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I have /* used a variety of categories for Maths (eg: area, shape, /* decimals and fractions, number), English (eg: reading, /* comprehension, discussion, grammar, different text styles), /* Science (eg: light, earth and space, habitat and /* interactions) making it easier to search for comments. /* General comments include sections for positive traits and /* for things to be addressed. /* /* I choose to use School Report Writer /* [SchoolReportWriter.COM free app - ed.] as it is a great /* way of me organising and building a bank of comments in my /* personal words and to match to the subjects and grades I am /* currently working with. It lets me personalise reports so /* easily with the inbuilt thesaurus and ability to add text /* into any statement. Using School Report Writer has made a /* tough job easier. I regularly recommend it to others and /* share ideas. My past principal was always complimentary /* about my reports - both for their accuracy and for the way /* in which they reflected my knowledge of each student." COMMENTS: Bookwork - general 1=#H written work has been of a very high standard, with all work complete and presented neatly. 2=#H written work has been of an acceptable standard, with all work complete and an obvious attempt to present it neatly and accurately. 3=#H written work could be improved, there is some content missing and work is not always presented neatly. 4=#H written work has been unacceptable, with much work missing and #h book untidy. 5=#H written work is presented well, but spelling issues do make it hard to read. 6=#H written tasks are hard to read due to poor handwriting. 7=#H written tasks are challenging to read; further improvement in handwriting and in spelling would improve the legibility of #h ideas. 8=#H written work does contain many noticeable spelling errors. 9=#H written work does contain a few noticeable spelling errors. 10=Whilst #h written work does contain spelling errors, they do not generally interfere with the reader's engagement with the text. COMMENTS: EALD 1=#Name has worked consistency in #h EALD support sessions. 2=#Name is able to show mastery of the skills #e has been focusing on during the support sessions but may need reminders to apply this during other writing tasks. 3=#H personal goals have included #EALD-personal-goal, #EALD-personal-goal and #EALD-personal-goal. 4=During our support sessions, #e has shown a desire to apply #h personal goals to all learning experiences. 5=#E is comfortable to share #h ideas verbally and shares #h work in order to receive constructive feedback. 6=I like the way #e is willing to ask questions in order to improve #h results. 7=#Name is shy in sessions and needs to be encouraged to participate verbally. 8=#Name needs encouragement to begin on many of the tasks. COMMENTS: English - class novel 1=Class novels this semester have included "The (girl) with no name" and "A long walk to water" 2=#N has enjoyed sharing the class novel, #classnovel. 3=#N enjoys sharing all class novels and is always willing to discuss #h understanding of the text. 4=#N enjoys listening to class novels. 5=#N reads confidently when asked to read aloud in class. 6=#N reads with a clear, audible voice. 7=#N reads with interest and expression, making #m an engaging story teller. 8=#N reads carefully when asked to read aloud; #e ensures accuracy but does need to improve #h fluency. 9=#N reads carefully when asked to read aloud; #e ensures accuracy but does need to pay greater attention to punctuation. 10=#N reads carefully when asked to read aloud and is developing in fluency, following punctuation and using appropriate expression. 11=#E is able to understand the characters in the story and completed a #quality reflection on the growth of the character Will in The Ranger's Apprentice. 12=In #h reflective piece, #e was able to retell the events of the story of The Ranger's Apprentice, but did not fully reflect on how these events changed the character of Will. 13=Class novels this term have included the books "Holes" and "Blackwater". 14=In #h reflective writing on Holes, #e expressed #h ideas clearly and could articulate how the curse was broken. 15=In #h reflective writing on Holes, ideas were expressed clearly, important events were recalled and sequenced and #e clearly explained the links between the characters over generations and how this allowed the curse to be broken. 16=#H reflective writing on Holes was well constructed and demonstrated #h ability to connect characters and events. 17=#E enjoyed the class novel and can recall characters and events, but could not clearly articulate the connections between the inter-related characters in #h reflective writing. COMMENTS: English - comprehension 1=Alongside our word study, students work independently on spelling games and comprehension. 2=#N shows a good understanding of the texts #e reads to #s. 3=#E has made excellent progress on the independent comprehension tasks and 4=can make sound inferences from the materials #e reads in lessons. 5=confidently discusses ideas from class reading. 6=can discuss ideas from class texts with great confidence. 7=is improving #h ability to draw inferences from class texts. COMMENTS: English - discussion 1=#E answers well in class, and shows great interest and enthusiasm when discussing and offering opinions. 2=#E has a tendency to be quiet during discussions, and prefers to listen to others' opinions and comments. 3=#E has a tendency to be quiet during discussions preferring to listen to others' opinions and comments, and tries hard to express #h own ideas when asked. 4=#E has a tendency to be quiet during discussions, preferring to listen to others' opinions and comments, yet can express #h feelings in a very clear manner in #h own written work. 5=#E has the ability to share ideas during class discussions, listen to others' opinions and comments, and can express #h feelings and the viewpoints of others in a very clear manner in #h own written work. 6=#E has become more willing to share ideas with the group, but needs to project a confident posture and voice to ensure #e captures the attention of #h audience. 7=#E has the ability to share #h own viewpoints during discussions, the empathy to understand the views of others and the ability to express these ideas verbally / clearly in #h writing. 8=#E enjoys the verbal discussions, but needs to put a similar amount of effort into the accompanying written work samples. COMMENTS: English - grammar 1=#E is careful to use correct grammar and punctuation. 2=#E has worked well in grammar lessons, but has not retained the skills and does not apply them in #h written pieces. 3=#E can generally recognise nouns and verbs in sentences. 4=#E has worked well in grammar sessions, recalls the learning and applies it in #h written work. 5=#E can generally recognise and apply the correct grammatical conventions to written work. 6=#E can usually recognise and apply essential grammatical conventions to #h written work. COMMENTS: English - handwriting 1=#H handwriting is easy to read. 2=#H printed work is easy to read, I encourage #m to use linked script more regularly. 3=I would appreciate more effort in handwriting as #h written pieces are a challenge to read. 4=#E always takes care with #h handwriting. 5=#H handwriting is beautifully formed and even ensuring all pieces of work are easy to read. 6=#E is beginning to take more pride in the presentation of #h written work. 7=#H written work would benefit from an improvement in the clarity of letter formation and spacing. 8=#E tries hard with #h handwriting as #e understands clarity is important to assist the comprehension of the reader. COMMENTS: english - poetry skills - year 5 and 6 1=In our skills sessions based upon poetry, #N has shown #attitudinal-skill and a good understanding of the concepts covered. 2=#E enjoyed sharing nonsense poems, increasing #h understanding of poetic licence and completed a good project on Spike Milligan. 3=#E enjoyed sharing nonsense poems, increasing #h understanding of poetic licence but found it challenging to complete the project on Spike Milligan. 4=In order to improve, #e needs to #work-skills 5=In or unit of work on Classic Austrailan Poetry, we have focused upon vocabulary and inference, visualisation and summarising. 6=#E has shown good skills in #Aust-poetry and #Aust-poetry. 7=(Mrs Taylor) COMMENTS: English - reading 1=I would like to see #N read more challenging stories with more complex vocabulary and storylines. 2=#N often has trouble going back to find information in non-fiction material. 3=#E had difficulty connecting deeply with #h reading which makes comprehension more difficult for #m 4=#N is a good reader but needs to take the time to think more deeply about about #e has read. 5=#N often has difficulty using reading strategies to decode new words. 6=#N needs to choose books that are at #h level. 7=#N show enthusiasm for the material read. 8=#N has good decoding skills. 9=#N has trouble remembering the details of what #e has read. 10=#N does not thoroughly read the directions and requires much assistance to start a task. 11=#N has a well developed vocabulary. 12=#N reads fluently from our class novel. 13=#N reads fluently from our class novel #readingskills. 14=#H reading is fluent, accurate and expressive, especially when #e changes #h voice for different characters. 15=#E searches for meaning when reading both fiction and non-fiction books. 16=#E searches for meaning when reading both fiction and non-fiction books and is able to draw inspiration for #h writing from the texts #e reads. 17=#E shows generally accurate understanding of fiction and non-fiction books. 18=#E has worked well within a small reading group to strengthen #h comprehension and reading fluency. 19=#E thoroughly enjoys reading factual texts and using these as a source of inspiration in #h written texts. COMMENTS: English - Word Study 1=In word study, #N is in the Within Word spelling patterns and is working on #WTWyellow. 2=In word study, #N is in the Syllables and Affixes spelling patterns and is working on #WTWgreen. 3=#E regularly shares ideas when new words are presented and sorted. 4=#E displays a good understanding of the meanings of words. 5=In word study, #N has become more confident to recognise long and short vowel sounds in single syllable words. 6=In word study, #N has become more confident to recognise long and short vowel sounds in single syllable words and to explain how the consonants help to determine this. 7=In word study, #N has become more confident to recognise long and short vowel sounds and syllables within words. 8=In word study, #N has become more confident to recognise long and short vowel sounds and syllables within words and can articulate some rules which affect the vowel sound. 9=#E always finishes #h independent spelling activities. 10=#E needs to ensure independent spelling activities are completed on time; #e often needs to finish some activities after the unit of work. 11=#E needs to show greater focus whilst working on the independent spelling activities; #e regularly has overdue tasks and is not up to date with the required activities. 12=#E completes set independent activities but needs to put effort into writing clear, meaningful sentences. COMMENTS: English - writing 1=#N puts a great deal of time and effort into #m writing. 2=#N did a wonderful job on #h #? assignments 3=#N conveys #h thoughts and ideas clearly. 4=#N writes opinion pieces with well thought-out, supportive reasoning. 5=#N writing shows a strong grasp of organisation. #E stays on topic and uses relevant details. 6=#N uses details to expand upon the great written thoughts #e is already putting on paper. 7=#N enjoys writing in #h free time. I always look forward to reading #h stories. 8=#N's writing is creative but it often has errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 9=#E has trouble getting going on writing assignments 10=#N chooses words with care. 11=#E expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing. 12=#N presents strong, elaborated viewpoints in persuasive texts. 13=#N ensures the specified criteria for success are met. 14=#N enjoys writing and is quick to present ideas, but does need to ensure adequate detail is provided in explanations. 15=#N enjoys writing and is quick to present ideas, but does need to ensure they answer the set question. COMMENTS: English - writing - procedural 1=In procedural texts, #e remembers to start statements with verbs. 2=In procedural texts, #e remembers to start #h statements with verbs and ensures tasks are presented in a logical order. 3=In procedural texts, #e remembers to start statements with verbs, but needs to ensure the information is presented logically. COMMENTS: English PAT-R 1=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E is able to retrieve multiple pieces of embedded information and can identify the main idea and supporting information. #E can also identify character's feelings from subtle nuances. #E can utilise diagrams and construct hypotheses in relation to the text. 2=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E can scan information to locate multiple pieces of information related to the topic. #E makes sound deductions about word meanings based on context and looks for supporting pieces of information to justify and connect ideas. 3=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #H expanding vocabulary helps #m pick up the subtle understandings of the text. #E is learning to interpret and summarise content and is better at finding clues to assist with prediction. 4=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E is expanding #h skills in scanning for information and improving in #h ability to combine information in text, table and graph forms for a more detailed understanding of the content. 5=#N is developing #h capacity to read carefully in order to locate correct information. #E acknowledges that meaning is important and will use strategies such as re-reading and backtracking to improve #h understanding. #E is learning to select relevant clues and evidence related to the overarching meaning. 6=#N is able to scan appropriate texts to locate prominent information. #E is able to use headings and subheadings to help find relevant facts. #E is willing to discuss the meaning of words which have been used in context and is improving in #h ability to suggest future plots or actions within a story line. COMMENTS: General comment - attendance 1=#N is regularly late for school. 2=#N has had a lot of absence which has impacted upon #h ability to make progress. 3=#N is regularly missing lessons due to late arrival or early departure. 4=I am delighted with #N's improved attendance record. 5=It is wonderful to see #N attending regularly. 6=I appreciate #h regular attendance. 7=On the occasions when #N does need to miss school, #e is extremely conscientious about catching up with me to find out what #e missed. COMMENTS: General comment - behaviour 1=It is good to see that #N appears to have regained the desire to excel, which was not showing at the start of the year. 2=A capable student, #N needs to increase #h #work-skill in order to show #h #what-to-show on a regular basis. 3=#E enjoys working in a small group situation where help is provided and finds it easier to manage #h behaviour when reminders can be given quickly and quietly. 4=#N needs to ensure the contributions made to class discussions are relevant and helpful towards #h own learning and the learning of others. COMMENTS: General comment - extra curricula 1=#N is a wonderful participant in the extra activities offered at school. 2=#N is involved in a variety of learning activities beyond our classroom. 3=#N is choosing not to become involved in any of the additional enrichment activities provided at school. COMMENTS: General comment - forums 1=As a new leader, #e has stepped up to the responsibility and challenges of leading others, with a growth mindset. 2=#N enthusiastically fulfils #h responsibilities as a forum leader. 3=#N works confidently with younger students in #h role of forum leader. 4=#N needs to realise that leading a forum takes regular effort and #e needs to ensure #e meets regularly with #h forum mentor to plan activities. 5=#N regularly plans learning activities with the other forum leaders and #h mentor teacher. COMMENTS: General comment - mindset 1=#N has a fabulous growth mindset and is always willing to step beyond #h comfort zone when a new opportunity arises. 2=#N displays a growth mindset when #e accepts new challenges. 3=#N often needs encouragement to try a new challenge. 4=#N needs support to overcome their fixed mindset when faced with a challenge. 5=#N is an enthusiastic student who enjoys a variety of challenges with a positive attitude towards #h learning and who sets an excellent example with #h behaviour. 6=#N has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work in an efficient manner. COMMENTS: General comment - summative - leaving 1=I have enjoyed getting to know #N this year. 2=It has been a pleasure to work with #N this year. 3=#N has worked hard this year. 4=#E has always been supportive and encouraging towards #h peers. 5=#E has been a polite and co-operative member of our class at all times. 6=#E is an enthusiastic learner and is always keen to be involved. 7=Although #e has needed a few reminders about expectations, #e does have a desire to please and to succeed. 8=I have been impressed by #h consistent and enthusiastic attitude towards learning. 9=#E has always been a great role model to #h peers; #e works hard and ensures all expectations are met or exceeded. 10=I will remember #N for #h... 11=#N has embraced the opportunities this school has offered, often taking on leadership roles or additional activities. 12=#N has continued to work steadily through out the year and should be pleased with #h accomplishments: both academic, sporting and social. 13=I would like to see #N embracing the opportunities which #e will have next year as #e begins high school, step out of your comfort zone and try something new - you have the skills to succeed. 14=I would encourage #N to take greater responsibility for notices and communication between home and school. 15=#N has needed regular reminders about focus, behaviour or expectations, but has always responded quickly to a reminder. 16=#N has needed regular reminders about focus, behaviour or expectations - it is important for #m to focus on this next year as #e begins in a new school. 17=Congratulations on a successful year. 18=Well done on your achievements this year. 19=I wish you every success at high school. 20=I wish you well for your future studies. COMMENTS: General comment - summative - year 6 1=I have enjoyed getting to know #N this year. 2=It has been a pleasure to work with #N this year. 3=#N has worked hard this year. 4=#E has always been supportive and encouraging towards #h peers. 5=#E has been a polite and co-operative member of our class at all times. 6=#E is an enthusiastic learner and is always keen to be involved. 7=Although #e has needed a few reminders about expectations, #e does have a desire to please and to succeed. 8=I have been impressed by #h consistent and enthusiastic attitude towards learning. 9=#E has always been a great role model to #h peers; #e works hard and ensures all expectations are met or exceeded. 10=I will remember #N for #h... 11=#N has embraced the opportunities this school has offered, often taking on leadership roles or additional activities. 12=#N has continued to work steadily through out the year and should be pleased with #h accomplishments: both academic, sporting and social. 13=I would like to see #N stepping up to leadership opportunities next year as I believe #e has much to offer. 14=I would like to see #N being a good role model to younger students next year through behaviour and approach to learning. 15=I would encourage #N to take greater responsibility for notices and communication between home and school. 16=#N has needed regular reminders about focus, behaviour or expectations, but has always responded quickly to a reminder. 17=#N has needed regular reminders about focus, behaviour or expectations - this is something for them to focus on next year as they will be seen as a senior leader of our students. 18=Congratulations on a successful year. I'm sure you'll be a fantastic role model and leader for younger students next year. 19=Well done on your achievements this year. COMMENTS: General comments - homework 1=#N always puts effort into homework and presents quality answers. 2=#N often needs to chase up a homework task or a signature after the work is due to be presented. 3=#N rarely puts enough effort into the set homework; their answers are brief and often poorly presented. 4=#N does not complete tasks which are set for homework. 5=#N does not complete tasks which are set for homework and this has impacted upon research tasks they are completing at school. 6=#N is conscientious about completing all homework tasks and challenges to an impeccable standard. 7=#N is conscientious about completing all homework tasks and challenges. 8=#N is conscientious about completing all homework tasks and challenges but sometimes needs to chase a signature or finish off after tasks are due to be presented. COMMENTS: General comments - opening 1=#N shows respect for teachers and peers. 2=#N has highly developed independent working skills. 3=#N shows good citizenship by assisting other students. 4=#N can be depended on to do what #e is asked to do. 5=#N has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. 6=#N takes a lot of pride in #h work. 7=#N is a valued member of our class. 8=#N shows genuine interest in many areas of the curriculum and tries hard to tackle challenges put in front of #m. 9=#N is a conscientious, hardworking student. 10=#N is a friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussion. 11=#N is an enthusiastic student who enjoys a variety of challenges, has a positive attitude towards learning, has highly developed independent work skills and who sets an excellent example with #h behaviour. 12=#N has shown a strong desire to succeed, which keeps #m self motivated, task orientated and prepared to listen to suggestions about #h work. 13=In general #N has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 14=#N works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 15=#N has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 16=#N is an enthusiastic student who enjoys a variety of challenges. 17=#N has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work in an efficient manner. 18=#N is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 19=#N sets an excellent example with #h behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 20=#N sets an excellent example with #h behaviour and has a sensible approach to independent learning. COMMENTS: General Comments - positive 1=#E has a positive attitude towards school. 2=#E always willing to help a classmate. 3=#E values what others have to say. 4=#E treats others fairly. 5=#E handles disagreements with peers appropriately and diplomatically. 6=#E makes friends easily. 7=#E uses class time constructively. 8=#E consistently uses personal best effort on a daily basis. 9=#E completes work with quality in mind. 10=#E is a self-motivated worker. 11=#H hard work produces quality results. 12=#E works very well with others in a group. 13=It is good to see that #e appears to have regained the desire to excel, which was not showing at the start of the year. 14=#E has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class. 15=#E has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h schoolwork, and sets a superb example. 16=#E is a helpful pupil who is sensible and well behaved. 17=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #? 18=#E continues to make steady progress with #? 19=#E is listening to directions more carefully. 20=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. COMMENTS: General Comments - to work upon 1=#E is distracting to the students around #m. 2=#E has trouble remaining focused. 3=#E often has trouble remaining focused. 4=#E sometimes has trouble remaining focused. 5=#E needs to be more sensitive to the students around #m. 6=#N requires guidance to remain focused and complete tasks. 7=#E needs encouragement to work more independently. 8=#N tends to work too quickly, which often results in careless mistakes. 9=#N's attitude toward schoolwork is inconsistent and continues to need guidance and encouragement. 10=#N has shown noticeable improvement in #? 11=#E continues to make steady progress with 12=#N is listening to directions more carefully. COMMENTS: Group work 1=#N offers constructive suggestions to peers to enhance their work. 2=#N is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group. 3=#N welcomes leadership roles in groups. 4=#N shows fairness in distributing group tasks. 5=#N helps to keep the work group focused and on task. 6=#H is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 7=#E can work equally well independently, or with others. 8=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 9=#E enjoys working in a small group situation where help is provided and finds it easier to manage #h behaviour when reminders can be given quickly and quietly. 10=#E enjoys working in a small group situation where help is provided and gains confidence in #h ideas when discussing them with peers. COMMENTS: History 1=#N worked very well during our History unit on immigration. 2=#N showed interest in the ideas presented in our History unit on immigration. 3=#N showed interest in the ideas presented in our History unit on immigration but needed encouragement to remain focused on task during research times. 4=#E completed a detailed and thorough project. 5=#E had a well constructed project which met many of our success criteria. 6=#E worked well on aspects of the project but would improve results by addressing the success criteria more carefully. 7=During the presentation, #e shared #h learning about immigration and included historically accurate information. 8=#N provided us with an engaging and informative presentation. 9=#N worked hard to present relevant details in #h class presentation. 10=#N found the presentation aspect to be challenging, but used notes and suitcase items effectively to share #h ideas with others. 11=#N found the presentation challenging and struggled to recall information about #h character's immigration to Australia. 12=#N was keen to share information about #h character, but #h story lacked the historical accuracy required for this task. 13=#H character diary included accurate historical information and complemented #h presentation by filling in additional details about immigration. 14=In our library sessions, #e was explicitly taught the skills of researching, locating information using key words, note taking, summarising, using own words to present ideas and referencing. 15=In Inquiry learning, #e has discussed Federation, the Australian (Westminster) system of governance, key roles in government, the legal system and our role as citizens. [Debbie Taylor] COMMENTS: History - Fertile Crescent 1=In History, #N created a well-constructed report in #h own words on the Fertile Crescent and how it changed the way nomadic man lived. #E was able to cite primary and secondary sources of information used in order to support #h ideas. 2=In History, #N created a well-constructed report in #h own words on the Fertile Crescent and how it changed the way nomadic man lived. To strengthen #h report, #e needs to cite further sources of primary and secondary information which support #h ideas. 3=In History, #N constructed a good report and did work to put the information into #h own words. To strengthen #h report, #e needs to cite further sources of primary and secondary information which support #h ideas. 4=In History, #N copied information to construct a report on the Fertile Crescent and how it changed the way nomadic man lived. This did not meet the demands of the task. #E needs to read the information and construct reports in #h own words. 5=In History, #N struggled to construct a report in #h own words to explain how nomadic man settled in the Fertile Crescent and how this changed the lifestyle of early man. #E needs to ensure #e answers the set question and cites evidence for the theories. 6=(Mrs Taylor) COMMENTS: maths - area - year 5 1=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown a good understanding of using the formula of Length x Width to calculate area. 2=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown a good understanding of counting squares within a shape in order to know its area. 3=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown an impressive understanding of using the formula of Length x Width to calculate area and has explained how the area of composite shape can be solved if it is divided into sections. 4=#E has been able to manipulate the formula to find an unknown side when the area is known. 5=#E has consistently used units of measurement with accuracy. 6=In order to improve, #e should focus upon #area-skills. 7=(Mrs Taylor) COMMENTS: maths - area - year 6 1=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown a good understanding of using the formula of Length x Width to calculate area. 2=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown an understanding of area as counting the squares inside a shape. 3=In our unit of work on area, #N has shown an impressive understanding of using the formula of Length x Width to calculate area and has explained how the area of composite shape can be solved if it is divided into sections. 4=#E has been able to manipulate the formula to find an unknown side when the area is known. 5=#E confidently calculates the length of unknown sides using information provided in the diagram. 6=#E is able to compare area of composite shapes and order them by size. 7=#E has consistently used units of measurement with accuracy. 8=In order to improve, #e should focus upon #area-skills. 9=(Mrs Taylor) COMMENTS: PAT R bands comments 1=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E is able to retrieve multiple pieces of embedded information and can identify the main idea and supporting information. #E can also identify character's feelings from subtle nuances. #E can utilise diagrams and construct hypotheses in relation to the text. 2=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E can scan information to locate multiple pieces of information related to the topic. #E makes sound deductions about word meanings based on context and looks for supporting pieces of information to justify and connect ideas. 3=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #H expanding vocabulary helps #m pick up the subtle understandings of the text. #E is learning to interpret and summarise content and is better at finding clues to assist with prediction. 4=#N has good skills in decoding and is able to focus on comprehending written texts. #E is expanding #h skills in scanning for information and improving in #h ability to combine information in text, table and graph forms for a more detailed understanding of the content. 5=#N is developing #h capacity to read carefully in order to locate correct information. #E acknowledges that meaning is important and will use strategies such as re-reading and backtracking to improve #h understanding. #E is learning to select relevant clues and evidence related to the overarching meaning. 6=#N is able to scan appropriate texts to locate prominent information. #E is able to use headings and subheadings to help find relevant facts. #E is willing to discuss the meaning of words which have been used in context and is improving in #h ability to suggest future plots or actions within a story line. COMMENTS: Science 1=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 2=#N showed a good understanding of how the class aquaponics system worked as a closed loop ecosystem. 3=#N showed a good understanding of how the class aquaponics system works and could explain how the plants and animals are beneficial to each other. 4=#E worked well in the group research task to explain an alternative energy source, with #h major contribution being #? 5=#E can identify renewable and non-renewable energy sources. 6=#E connects ideas from lessons with the things #e notices around #m and shares these ideas in the lessons. 7=#E speaks and writes about scientific ideas in considerable detail, showing a confident use of scientific terminology. 8=#E has difficulty showing #h knowledge of the topics covered but occasionally joins in classroom discussion. 9=The quality of #N's written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 10=#N's written work has been rather variable, some work showing detail while other work only just adequate. 11=#N's written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as expected. 12=Recent topics have included changes and forces; I have been pleased with #h engagement during lessons and discussions. 13=Recent topics have included changes and forces; it is good to see #m participating well in discussions. 14=Recent topics have included changes and forces; I have been pleased with #h engagement during lessons. COMMENTS: Science - earth and space 1=In our unit of work on Earth and Space, #N found it challenging to recall scientific facts about the rotation of our Earth and the path it travels around our Sun. 2=In our unit of work on Earth and Space, #N was able to articulate how our Earth moves around the sun. 3=#E recognised that the sun would shine on only one side of our Earth at a time and that this is the day. 4=In our unit of work on Earth and Space, #N clearly explained how the Earth rotated on its own axis each 24 hours as it circumnavigated the sun each year. #E demonstrated an understanding of how this caused night and day. 5=In our unit of work on Earth and Space, #N was able to state that the Earth moves around the sun but found it difficult to clearly explain how this caused night and day. 6=#E is not yet able to clearly explain how the tilt of our Earth impacts on the seasons. 7=In our unit of work on Earth and Space, #N could clearly articulate how the rotation of our Earth explained night and day, how the Earth circumnavigated the sun in a year and how the tilt of our Earth caused one hemisphere to receive more or less sunlight and how this explains our seasons. 8=#H scientific diagrams are clear and easy to follow. They are well labelled and correct terminology has been used. 9=#E needs to work upon #h scientific diagrams as labels are not clearly used and diagrams are cluttered. 10=#E needs to work upon #h explanations and scientific diagrams, #h thoughts need to be more logically ordered and explained. 11=#E needs to work upon #h explanations and scientific diagrams, #h thoughts need to be logically ordered, explained and definitive. 12=#E explains #h ideas clearly when questions are posed and presents information in a factual manner. COMMENTS: Science - habitats and interactions 1=In our unit on habitats and interactions, #N was able to name the 5 natural biomes. 2=In our unit on habitats and interactions, #N was able to name the 5 natural biomes and give detailed information about climatic conditions in 2 of these. 3=In our unit on habitats and interactions, #N was able to name the 5 natural biomes and give brief information about climatic conditions in 2 of these. 4=#E could articulate the difference between biotic and abiotic factors. 5=#E could clearly articulate how animals have evolved to suit their environments over time. 6=#E could state the nature of an adaption but did not articulate clearly how this animal adapted to its conditions. 7=#E could suggest a possible food chain. 8=#E could explain the concept of interdependence. COMMENTS: Science - PAT testing 1=Standardised testing has indicated that #e is working upon applying scientific concepts in real world scenarios. 2=I have noticed that #N finds it very difficult to suggest the scientific principles which have an affect in real-life situations and benefits from guided questioning to formulate and consolidate #h ideas. 3=Standardised testing has shown #e has the ability to relate scientific concepts to realistic scenarios, especially in the scientific strands of 4=Standardised testing has highlighted #h excellent overall scientific understandings, especially in the scientific strands of 5=Energy & Change, 6=Earth & Space, 7=Life & Living, 8=Materials. COMMENTS: Science - practical tasks 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. 4=#N has difficulty focusing during practical and is often off task. 5=#E should try to take a more active part in practical investigations to improve #h confidence in this area. 6=#N shows a sound understanding of variables and the need to keep other factors constant when testing #h hypothesis. 7=#N articulates a hypothesis and can suggest appropriate ways of conducting an investigation. 8=#N enjoys practical tasks and approaches new learning with a sense of wonder. 9=#N participated well in all practical learnign tasks. 10=#N was always engaged in practical tasks and reflected well on #h learning. COMMENTS: Science - practical tasks STEM focus 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. 4=#N has difficulty focusing during practical and is often off task. 5=#E should try to take a more active part in practical investigations to improve #h confidence in this area. 6=#N shows a sound understanding of variables and the need to keep other factors constant when testing #h hypothesis. 7=#N articulates a hypothesis and can suggest appropriate ways of conducting an investigation. 8=In Engineering activities, #N is able to look at the design of the model and suggest modifications to the design. 9=In Engineering activities, #N is able to look at the design of the model, explain how the design functions and suggest modifications to improve its effectiveness. 10=In Engineering activities, #N is confident with the process of planning, constructing, testing and modifying. 11=In Engineering activities, #N is able to work with a team to help construct a working model. 12=In Engineering activities, #N has been exposed to the process of planning, constructing, testing and modifying. 13=In #h reflection, #e commented upon the importance of the group having a shared vision and how a plan supports this. 14=In #h reflection, #e commented upon the importance of the group having a shared vision and how a plan supports this as well as the need to ensure the frame is sturdy before beginning. 15=In #h reflection, #e discussed the importance of choosing the correct materials based on their properties; strength, weight or water proof. 16=In #h reflection, #e discussed the importance of having a very solid frame to build upon. 17=In a very good reflection, #e discussed the strengths of the model, along with the faults #e was striving to overcome. 18=In #h reflection, #e noted that, next time, #e would test the design and modify it on the results of #h testing. COMMENTS: science - year 4 skills 1=With guidance, #e can identify questions in familiar contexts that can be investigated scientifically and make predictions based on prior knowledge. 2=With guidance, #e can plan and conduct scientific investigations to find answers to questions, considering the safe use of appropriate materials and equipment. 3=#E can consider the elements of fair tests and use formal measurements and digital technologies as appropriate, to make and record observations accurately. 4=#E uses a range of methods including tables and simple column graphs to represent data and to identify patterns and trends. 5=#E will compare #h results with predictions, suggesting possible reasons for #h findings. 6=#E reflects on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not. 7=#E reflects on investigations, including whether a test was fair or not, if the results can be seen as reliable and if a generalisation can be made. COMMENTS: science - year 5 light 1=In our unit on light, #N was able to apply the knowledge of light travelling in straight lines to explain where shade would fall. 2=In our unit on light, #N was able to apply knowledge about light travelling in straight lines to explain where shade would fall and how a pin hole inverts an image. 3=#E was able to transfer #h understandings about light rays with #h STEM task where #e demonstrated a good understanding of shade and shadow. 4=#E was able to transfer #h understandings about light rays with #h STEM task where #e demonstrated a good understanding of shade and shadow and #h knowledge of colour filters to give coloured lights in #h design. 5=#E was able to clearly explain how coloured filters, pin hole cameras and reflection could be used to create wonder for younger students and incorported these elements into #h STEM design of a shaded area. 6=#E is able to draw a simple labelled ray diagrams to show the paths of light from a source to our eyes. 7=#E is able to describe transparent, opaque or translucent materials by discussing their abilty to block light or allow it through. 8=#E classifys materials as transparent, opaque or translucent based on whether light passes through them or is absorbed. 9=#E recognises that the colour of an object depends on the properties of the object and the colour of the light source. 10=#E recognises that the colour of an object can be affected by a light filter and that it will appear different or may "disappear." 11=#E understands that a mirror or similar reflective surface changes the path of a light ray allowing us to see different angles. COMMENTS: science - year 5 skills 1=With guidance, #e can pose clarifying questions and make predictions about scientific investigations. 2=#E can identify, plan and apply the elements of scientific investigations to answer questions and solve problems using equipment and materials safely and identifying potential risks. 3=#E is able to decide variables to be changed and measured in fair tests and can observe, measure and record data with accuracy using digital technologies as appropriate. 4=#E is able to decide variables to be changed and measured in fair tests. 5=#E is able to construct and use a range of representations, including tables and graphs, to represent and describe observations, patterns or relationships in data using digital technologies as appropriate. 6=#E is confident to construct and use tables and graphs to assist with organising information and can draw generalisations from the results of the tests #e conducts. 7=#E does find it difficult to construct #h own tables and graphs for recording data gathered in testing and benefits from guidance in this area. 8=#E carefully compares data with predictions and uses this as evidence in developing explanations. 9=#E will reflect on and suggest improvements to scientific investigations. 10=#E clearly communicates ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts. COMMENTS: STEM challenges 1=#N has really enjoyed our STEM challenges this semester. 2=#N is gaining confidence in the STEM challenges this year. 3=#E listens carefully to the criteria and helps to define the problem and suggest possible ideas. 4=#E is always keen to start brainstorming but has learned to define the problem first in order to produce a more successful prototype. 5=#E is a great leader within the group, #h enthusiasm is boundless, #h ideas are interesting and #e is willing to source appropriate materials to improve the design. 6=#E is a great group member who always contributes ideas in the brainstorming and keeps focus during the building time. 7=#H reflective comments during evaluation show an increased awareness of the design process from brainstorming through to modifications. COMMENTS: Year 6 Geography 1=#N had #achievement with the #geography. 2=#E constructs maps carefully and uses BOLTSS confidently as a guide to correctly label all features 3=#E was able to use co-ordinates to locate cities on a map and to find places in the atlas. 4=#E worked #working-style upon #geography to produce a #achievement project. 5=#E needs to concentrate upon #how-to-improve. 6=I have been pleased with #h focus during lessons. 7=#N responds well to suggestions and ideas. 8=#E needs to #how-to-improve. 9=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - 3D shape 1=#N can describe shapes by their technical names. 2=#N can describe shapes by their technical names and can elaborate upon their properties. 3=#N can now articulate the difference between a pyramid and a prism. 4=#N can match solid shapes and their nets. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - algebra 1=#E worked confidently on algebraic calculations involving patterning, pronumerals and simple equations. 2=#E worked with great diligence in algebra and is able to recognise and use patterns and number sequences to predict answers. 3=#E worked with interest in the algebra unit, effectively using pronumerals in sequencing, predicting and in the more complex multi-step equations. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - Area and Perimeter 1=#N is able to use formula to determine the area of squares and rectangles. 2=#N confidently calculates the area of shapes with square and rectangular sections. 3=#N is able to use appropriate formula to calculate the area of squares, rectangles and triangles. 4=#N is able to use appropriate formula to calculate the area of squares, rectangles, triangles and parallelograms. 5=#N can separate shapes into areas and confidently chooses the correct formula for square, rectangular, triangular and parallelogram shaped sections. 6=#N can calculate area but must remember to indicate the correct unit of measurement. 7=#E confidently calculates the area of #which-shape, but needs to ensure the correct unit of measurement is recorded with the answers. 8=To improve, #e needs to #area-skills. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - bookwork 1=Using the correct process, #e is able to justify answers fully. 2=#E is generally able to justify answers but could display more working. 3=#E often neglects to show justification for answers and needs to show more working. 4=#N carefully records formula and calculations when working. 5=#N carefully records formula and calculations when working and #h bookwork is always well organised. 6=#N is able to follow mathematical processes, but has difficulty explaining how answers are derived. 7=#H book work is not well organised. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - Cartesian Plane 1=#N can locate coordinate points in all 4 quadrants of the cartesian plane. 2=#N needs to ensure graphs are drawn and numbered accurately. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - Decimals, Fractions, Percent 1=#N initially struggled to draw decimal fractions in diagrammatic form. 2=#N quickly finds equivalent fractions to assist with calculations. 3=#N is able to convert mentally between fractions, decimals and percentages. 4=#N finds it challenging to convert mentally between fractions, decimals and percentages. 5=#N converts between fractions, decimals and percentages as they work upon the set challenges. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - fractions 1=#E is confident to recognise and manipulate halves, quarters and thirds. 2=#E is confident to recognise and manipulate halves and quarters. 3=#E has improved #h understanding of halves and quarters through recent work designed to challenge misconceptions. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - Geometry 1=#N needs more practice with using geometry tools to ensure accuracy. 2=#N is able to identify and classify angles by size. 3=#N is able to recognise and name angles using #h knowledge of parallel and perpendicular lines. 4=#N is able to name angles by exploring adjacent, supplementary and complementary angles. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - group work and participation 1=#N regularly participates in small group discussions. 2=#N participates actively in small group discussions and will share #h ideas. 3=#N participates actively in small group discussions by sharing #h thoughts and ideas. 4=Other students find #N good to work with as #e is supportive and encouraging. 5=Other students find #N good to work with as #e will ask questions and share #h ideas in small group discussions. 6=#N needs to ensure the contributions #e makes during group discussion are productive and not disruptive. 7=#N is often a passive listener in small group discussions; #e would improve #h understanding by sharing more of #h thoughts or through asking relevant questions. 8=I am extremely pleased with the improved mindset with which #N now approaches #h learning. 9=It is pleasing to see #e now believes #e is capable of learning. 10=It is pleasing to see #e now seeks help by raising #h hand with a relevant question about process or joining the offered support in small group situations. 11=#N needs to ensure #e is focused on #h learning. 12=#N would achieve more if #e was willing to join the small group when support is offered. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - intro 1=#N works #working-style and always participates fully in peer discussions to explain #h understanding. 2=#N is a conscientious student who always strives for accuracy. 3=#N is always willing to ask relevant questions. 4=#N is an enthusiastic learner who is always keen to succeed. 5=#N always works hard in maths lessons. 6=#N is an interested student who listens carefully and always works to the best of #h ability. 7=#N is showing greater confidence in #h maths skills. 8=#N is beginning to believe in #s. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - number 1=#N was able to manipulate numbers to show expanded forms, effectively using this as a strategy to make mental calculations faster and more accurate. 2=#N was able to expand whole numbers and numbers with decimals. 3=#N shows confidence in calculations involving whole number and addition, subtraction, multiplication and basic division. 4=#N shows confidence when working with whole numbers and utilises the patterns of addition and multiplication grids to quickly solve number problems. 5=#N is able to calculate using whole numbers efficiently and is confident to show expanded forms, effectively using this as a strategy to make mental calculations faster and more accurate. 6=#N is able to mentally picture numbers to see their relative size. 7=#N has worked hard in recent weeks to mentally picture the relative size of numbers and to compare these. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - place value 1=#N's progress between our two place value tests was very pleasing and showed that #e could use suggested strategies to improve #h accuracy. 2=#N's progress in the place value diagnostic testing has been very pleasing; effect size calculations suggest #e has made #effect-size-progress in a term. 3=#E can use place value knowledge to correctly write numbers of up to 999 from their written or verbal form. 4=#E can use place value knowledge to correctly write numbers of up to 9999 from their written or verbal form. 5=#E can use place value knowledge to correctly write numbers of up to 99999 from their written or verbal form. 6=#E can use place value knowledge to correctly write numbers from their written or verbal form. 7=#E needs to become familiar with the use of zero when writing numbers of over 10000. 8=#E is confident to expand and simplify larger numbers and will use these partitioning skills to assist with number calculations. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - powers of 10 1=#N was able to re-partition and expand numbers using powers of 10. 2=#N was able to manipulate numbers to show expanded forms. 3=#N was able to manipulate numbers to show expanded forms, effectively using this as a strategy to make mental calculations faster and more accurate. 4=#N was able to expand whole numbers and numbers with decimals. 5=#N was confident when multiplying and dividing by powers of 10. 6=#N is confident to use mental strategies to multiply and divide by powers of 10, by tenths and by hundredths. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - proficiencies 1=#E is able to interpret new and unfamiliar maths due to #h excellent problem solving abilities. 2=#E is able to interpret new and unfamiliar maths with minimal prompting and guidance due to #h very high problem solving skills. 3=With guided questioning, #e is able to interpret some unfamiliar maths as #h problem solving skills are improving. 4=#E needs support to interpret new maths ideas and benefits from guided questioning to link these ideas to the things #e has already learned. 5=Once #e is familiar with a process, #e is able to quickly and efficiently manipulate calculations in a differing manner as #e has great ability to understand the processes. 6=Once #e is familiar with a process, #e is becoming more confident to tweak #h ideas in order to respond to a similar challenge. 7=#N is adept at explaining #h ideas and reasoning clearly to others. 8=#N is gaining confidence to discuss the reasons #e has worked in a particular way in order to derive a solution. 9=#E is able to recall facts and formulas quickly and is therefore able to apply these when calculating answers using a familiar process. 10=#E needs to improve #h recall of facts and formulas to improve #h working fluency. 11=#E understands the importance of correct recall of facts and formulas so will take time to ensure accuracy and is willing to double check facts using books or reference materials. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - relative size 1=#N is able to mentally picture numbers to see their relative size. 2=#N has worked hard in recent weeks to mentally picture the relative size of numbers and to compare these. 3=#N has difficulty picturing the relative size of whole numbers and placing them on open number lines. 4=#N is able to mentally picture the relative size of whole numbers, but finds decimals and fractions harder to picture. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - Transformation 1=#N can use coordinates to describe the location of shapes and designs. 2=#N can use the cartesian plane to accurately describe translation, rotation and reflection of shapes. 3=#N can use geometry tools to show rotation of a symbol with a high degree of accuracy. COMMENTS: Year 7 Maths - understanding and reasoning 1=#N often has difficulty understanding and solving word problems. 2=#N's speed and accuracy will improve greatly if #e memorizes #h basic multiplication and division facts. 3=#E needs to slow down and read directions carefully. 4=#E has difficult with math concepts that involve high-level problem-solving. 5=#N has difficulty with multiple-step math problems. 6=#N does well with math skills but needs to work on explaining #h thinking. 7=#N appreciates opportunities to discuss #h ideas with peers and uses this to strengthen #h understanding. 8=#N is able to explain how #e has calculated #h answer. 9=#N is able to look at the process used to determine and answer and can articulate why it is calculated in this manner. LIST: Achievement 1=an excellent result 2=a good outcome 3=an average 4=a disappointing result 5=a poor performance 6=a steady growth 7=an outstanding effort 8=a stunning 9=a comprehensive 10=a well constructed 11=a well researched 12=a pleasing 13=a more consistent 14=a better outcome LIST: area-skills 1=use times tables charts to ensure accuracy of calculations 2=use the appropriate unit of measurement with consistency 3=record the formula being used to assist memory 4=move towards sketches to represent shapes (uses life size) 5=break composite shapes into squares or rectangles 6=understand the difference between area and perimeter 7=draw clear diagrams to help with problem solving 8=add sections of composite shapes to find the total area 9=ask questions while working upon challenging concepts 10=clarify their thoughts and understandings with peers LIST: attitudinal-skills 1=enthusiasm 2=interest 3=confidence 4=an open mind 5=hesitation 6=developing confidence 7=increasing interest LIST: Aust-poetry 1=creating an image to show understanding of the poem 2=visualising scenes from the poem 3=inferring meanings of words based on the words around them 4=summarising the sequence of events in the poem 5=participating in class discussions to enhance understanding 6=gained confidence to summarise events from a poem 7=gained confidence to suggest meanings for unfamiliar words LIST: classnovel 1=The Ranger's Apprentice 2=Holes 3=Unique LIST: EALD-personal-goal 1=accurate use of full stops and capital letters 2=accurate use of full stops, commas and capital letters 3=accurate use of punctuation 4=to build noun groups 5=to use a precise and varied range of verbs 6=to begin to write compound sentences 7=to write compound and complex sentences 8=to use "because" 9=to increase technical and topic specific language 10=increase the use of evaluative language 11=use a variety of connective words in compound sentences 12=consistent and accurate use of tense (subject verb agreement 13=more detail to describe circumstance -when, where, how, why, 14=to extend nominalisation skills 15=to use a greater range of pronouns 16=#? LIST: effect-size-progress 1=the equivalent of one year's progress 2=the equivalent of one and a half year's worth of progress 3=the equivalent of two year's worth of progress 4=the equivalent of 2 and a half year's worth of progress 5=the equivalent of 3 year's worth of progress 6=the equivalent of over 3 year's worth of progress LIST: geography 1=the South East Asia unit 2= the Latitude and Longitude task 3=the BOLTSS activity 4=the two mapping tasks LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions 7=be prepared to share #h ideas 8=ask relevant questions 9=ensure success criteria for the task are addressed LIST: maths 1=number 2=area and perimeter 3=geometry 4=angles 5=cartesian plane LIST: MathsTopics 1=number 2=expanded notation 3=fractions and decimals 4=area and perimeter 5=3D shape 6=cartesian plane coordinate graphing 7=transformation and location LIST: quality 1=outstanding 2=comprehensive 3=detailed 4=good 5=piece to be proud of 6=pleasing 7=satisfactory 8=interesting 9=engaging 10=descriptive 11=brief 12=piece which met some of the success criteria LIST: readingskills 1=with expression 2=in a clear and audible voice 3=in an engaging manner LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics 1=biology 2=ecosystems 3=major earth resources 4=alternative fuels LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: which-shape 1=squares and rectangles 2=squares, rectangles and triangles 3=squares, rectangles and parallelograms 4=squares, rectangles, triangles and parallelograms LIST: work-skills 1=read questions carefully 2=ensure all aspects of the set task are completed 3=maintain focus during independent work times 4=ensure the work matches the requirements of the task 5=bring the required materials to lessons 6=check over the quality of work to be presented 7=ensure tasks are presented for assessment 8=ensure tasks are presented on time for assessment 9=balance work time effectively LIST: working-style 1=with persistence 2=with a clear focus 3=with dedication 4=with effort 5=carefully 6=steadily 7=inconsistently 8=with care and attention to detail 9=with enthusiasm 10=with great energy LIST: WTWgreen 1=inflected endings 2=compound words 3=syllable juncture 4=word patterns in accented syllables 5=unaccented syllables 6=exploring consonants 7=affixes 8=miscellaneous - homophones, homographs,geography syllables LIST: WTWunit 1=Emergent 2=(orange) 3=Within Word patterns 4=Syllables and Affixes spellers 5=Derivational Relations spellers LIST: WTWyellow 1=picture sorts for short and long vowel sounds 2=word sorts contrasting short & long vowel sounds & patterns 3=common long vowel patterns 4=less common long vowel patterns 5=R-influenced vowel patterns 6=dipthongs and other ambiguous vowel sounds 7=beginning & ending complex consonants & consonant clusters 8=high frequency words and contractions 9=inflectional endings for plural and past tense 10=homophones /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.