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COMMENTS: Ancient History HSC Outcomes 1=#E #can account for the nature of continuity and change in the ancient world, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can propose arguments about the varying causes and effects of events and developments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can evaluate the role of historical features, individuals and groups in shaping the past, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can analyse the different perspectives of individuals and groups in their historical context, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can assess the significance of historical features, people, places, events and developments of the ancient world, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can analyse and interpret different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or argument, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can discuss and evaluate differing interpretations and representations of the past, #which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#E #can plan and conduct historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant evidence from a range of sources, #which #displayed in #h #work. 9=#E #can communicate historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate and well-structured forms, #which #displayed in #h #work. 10=#E #can analyse issues relating to the ownership, custodianship and conservation of the ancient past, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Ancient History Prelim Outcomes 1=#E #can describe the nature of continuity and change in the ancient world, which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can propose ideas about the varying causes and effects of events and developments, which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can analyse the role of historical features, individuals and groups in shaping the past, which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can account for the different perspectives of individuals and groups, which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can examine the significance of historical features, people, places, events and developments of the ancient world, which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can analyse and interpret different types of sources for evidence to support an historical account or argument, which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can discuss and evaluate differing interpretations and representations of the past, which is #displayed #h #work. 8=#E #can plan and conduct historical investigations and presents reasoned conclusions, using relevant evidence from a range of sources, which #displayed in #h #work. 9=#E #can communicate historical understanding, using historical knowledge, concepts and terms, in appropriate and well-structured forms, which #displayed in #h #work. 10=#E #can discuss contemporary methods and issues involved in the investigation of ancient history, which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Class work improvement 1=#improve, #N should focus on completing all tasks to the best of #h ability in order to lift #h overall performance. 2=#improve, #N should focus on completing all #h tasks before engaging in discussions with #h peers in order to improve #h overall performance. 3=#improve, #N should focus on completing all tasks on time and to the best of #h ability in order to improve #h overall performance. 4=#N should concentrate on completing all #h #work to the best of #h ability in order to continue #h current rate of improvement. 5=#N should continue to work hard and focus on improving #h extended writing skills in order to maintain #h current rate of progress. 6=#E should continue to apply #s in order to maintain #h high standards. 7=#N should maintain #h current level of effort and focus on adding depth and detail to #h extended response work in order to continue #h current rate of improvement. 8=#N should focus on completing all tasks to the best of #h ability in order to lift #h overall performance. 9=#N should focus on completing all #h tasks before engaging in discussions with #h peers in order to improve #h overall performance. 10=#improve, #N should focus completing #h tasks and not allow #s to be distracted by others. 11=#N should focus on completing all tasks on time and to the best of #h ability to improve #h overall performance. 12=#N should concentrate on completing all #h classwork to the best of #h ability to continue #h current rate of improvement. 13=#N should focus on getting to class and completing #h #work to the best of #h ability to improve #h overall performance. 14=#N should maintain #h current level of effort and focus on #h extended response work to continue #h current rate of improvement. 15=#N should maintain #h current level of effort and focus on adding more depth and detail in #h written work to continue #h current rate of improvement. 16=#improve, #N should focus on preparing diligently for all tasks in order to maximise #h performance. 17=#improve, #N needs to add more detail to #h responses and, therefore, lift #h overall performance. 18=#improve, #N should focus on implementing a regular programme of study in order to complete #h assessment tasks to the best of #h ability. 19=#improve, #N must implement a regular program of study in order to commit course material to memory. This should enable #h to better prepare for #h #work. 20=#N should maintain #h current efforts and commit to a regular program of revision to consolidate #h understanding of key concepts. This should allow #m to add more detail to #h responses and maintain #h current rate of progress. COMMENTS: Class work- negative 1=#E has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but has shown that #e is capable of more. 2=#E does not ask clarifying questions when #e does not understand the work, and this has impacted on #h progress. 3=#E attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to complete #h #work on time in order to make progress. 4=In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 5=#E lacks confidence in #h own ability in some areas and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a #grade standard when #e puts in the effort. 6=Although #e is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be distracted and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 7=#E is a capable pupil, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 8=At certain times #e does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to talk to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 9=#E sometimes lacks confidence and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 10=#E is keen to answer questions but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 11=Occasionally, #e can be easily distracted and #e needs to realise that #e must settle down to work straight away. 12=#E always settles down quickly to work but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 13=#E is often too keen to finish first; this leads to careless mistakes that #N could easily avoid. 14=#E will often chat during lessons and complete the work to a minimal standard. #E will often say "but I have done the work" which is true; although, it is beneath the standard that is expected from #N. 15=#E is good at debating and answering questions verbally; however, #e needs to show more evidence of this in #h written work. COMMENTS: Class work- positive 1=In general, #e has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h class work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 2=#E is a quiet, dedicated member of the class, who is considerate in all aspects of their work. 3=#E has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class. 4=#E has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some excellent #work. 5=#E is quiet in class but works hard to complete work to a good standard. 6=#E has a mature attitude and uses #h own initiative to develop work, having produced some excellent #work. 7=#E has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work without hesitation. 8=#E has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h class work and sets a superb example. 9=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 10=#E has a high level of independent working skills. 11=#E is considerate student who participates in activities to the best of #h ability. 12=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 13=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #e works very hard and has produced some good #work. 14=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has settled to complete good work. 15=#E attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has settled to produce work of a #grade standard. 16=#N often provides thoughtful questions to class discussions, demonstrating a depth of subject knowledge. COMMENTS: Concepts 1=#N #can a #US understanding of #HC which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#N #can an understanding of #HC which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#N #can an understanding of #HC in #pastsocieties societies which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Dedication sentence 1=#E is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the semester and has performed well in #h #work. 2=#E has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After an unsettled start #e has recently completed some excellent work and is developing #h knowledge in the subject. 4=#E is a dedicated and conscientious member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=#E has shown that #e is a capable student when #e applies #s; however, #e does not always complete #h tasks to the best of #h ability and this has impacted #h overall results. 6=#E has focussed in class and delivered some quality work as a result and this has seen #h overall grades improve. 7=#E can be relied upon to complete all #h classwork to the best of #h ability and is an enthusiastic participant in class discussions. 8=#E has shown that #e is a capable student when #e applies #s; however, #e allows #s to lose focus on class and does not always complete #h tasks to the best of #h abilities. 9=#E has not put in sufficient effort in class to develop a strong understanding of the concepts. #H overall lack of effort is reflected in #h poor results. 10=#E has made steady progress in term two after not applying #s sufficiently in term one. #H increased effort has seen a corresponding improvement in #h results. 11=#E is a dedicated and enthusiastic student. #E always completes #h work to the best of #h ability and has made steady progress this semester. 12=#E has not put in the effort required to enable #m to achieve the results of which #e is capable. Furthermore, #h overall performance has been hampered by #h failure to submit a major piece of assessment work. 13=#E has shown that #e is capable of achieving consistent results when #e applies #s. #H overall performance has been hampered by #h reluctance to complete #h class tasks and #e is too willing to display defiance. 14=#E has shown that #e is capable of achieving consistent results when #e applies #s; however, #e has a tendency to lose focus in class and this has impacted upon #h overall performance. 15=#E has been a sporadic attender this semester and has put little effort into #h classwork in those lessons #e is present for. This has meant #e has achieved well below expectations. 16=#E has made outstanding progress this semester. #E regularly stays behind after class to complete tasks and #h efforts have been reflected in #h improved results. 17=#E has put in an impressive effort this semester. #E routinely stays after class to clarify #h understanding of course content. #H efforts have seen a strong lift in #h overall results and #N should be pleased with #h progress. 18=#E has made pleasing progress this semester. #E has put in a consistent effort in class and this has been reflected in #h improved results. COMMENTS: EAL/D comments 1=#N has been supported in learning about the concepts studied through the use of #EALD. 2=With some teacher guidance, #N can complete the tasks assigned. COMMENTS: History improvement 1=#N has shown that #e has good explaining skills. #improve, #N must now work to ensure #e is analysing texts and sources to consider their reliability. 2=#N often provides a lot of information in #h answers and explanations; although, it is not always relevant to the question. #improve, #N must ensure to express #h own opinion in the explanations. This will help #m to progress further. 3=#improve, #N will need to justify #h own opinion using sources and historical facts to back up #h conclusions. 4=#N has shown a good ability to identify and describe information from sources, events and societies. #improve, #N must aim to consider the impact and really develop this in #h explanations. 5=#improve, #N needs to consider the importance of events, changes in societies and the impact these have upon the people of the time. 6=#improve, #N must try to put information found in sources into #h own words to demonstrate a clear understanding. 7=#improve, #N would benefit from more time spent on individual research when completing #h #work. 8=#improve, #N must now try to use information from a wider range of sources and put information into #h own words to demonstrate clear understanding. 9=#N has worked hard in history this semester and #h written work shows understanding of what has been studied, though it could be a little more detailed at times. 10=#improve, #N has shown interest in the topics studied but #h written work needs to be more detailed and more carefully presented. 11=#N is able to make simple deductions from a range of historical sources but #improve, #h written work needs to be more detailed and more carefully presented. 12=#improve, #N written work must now include more detail and #e should try to put information into #h own words to demonstrate a clear understanding. 13=#N demonstrates a #grade knowledge of the topic studied but must now try to make #h writing more detailed and attempt to put information found in sources into #h own words to demonstrate a clear understanding. 14=#N has made good efforts with historical work this semester. #improve, #N must now try to make #h written work more detailed in order to demonstrate a clear understanding. 15=#N must ensure to express #h own opinion in #h explanations. This will help #m to progress further. 16=#N has been successful in analysing a range of sources to produce a structure argument. #E is capable of developing #h descriptive writing into a good explanation. To progress further, #N will need to justify #h own opinion using sources and historical facts to back up #h conclusions. 17=#N has shown a good ability to identify and describe information from sources, events and societies. To improve, #N must aim to consider the impact and really develop this in #h explanations. 18=#N needs to consider the importance of events, changes in societies and the impact these have upon the people of the time. COMMENTS: HSC SOR Outcomes 1=#E #can explain aspects of religion and belief systems, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can describe and analyse the influence of religion and belief systems on individuals and society, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can examine the influence and expression of religion and belief systems in Australia, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can describe and analyse how aspects of religious traditions are expressed by their adherents, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can evaluate the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can organise, analyses and synthesise relevant information about religion from a variety of sources, considering usefulness, validity and bias, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can conduct effective research about religion and evaluates the findings from the research, #which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#E #can apply appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systems, #which #displayed in #h #work. 9=#E #can coherently and effectively communicate complex information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Introduction 1=#N has demonstrated a #grade understanding of the #coreconcepts covered this semester. 2=#N has demonstrated a #grade level of understanding of the #coreconcepts studied this semester. COMMENTS: Languages To Improve 1=To improve further #N should use a range of adjectives, opinions and connectives to express #h ideas and continue to use revision tools regularly. 2=To progress further #N should continue learning vocabulary regularly and ensure #e uses a variety of connectives, qualifiers and opinions in #h work. 3=To progress further #N should continue to check #h written work carefully and broaden #h vocabulary. 4=To progress #N could broaden #h vocabulary by reading texts in the target language. 5=To continue progressing #N should extend the range of connectives, qualifiers and opinions #e uses in #h work. 6=#N would benefit from checking #h written work and revising for tests thoroughly. 7=To progress further #N should learn vocabulary regularly. #E should also complete all Education Perfect tasks to improve #h Italian skills. 8=To improve #N should develop #h memorisation skills and check for little errors that #e makes to ensure that #e achieves #h best. 9=To achieve further I would like to see #N have the confidence to contribute regularly in class. Continued vocabulary learning is also vital. 10=To improve further #N should learn from #h experience this year and keep up #h resolve to aim high and achieve #h best. 11=To improve further #N should show resilience when it come to language learning and not give up easily. 12=For #N to improve #e should start class work when instructed and meet homework deadlines. 13=To improve further #N must concentrate on instructions and if #e doesn’t understand the task, must seek clarity so #e doesn’t waste time. 14=To advance further #N should catch up on missed work following absences and continue to complete Education Perfect tasks. 15=To improve further #N should reflect on what #e can achieve when #e follows teacher guidance, is focussed and trusts in #h ability. 16=To improve further #N must believe in #h abilities and #e should ask for assistance if needed. Continued vocabulary learning is also essential. 17=To further improve #N should avoid occasional silliness, remain focussed and be confident in #h capabilities. Learning vocabulary regularly will help with this. 18=To continue improving #N must keep trying to avoid silliness and be responsible for #h own learning. Learning vocabulary thoroughly is also essential. 19=To improve further #N should avoid speaking out of turn and try not to react or comment on the behaviour of other students. 20=To improve further #N should focus on the set tasks, avoid confrontation with other students and keep calm when completing work. COMMENTS: Stage 4 Geography course descriptors 1=#E #can demonstrate a #level knowledge and understanding of places and environments, and the geographical processes that form and transform them, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can demonstrate #level knowledge and understanding of the interactions and connections between people, places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can explain to a #level level different perspectives of geographical issues across a range of scales, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can display #level knowledge and understanding of human wellbeing and the management of places and environments for their sustainability in relation to geographical issues, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can exhibit #level level skills to select and apply geographical concepts and tools appropriate and relevant to the investigation, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can display #level level skills to select, acquire, process and communicate complex geographical information using a broad range of strategies, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Stage 4 Geography Outcomes 1=#E #can locate and describe the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can describe processes and influences that form and transform places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can explain how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can examine perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can discuss management of places and environments for their sustainability, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can explains differences in human wellbeing, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can acquire and process geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry, #which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#E #can communicate geographical information using a variety of strategies, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Stage 4 Languages Outcomes 1=#E #can use Italian to interact with others to exchange information, ideas and opinions, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can identify main ideas in and obtain information from texts, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can organise and respond to information and ideas in texts for different audiences, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can apply Italian pronunciation and intonation patterns, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can apply features of Italian grammatical structures and sentence patterns to convey information and ideas, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can identify variations in linguistic and structural features of texts, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can identify that language use reflects cultural ideas, values and beliefs, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Stage 4 outcomes 1=#E #can define and use the correct terms when describing or sequencing historical time which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can evaluate the reliability of information gathered as evidence from a variety of sources which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can identify the main features of past societies which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can describe features of an ancient society and its legacy to world cultural heritage which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can describe major periods of historical time and sequences events, people and societies from the past which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can describe and assess the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the context of past societies which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can describe and explain the causes and effects of events and developments of past societies over time which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#E #can use evidence from sources to support historical narratives and explanations which #displayed in #h #work. 9=#E #can locate, select and organise information from sources to develop an historical inquiry which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Stage 5 Geography Outcomes 1=#E #can explain the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#E #can explain processes and influences that form and transform places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#E #can analyse the effect of interactions and connections between people, places and environments, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#E #can account for perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#E #can assess management strategies for places and environments for their sustainability, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E #can analyse differences in human wellbeing and ways to improve human wellbeing, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E #can acquire and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry, #which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#E #can communicate geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Stage 5 outcomes 1=#N #can explain and assess forces and factors that shaped the modern world, #which #displayed in #h #work. 2=#N #can sequence and explain patterns of continuity and change, #which #displayed in #h #work. 3=#N #can use evidence from sources to support historical explanations of the modern world, #which #displayed in #h #work. 4=#N #can explain different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the modern world, #which #displayed in #h #work. 5=#N #can select and use appropriate terms, concepts and formats to communicate about the past, #which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#N #can use historical terms appropriately when communicating the findings of an historical inquiry, #which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#N #can explain why different contexts, perspectives and interpretations of the past are possible, #which #displayed in #h #work. 8=#N #can explain how the rights and freedoms of Aboriginal Peoples and other groups in Australia have changed and are changing, #which #displayed in #h #work. 9=#N #can evaluate historical sources and use them appropriately in an historical inquiry, #which #displayed in #h #work. 10=#N #can has the ability to communicate effectively about the past to a particular audience using ICT and other appropriate written and oral forms, #which #displayed in #h #work. COMMENTS: Studies of Religion HSC 1=#E engages actively in class discussions and always offers insightful contributions that demonstrate a deep understanding of the religious traditions studied. 2=#E consistently demonstrates a high level of critical thinking skills when analysing and evaluating religious beliefs and practices. 3=#E consistently produces high-quality written work that is well-structured, logical, and supported by relevant evidence and examples. 4=#E consistently demonstrates excellent research skills when investigating and analysing various religious perspectives and issues. 5=#E consistently applies their knowledge of ethical and philosophical considerations to analyse and evaluate different religious perspectives and their impact on society. 6=#E consistently demonstrates an ability to make connections between different religious traditions and their historical, social, and cultural contexts. 7=#E consistently demonstrates effective communication skills when presenting their ideas and opinions about religious issues, engaging the audience and fostering meaningful discussions. 8=#E consistently seeks feedback and actively uses it to improve their understanding and performance in the course. 9=#E consistently demonstrates a genuine curiosity and enthusiasm for learning about different religious traditions and their impact on individuals and society. 10=#E consistently demonstrates an ability to analyse complex issues and the impact they have on adherents when examining religious beliefs and practices. 11=#N demonstrates a deep understanding of the core beliefs and practices of major world religions. 12=In assessments, #N consistently employs critical analysis and evaluation to explore complex religious concepts. 13=#N exudes curiosity and enthusiasm towards learning about different religious traditions. 14=Despite facing challenges in class, #N is eager to seek support and actively engage in discussions. 15=#N effectively utilises a variety of resources to enhance #h understanding of religious values and beliefs. 16=Through #h writing, #N showcases a strong ability to synthesise and articulate complex arguments. 17=#N's contributions to group discussions are insightful and indicate a keen insight into religious worldviews. 18=#N demonstrates respect and an openness to learning about different cultural and religious perspectives. COMMENTS: Studies of Religion improvement 1=#improve #N should aim to develop their evaluative and analytical skills to engage in a more sophisticated understanding of religious concepts. 2=#improve #N should focus on refining their research skills to ensure they can effectively communicate complex religious theories. 3=#improve #N should develop their capacity to integrate multiple perspectives and respond appropriately to the complexity of issues they encounter. 4=#improve #N should take advantage of consultation time with teachers to clarify misunderstandings and improve understanding of the content. 5=#improve #N should diversify their study techniques to ensure they develop and retain a deep understanding of the curriculum. 6=#improve #N should aim to participate actively in class debates and discussions to bolster their critical thinking and reflective skills. 7=#improve #N should utilise online platforms and other resources to stay up to date and consistently engage in the study beyond class time. 8=#improve #N should engage with practice exams in preparation for HSC to ensure academic success during exams. COMMENTS: Studies of Religion Prelim 1=Through #h #work #N has shown an understanding the nature of religion. 2=In #h #work demonstrates a knowledge of major religious traditions. 3=#E #can discuss aspects that define the influence and expression of religion and belief systems in Australia and demonstrates a knowledge of religions within Australian society, 4=#E #can research, collate and analyse information from a variety of sources. 5=#E is effective in gathering, analysing and synthesising of information about religion which #displayed in #h #work. 6=#E evaluates religious issues with objectivity and insight which #displayed in #h #work. 7=#E has shown effective evaluation and application of findings from research about religion. 8=#E #can conduct research about religion and evaluates the findings from the research. 9=#E #can communicate complex information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms to different audiences and in different contexts. 10=#E applies appropriate terminology and concepts related to religion and belief systems which #displayed in #h #work. 11=#E coherently and effectively communicates complex information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms. 12=#E has demonstrated the ability to analyse religious traditions and their influence on individuals and society. 13=#E has shown an understanding of how religious traditions influence beliefs, values and ethical concepts. 14=#E has shown an understanding of the dynamics within and between religious traditions which #displayed in #h #work. 15=#E has demonstrated the ability to communicate their reflections on the enduring questions of human meaning and purpose effectively. 16=#E has shown a willingness to study and interpret religious texts to gain insight into the beliefs and values of different religious traditions. 17=#E has demonstrated an appreciation for interfaith dialogue and the diversity of religious cultures and spiritual expressions. 18=#E has shown an understanding of how religious traditions express their beliefs about God, the sacred, and the nature of the world. 19=#E has shown an ability to evaluate arguments and think critically and reflectively about the beliefs and values of the religious traditions studied. 20=#E has shown an ability to respect the academic, cultural, and religious viewpoints of others which #displayed in #h #work. LIST: can 1=can 2=is developing the ability to 3=is able to 4=has shown the ability to 5=has demonstrated the ability to 6=has displayed the ability to 7=has the ability to 8=has shown 9=has displayed 10=is developing an understanding of how to LIST: coreconcepts 1=topics 2=core concepts 3=key concepts 4=key topics 5=core topics LIST: displayed 1=can be seen 2=is evident 3=is displayed 4=is shown 5=is exhibited 6=is demonstrated LIST: EALD 1=visual support, for example pictures to show important ideas 2=word lists with meanings 3=explicit instructions 4=scaffolding worksheets 5=speaking and listening activities 6=group activities 7=listening cloze activities 8=joint construction of texts 9=sentence stems and writing frames 10=modified assessment tasks 11=model texts with notes 12=text reconstruction activities 13=building the field 14=pre-teaching of vocabulary and background knowledge 15=expert groups 16=dictogloss 17=highlighting key words 18=summarising LIST: EALD-personal-goal 1=accurate use of full stops and capital letters 2=accurate use of full stops, commas and capital letters 3=accurate use of punctuation 4=to build noun groups 5=to use a precise and varied range of verbs 6=to begin to write compound sentences 7=to write compound and complex sentences 8=to use "because" 9=to increase technical and topic specific language 10=increase the use of evaluative language 11=use a variety of connective words in compound sentences 12=consistent and accurate use of tense (subject verb agreement 13=more detail to describe circumstance -when, where, how, why, 14=to extend nominalisation skills 15=to use a greater range of pronouns 16=#? LIST: grade 1=outstanding 2=high 3=sound 4=basic 5=limited LIST: HC 1=continuity and change 2=cause and effect 3=historical perspectives 4=empathetic understanding 5=historical significance 6=contestability 7=chronology and timelines LIST: HistoryProjects 1=Holocaust Project. 2="Was Haig the Butcher of the Somme?" project. 3=Atomic Bomb debate work. 4=World War II group work. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: improve 1=To improve 2=To see improvement LIST: level 1=extensive 2=high 3=sound 4=basic 5=elementary LIST: OLD-HistoryProjects 1=Holocaust Project. 2="Was Haig the Butcher of the Somme?" project. 3=Atomic Bomb debate work. 4=World War II group work. LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions 7=be prepared to share #h ideas 8=ask relevant questions 9=ensure success criteria for the task are addressed LIST: OLD-Projects 1=Holocaust Project. 2="Was Haig the Butcher of the Somme?" project. 3=Atomic Bomb debate work. 4=World War II group work. LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: pastsocieties 1=ancient 2=modern LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: subjects 1=business 2=historical 3=geographical LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: US 1=strong 2=deep 3=solid 4=in depth 5=reasonable 6=developing 7=basic LIST: which 1=which 2=as 3=and this LIST: work 1=class work 2=work 3=assessment tasks 4=assessment 5=assessments 6=contributions to class discussions 7=homework 8=second assessment task 9=third assessment task /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.