, working well on #h own and with others. #E is helpful and patient with #h team and diligent and responsible towards #h work. 6=#N has a quiet confidence and mostly works on #h own, although #e was able to share solutions with others when #e encountered some difficulties. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Comments pre-final 1=#E would take time to carefully think of #h plan and then go about trying to execute it to the best of #h ability. 2=#E has demonstrated strong problem solving skills and #e must be commended for the ambitious ideas #e has explored throughout the semester. 3=#E has shown good problem solving and time management skills, although #e should consider multiple options before choosing a design. 4=#E has taken time to become accustomed to the new style of integrated learning and needs to practice more self-discipline during lessons 5=#E has, however made some poor decisions along the way, which have put #s and others in danger. 6=I admire #m for #h ambitious ideas. Although they have not always gone to plan, #e continued to persevere. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Construction Spaceship 1=Although the overall effect of the spaceship was impressive, #h workmanship was untidy. 2=Although some good ideas are were evident in the construction of the spaceship, #h attention to detail and workmanship was lacking. 3=#H spaceship was very neatly constructed with attention to finer details. A job well done! COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Creativity Spaceship 1=#E showed good creativity and #h planning showed an awareness of what an inter-planetary spaceship needs. 2=#E showed good creativity, but #h planning didn’t support this. 3=#E showed good creativity in #h planning, but was unable to follow through and show this in #h final product. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Diorama Research & Design 1=#N planned #h diorama meticulously and the final product is solid evidence hereof. 2=#N unfortunately did not put careful thought and planning into #h diorama, as is evident of #h final product. 3=#N’s planning and research was sorely lacking, but #e still managed to put together an amazing diorama. 4=Although #N’s planning wasn’t very detailed, and #h final design not very inspiring, #h verbal explanation of the Mars environment and #h Hab, shows creativity. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Final 1=Going into the next academic semester, I would like to see #N continue #h good work ethic, diligence and general enthusiasm for STEAM. I am proud of you, #N! 2=Going into the next academic semester, I would like to see #N strive for consistency in all the tasks we complete, as well as continue #h good creativity that #e brings to the table in STEAM. I believe in you, #N! 3=Going into the next academic semester, I would like to see #N strive for consistency in all the tasks we complete, as well as further develop the skills that #e brings to the table in STEAM. I believe in you, #N! 4=Going into the next academic semester, please encourage #N develop #h work ethic and problem-solving skills, to enable #m to fully participate, enjoy and learn during STEAM. I believe in you, #N! 5=I am pleased with the progress #N has shown in STEAM this semester. Well done! 6=I have been impressed with the diligent approach #N has displayed towards STEAM this semester. #E has understood the process and seems to enjoy the journey of learning and discovering. Well done on a successful semester! 7=This type of integrated, practical learning seems to suit #N and I am proud of #h effort in STEAM. I encourage #m to stay focused during these lessons and if #e is able to do so, I am sure the quality of #h projects will improve further. 8=Well done on a great semester in STEAM, #N! 9=Well done on your contribution to an exciting semester of STEAM, #N! COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Intro Gen 1 1=STEAM, in this first academic Semester had the boys completing a variety of theoretical and practical tasks within the theme of the planet, Mars. Initially, boys enjoyed watching the Hollywood blockbuster ‘The Martian’ and discussing the various themes in the movie. Boys were then tasked with learning about and building 3D shapes, using them to construct a model spaceship that would conceivably carry astronauts from Earth to Mars. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Intro Gen 2 1=The next task involved researching the Mars landscape as well as what a human habitat would need to be like in order to sustain human life on Mars. Boys were then challenged to build a ‘Mars Diorama’ based on their research. Throughout all these assignments, boys were expected to develop and display various 21st century skills, namely, research, planning, collaboration, communication and time management. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Personal Ending 1=#N has enjoyed a solid and meaningful start to STEAM this semester. #E has shown excellent application of the concepts covered in STEAM and has made positive strides to develop the 21st century skills, that we expect the boys to gain from participating in the STEAM programme. 2=#N has enjoyed a solid and meaningful start to STEAM this semester. #E has shown good application of the concepts covered in STEAM and has made positive strides to develop the 21st century skills, that we expect the boys to gain from participating in the STEAM programme. 3=#N has enjoyed STEAM this semester. #E has shown decent application of the concepts covered in STEAM and has made positive strides to develop the 21st century skills that we expect the boys to gain from participating in the STEAM programme. 4=#N has enjoyed STEAM this semester. #E has shown fair application of the concepts covered in STEAM and has started to develop the 21st century skills that we expect the boys to gain from participating in the STEAM programme. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Personal Intro 1=#N finds it difficult to stay focused at all times and requires the occasional break in order to refocus. When #e is on task, #e is able to produce work of a very high standard. 2=#N enjoys the integrated learning style which STEAM offers and the associated practical aspect of the subject. 3=#N has enjoyed a successful semester of STEAM and has showed creativity throughout the process. 4=#N has enjoyed the STEAM environment this term, displaying #h creative flare and practical ability. 5=#N has shown good work ethic in some areas of STEAM this semester, but still needs to be monitored closely in order to stay on task. 6=#N seemed to enjoy the integrated style of learning used in STEAM, although it took some time to adapt to this approach. 7=#N is able to problem solve fairly quickly in STEAM, and this attribute combines well with #h ability to grasp concepts. 8=#N remains positive even when things are hard, and this is a valuable quality to display in STEAM. 9=#N works diligently and is fully engaged with the process of making, documenting, researching and reflecting. 10=#N remained upbeat and enthusiastic throughout the semester, not intimidated by any of the projects and problems #e faced. 11=#N has thoroughly come alive in STEAM this semester. #E is always engaged and enthusiastic. 12=#N is able to think quickly through problems, and works efficiently, but should take care not torush through processes. 13=#N is able to engage well with new concepts and problems, and is not afraid to enquire or research something which #e does not understand. 14=#N is happy and motivated and organises #s well. #E has developed an inner confidence this year, which is evident in the way #e has tackled the challenges of STEAM. 15=#N ‘s artistic abilities have stood #m in good stead in this subject. #E has a clear idea of what #e would like to achieve and is able to stick to #h plan, while being adaptable should things not quite work out. #E is organised and motivated, and does not tire easily. COMMENTS: S1 STEAM Suggestions pre-final 1=#N needs to take note of the time constraints, and pace #s accordingly. 2=#N is often disorganised and this puts #s under unnecessary pressure. 3=#N struggles to apply #s, but finds it easier when #e has a friend to help guide and focus #m. 4=#N struggles to apply #s, but finds it easier when #e has a friend to help guide and focus #m. 5=#N would benefit from making use of the terminology learnt, in #h planning and reflections. #N tires easily and finds it hard to sustain the energy and concentration which is sometimes required in these sessions. 6=#N has a very creative mind and a good understanding of concepts. However, this does not always come through in #h practical implementation. #E struggles to put down all those amazing ideas in concrete or written form. 7=#N is slow to start, but once #e gets going #e pushes forward with enthusiasm and commitment. 8=#N has not turned in many of the tasks on Google Classroom. #E needs to spend more time on these tasks as they are an important skills component of STEAM. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Closing 1=In order to succeed, you will need to put in some extra effort next year, #N. 2=Don't give up, #N! I believe that you are capable of improving your Afrikaans skills in Grade 5. 3=#N, I know it was challenging for you to learn a new language. Keep trying, you will succeed! 4=#N, stay positive and work hard in Grade 5 and your Afrikaans skills will improve! 5=I enjoyed having #N in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 6=Never give up, #N and you will continue to improve your Afrikaans. 7=#N, I believe you will be able to work on your Afrikaans skills next year and continue your progress. 8=#N, keep working hard at mastering Afrikaans! 9=#N, with your enthusiasm for speaking Afrikaans, you will be successful! Keep up the good work! 10=#N, keep up the good work in Grade 5! 11=#N, keep working hard in Grade 5 and your Afrikaans skills will continue to improve! 12=#N is valued by #h peers and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work in grade 5! 13=#N is a wonderful student, and I'm happy to have had #m in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 14=With #N's friendly, cooperative attitude and dedication to hard work, #e will continue to succeed in grade 5. 15=With your friendly, cooperative attitude and dedication to hard work, you have had a very successful year, #N. Keep up the good work in Grade 5! 16=#N is a positive role model for other students and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work in Grade 5! 17=#N is a conscientious student and it was a pleasure to have #m in the classroom. Keep up the good work next year! 18=#N, I am proud of all you have achieved this year. Keep it up next year! COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 General 1=Although #N still has some difficulties with #AfrikaansTaal, #e has shown improvement in all the other areas. 2=#N has impressed me with the way #e tackles #AfrikaansTaal and #h results are pleasing. 3=Spelling tests are a weekly occurrence, and it is a pity that #N did not prepare for them, as the learning of vocabulary, is essential in mastering a new language. 4=Hard work pays off! I am so impressed with #N's improvement this semester. 5=Next year, #N should apply the same dedication to applying language rules, as #e does to answering comprehension tests. 6=#N should apply #s to all aspects of the language next year, in order to achieve the results I know #e is capable of. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 General 2 1=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts and #N grasped all of these with ease. #E did well in #h term test. 2=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts and #N grasped most of these. #E did well in #h term test. 3=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts. #N grasped most of these, but as was evident in #h term test, #e should pay more attention to mastering #Taalkonsepte in order to achieve success next year. 4=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts. #N did not do as well in #h term test as #e could have, and should pay more attention to #Taalkonsepte and #Taalkonsepte in order to achieve success next year. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Intro good 1=#N has made a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills throughout this year. 2=#N is an enthusiastic student who has made steady progress throughout this year. 3=#N has demonstrated very good progress in Afrikaans this year. 4=#N has worked very hard this year, and #e has made strong gains. 5=#N has shown good progress in Afrikaans this year and is speaking it with more confidence and apparent understanding. 6=#N has shown enthusiasm and dedication towards Afrikaans throughout this year. 7=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produced quality results this year. 8=#N has worked very hard this year and has made commendable progress in Afrikaans. 9=#N has made good progress this year, and now shows greater confidence in #h ability to express #s. 10=It was a pleasure to have #N in Afrikaans. #E showed enthusiasm and interest in the subject, throughout this year. 11=#N has had a positive year in Afrikaans with good progress in a number of areas. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Intro med 1=Although #N has given of #h best throughout the year, #e is still having difficulty with Afrikaans #?. 2=#N works steadily and the quality of #h work has shown a marked improvement throughout this year. 3=#N's Afrikaans has improved considerably throughout this year. 4=#N has shown great improvement in Afrikaans throughout this year. 5=#N's Afrikaans has improved greatly since the beginning of the school year. 6=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #h perseverance is commendable. 7=#N has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class throughout this year. 8=I am sure that the challenge of the Grade 5 curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. 9=I am sure that the challenge of the Grade 5 curriculum will inspire #m to reach great heights next year. 10=Although the standard of #h Afrikaans work has been variable, #N has worked very hard and produced some work to be proud of. 11=#N has produced some good work in Afrikaans when #e made the effort. #E to apply #s more consistently in Grade 5 as I believe #e is capable of more. 12=#H attitude to Afrikaans, when working in class this year, was good. #E needs to focus on completing #h tasks next year, in order to progress to the level I know #e is capable of. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Reading 1=#E has steadily improved #h comprehension skills. 2=#N finds comprehensions and reading inference a challenge, but with continued practise, #e will master this skill in Grade 5. 3=#N should continue reading daily in order to improve #h reading comprehension in Grade 5. 4=#N has shown great improvement in reading comprehension this year. 5=#N has worked hard to improve #h comprehension skills this year. 6=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is reading with greater comprehension and should continue developing #h reading in Grade 5. 7=#N needs a lot of repetition and practice in order to develop #h reading comprehension in Grade 5. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Speaking 1=#N speaks very well in front of the class. It was a pleasure to listen to #h speech about #?. 2=#N speaks in complete sentences, with apparent ease and fluency. #H speech on #? was a delight to listen to. 3=#N has a good oral vocabulary and is keen to try and engage in simple conversations, as #e has grown in confidence. This was evident in the speech on #?. 4=#N has shown great improvement with #h Afrikaans pronunciation. #H speech on #? was well delivered. 5=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #h pronunciation. #H speech on #? was well prepared. 6=Although #N could have spoken with more confidence, #e delivered a very well prepared speech on #?. 7=When #N delivered #h speech on #?, it was noticeable that #e has become more confident through this last term. 8=#N delivered a good speech on #?. Unfortunately #e did not follow all the guidelines on the rubric and it was a bit short. 9=#N delivered a good speech on #?. Unfortunately #e did not follow all the guidelines on the rubric and had no visual aids. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4 Spelling 1=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests throughout the year. 2=#N needs to always study for #h weekly spelling tests next year. #H marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N still finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve in Grade 5. 4=#N has consistently been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. 5=#E has shown good progress with #h writing although #e still finds it challenging to apply #h phonic knowledge to the correct spelling. 6=#N needs to continue writing #h spelling words out daily, even in Grade 5 and should be supported in this at home. 7=#N has done exceptionally well in both #h spelling and the application of this skill. 8=#N should focus on the application of spelling in #h general work next year. 9=#H spelling test results are wonderful and #e should focus on applying those skills in Grade 5. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Closing 1=In order to succeed, you will need to put in some extra effort next year, #N. 2=Don't give up, #N! I believe that you are capable of improving your Afrikaans skills next year. 3=#N, I know it was challenging for you to learn a new language. Keep trying, you will succeed! 4=#N, stay positive and work hard next year and your Afrikaans skills will improve! 5=I enjoyed having #N in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 6=Never give up, #N and you will continue to improve your Afrikaans skills. 7=#N, I believe you will be able to work on your Afrikaans skills next year and continue your progress. 8=#N, keep working hard at mastering Afrikaans! 9=#N, with your enthusiasm for speaking Afrikaans, you will be successful! Keep up the good work! 10=#N, keep up the good work next year! 11=#N, keep working hard next year and your Afrikaans skills will continue to improve! 12=#N is valued by #h peers and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work next year! 13=#N is a wonderful student, and I'm happy to have had #m in my class. Keep up the good work next year, #N! 14=With #N's friendly, cooperative attitude and dedication to hard work, #e will continue to succeed next year. 15=With your positive attitude and dedication to hard work, you have had a very successful year, #N. Keep up the good work! 16=#N is a positive role model for other students and it was a pleasure to have #m in the class. Keep up the good work next year! 17=#N is a conscientious student and it was a pleasure to have #m in the classroom. Keep up the good work next year! 18=#N, I am proud of all you have achieved this year. Keep it up next year! COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 General 1=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts of time and #N grasped all of these with ease. #E did well in #h term test. 2=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts of time and #N grasped most of these. #E did well in #h term test. 3=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts of time. #N grasped most of these, but should pay more attention to following all the rules carefully in order to achieve success next year. 4=This year, we focused on the basic language concepts. #N did not do as well in #h term test as #e could have, and should pay more attention to following all the rules in order to achieve success next year. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Intro good 1=#N has made a commendable effort to improve #h Afrikaans skills throughout this year. 2=#N is an enthusiastic student who has made steady progress throughout this year. 3=#N has demonstrated very good progress in Afrikaans this year. 4=#N has worked very hard this year, and #e has made strong gains. 5=#N has shown good progress in Afrikaans this year and is speaking it with more confidence and apparent understanding. 6=#N has shown enthusiasm and dedication towards Afrikaans throughout this year. 7=#N's hard work and dedication to the development of #h Afrikaans, produced quality results this year. 8=#N has worked very hard this year and has made commendable progress in Afrikaans. 9=#N has made good progress this year, and now shows greater confidence in #h ability to express #s. 10=It was a pleasure to have #N in my Afrikaans class. #E showed enthusiasm and interest in the subject, throughout this year. 11=#N has had a positive year in Afrikaans with good progress in most of the skill applications. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Intro med 1=Although #N has given of #h best throughout the year, #e is still having difficulty with Afrikaans #?. 2=#N works steadily and the quality of #h work has shown a marked improvement throughout this year. 3=#N's Afrikaans has improved considerably throughout this year. 4=#N has shown great improvement in Afrikaans throughout this year. 5=#N's Afrikaans has improved greatly since the beginning of the school year. 6=#N finds Afrikaans a challenge, but #h perseverance is commendable. 7=#N has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class throughout this year. 8=I am sure that the challenge of next year's curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. 9=I am sure that the challenge of the Grade 5 curriculum will inspire #m to reach great heights next year. 10=#N has worked very hard and produced some work to be proud of, however, the standard of #h Afrikaans work has been variable. 11=#N has produced some good work in Afrikaans when #e made the effort. #E has to apply #s consistently next year, as I believe #e is capable of more. 12=#H attitude to Afrikaans, when working in class this year, was good. #E needs to focus on completing #h tasks next year, in order to progress to the level I know #e is capable of. 13=#N has produced fair work in Afrikaans when #e made the effort. #E needs to focus on completing #h tasks next year, in order to develop #h second language skills. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Reading 1=#E has steadily improved #h comprehension skills. 2=#N finds comprehensions and reading inference a continuous challenge, but with continued practise, #e will master this skill next year. 3=#N should continue reading daily in order to improve #h reading vocabulary and comprehension. 4=#N has shown great improvement in reading confidence this year. 5=#N has worked hard to improve #h comprehension skills this year. 6=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is reading with greater confidence and understanding and should continue developing #h reading next year. 7=#N needs a lot of repetition and practice in order to develop #h reading and comprehension skills next year. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Spelling 1=#N has been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests throughout the year. 2=#N needs to always study for #h weekly spelling tests next year. #H marks will improve and become more consistent. 3=#N still finds Afrikaans spelling tests and vocabulary a challenge. With perseverance, this will improve next year. 4=#N has consistently been performing well in #h weekly Afrikaans tests. 5=#E has shown good progress with #h writing although #e still finds it challenging to apply #h phonic knowledge to the correct spelling. 6=#N needs to continue writing #h spelling words out daily, throughout next year and should be supported in this at home. 7=#N has done exceptionally well in both #h spelling and the application of this skill. 8=#N should focus on the application of spelling in #h general work next year. 9=#H spelling test results are wonderful and #e should focus on applying those skills next year. 10=#N has put tremendous effort into improving #h spelling test results this last term and it certainly paid off. COMMENTS: S2 AFR4&5 Test 1=#N did fairly well in #h term tests, although #e had some difficulty in remembering all the steps when changing sentences into the #AfrikaansTaal. #E will have to focus on fully mastering these concepts next year. 2=Although #N can do most of the language exercises with ease during classwork activities, #e seems to forget the rules when #e is completing a more formal test. 3=#N did well in #h term tests, but has to focus on the details in order to be more accurate when working with concepts such as #AfrikaansTaal and #AfrikaansTaal. 4=#N did very well in #h term tests and shows mastery of the concepts taught this year. 5=#N does well in #h term tests, when applying skill-based knowledge. #E does however lose marks where #e had to study vocabulary lists. Focus on these areas next year, #N. 6=#N did well in #h term tests this year. 7=#N needs to master the rules when applying certain language skills such as #AfrikaansTaal, in order to improve #h general term test results. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Coding 1 1=In the early stages of coding the Mars Adventure story, #N had a very clever storyline. 2=In the early stages of coding the Mars Adventure story, #N had very creative characters, even though #h storyline was a bit vague. 3=In the early stages of coding the Mars Adventure story, #N had a good idea, but #h story lacked details. 4=In the early stages of coding the Mars Adventure story, #N astounded me with #h meticulous planning. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Coding 2 1=#E was very creative in #h coding, and the final product was pleasing. 2=#E was very creative in #h coding, but the final product was not quite what #e had originally planned. 3=#E struggled with the coding, but persevered and it paid off. 4=Although #h coding ran smoothly, #h story lacked detail. 5=Although #h planning was brilliant, #N did not complete #h coding. 6=Although #h planning was good, #N did not turn in #h coding project correctly, and the final project could not be assessed. COMMENTS: S2 STEAm Experiment planning 1=#N planned #h Scientific Investigation very well and #h drawings were excellent. 2=#N planned #h Scientific Investigation very well, but #h scientific drawings were not on standard. 3=#N did not put a lot of initial planning into #h Scientific Investigation. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Experiment presentation 1=#N's presentation lacked details, such as photo's, videos and research. #E also did not follow the Scientific Method, when putting it together. 2=#N's presentation was good, but #e did not add any of #h own pictures or videos, in order to show #h experiment. 3=#N's presentation lacked research and information. It consisted mainly of pictures, and had no video of #h experiment. 4=#N showed #h understanding of presenting research and results, through #h excellent presentation. Unfortunately #e did not add a video of #h experiment. 5=Unfortunately #N did not hand in #h final presentation and the project could not be assessed. 6=#N did not add any of #h own information and pictures required, in #h presentation. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM final 1=It was a pleasure to teach #N and I wish #m all the best for 2021. 2=#N showed dedication in STEAM this year and I wish #m all the best for next year. 3=Well done on a great year, #N. 4=Well done on a good year, #N. 5=I hope this year of STEAM has inspired you to think outside the box, #N! 6=Well done, #N, and all the best for next year. 7=Well done, #N. 8=Remember to never give up, #N. You are capable of great things! 9=#N, you have so much potential. Stay focused and give 2021 your best! COMMENTS: S2 STEAM group work 1=#N communicates well with #h peers and #e enjoys group work. 2=#N enjoys group work and #e communicates effectively with #h peers. 3=#N is easy-going and enjoys group work. 4=#N is easy-going and seems happy to be grouped with anyone. 5=#N works well both independently and in groups. 6=#E communicates well with #h peers and solves problems effectively. 7=#E is easy-going and seems content to be grouped with anyone. 8=#E is easy-going and seems happy to be grouped with anyone and #e communicates effectively with #h peers. 9=#E is easy-going and seems happy to be grouped with anyone. 10=#E listens carefully to other people’s opinions and accepts group decisions even if it isn’t #h first choice. 11=#E worked well with #h peers and listened carefully to other people’s opinions. 12=#E works well both independently and in groups and communicates effectively with #h peers. 13=#E prefers to work alone, but is capable of producing good research and projects, when teamed up with someone. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM intro - personal 1=#N is a cheerful, polite, and enthusiastic learner. 2=#N is a polite, sensitive and respectful student. 3=#N is a quiet and reserved member of the class. 4=#N is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 5=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who displays a real interest in STEAM. 6=#N is an able and enthusiastic member of the class who takes a keen interest in STEAM. 7=#N is an energetic, friendly, and positive student. 8=#N is a friendly, happy member of the class. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM intro - work related 1=#N enjoyed the integrated style of learning used in STEAM and always approached lessons with a positive learning attitude. 2=#N exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in STEAM. 3=#N seems to enjoy the integrated style of learning, used in STEAM. 4=#E enjoyed the integrated style of learning, used in STEAM. 5=#E enjoys the integrated and creative style of learning, used in STEAM. 6=#E enjoys the practical nature of the subject and understand most aspects of the work. 7=#E often needs supervision and direct support to begin assignments and to stay on task. 8=#E puts consistent effort into #h work and completes #h assignments with quality in mind. 9=#E seemed to enjoy the integrated style of learning used in STEAM. 10=#E works well during lessons to complete work of a high standard. 11=#N has worked hard this year on all #h projects, but I was especially impressed with #h ……… 12=#E must be commended for the ambitious ideas #e has explored during the year 13=#E asks questions when assignments or expectations are unclear and adjusts #h work accordingly. 14=#E found the less structured, self-driven style of STEAM a challenge, but persevered. 15=#E found it difficult to complete projects, to the standard that was expected of them. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Rover 1=#H Rover was creative and sturdy and did quite well in the race. 2=Even though #h Rover did not race very far, #e came up with a very creative design. 3=#H Rover was sturdy, but unfortunately it went off course during the race. 4=#E came up with an interesting Rover design, that rolled very straight and far in the race, even though it was slow. 5=#E seemed to find the design and building of the Rover tedious, and did not finish this project to the best of #h ability. 6=#E could have spent more time on the aesthetics of the Rover design, but all in all #e came up with a very sturdy vehicle. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Rover final 1=Overall, #N put in a tremendous amount of effort, and it paid off. 2=Overall, #N put in a tremendous amount of effort, and #e learned valuable lessons in the process. 3=Overall, #N should have put in more effort to ensure a successful outcome. 4=#N should pay attention to deadlines and specific requirements of projects, in order to ensure more successful outcomes in future. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Rover looks 1=#H Rover was creative and sturdy and aesthetically well executed. 2=#E came up with a very creative design, but could have put more effort into the aesthetics. 3=#H Rover was not very well planned and #e did not spend enough time, finalising the product. 4=#E came up with an interesting Rover design, that was solid and sturdy. 5=#E seemed to find the design and building of the Rover tedious, and did not finish this project to the best of #h ability. 6=#E could have spent more time on the aesthetics of the Rover design, but all in all #e came up with a very sturdy vehicle. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM Rover race 1=During the Rover race, #N's Rover did not roll very well. In future, #e would have to better #h design, considering weight and stability, using this experience. 2=Unfortunately #N did not have #h Rover there for the race, and the ultimate outcome could not be assessed. 3=Even though #N's Rover didn't roll very fast, it was extremely accurate on the track and rolled quite far. 4=During the Rover race, #N's Rover rolled quite fast, but unfortunately it veered off the track. 5=Because of the lack of effort put into the design, #N was unable to get #h Rover to race with only two wheels. COMMENTS: S2 STEAM summary 1=#N enjoyed STEAM and I am happy with #h progress this year. 2=#N enjoyed the integrated style of learning in this subject and made very good progress this year. 3=#N enjoyed the practical nature of this subject and I am very happy with #h progress this year. 4=#N has worked hard this year on all #h projects 5=#E enjoyed STEAM and made good progress this year. 6=#E enjoyed the creative side of this subject and I am happy with #h progress this year. 7=#E enjoyed the practical nature of this subject and I am very happy with #h progress this year. 8=#E did not put a lot of effort into STEAM this year. 9=#E did not seem to take the projects, or STEAM as a subject, very seriously. LIST: AfrikaansTaal 1=Past Tense 2=Future Tense 3=the negative 4=spelling 5=learnt vocabulary 6=STOMPI-rule 7=pronouns 8=prepositions 9=vocabulary lists 10=Past and Future Tense 11=tenses and the negative 12=changing sentences into Past Tense or Future Tense 13=changing sentences into Past Tense 14=changing sentences into the negative 15=changing sentences into Future Tense 16=applying STOMPI, to put words in the correct order 17=plurals and diminutives 18=plurals 19=diminutives 20=the Past Tense LIST: BSPElist 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=a pleasing 4=an excellent 5=an engaging 6=an interesting 7=an outstanding 8=an exeptional LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try to partake in online lessons 4=turn Google Classroom assignments in on time 5=pay more attention to instructions 6=pay more attention to written instructions LIST: LevelList 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=a pleasing 4=an excellent 5=an engaging 6=an interesting 7=a satisfactory 8=an outstanding 9=a solid LIST: LevelListSingle 1=detailed 2=basic 3=satisfactory 4=excellent 5=pleasing 6=engaging 7=improving 8=effective 9=developing LIST: MathStrand 1=bonds 2=mental calculations 3=word problems 4=number patterns 5=counting practise 6=number patterns 7=Mental Maths 8=completion of numeracy tasks LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=become more involved during class discussions 5=pay more attention to instructions 6=pay more attention to written instructions LIST: OLD-SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: OLD-SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=term 3=1st term 4=2nd term 5=3rd term 6=4th term LIST: Rating 1=basic 2=satisfactory 3=effective 4=developing 5=pleasing 6=engaging 7=improving 8=excellent 9=detailed 10=fantastic 11=brilliant 12=interesting 13=outstanding LIST: ResourceList 1=water 2=electricity 3=water and electricity LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: SUAlist 1=sometimes 2=usually 3=always 4=frequently 5=at times 6=consistently LIST: Taalkonsepte 1=plurals 2=diminutives 3=past tense 4=future tense 5=negative 6=punctuation 7=pronouns 8=prepositions 9=gender 10=question words 11=#h comprehension skills 12=using verbs correctly 13=#h translation skills 14=tenses 15=sentence construction 16=#h pronunciation 17=#h reading confidence LIST: Time 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.