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COMMENTS: English Introduction 1=#N tries hard and has made pleasing academic gains in English. 2=#N has approached English class topics with great enthusiasm. 3=#N has shown steady progress in English. 4=#N is a diligent student who participates in all English learning experiences. 5=#N's maturity and organisational skills have enabled #m to consistently produce work of a high standard in English this semester. 6=#N is a diligent worker who has achieved high academic results in English. 7=#N has struggled with some concepts this semester, but #h effort has been impressive and #e is determined to improve. 8=#N requires teacher assistance to complete set tasks, but #e always tries #h best and it is a pleasure to witness. 9=#N is working consistently and is making good progress in all areas of English. 10=#N tries hard to complete #h work and has made pleasing progress in English this semester. COMMENTS: General Comment 1=#N is a cooperative student who works well with #h classmates. 2=#N consistently builds positive relationships with peers and adults. 3=#N is a very considerate student who enjoys learning and works well with others. 4=#N is a cooperative, pleasant, and quiet student who is genuinely motivated to learn . 5=#N is a quiet, independent student who uses class time well . #H classmates value #N as a thoughtful and productive member of the class. 6=#N is a highly motivated independent learner who is to be commended for #h high level of achievement this term. #E is a role model for other students in terms of #h ability to focus on the task and consistent completion of work with high quality. 7=#N regularly participates in class and group activities. #E is encouraged to approach all subjects and problems with a positive attitude and to continue to develop a growth mindset. COMMENTS: General Comment Intro 1=#N has made good progress this term. 2=#N is a cooperative student who works well with #h classmates . 3=#N is a motivated, happy learner who always participates well in class. 4=#N is a conscientious student who always completes tasks accurately and with care. 5=#N is a quiet, independent student who uses class time well. 6=#N is a very conscientious student who forms positive relationships with #h peers. 7=#N is a cooperative, polite class member who always displays a positive attitude toward #h learning. 8=#N is a quiet, polite member of the class. 9=#N is a considerate student who has had some difficulty adjusting to the academic expectations of the classroom this semester. 10=#N identifies and pursues learning tasks independently and with great deal of enthusiasm. COMMENTS: General comments (1) 1=In general #e has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 2=#E is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 3=#E works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. #E has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 4=#E has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class 5=#E has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 6=#E is quiet in class but works hard. 7=#E has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#E has a mature attitude and uses #h own initiative to develop work, having produced some excellent homework. 9=#E has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work without a fuss. 10=#E has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work, and sets a superb example. 11=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 12=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 13=#E has a high level of independent working skills. 14=#E is considerate and is always polite and sensible. 15=#E takes a lot of pride in #h work. 16=#E is a friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussion. 17=#E is a confident member of the class and contributes well in lessons. 18=#E is extremely conscientious and has produced some excellent work to be really proud of. 19=#E is considerate with many friends and is always polite and sensible. 20=#E is a helpful pupil who is sensible and well behaved. COMMENTS: General comments (2) 1=#E is a cheerful pupil and a popular member of the class. 2=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 3=#E is making excellent progress. 4=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 5=#E gets along well with others and has many friends 6=#E has many friends and is always pleasant. 7=#E gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 8=#E has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. 9=#E seems to prefer to work on an individual basis rather than in a group situation. 10=#E can work equally well independently, or with others 11=#E works well in a group situation. 12=#E is always helpful and willing to undertake jobs around the classroom. 13=#E is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone. 14=#E is usually cheerful with a smile and a joke. 15=#E has a good sense of humour and enjoys sharing a joke with children and adults alike. 16=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #e works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 17=#E needs to put more effort into written work 18=#E is too easily distracted in class. 19=#E is generally hard-working, although #e can be easily be distracted. 20=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (3) 1=#E has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but is capable of more. 2=#E must ask if #e does not understand the work and in this way #e will make much more progress. 3=Recently, #e has settled down well and worked much harder in class. 4=However, #h behaviour can still be silly at times and #e needs to realise that next year #e will be in the oldest year group in the school. 5=#E attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to do #h homework in order to make progress. 6=In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 7=Unfortunately, #e lacks confidence in #h own ability in some subjects and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard when #e puts in the effort. 8=Although #e is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 9=If #e develops this more positive approach to work and behaviour, #e will reach #h full potential. 10=#E is a clever capable pupil, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 11=#E has the ability to produce good work in all subjects but needs to avoid the temptation to chatter for sustained periods to friends. 12=At certain times #e does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to 'chat' to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 13=#E needs to help with putting resources away. 14=#E needs to concentrate and apply #s in full to achieve #h full potential. 15=I am sure that the challenge of a year six curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. 16=#E sometimes lacks confidence, and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 17=#E is keen to answer questions, but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 18=Occasionally, #e can be easily distracted and #e needs to realise that #e must settle down to work straight away. 19=#E always settles down quickly to work, but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 20=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. COMMENTS: General comments (4) 1=#E has made a good start to year 5 and is settling well into the class. 2=#E has a wide circle of friends and relates well to adults in school. 3=#E has established good relationships with #h peers and adults within school. 4=#E has a close circle of friends and gets on well with any adults #e comes into contact with. 5=#E socialises well with the other children and relates well to adults within school. 6=#E has made an impressive start to year 5 and has settled into the class. 7=#E has made an excellent start to year 5 and has settled easily into the class. 8=#E is adapting well to the demands of the upper school. 9=#E is a confident child who is always polite and friendly. 10=#E is a friendly child who displays a good sense of humour. 11=#E is generally a quiet child who tends to keep #s to #s. 12=#E is a pleasant, friendly child who is always polite. 13=#E shows maturity and co-operates well in the classroom. 14=#E shows a positive attitude to #h work and school. 15=#E shows enthusiasm for #h work. 16=#E sometimes shows a little lack of motivation when it comes to work. 17=#E needs to focus on #h listening skills this year. 18=#E listens well in inputs and contributes to discussions 19=#E has good concentration skills 20=I would like #m to focus on improving #h handwriting this year. COMMENTS: General comments (5) 1=I would like #m to focus on improving the presentation of #h work this year. 2=#E has made a good effort with the presentation of #h work. 3=#E has made some effort to improve the presentation of #h work. 4=#E needs to take homework a little more seriously, ensuring that work is returned to school at the correct time. 5=#E has started to take homework a little more seriously, returning #h work at the correct time. 6=#E has worked conscientiously in all areas of the curriculum and made every effort to present #h work well. 7=It would be of benefit to #m if #e remembers to do #h homework and return it to school at the right time. 8=I would like #m to remember to take #h Wellington Square work home every day and to return it to school the next day. 9=#E is a willing helper and takes responsibility seriously. 10=#E is capable of working co-operatively within a group as well as independently. 11=#E is not yet capable of working totally independently of adult help and relies on the support of adults for some tasks. 12=#E finds it easier to work on #h own away from the distractions of working alongside other children but needs to develop the self-discipline of not allowing #s to become distracted. 13=#E has had an excellent year. 14=#E is a good team member with the ability to lead a group and support others sensitively within it. 15=#E is happy working either independently or as part of a group. 16=#E has shown great maturity when dealing with #h peers. 17=#E has maintained #h enthusiasm for learning throughout Year 5, participating fully in every aspect of the curriculum and beyond school in after-school clubs. 18=This is constantly reflected in the quality of #h work. 19=#E has had a good year academically, achieving good results across the curriculum. 20=#E takes great pride in the presentation of #h work, and the content is of equally high quality. COMMENTS: General comments (6) 1=#E has a very positive attitude to school and works quietly and conscientiously in class. 2=#E has made good progress over the year and is much better now at settling to a task, having developed a positive attitude to #h work. 3=#E has had a good year and continues to make good progress in #h work. 4=#H levels of concentration have shown an improvement over the year. 5=#E has a sensible and mature attitude to school. 6=#E is gaining in maturity and confidence, working towards greater independence in #h work. 7=Over the year #N's confidence has noticeably blossomed. 8=#E has a close circle of friends which has remained fairly constant throughout Year 5. 9=#E is a sociable child with a number of friends within the class. 10=#E is a happy, friendly child of a confident disposition. 11=#E has enjoyed good relationships with the others in the class and maintained a close friendship circle throughout the year. 12=#E is a confident and outgoing child who has developed a wide circle of friends and also has good relationships with adults around school. 13=#E has been a lively personality in the class, enjoying good relationships with a wide circle of friends. 14=#E is becoming more able to co-operate when #e is working within a group, depending on the nature of the task. 15=#E can, however, have a tendency to distract others from their work and #e needs to learn to respect their need to concentrate. 16=#E can, however, be easily distracted when listening to inputs and #e would do well to sit away from #h friends at these times so that the temptation is not so great! 17=#E lacks a little confidence in class discussions and will hold back unless encouraged to participate verbally. 18=#E is much more confident on a one to one or in a small group situation. 19=#E is a friendly but quiet child who lacks confidence when speaking to the class and joining in with class discussions. As a consequence #e seems to find it easier to work independently rather than within a group. 20=#E needs very clear structures to work to and much support to ensure that #e focuses on a task and completes it within a given time. COMMENTS: General comments (7) 1=#E has a circle of friends with whom #e socialises well during break times. 2=#E is a popular child with a wide friendship group among #h peers. #E has the odd tiff with #h friends but this always appears to resolve itself very quickly. 3=#E has worked with enthusiasm throughout #h time in Year 5, showing a positive attitude in all that #e tackles. 4=#E has had a good year and has continued to make progress in all areas of #h work due to #h positive approach. 5=#E is a quiet child with a good attitude towards #h work 6=#E has a very positive attitude to school which is reflected in the standard of #h work and #h continued ability to focus on the task in hand. 7=#E has a good attitude towards school and is well motivated and conscientious in class. 8=In group situations, #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions and supporting others. 9=When working in a group #e is a good team member, making valuable contributions to the work. 10=#E is a good team member in group work situations as well as being capable of working well on #h own. 11=#E is a well-liked member of the class and I have enjoyed having #m in my class this year! 12=#E is a happy and popular character in the class and I have thoroughly enjoyed having #m in my class. 13=#E has worked well and with enthusiasm throughout the year. 14=#E has much enthusiasm in particular areas of the curriculum which I'm sure #e will develop successfully. 15=#E has good concentration and settles well to tasks in class. 16=#E has proved #s to be hard-working and motivated in most areas of #h work. 17=#E still occasionally forgets #s and becomes distracted, and can be prone to chattiness. 18=#H maturity has continued to develop and #e shows great sensitivity towards others. 19=#E has a close circle of friends and is very supportive to others within the class, helping those who need it whenever #e can. 20=#H good-natured and helpful disposition has been an asset to the class. COMMENTS: General comments (8) 1=Throughout the year, #e has always been polite, helpful and co-operative. 2=#E has always behaved well in class. 3=On the whole a good year, but #e would do well to improve on #h concentration and listening skills for next year. 4=#E has a mature and responsible attitude to #h work and to #h chores around the classroom. 5=#E is a friendly, helpful child who relates well to #h peers and is confident in #h dealings with adults. 6=#E is a friendly child and has had good relationships with any adults #e comes into contact with in school. 7=Although mostly of a sensible and studious nature, #e can have spells of silliness and giggly behaviour which can be detrimental and #e would do well to learn to control these in the classroom environment. COMMENTS: RE 1 Year 5 1=#N listens carefully to stories from the Bible. #N is capable of discussing what messages they convey and is able to link religious understanding to these stories. 2=#E is also able to retell the stories using the correct vocabulary and can make links to religious actions. 3=#N understands that the Bible is made up of different books and is able to follow references to find these 4=#E has covered a number of topics including 5=#N is able to make particularly thoughtful contributions to class discussions. 6=#N uses a developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of sources, practices, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences. 7=#E is able to makes links between Old and New Testament scripture. 8=#E is able to describe some similarities and differences between the Catholic faith and that of others. 9=#E is able to describe the impact of religion on people�s lives. 10=#E is able to suggest meanings for a range of forms of religious expression and celebration. 11=#E is able to explain the meaning and symbolism in Sacraments such as Marriage. 12=#E is able to recall stories from the Bible and to explain the moral message behind them. 13=#N is able to identify important features of the Catholic faith and explain the importance of these features. 14=#E can identify how faith is expressed in different ways. 15=During this last topic #N was able to make particularly thoughtful contributions to class discussions. COMMENTS: RE 2 Year 5 1=#N is developing an understanding of some of the basic elements of Catholic theology. 2=#E thinks critically about aspects of our Faith, questions things and is starting to think about the scriptural basis for what we believe. 3=#N has a very keen interest in morality and considers right or wrong in light of what #e thinks Jesus would do. 4=#N has a good knowledge of the Bible and is able to suggest other specific examples in scripture that relate to the scripture being discussed in the lesson. 5=#E is able to relate what the Old Testament prophets predicted, to the events in the New Testament. 6=#E understands and is able to explain the symbolism involved in the sacrifice of Jesus, as the Lamb of God, to the sacrament of the Eucharist. 7=#N understands and is able to explain how and why the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost and what it spurred the disciples to do. 8=#E understands and can explain the main reasons why Jesus appeared to Cleopas on the road to Emmaus and accompanied him for several hours before revealing Himself. 9=#N understands the importance of prayer and knows that personal prayer can take many forms. 10=#E is beginning to understand the importance of community in regard to communal Christian worship. 11=#E is able to discuss and express reasons why Jesus chose to represent certain types of people in the parables He told (eg why he chose a Samaritan to be the one to stop and help, and why he chose a Rabbi and a Levite to be the ones to walk on by). 12=#E is able to link the second coming of Christ to scripture from both New and Old Testament. 13=#E can relate our waiting in joyful hope for Christ's second coming to waiting during Advent, to Old Testament prophecy, and to the waiting of the Jews in the Old Testament. COMMENTS: RE Statement Good 1=#N understands that the Bible is made up of different books and is able to follow references to find these. #N is capable of discussing the messages contained in Bible stories and is able to link religious understanding to these stories. #E is able to makes links between Old and New Testament scripture. #E understands and is able to explain the symbolism involved in the sacrifice of Jesus, as the Lamb of God, to the sacrament of the Eucharist. 2=#E also understands and is able to explain how and why the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost and what it spurred the disciples to do. COMMENTS: RE Statement very top 1=#N has a good knowledge of the Bible and is able to suggest other specific examples in scripture that relate to the scripture being discussed in the lesson. #E understands and is able to explain how and why the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples at Pentecost and what it spurred the disciples to do. #E understands and is able to explain the symbolism involved in the sacrifice of Jesus, as the Lamb of God, to the sacrament of the Eucharist. 2=#N is very familiar with the Bible and is able to recall stories from the Bible and explain the moral message behind them. #E thinks critically about aspects of our Faith, questions things and is starting to think about the scriptural basis for what we believe. #E is able to link the second coming of Christ to scripture from both New and Old Testament. COMMENTS: RE Year 5 1=#N listens carefully to stories from the Bible. #N is capable of discussing what messages they convey and is able to link religious understanding to these stories. 2=#E is also able to retell the stories using the correct vocabulary and can make links to religious actions. 3=#N understands that the Bible is made up of different books and is able to follow references to find these 4=#E has covered a number of topics including 5=#N is able to make particularly thoughtful contributions to class discussions. 6=#N uses a developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of sources, practices, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences. 7=#E is able to makes links between Old and New Testament scripture. 8=#E is able to describe some similarities and differences between the Catholic faith and that of others. 9=#E is able to describe the impact of religion on people�s lives. 10=#E is able to suggest meanings for a range of forms of religious expression and celebration. 11=#E is able to explain the meaning and symbolism in Sacraments such as Marriage. 12=#E is able to recall stories from the Bible and to explain the moral message behind them. 13=#N is able to identify important features of the Catholic faith and explain the importance of these features. 14=#E can identify how faith is expressed in different ways. 15=During this last topic #N was able to make particularly thoughtful contributions to class discussions. COMMENTS: Reading 1=By the end of Year 4, students are expected to be reading at level 30+. #N is currently reading at level #ReadingLevels. 2=#E can identify the features and purposes of a range of text types, including poetry, recounts and information reports. 3=#E is starting to identify the features and purposes of a range of text types, including poetry, recounts and information reports. 4=#N demonstrates the ability to locate appropriate texts for different purposes using #h library and online research skills as evidenced by #h engagement in the First Fleet history unit. 5=#N is becoming more willing to locate appropriate texts for different purposes using #h library and online research skills as evidenced by #h engagement in the First Fleet history unit. 6=With help, #N can locate appropriate texts for different purposes using #h library and online research skills as evidenced by #h engagement in the First Fleet history unit. COMMENTS: Religion Sem 2 Year 5 1=#N has demonstrated a solid understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 2=#N has demonstrated a sound understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 3=#N has demonstrated a developing understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 4=#E is able to discuss and explain the sacraments as actions of the risen Christ and the Church, and shares ways that the Holy Spirit is present in the community. 5=#E is beginning to discuss and explain the sacraments as actions of the risen Christ and the Church, and shares ways that the Holy Spirit is present in the community. 6=#N explored the concept of sacramentality and the place of sacraments in the life of the Church. 7=#N is developing an understanding of the concept of sacramentality and the place of sacraments in the life of the Church. 8=#E names a variety of ways in which #e can reach out to others during Advent, through gestures such as volunteering, alms giving and good deeds. 9=#E is beginning to understand ways in which #e can reach out to others during Advent, through gestures such as volunteering, alms giving and good deeds. 10=#N identifies the values grounded in Jesus' words and deeds such as harmony, hope, wellbeing, joy, peace, and how we can live these values. 11=#N is learning to identify the values grounded in Jesus' words and deeds such as harmony, hope, wellbeing, joy, peace, and how we can live these values. 12=#E shows the ability to critique the ways in which the media and peer groups influence decision making. 13=#E is beginning to critique the ways in which the media and peer groups influence decision making. 14=#N effectively uses a developing religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of practices and beliefs in relation to the Catholic tradition. 15=#N is increasing #h use of religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of practices and beliefs in relation to the Catholic tradition. 16=#E understands that the Bible is made up of different books and is able to follow references to find these. 17=#E is expanding #h understanding of the Bible and is beginning to follow references to find various books and scriptural readings. 18=#N demonstrates an understanding of the physical, social and emotional growth and development that occurs in males and females during puberty. 19=#E participates respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. 20=#E is beginning to participate respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. COMMENTS: Religion2015Sem2 1=#N has demonstrated a solid understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of most topics covered in Religion this semester. 3=#N has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 4=#E explored the seven sacraments and is able to name and explain their significance to the Catholic faith. 5=#E explored the seven sacraments and is starting to understand their significance to the Catholic faith. 6=#N examined a variety of liturgical celebrations and prayers. 7=#E recognises how prayer is a dynamic encounter with God. 8=#E is beginning to recognise how prayer is a dynamic encounter with God. 9=#N is able to write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 10=#N is starting to write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 11=#E shows an appreciation of #h own tradition and respect for other religious traditions. 12=#E is developing an appreciation of #h own tradition and respect for other religious traditions. 13=#N applies the message of Jesus in school life. 14=#N is beginning to apply the message of Jesus in school life. 15=#E recognises that humanity is an expression of God's creative love. 16=#N is able to identify the distinct stages of growth and change in human development. 17=#N always participates in Mass and liturgies with reverence. 18=#N usually participates in Mass and liturgies with reverence. COMMENTS: Religion2018Sem1 1=#N has demonstrated a sound understanding of all topics covered in Religion. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of most topics covered in Religion. 3=#N has demonstrated an solid understanding of all topics covered in Religion. 4=#E explored the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Faith and the colours of the liturgical seasons. 5=#E explored the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Faith and the colours of the liturgical seasons. 6=#N has written an imaginative recount of the events of Holy Week. 7=#E is able to write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 8=#E is starting to write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 9=#N recognises #h Christian leadership qualities and has examined famous Christian leaders and their contribution to social justice. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 1 Intro 1=#N is a friendly, cheerful student who is making steady progress. 2=#N has a questioning and inquisitive mind and consistently offers creative suggestions and ideas in class discussions. 3=#N is a pleasant, easy-going student who has made steady progress in many aspects of #h work this semester. 4=#N is conscientious and hardworking and keen to do #h best. 5=#N is a friendly, enthusiastic student who is working hard to close the gaps in #h learning. 6=#N is a friendly member of the class, who regularly contributes to class discussions. 7=#N is a friendly, cheerful student who works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 2 Behaviour 1=#E needs to remember to keep up #h best behaviour in all circumstances. 2=#H behaviour is usually acceptable but there are occasions when #e needs to be reminded to follow class rules. 3=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and works with enthusiasm, regularly contributing to class discussions. 4=#E is an excellent group member and can be depended on to take responsible leadership. 5=#N is usually a cooperative #b who settles into #h work and usually tries to do #h best. Although #N is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 6=#E is listening more carefully and keeping on task for longer periods of time. #E needs to keep up this effort and consolidate #h progress. 7=#E is always polite and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#E has a clever sense of humour, is always polite and gets along well with everyone. 9=#E enjoys sharing a laugh with both teachers and students; however #e is still learning the delicate balance between having fun and disrupting others. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 3 Cooperation 1=#N is an excellent group member and can be depended on to take responsible leadership. 2=#E has made a pleasing effort to participate in group activities. 3=#N works reasonably well as part of a small group but must value the ideas and opinions of others. 4=#N works very well in a small group and can be counted on to take responsible leadership. 5=#N is working reasonably well as part of a small group, although must try to keep #h concentration on the task at hand. 6=#N generally works well as part of a small group; however #e is still learning to work effectively with others outside #h close friendship circle. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 4 Final 1=#N is a valued member of the class. 2=#N is valued by #h peers and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. 3=#N is willing to take part in all classroom activities and is a pleasure to have in the class. 4=#N is a positive role model for other students and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. 5=#N is well-organised and is always correctly equipped for each day. #E is a valued member of the class. 6=#N has an enjoyable sense of humour and is a valued member of the class. 7=#N is a conscientious student and it is a pleasure to have #m in the classroom. 8=#N is helpful and kind to both teachers and students, and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: ScienceSem22015 1=This semester, Year 4 students have been learning about Materials, Earth Science and Forces. 2=#N has achieved sound results in all areas of Science. 3=#N has achieved solid results in all areas of Science. 4=#N has achieved basic results in all areas of Science. 5=#E is able to investigate how the properties of materials determine their effectiveness for use in certain applications. 6=#E is beginning to investigate how the properties of materials determine their effectiveness for use in certain applications. 7=#N designed and constructed a boat using different materials which was able to hold significant weight without sinking. 8=#E can explore and describe how the MacDonnell Ranges have changed as a result of natural processes. 9=#E is starting explore and describe how the MacDonnell Ranges have changed as a result of natural processes. 10=#N demonstrates increasing knowledge of our planet and is able to describe the effects of weathering and erosion on the Earth's surface. 11=#N demonstrates increasing knowledge of our planet and is learning to describe the effects of weathering and erosion on the Earth's surface. 12=#E is capable of explaining how forces can cause things to change speed or direction. 13=#E is is developing the ability to explain how forces can cause things to change speed or direction. 14=#N designed a marble run to investigate the effect of different forces, such as friction and gravity, on the behaviour of an object. 15=#E can confidently generate design ideas and communicate these using presentations and models. 16=#E is beginning to generate design ideas and communicate these using presentations and models. 17=#N is beginning to identify the steps, resources and assistance #e needs to make #h designs. 18=#E is able to communicate with others to share #h experiences and improve #h investigative skills. 19=#N is able to reflect on an investigation to determine whether a test was fair or not. 20=#E demonstrates the ability to identify the positive and negative impact of technology on the environment. COMMENTS: Sem2LearningAchievement16 1=#E was elected by #h peers onto the Student Representative Council where #e had the opportunity to develop #h leadership skills. 2=#N was nominated as a Bennett House captain by #h peers and always represents #h house with pride. 3=#N's First Fleet Diary shows a developing skill level in writing and demonstrates the key concepts covered in Recount Writing this semester. 4=#N produced a moving recount based on the life of a convict, which demonstrates a solid understanding of Recount Writing. 5=#E is currently reading beyond level PM30 and is now at level ?? of the Probe reading assessments. 6=#E is currently reading at level PM30. 7=#N is encouraged to read every night at home to increase #h fluency and vocabulary. 8=In Religion, #e strives to be reverent and respectful during Liturgies and Masses. 9=In Religion, #e is always reverent and respectful during Liturgies and Masses. 10=In Mathematics, #N is applying a larger variety of strategies to solve open-ended computation problems. 11=#N has developed confidence in Mathematics and is taking risks without worrying about being incorrect. 12=#E has been working hard to memorise number facts and can recall multiplication and division facts up to #h 12 times tables. 13=#E is learning to recall #h times table and is improving #h ability to recall multiplication and division facts up to #h 10's tables. 14=#E is able to recall #h times table and is improving #h ability to recall division facts up to #h 10's tables. 15=#E is able to recall #h times table and division facts up to the 10's tables. 16=#E is able to recall #h times table and division facts up to the 10's tables with confidence. 17=I wish #m all the best as #e enters Year 5. Congratulations, #N! 18=#N has been a pleasure to teach and I wish #m all the best as #e enters Year 5! 19=It has been an absolute pleasure teaching #N this year. I wish #m all the best as #e enters Year 5. Keep up the amazing work! 20=#N has been a pleasure to teach and I wish #m all the best as #e enters Year 5. Great effort, Samuel! COMMENTS: Semester1LeaningAcheivementsYr3 1=#N takes pride in #h writing and is capable of editing #h writing for meaning, appropriate structure, grammar and punctuation. 2=#N takes pride in #h writing and is developing the ability of editing #h writing for meaning, appropriate structure, grammar and punctuation. 3=#E can draw on #h critical thinking skills and can confidently share #h understanding of a text studied in class. 4=#E is developing #h critical thinking skills and can share #h understanding of a text studied in class. 5=#N has a solid understanding of number concepts and can competently recognise, model and represent numbers to 10 000. 6=#N has a developing understanding of number concepts and is beginning recognise, model and represent numbers to 10 000. 7=#E demonstrates an eagerness learning patterns and shows confidence in identifying and describing the rule for number patterns. 8=#E enjoys learning patterns and shows an increasing ability in identifying and describing the rule for number patterns. COMMENTS: Term 1 Behavior Closing Statement 1=#N is encouraged to focus during instructional activities. 2=#E is working towards achieving academic success. 3=#E will be encouraged to take responsibility for #h own work and apply #s to each task. 4=It is possible for #N to exceed grade expectations with some extra effort. #E needs to apply more effort and learn to pace #s. COMMENTS: Term 1 Behavior Proficient 1=#N is a good citizen. #E is dependable, responsible, and respectful. 2=#N is a pleasant, respectful, and well-behaved student. 3=#N is anxious to please. 4=#N has a pleasant disposition and gets along with other children. 5=#N is cooperative and well mannered. #E works cooperatively in groups when planning and carrying out activities. 6=#N is a diligent student that gets along well with others. #E participates in class and shows initiative by thinking things through for #s. 7=#N gets along well with other students in class. #E has an excellent attitude towards learning and follows directions well. #N has great potential in #h studies and works toward achieving academic success. 8=#N is a diligent student. #E works cooperatively with others in groups and when planning and carrying out activities. #E is extremely conscientious and follows directions well. #N is an independent learner who shows initiative and thinks things through for #s. COMMENTS: Term 1 Data and Graphing 1=#E can create, interpret and describe a variety of graphs. 2=#E is beginning to compare, describe and interpret various graphs. 3=#N can compare different data displays and can create bar graphs from tally marks independently. 4=#E is able to compare different data displays and create bar graphs from tally marks. 5=#E is able to create, describe and interpret a variety of graphs and can create bar graphs from tally marks. 6=#E is beginning to interpret graphs, apply that information, and use it in problem solving. 7=#E is able to describe and interpret various graphs and can create bar graphs from tally marks with guidance. COMMENTS: Term 1 Integrated Studies 1=During our unit study, We are the World, #N worked collaboratively in a small group to complete a continent project on #Geography. While engaging in a variety of experiences, #N learned more about our moon, galaxy, and solar system through our Leap into Space unit. 2=For our social studies unit, The World Around Us, #N was able to complete a group project on the continent #Geography. While engaging in a variety of experiences, #N learned more about our moon, galaxy, and solar system through our Leap into Space unit. COMMENTS: Term 1 Math Attitudes Encouraged 1=#N is encouraged to show flexibility when approaching math problems by attempting a variety of solutions. 2=#N is encouraged to show thoroughness in Math by checking answers, responding to all questions, and collecting enough information to solve a problem. 3=#N is encouraged to show creativity in Math by using unique approaches and responses to problems. 4=#N is encouraged to show curiosity in Math by engaging in a variety of problems and persist when problem solving. 5=#N is encouraged to show logical reasoning and generate practical suggestions to problems in Math. 6=#N is encouraged to use a variety of strategies and pose interesting and sensible questions in Math when solving problems. 7=#E will be encouraged to continue to practice basic math facts to build skills and confidence. 8=#N is encouraged to seek help when #e does not understand Math concepts. 9=#E will be encouraged to continue to practice basic math facts for speed and accuracy. 10=#N will continue to be given challenges in Math to increase #h conceptual understanding. 11=With more time and practice, #N will improve in #h speed and accuracy of calculating larger numbers. COMMENTS: Term 1 Number and Operations 1=#E is able to demonstrate addition and subtraction of whole numbers with ease. 2=#N usually needs assistance when adding and subtracting two digit numbers and usually needs additional time to complete Math tasks. 3=#N is able to add and subtract two digit numbers with guidance. 4=#E is working on rounding numbers and ordering numbers to the nearest ten and hundred. 5=#E is able to round numbers to the tens and hundreds with guidance. 6=#E is working on adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers. 7=#E is able to add and subtract two and three digit numbers accurately. 8=#N needs more time and guidance to add and subtract two and three digit numbers. 9=#N struggles with adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers. Extra practice and support would be helpful. 10=#E understands and computes story problems with ease. 11=#E can solve word problems with ease. 12=#N is working on adding and subtracting two and three digit numbers, however, #e usually needs one to one support for completing tasks. 13=#E understands and uses basic math facts up to 20 independently. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Closing 1=#E will be encouraged to use post it notes when coming across new vocabulary. 2=#E will benefit from using post it notes to highlight important areas when reading stories. 3=#N is encouraged to make note of new vocabulary while reading and practice reading out loud to develop #h fluency and understanding. 4=#N will be encouraged to use meaning clues to help #h learn new vocabulary. 5=#N is encouraged to use decoding skills and make note of new words when reading. 6=#N is working on reading fluency and pace. #E will benefit from reading out loud when at home. 7=#N is encouraged to read a variety of genres to increase #h understanding. 8=#N is encouraged to take note of story elements to improve #h retelling of stories and comprehension. 9=#N needs to practice reading out loud to develop #h reading fluency and pace. This will help #m comprehend more challenging texts. 10=#N will be encouraged to continue to read a variety of texts to increase #h understanding. 11=#N will be encouraged to use a dictionary and take note of new vocabulary. This will increase #h comprehension. 12=#N needs to continue to develop #h vocabulary in order for #m to increase #h comprehension and understanding. 13=#N will be encouraged to read the words on the page without substituting for other words. 14=#N will be encouraged to use meaning clues to increase comprehension and understanding. 15=#N is encouraged to read for meaning and use the main ideas in stories to retell and increase understanding. 16=#N needs to increase #h vocabulary in order to increase #h reading fluency and pace. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Decoding 1=#E is beginning to use context clues to help #m learn new vocabulary. 2=#E uses structural cues, with guidance, to help #m understand new vocabulary. 3=#E uses visual information to decode new words. 4=#E displays good decoding skills when tackling new vocabulary. 5=#E is beginning to sound out unknown words and rereads for mistakes. 6=#E sometimes substitutes other words for words in the text when #e is reading. 7=#E is beginning to reread for errors and read punctuation correctly. 8=#E uses good decoding skills and is able to comprehend what #e reads. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Fluency Expression 1=#N is an avid reader and reads with good expression and fluency. 2=#N is working on reading words fully and slowing down to check for mistakes. 3=#N reads simple texts with good fluency and expression. 4=#E is working on improving #h reading fluency and pace. 5=#N reads with good expression and fluency. 6=#E is able to read with good expression and self-corrects independently. 7=#E is beginning to increase #h reading fluency and will benefit from reading out loud. 8=#E has shown improvement with #h reading fluency and expression. 9=#E is working on reading at a faster pace. 10=#E reads primarily in three or four word phrases and slows down to figure out new words. 11=#N is able to read fluently and rapidly while paying attention to punctuation. 12=#N reads fluently by recognizing most words quickly and automatically. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Intro 1=#N is currently reading at an appropriate second grade level. 2=#N has shown improvement in #h reading skills since the beginning of the school year. 3=#N is currently reading above the expected level for this time of year in second grade. 4=#N is currently exceeding expectations in reading. 5=#N is currently meeting expectations in reading. 6=#N is an avid reader. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Retelling Comprehension 1=#E is able to understand and discuss story elements including characters and setting. 2=#E is working on retelling stories by summarizing using characters, setting, problem and solution. 3=#N is able to refer to the text when retelling the main idea in stories. 4=#E is able to discuss characters in a story and the problems they face. 5=#E is beginning to ask questions for predicting the text. Continued effort with this will help increase #h reading comprehension. 6=#N is able to comprehend and retell simple texts. 7=#E is able to discuss characters and the problems they face in stories. 8=#E is able to discuss the elements of fiction and non-fiction texts with guidance. 9=#E is able to share #h ideas and opinions about stories when in small group settings. 10=#E uses expression in #h oral reading and comprehends stories with guidance. 11=#E is able to retell stories using vocabulary from the text. 12=#E is able to make personal connections to the stories #e reads. 13=#E is able to retell stories by discussing the characters and the problems they face. 14=#N reflects satisfactory understanding of stories and text. #E includes important information and ideas when retelling a story. 15=#E reflects excellent understanding of stories and texts. #N includes almost all important information and main ideas when retelling a story. 16=#N reflects limited understanding about the the stories #e reads. #E mentions a few facts or ideas but does not express the important information or concepts. COMMENTS: Term 1 Reading Vocabulary 1=#E is beginning to think about what #e has read and is using the glossary to help #h understand new words. 2=#E is able to find similes for new vocabulary and discuss elements of a story with guidance. 3=#E is beginning to use note-taking procedures for finding and learning new words. 4=#E uses vocabulary from the text when retelling stories. 5=#E is able to use vocabulary from the text, with guidance, when retelling. 6=#E is beginning to use picture clues to help understand new vocabulary. 7=#E is able to use a glossary with guidance. COMMENTS: Term 1 Time and Measurement 1=#N is beginning to understand how to tell time and calculate elapsed time to the half and whole hours. 2=#E is able to use a calendar and tell time to the whole and half hour. 3=#N is able to calculate elapsed time with guidance. 4=#N can read time to the whole and half hour and can calculate elapsed time and with guidance. 5=#E has a good understanding of telling time and calculating elapsed time to the whole and half hour. 6=#N can tell time to the whole and half hour, however, #e would benefit from practicing elapsed time. 7=#E is able to tell time and calculate elapsed time to the whole and half hour. 8=#E is able to tell time to the whole and half hour and #e is beginning to accurately calculate elapsed time. 9=#E understands the concept of telling time to the whole and half hour and can calculate elapsed time with guidance. 10=#E is able to read time to the whole and half hour independently. COMMENTS: Term 1 Work Habits Proficient 1=#N participates actively in class. 2=#N uses #h time wisely. #E is working to full capacity in all subjects. 3=#N is highly motivated to do #h personal best. 4=#N demonstrates a high level of competence. #E has great potential and works toward achieving academic success. 5=#N is becoming more dependable during work periods. #H work has improved steadily. 6=#N has shown an encouraging desire to improve. #E is making steady progress. COMMENTS: Term 1 Work Habits Progress 1=As #e continues to mature academically, #N will experience greater success. 2=#N is learning to be a better listener. 3=Although #N is an independent learner, #e often gets easily distracted in class. #E will be encouraged to stay focused on the task at hand. 4=#N does not complete assignments in the allotted time. #E needs to apply more effort and learn to pace #s. 5=In order for #N to be successful in school, #e will need to take responsibility for #h own work and apply #s to each task. 6=#N needs encouragement and direct supervision to apply effort to #h work. 7=#N is not working to #h potential. It is possible for #m to exceed grade expectations with some extra effort. COMMENTS: Term 1 Writing 2 1=#N is able to capitalize proper nouns with guidance. 2=#E is working on using punctuation to break up sentences. 3=#E is beginning to use punctuation to break up sentences. 4=#N is working on using capitals to begin a sentence and is able to use punctuation to break up longer sentences with guidance. 5=In #h most recent published piece, #e was able to write a strong introduction with a clear sequence of events. 6=#E likes to add drawings and sketches to #h published writing pieces. 7=#E is beginning to add details to #h writing and use #h senses to add description with guidance. 8=#E has a good use of voice and is able to organize #h writing well. 9=#E has a tendency to need much guidance to get started. 10=#E uses dialogue and quotations in #h writing and is beginning to use conjunctions with guidance. 11=#E has a good use of voice and incorporates dialogue in #h writing. 12=#E is beginning to reread for errors and focus on specific events in #h writing. 13=#E enjoys experimenting with larger vocabulary words and uses good descriptions. 14=#E usually shows good organizational skills and sequence making it easier for the reader to understand. 15=#E writes about personal experiences and experiments with various vocabulary to make #h writing interesting for the reader. 16=#N is working on using capitals to begin a sentence and is beginning to use punctuation to break up longer sentences with guidance. COMMENTS: Term 1 Writing 3 1=#E incorporates dialogue in #h writing and uses descriptive language. 2=#E experiments with big words and is beginning to revise #h work by adding more details. 3=#E has a good use of voice and uses descriptive language in #h writing. 4=#E has a strong voice in #h writing and shows good use of expression. 5=#E experiments and takes risks using big words and uses vocabulary to show expression. 6=#E is working on sequencing events to make it easier for the reader to understand. 7=#E is able to add details to #h writing, with guidance, to make it easier for the reader to understand. 8=#E is able to use capitals to start sentences and uses quotation marks with guidance. 9=Once #e has an idea, #N is able to add details to #h writing. 10=#E is beginning to adverbs in #h writing. 11=#E is working on correctly using past tense verbs and punctuation to break up sentences. 12=#E is working on breaking up #h ideas into smaller stories and adding more details to specific events. COMMENTS: Term 1 Writing 4 1=#E has shown improvement with #h handwriting and is able to form letters correctly when #e concentrates. 2=When editing, #N is able to highlight misspelled words and is able to add details with guidance. 3=#E is able to use punctuation to break up sentences with guidance. 4=When rereading for mistakes, #N highlights misspelled words and uses a dictionary with guidance. 5=#E is able to use #h senses to add details with guidance. 6=#E is beginning to break up run on sentences with punctuation and is able to use capital letters in titles and proper nouns with guidance. 7=#E usually writes in short, simple sentences. #N needs to add more details to #h writing to make it more interesting for the reader. 8=When reading for mistakes, #N is beginning to highlight misspelled words with guidance. 9=When editing, #N is working on locating misspelled words. #E would benefit from using the Key Words chart or a dictionary. COMMENTS: Term 1 Writing Closing 1=#N will be encouraged to break up #h ideas into smaller, more focused stories. 2=#N will be encouraged to use the Key Words chart when spelling commonly used words and sight words in #h writing. 3=#E will be encouraged to check for errors carefully when rereading #h own writing. 4=#E will be encouraged to sequence the order of events to make it easier for the reader to understand. 5=#N will be encouraged to sound out words #e doesn't know and to use a dictionary to help find the spelling of words #e is unsure about. 6=#N will be encouraged to add details and use dialogue in #h writing. 7=#N will be encouraged to use a stronger voice in #h writing and add describing words to expand #h sentences. 8=#E is encouraged to improve #h voice in writing by adding emotions and expression. 9=#N will be working on using more feelings and emotions in #h writing. 10=#E will be working on writing about #s feelings and emotions to make #h writing more interesting for the reader. 11=#N needs to concentrate on using proper subject/verb agreement in #h writing to make it easier for the reader to understand. 12=#E will be encouraged to add more detailed conclusions. 13=#N sometimes has difficulty staying focused during writing. #E will be encouraged to use anchor charts in the classroom to help get ideas for writing in order to use #h time productively. 14=#N is beginning to understand proper subject/verb agreement. #E would benefit by rereading for errors and using a dictionary when editing #h work. 15=#N will be encouraged to continue adding details to #h writing to expand #h sentences. 16=#E will be encouraged to use dialogue in #h writing and focus on incorporating feelings and emotions into #h writing. 17=#N will be encouraged to circle unknown words when editing and use the Key Words chart to spell common words. 18=#N will be encouraged to expand #h sentences by adding more details and descriptions to #h writing. COMMENTS: Term 1 Writing intro 1=#N generates good ideas for writing through Writing Workshop. 2=#N writes about personal experiences and experiments with using descriptive language during Writing Workshop. 3=In Writing Workshop, #N is able to write about personal experiences. 4=In Writing Workshop, #N starts #h stories with feelings, thoughts, and actions. 5=#N develops good ideas for writing during Writing Workshop. 6=#N enjoys writing a variety of stories during Writing Workshop. 7=In Writing Workshop, #N takes risks with #h writing and uses descriptive language. 8=#N is becoming more comfortable with writing through Writing Workshop. 9=#N is able to focus on small moments and shows good organization and clear sequence in #h writing. 10=Through Writing Workshop, #N has been able to start with actions to make #h writing more interesting. 11=#N produces many ideas during Writing Workshop. 12=#N writes about many topics and usually produces a good volume of writing. COMMENTS: TRA01: Introduction 1=#N has studied counting, partitioning and calculating, securing number facts, understanding shape, handling data and measures, and number relationships. COMMENTS: TRA01: Speaking 1=Year 4 Speaking objectives 2=--------------------------------- 3=#E can offer reasons and evidence for their views, considering alternative opinions. 4=#E responds appropriately to the contributions of others in the light of differing viewpoints. 5=#E tells stories effectively and convey detailed information coherently for listeners. 6=#E has used and reflected on some ground rules used for sustaining talk and interactions. 7=Year 5 Speaking objectives 8=--------------------------------- 9=#E is able to tell a story using notes designed to cue #h techniques, such as repetition, recap and humour. 10=#E has presented a spoken argument, sequencing #h points logically, defending #h views with evidence and making effective use of persuasive language. 11=#E has used and explored different question types and different ways words are used in both in formal and informal contexts. 12=Year 6 Speaking objectives 13=--------------------------------- 14=#E could use a range of oral techniques to present #h persuasive arguments and engaging narratives. 15=#E participate in whole-class debate using the conventions and language of debate, including standard English. 16=#E has used the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. COMMENTS: TRA02: Applying 1=Year 4 Using and applying mathematics objectives 2=------------------------------------------------------------ 3=#E was able to solve one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time. 4=#E can choose and carry out appropriate calculations, using calculator methods where appropriate 5=#E is able to represent a puzzle or problem using number sentences, statements or diagrams. 6=#E can use a wide range of informal skills to solve problems. When #e was solved a problem, #e can present and interpret the solution in the context of the problem. 7=#E has suggested a line of enquiry and the strategy needed to follow it. #E was successful in collecting, organising and interpreting #h selected information to #h bid to find the answers. 8=#E can identify and use patterns, relationships and properties of numbers or shapes. 9=#E has investigated a statement involving numbers and tested it with examples. 10=#E is able to report solutions to puzzles and problems, giving #h own explanations and reasoning orally and in writing, using both diagrams and symbols. 11=Year 5 Using and applying mathematics objectives 12=------------------------------------------------------------ 13=#E can solve one-step and two-step problems involving whole numbers and decimals and all four operations, choosing and using appropriate calculation strategies, including calculator use. 14=#E is able to represent a puzzle or problem by identifying and recording the information or calculations needed to solve it. 15=#E has been able to find possible solutions to a problem and confirmed them in the context of the problem 16=#E is able to plan and pursue an enquiry. #E is able to present evidence by collecting, organising and interpreting #h information. #E can suggest extensions to #h enquiry to increase its scope. 17=#E is able to explore patterns, properties and relationships and propose a general statement involving numbers or shapes. #E is then able to identify examples for which the statement is true or false. 18=#E can explain #h reasoning by using diagrams, graphs and text. #E has been successful in refining #h ways of recording using images and symbols. 19=Year 6 Using and applying mathematics objectives 20=------------------------------------------------------------ COMMENTS: TRA02: Applying--part2 1=#E is able to solve multi-step problems, and problems involving fractions, decimals and percentages. #E choose and use the appropriate calculation strategies at each stage, including calculator #h use. 2=#E has tabulated systematically the information in a problem or puzzle.#E has then identified and recorded the steps or calculations needed to solve it, using symbols where appropriate. When complete, #e interpreted #h solutions in the original context and checkd #h accuracy. 3=#E is able to suggest, plan and develop lines of enquiry. 4=#E knows how to collect, organise and represent information, interpret results and review #h methods. 5=#E is able to identify and answer related questions. 6=#E has represented and and interpreted sequences, patterns and relationships involving numbers and shapes. 7=#E has suggested and tested hypotheses related to #h ideas. 8=#E is able to construct and use simple expressions and formulae in words then symbols (e.g. the cost of c pens at 15 pence each is 15c pence). 9=#E is able to explain #h reasoning and conclusions, using words, symbols or diagrams as appropriate. COMMENTS: TRA02: Listening 1=Year 4 Listening and responding objectives 2=--------------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to listen to a speaker, make notes on the talk and use notes to develop a role-play. 4=#E is able to compare the different contributions of music, words and images in short extracts from TV programmes. 5=#E can identify how talk varies with age, familiarity, gender and purpose. 6=Year 5 Listening and responding objectives 7=--------------------------------------------------- 8=#E was able to identify different question types and evaluate their impact on #h audience. 9=#E has identified some aspects of talk that vary between formal and informal occasions 10=#E is able to analyse the use of persuasive language. 11=Year 6 Listening and responding objectives 12=--------------------------------------------------- 13=#E was able to make notes when listening for a sustained period and #e has discussed how note-taking varies depending on the context and purpose. 14=#E is able to analyse and evaluate how speakers present points effectively through the use of their language and gestures. 15=#E can listen for language variations in formal and informal contexts. 16=#E is able to identify the ways spoken language varies according to the differences in the context and purpose of its use. COMMENTS: TRA03: Counting 1=Year 4 Counting and understanding number objectives 2=---------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E recognise and continues number sequences formed by counting on or back in steps of constant size. 4=#E can partition, round and order four-digit whole numbers. 5=#E has used positive and negative numbers in context and position them on a number line. 6=#E can state inequalities using the symbols < and > (e.g. -3 > -5, -1 < plus1). 7=#E can use decimal notation for tenths and hundredths and partition decimals. 8=#E has related the notation of decimals to money and measurement. 9=#E was successful in positioning one-place and two-place decimals on a number line. 10=#E can recognise the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms of one half, quarters, tenths and hundredths. 11=#E is able to use diagrams to identify equivalent fractions (e.g. six eighths and three quarters, or seventy hundredths and seven tenths). 12=#E has interpreted mixed numbers and positioned them on a number line (e.g. 3 one half) 13=#E can use the vocabulary of ratio and proportion to describe the relationship between two quantities (e.g. 'There are 2 red beads to every 3 blue beads, or 2 beads in every 5 beads are red'). 14=#E has experienced estimating a proportion (e.g. 'About one quarter of the apples in the box are green'). 15=Year 5 Counting and understanding number objectives 16=---------------------------------------------------------------- 17=#E can count from any given number in whole-number and decimal steps, extending beyond zero when counting backwards. 18=#E can relate numbers to their positions on a number line. 19=#E has explained what each digit represents in whole numbers and decimals with up to two places, and knows how to partition, round and order these numbers. 20=#E is able to express a smaller whole number as a fraction of a larger one (e.g. recognise that 5 out of 8 is five eighths). COMMENTS: TRA03: Counting--part2 1=#E can find equivalent fractions (e.g. seven tenths = fourteen twentieths, or nineteen tenths = 1nine tenths). 2=#E has correctly related fractions to their decimal representations. 3=#E understands percentages as the number of parts in every 100 and #e has expressed tenths and hundredths as percentages. 4=#E can use sequences to scale numbers up or down. 5=#E is capabable of solving problems involving proportions of quantities (e.g. decrease quantities in a recipe designed to feed six people). 6=Year 6 Counting and understanding number objectives 7=---------------------------------------------------------------- 8=#E could find the difference between a positive and a negative integer, or two negative integers, in context. 9=#E has used decimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths. 10=#N can partition, round and order decimals with up to three places, and position them on a number line. 11=#E is able to express a larger whole number as a fraction of a smaller one (e.g. recognise that 8 slices of a 5-slice pizza represents eight fifths or 1three fifths pizzas). 12=#E has simplified fractions by cancelling common factors. 13=#E can order a set of fractions by converting them to fractions with a common denominator. 14=#E can express one quantity as a percentage of another (e.g. express 400 as a percentage of 1000). 15=#E is able to find equivalent percentages, decimals and fractions. 16=#E can solve simple problems involving direct proportion by scaling quantities up or down. COMMENTS: TRA03: Discussion 1=Year 4 Group discussion and interaction objectives 2=------------------------------------------------------------ 3=#N can take different roles in #h groups and #e can use the language appropriate to them, including the roles of leader, reporter, scribe and mentor. 4=#N can use time, resources and group members efficiently by distributing tasks, checking progress and making back-up plans for #h team. 5=#N can identify the main points of each speaker, compare their different arguments and how they are presented. 6=Year 5 Group discussion and interaction objectives 7=------------------------------------------------------------ 8=#N is able to plan and manage a group task over time using different levels of planning. 9=#N understands the different ways to take the lead and how #e can support others in #h group. 10=#N can understand the process of decision making. 11=Year 6 Group discussion and interaction objectives 12=------------------------------------------------------------ 13=#N has considered a number of different examples of conflict and resolution and how the the language was used. 14=#N can understand and use a variety of ways of criticising constructively and #e has also learnt how to respond to criticism by others. COMMENTS: TRA04: Drama 1=Year 4 Drama objectives 2=------------------------------ 3=#E can create roles showing how behaviour can be interpreted from different viewpoints. 4=#E has developed scripts based on #h own improvisation. 5=#E is able to comment constructively on plays and performances, discussing the effects and how they are achieved. 6=Year 5 Drama objectives 7=------------------------------ 8=#E is able to reflect on how working in a role helps to explore complex issues. 9=#E has perform a scripted scene. #E was able to make use of the dramatic conventions. 10=#E uses and recognises the impact of theatrical effects in drama. 11=Year 6 Drama objectives 12=------------------------------ 13=#E can improvise using a range of drama strategies and conventions to explore themes such as hopes, fears and desires. 14=#E has devised a performance and successfully considered how #e could adapt the performance for a specific audience. 15=#E is able to consider the overall impact of a live or recorded performance, identifying dramatic ways of conveying characters' ideas and building tension. COMMENTS: TRA04: Number facts 1=Year 4 Knowing and using number facts objectives 2=------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E can use #h knowledge of addition and subtraction facts and place value to derive sums and differences of pairs of multiples of 10, 100 or 1000. 4=#E has identified the doubles of two-digit numbers. #E can use this knowledge to calculate doubles of multiples of 10 and 100 and derive their corresponding halves. 5=#E has derived and recalled multiplication facts up to 10 â-Š 10, the corresponding division facts and multiples of numbers to 10 up to the tenth multiple. 6=#N can identify pairs of fractions that total 1. 7=Year 5 Knowing and using number facts objectives 8=------------------------------------------------------------- 9=#E is able to use #h knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers to derive the sums, differences, doubles and halves of decimals. 10=#E can quickly recall multiplication facts up to 10 â-Š 10 and then use them to multiply pairs of multiples of 10 and 100. 11=#E can use #h knowledge of multiplication to derive quickly corresponding division facts. 12=#E has identified pairs of factors of two-digit whole numbers and found common multiples (e.g. for 6 and 9). 13=#E is able to use #h knowledge of rounding, place value, number facts and inverse operations to estimate and check calculations. 14=Year 6 Knowing and using number facts objectives 15=------------------------------------------------------------- 16=#E can use #h knowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 10 â-Š 10 to derive related multiplication and division facts involving decimals (e.g. 0.8 â-Š 7, 4.8 Ëœ 6). 17=#E knows how to use #h knowledge of multiplication facts to derive quickly squares of numbers to 12 â-Š 12 and the corresponding squares of multiples of 10. 18=#E has recognised that prime numbers have only two factors and identify prime numbers less than 100. 19=#E recognises the prime factors of two-digit numbers. 20=#E is able to use approximations, inverse operations and tests of divisibility to estimate and check #h results. COMMENTS: TRA05: Calculating 1=Year 4 Calculating objectives 2=----------------------------------- 3=#E is able to add or subtract mentally pairs of two-digit whole numbers (e.g. 47 + 58, 91 - 35). 4=#E has refined and used efficient written methods to add and subtract two-digit and three-digit whole numbers and with money. 5=#E can multiply and divide numbers to 1000 by 10 and then 100 (whole-number answers), understanding the effect. 6=#E can relate to scaling up or down a number. 7=#E has developed and used written methods to record, support and explain multiplication and division of two-digit numbers by a one-digit number, including division with remainders (e.g. 15 â-Š 9, 98 Ëœ 6). 8=#E is able to find fractions of numbers, quantities or shapes (e.g. one fifth of 30 plums, three eighths of a 6 by 4 rectangle). 9=#E is able to use a calculator to carry out one-step and two-step calculations involving all four operations. In addition, #e can recognise negative numbers in the display, correct #h mistaken entries and interpret the display correctly in the context of money. 10=Year 5 Calculating objectives 11=----------------------------------- 12=#E can extend #h mental-methods for whole-number calculations to subtract one near-multiple of 1000 from another (e.g. 6070 - 4097). 13=#E has used efficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to two places. 14=#E can use #h understanding of place value to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000. 15=#E has refined and used efficient written methods to multiply and divide HTU â-Š U, TU â-Š TU, U.t â-Š U and HTU Ëœ U. 16=#E is able to find fractions using division (e.g. one hundredth of 5 kg), and percentages of numbers and quantities (e.g. 10%, 5% and 15% of ?80). 17=#E can use a calculator to solve problems, including those involving decimals or fractions (e.g. find three quarters of 150 g). 18=#E is able to interpret the display correctly in the context of measurements. 19=Year 6 Calculating objectives 20=----------------------------------- COMMENTS: TRA05: Calculating--part2 1=#E is able to calculate mentally with integers and decimals: U.t ± U.t, TU â-Š U, TU Ëœ U, U.t â-Š U, U.t Ëœ U. 2=#E uses efficient written methods to add and subtract integers and decimals, to multiply and divide integers and decimals by a one-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and three-digit integers by a two-digit integer. 3=#E is able to relate fractions to multiplication and division (e.g. 6 Ëœ 2 = one half of 6 = 6 â-Š one half ). 4=#E can express a quotient as a fraction or decimal (e.g. 67 Ëœ 5 = 13.4 or 13two fifths ). 5=#E knows how to find fractions and percentages of whole-number quantities (e.g. five eighths of 96, 65% of 260). 6=#E has used a calculator to solve #h problems involving multi-step calculations correctly. COMMENTS: TRA05: Spelling 1=Year 4 Word structure and spelling objectives 2=------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E can distinguish between the spellings and meanings of common homophones. 4=#E knows and applies #h common spelling rules. 5=#E is developing a range of personal strategies for learning new and irregular words. 6=Year 5 Word structure and spelling objectives 7=------------------------------------------------------- 8=#E is able to spell words containing unstressed vowels. 9=#E know and uses less common prefixes and suffixes such as im-, ir-, -cian. 10=#E is able to group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings. 11=Year 6 Word structure and spelling objectives 12=------------------------------------------------------- 13=#E can spell familiar words correctly and #e is able to employ a range of strategies to spell difficult and unfamiliar words. 14=#E has used a range of appropriate strategies to edit, proofread and correct spelling in #h own work, on paper and on the screen. COMMENTS: TRA06: interpret text 1=Year 4 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives 2=---------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E can identify and summarise evidence from a text to support a hypothesis. 4=#E is able to deduce different characters' reasons for behaviour from their actions and explain how the author's ideas are developed in non-fiction texts. 5=#E used #h knowledge of different organisational features of texts to help #m find information effectively. 6=#E is able to use #h knowledge of word structures and origins to develop #h understanding of word meanings. 7=#E is able to explain how writers use figurative and expressive language to create images and atmosphere. 8=Year 5 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives 9=---------------------------------------------------------------- 10=#E is able to make notes on and use #h evidence from across a text to explain the events or #h ideas. 11=#E can infer a variety of writers' perspectives from what is written and from what is implied. 12=#E has compared different types of narrative and information texts and identified how they are structured. 13=#E is able to distinguish between everyday use of words and their subject-specific use. 14=#E has explored how writers use language for comic and dramatic effects. 15=Year 6 Understanding and interpreting texts objectives 16=---------------------------------------------------------------- 17=#E is able to appraise a text quickly, deciding on its value, quality or usefulness. 18=#E understands underlying themes, causes and points of view. 19=#E is able to understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. 20=#E has explored how word meanings change when used in different contexts. COMMENTS: TRA06: interpret text--part2 1=#E can recognise rhetorical devices used to argue, persuade, mislead and sway the reader. COMMENTS: TRA06: Shapes 1=Year 4 Understanding shape objectives 2=----------------------------------------------- 3=#E was able to draw polygons and classify them by identifying their properties, including their line symmetry. 4=#E can visualise 3-D objects from 2-D drawings. 5=#E has made nets of common solids. 6=#E recognise horizontal and vertical lines. 7=#E can use the eight compass points to describe direction. 8=#E is able to describe and identify the position of a square on a grid of squares. 9=#E know that angles are measured in degrees and that one whole turn is 360∞. 10=#E has compared and ordered angles less than 180∞ 11=Year 5 Understanding shape objectives 12=----------------------------------------------- 13=#E can identify, visualise and describe properties of rectangles, triangles, regular polygons and 3-D solids. 14=#E has used #h knowledge of properties to draw 2-D shapes, and to identify and draw nets of 3-D shapes. 15=#E is able to read and plot coordinates in the first quadrant. 16=#E can recognise parallel and perpendicular lines in grids and shapes. 17=#E has successfully used a set-square and ruler to draw shapes with perpendicular or parallel sides. 18=#E is able to complete patterns with up to two lines of symmetry. 19=#E knows how to draw the position of a shape after a reflection or translation. 20=#E estimates, draws and measures acute and obtuse angles with an angle measurer or protractor to a suitable degree of accuracy. COMMENTS: TRA06: Shapes--part2 1=#E has calculated the angles in a straight line. 2=Year 6 Understanding shape objectives 3=----------------------------------------------- 4=#E has described, identified and visualised parallel and perpendicular edges or faces. In addition, #e has used these properties to classify 2-D shapes and 3-D solids. 5=#E is able to make and draw shapes with an increasing accuracy and #e can apply #h knowledge of their properties. 6=#E is able to visualise and draw on grids of different types where a shape will be after reflection, after translations, or after rotation through 90∞ or 180∞ about its centre or one of its vertices. 7=#E has used coordinates in the first quadrant to draw, locate and complete shapes that meet given properties. 8=#E is able to estimate angles, and use a protractor to measure and draw them, on their own and in shapes. 9=#E is able to calculate angles in a triangle or around a point. COMMENTS: TRA07: Measuring 1=Year 4 Measuring objectives 2=----------------------------------- 3=#E can choose and use standard metric units and their abbreviations when estimating, measuring and recording length, weight and capacity. 4=#E knows the meaning of 'kilo', 'centi' and 'milli' and, where appropriate, #e has use decimal notation to record measurements (e.g. 1.3 m or 0.6 kg). 5=#E is able to interpret intervals and divisions on partially numbered scales and record readings accurately, where appropriate to the nearest tenth of a unit. 6=#E has draw rectangles and measured and calculated their perimeters. During these activities, #e also found the area of rectilinear shapes drawn on a square grid by counting the internal number of squares. 7=#E is able to read time to the nearest minute. 8=#E can use am, pm and 12-hour clock notation. 9=#E knows the appropriate units of time to measure time intervals. 10=#E has calculated time intervals from clocks and timetables. 11=Year 5 Measuring objectives 12=----------------------------------- 13=#E was able to read, choose, use and record standard metric units to estimate and measure length, weight and capacity to a suitable degree of accuracy (e.g. the nearest centimetre) and convert larger to smaller units using decimals to one place (e.g. change 2.6 kg to 2600 g). 14=#E has interpreted a reading that lies between two unnumbered divisions on a scale. 15=#E is able to draw and measure lines to the nearest millimetre. 16=#E has measured and calculated the perimeter of regular and irregular polygons. 17=#E has used the formula for the area of a rectangle to calculate the rectangle's area. 18=#E knows how to read timetables and time using 24-hour clock notation. 19=#E has used a calendar to calculate time intervals 20=Year 6 Measuring objectives COMMENTS: TRA07: Measuring--part2 1=----------------------------------- 2=#E is able to select and use standard metric units of measure and convert between different units using decimals to two places (e.g. change 2.75 litres to 2750 ml, or vice versa). 3=#E can read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments, and #e recognises that the measurement made is approximate and that #e needs to record #h results to a required degree of accuracy. 4=#E is able to compare readings on different scales, for example when using different instruments. 5=#E can calculate the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes. 6=#E knows how to estimate the area of an irregular shape by counting squares. COMMENTS: TRA07: repond to text 1=Year 4 Engaging and responding to texts objectives 2=-------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#N reads extensively #h favourite authors or genres and #e likes to experiment with other types of text. 4=#N is able to interrogate texts to deepen and clarify #h understanding and #h response. 5=#N can explore why and how writers write, including through face-to-face and online contact with authors. 6=Year 5 Engaging and responding to texts objectives 7=-------------------------------------------------------------- 8=#N is able to reflect on #h reading habits and #h preferences and plan #h personal reading goals. 9=#N has compared the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts. 10=#E can compare how a common theme is presented in poetry, prose and other media. 11=Year 6 Engaging and responding to texts objectives 12=------------------------------------------------------------- 13=#E has read extensively and discussed #h personal reading with others, including in #h reading group. 14=#E can sustain #h engagement with longer texts, using a range of different techniques to make the text come alive. 15=#E has compared how writers from different times and places have presented their experiences and how they used their language skills in their writings. COMMENTS: TRA08: Handling Data 1=Year 4 Handling data objectives 2=-------------------------------------- 3=#N can answer a question by identifying what data #e needs to collect. 4=#E has organised, presented, analysed and interpreted #h data in tables, diagrams, tally charts, pictograms and bar charts, using ICT where appropriate. 5=#E is able to compare the impact of representations where the scales have intervals of differing step sizes. 6=Year 5 Handling data objectives 7=-------------------------------------- 8=#N has described the occurrence of familiar events using the language of chance or likelihood. 9=#E is able to answer a set of related questions by collecting, selecting and organising relevant data. 10=#E has drawn conclusions, used ICT to present some features of #h investigation, and identified further questions #e could ask to extend the scope of #h work. 11=#E has constructed frequency tables, pictograms and bar and line graphs to represent the frequencies of events and changes over time. 12=#E is able to find and interpret the mode of a data set. 13=Year 6 Handling data objectives 14=-------------------------------------- 15=#N can describe and predict outcomes from #h data using the language of chance or likelihood. 16=#E is able to solve problems by collecting, selecting, processing, presenting and interpreting data, using ICT where appropriate. 17=#E has drawn #h own conclusions and #e has been able to identify further questions #e could ask about #h investigation. 18=#E has been able to construct and interpret frequency tables, bar charts with grouped discrete data, and line graphs. 19=#N knows how to interpret pie charts. 20=#E is able to describe and interpret #h results and #h solutions to problems using the mode, range, median and mean. COMMENTS: TRA08: Shaping text 1=Year 4 Creating and shaping texts objectives 2=---------------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to develop and refine ideas in writing using planning and problem-solving strategies. 4=#E can use settings and characterisation to engage readers' interest. 5=#E can summarise and shape material and ideas from different sources to write convincing and informative non-narrative texts. 6=#E shows imagination through the language used to create emphasis, humour, atmosphere or suspense in #h work. 7=#E is able to choose and combine #h words, images and other features to create particular effects. 8=Year 5 Creating and shaping texts objectives 9=---------------------------------------------------- 10=#E is able to reflect independently and critically on #h own writing and edit and improve it accordingly. 11=#E has experimented with different narrative forms and styles when #e has written #h own stories. 12=#E is able to adapt non-narrative forms and styles to write fiction or factual texts, including poems. 13=#E can vary the pace and develop the viewpoint through the use of direct and reported speech, portrayal of action and selection of detail. 14=#E has created multi-layered texts which included the use of hyperlinks and linked web pages. 15=Year 6 Creating and shaping texts objectives 16=---------------------------------------------------- 17=#E is able to set #h own challenges in order to extend #h achievements and #h experiences in writing. 18=#E has use different narrative techniques to engage and entertain the reader. 19=In non-narrative text, #N is able to establish, balance and maintain #h viewpoint. 20=#E has selected words and language which was drawn from #h knowledge of literary features and formal and informal writing. COMMENTS: TRA08: Shaping text--part2 1=#E can integrate words, images and sounds imaginatively for different purposes. COMMENTS: TRA09: Text Structure 1=Year 4 Text structure and organisation objectives 2=----------------------------------------------------------- 3=#N can organise text into paragraphs to distinguish between #h different information, events or processes. 4=#N is able to use adverbs and conjunctions to establish cohesion within #h paragraphs. 5=Year 4 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives 6=--------------------------------------------------------------- 7=#E can clarify #h meaning and point of view by using a varied sentence structure which often includes phrases, clauses and adverbials. 8=#E can use commas to mark clauses, and use the apostrophe for possession in his work. 9=Year 5 Text structure and organisation objectives 10=----------------------------------------------------------- 11=#E is able to experiment with the order of sections and paragraphs to achieve different effects. 12=#E has change the order of #h material within a paragraph, moving the topic sentence. 13=Year 5 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives 14=--------------------------------------------------------------- 15=#E is able to adapt #h sentence construction to different text-types, purposes and readers. 16=#E has punctuated #h sentences accurately and included the appropriate using speech marks and apostrophes. 17=Year 6 Text structure and organisation objectives 18=----------------------------------------------------------- 19=#E is able to use varied structures to shape and organise #h text coherently. 20=#E has used paragraphs to achieve pace and emphasis. COMMENTS: TRA09: Text Structure--part2 1=Year 6 Sentence structure and punctuation objectives 2=-------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E was able to express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing #h sentences in varied ways. 4=#E knows how to use punctuation to clarify #h meaning in complex sentences. COMMENTS: TRA10: Presentation 1=Year 4 Presentation objectives 2=------------------------------------- 3=#N writes consistently with neat, legible and joined handwriting. 4=#N can use a word processing packages to present written work and #e continues to increase in speed and accuracy when #e types. 5=Year 5 Presentation objectives 6=------------------------------------- 7=#N can adapt #h handwriting for specific purposes, for example printing or use of italics. 8=#E is able to use a range of ICT programs to present #h texts, making #h own informed choices about which electronic tools to use for different purposes. 9=Year 6 Presentation objectives 10=------------------------------------- 11=#N can use different styles of handwriting for different purposes. #E has used a range of media and developed a consistent and personal legible style. 12=#N is able to select from a wide range of ICT programs to present #h text effectively and to communicate #h information and #h ideas. COMMENTS: Transition RE 1=#N has achieved a comprehensive understanding of the topics covered in Religion this semester. 2=#N has achieved a solid understanding of the topics covered in Religion this semester. 3=#N has achieved a basic understanding of the topics covered in Religion this semester. 4=#E is beginning to recognise God's presence in all of creation through the experience of awe and wonder. 5=#E is able to recognise God's presence in all of creation through the experience of awe and wonder. 6=#N is developing a sense of responsibility for God's gifts of creation, as displayed when putting #h rubbish in the bin and keeping the school yard tidy. 7=#N demonstrates a sense of responsibility for God's gifts of creation, as displayed when putting #h rubbish in the bin and keeping the school yard tidy. 8=#E has attentively listened to familiar Bible stories, such as 'Zacchaeus the Tax Collector', and is able to retell the story and relate the message to real life situations. 9=#E has listened to familiar Bible stories, such as 'Zacchaeus the Tax Collector', and is able to retell the story. #N is starting to relate the message of each Bible story to real life situations. 10=#N is developing an awareness of the needs of the others. #E is making an effort to be kind and caring to the feelings of other students when playing. 11=#N shows an awareness of the needs of the others. #E makes good choices to be kind and caring to the feelings of other students when playing. 12=#N is learning to participate in prayer, liturgical singing, celebrations and class activities with reverence and interest. 13=#N participates in prayer, liturgical singing, celebrations and class activities with reverence and interest. 14=#E recognises that advent is a special time when people prepare and wait to celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas. 15=#E is learning that advent is a special time when people prepare and wait to celebrate Jesus' birth at Christmas. 16=Well done, #N. Keep following in the footsteps of Jesus. COMMENTS: WritingEnglish 1=During the term, #N has learned to structure and write procedures, recounts and poetry. 2=#H #Recount was a well-written assignment that demonstrates the key concepts covered in Recount Writing this semester. 3=#H #Recount shows a developing skill level in writing and demonstrates the key concepts covered in Recount Writing this semester. 4=#H #Recount was a well-written assignment that demonstrates the key concepts covered in Information Report Writing this semester. 5=#H #English on #English shows a developing skill level in writing and demonstrates the key concepts covered in Information Report Writing this semester. 6=#N is beginning to improve #h ability to compose texts for different purposes using simple sentences, correct tense, and headings. 7=#N is a capable writer who is able to compose texts for different purposes using simple sentences, correct tense, and headings. 8=#N is developing confidence in #h ability to compose texts for different purposes using simple sentences, correct tense, and headings. 9=#N requires help to compose texts for different purposes using simple sentences, correct tense, and headings. 10=#E has developed solid writing skills and is capable of sequencing ideas appropriately in #h writing. 11=#E needs assistance to sequence ideas appropriately in #h writing. 12=#N is able to plan #h ideas and re-read #h writing in order to check and improve it. 13=#N is beginning to plan #h ideas and re-read #h writing in order to check and improve it. 14=#E requires practice in writing using appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 15=#E knows how to write using appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 16=#E is developing the skills to write using appropriate grammar, punctuation, and spelling. 17=#N shows the ability to edit #h writing for meaning by adding, deleting and rephrasing #h sentences. 18=#N can confidently edit #h writing for meaning by adding, deleting and rephrasing #h sentences. 19=. COMMENTS: Year 5 Religion 2019 Sem1 1=#N has demonstrated a solid understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of most topics covered in Religion this semester. 3=#N has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 4=#E understands that the Bible is made up of different books and is able to follow references to find these. 5=#E is expanding #h understanding of the Bible and is beginning to follow references to find various books and scriptural readings. 6=#N explored the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Faith and the colours of the liturgical seasons. 7=#N effectively uses a developing religious vocabulary to demonstrate #h understanding of the practices and beliefs of the Catholic tradition. 8=#E is increasing #h use of religious vocabulary to describe and show understanding of the practices and beliefs in relation to the Catholic tradition. 9=#N recognises the events that make up Holy Week and the importance of these to the Catholic Church. 10=#N is continuing to learn the events that make up Holy Week and starting to understand the importance of these to the Catholic Church. 11=#E understands the significance of Pentecost and that it signalled the beginning of the Church. 12=#E is beginning to understand the significance of Pentecost and that it signalled the beginning of the Church. 13=#N is able to name the gifts of the Holy Spirit and can give examples of ways we can recognise these gifts in our own lives and in the lives of others. 14=#N is starting to name the gifts of the Holy Spirit and is beginning to give examples of ways we can recognise these gifts in our own lives and in the lives of others. 15=#E can write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 16=#E is endeavouring to write prayers for a variety of reasons, such as giving thanks and asking for forgiveness. 17=#N participates respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. 18=#N is beginning to participate respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. COMMENTS: Year 5 Semester 2 Conclusion 1=#N has fulfilled #h responsibilities as our classroom's Children's Representative Council member with a high level of maturity, organisation and leadership. 2=#N is a member of the school choir in which #e attended weekly rehearsals and performed at the Catholic Schools Music Festival. #N developed confidence in performing on stage and #e should be commended for #h dedication. 3=#N has participated in a range of leadership duties serving the school community. These duties include caring for our chickens and managing the sport shed during play times. 4=#N has represented All Saints through #h participation in the #SportEvents . #E has demonstrated good sportsmanship and teamwork whilst representing our school. 5=#N has taken up learning the #MusicalInstruments and has been an active member of the school band. 6=I wish #N all the best as #e enters Year 6 in 2019. 7=I wish #N all the best for their final year of primary school at All Saints. 8=I wish #N all the best as #e transitions to #h new school for 2019. COMMENTS: Year4Science 1=#N has achieved sound results in all areas of Science. 2=#N has achieved basic results in all areas of Science. 3=#N has achieved high results in all areas of Science. 4=#E enjoyed the unit 'Plants in Action' where #e studied the key stages in the life cycle of flowering plants. 5=In the unit 'Plants in Action', #e studied the key stages in the life cycle of flowering plants. 6=As part of our unit 'Plants in Action', #e studied the key stages in the life cycle of flowering plants. 7=#N was engaged in making models of flowers, which showed all of the reproductive parts in detail. 8=#N took part in making models of flowers, which showed all of the reproductive parts in detail. 9=#E is able to describe the life cycle of a flowering plant. 10=#E is learning to describe the life cycle of a flowering plant. 11=#N recognises that environmental factors, such as fire, can affect seed germination and life cycles of plants. 12=#N is beginning to recognise that environmental factors, such as fire, can affect seed germination and life cycles of plants. 13=#E is capable of describing how plants and animals rely on each other. 14=#E developing #h ability to describe how plants and animals rely on each other. 15=As part of our current unit 'Material World', #N investigated the properties of natural and made materials. 16=#E is starting to describe the physical properties of common materials and how these properties influence their use. 17=#N is endeavouring to understand that science involves making predictions and describing patterns or relationships. 18=#N understands that science involves making predictions and describing patterns or relationships. 19=#E is able to draw annotated diagrams to explain scientific concepts. 20=#E is working hard to draw annotated diagrams to explain scientific concepts. COMMENTS: Year5MathsConcluding 1=#E actively participates in class and is able to confidently discuss with #h peers and teacher the best solution to solving a problem. 2=#E actively participates in class and is beginning discuss with #h peers and teacher the best solution to solving a problem. 3=#N takes on challenging activities willingly and poses questions to determine the best solution to a problem. 4=#N is learning to take on challenging activities and is beginning to pose questions to determine the best solution to a problem. 5=#E is confident in solving mathematical problems and can successfully select appropriate problem-solving strategies. 6=#E is developing confidence in solving mathematical problems and can select appropriate problem-solving strategies. COMMENTS: Year5MathsGeometry 1=#E is learning to connect 3D objects with their nets and other 2D representations. 2=#N tries hard when learning to name and identify 3D objects such as prisms, pyramids and spheres. 3=#N is developing #h skills in naming and identifying 3D objects such as prisms, pyramids and spheres. 4=#E is beginning to recognise similarities and differences between prisms and pyramids. 5=#N requires practise making connections between different types of triangles and quadrilaterals. 6=#E demonstrates confidence in connecting 3D objects with their nets and other 2D representations as evidenced by #h completion of #h 3D Robot Model. 7=#N has a good understanding of shapes and knows how to name and identify 3D objects such as prisms, pyramids and spheres. 8=#E can successfully recognise similarities and differences between prisms and pyramids. 9=#E is able to connect 3D objects with their nets and other 2D representations as evidenced by #h completion of #h 3D Robot Model. COMMENTS: Year5MathsImprovements 1=In order to improve, #N should apply mental strategies to aid computation. 2=In order to improve, #e could benefit from attempting more complex problems and leaving #h comfort zone. 3=In order to improve, #e needs to learn #h number facts to improve #h speed and accuracy. 4=#N would benefit from practising and committing #h times table to memory in order to speed up #h mental calculations. 5=#E could benefit from using problem solving strategies to help solve word problems. COMMENTS: Year5MathsIntro 1=#N requires additional instructions to complete most tasks, but #e is trying hard to improve. 2=#N has worked hard this semester and with continued effort #e could see some improvements. 3=During this semester, #N has been trying hard and is showing slow but positive progression in Mathematics. 4=#N requires teacher assistance to complete set tasks, but #e always tries #h best and it is a pleasure to witness. 5=#N tries hard in Mathematics, but #e is finding it challenging to grasp various concepts. 6=#N is making a conscientious effort, but #e sometimes finds it difficult to apply new concepts learnt. 7=#N tries hard in Mathematics and has made pleasing progress. 8=#N has tried hard all semester and is making progress towards achieving an understanding in all areas of Mathematics. 9=#N has made good progress in Mathematics this semester. 10=#N's pleasing progress in Mathematics is a result of #h hard work and #h positive attitude towards this subject. COMMENTS: Year5MathsProblemSolving 1=#E actively participates in class and is able to confidently discuss with #h peers and teacher the best solution to solving a problem. 2=#E actively participates in class and is beginning discuss with #h peers and teacher the best solution to solving a problem. 3=#N takes on challenging activities willingly and poses questions to determine the best solution to a problem. 4=#N is learning to take on challenging activities and is beginning to pose questions to determine the best solution to a problem. 5=#E is confident in solving mathematical problems and can successfully select appropriate problem-solving strategies. 6=#E is developing confidence in solving mathematical problems and can select appropriate problem-solving strategies. COMMENTS: Year5MathsWholeNumber 1=#E is improving #h ability to order, read and write numbers of any size. 2=#N requires practice to recognise the place values for whole numbers and decimals. 3=#E is developing confidence in #h ability to use different mental and written strategies for calculations with whole numbers. 4=#N is learning to solve simple problems involving the four operations using mental and written strategies. 5=#E continues to work hard and is improving #h ability to add and subtract numbers up to 6 digits. 6=#N is developing #h ability to identify factors and multiples of numbers and use them to solve problems. 7=#E is developing competency in solving problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. 8=#E has good number sense and displays the ability to order, read and write numbers of any size. 9=#N can independently recognise the place values for whole numbers and decimals. 10=#E can successfully use different mental and written strategies for calculations with whole numbers. 11=#N is able to understand new concepts with ease and is capable of recording large numbers using expanded notation. 12=#E can successfully solve simple problems involving the four operations using mental and written strategies. 13=#N can successfully add and subtract numbers up to 6 digits. 14=#E can successfully identify factors and multiples of numbers and use them to solve problems. 15=#N can solve problems involving multiplication of large numbers by one- or two-digit numbers. 16=#N remembers all #h multiplication tables and can independently multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. 17=#E works with numbers confidently and shows the ability to order, read and write numbers of any size. COMMENTS: YR4Religion 1=#N has demonstrated a solid understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of most topics covered in Religion this semester. 3=#N has demonstrated an excellent understanding of all topics covered in Religion this semester. 4=#E explored how the mission of Jesus is continued in the Catholic Church. 5=#N knows that The Gospel stories provide a guide to living in a positive relationship with God and with others. 6=#E actively participated in performing the Stations of the Cross during Holy Week. 7=#N recognises the events that make up Holy Week and the importance of these to the Catholic Church. 8=#E is able to identify social justice issues in the local community and can plan positive actions to address these issues. 9=#E is able to identify social justice issues in the local community and is learning to plan positive actions to address these issues. 10=#E is beginning to identify social justice issues in the local community and is learning to plan positive actions to address these issues. 11=#N understands that when people use their gifts for others they are helping to spread the Reign of God. 12=#N is learning that when people use their gifts for others they are helping to spread the Reign of God. 13=#E recognises that God calls people to care for each other and the world, with the special responsibility to revere, develop, heal and celebrate all aspects of life. 14=#E is starting to recognise that God calls people to care for each other and the world, with the special responsibility to revere, develop, heal and celebrate all aspects of life. 15=#N participates enthusiastically and respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. 16=#N participates respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. 17=#N is learning to participate respectfully in Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. 18=#N is beginning to participate respectfully in all Religious activities at school, including daily prayers, masses and liturgies. LIST: Art 1=Shoe Sketch and Perspective Gallery 2=Silhouette Art and 3D Aboriginal Lizard Painting 3=Endangered Species Habitat Diorama LIST: English 1=Endangered Species Information Report 2=Giraffe in the Tree Narrative 3=Super Squirrel Narrative 4=Bilby 5=Rock Wallaby 6=Carnaby's Black Cockatoo 7=Elephant 8=Toucans 9=Jaguar 10=Tiger 11=Chimpanzee 12=Orangutan 13=Leopard 14=Bearded Vulture 15=African White Rhinoceros 16=Canada Lynx 17=Black Footed Rock Wallaby 18=Penguin 19= Polar Bear 20=Short-Eared Owl LIST: English2 1=Giant Panda 2=Tasmanian Devil 3=Red Wolf 4=Sea Turtle 5=Snubfin Dolphin 6=Dugong 7=Blue Whale LIST: Geography 1=North America 2=South America 3=Africa 4=Australia 5=Antarctica 6=Europe 7=Asia LIST: HASS 1=Aboriginal Culture PowerPoint Presentation 2=Sustainability 3=Global Warming and Climate Change 4=natural and man-made materials 5=recycling 6=Endangered Species Habitat Diorama 7=Aboriginal Culture Oral Presentation 8=Endangered Species Oral Presentation LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: MusicalInstruments 1=flute 2=piano 3=guitar 4=trombone 5=trumpet 6=clarinet 7=bass guitar 8=saxophone LIST: OLD-Science-topics 1=Forces 2=Earth Science 3=Boat Challenge 4=Marble Run Challenge LIST: quantity 1=several pieces of 2=some 3=limited 4=a variety of 5=various LIST: RatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor 6=a basic 7=a satisfactory 8=an improving 9=an advanced 10=a broad 11=an intuative 12=a developing 13=a solid 14=a growing LIST: ReadingLevels 1=PM15 2=PM16 3=PM17 4=PM18 5=PM19 6=PM20 7=PM21 8=PM22 9=PM23 10=PM24 11=PM25 12=PM26 13=PM27 14=PM28 15=PM29 16=PM30 17=PM30+ LIST: Recount 1=First Fleet 2=Suri's Wall Story Grammar LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: Science-topics 1=Leap into Space! 2=Get Moving! LIST: SocialStudies-topics 1=The World Around Us 2=Heroes LIST: SportEvents 1=SACPSSA Cross Country Carnival 2=SACPSSA Netball Carnival 3=SACPSSA Athletics Carnival 4=SACPSSA Touch Football Carnival 5=SACPSSA Swimming Carnival 6=Cardijn Cup LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.