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COMMENTS: 3rd-progress-grade 1=#E is able to produce the work on the level of #sec-grade. 2=#E has made some progress this #Time-period. 3=#E has made good progress this #Time-period. 4=#E has made excellent progress #Time-period. COMMENTS: 4th-7th Pri Y1-Level 2~1 1=2 - EMERGING 2=#E can understand many simple questions and short sentences on familiar topics. 3=#E can understand and respond to many questions in phrases or short sentences. 4=#E can understand and read out many familiar words or phrases without Pinyin independently. 5=#E can write some short sentences to a model and fill in the words on a simple form. 6=1 - BASIC 7=#E can understand many words from spoken sentences on familiar topics. 8=#E can repeat some sentences and respond to some simple questions with action or phrases. 9=#E can understand and read out some phrases or short sentences with support. 10=#E can write or copy some simple phrases and sentences with support. COMMENTS: 4th-7th Pri Y1-Level 6~3 1=6 - GREATER DEPTH 2=#E can understand all spoken words and short questions on familiar topics. 3=#E can understand and respond to many short questions on familiar topics. 4=#E can understand a range of Pinyin words or short Pinyin sentences and recognise some simple Chinese characters like the numbers. 5=#E can write many Pinyin words on familiar topics and some simple Chinese characters like the numbers. 6=5 - SECURE 7=#E can understand most familiar spoken words and short questions. 8=#E can say most of the phrases and respond to some short questions. 9=#E can understand most familiar Pinyin words and recognize a few simple Chinese characters. 10=#E can copy most of Pinyin and write some Pinyin words on familiar topics independently. 11=4 - AGE-EXPECTED 12=#E can understand most of the familiar spoken words and phrases. 13=#E can say most of the words and phrases on familiar topics. 14=#E can understand and read out most of the familiar Pinyin words independently. 15=#E can copy most of Pinyin words independently. 16=3 - DEVELOPING 17=#E can understand many familiar spoken words and phrases. 18=#E can say many words and phrases on familiar topics. 19=#E can understand and read out some Pinyin words independently. 20=#E can copy many Pinyin with support. COMMENTS: 4th-7th Pri Y6-Level 2~1 1=2 - EMERGING 2=#E can understand many simple questions and short sentences on familiar topics. 3=#E can understand and respond to many questions in phrases or short sentences. 4=#E can understand and read out many familiar words or phrases without Pinyin independently. 5=#E can write some short sentences to a model and fill in the words on a simple form. 6=1 - BASIC 7=#E can understand many words from spoken sentences on familiar topics. 8=#E can repeat some sentences and respond to some simple questions with action or phrases. 9=#E can understand and read out some phrases or short sentences with support. 10=#E can write or copy some simple phrases and sentences with support. COMMENTS: 4th-7th Pri Y6-Level 6~3 1=6 - GREATER DEPTH 2=#E can understand most of the conversations and spoken passages on familiar topics. 3=#E can retell some short passages and talk about the details with confidence. 4=#E can understand the main points and state some of the details from some short written texts. 5=#E can write my own paragraphs on familiar topics. 6=5 - SECURE 7=#E can understand the main points and some of the detail from some longer spoken passage. 8=#E can repeat some short passages and respond to most questions on familiar topics. 9=#E can read out some short written passages and understand the main point(s). 10=#E can write some short passages on familiar topics. 11=4 - AGE-EXPECTED 12=#E can understand the main point(s) from some short spoken passages. 13=#E can understand and respond to many questions and give basic information on a range of familiar topics. 14=#E can understand and read out some sentences from familiar written passages. 15=#E can write many sentences on familiar topics independently. 16=3 - DEVELOPING 17=#E can understand many short sentences from familiar short spoken passages. 18=#E can ask and answer many simple questions on a range of familiar topics. 19=#E can understand and read out some short written sentences. 20=#E can make good use of vocabulary and sentence structures to write some sentences. COMMENTS: 4th-7th SEC 0547(2017-2019) 1=Grade A 2=#E understands gist and identifies main points and detail in texts drawn from a variety of contexts and topic areas. #E recognises points of view, attitudes and emotions and are able to draw conclusions. #E shows an ability to extract meaning from more complex language. 3=#E develops conversations and discussions and narrate events. #E expresses and justifies ideas and opinions, and produces longer sequences of speech using a variety of vocabulary, structures and can express different time frames. #E speaks confidently with good pronunciation and intonation. The message is clear although there may still be some errors, especially when using more complex structures. 4=#E understands gist and identifies main points and detail in texts drawn from a variety of contexts and topic areas. #E recognises points of view, attitudes and emotions and are able to draw conclusions. #E shows an ability to understand unfamiliar language and to extract meaning from more complex language. 5=#E gives information and narrates events. #E expresses and justifies ideas and opinions. #E uses a range of vocabulary, structures and verbs. #H spelling and grammar are generally accurate and #h style is appropriate to purpose. 6=Grade C 7=#E identifies and notes main points, details and opinions from language spoken at normal speed. The spoken texts include past and future events. They are drawn from a variety of contexts and topic areas and may include familiar language in unfamiliar contexts. 8=#E develops conversations and simple discussions which include past, present and future events. #E expresses opinions and shows an ability to deal with some unpredictable elements. Although there may be some errors, #e convey a reasonably clear message and #h pronunciation and intonation are generally accurate. 9=#E identifies and extracts details and opinions from texts drawn from a variety of contexts and topic areas. The texts include past and future events and may include familiar language in unfamiliar contexts. 10=#E expresses opinions and writes about a variety of topics which may be factual or imaginative and which may include different time frames. The style is basic but despite some errors the writing conveys a clear message. 11=Grade F 12=#E identifies and notes main points and extracts some details from simple language spoken clearly at near normal speed. 13=#E identifies main points and extracts some information from short, simple texts. #E may use context to work out the meaning of words. 14=#E takes part in simple conversations showing some ability to communicate simple information in response to straightforward questions. #H pronunciation is understandable. Although there will be grammatical inaccuracies, the main points are usually communicated. 15=#E writes short sentences and communicates simple ideas. Although there may be mistakes in spelling and grammar, the main points are usually communicated. COMMENTS: 4th-7th SEC-Y789 Beginners 1=Beginners 1-7 2=#E can understand a few familiar spoken words and phrases. #E can say/repeat a few words and short simple phrases. 3=#E can recognize and read out a few familiar words and phrases. #E can write or copy simple words or symbols. 4=#E can understand a range of familiar spoken phrases. #E can answer simple questions and give basic information. 5=#E can understand familiar written phrases. #E can write one or two short sentences to a model and fill in the words on a simple form. 6=#E can understand the main point(s) from a short spoken passage. #E can ask and answer simple questions and talk about #h interests. 7=#E can understand the main point(s) from a short written passage in clear printed script. 8=#E can write a few short sentences with support using expressions which #e has already learned. COMMENTS: General comments improvements 1 1=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #N works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 2=#E needs to put more effort into written work. 3=#N is too easily distracted in class. 4=#N is generally hardworking, although #e can be easily distracted. 5=#H attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. 6=#N has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but is capable of more. 7=#N must ask if #e does not understand the work and in this way #e will make much more progress. 8=Recently, #N has settled down well and worked much harder in class. 9=However, #h behaviour can still be silly at times and #e needs to realise that next year #e will be in the oldest year group in the school. 10=#H attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to do #h homework in order to make progress. 11=In order to maintain the progress that #N is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 12=Unfortunately, #N lacks confidence in #h own ability in some subjects and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard when #e puts in the effort. 13=Although #N is beginning to show signs of increased maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 14=If #N develops this more positive approach to work and behaviour, #e will reach #h full potential. 15=#N is a clever capable #b, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 16=#N has the ability to produce good work in all subjects but needs to avoid the temptation to chatter for sustained periods to friends. 17=At certain times #N does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to 'chat' to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 18=#E needs to help with putting resources away. 19=#N needs to concentrate and apply #s in full to achieve #h full potential. 20=I am sure that the challenge of a year six curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. COMMENTS: General comments improvements 2 1=#N sometimes lacks confidence, and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 2=#E is keen to answer questions, but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 3=Occasionally, #N can be easily distracted and #h needs to realise that #h must settle down to work straightaway. 4=#N always settles down quickly to work, but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 5=#H attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #h has calmed down. COMMENTS: IELTS writing band score 1=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 4 from this effort. Keep trying! 2=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 4.5 from this effort. Keep trying! 3=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 5 from this effort. Keep trying! 4=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 5.5 from this effort. Keep trying! 5=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 6 from this effort. Keep up the good work! 6=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 6.5 from this effort. Keep up the good work! 7=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 7 from this effort. Keep up the good work! 8=Finally, I'm not a professional evaluator, but it seems you probably earned a band 7.5 from this effort. Keep up the good work! COMMENTS: IELTS writing: Lexical Resource 1=The basic vocabulary was used. Be careful that all of your vocabulary is correct for all of your sentences. Remember to check so the reader can enjoy your writing more easily. (4) 2=Your vocabulary was not bad. Maybe you tried to use some less common words. Thanks for that. Did you check to make sure all of the words fit the sentences in ways the reader can understand? Don't forget to check your spelling but your writing was still pretty easy to read. (5) 3=You used enough different kinds of vocabulary. Do all of your words mean exactly what you want to say? 4=You used a lot of different kinds of upper-level vocabulary and used those words correctly. You might have made a few small errors in spelling or word formation but your meaning was very clear. COMMENTS: IELTS writing: grammar 1=By the way, simple sentences were used throughout. Do all of your sentences have a subject, verb, and object? Consider trying some compound sentences or using subordinate clauses. (4) 2=By the way, simple and complex sentences were used, but you might have had some trouble with the complex sentences. Remember to check your grammar so it can be more easily read. (5) 3=By the way, simple and complex sentences were used well and you had some simple grammar errors, but they did not affect my ability to read your writing. (6) 4=By the way, a large variety sentence forms were used correctly. You had just a few grammar mistakes, but the reader can see that you use correct grammar in general. (7) COMMENTS: IELTS Coherence and Cohesion 1=Anyway, you also presented some information and ideas. Arranging them in order will help the reader understand what you want to say. Did you use linkers? Did you use the right linkers? Don't forget to separate each paragraph with an empty line. (4) 2=Anyway, you also tried to organize your ideas. With more practice you will be able to have clearer topic sentences and make sure your supporting ideas only support that topic.(5) 3=Anyway, you also organized your ideas clearly. Most of your sentences directly support the topic sentence. With more practice, you will be able to do it more smoothly. (6) 4=Anyway, you also did a good job organizing your ideas and paragraphs. Your linkers are appropriate but make sure you didn't use too many or use them automatically. (7) COMMENTS: ielts practice 1=congratulations! You finished your IELTS writing task 2. Thank you so much for your effort. I made a list of comments to help you understand your score and more importantly how to improve your score next time. 2=In Task achievement you scored a 5. That means that you answered the question pretty well. 3=In task achievement you scored a 7. That means that you answered very well. 4=In grammar you scored a 3. that means that you had some serious problems with subject verb agreement and so on. 5=so that means that your total is ____________ please focus on your weakest part of your writing so you can improve next time. COMMENTS: IELTS SPEAKING FLUENCY 1=Band 9 • speaks fluently with only rare repetition or self-correction; any hesitation is content-related rather than to find words or grammar • speaks coherently with fully appropriate cohesive features • develops topics fully and appropriately 2=Band 8 speaks fluently with only occasional repetition or self-correcting; hesitation is usually content-related and only rarely to search for language • develops topics coherently and appropriately 3=Band 7 speaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherence • may demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction • uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility COMMENTS: IELTS SPEAKING INTRO 1=Thanks for speaking with me. It takes courage to speak about subjects in a foreign language. I can't do it. You are already better than me. However, You want to improve your score so I'm giving you a little feedback. Please think carefully about this feedback and try to improve your weaknesses. The important thing is to improve a little each time your practice. COMMENTS: IELTS writing introduction 1=Congratulations #N ! You completed and turned in a difficult assignment. I'm sure it took a lot of effort to do it well. I wrote out some things you did well and suggestions for improvement. IELTS writing is a tricky thing. If you learn to follow the rules, it's not that hard to get a good score. Each time you write, try to improve on your weaknesses. Anyway, here are my suggestions step by step: 2=Thanks a lot #N! This assignment was not easy, and I know you are a busy student. Each time you write, I know you will get a little better. You did a lot of things well and I have a few ideas for you to try next time. COMMENTS: Ielts writing TA 1=To start off, you presented some main ideas, but you should be clearer. Are some of your ideas repeated? Please check to see if your format is correct. (4) 2=To start off, you completed some of the tasks, but it should be clearer. Did you develop and support your ideas nicely and convincingly? (5) 3=To start off, great job! You completed all the tasks! Did you develop and support your ideas nicely and convincingly?(6) 4=To start off, terrific job! You completed all parts of the tasks, and it is very clear everywhere in the writing. You supported your main ideas very well but maybe you overgeneralized or lacked some focus. (7) COMMENTS: IELTS Writing: Coherence and Cohesion 1=You presented some information and ideas but they need to be arranged so the reader can follow. Maybe some of your linkers are misplaced. Check to make sure you have your paragraphs divided by a blank line. (4) 2=You organized your ideas a little, but it's difficult to follow. Make sure all your paragraphs are clear with proper topic sentences (5) 3=You organized, your ideas clearly. make sure your paragraphs are logical and ALL of you cohesion is correct and smooth. (6) 4=You did a good job of organizing your ideas and paragraphs. Your linkers are appropriate but they might be over used. (7) COMMENTS: intro comments 1=I have truly enjoyed being #N's teacher and I hope to see #m next year. 2=#N has done an O.K. job this year and has worked so very hard. 3=I appreciate #N's quality effort to do well and have enjoyed being #m teacher. 4=#N is respectful to the classmates and is very well-liked. 5=#N is helpful and kind and is a pleasure to be around. 6=#N has made good progress in being a good classroom citizen. 7=#N is gaining confidence in speaking and understanding English. 8=#N follows classroom rules consistently and is a good role model. 9=#N is a good student and I have enjoyed getting to know #N this year. 10=#N excels in creative writing. 11=#N produces paragraphs that are well developed. 12=#N has strong reading comprehension skills. 13=#N has made great improvements in the area of science. 14=#N works well with other students. 15=#N enjoys participating in-class lessons and is improving in English skills as well. 16=#N listens attentively to directions, and I appreciate #N's ability to start work right away. 17=#N has a good attitude and is always willing to lend a hand. 18=#N shows interest and enthusiasm for classroom activities and seems to enjoy learning. COMMENTS: john's improvement 1=#N should try to study more basic English sentence structure as well as scientific terminology. 2=#N might consider reading at home over the summer to increase fluency and vocabulary level. 3=#N should try to speak English with her classmates while discussing assignments and their solutions. 4=#N would benefit from daily work with flashcards, online or with paper to boost vocabulary levels. 5=#N should try to study the daily notes from class to help remember the concepts more completely. 6=#N should work on reading out loud in English at home to improve fluency and pronunciation. 7=#N might think about doing nightly “Splashlearn” online math exercises to increase accuracy. 8=#N might consider watching YouTube videos related to basic science over the summer months. COMMENTS: john's math 1=#N is able to execute single and double-digit multiplication accurately. 2=#N can perform long division showing remainders. 3=#N can describe 2d and 3d shapes and draw them. 4=#N can understand the basics of decimals and the place value of each digit. 5=#N understands the purpose of the numerator and denominator of fractions. 6=#N can perform doubling and halving tasks with general accuracy. 7=#N understands the horizontal and vertical lines of a typical bar chart. 8=#N is able to understand bus schedules and perform some simple elapsed time. 9=#N can understand acute and obtuse angles and has a basic idea of right-angles. 10=#N can know which units depict capacity vs weight of length. 11=#N can use basic coordinates to show the location of an object on a square grid. COMMENTS: john's science 1=#N understands the purpose of skeletons and how they are connected. 2=#N can label and tell the purpose of many of the human bones. 3=#N has a basic idea of how muscles work in pairs to pull bones to create movement. 4=#N has some basic understanding of the differences between bird beaks and what they eat. 5=#N understands that all animals live in different habitats that they have adapted to overtime. 6=#N understands some basic differences between animals with a spine and animals that are invertebrates. 7=#N able to give an excellent project on water pollution and some of its harmful effects. 8=#N understands different stages of matter and how the relationship of the particles effect that phase 9=#N can talk about the fact that different substances have different boiling and freezing points. 10=#N can accurately draw bar charts showing horizontal and vertical information with correct labels. 11=#N understands how sound vibrations travel along a material or substance in order to make a sound. 12=#N understands differences between volume levels and how actions create varied vibrations. 13=#N can describe how many factors change the pitch, for example the length of the vibrating object. COMMENTS: Maths 3a statement 1=#E is particularly good at mental arithmetic and can use mental methods quickly to do calculations with all the four operations. #E can add and subtract decimals to two places and can multiply a simple decimal by a single digit. #E can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. #E can also recognise equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. #E is beginning to understand simple ratio and can use and interpret coordinates in the first quadrant. 2=#E can also solve two-step problems. #E can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and can measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5�. #E can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line and #e can rotate a shape around the origin. #E can record data using a frequency table and can create simple line graphs. #E can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record sorting and classifying of information. COMMENTS: Maths 3b statement 1=#E understands place value in numbers to 1000. #E can recognise sequences of numbers and can add and subtract three-digit numbers using written method. #N can recognise some fractions that are equivalent to 1/2. #E can also record fractions that are several parts of the whole such as 3/4, 2/5. #N can recognise common 3-D shapes and knows some nets of familiar 3-D shapes. 2=#E can reflect shapes, presented on a grid, in a vertical or horizontal mirror line and knows when a shape does not have a line of symmetry. #E understands what area and perimeter are. #N can make a sensible choice for recording data, e.g. a tally chart or frequency table and can construct a bar chart. COMMENTS: Maths 4c statement 1=#N can use mental methods to do calculations with all the four operations and can order decimals to three decimal places. #E understand and can use fractions such as 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, 1/10 and is beginning to understand simple ratio. #N can add and subtract three-digit numbers using written method. 2=#N can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line and #e can rotate a shape around the origin. #E can measure a length to the nearest � cm. #N can record data using a frequency table and can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record sorting and classifying of information. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2a 1=#N knows #h 10, 2x and 1x table. 2=#N knows #h number doubles to 10 +10. 3=#E know by heart all the answers to any addition or subtraction up to 10. 4=#E knows that subtraction is the inverse of addition. 5=#N can choose the appropriate operation when solving addition and subtraction problems. 6=#N knows that #e can work out the answer to a multiplication problem by repeated addition. 7=#E understands halving as a way of 'undoing' doubling and vice versa. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2b 1=#N can partition a number into Tens and Units and then recombine them. 2=#N can recognise sequences of numbers in 2s, 5s and 1Os. 3=#E knows what is meant by odd or even numbers. 4=#E can double and half numbers to 20. 5=#N can add 2 two-digit numbers. 6=#N can subtract a single-digit number from a two digit number without using apparatus. 7=#E can shade half or one quarter of a given shape. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2c 1=#N can read and order numbers up to 100. 2=#N knows which is the smallest or largest number is in any given group up to 100. 3=#E can use a number line to add numbers together by counting on. 4=#E can subtract by counting back on a number line. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Science (M3A) 1=#N is aware of the need for a fair test and can identify factors that can be changed during an experiment. 2=#E is able to identify some changes as reversible or irreversible and is beginning to understand the differences between a solid, liquid and gas. 3=#E can identify ways in which we are able to keep our bodies healthy and recognises the importance of a balanced diet. 4=#E understands that the heart acts as a pump to circulate the blood through vessels around the body. 5=#E now needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around #h and it would be nice to see #h develop confidence enough to suggest ideas during class discussions. COMMENTS: Science (M3B) 1=#N has particularly enjoyed the practical aspects of science this year. 2=#E is able to describe changes that are made when materials are mixed and any changes if they are heated or cooled. #E is also able to identify some reversible and irreversible changes and is beginning to understand that a change involving different materials that gives off a gas cannot be reversed. 3=#E is also now beginning to extend #h understanding of one topic and use this to further #h knowledge in another, for example, the changes that occur to water in the water cycle such as evaporation and condensation. 4=#E enjoyed learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon. #E learned about the orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the effect it has on the seasons. COMMENTS: Science (M4A) 1=#N enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm. 2=#E understands the heart acts as a pump to circulate the blood through vessels around the body, including through the lungs. 3=#E understands the importance of keeping healthy and is able to explain why a balanced diet and exercise are advisable to stay healthy. 4=#E enjoys practical experiments and is able to use #h scientific knowledge and understanding to explain observations, measurements or other data or conclusions. 5=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. COMMENTS: Science (M4B) 1=#N enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm. 2=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments and has also been able to use #h scientific knowledge to explain everyday occurrences such as steam and condensation in the bathroom. 3=#E understands the importance of keeping healthy and is able to explain why a balanced diet and exercise are advisable to stay healthy. 4=#E has a mature approach to science and is able to describe some simple positive and negative consequences of scientific and technological developments. 5=To further #s in science, #e now needs to begin to link #h prior knowledge to current topics to help #h develop a deeper understanding of the topic. COMMENTS: Science (M4C) 1=#N has really enjoyed the practical aspects of science this year. 2=#E is able to describe changes that are made when materials are mixed and any changes when they are heated or cooled. 3=#E is able to identify some reversible and irreversible changes and can explain why an irreversible change that gives off a gas cannot be reversed. 4=#E is now beginning to extend #h understanding of the changes that occur in water to the water cycle and is able to explain and understand evaporation and condensation. 5=#E enjoyed learning about the Earth, Sun and Moon, about the orbit of the Earth and the effect this has on the seasons. 6=#E now needs to make practical suggestions about how working methods could be improved and perhaps offer simple explanations for any differences encountered in results. COMMENTS: Science (M5B) 1=#N enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm. 2=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. 3=#E understands the importance of keeping healthy and is able to explain why a balanced diet and exercise are advisable to stay healthy. 4=#E is aware that the heart acts as a pump to circulate the blood through vessels around the body, including through the lungs. 5=To help #h gain a deeper understanding of the topic being studied #N now needs to link #h prior knowledge to current topics. COMMENTS: Science (M5C) 1=#N possesses a real interest in the world around #h. 2=#E is able to use scientific ideas when describing simple processes or phenomena and can use simple models to describe scientific ideas. 3=#E is beginning to demonstrate #h mathematical ability through selecting appropriate ways of presenting scientific data and is able to make a set of observations or measurements, identifying the ranges and intervals used. 4=#E is able to use appropriate scientific forms of language to communicate scientific ideas, processes or phenomena. 5=#N has very much enjoyed our practical experiments this year, #e is able to decide when it is appropriate to carry out fair tests in investigations and can select appropriate equipment or information sources, answer specific questions or explain ideas. 6=#E is beginning to gain a deeper understanding of the topic being studied by linking #h prior knowledge to current topics, this will allow #h to develop in science. COMMENTS: Science Ability 1=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. 2=#E generally understands new scientific concepts and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 3=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 4=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well. 5=#E always understands new scientific concepts well. 6=#E always understands new scientific concepts quickly. 7=#E generally understands new scientific concepts quickly. 8=#E tries hard to understand new scientific concepts and now needs to use #h knowledge to try and explain results of experiments. 9=#E needs careful explanations to learn new scientific concepts but always tries hard to understand. COMMENTS: Science AT1 Level 3 1=#N responds to suggestions, puts forward #h own ideas and, where appropriate, makes simple predictions. 2=#N makes relevant observations and measures quantities, using a range of simple equipment. 3=With some help #N can carry out a fair test, recognising and explaining why it is fair. 4=#N records observations in a variety of ways. 5=#N provides explanations for observations and, where they occur, for simple patterns in recorded measurements. 6=#N can explain what #e has found out from #h work. COMMENTS: Science AT1 Level 4 1=#N recognises the need for fair tests by describing, or showing in the way #e performs a task, how to vary one factor whilst keeping others the same. 2=Where appropriate, #e makes reasonable predictions. 3=#E selects suitable equipment to use and makes a series of observations and measurements that are adequate for the task. 4=#N presents observations and measurements clearly, using tables and bar charts. 5=#N takes account of patterns when drawing conclusions, and is beginning to relate conclusions to scientific knowledge and understanding. COMMENTS: Science AT1 Level 5 1=#N identifies the key factors that need to be considered in contexts that involve only a few factors. 2=Where appropriate, #e makes predictions based on scientific knowledge and understanding. 3=#E selects apparatus for a range of tasks and uses it with care. 4=#N makes a series of observations or measurements with precision appropriate to the task. 5=#N is beginning to repeat observations and measurements and to offer simple explanations for any differences encountered. 6=#E draws conclusions that are consistent with the evidence and is beginning to relate these to scientific knowledge and understanding. COMMENTS: Science Group Work 1=#E has a sensible, mature approach to group working, uses equipment carefully and records observations accurately. 2=#E works very well as a member of a group and uses equipment and materials in a sensible and responsible manner. 3=#E works well as a member of a small group and has had experience of using basic scientific equipment. 4=#E works reasonably well as part of a small group, but must try to keep #h concentration on the task in hand. 5=#E works co-operatively in a group situation, uses equipment maturely, and has learnt to make careful and accurate measurements. 6=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. COMMENTS: Science Level 5 1=#N identifies the key factors that need to be considered in contexts that involve only a few factors. 2=Where appropriate, #e makes predictions based on scientific knowledge and understanding. 3=#E selects apparatus for a range of tasks and uses it with care. 4=#N makes a series of observations or measurements with precision appropriate to the task. 5=#N is beginning to repeat observations and measurements and to offer simple explanations for any differences encountered. 6=#E draws conclusions that are consistent with the evidence and is beginning to relate these to scientific knowledge and understanding. COMMENTS: Science Practical 1=#E has used a range of basic scientific equipment and has learnt the importance of making careful measurements during an experiment. 2=#E has carefully used a range of basic scientific equipment and has become more accurate when making measurements during an experiment. 3=#E understands the concept of fair testing and applies this during practical work. 4=#E is beginning to understand the concept of fair testing and is starting to apply this during practical work. 5=#E has extended #h understanding of fair testing and is competent in applying this during practical work. 6=#E has discussed the concept of fair testing and is learning to apply this during practical work. 7=#E is capable of drawing appropriate conclusion from experimental results and relating this to #h scientific knowledge. 8=#E now needs to develop the ability to draw appropriate conclusion from experiments and relate #h findings to the scientific concepts learnt. 9=#E can relate the findings from experiments to #h scientific knowledge and can try to explain why #e got the results #e did. 10=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge. 11=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge, and is beginning to do this successfully. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.