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COMMENTS: 01 Organisation 1=#N continues to be organized and timely in the submission of #h work. 2=#N continues to be very organized and timely. 3=#N is organized and manages #h work appropriately. 4=#N has excellent organization and is actively engaged in most lessons. 5=#N has excellent organization and #e participates regularly in class. 6=#N has made good improvements in #h focus and engagement during lessons and activities. 7=#N consistently puts a great deal of time and effort into #h work. 8=#N has struggled with organization and managing #h work lately. 9=#N must still work to make sure that #e has all required materials and that #e is using all class time effectively. 10=#N continues to have excellent organization and #e participates regularly in class. COMMENTS: 02 Participation 1=#N continues to be a positive member of the classroom community. 2=#N has tried participating some in class and is encouraged to continue with this. 3=#N has taken on leadership roles in whole-class and group activities. 4=#N has a positive attitude and works well with #h classmates. 5=#N has demonstrated some leadership potential in class, and #e is encouraged to take some more risks in this regard. 6=#N occasionally participates in class discussions. 7=#N collaborates well with #h peers and #e has shown some leadership potential. 8=#N continues to be a valued participant in class. COMMENTS: 03 Reading Log 1=#N remains a motivated and adventurous independent reader. 2=#N has become a more motivated and adventurous independent reader. 3=#N remains a diligent independent reader. 4=#N has become a more diligent independent reader. 5=However, #N has struggled with #h independent reading, and #e must ensure that #e is making use of the reading log to show accurate evidence of #h progress. 6=However, #N has not been keeping up with #h independent reading and must devote regular time to this to help further literacy development. COMMENTS: 04 Info Text Research 1=#N was able to apply comprehensive reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, summarizing, and supporting details. 2=#N was able to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, summarizing, and supporting details. 3=#N attempted to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, summarizing, and supporting details. 4=#N is learning to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, summarizing, and supporting details. COMMENTS: 05 Book Club 1=During our 'No Choice?' literature study, where book clubs were one of the main focuses, #N showed exceptional comprehension of key plot points, characterization, and change in the protagonist. 2=During our 'No Choice?' literature study, where book clubs were one of the main focuses, #N showed good comprehension of key plot points, characterization, and change in the protagonist. 3=During our 'No Choice?' literature study, where book clubs were one of the main focuses, #N showed some comprehension of key plot points, characterization, and change in the protagonist. 4=During our 'No Choice?' literature study, where book clubs were one of the main focuses, #N showed limited comprehension of key plot points, characterization, and change in the protagonist. COMMENTS: 06 Writing & Language 1=#N is making admirable progress as a writer, drafting organized and concise expository and argumentative responses. #E supports #h ideas and claims with compelling evidence and clear, detailed reasoning. 2=#N is making appropriate progress as a writer, drafting organized expository and argumentative responses. #E supports #h ideas and claims with real evidence and clear reasoning. 3=#N is making progress as a writer, drafting original expository and argumentative responses. #E attempts to support #h ideas and claims with evidence and reasoning from provided texts, but #e should continue to make use of provided resources and mentor texts to continue to grow in this area. 4=#N is beginning to draft expository and argumentative responses. #E attempts to compose clear ideas and claims, and support these in an organized paragraph. #E should make use of provided resources to locate appropriate evidence and seek out additional assistance when needed in order to continue to grow in this area. COMMENTS: 07 Language Issues 1=#N must also review and edit #h work before submitting to catch simple grammatical errors. 2=#N should review #h writing before submitting #h work to check for errors. 3=#N struggled with language conventions on the extended writing tasks. #E needs to spend more time on the editing stage of the writing process. COMMENTS: 08 Listening & Speaking 1=In Listening and Speaking, #N continued to be prepared for our small group discussions, often going above and beyond the expectations. #E offered thoughtful ideas and questions that furthered #h groups' discussion, and #e took on a leadership role in the groups to ensure that everyone had an equal voice. 2=In Listening and Speaking, #N continued to be prepared for our small group discussions. #E offered relevant ideas and questions that furthered #h groups' discussion. 3=In Listening and Speaking, #N continued to struggle with being prepared for our small group discussions and this impacted #h ability to offer relevant ideas or questions that furthered #h groups' discussion. COMMENTS: 09 Critical Thinking 1=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed highly developed understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, history, civics, and economics. 2=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed developed understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, history, civics, and economics. 3=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed some understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, history, civics, and economics. 4=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N is beginning to show understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, history, civics, and economics. COMMENTS: 10 EAP Final Comment 1=As #N continues to refine and practice #h English language skills, it is expected #e will have more success in meeting the standards. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 01 Org. Part FIRST 1=#N continued to be very organized and timely, even during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E showed great dedication to each of the tasks #e completed. 2=#N continued to be organized this trimester, even during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E gave appropriate attention to each of the tasks #e completed. 3=#N was an active participant and an engaged citizen in our Civic Mirror country simulation this trimester. 4=#N was a regular participant in our whole-class discussions and took on a leadership role in the small-group activities. 5=#N was a passionate and engaged citizen in our Civic Mirror country simulation this trimester. 6=#N was a focused and kind student, and #e enjoyed our Civic Mirror country simulation this trimester. 7=#N was an eager student who was keen to help #h peers. Unfortunately, #e did not put the same effort into #h own work and engagement, which limited #h progress this year. #E must take more ownership of #h learning in order to continue to grow in English and as a student. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 01 Org. Part SECOND 1=#E also participated regularly in our whole-class discussions and worked well with #h peers in the small-group activities. 2=#E also participated well with #h peers in the virtual small-group activities. 3=However, #e struggled to work with #h peers during the small-group activities. #E needs to ensure that #e is focused on the tasks at hand and avoiding distractions. 4=However, #e continued to struggle with organization, both in person and while online. #E needs to devote further attention to this important executive functioning skill in order for #m to be fully successful as a student. 5=However, #e continued to struggle with #h organization this trimester, especially during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E needs to devote further attention to this important executive functioning skill in order for #m to be fully successful as a student. 6=#E was organized at the beginning of this trimester while we were mostly in person, but #e struggled to transition to our online Continuous Learning and still manage #h work. 7=#E made good improvements in #h organization and engagement while in person, but #e struggled to maintain this while online. I suggest that #e makes online organization a goal for next year so that #e can become more successful as a student moving forward. 8=However, #e struggled with #h organization, both in person and online, as well as collaborating with #h peers. #E should devote further attention to these important life skills in order for #m to be more successful as a student. 9=However, #e is relying on language translation tools too much when completing tasks, and #e is not taking the time to learn the course vocabulary and concepts. This habit is limiting the development of #h English language skills, and also preventing #m from having more success in Humanities. #E must spend the time learning the presented terms for each of #h classes and take more risks to use these on a regular basis. 10=However, #e did not advocate for #s or seek help from the teacher when #e was unsure about a task. #E must learn to take more risks and ask questions in order to grow more in the English language and in the Humanities class. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 02 Reading Log 1=As a reader, #N continued to be diligent towards #h independent reading, making good progress in #h literacy development. 2=#N continued to be an avid reader, making great progress in #h independent reading and literacy development. 3=#N continued to be a zealous reader, making great progress in #h independent reading and literacy development. 4=#N continued to be a dedicated reader, making great progress in #h independent reading and literacy development. 5=As a reader, #N did not keep up with #h independent reading log. #E must make sure #e is devoting regular time to this important habit over the summer and next year to help further literacy development. 6=As a reader, #N struggled with #h independent reading, and #e must ensure that #e is devoting regular time to this over the summer and next year to help further literacy development. 7=As a reader, #N made some good improvements in #h independent reading, keeping good track of #h progress in #h reading log. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 03 Reading Skills 1=#E also showed enlightened proficiency in the literature reading skills we studied, including plot, characterization, theme, and textual evidence. 2=#E also showed good proficiency in the literature reading skills we studied, including plot, characterization, theme, and textual evidence. 3=#E showed an emerging proficiency in the literature reading skills we studied, including plot, characterization, theme, and textual evidence. Further practice of these over the summer, using any fiction novels available, is recommended to reinforce these important concepts. 4=#E also showed limited understanding of the literature reading skills we studied, including plot, characterization, theme, and textual evidence. Further practice of these over the summer, using fiction in any language, is recommended to reinforce these important concepts. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 04 Writing Argument 1=When writing, #N further developed #h argumentative voice by drafting responses with concise claims, supported by relevant and effective evidence and sophisticated reasoning. 2=When writing, #N further developed #h argumentative voice by drafting responses with complete claims supported by clear evidence and related reasoning. 3=When writing, #N further discovered #h argumentative voice by drafting complete responses. #E should continue to utilize strategies presented in class to fully develop #h claims, evidence, and reasoning. 4=When writing, #N is further discovering #h argumentative voice. #E should continue to utilize graphic organizers and strategies presented in class to develop relevant claims supported by factual evidence and clear reasoning. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 05 Writing Narrative 1=#E also utilized purposeful word choice and descriptive language effectively while producing creative narratives. 2=#E also revised #h work for improved word choice and descriptive language while producing creative narratives. 3=#E is also learning to use word choice and descriptive language more effectively when producing creative narratives. #E should continue to use mentor texts and other provided resources to help #m improve #h writer’s craft. 4=#E is also beginning to use improved word choice and descriptive language when producing creative narratives. #E should continue to utilize provided graphic organizers and mentor texts to help #m organize #h ideas. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 06 Language Errors 1=#E must review and edit #h work before submitting to catch simple grammatical errors. 2=#E should review #h writing before submitting #h work to check for errors. 3=#E struggled with language conventions on the extended writing tasks. #E needs to spend more time on the editing stage of the writing process. 4=#E should continue to revise #h writing for #? COMMENTS: 2021 T3 07 Listen & Speak 1=For listening and speaking, #N continued to effectively demonstrate key oral presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h country speech to #h classmates. 2=For listening and speaking, #N continued to demonstrate key oral presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h country speech to #h classmates. 3=For listening and speaking, #N attempted to demonstrate key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h country speech to #h classmates. #E struggled some due to #h current level of English skills. With further time and practice, it is expected that these will improve. 4=For listening and speaking, #N struggled to demonstrate key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h country speech to #h classmates. Further practice of these is needed in order to grow in this area. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 08 Critical Think FIRST 1=Finally in critical thinking, #N showed sophisticated understanding of the key economic concepts we studied, including scarcity, supply and demand, and the supply chain. 2=Finally in critical thinking, #N showed good understanding of the key economic concepts we studied, including scarcity, supply and demand, and the supply chain. 3=Finally in critical thinking, #N showed some understanding of the key economic concepts we studied, including scarcity, supply and demand, and the supply chain. 4=Finally in critical thinking, #N struggled to show understanding of the key economic concepts we studied, including scarcity, supply and demand, and the supply chain. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 09 Critical Think SECOND 1=#E was able to effectively apply these concepts when researching a single product of #h choice in order to determine its economic effects on our simulated country. 2=#E was also able to apply these concepts when researching a single product of #h choice in order to determine its economic effects on our simulated country. 3=#E attempted to apply these concepts when researching a single product of #h choice in order to determine its economic effects on our simulated country. Further practice in research skills is necessary to help #m improve in this area. 4=#E was also unable to apply these concepts when researching a single product of #h choice. #H claim on its economic effects on our simulated country was unclear. Further time learning provided class vocabulary and practicing research skills is necessary to help #m improve in this area of Humanities. COMMENTS: 2021 T3 10 Final Comment 1=#N should be very proud of #h growth as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year. 2=#N should be proud of #h growth as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year. 3=#N should be proud of #h growth in English and as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year. 4=#N has grown as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year and #e should continue to utilize resources and feedback to further develop in these areas. 5=#N is encouraged to continue to study and practice #h English language skills regularly over the summer so that further development and success in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking can be achieved next year. 6=#N is encouraged to continue to study and practice the language skills we covered this year regularly over the summer so that further development and success in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking can be achieved next year. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: T1 01 Beginning of Report 1=#N has had an excellent start to Humanities as #e transitions to middle school. 2=#N has had a wonderful start to Humanities as #e transitions to middle school. 3=#N has had an appropriate start to Humanities as #e transitions to middle school. COMMENTS: T1 02 Organization & Participation 1=#E is organized and manages #h work appropriately. 2=#E has excellent organization and is actively engaged in most lessons. 3=#E has excellent organization and #e participates regularly in class. 4=#E has good engagement during lessons and activities. 5=#E consistently puts a great deal of time and effort into #h work and this is evident in #h marks. 6=#E has struggled with organization and managing this trimester, both in school and online. 7=#E must still work to make sure that #e has all required materials and that #e is using all class time effectively. 8=#E made good improvements in #h organization while we were at ISKL, but #e has struggled with organization and time management since we moved to online learning. 9=#E gets along well with #h peers. 10=However, #e struggles with self-directions when working independently and in group activities. #E often needs teacher support to get started on a task or to move through the individual steps of a project. #E needs to take more ownership of #h learning and make improvements in these areas in order to grow as a student. 11=#E has tried participating some in class and is encouraged to continue with this. 12=#E has taken on leadership roles in whole-class and group activities. 13=#E has a positive attitude and works well with #h classmates. 14=#E has demonstrated some leadership potential in class, and #e is encouraged to take some more risks in this regard. 15=#E occasionally participates in class discussions. 16=#E collaborates well with #h peers and #e has shown some leadership potential. COMMENTS: T1 03 Reading A 1=In reading, #N showed excellent comprehension of our literature study of Wonder, as well as the literary technique ‘point of view’. 2=In reading, #N showed good comprehension of our literature study of Wonder, as well as appropriate understanding of the literary technique ‘point of view’. 3=In reading, #N showed some comprehension of our literature study of Wonder and the literary technique ‘point of view’. 4=In reading, #N struggled to show comprehension of our literature study of Wonder or the literary technique ‘point of view’. COMMENTS: T1 04 Reading B 1=#E has also made a superb start to #h independent reading requirement. #H reading log reflects a strong commitment to this important life habit. 2=#E has also made a good start in #h independent reading requirement, keeping accurate evidence in #h reading log. 3=However, #e has struggled with #h independent reading. #E must devote regular time to this and #e must ensure that #e is making use of the reading log to show accurate evidence of #h progress. COMMENTS: T1 05 Writing A 1=As a writer, #N has a solid understanding of the expository genre. #E responses are organized and concise, and #e supports #h ideas with compelling evidence and clear, detailed reasoning. 2=As a writer, #N has a good understanding of the expository genre and #e makes good use of mentor texts and other resources to make sure #h responses are organized. #E supports #h ideas with real evidence and clear reasoning. 3=As a writer, #N is working towards drafting organized expository responses. #E attempts to support #h ideas with evidence and reasoning from provided texts, but #e should continue to make use of mentor texts and other provided resources to continue to grow in this area. 4=As a writer, #N is beginning to draft expository responses. #E attempts to compose clear ideas and support these in an organized paragraph. #E should make use of provided resources to locate appropriate evidence and seek out additional assistance when needed in order to continue to grow in this area. 5=#E is encouraged to take more independent risks in writing, using mentor texts, in order to continue to grow as a writer. COMMENTS: T1 06 Writing B 1=#H responses also show a strong command of language conventions. 2=#H responses also show a good command of language conventions. 3=#H responses also show an emerging command of language conventions. 4=#E must also review and edit #h work before submitting to catch simple grammatical errors. 5=#E should review #h writing before submitting #h work to check for errors. 6=#E struggled with language conventions on the extended writing tasks. #E needs to spend more time on the editing stage of the writing process. COMMENTS: T1 07 Listening & Speaking 1=During our Listening and Speaking group discussions, #N was thoroughly prepared and succinctly presented #h ideas, furthering the group’s understanding of the novel Wonder. #E even took on a leadership role in #h groups, ensuring that all members had a chance to contribute. 2=During our Listening and Speaking group discussions, #N was generally prepared and appropriately presented #h ideas, adding on to others' understanding of the novel Wonder. 3=During our Listening and Speaking group discussions, #N struggled with the preparation aspect of the standard, which impacted #h ability to contribute to the group’s understanding of the novel Wonder. #E also became distracted by other classmates and topics, which impacted #h ability to fully participate in the discussion. 4=During our Listening and Speaking group discussions, #N was prepared and attempted to present #h ideas. With further time and practice in these activities, it is hoped that #e will begin to gain more confidence in this area. COMMENTS: T1 08 Critical Thinking 1=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N demonstrated advanced understanding of the core unit concepts, including civic virtues and asking good inquiry questions, and #e utilized graphic organizers and effective presentation skills successfully for #h summative assessments. 2=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N demonstrated understanding of the core unit concepts, including civic virtues and asking good inquiry questions, and #e utilized graphic organizers to help #m present #h understanding on summative assessments. 3=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N demonstrated some understanding of the core unit concepts, including civic virtues and asking good inquiry questions. #E should ensure that #e is making use of the provided graphic organizers to help #m plan and prepare #h ideas before sharing them on summative assessments. 4=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N struggled to demonstrate understanding of the core unit concepts, including civic virtues and asking good inquiry questions. #E should ensure that #e is completing assigned work and read directions when making use of the provided graphic organizers to help #m plan and prepare #h ideas before sharing them on summative assessments. COMMENTS: T1 09 EAP 1=As #N continues to develop #h English language skills, it is anticipated that #e will move more towards meeting the standards. 2=#N has received No Grade for the Humanities standards this trimester because #h language proficiency is limited and #e is unable to access most of the content or express #h thinking. 3=#N has received No Grade for the Humanities standards this trimester because #e began the trimester while online and #h limited language proficiency meant #e was unable to access some of the content and resources. 4=#N is beginning to be a reader and writer of English, but #e still relies on a lot of teacher support in order to organize #h ideas and give verbal or written responses. 5=#N is taking risks and showing good independent thinking. #H English abilities may still mean that #e is approaching some standards, but if #e continues to take these risks and advocate for #s, then #e will make great progress this year. COMMENTS: T2 01 Org. Participation First 1=#N continues to be very organized and timely in our online classroom this trimester. #E shows great dedication to each of the tasks #e completes. 2=#N continues to be organized and timely in our online classroom this trimester. #E gives appropriate attention to each of the tasks #e completes. 3=#N continues to be a positive member of the classroom community. 4=#N has a positive attitude and works well with #h classmates. 5=#N continues to be a valued member of the class. 6=#N continues to be a valued participant in class and #e even took on a leadership role in the virtual small-group discussions. COMMENTS: T2 02 Org. Participation Second 1=#E also participated regularly in our whole-class discussions and took on a leadership role in the virtual small-group discussions. 2=#E worked well with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions and has taken a leadership role in our whole class government and economics simulation. 3=#E also participated regularly in our whole-class discussions and worked well with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions. 4=#E also participated well with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions 5=However, #e struggled to work with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions 6=#E has tried participating some in class and is encouraged to continue with this. 7=However, #e struggled with the self-direction element of Learn Enthusiastically while online. #E must put more effort into managing #h time and work, as well as avoiding distractions during class and while working on #h assignments. 8=However, #e struggled with the self-direction element of Learn Enthusiastically while online. #E must take more risks in order to grow as a student and ask for help when #e is unsure of a task’s directions. 9=However, #N continued to struggle with #h organization this trimester. #E needs to devote further attention to this important executive functioning skill in order for #m to be fully successful as a student. 10=However, #e struggled with self-direction and #e rarely attempted assignments independently. #E required one-to-one support outside of class in order to complete #h work. 11=However, #h work effort was often minimal and lacked detail. This has meant that #N has sometimes not demonstrated the targeted concepts or skills on assessments. #E must make sure that #e is committed to #h learning so that #e can meet the standards and perform to #h potential. COMMENTS: T2 03 Reading 1=#N remains a motivated and adventurous independent reader. 2=#N has become a more motivated and adventurous independent reader. 3=#N remains a diligent independent reader. 4=#N has become a more diligent independent reader. 5=As a reader, COMMENTS: T2 04 Info. Text Reading 1=#E was able to apply comprehensive reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, paraphrasing, and supporting details. 2=#E was able to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, paraphrasing, and supporting details. 3=#E attempted to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, paraphrasing, and supporting details. 4=#E is learning to apply reading strategies to informational texts, including central idea, paraphrasing, and supporting details. These should be areas of focus for #m as we continue to build upon our reading and research skills. COMMENTS: T2 05 Reading Log 1=However, #e has struggled to keep up with #h independent reading log, and #e must ensure that #e is devoting time to this important tool in order to show accurate evidence of #h progress. 2=However, #e has struggled to keep up with #h independent reading log, and #e must devote regular time to this important habit to help further literacy development. 3=#E has also struggled to keep up with #h independent reading log, and #e must devote regular time to this important habit to help further literacy development. COMMENTS: T2 06 Writing 1=#N is making admirable progress as a writer, drafting organized and concise expository and argumentative responses. #E drafts responses with concise claims, supported by relevant and effective evidence and sophisticated reasoning. 2=#N is making appropriate progress as a writer, drafting organized expository and argumentative responses. #E drafts responses with complete claims, supported by clear evidence and related reasoning. 3=#N is making progress as a writer, drafting original expository and argumentative responses. #N attempts to support #h ideas and claims with evidence and reasoning from provided texts, but #e should continue to utilize strategies presented in class to develop #h claims, evidence, and reasoning. 4=#N is beginning to draft expository and argumentative responses. #E attempts to compose clear ideas and claims, and support these in an organized paragraph. #E should continue to utilize strategies presented in class to develop #h claims, evidence, and reasoning. 5=As a writer, #N demonstrated developed understanding of expository writing, particularly the letter genre. However, #e has struggled to transfer these skills to argumentative writing and #e must continue to review resources, study examples, and utilize strategies presented in class in order to further grow in this area. COMMENTS: T2 07 Language Issues ? 1=#E must also review and edit #h work before submitting to catch simple grammatical errors. 2=#E should review #h writing before submitting #h work to check for errors. 3=#E struggled with language conventions on the extended writing tasks. #E needs to spend more time on the editing stage of the writing process. COMMENTS: T2 08 Listening & Speaking 1=In listening and speaking, #N skillfully used key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, to create engaging videos for #h classmates. #H message was clear and #e included a number of important details to support #h ideas. 2=In listening and speaking, #N used key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, to create appropriate videos for #h classmates. #H message was clear and #e included relevant details to support #h ideas. 3=In listening and speaking, #N demonstrated some presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone. However, #h message was not clear, and #e struggled to include enough relevant details as support. #E must make sure that #e is spending time planning and organizing #h ideas first, then practicing #h speeches before presenting them to an audience. 4=In listening and speaking, #N attempted to use key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h class videos, but struggled some due to #h current level of English skills. With further time and practice, it is expected that these will improve. 5=In listening and speaking, #N struggled to use key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, when creating videos for #h classmates. Further time preparing and practicing these important skills is necessary for future success in this area. COMMENTS: T2 09 Critical Thinking 1=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed highly developed understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, government, and economics. 2=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed developed understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, government, and economics. 3=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N showed some understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we studied ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, government, and economics. #E should continue to review and practice provided class vocabulary terms in order to improve #h understanding in this area. 4=Finally in Critical Thinking, #N is beginning to show understanding of how different decisions can impact people as we study ancient and modern choices through the lenses of geography, government, and economics. #E should continue to review and practice provided class vocabulary terms in order to improve #h understanding in this area. COMMENTS: T2 10 EAP Final 1=As #N continues to refine and practice #h English language skills, it is expected #e will have more success in meeting the standards. 2=#N has received No Grade for the Humanities standards this trimester because #h language proficiency is limited and #e is unable to access most of the content or express #h thinking. 3=#N has received No Grade for the Humanities standards this trimester because #e began the trimester while online and #h limited language proficiency meant #e was unable to access some of the content and resources. 4=#N is beginning to be a reader and writer of English, but #e still relies on a lot of teacher support in order to organize #h ideas and give verbal or written responses. 5=#N is taking risks and showing good independent thinking. #H English abilities may still mean that #e is approaching some standards, but if #e continues to take these risks and advocate for #s, then #e will make great progress this year. 6=#N is not asking for help or utilizing support provided by #h teachers, so #e is not progressing much in English. In order to grow in each of the skill areas, #e must take more risks in asking questions and seek help when needed. COMMENTS: T3 01 Organization 1=#N continued to be very organized and timely, even during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E showed great dedication to each of the tasks #e completed. 2=#N continued to be organized this trimester, even during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E gave appropriate attention to each of the tasks #e completed. 3=#N continued to be organized at the beginning of this trimester, but #e struggled to transition to our online Continuous Learning. 4=#N continued to struggle with #h organization this trimester, especially during our online Continuous Learning period of time. #E needs to devote further attention to this important executive functioning skill in order for #m to be fully successful as a student. COMMENTS: T3 02 Participation 1=#E also participated regularly in our whole-class discussions and took on a leadership role in the virtual small-group discussions. 2=#E also participated regularly in our whole-class discussions and worked well with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions. 3=#E also participated well with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions. 4=#E has really matured as a student. 5=#E also struggled to work with #h peers in the virtual small-group discussions. COMMENTS: T3 03 Reading Writing (Log) 1=As a reader, #N continued to be diligent towards #h independent reading, making good progress in #h literacy development. 2=As a reader, #N continued to make good progress on #h independent reading, though #e was unsuccessful in achieving #h goal on X. I encourage #m to keep working on this over the summer and in grade 7. 3=As a reader, #N did not keep up with #h independent reading and #e must devote regular time to this over the summer and next year to help further literacy development. 4=As a reader, #N struggled with #h independent reading, and #e must ensure that #e is devoting regular time to this over the summer and next year to help further literacy development. COMMENTS: T3 04 Reading Writing (Genre) 1=#E showed an enlightened proficiency of the various news genres we studied, specifically regarding audience and purpose, and #e was able to effectively apply this understanding in #h own written articles. 2=#E showed good proficiency of the various news genres we studied, specifically regarding audience and purpose, and #e was able to apply this understanding in #h own written articles. 3=#E showed emerging proficiency of the various news genres we studied, specifically regarding audience and purpose, and #e attempted to apply this understanding in #h own written articles. 4=#E showed limited understanding of the various news genres we studied, specifically regarding audience and purpose, and #e struggled to apply this understanding in #h own written articles. COMMENTS: T3 05 Reading Writing (SF) 1=#N also further developed and refined #h style and voice, particularly #h sentence fluency skills, to improve and enhance the flow of #h writing. 2=#N also further developed #h style and voice, particularly #h sentence fluency skills, to improve the flow of #h writing. 3=#N also worked some on #h style and voice, particularly sentence fluency skills, to try and improve the flow of #h writing. However, further review of resources, mentor texts, and practice in this area is needed to continue to grow as a writer. COMMENTS: T3 06 Reading Writing (Lang) 1=#E must review and edit #h work before submitting to catch simple grammatical errors. 2=#E should review #h writing before submitting #h work to check for 3=#E struggled with language conventions on the extended writing tasks. #E needs to spend more time on the editing stage of the writing process. COMMENTS: T3 07 Listening Speaking 1=In listening and speaking, #N skillfully used key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, to create an engaging Book Sell video. 2=In listening and speaking, #N used key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, to create an appropriate Book Sell video. 3=In listening and speaking, #N attempted to use key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, in #h Book Sell video, but struggled some due to #h current level of English skills. With further time and practice, it is expected that these will improve. 4=In listening and speaking, #N struggled to use key presentation skills, including volume, eye contact, and tone, when creating #h Book Sell video. COMMENTS: T3 08 Critical Thinking 1=Finally in critical thinking, #N was able to extract specific evidence about real issues from a wide-range of appropriate sources and then take meaningful action to try and make a difference as a citizen of the world. 2=Finally in critical thinking, #N was able to identify evidence about real issues from appropriate sources and then take action to try and make a difference as a citizen of the world. 3=Finally in critical thinking, #N attempted to identify and use evidence about real issues from internet sources. However, #e struggled with coming up with a plan for action to address these real issues. Further practice in research skills is necessary to help #m improve in these areas. COMMENTS: T3 09 Critical Thinking Two 1=#E also showed sophisticated understanding of a variety of visual tools used by social scientists and applied them to the Covid-19 pandemic. 2=#E also showed understanding of some of the visual tools used by social scientists and applied them to the current Covid-19 pandemic. 3=#E also showed some understanding of the visual tools used by social scientists and #e attempted to apply them to the current Covid-19 pandemic. COMMENTS: T3 10 Final 1=#N should be very proud of #h growth as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year. 2=#N should be proud of #h growth as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year. 3=#N has grown as a reader, writer, and social scientist this year and #e should continue to utilize resources and feedback to further develop in these areas. 4=#N is encouraged to continue to practice #h English language skills regularly over the summer so that further development and success in reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking can be achieved next year. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.