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There is a BLANK.. 4=It will be important to participate fully in all remaining lessons and make sure all work is completed on time and to the best of #h ability, something #N #lessonsthisterm in this last semester. 5=#E must now make a real effort to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to make sure #e continues to review the content to carry on producing the kind of detail already demonstrated in responses to questions. 6=#E must now make a real effort to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to make sure #e learns the detail required for better quality responses to questions. 7=#E must now make a decision to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to have any chance of achieving a worthwhile grade in the #subject IGCSE exam. 8=#N should consider taking Chemistry at #IBlevel in the IB Diploma programme. 9=#N should consider taking the core IGCSE Chemistry exam to allow #s to only revise the less hard content, (although only allowing the highest grade of C to be achieved). 10=The grade of #grade in the exam equates to a mark of #?%. COMMENTS: Confidence Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should try to have a bit more confidence in #h own ability. #E often knows the correct answers and now needs to take a bit of a risk by putting #h hand up to offer an answer or get a bit more involved in the lesson. 2=#E needs to try and develop the confidence to share more of #h ideas with the rest of the class or group that #e is working with. COMMENTS: Introduction Sentences for Strengths 1=#N has made a pleasing start to the year. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N is a pleasure to teach in Science. 4=#N has had a shaky start to #h Science studies so far this year. 5=#N is capable of working well in Science when #e concentrates and focusses on the task at hand. 6=#N seems to enjoy #h Science lessons. 7=#N is an enthusiastic Scientist. 8=#N could do very well in Science. 9=#N has the potential to do well in Science COMMENTS: Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N has had a mixed term but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment was excellent and has been displayed in reception. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 comms assessments 1=We have completed two communication of scientific ideas assessments, an essay and a debate on deforestation. #N did better in the essay than the debate. To improve #h debate preparation skills #e needs to #presentationimprovements. 2=We have completed two communication of scientific ideas assessments, an essay and a debate on deforestation. #N did better in the debate than the essay. To improve #h essay skills #e needs to #essayimprovements. 3=We have also focussed on communication of scientific ideas this year. #N demonstrated #adjectives skills in this. To further improve #h essay writing skills #e needs to #essayimprovements. 4=We have also focussed on communication of scientific ideas this year. #N demonstrated #adjectives skills in this. To further improve #h debating skills #e needs to #presentationimprovements. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 Design assessments 1=Early in the year we focussed on skills required to design experiments. In the electromagnets design assessment #N showed a #Adjectives grasp of the skills required. I was #feeling that #e #continuation on the reactivity of metals with acids design experiment. 2=Early in the year we focussed on skills required to design experiments. In this work #N showed a #Adjectives grasp of the skills required. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 Final comment 1=Overall this has been a very successful year for #N and I would like to congratulate #m on all that #e has achieved. 2=Overall this has been a successful year in science for #N. #E has made good progress and has developed a sound basis for further studies in science. 3=Overall this has been a successful year in science for #N. #E has made sound progress but I do believe that #e could do even better next year. 4=Overall this year has been positive for #N. I believe that more progress could have been made with a more consistent approach to work. 5=I would like to say that I have enjoyed teaching #N this year and would like to wish #m well for next year. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 Individual comments 1=#E has missed a number of lessons during the year and it is always important that #e contacts the teacher to find out what #e has missed so that #e can catch up. 2=Throughout the year #e has always contributed to class discussions with ideas and observations. It is clear that #e has a sharp scientific brain. 3=I have been incredibly impressed with #h background knowledge in science. #E has a clear passion for the subject however, #e does need to be careful not to skip over the simple explanation for a phenomenon to go for a complex one. 4=I have been incredibly impressed with the improvements that #e has made this year. Compared to the beginning of the year #e is unrecognisable. #E is committed to the work in lessons and enthusiastic about the wider world of science outside of the lesson. #E often brings knowledge that #e has gained outside the classroom into discussions we are having and #e has been really engaged in the mission to mars topic. 5=It has been very difficult for #m this year in science as #h English skills have made it very difficult for #m to understand the content but #e isn't proactive in seeking help when #e doesn't understand. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 reports Intro 1=#N has worked well throughout the semester and has shown a great deal of enthusiasm for science. #E should be very pleased with the progress that #e has made. 2=#N has worked well throughout the semester despite finding much of the work difficult. #E should be very pleased with the progress #e has made. 3=#N has generally worked well throughout this semester but there have been times during which I believe #e could have worked harder. Although #e has made progress in #h understanding of science, with greater application #e could have done even better. 4=#N has shown that #e has the ability to do well in science but I have been disappointed with the level of effort that #e has put into the subject this semester. #E has the ability to do much better than #e is doing currently. 5=#N has generally worked well throughout this semester but there have been times during which I believe #e could have tried to solve problems #s. Although #e has made progress in #h understanding of science, with greater resolve #e could have done even better. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 reports Test performance 1=#H test results throughout the year show that #e has an excellent understanding of the work covered. 2=#H tests results throughout the year show that #e has a good understanding of the work covered but it may be worth #m spending some time reviewing the work on #year9tests and #year9tests. 3=#H tests results throughout the year show that #e has a good understanding of the work covered but it may be worth #m spending some time reviewing the work on #year9tests. 4=#H test results throughout the year show that #e has a reasonable understanding of the work covered but I would suggest that it may be worth #m spending some time over the summer reviewing the work covered this year in preparation for starting IGCSE. 5=#H test results throughout the year show that #e has not developed a detailed understanding of the work covered. I would suggest that it may be worth #m spending some time over the summer reviewing the work covered in preparation for next year. COMMENTS: SCI Dep y9 test vs assessments 1=This year #e has done significantly better in written assessments than tests. I would suggest that #e needs to consider how #e prepares for tests in future. 2=This year #e has done significantly better in tests than written assessments. #E needs to ensure that #e puts more effort into longer pieces of work, pays closer attention to detail and thoroughly checks #h work before submitting it. 3=This year #h performance in tests and written assessments has been at a similar level. This indicates that #e is putting a similar level of effort into both of these. I think that thorough preparation for tests, closer attention to detail and thoroughly checking work before submitting it will allow both of these important aspects to improve next year. 4=This year #h performance in test and written assessments has been at a consistently high level. #E prepares well for tests and pays close attention to detail in longer assessments. It is important #e continues these good habits next year as well as thoroughly checking work before submitting it. COMMENTS: Year 10 co-sci semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to chemistry course in year 10. 2=#H participation in class has #participationtype #but #e would benefit from #participation. 3=So far this year we have covered the topics of Particles, Bonding and as of writing are currently learning to write balanced equations and use them to work out reacting quantities of solids and gases. All of this has involved some pretty fundamental chemistry used in successive topics. #E has achieved grades of #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively in the end of topic tests. This suggests that #e #testresponses within the topics. 4=Some of the topics include an assessed practical. In the Bonding topic, skill D, (the ability to follow instructions and work safely) and skill B, (analysis), were assessed. #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, and #mockgrade respectively. #N #IGCSEskillareas #but #IGCSEskillareas #but #e #skills in the following part of the course. 5=In what remains of year, #N should #targets and #targets2. There will also a consolidation assessment at the end of year exams in June which will need to be prepared for thoroughly. 6=All topics include practical work and most will also include an assessed practical. In the Particles topic, skill D was assessing the ability to follow simple instructions and work safely. #N achieved a grade of #mockgrade. The next two assessments are coming up shortly and will involve skills D and B, which assesses analysis through observation. COMMENTS: Year 10 MARCH 1=#N has made #effort start to #h chemistry course in year 10. 2=#H participation in class has #participationtype. #E #?. 3=So far this year we have covered the topics of Particles, Bonding, Energy and currently we are studying Acids and Bases. In each topic we have also learning about how to write formulae, balance equations and use the equations quantitatively with moles. There have been 3 topic tests in which #N achieved grades of #mockgrade in the particles test, #mockgrade in the bonding test and #mockgrade in a diagnostic test on formulae, equations and calculations. 4=There was also an assessment on student's ability to recall the formulae of ions. #N was #needs #needs2. 5=After finishing each topic, students have been asked to reflect on their performance during the topic, which includes checking completion of notes, revision material, reflecting on the test itself and then setting "SMART" targets going forward. #N, as of writing, has #submit reflections #but should look back carefully over the completed reflections and use them to focus further work on each topic in preparation for a summative assessment in May at the end of year 10 #?. 6=There has also been an assessed practical which was part of the bonding topic which assessed skill B, (analysis) and skill D, (the ability to follow instructions and work safely). #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, and #mockgrade respectively. There have been other opportunities to write-up practical work, something #N #?. 7=In what remains of the year, #N should #?. 8=Currently #e is working #above&below the level I would expect of #m. COMMENTS: Year 10 semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to chemistry course in year 10. 2=#H participation in class has #participationtype #but #e would benefit from #participation. 3=#H participation in class has #participationtype, #?, #e #?. 4=So far this year we have covered the topics of Particles, Bonding, learnt to write balanced equations and use them to work out reacting quantities of solids and gases and as of writing we are covering reactions of acids and bases including preparation of salts. All of this has involved some pretty fundamental chemistry used in successive topics. #E has achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade in the end of topic tests. This suggests that #e #testresponses within the topics. 5=Some of the topics include assessed practical work. In the Bonding topic skill B, (analysis), assessed twice, skill D, (the ability to follow instructions and work safely) and skill E, (communication),skills were assessed. #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively. #N #? in the remaining parts of the course. 6=Some of the topics include assessed practical work. In the Bonding topic skill B, (analysis), skill D, (the ability to follow instructions and work safely) and skill E, (communication),skills were assessed. #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively. #N #? in the remaining parts of the course. 7=Some of the topics include assessed practical work. In the Bonding topic skill B, (analysis), assessed twice, skill D, (the ability to follow instructions and work safely) and skill E, (communication),skills were assessed. #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively. #N #IGCSEskillareas #but #IGCSEskillareas #but #e #skills in the following parts of the course. 8=In what remains of year, #N should #targets and #targets2. There will also be a consolidation assessment at the end of year in June which will need to be prepared for thoroughly as it will cover work studied from the whole year. 9=All topics include practical work and most will also include an assessed practical. In the Particles topic, skill D was assessing the ability to follow simple instructions and work safely. #N achieved a grade of #mockgrade. The next two assessments are coming up shortly and will involve skills D and B, which assesses analysis through observation. COMMENTS: Year 10 semester 2 1=#N has had #effort semester in #h Chemistry course, meaning that #?. 2=#N has had #effort semester in #h Chemistry course, meaning that #e has #effortdescriptions #effortdescriptions and #effortdescriptions This effort #earlyfeedback last semester. 3=#E achieved #testcomments results in the Topic 3, Periodic table and Equations end of topic test, scoring a grade #mockgrade. This suggests that #e #testresponses of this topic. 4=#E achieved #testcomments results in the Topic 4, Acids, bases and salts end of topic test, scoring a grade #mockgrade. This suggests that #e #testresponses of this topic. 5=Practical skills were also tested in both topics . Skill B Analysis was assessed in both the topic 3 and topic 4 assessments and skill D Manipulative skills and safety only in topic 4. #N #?. 6=Practical skills were also tested in both topics . Skill B Analysis was assessed in both the topic 3 and topic 4 assessments and skill D Manipulative skills and safety only in topic 4. #N #IGCSEskillareas #but #IGCSEskillareas #but #e #skills next semester. 7=The end of year exam covered all subjects taught this year. The overall grade of #grade covers all 3 subjects in the co-ordinated science course, however in Chemistry #N achieved a grade #grade. 8=The end of year exam covered all subjects taught this year. The overall grade of #grade is #effort end to the year, suggesting #examresponses. 9=I have told all students that they should #semester2targets and I would also suggest that #N #semester2targets2. 10=After the end of year exam, students were asked to reflect on the breakdown of marks per topic and set themselves some targets. #N should use these as a focus for an exam at the very start of next semester on everything, including all extra work covered in the summer term. 11=After the end of year exam, students were asked to reflect on the breakdown of marks per topic and set themselves some targets. #N should use these as a focus for an exam at the very start of next semester on everything, including all extra work covered in the summer term. #itshouldnoted 12=After the end of year exam, students were asked to reflect on the breakdown of marks per topic and set themselves some targets. #N should use these as a focus for an exam at the very start of next semester on everything, including all extra work covered in the summer term. #itshouldnoted COMMENTS: Year 11 Final 1=#N has had #effort year in #h #subject course. 2=The average end of topic test grade so far this year is #mockgrade, #?. 3=To help direct revision, I have assigned weekly sets of revision questions on topics covered earlier in the course. As of writing #N has had a go at #? out of #? of them, suggesting #e #engageconsolidation. 4=The grade of #grade is the grade for the chemistry part of the mock exam at #?%. The overall double award grade for the mock exam as would be reported by the exam board would #an #grade. 5=The grade of #grade in the exam equates to an overall weighted mark of #?%. 6=#N should be #year11finalexam, as it suggests #examresponses. I have asked the students to complete a spreadsheet with their marks for each part of the chemistry questions to help identify areas of focus. 7=I hope that the preparation that we will do in class and that done at home by #N leads to an appropriate grade in the final IGCSE exam. 8=I would like to take this opportunity to wish #N a restful summer holiday and a good start to the challenging years ahead of the IB Diploma course. COMMENTS: Year 11 Post Mock 1=#N has demonstrated #effort approach towards #h year 11 chemistry course this year. 2=#E has completed 4 summative tests so far this year including rates of reaction, the periodic table, organic chemistry and detective chemistry. #E has achieved grades #mockgrade, #mockgrade #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively. This suggests #N #?. 3=The isams grade of #mockgrade at #?%, (#grade), is a grade for the chemistry part of the mock exam. The grade for the overall mock exam was #an #grade, at #?%. We have spent time in class looking at the data from the exam to try to establish the topics in which #N needed to focus on for the final exam and as of writing, #e #reflection. #E is currently working #above&below the level I would expect from #m. 4=To help direct revision, I have assigned weekly sets of revision questions on topics covered earlier in the course. As of writing #N has had a go at #? out of 5 of them, suggesting #e #engageconsolidation. 5=#E must now make a real effort to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to make sure #e continues to review the content to carry on producing the kind of detail already demonstrated in #h responses to questions. 6=#E must now make a real effort to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to make sure #e learns the detail required for better quality responses to questions. 7=#E must now make a decision to put together a comprehensive revision schedule to have any chance of achieving a worthwhile grade in the #subject IGCSE exam. 8=I would like to take this final opportunity to wish #N the best of luck in the exams and all future endeavours. 9=The grade of #grade in the mock exam equates to a mark of #?%. We spent time in class looking at the data from the exam to try to establish the topics in which #N needed to focus on for the final exam. 10=#N seems to #hasnot developed a #KindOfGood understanding of the subject, #but needs to look back at #h exam so that #e can now focus on the detail within each subject to get the best possible grade in the final external exam. I wish #m luck in #h future endeavors. 11=#N has made the decision to continue the study of chemistry into the IB which I applaud. #E should #?. 12=#N should consider taking the core IGCSE Chemistry exam to allow #s to only revise the less hard content, (although only allowing the highest grade of C to be achieved). 13=It will be important to participate fully in all remaining lessons and make sure all work is completed on time and to the best of #h ability, something #N #lessonsthisterm in this last semester. 14=It will be important to participate fully in all remaining lessons and make sure all work is completed on time and to the best of #h ability, something #N #lessonsthisterm in this last semester. 15=This year we have also been assessing practical skills. The skills assessed this year have been analysis (B) and following instructions and safety, (D). #N has achieved scores for B of #? and for D of #?. This would suggest that #e needs to #? as these skills will required for the internally assessed coursework in group 4 science subjects during the IB. COMMENTS: Year 12 Semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to the Higher Level IB Chemistry course. 2=#N has made #effort start to the Standard Level IB Chemistry course. 3=Participation in class has #participationtype. 4=Homework, (mostly formative practical write-up work), #homeworktiming. #N #?. 5=We have completed a lot of practical work during the first part of the course which counts towards the prescribed 60 hours, but has also been useful for specifically developing the skills of Analysis, Evaluation and Communication required for the internally assessed portion of the course early in year 13. A lot of time was spent discussing this as these skills made up much of the content in topic 11. #N achieved grades of #mockgrade and #mockgrade #?. #?. 6=We have completed a lot of practical work during the first part of the course which counts towards the prescribed 40 hours, but has also been useful for developing the skills of Analysis, Evaluation and Communication required for the internally assessed portion of the course early in year 13. A lot of time was spent discussing this as these skills made up much of the content in topic 11. #N has so far achieved a grade of #mockgrade and #mockgrade #?. 7=The topic 1, 2 and 4 summative tests this semester have covered "Stoichiometry", "Atomic structure" and "Bonding". #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively suggesting #?. It will be important to keep reviewing all the content in preparation for summative assessment on the whole year at the end of this year and the start of next. COMMENTS: Year 12 Semester 2 1=#N's effort grade of #effort in this second semester of the year 12 IB Chemistry course suggests that #?. 2=The end of topic test grades demonstrate that #N #?. 3=The end of topic test grades demonstrate that #N #testresponses of the topics covered this semester. #E should focus on #?. 4=#N has continued to practice writing up practical work in a format similar to that required for the Internally Assessed practical work which contributes 20% of the overall IB grade. #E has #?. 5=#N has continued to practice writing up practical work in a format similar to that required for the Internally Assessed practical work which contributes 20% of the overall IB grade. #E has #practicalwork. 6=The end of year exam covered most of the work studied this year. #N's grade of #mockgrade suggests #?. 7=Students were asked to reflect on their exam before and after going through the mark scheme and also to complete a spreadsheet detailing to them where they lost their marks. These should both be used as a basis for further revision over the summer holidays in preparation for a test on everything we have covered this year the first lesson back in September. COMMENTS: Year 12 Semester March 1=#N has made #effort start to the #IBlevel IB Chemistry course. 2=All students are engaged by asking them questions during class #but #e #participation-improvements to further knowledge and understanding of the topic in hand. 3=Homework, (mostly practical write-up work), #homeworktiming. 4=We have completed a lot of practical work during the first part of the course which counts towards the prescribed 60 hours, but has also been useful for specifically developing the skills of Analysis, Evaluation and Communication required for the internally assessed portion of the course early in year 13. A lot of time was spent discussing this as these skills made up much of the content in topic 11. In the assessed pieces of practical work, #N achieved grades of #mockgrade and #mockgrade #?. 5=We have completed a lot of practical work during the first part of the course which counts towards the prescribed 40 hours, but has also been useful for developing the skills of Analysis, Evaluation and Communication required for the internally assessed portion of the course early in year 13. A lot of time was spent discussing this as these skills made up much of the content in topic 11. In the assessed pieces of practical work #N has so far achieved a grade of #mockgrade and #mockgrade #?. 6=The topic 1, 2 and 4 summative tests this semester have covered "Stoichiometry", "Atomic structure" and "Bonding". #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively suggesting #?. 7=The topic 1, 2, 5 and 6 summative tests this semester have covered "Stoichiometry", "Atomic structure", "Energetics" and "Kinetics". #N achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively suggesting #?. COMMENTS: Year 13 final 1=#N has made #progress progress during the second year of #h IB Chemistry course. 2=#H average grade for end of topic tests this year is #mockgrade. This is #down&up&same last year and would suggest #testscomparedtolastsemester of the topics covered this year compared to last. 3=Practical work this year mostly consisted of working on the internally assessed practical work towards the exam grade. #N successfully completed #h work which could now count for up to 20% of the overall grade in Chemistry. 4=#N 's grade of #mockgrade in the mock exam was #testcomments #but suggests #e #testresponses within each of the core topics covered to date. #N #?. The only content left to cover as of writing is finishing off topic 11 looking at spectroscopic techniques and revisiting topic 3 which was completed at the end of last year under difficult circumstances. 5=#N 's grade of #mockgrade in the mock exam was #testcomments #but suggests #e #testresponses within each of the core topics covered to date. The only content left to cover as of writing this report is Topic 9. 6=We should be finishing the course content in good time so that we can focus on exam technique and topic specific problems. I produced a review spreadsheet and reflection sheet for the mock exam which I asked the students to use to find a focus for revision on the content they struggle with on the run up to May. 7=The chemistry exams are not until the 8th and 9th of May so students should feel free to request some extra revision help on the run up to the exam during study leave. I wish #N all the best in #h future endeavours. COMMENTS: Year 13 Semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to the second year of #h IB Chemistry course. 2=#H average grade for end of topic tests this semester is #mockgrade. This is #down&up&same last semester and would suggest #testscomparedtolastsemester of the topics covered this semester compared to last. 3=#N 's grade of #mockgrade in the mock exam was #testcomments #but suggests #e #testresponses within each of the core topics covered to date. #N #thisterm. The only content left to cover is the the option and some little bits from 2 other topics. 4=We should be finishing the course content in good time so that we can focus on exam technique and topic specific problems. I produced a spreadsheet of marks for each question in the mock exam so that students can use it as a focus for revision of the core content on the run up to May. I would invite #N to come and meet me to discuss any topic specific issues the mock exam may have raised. COMMENTS: Year 7 Semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to #h Year 7 Science course. 2=#H contributions in class have #participationtype #but #h notes which include written work from class and homework #notes. 3=This semester we have completed 3 topics: Practical skills, The particle model of solids liquids and gases and Cells. #E has achieved grades of #mockgrade, #mockgrade and #mockgrade respectively, suggesting #e #testresponses of the topics covered so far this semester. 4=In year 7 we also test various other skills through assessments in class, (including this semester communication, personal skills and data collection). #N has #skillsassessments #skillsassessments skills, #skillsassessments. 5=Next semester, #N should #targets and #targets2. COMMENTS: Year 7 Semester 2 1=#N has now completed #effort year in #h Year 7 Science course. 2=Participation in class this semester has #participationtype #but #h classwork and homework #notes. 3=#E has achieved an average grade of #mockgrade in the end of topic tests this semester, suggesting #e #testresponses of the topics covered this semester. 4=In year 7 we also test various other skills through assessments in class, (including this semester communication and experimental design). #N has #skillsassessments #skillsassessments skills #theseorthis semester. 5=It has been a pleasure to teach #N this year and I wish #m a restful summer holiday and a successful start to next year. COMMENTS: Year 8 Semester 1 1=#N has made #effort start to #h Year 8 Science course. 2=#H contributions in class have #participationtype #but #h notes which include written work from class and homework #notes. 3=Two homeworks have been set from the notes and have had to be uploaded into Moodle for marking. #N did #effort job #uploadfail. 4=#E has achieved #KindofGood grades in the end of topic tests this semester, suggesting #e #testresponses of the topics covered so far this semester. 5=In year 8 we also test various other skills through assessments in class, (including this term Experimental Design). #N has #skillsassessments these skills #uploadfail. 6=Next semester, #N should #targets and #targets2. COMMENTS: Year 8 Semester 2 1=#N has now completed #effort year in #h Year 8 Science course. 2=Participation in class this semester has #participationtype #but #h classwork and homework #notes. 3=#E has achieved an average grade of #mockgrade in the end of topic tests this semester, suggesting #e #testresponses of the topics covered this semester. 4=In year 8 we also test various other skills through assessments in class, (including this semester communication, wider world of science, experimental design and analysis and interpretation). #N has #skillsassessments these skills #theseorthis semester. 5=It has been a pleasure to teach #N this year and I wish #m a restful summer holiday and a successful start to next year. LIST: above&below 1=above 2=below 3=around 4=at about 5=well below LIST: Adjectives 1=superb 2=very good 3=good 4=satisfactory 5=reasonable 6=below average 7=poor LIST: an 1=be a 2=be an 3=also be a 4=also be an LIST: assignmentontime 1=able to get all the assignments in before the deadlines 2=not able to get all the assignments in before the deadlines LIST: but 1=and 2=but 3=however 4=so 5=showing LIST: completepractical 1=now has a complete set of practical work 2=unfortunately does not have a complete set of practical work LIST: continuation 1=was unable to repeat this performance 2=was able to maintain this performance 3=was able to improve this performance LIST: down&up&same 1=down on 2=up on 3=the same as LIST: earlyfeedback 1=is on a par with 2=has declined since 3=has demonstrated an improvement on LIST: effort 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an adequate 4=an unsatisfactory 5=a less than satisfactory 6=a disappointing 7=a reasonably good 8=a reasonable 9=an uncertain 10=a better 11=a similar 12=an inconsistent 13=an improvement since the 14=a very disappointing 15=a very good 16=consistent LIST: effortdescriptions 1=participated well, completed good notes 2=often participated in class, completed notes in class 3=only participated when called upon in class 4=not been able to focus often disturbing the class 5=completed all work within deadlines and to a high standard 6=completed all work within deadlines 7=not managed to meet all deadlines 8=regularly failed to meet deadlines 9=responded well to feedback 10=made an effort to respond to feedback 11=made some effort to respond to feedback 12=taken little interest in responding to feedback 13=and engaged in further research in the subject LIST: effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: engageconsolidation 1=has fully engaged with this process of consolidation 2=has not fully engaged in this process of consolidation 3=has little interest in consolidating earlier work 4=has engaged pretty well with this process of consolidation LIST: essayimprovements 1=proof read work thoroughly 2=use scientific language correctly 3=devote each paragraph to one key idea 4=reference the work of others appropriately 5=ensure that all material is relevant to the essay question 6=format the bibliography consistently LIST: examresponses 1=that concepts have been consolidated well 2=that there is some work to do to fill the gaps 3=that there is a lot of work to do fill the gaps 4=that perhaps more work was needed to consolidate the topics 5=that concepts have been consolidated reasonably well LIST: feeling 1=pleased 2=disappointed 3=satisfied LIST: grade 1=A* 2=A 3=B 4=C 5=D 6=E 7=F 8=G LIST: hasnot 1=has 2=has not 3=have 4=have not LIST: homeworktiming 1=has all been submitted before deadlines 2=has not all been completed and submitted before deadlines 3=has mostly been completed and submitted before deadlines LIST: IAdecision 1=an opportunity #N needs to make the most of 2=an opportunity #N should think about using 3=an opportunity #N may choose to use for final improvements 4=although this is not needed in #N 's case LIST: IBlevel 1=Standard Level 2=Higher Level LIST: IGCSEskillareas 1=was able to follow instructions well and work safely 2='s technique did not produce accurate results 3=was able to analyse results accurately 4=was not able to analyse results accurately 5=was not able to analyse results as accurately 6=was able to work well in both skill areas 7=needs to work on his practical technique LIST: ionstest 1=seems to have really struggled with 2=has achieved inconsistent marks on 3=has achieved reasonable marks on 4=has achieved good marks on 5=perhaps needs to spend more time learning LIST: itshouldnoted 1=It should be noted that this task was not completed on time. 2=It should be noted that it took more than one attempt LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: KindofGood 1=very good 2=good 3=reasonable 4=disappointing 5=zero 6=sound 7=somewhat lacking LIST: lessonsthisterm 1=managed well 2=did not manage to do well 3=did not manage to do well arriving to lessons without notes 4=mostly managed with a few hiccups 5=managed reasonably well LIST: mockgrade 1=2 2=2.5 3=3 4=3.5 5=4 6=4.5 7=5 8=5.5 9=6 10=6.5 11=7 LIST: mockindication 1=is a good indication of this. 2=however does not suggest this. LIST: mockpreparation 1=of a good preparation for the mocks. 2=that better preparation for the mock exams was needed. 3=that little preparation was made towards the mocks. 4=that preparation for the mock exams was non-existent. 5=of a consistent effort and a good preparation for the mocks. LIST: needs 1=able to demonstrate good recall from the ions as required 2=not able to demonstrate good recall from a list ions 3=not able to recall many of the ions 4=absent for this LIST: needs2 1=and therefore needs to spend more time on this basic task 2=so must continue to work on this type of recall 3= LIST: notes 1=are of an excellent standard 2=are in need of some more care taken with them 3=are incomplete and not of an appropriate standard 4=are of a good standard 5=are still in need of some more care taken with them 6=are still incomplete and not of an appropriate standard LIST: participation 1=taking a more active role in class discussions 2=avoiding distractions to enable a more active role 3=taking more thinking time before engaging in a discussion 4=continuing to develop concepts further during #h discussions 5=developing a more confident approach to discussions LIST: participation-improvements 1=should try to ask more questions when having difficulties 2=should continue to ask relevent questions LIST: participationtype 1=been excellent 2=been very good 3=been in need of more thought perhaps due to distraction 4=been somewhat lacking unless challenged 5=been kept to a minimum unless asked 6=been somewhat lacking at times 7=shown signs of improvement 8=improved greatly 9=been good 10=been very positive 11=at times been somewhat disruptive LIST: practicalwork 1=now begun to produce the quality of work required 2=not yet begun to produce the quality of work required LIST: presentationimprovements 1=talk to the audience rather than read from notes or slides 2=use scientific langauge appropriately 3=focus on the key points in the presentation materials 4=be more confident with the material being presented 5=practice multiple times before presenting #h argument 6=reference #h sources adequately as part of #h preparation 7=prepare rebuttals against possible counter arguments LIST: progress 1=excellent 2=good 3=adequate 4=unsatisfactory 5=less than satisfactory 6=disappointing 7=reasonably good 8=reasonable 9=uncertain 10=better 11=similar 12=inconsistent 13=improvement since the 14=very disappointing LIST: RatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: reflection 1=reflected well on this setting some good targets 2=produced a reflection this but needs to be more specific 3=has not submitted a full reflection 4=has not submitted any type of reflection LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: semester2targets 1=continue working throughout next year to the same standard 2=continue to make the improvements demonstrated this semester 3=spend time over the summer re-visiting #h weakest topics 4=completely re-think #h approach to this course 5=and come to Chemistry clinics during term time 6=use the exam to set revision targets over the summer LIST: semester2targets2 1=continue working throughout next year to the same standard 2=continue to make the improvements demonstrated this semester 3=spend time over the summer re-visiting #h weakest topics 4=completely re-think #h approach to this course 5=comes to Chemistry clinics for extra help when needed 6=use the exam to set revision targets over the summer LIST: skills 1=developed these skills well and should continue in this vein 2=performed consistently but needs to continue developing 3=performed inconsistently and needs to continue to develop 4=needs to work on these skills LIST: skillsassessments 1=performed very well and demonstrated good ability in these 2=performed quite well, but needs to focus on developing these 3=not performed well and needs to focus on developing these 4=performed disappointingly so needs to focus on developing th 5=performed well and demonstrated good ability in these 6=demonstrated good skills in communication 7=demonstrated good personal skills 8=demonstrated good skills in data collection 9=and personal skills 10=and data collection 11=however needs to work on communication 12=however needs to work on personal skills 13=however needs to work on data collection 14=and communication LIST: subject 1=chemistry 2=physics 3=co-ordinated science chemistry LIST: submit 1=submitted all completed 2=submitted but not completed all 3=disappointingly not submitted all fully completed LIST: targets 1=aim to spend more time revising the key concepts 2=play a more active role in class discussion 3=maintain focus by avoiding distractions 4=not be afraid to ask for help when needed 5=aim to maintain the excellent standards already achieved 6=produce notes of a better standard to learn from 7=aim to learn the concepts in greater detail 8=aim to complete assigned Kognity revision material for tests LIST: targets2 1=aim to spend more time revising the key concepts 2=play a more active role in class discussion 3=maintain focus by avoiding distractions 4=not be afraid to ask for help when needed 5=aim to maintain the excellent standards already achieved 6=read ahead of and beyond the topic being covered 7=meet all deadlines for work 8=come to Chemistry clinics for help 9=focus on developing the key skills for assessments in class 10=produce notes of an appropriate standard to learn from 11=produce notes of a better standard to learn from 12=come to the lesson better prepared and ready to work 13=aim to complete assigned Kognity revision material for tests LIST: testcomments 1=excellent 2=very pleasing 3=reasonable 4=disappointing 5=very disappointing 6=average 7=pleasing 8=reasonably good 9=good 10=very good LIST: testindicators 1=are a good indication of this 2=however does not suggest this LIST: testresponses 1=has a very good level of understanding and knowledge 2=has a reasonably good level of knowledge and understanding 3=has a weak level of knowledge and understanding 4=has to do a lot more work in learning the basics 5=needs to work harder in learning the detail 6=has a good level of understanding and knowledge 7=must learn the key concepts carefully to achieve this 8=#? LIST: testscomparedtolastsemester 1=a firmer grasp 2=a less than confident grasp 3=the same level of knowledge and understanding 4=a continued high level of knowledge and understanding 5=a continued less than confident grasp LIST: theseorthis 1=next 2=this LIST: thisterm 1=has proved this semester that #e is capable of much better 2=has shown in the past that #e is capable of much better 3=regularly achieves marks like this in tests 4=will need to start working much harder to reach #h potential 5=needs a better level of detail in #h answers 6=must continue working at this level until the exams 7=must learn the key concepts carefully to achieve this 8=must practice answering questions with more detail LIST: topiclist 1=Particles 2=Elements 3=Space 4=Forces 5=Electricity and Magnetism 6=Energy 7=Cells 8=Reproduction LIST: uploadfail 1=in one,but has just failed to upload the other piece of work 2=in one, the other will be marked for the next semester 3=in that #e failed to upload both pieces of work 4= LIST: wasnot 1=was 2=was not LIST: year11finalexam 1=very pleased with this result 2=pleased with this result 3=a little disappointed with this result 4=disappointed with this result LIST: year7exams 1=has managed to consolidate the concepts in year 7 very well 2=has a sound understanding of the concepts in year 7 3=perhaps continues to struggle with some of the concepts 4=needs to spend more time consolidating year 7 work LIST: year9tests 1=electricity and magnetism 2=global issues 3=inheritance 4=understanding chemistry /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.