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It is extremely important that #e works to improve this urgently in order to maximise remaining learning time. COMMENTS: PD01: Introduction 1=So far this year, during Personal Development and Tutor time, #N has covered a variety of topics including; GCSE success, Healthy relationships and Democracy. 2=So far this year, during Personal Development and Tutor time, #N has covered a variety of study skills topics including: (What does it mean to be British, Drugs awareness, rights and responsibilities and revision techniques). COMMENTS: PD02: Attitude 1=#N’s attitude to learning is excellent and it is clear that #e is both eager to learn and determined to succeed - #N should aim to maintain this high standard throughout the remainder of Year 10 and beyond. 2=#N’s attitude to learning is good showing that #e is usually keen to learn and to try to succeed 3=#N’s attitude to learning is a little inconsistent - #N should aim to have a positive approach to learning across all subjects in order to ensure #e achieves to the very best of #h ability. 4=#N’s attitude to learning is currently limited with a variable commitment to succeed - if #N is to achieve #h potential, this will need to rapidly improve. COMMENTS: PD03: Readiness 1=#N is always well prepared for school, carrying all necessary equipment and wearing the correct uniform. 2=#N is usually well prepared for school, with the correct equipment and uniform but would benefit from improving #h consistency. 3=#N is often ill prepared for school in terms of lacking the essential equipment needed. However, #N’s uniform is always well presented. 4=#N is often not prepared for the school day, lacking the essential equipment needed and without the correct uniform. In order to be full prepared for the day ahead, #N needs to ensure this improves urgently. COMMENTS: PD03: Written work 1=The quality of #h written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #h written work has been consistently very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=Written work has been rather variable - often detailed and carefully presented, but sometimes only just adequate. 4=#H written work often displays an excellent understanding but #e needs to spend a little more time on the presentation of #h work. 5=#H written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but too often superficial and/or rushed. 6=#H written work has been acceptable much of the time but needs to pay some attention to presentation. 7=However, #h written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as I would wish. 8=#H written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but does need some improvement overall. 9=#H written work is usually OK, it can lack some depth which #e demonstrates verbally when challenged. COMMENTS: PD04: Summary 1=An excellent year so far. 2=A good year so far - keep it up. 3=A mixed year so far, there is still a lot more to do. 4=Not the best year, more needs to be done by #N to reach #h potential. 5=An excellent start to the year. 6=A good start to the year - keep it up. 7=A mixed start to the year, there is still a lot more to do. 8=Not the best start to the year, more needs to be done by #N to reach #h potential. COMMENTS: TRA0 Intro 1=We are not at the point in the Biology course we would be at with Year 10 usually but we’re still progressing well enough that we’ll make up the missed time by sometime in Year 11. Year 10 Mocks have been postponed to some point in the spring term and will give us a clear and reliable picture of strengths and weaknesses for #N. COMMENTS: TRA01: Introduction 1=#N is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the group who takes a keen interest in Science and appears to enjoy all aspects of the work. 2=#N is an able and enthusiastic member of the group who takes a keen interest in Science and appears to enjoy all aspects of the work. 3=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who displays a real interest in the subject and appears to enjoy all aspects of the work. 4=#N is an able member of the group who needs to apply #s more fully to the tasks set. 5=#N is a reserved member of the group who displays a quiet interest in the subject and participates in lessons willingly. 6=#N is a reserved member of the group who displays a quiet interest in the subject and participates in practical work with enthusiasm. 7=#N is a confident and outgoing member of the group who displays considerable interest in the subject and participates in practical work with enthusiasm. 8=#N is an outgoing student who works with enthusiasm in the lab, and regularly contributes to class discussion. 9=#N is an active member of the group who would benefit from a greater focus on #h work. COMMENTS: TRA02: improvements 1=To improve, #N needs to focus #h attention on Selective Breeding, Evolution, Hormones, Cell structures, Cell transport, Enzymes and Genetics. 2=#N is developing a very good understanding of many topics but would benefit from some extra focus on Selective Breeding, Evolution, Hormones, Cell structures, Cell transport, Enzymes and Genetics. 3=#N needs some more focus on understanding key ideas in Biology such as Cell structures, Enzymes and Cell transport including Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport. 4=#N is making progress in all areas but really needs to focus on #h exam technique. Therefore, spending time on practise questions and reading the questions carefully before answering would be the best use of #h time. COMMENTS: TRA02: improvements Y10 1=To improve, #N needs to focus #h attention on Selective Breeding, Evolution, Hormones, Cell structures, Cell transport, Enzymes and Genetics. 2=#N is developing a very good understanding of many topics but would benefit from some extra focus on Selective Breeding, Evolution, Hormones, Cell structures, Cell transport, Enzymes and Genetics. 3=#N needs some more focus on understanding key ideas in Biology such as Cell structures, Enzymes and Cell transport including Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport. 4=#N is making progress in all areas but really needs to focus on #h exam technique. Therefore, spending time on practise questions and reading the questions carefully before answering would be the best use of #h time. COMMENTS: TRA02: improvements Y9 1=To improve, #N needs to focus #h attention on topics such as the Eye, Virus Life Cycles and Variables in the context of planning experiments. 2=#N is developing a very good understanding of many topics but would benefit from some extra focus on DNA, Variables and Enzymes. 3=#N is developing a very good understanding of many topics but would benefit from some extra focus on Specialised Cells, Mitosis, DNA, Variables, Cell structures, Cell transport and Enzymes. 4=#N is developing a very good understanding of many topics but would benefit from some extra focus on Specialised Cells, Cell transport and Enzymes. 5=#N needs some more focus on understanding key ideas in Biology such as Cell structures, Enzymes and Cell transport including Diffusion, Osmosis and Active Transport. 6=#N is making progress in all areas but really needs to focus on #h approach to structuring answers to extended questions. Therefore, spending time on exam questions and reading the questions carefully before answering would be the best use of #h time. COMMENTS: TRA02: Written work 1=The quality of #h written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #h written work has been consistently very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=Written work has been rather variable - often detailed and carefully presented, but sometimes only just adequate. 4=#H written work often displays an excellent scientific understanding but #e needs to spend a little more time on the presentation of #h work. 5=#H written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but too often superficial and/or rushed. 6=#H written work has been acceptable much of the time but needs to pay some attention to presentation. 7=However, #h written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as I would wish. 8=#H written work has been very variable, occasionally excellent, but does need some improvement overall. 9=#H written work is usually acceptable, it can lack some depth which #e demonstrates verbally when challenged. COMMENTS: TRA03: Attainment 1=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade because #e did not score a grade. 2=#N's mock results have been outstanding. 3=Mock results have been good for #N showing that #h effort has paid off. 4=Mock results have been below standard for #N showing that more effort is needed in preparation. 5=Mock results have been satisfactory for #N but some more effort is needed in preparation. 6=Mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by more than one grade. 7=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by one and a half grades. 8=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by two grades. 9=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by two and a half grades. 10=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by three grades. 11=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by three and a half grades. 12=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by four grades. 13=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by four and a half grades. 14=#N's mock results have been below #h minimum expected grade by five grades. COMMENTS: TRA03: targets 1=To help #N work on this, they can access either FOLDR (and accessing the revision folders) or BBC bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel GCSE Biology’ and then the topic they are intending to revise. COMMENTS: TRA04: Revision 1=#N has developed a good revision technique and needs to continue with this. 2=#N is developing #h revision technique but requires more effort to gain the most from revising. 3=#N is putting in the effort with revision but this is not translating into good grades in assessments. 4=#N needs to work much harder on #h approach to revision before assessments if #e is to reach #h potential. 5=#N needs to work much harder on #h approach to revision before the final exams if #e is to reach #h potential. 6=#N does not seem to be making much of an effort with revision and really needs to realise how important it is to reach #h potential. COMMENTS: TRA05: Final 1=A very impressive start to the year. Well done! 2=Overall, an impressive year - keep up the good work! 3=Overall, a very good first year. Well done! 4=Overall, a good start to the year - keep up the good work! 5=Overall, a good first half of the year - keep up the good work! 6=Overall a good first half of the year but there is an awful lot of hard work to do before it ends. 7=Overall, a good first year. 8=Overall, a good first half of the year. 9=A reasonable start to the year - but #e really needs to work on #h areas of weakness before the exams. 10=A mixed start to the year where #e needs to put in much more effort in order to realise #h potential. 11=A disappointing start to the year but #N is still able to rectify the situation with a change in attitude. COMMENTS: TRA05: Targets 1=#E should aim to maintain the high quality of #h work for the rest of the year. 2=I hope #e can sustain #h current interest in and enthusiasm towards Biology. 3=I hope #e can maintain #h determination to understand all aspects of the work. 4=#E should aim to increase #h confidence by making an effort to be more involved in class discussion. 5=#E should try to take a more active part in practical investigations to improve #h confidence in this area. 6=#E should make an effort to be more actively involved during lessons. 7=#E should ensure that #e puts maximum effort into all #h work all the time. 8=#E should aim to produce #h best work at all times, and always revise thoroughly for tests. 9=I would like to see #m make more effort to avoid being distracted during lessons. 10=#E should make an effort to concentrate more during discussion. 11=#E needs to get back to the really high standard of the first half of this year. 12=#E needs to be more methodical in #h approach to the subject and revise carefully for tests if #e wants to improve #h grades. 13=I would like to see #m put more consistent effort into #h homework. 14=#E just needs to spend a little more time on #h homework. 15=#E should try to improve the presentation of #h written work. 16=#E needs to hand #h homework in on time. 17=#E must read around the subject to gain a greater understanding of the work. 18=#E must use revision materials provided and develop #h own materials. COMMENTS: Tut1: Attitude 1=#N has a very positive attitude when in tutor time and during PD and is always willing to share ideas, including views on current issues. 2=#N has a positive attitude when in tutor time and during PD. #N prefers listen rather than share #h ideas. 3=#N has a positive attitude when in tutor time and during PD. #N is always happy to discuss ideas. 4=#N has a positive outlook when at school and can form opinions on current issues. 5=#N is a quiet member of the tutor group who is keen to understand current issues and be involved in discussions during PD. 6=#N is occasionally positive during tutor time and during PD. #N can sometimes engage in current issues. 7=#N is occasionally positive and is able to contribute positively to discussions about current issues in PD. COMMENTS: Tut2: Punctuality 1=#E is punctual in the morning and always has equipment for the day. 2=#E is usually punctual and has equipment for lessons most of the time. 3=#E sometimes is on time but usually turns up a few minutes after the bell has gone and usually has all the equipment for learning. 4=#E sometimes is on time but usually turns up a few minutes after the bell has gone and sometimes has all the equipment for learning. 5=#E is often late for tutor time and needs to remedy this bad habit sooner rather than later. 6=#E is often late for the start of the day and can often fail to bring the correct equipment for learning. COMMENTS: Tut3: Uniform 1=#H uniform is always to a good standard which sets a good example to others in the school. 2=#H uniform is usually to a good standard which sets a good example to others in the school. 3=#H uniform is often good and #e rarely needs to be challenged. 4=#H uniform is quite often good but #e sometimes needs to be challenged to get it right. 5=#E is regularly reminded about #h uniform appearance. COMMENTS: Tut4: Issues 1=#N has had no real issues this year so far and seems to be preparing well for assessments. 2=#N has dealt with issues that have affected #h work in a very mature manner allowing #m to progress effectively. 3=#N has had issues with behaviour in some of #h subjects and and needs ensure this does not affect #h studies so that they can reach #h potential. 4=#N has had issues with getting #h planner signed so needs to improve #h organisational skills. 5=#N has found some subjects difficult this year so far and needs to make an extra effort to get more revision or attend intervention after school to remedy this. COMMENTS: Tut5: Summary 1=An excellent year so far. 2=A good year so far - keep it up. 3=A mixed year so far, there is still a lot more to do. 4=Not the best year, more needs to be done by #N to reach #h potential. 5=An excellent start to the year. 6=A good start to the year - keep it up. 7=A mixed start to the year, there is still a lot more to do. 8=Not the best start to the year, more needs to be done by #N to reach #h potential. COMMENTS: yr11 report targets 1=It is important that #N​ understands deeply 1. The structure of animal, plant and bacterial cells 2. Enzymes and how they function and also 3. Cell transport (diffusion, osmosis and active transport) as these 3 main concepts underpin all other parts of the course. This can be done by accessing either FOLDR (and accessing the revision folders) or BBC bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. 2=It is important that #N​ understands deeply the basics like 1. The structure of animal, plant and bacterial cells 2. Enzymes and how they function and also 3. The keywords associated with each topic and how to use them. This can be done by accessing either FOLDR (and looking in the revision folders) or BBC bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. 3=It is important that #N​ understands deeply 1. Enzymes and how they function and also 2. Cell transport (diffusion, osmosis and active transport) plus being very confident using keywords in answers to develop better quality answers. This can be done by accessing either FOLDR (and looking for specific revision topics known to be an area for improvement for #m) or BBC bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. COMMENTS: yr9 areas for improvement 1=It is important that #N​ understands deeply 1. The structure of animal, plant and bacterial cells 2. Enzymes and how they function and also 3. Cell transport (diffusion, osmosis and active transport) as these 3 main concepts underpin all other parts of the course. This can be done by accessing either Foldr or BBC Bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. 2=It is important that #N​ understands deeply 1. The basic structure of animal, plant and bacterial cells 2. Mitosis and how they function and also 3. Specialised cells along with their adaptations. This can be done by accessing either Foldr or BBC Bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. 3=It is important that #N​ understands deeply 1. The structure of animal, plant and bacterial cells 2. Enzymes and how they function and also 3. Microscopes and calculations. This can be done by accessing either Foldr or BBC Bitesize by searching for ‘BBC Edexcel key concepts combined science’. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.