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However, what has impressed me the most is #h commitment to ensure written work is of a high standard; #e should feel proud of #h achievements. 4=#H strengths lie in the practical areas of the curriculum where #e has shown that #e is a talented athlete. This has been demonstrated over a range of sports and #e clearly enjoys this part of the curriculum. 5=#E does not realise, but #e has a positive influence on #h peers in lessons where #h enthusiasm is infectious and others seem to enjoy working with #m. To this end, #N works well as part of a team, making valuable contributions to both class and group discussion. 6=#E has become more confident in lessons as the semester has progressed. During class discussions #e is more proactive and recently has been taking a more prominent role in demonstrations. 7=#E has demonstrated the ability to link some skills, techniques and ideas to a positive standard, as demonstrated in the #sport unit. 8=During the #sport unit, #e showed to be confident to dribble and pass the ball, and apply these skills into small sided games. 9=#E has made steady progress throughout all units so far, showing that #e is a reliable member of class who can work independently and as part of a group 10=#E showed improvements with #h #sport skills, it is pleasing to see the levels of persistence shown, especially when in a competitive situation. 11=During the #sport unit, #e demonstrated some good ball control skills and showed progress when applying these into a game. 12=The quality of written work submitted by #N has been of a high standard, especially for #criterion in #sport. COMMENTS: 3-Identify the challenges 1=Whilst #N has made progress this term, inconsistent levels of participation and periods of unfocused behaviour have hampered significant skills from being achieved. This is a real shame, as #e is more than capable of developing more complex skills. 2=It has become apparent however, that #N has a lack of respect for #s and others around #m, often resulting in distracting #h peers during practical work. This must improve as it is not only affecting #h performance and skill development, but others around #m. 3=Despite noticeable improvements, #N has been hampered by poor reliability in terms of bringing the correct and appropriate kit for lessons. #E showed promise in #sport lessons, working well as part of a team, but lets #s down with silly and immature behaviour at times. 4=However, #N seems to lack confidence and this manifests itself when #e is asked to work in groups, #e is capable of so much and needs to have belief in #h abilities. 5=It is evident that #N appears to enjoy #h PHE studies, however #e needs to remain focused in lessons to continue #h sporting development in all activity areas. This ability to apply #s to many sporting areas puts #m in a positive position when being assessed against criterion C. 6=However, #N needs to think carefully about #h actions at present and focus carefully on #h behaviour and its impact on those around #m. 7=It is a shame however, that #N did not submit #h #criterion in #sport on time, this has negatively affected #h overall grade for this semester. If #e is to achieve #h potential this must be addressed. #E should also remember help is always available if #N needs support. 8=For the most part in lessons #N will stay focused, however certain members of the class can be a distraction to #m. #E needs to carefully consider who #e works with in class if #e is to achieve #h potential. 9=During lessons, #N can lose focus and distract others and often needs to be redirected back to the task at hand. In order to progress #e must listen to the instructions and make better choices about who #e works with. 10=Whilst #N performs well in the practical elements of the PHE curriculum, #e lets #s down with the quality of #h written work. More time is needed to be spent on the written criterion. 11=It would be beneficial if #e were to spend more time on the written components of the assessment. Currently it appears that #e completes them quickly rather than thoroughly and this means #e doesn't achieve the grades #e is capable of. 12=Whilst #N has tried hard in lessons and has submitted reasonable written work, #e finds the practical side of the curriculum more challenging. COMMENTS: 4-Next steps 1=#N should aim to attend more after school activities. #E has shown promise in many sports this semester and would benefit from the additional challenges this environment offers. 2=#N needs to ensure that #e applies the same level of enthusiasm to all areas of activity. #N needs to see Physical and Health Education as an area where #e can succeed and take some enjoyment, irrespective of the activity being taught. 3=#N must read the questions carefully for assessment tasks, if #e does not understand the requirements #e should check directly with #h teacher to avoid confusion. 4=#N was able to understand concepts in PHE but was often unable to demonstrate #h abilities in game situations. #E should practice #h skills at home to improve #h criterion C assessment scores. 5=#N suffers from a lack of confidence at times. #E has reasonable basic skills so #e should aim to attend some after school clubs and practices in an attempt to refine these skills and to enhance #h confidence and self-efficacy. 6=#N must adopt a more mature attitude towards all areas of the Physical and Health Education curriculum if #e is to maximise #h potential. #E must also apply #s with greater enthusiasm towards the other elements of the subject. 7=Overall, #N has had a very positive semester, making great progress across the units. 8=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive semester, making pleasing progress in some areas, with further developments to be made in others. I would recommend #e takes time to reflect upon these comments in order to see progressions in semester two. 9=Overall, #N has had a mixed semester in PHE. #E started to make progress in some areas but a lack of focus has impeded this. #E must focus from the beginning of semester two in order to make bigger progressions. 10=#N should aim to attend some after school clubs and practices in an attempt to refine #h skills and to enhance #h confidence and self-efficacy. 11=In order to improve #N has to have a more organised and mature attitude toward the written parts of the curriculum as this is the area that has let #m down. If #e can make changes to this then #e has the potential to be very successful in Physical and Health Education. 12=Overall, #N has had a very positive year, making great progress across the units. #E is more than ready for the next year in the MYP. 13=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive year, making pleasing progress in some areas, with further developments to be made in others. I would recommend #e takes time to reflect upon these comments before progressing into the next year of the MYP. 14=Overall, #N has had a mixed year in PHE. #E started to make progress in some areas but a lack of focus has impeded this. #E must focus from the beginning of next year in order to be successful. 15=Overall, #N has had a positive final year in the MYP, I wish #h every success in #h future studies. 16=Overall, #N has had a fairly positive final year in the MYP, I hope #e reflects upon comments made here to ensure #e is successful in #h future studies. COMMENTS: ATTITUDE 1=is an enthusiastic learner who seems to enjoy school. 2=exhibits a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom. 3=appears well rested and ready for each day's activities. 4=shows enthusiasm for classroom activities. 5=shows initiative and looks for new ways to get involved. 6=uses instincts to deal with matters independently and in a positive way. 7=strives to reach their full potential. 8=is committed to doing their best. 9=seeks new challenges. 10=takes responsibility for their learning. COMMENTS: Behaviour 1 1=#N listens attentively to the responses of others. 2=#N follows directions. 3=#N takes an active role in discussions. 4=#N enhances group discussion through insightful comments. 5=#N shares personal experiences and opinions with peers. 6=#N responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework. 7=#N asks for clarification when needed. 8=#N regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities. 9=#N remains an active learner throughout the school day. COMMENTS: BEHAVIOUR 2 1=#N cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students. 2=#N transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction. 3=#N is courteous and shows good manners in the classroom. 4=#N follows classroom rules. 5=#N conducts themselves with maturity. 6=#N responds appropriately when corrected. 7=#N remains focused on the activity at hand. 8=#N resists the urge to be distracted by other students. 9=#N is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom. 10=#N sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation. COMMENTS: CHARACTER 1=shows respect for teachers and peers. 2=treats school property and the belongings of others with care and respect. 3=is honest and trustworthy in dealings with others. 4=displays good citizenship by assisting other students. 5=joins in school community projects. 6=is concerned about the feelings of peers. 7=faithfully performs classroom tasks. 8=can be depended on to do what they are asked to do. 9=seeks responsibilities and follows through. 10=is thoughtful in interactions with others. COMMENTS: CLOSING SENTENCE 1=Good luck for the future, #N! 2=Keep it up, #N! 3=I hope you have a good summer, #N! 4=Keep up the good work, #N! 5=Way to go, #N! 6=Enjoy the summer break, #N! COMMENTS: EFFORT 1=is a conscientious, hard-working student. 2=works independently. 3=is a self-motivated student. 4=consistently completes ??? 5=puts forth their best effort into… 6=exceeds expectations with the quality of their work. 7=readily grasps new concepts and ideas. 8=generates neat and careful work. 9=stays on task with little supervision. 10=displays self-discipline. 11=avoids careless errors through attention to detail. 12=uses free minutes of class time constructively. 13=. COMMENTS: Effort1 1=#E has maintained #h consistent effort not only when working on #h skill work, but also during game play as well. 2=#E has maintained good effort not only when working on #h skill work, but also during game play as well. 3=#E has good movement skills and is working hard on improving #h juggling skills. 4=#H effort has been consistent and because of this, #e has improved both #h ball skills as well as achieving a higher level of fitness. 5=#E participates fully but I would like to see #m give better effort during the fitness runs. 6=#E is starting to gain more and more confidence in #h abilities and is making good progress on #h agility movements. 7=#E has been working on improving #h juggling skills by using three balls. 8=#N has good movement skills but could be more consistent with #m effort when it comes to #m ball skills. 9=#E is starting to understand that it is alright to feel uncomfortable during and just after a run. 10=#E could be a very good runner with a little grit and determination. 11=#E is a conscientious, hard-working student. 12=#E has ability but is not applying it during the running. 13=#E completes activities with quality in mind. COMMENTS: Effort2 1=#E completes the endurance and strength workouts without complaint and to the best of #h ability. 2=#N is an extremely active and enthusiastic member of the class who takes a keen interest in improving #h skills and appears to enjoy all aspects of our class. 3=#E displays excellent coordination when doing #h agility workouts. 4=#N has made outstanding progress this fall in improving #h movement skills and building strength and endurance. #H strong finish in the cross country run was a result of this effort. 5=#E has made real progress with #h movement and coordination skills. 6=#N is having fun. #E has good skills on which #e loves to build, and #e really enjoys our games. 7=#N has quickly immersed #s in all of our activities. #E demonstrates good skills as well as the desire to build on them. 8=#N hits the door running, #e is energetic and eager. 9=#E is making real progress on #h movement and ball skills. 10=Because #h effort has been consistent #e has improved both #h ball skills as well as #h coordination skills. 11=#H throwing and catching skills are great and #e loves working on improving them. 12=#N has continued to be very consistent with #h effort not only when working on #h skill work but also during game play as well. 13=#H strong finish in the cross country run was a result of this effort. 14=#E is starting to gain more and more confidence in #h abilities. 15=#E has good eye-hand coordination skills and #e has been working hard on #h movement skills. 16=#E has good movement skills and is working hard on improving #h juggling skills. COMMENTS: Elementary comments 3 Grade 4 semester 2 1=In Net Games, #N was able to consistently execute skills with control. 2=In Net Games, #N showed #e was able to have a rally with a partner, showing fair skill and accuracy. 3=In Net Games, #N was able to execute some basic shots during drill work, but found it more challenging when playing competitively. 4=In Net Games, #N found some skills challenging, but persevered and found success. COMMENTS: Elementary comments 4 Grade 4 semester 2 1=#N should continue #h positive approach to sport into Grade 5, #e has shown great ability both as an individual player and as part of a team and should look to develop these interpersonal skills further. 2=#N must ensure #e listens to all instructions in class; occasionally #e has lost focus during discussions which has led to confusion during drill work. Overall, a fairly good year with areas to improve upon in Grade 5. 3=#N will continue to excel if #e maintains #h enthusiasm and application to all activities. 4=#N now has a good base of skills across a number of sports that #e can develop further in Grade 5. COMMENTS: Fitness 1=#H fitness is at a pleasing level, with sound aerobic fitness that allows #h to complete a sustained effort 2=#H aerobic fitness levels could be improved with a regular exercise programme. 3=#H fitness profile is at a basic level and improvement can only come from a regular exercise programme. 4=#H fitness tests indicate that #e has poor upper body and core strength and #h aerobic fitness is below average 5=#H fitness test results indicate a high fitness profile with good aerobic endurance and good strength levels. 6=#H fitness test results indicate an excellent fitness profile with high aerobic endurance and good strength levels. 7=#H fitness is of a satisfactory standard but could easily be improved with regular exercise. 8=#H fitness test results were below average but #e could easily improve this with regular exercise COMMENTS: GROWTH 1=#N has particularly shown growth in locomotor skills. 2=#N has particularly shown growth in upper body strength. 3=#N has particularly shown growth in badminton skills. 4=#N has particularly shown growth in rhythmic skills. 5=#N has particularly shown growth in striking of the shuttlecock. 6=#N has particularly shown growth in flexibility. 7=#N has particularly shown growth in teamwork. 8=#N has particularly shown growth towards working successfully in a group task. 9=#N has particularly shown growth in the understanding of fitness concepts. 10=#N has particularly shown growth in attending online connected PE classes with full attention. 11=#N has particularly shown growth in sharing activities used at home to improve fitness levels. 12=#N has particularly shown growth in participating wholeheartedly in all class activities 13=#N has particularly shown growth in completing challenging tasks 14=#N has particularly shown growth in dribbling skills 15=#N has particularly shown growth in the understanding of invasion games 16=#N has particularly shown growth in balancing and tumbling skills 17=#N has particularly shown growth in swimming skills 18=#N has particularly shown growth in Jump-roping skills 19=#N has particularly shown growth towards meeting class expectations COMMENTS: improvement 1=#N has been an extremely active and enthusiastic member of the class, who takes a keen interest in what #h classmates are doing, instead of focusing on improving #h skills. 2=#H positive attitude and work ethic, made #m a pleasure to teach this year! 3=#N has had a mixed term but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 4=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 5=#N should try to take a more active part in ball skills to improve #h confidence in this area. 6=#E should make an effort to be more active and involved during the entire class. 7=I would like to see #m put more consistent effort into #h the warmups and fitness workouts. 8=I would like to see #m put more consistent effort into #h the games. 9=I will continue to encourage #h to work and participate to the best of #h abilities. 10=#E needs to improve on becoming a better listener at the beginning of class. 11=#E has been doing great. #E has shown growth in many areas such as being more focused and active during the games I am delighted with #h continued progress. 12=I would like to see #h put the same consistent effort into #h the games as #e does in #h agility and skill work. 13=#E has also been working on improving #h juggling skills by progressing to a three ball cadence. 14=Because #h effort has been consistent, #e has improved both #h ball skills and #h fitness level. I can see that #e is starting to gain more and more confidence in #h abilities. I am pleased with #N's participation and progress. 15=#E is starting to improve the quality of #h work by giving more effort. 16=#N has all the ability to earn a one, but #h playful and attention-seeking behavior takes away from #m, achieving this higher effort mark. 17=We encourage #m to participate more maturely. 18=I am satisfied with #h participation but would like to see what #e can do as a full participant next quarter. 19=has little motivation or desire to reach #h potential COMMENTS: Intro sentence 1=#N has shown competence in a range of skills and has proven to have a sound level of fitness. Keep up the great work! 2=#N had a good start to the school year. #H main objective this fall was on raising #h fitness level and setting goals to find success in this area. #E did this by building leg strength through agility workouts, and by working on pace during the runs. #E also continued to improve #h eye-hand coordination by working on throwing and catching, juggling, and jump roping skills. 3=Overall #N is a consistent worker who enjoys our games. I am pleased with #h participation and progress. 4=#N is a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class, #e has been a positive participant in all aspects of Physical Education. 5=#N shows a lot of potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent year so far. 6=#N is a friendly and enthusiastic member of the class who has shown great improvement in #h confidence levels this year. 7=#N has had a mixed start to the year with effort and attitude fluctuating. 8=#N shows great potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent start to the year. #H attendance is a major issue. 9=#N is generally a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class and is usually a positive participant in most aspects of Physical Education. 10=#N has had a mixed start to the year with #h effort fluctuating. 11=#N has made minimal effort in class so far this year 12=#N has continued to be a quiet and friendly student. 13=#N has made a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 14=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 15=#N is friendly towards #h peers and shows genuine interest in class activities. 16=#N continues to make a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 17=#N has had a great start to the school year. #E has been working on #h locomotor movements such as weave run, skipping, and various animal walks. #E has also been learning about boundaries and spatial awareness. #N has also played games like Pac Man, sharks and minnows, and dirty, stinky socks. 18=#N is a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class and is a positive participant in all aspects of Physical Education. 19=These games provide #N with the opportunity to practice the skills of listening, following directions, cooperation, and just having fun. 20=#N has had a great start to the school year. #H main objective this fall has been on raising #h fitness level and setting goals to find success in this area. #E has done this by building leg strength through agility workouts, and by working on pace during the runs. #E has also continued to improve #h eye-hand coordination by working on throwing and catching, juggling, and jump roping. COMMENTS: Intro sentence and Q 1 1=#N has had a mixed start to the school year, but there are signs of improvement in #h behavior of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout this quarter. 3=We have also asked #m to focus on being a good teammate and displaying good sportsmanship during our games. 4=#N is a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class, #e has been a positive participant in all aspects of Physical Education. 5=#N shows a lot of potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent year so far. 6=#N is a friendly and enthusiastic member of the class who has shown great improvement in #h confidence levels this year. 7=#N has had a mixed start to the year with effort and attitude fluctuating. 8=#N shows great potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent start to the year. #H attendance has now started to improve during hybrid learning. 9=This quarter #N has been working on fundamental movement skills like throwing, catching, sliding, galloping, and skipping in simple movement activities. #E has also played games like Pac-Man, Turtle Tag, and Dirty Stinky Socks to name a few, that further showcases these skills. These games provide #N the opportunity to practice the skills of listening, following directions, and cooperation. 10=#N has had a mixed start to the year with #h effort fluctuating. 11=#N has made minimal effort in class so far this year 12=#N has continued to be a quiet and friendly student. 13=#N has made a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 14=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 15=#N is friendly towards #h peers and shows genuine interest in class activities. 16=#N continues to make a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 17=During this first quarter, we have asked #N to focus on these objectives: strengthening agility movements, working on eye-hand coordination, developing the skills of listening, following directions, and cooperation by playing a variety of games and activities. 18=#N's primary focus this fall has been on raising #h fitness level, strengthening agility movements, and working on eye-hand coordination. #E has also learned about pace and how to utilize it during the running activities. We have also asked #m to focus on being a good teammate and displaying good sportsmanship during our games. 19=#N is a friendly and enthusiastic member of the class who has shown great improvement in #h confidence levels this year. Keep up the good work. 20=This quarter we have asked #N to set goals #e would like to accomplish for their various runs. COMMENTS: Intro sentence and Q3 1=#N has had a mixed #sampleTimePeriod, but there are signs of improvement in #h behavior of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the #sampleTimePeriod. 3=In Physical Education #N has made a pleasing effort for the first half of the #sampleTimePeriod. 4=#N is a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class, #e has been a positive participant in all aspects of Physical Education. 5=#N shows a lot of potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent year so far. 6=#N is a friendly and enthusiastic member of the class who has shown great improvement in #h confidence levels this year. 7=#N has had a mixed start to the year with effort and attitude fluctuating. 8=#N shows great potential in Physical Education but has had an inconsistent start to the year. #H attendance is a major issue. 9=#N is generally a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class and is usually a positive participant in most aspects of Physical Education. 10=#N has had a mixed start to the year with #h effort fluctuating. 11=#N has made minimal effort in class so far this year 12=This term began with #N practicing basketball skills such as passing, dribbling, and shooting. #E practiced these components while playing in games of knockout, king of the court, and speed basketball. #E wrapped up the quarter by working on various jump roping skills and throwing and catching activities. 13=To begin the third quarter, #N's main focus was on building skills related to the game of basketball. Towards the end of the term, #N hopped and skipped #h way to having better jump roping skills. #E has also worked on improving #h throwing and catching. 14=During the third quarter, our main focus was on basketball. The class worked on skills and played various lead-in games. #N has also continued to build fitness, strength, and coordination with a variety of activities and games. The term ended with #N working on jump roping skills. 15=#N began this term with a focus on basketball skills such as passing, dribbling, and shooting. #E practiced these components while playing knockout, king of the court, and speed basketball. #E then progressed to working on various jump rope skills and engaged in throwing and catching activities. #E showed consistent effort, not only during skill work but also during gameplay. Keep up the good work! 16=#N has continued to work on coordination and agility activities. #E also worked on basketball such as dribbling and passing. We have also played many new games like bean bag tag and pop up. #N wrapped the quarter working on improving #h jump rope skills. 17=#N has continued to work on coordination and agility activities. #E also worked on basketball skills such as dribbling and passing. As March rolled around, we started our March Madness unit. Each class period is devoted to just playing games and more games. We have also asked #N to focus on being a good teammate and displaying good sportsmanship during all the games. 18=This term began with #N practicing basketball skills such as passing, dribbling, and shooting. #E practiced these skills while playing in games of knockout, tap out, and dribble knockout. As March rolled around, we started our March Madness unit. Each class is devoted to just playing games and more games. We have also asked #N to focus on being a good teammate and displaying good sportsmanship during all the games. #E has shown growth in many areas. I am pleased with #h continued progress. COMMENTS: Intro sentence ls q2 1=This semester, #N has grown into an exceptional student in terms of #h physical skills and cognitive abilities. 2=During the second semester, #N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #E has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied. 3=During the second semester, #N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #H has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied. 4=This Semester #N has shown improvement in demonstrating responsible and respectful behavior. 5=This semester #N has grown into an exceptional student in terms of #h physical skills and cognitive abilities. #H understanding of appropriate behaviors and social conduct is beyond #h age. #N has demonstrated high level of performance in all the skills we taught. 6=This semester #N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #E has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied 7=This semester #N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #H has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied 8=#N has a passion for sports and activities that show the resolve #h puts into every single activity we do. #H successfully uses feedback to revise thinking and behaviour 9=#N has a passion for sports and activities that show the resolve #e puts into every single activity we do. #E successfully uses feedback to revise thinking and behaviour COMMENTS: Intro sentence Semester 2 1=#N has grown into an exceptional student in terms of #h physical skills and cognitive abilities. 2=During the second semester, #N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #E has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied. 3=#N has shown improvement in demonstrating responsible and respectful behavior. 4=#N has grown into an exceptional student in terms of #h physical skills and cognitive abilities. #H understanding of appropriate behaviors and social conduct is beyond #h age. #N has demonstrated high level of performance in all the skills we taught. 5=#N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #E has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied 6=#N has grown as an athlete and as a student. #H has developed independence in the physical skills and concepts we studied 7=#N has a passion for sports and activities that show the resolve #h puts into every single activity we do. #H successfully uses feedback to revise thinking and behaviour 8=#N has a passion for sports and activities that show the resolve #e puts into every single activity we do. #E successfully uses feedback to revise thinking and behaviour 9=#N is a team player who demonstrates flexible thinking, respect and kindness in a team game situation. 10=It has been a joy getting to know #N COMMENTS: LEARNING HABITS 1=#N is a resilient learner who demonstrates perseverance when facing challenges. 2=#N is a resilient learner who uses feedback to revise thinking and behavior. 3=#N is a resilient learner who attempts multiple strategies and solutions when facing challenges in PE. 4=#N is an active thinker who demonstrates flexible thinking in PE class. 5=#N is an active thinker who engages in conversation and activities to build a shared understanding. 6=#N is an active thinker who asks questions to seek information. 7=#N is a team player who shows respect and kindness to self, others, and the learning environment in PE. 8=#N is a team player who honors diversity within the school community during PE classes. 9=#N is a team player who applies strategies to regulate emotions and resolve conflicts constructively in PE. 10=#N is a team player who takes responsibility for one’s own behavior and the impact of their choices on others. COMMENTS: motor skills 1=#E has well developed skills and co-ordination, fantastic all round ability and effective self management skills. 2=#E has demonstrated advanced motor-skills and has an excellent fitness base. 3=#E has demonstrated competence with #h motor-skills and a good fitness level 4=#E has demonstrated development in #h motor skills. 5=#E has shown competence in a range of skills and has proven to have a sound level of fitness 6=#E is developing #h motor skills and is beginning to apply them with more confidence in team situations. 7=#E has demonstrated some basic motor skills but more focus and motivation is needed for #h to develop these skills further. 8=Throughout the year #e has shown competent motor skills and is able to apply these skills in game situations. 9=#E has shown competent motor skills and is able to apply these skills in game situations. 10=#E has demonstrated excellent motor skills and #h is able to apply these in game situations. 11=#E has demonstrated a sound base of physical skills and is able to apply these in some game situations. 12=#E has demonstrated some basic motor skills but more focus and motivation is needed for #h to advance these further. COMMENTS: NEXT STEPS 1=#N next step is to continue to work on aerobic endurance. 2=#N next step is to refrain from talking out of turn when an activity or an instruction is going on. 3=#N next step is to engage in rhythmic activities outside the PE classes. 4=#N next step is to continue to work on the flexibility of the body. 5=#N next step is to participate in racquet sports outside the PE classes. 6=#N next step is to engage in team games outside of the PE classes. 7=#N next step is to focus on the task at hand and try to meet class expectations 8=#N next step is to try new unfamiliar activities with confidence and open mind. 9=#N next step is to improve participation in the online learning. 10=#N next step is to swim outside of the PE classes as well. 11=#N next step is to plan activity schedule for the weekends and stay active. COMMENTS: ONLINE LEARNING 1=#N has not been able to engage much in connected PE during our school closure this semester. As a result, I am only able to comment on learning during the on-campus weeks of this semester. 2=#N was frequently engaged in online learning for the last eight weeks of the semester and #N worked creatively to complete the fitness task assigned. 3=#N was highly engaged in online learning for the last eight weeks of the semester and #N worked creatively at home to complete all the fitness tasks assigned. 4=#N was highly engaged in online and hybrid learning this semester and #N worked creatively at home and school to complete all the fitness tasks assigned. 5=#N has not not been able to engage much in PE during on-campus leaning, as a result I am only able to comment on the online learning weeks of the semester. COMMENTS: PARTICIPATION 1=listens attentively to the responses of others. 2=follows directions. 3=takes an active role in discussions. 4=enhances group discussion through insightful comments. 5=shares personal experiences and opinions with peers. 6=responds to what has been read or discussed in class and as homework. 7=asks for clarification when needed. 8=regularly volunteers to assist in classroom activities. 9=remains an active learner throughout the school day. COMMENTS: Participation2 1=Overall #N is a consistent worker who is making progress with #h skills. 2=Keep up the good work. 3=#E has shown growth in many areas. I am pleased with #h continued participation and progress. 4=#H effort has been consistent and because of this #e has made good progress in many areas. 5=I am pleased with #h continued progress. 6=We have also been working on establishing good character traits like being a good teammate and displaying good sportsmanship during all the games. #E has maintained #h consistent effort not only when working on #h skill work, but also during game play as well. Keep up the good work. 7=#E has maintained #h consistent effort not only when working on #h skill work, but also during game play as well. #E really enjoyed the basketball unit. Great job, keep working hard! 8=Keep striving for the best you can give. 9=I would like for #m to motivate #s to want to do #h best in everything #e does in PE. The effort #e plays with during the games is outstanding. The same level of effort needs to be carried out in all phases of our class. 10=#E makes little effort when not under direct supervision. 11=I would love to see #h effort match #h ability. 12=#N is a strong student, who has not reached #h full potential. 13=As #e gains more confidence in #s, I see #h meeting and exceeding any athletic goal #e wants to set for #s. 14=#E really enjoyed the cup stacking activities. Keep up the good work. COMMENTS: Pre- Sum Up sentences 1=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well in PE. Best wishes for the future, #N! 2=#N can quickly achieve at a much higher level, and I hope #e can prove this for the remainder of the year. Keep working on it, #N! 3=With motivation and a positive attitude, #e could reach #h full potential in PE. 4=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well in PE. 5=Great job #N! I hope you have a fun and active break. 6=Because of #h effort during the semester, #h shined in PE. 7=#N was a pleasure to teach this year, and with the continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic, #e should continue to excel during the third grade. I hope #e has a great summer! 8=#N has been an absolute pleasure to teach this year. I hope #e has a great summer! 9=For our last quarter, #N and #h classmates continued with our March Madness unit, and then the students spent time creating and playing games they designed. These games allowed #N the opportunity to practice many of the skills that we have worked on all year. 10=For our last quarter, #N and #h classmates continued with our March Madness unit, and then the students spent time creating and playing games they designed. These games allowed #N the opportunity to practice many of the skills that we have worked on all year. 11=#N has not been achieving in this subject. With a little more effort #e could easily lift #h grades. 12=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at a low level within the class 13=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well in PE. Best wishes for the future #N 14=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 15=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 16=I know #N can easily achieve at a much higher level and I hope #e can prove this for the remainder of the year. 17=It would be fantastic to see #N working with greater motivation to succeed as #e is not currently reaching #h full potential. 18=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #m hard work and positive attitude continues. 19=To improve #N will need to come to class with a positive attitude, changed and ready to engage in the lesson ahead. #H results are a reflection of #h effort and attitude not ability. 20=For our last quarter, #N focused on #h throwing and catching skills, along with playing some of our favorite games. I have been pleased with #N's participation all year. #E has been an absolute pleasure to teach this year. I hope #e has a great summer! COMMENTS: Pre-K Second sem 1=#N continues to come to PE excited to engage and share what #E can do. #E comprehends quickly and gets started when given directions for the planned activities. #N can focus on tasks with enthusiasm and minimal support for extended periods this semester. #E has particularly shown growth in locomotor and jump rope skills. Best wishes for the future, #N! 2=#N comes to class often excited to engage in the activities. #E does need regular reminders and encouragement to listen and pay attention in class. This semester #N has shown some improvement in staying focused on the task at hand. #E has matured in #h understanding of skills needed to work in a group. Best wishes for the future, #N 3=#N comes to class often excited to engage in the activities. This semester #N needed fewer reminders and encouragement to listen and pay attention in class, but #e usually gets distracted. Developing these skills takes time and an increase in maturity. #N is also learning what it means to work together. Best wishes for the future, #N! 4=#N comes to class often excited to engage in the activities. #E is attentive and focused on the instructions most of the time. This semester #N has also shown some improvement in persevering on challenging tasks. #E has matured in #h understanding of the skills needed to work in a group. Best wishes for the future, #N! 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentence 1=#N has had a great start to the school year. #E has been working on #h locomotor movements such as weave run, skipping, and various animal walks. #E has been learning about boundaries and spatial awareness. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the quarter. 3=#N has also played games like Pac Man, Sharks and Minnows, and Dirty, Stinky Socks. 4=These games provide #N with the opportunity to practice the skills of listening, following directions, cooperation, and just having fun. 5=For our last quarter, the middle school students tried to pursue their personal best while competing in the decathlon competition. This track and field unit included five running events, three throwing events, and two jumping events. #N also worked on improving #h throwing and catching skills while participating in a variety of activities and games. #E wrapped up the school year by focusing on #h May Project. It has been my pleasure to teach #N, and I wish #m the best of luck next year! 6=#N has started the year off with a good attitude and great work ethic. I am pleased with #h participation. #E is a wonderful addition to #h class and our school. 7=#E has been a wonderful addition to our SFS community. 8=#E puts #h best effort into each activity. 9=#N is a sweet, good-hearted, and friendly student. 10=#N is a mature, respectful, and thoughtful student. 11=#E puts consistent effort into #h work. 12=#N is a helpful, reliable and enthusiastic member of the class, #e has been a positive participant in all aspects of Physical Education. 13=#E needs constant supervision and direct support to stay on task and to make good decisions. 14=#N shows enthusiasm when working in class and demonstrates good work habits. 15=#N works hard and puts in #h best effort during the runs and games. 16=#N has had a great start to the school year. #E has put consistent effort into the workouts and game. #E is a wonderful addition to our SFS community. 17=During the first quarter in physical education, #N has been focusing on improving #h fitness level with the overall goal of completing a mile run. #E has also been asked to concentrate on these three objectives: to build leg strength by performing different agility exercises, to improve #h cardiovascular fitness through training and timed runs, and to improve #h eye-hand coordination by working on various skills. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Semester 2 - Introduction statements 1=In the second semester of Grade 10, students completed units in Track and Field, Basketball, Swimming and Volleyball. 2=In the second semester of Grade 9, students completed units in Health and Fitness, Badminton and Swimming. 3=In the second semester of Grade 8, students completed units in Swimming, Track and Field and Badminton. 4=In the second semester of Grade 7, students completed units in Fitness for Football, Swimming and Badminton. 5=In the second semester of Grade 6, students completed units in Track and Field, Swimming and Badminton. COMMENTS: SOCIAL SKILLS 1=makes friends quickly in the classroom. 2=is well-liked by classmates. 3=handles disagreements with peers appropriately. 4=treats other students with fairness and understanding. 5=is a valued member of the class. 6=has compassion for peers and others. 7=seems comfortable in new situations. 8=enjoys conversation with friends during free periods. 9=chooses to spend free time with friends. COMMENTS: Sum up 1=For our last quarter, the middle school students tried to pursue their personal best while competing in the decathlon competition. This track and field unit included five running events, three throwing events, and two jumping events. #N also worked on improving #h throwing and catching skills through a variety of activities and games. #E finished up the school year participating in the blue/red field day. 2=#E gave good effort while working on #h May Project. It has been my pleasure to teach #m. I wish #m the best of luck next year! 3=For our last quarter, #N competed in our version of the Olympic decathlon. This track and field unit included five running, three throwing, and two jumping events. #H class also spent time improving their throwing and catching skills. #E closed the year playing in the annual blue/red field day. 4=For our last quarter, #N hopped and skipped #h way to having better jump roping skills and as a result, #e improved #h cardiovascular fitness and coordination skills. The rest of the spring, #e focused on #h throwing and catching skills along with playing some of our favorite outdoor games. I have been pleased with #N's participation all year. 5=Great job #N! I hope you have a fun and active summer. 6=Because of #h effort during the decathlon, #s earned a medal for finishing among the top three girls in #h class. 7=#N was a pleasure to teach this year, and with the continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic, #e should continue to excel during the third grade. I hope #e has a great summer! 8=#N has been an absolute pleasure to teach this year. I hope #e has a great summer! 9=For our last quarter, #N and #h classmates continued with our March Madness unit, and then the students spent time creating and playing games they designed. These games allowed #N the opportunity to practice many of the skills that we have worked on all year. 10=For our last quarter, #N and #h classmates continued with our March Madness unit, and then the students spent time creating and playing games they designed. These games allowed #N the opportunity to practice many of the skills that we have worked on all year. 11=#N has not been achieving in this subject. With a little more effort #e could easily lift #h grades. 12=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at a low level within the class 13=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well in PE. Best wishes for the future #N 14=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 15=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 16=I know #N can easily achieve at a much higher level and I hope #e can prove this for the remainder of the year. 17=It would be fantastic to see #N working with greater motivation to succeed as #e is not currently reaching #h full potential. 18=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #m hard work and positive attitude continues. 19=To improve #N will need to come to class with a positive attitude, changed and ready to engage in the lesson ahead. #H results are a reflection of #h effort and attitude not ability. 20=For our last quarter, #N focused on #h throwing and catching skills, along with playing some of our favorite games. I have been pleased with #N's participation all year. #E has been an absolute pleasure to teach this year. I hope #e has a great summer! LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: preclosingremarks 1=I know #N can easily achieve at a much higher level. 2=I hope #E can prove this for the remainder of the year. 3=With motivation and a positive attitude, #e he could reach 4= If #N can keep up #H current work ethic he should cont 5=With a little more effort #E could easily improve his perfor 6=With motivation and positive reinforcement, #E 7=with his positive attitude and work ethic, #N should continu LIST: SampleImprove 1=1st q 2=2nd q 3=3rd q 4=4th q LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.