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We will continue challenging #N with activities, such as #activitiesyg, #activitiesyg, and #activitiesyg. These are great ways for #m to learn simple cause and effect and to achieve goals of development like mobility, relationship, communication, impulse control and self-competence. COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 2. Cognitive (x7) 1=In terms of cognitive development, #N is right on target. #E is curious and interested in many activities at school, and is eager to test out each center that is presented to #h. 2=#E approaches each task with enthusiasm while exploring #h environment in the classroom. 3=#N has a #knowledge-level of colors, shapes and numbers. #E can count to #numbers all by #s! #N can even count to #numbers with teacher assistance! #N can name many colors and shapes too! 4=#N is still mastering potty training and needs reminders to use the bathroom frequently to avoid accidents. However, #e is mostly independent by going to the potty. #N is very proud when using the potty, exclaiming to teachers about #h accomplishments! Great job, #N! 5=We are so proud to report that #N can identify #numbers colors including #colors, and #colors, and #colors. 6=While #N is exploring our daily activities, we will continue to work on naming our colors and counting 1-5 on our own. 7=#N is starting to understand that objects have differences, like colors and shapes, so we are helping #N identify those differences by providing the words to #m COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 3. Communication skills (x6) 1=#N communicates well with others and will let a friend know if #e is not finished with a certain toy or material by saying "No thank you, it's busy!" 2=#N has really grown #h vocabulary! We are hearing sentences with 2-3 words and can see that #N has a clear and concise understanding of what is being said to #m 3=Since starting in the classroom, we have heard an increase in #N languge skills. #N can say many words to identify objects and people. #N is even starting to put together 1-2 word phrases! 4=While #N is #knowledge-level their language skills we are also working on annunciating different letter sounds in order to understand #N more clearly. 5=#N sometimes needs assistance when interacting with peers as #e has taken toys from friends. #E is able to respond appropriately and give the toy back after being guided by a teacher. Again, just learning which words like "Can I have a turn?" or Can you share?" to use versus action. 6=#N communicates well with others and (with coaching) and is improving on using words on #h own. This is something we are working hard on. To not react automatically but to use #h words and show #h friends how #e feels or that #e isn’t done with the toy or activity yet. COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 4. Social/Emotional (x5) 1=In terms of social and emotional development, #N greatly enjoys interaction with #h teachers and friends, and #e is always very happy to share toys and space with others. 2=#N enjoys playing independently with certain toys, especially #ygtoys or #ygtoys 3=#N is truly a wonderful child and happy the majority of the time and even when #e gets upset #e can calm #s very easily by #soothe. #E also likes to be comforted by a teacher for a few seconds, then #e can find #h happy place again by engaging in a new activity or playing with a different toy. 4=#E seems to love being at school surrounded by peers and teachers. #N can be seen playing with everyone in the class, and #e often excitedly greets close friends when they arrive at school. 5=#E also acts as a "big sister" to our younger friends in the class. #E can often be seen initiating activities with friends, such as #activitiesyg or #h favorite #activitiesyg. COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 5. Physical (x7) 1=#N displays strong gross motor and fine motor skills. 2=When #e walks or runs it is very clear to see that #N has come a long way in terms of balance. #N has confidence when #e moves. 3=#N is #knowledge-level when it comes to jumping with two feet, or trying the balance beam and #knowledge-level things like crawling through a tunnel or tumbling on the gym mat. 4=#N has strong self-help skills and is learning many daily living skills. #E pushes limits and strives for independence in daily activities. #E is able to put on/take off #h own coat, hat, gloves and shoes 5=#N is pretty independent at school; #e is able to feed #s with #h fingers and will often switch to a spoon. We are working on #h eating and using good manners at the table, consistently using a spoon. 6=#E is able to wash and dry #h hands independently. When washing #h hands, #e will occasionally need to be reminded to use only one pump of soap, but #e is mostly independent. 7=#E has mastered feeding #s with a spoon/fork, holding a cup in one hand, stringing large beads and stacking 2 to 4 objects, which is the expectation for #h age group. #N enjoys manipulating play dough, and is able to roll it, pound it and squeeze it with ease COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 6. Goals (x3) 1=Until #N moves up to the #classroom, we will continue to work on reaching our goals. 2=We are working on increasing our vocabulary but repeating common words and by providing the words when #N needs them. 3=In the classroom we are using activities to help #N in multiple areas. We are counting blocks as we build and also naming the colors to develop our coginitve skills. We are working on making safe choices and buildiing autonomy in #N. We are so excited to see how far #h has come and will continue to help #N grow and develop. COMMENTS: Green/Yellow 7. Summary (x2) 1=#N's playfulness and zest for life makes every day fun! #H energy and vivacious attitude is contagious. #E is a sweet firecracker and we look forward to seeing #h continued growth and development. 2=#N is an incredible child with such a caring, energetic and fun personality. #E has truly grown in the short period of time #e has been in the #classroom. We love having #m with us and seeing #m grow and develop. COMMENTS: Purple 1. Intro (x3) 1=#N is such a joy to have in the Purple Room. #E is a #personality-list and #personality2 baby. #N is active in the classroom and intrigued by #h surroundings. #E loves interacting with #h teachers and classmates. #N enjoys playing in all different areas of the room and with different toys, such as #toys-list. #E seems to enjoy playing also with the #toys-list and the #toys-list. #N is truly flourishing in the Purple Room and it is a #adjectives-positive watching #m grow and develop. 2=#N is meeting and exceeding nearly all the main developmental benchmarks for this age group. 3=#N is very kind and polite! We can always count on #h for a smile. #E is such #personality2 child and is a joy to be around. #E has been a wonderful addition to our classroom. COMMENTS: Purple 2. Cognitive (x3) 1=In terms of cognitive development, #N is #Knowledge-level, from being able to recognize familiar words, like milk, ball, diaper, window, and little sentences, to #h curiosity and fascination with new toys. #N is curious about everything in the classroom, even the crib area; #e enjoys playing #games and a baby version of #games around the classroom both with #h teachers and #h friends. #N enjoys exploring different sensory expieriences and participating in art projects. 2=#N enjoys playing with many different toys, especially the ones that come apart or have openings and switches. 3=We will continue challenging #N with these activities, as it is a great way for #m to learn simple cause and effect and to achieve goals of development like mobility, relationship, communication, impulse control, and self-competence COMMENTS: Purple 3. Communication Skills (x8) 1=#N has good communication skills; #e communicates to teachers and other babies by letting out a scream when in need or if something upsets #m (although this is rare), or more commonly smiling and giggling when #e is happy and excited. 2=#N has #Knowledge-level of what is being said to #m. #E shows this by responding to simple directions, words, songs and sounds. 3=#N is beginning to make basic babbling sounds 4=#N is starting to say simple words such as "Mama", "Dada" and "Bye" 5=#N enjoys listening to stories from books and shows an interest in the pictures. 6=#H favorite songs these days are #songs and #e is always sitting in the first row when it is time to get together to sing or listen to a new tune 7=#N responds to familiar voices and recognizes #h name. Additionally, #N follows faces with #h eyes and can respond with facial expressions and certain motions, such as a smile or clapping, or waving #h hands 8=#N is mastering #h babbling sounds, as well as #h loud happy screams. COMMENTS: Purple 4. Social/Emotional (x5) 1=In terms of social and emotional development, #N greatly enjoys interaction with #h teachers and friends, and #e is always very happy to share toys and space with others. 2=#N is truly a wonderful baby and happy the majority of the time and even when #e gets upset #e can calm #s very easily by #soothe 3=#N enjoys playing independently with certain toys, especially #toys-list or #toys-list 4=#N tries often to help #h classmates retrieve their favorite objects around the classroom (pacifiers, loveys, sippy cups); it is very impressive how #e can remember what belongs to whom, even if it is a newer object in the classroom 5=When upset, #N can most often be comforted by a teacher, but we are working on helping #h discover ways to self-soothe. COMMENTS: Purple 5. Physical (x8) 1=#N has great fine motor and gross motor skills. It’s exciting to see #m moving with such great confidence everywhere! 2=#N is #knowledge-level to #physical-baby and #physical-baby 3=#E is #knowledge-level #h fine motor skills by #fine-motor-baby 4=#N has truly sprouted in #h physical growth and development. #E has great fine motor and gross motor skills. It is exciting to see #h moving with such great confidence everywhere! 5=#N enjoys large motor movements such as waving #h arms and hands and clapping and raising #h arms above #h head, but #e is working on strengthening the lower part of #h body. 6=#N is learning how to feed themselves with #h hands and even beginning to use a spoon. 7=We are working with #N on learning how to roll a ball back and forth as well as trying to throw it forward. 8=#N can pick up objects with one hand while using another to do something else. COMMENTS: Purple 6. Goals (x1) 1=One goal we have for #N is to extend independent play and to expand #h interest in toys that require a longer exploration/focus and study. To encourage this, we will continue to provide opportunities for #m to discover different toys (like the stackable lighthouse, the beads maze, simple puzzles, or the magnetic crane), as well as positively reinforce #h accomplishments in this area. COMMENTS: Purple 7. Summary (x2) 1=#N is an incredible baby with such a #personality2, #personality-list and #personality-list personality. #E has truly grown and flourished in the Purple Room. We love having #m with us and seeing #m grow and develop. 2=It has been exciting watching #h grow over the past #time-period. #E has a contagious smile and it is so much fun to spend the weekdays with #h! #N has grown and flourished during #h time in the Purple Room! COMMENTS: Red/Orange 1. Intro (x4) 1=#N is very social and #personality-list and #personality2! We can always count on #N for #action-greeting. #E is such a #adjectives-positive friend and is a joy to be around. #E is such an important part of our classroom. #E is always excited about school every day. 2=#N seems to love being at school surrounded by peers and teachers. #E can be seen playing with everyone in the class, and #e often excitedly greets close friends when they arrive at school 3=#E often is seen initiating activities with friends, such as #activity 4=#N is usually very helpful when #h teachers ask, however #e does tend to get distracted and needs to have reminders. 5=#N is a #adjectives-positive to have in class. #E is happy to be at school, but may take a little longer to warm up to the classroom. We always tells #N how happy we are to see #m . COMMENTS: Red/Orange 2. Cognitive (x8) 1=In terms of cognitive development, #N is right on target. #E is curious and interested in many activities at school and is eager to test out each center that is presented to #h. #E approaches each task with enthusiasm while exploring #h environment in the #classroom. 2=#N has a #Knowledge-level of colors, shapes and numbers #number-range and is continuing to grow and develop #h skills further. 3=#N enjoys putting together puzzles and over the #time-period has grown from using smaller puzzles to more complicated ones! 4=During circle time #N can answer questions regarding the story or subject discussed with ease and clarity. 5=#N is always eager to initiate and engage in dramatic play with friends. From being a construction worker to playing a family, #e enjoys acting out scenarios. 6=#E can occupy #s appropriately for slightly longer periods. 7=#N is doing well with our math and science domains. #E can easily count from 1-30 and is improving on counting from 1-50. #E can also recognize numbers 1-25 in print. 8=#N is doing well with our math and science domains. #E can easily count from 1-10 and is improving on counting from 1-20. However, #N is a little shy when the teacher asks #h to start the activity matching/ identifying/ numbers and letters first. That gives us a thought that #e is a little bit afraid of making a mistake or of giving a wrong answer. But with the encouraging attitude of teachers and friends #e can release the tension, believe in #s and be so proud of giving the right answer. COMMENTS: Red/Orange 3. Communication skills (x7) 1=#N communicates well with others and will let a friend know if #e is not finished with a certain toy or material by saying "No thank you, it's busy!" 2=#N speaks in full and clear sentences. #E has a broad vocabulary and is constantly adding new words. 3=#N has a #Knowledge-level of expressive words that #e uses when trying to convey emotions to teachers and peers. This comes in handy as #e learns how to properly communicate their feelings during disputes with classmates. 4=#N loves to engage in books and stories and will often tell #h own stories to other classmates and teacher. 5=#N is happy to engage in conversations for multiple turns. 6=#N displays strong skills in the language and literacy domain. #E can say the letters of the alphabet and recognize #h name 7=#N speaks fluently, uses complete sentences, asks appropriate questions and understands the answers given. COMMENTS: Red/Orange 4. Social/Emotional (x7 ) 1=#N always has an easy separation from parents in the morning, naturally joining the class. When upset, #e can most often be comforted by a teacher. 2=#N is enthusiastic about big group activities and participates actively/happily in circle time activities. However, #e tends to be shy when asked to take the first turns in the activities. 3=We are working with #N on properly expressing our emotions by helping give names to our feelings and using words to express them 4=When interacting with peers, #N initiates social interaction and can play side by side with a peer. #E can also take turns during play when guided by an adult. #E is very gracious and generous with #h friends and often chooses to share on #h own. 5=We are guiding #N in proper ways to express #h emotions; using feeling words instead of actions or tears. #N is enthusiastic about big group activities and participates actively/happily in circle time activities. 6=Though #N can be a very happy and busy child, some day #N does prefer to play alone and may be a little less social with friends. 7=Though everyone is happy to see #N when #e arrives to school, there are many days that #e does not want the attention of the class on #h first thing at arrival. We are working with #N and the class to help guide them through morning transistions and respecting the feelings of our friends. COMMENTS: Red/Orange 5. Physical (x6 ) 1=#N displays strong gross motor and fine motor skills. While outside #e runs with ease and can change #h speed and direction without any trouble. 2=#E has begun to engage in balancing activities, such as balancing on one foot during movement games. #E can climb stairs while engaging in play at the park, and climb on playground equipment, and crawl through and under things 3=#N prefers to engage in dancing and jumping activities, with peers or by #s. #E does an awesome job at climbing on the play equipment, however, at times needs to be reminded about what is safe versus unsafe. We will continue to encourage #N to be careful and understand what #h body can and can't do. 4=#N has also been showing strong development in #h fine motor skills. #E can use #h pincer grasp to turn the pages of a book all the time. #N enjoys manipulating playdough and can roll it, pound it and squeeze it with ease 5=#H drawings are becoming more clear and #e is making recognizable marks on paper such as making cards for friends. One goal we have for #N is for #h to work on more clearly writing letter and numbers. To help #N with this we will show #h how to form the letters, numbers and encourage #h to practice tracing and writing every day. 6=#E has mastered feeding #s with a fork, holding a cup in one hand, stringing large beads and stacking 4 to 6 objects, which is the expectation for #h age group. #N enjoys manipulating play dough, and is able to roll it, pound it and squeeze it with ease COMMENTS: Red/Orange 6. Goals (x4 ) 1=As the school year comes to a close, we will continue working with #N on meeting #h goals. 2=We will continue to work on deveoping #N fine motor skills by encouraging #h to work with play-doh and scissors to strengthen the muscles in #h hands. 3=A goal we have for #h is to reach more independence through self-help skills. To help #N achieve this goal we will continue to assist with hand-over-hand guidance until #e will be able to master all skills. 4=However, #N will tend to show interests only in centers such as #activity, but we are working on offering #m switching more centers/activities in order to widen #h specter of interests. To help #N achieve this goal we will engage #h in the different centers by sitting down with #m and assisting #m with the activity COMMENTS: Red/Orange 7. Summary (x4 ) 1=#N is flourishing in many developmental domains in the #classroom. #H energy and vivacious attitude are contagious, and it is so much fun to spend the weekdays with #h! 2=We love having #N as part of our classroom and have really seen #m grow. 3=#N's playfulness and zest for life makes every day fun! #H energy and vivacious attitude is contagious. #E is a sweet firecracker and we look forward to seeing #h continued growth and development. 4=#N also loves helping #h teachers and is very thoughtful child and we always appreciate #h help! We are excited to continue to teach #N and help #m achieve even more! #H energy and vivacious attitude is contagious and we enjpoy the energy #h brings to school every day! COMMENTS: Red/Orange Cognitive 1=In terms of cognitive development, #N is right on target. #E is curious and interested in many activities at school and is eager to test out each center that is presented to #h. #E is curious and interested in many activities at school and is eager to test out each center that is presented to #h. #E approaches each task with enthusiasm while exploring #h environment in the #classroom. 2=#N has a #Knowledge-level of colors, shapes and numbers 1-20 and is continuing to grow and develop #h skills further. 3=#N enjoys putting together puzzles and over the #time-period has grown from using smaller puzzles to more complicated ones! 4=During circle time #N can answer questions regarding the story or subject discussed with ease and clarity. 5=#N is always eager to initiate and engage in dramatic play with friends. From being a construction worker to playing a family, #e enjoys acting out scenarios. 6=#E can occupy #s appropriately for slightly longer periods. 7=#N is doing well with our math and science domains. #E can easily count from 1-30 and is improving on counting from 1-50. #E can also recognize numbers 1-25 in print. LIST: action-greeting 1=a hug 2=a high five 3=a fist bump 4=a smile 5=a greeting LIST: activitiesyg 1=puzzles 2=exploring the sensory bin 3=coloring 4=shape sorters 5=color sorting 6=counting 7=lacing beads 8=tearing paper 9=sticker collages 10=play-doh 11=songs and fingerplays 12=movement games 13=reading and exploring books 14=painting with paintbrushes 15=fingerpainting 16=taking turns with friends LIST: activity 1=dramatic play 2=doll house play 3=drawing pictures 4=dancing 5=doctor play 6=puzzles 7=buidling with blocks 8=playing with trains and cars 9=dinosaurs LIST: adjectives-positive 1=treat 2=joy 3=special 4=pleasure 5=honor 6=great 7=wonderful 8=good 9=love 10=lovely LIST: classroom 1=Red Room 2=Orange Room 3=Yellow Room 4=Green Room 5=Purple Room LIST: colors 1=red 2=orange 3=yellow 4=green 5=blue 6=purple 7=pink 8=brown 9=black 10=white LIST: fine-motor-baby 1=using a pincer grasp for small foods 2=tear paper with two hand 3=squeeze soft toys 4=place toys in and out of bins 5=turn pages in a book using #h hands 6=manipulate play-doh LIST: games 1=peek-a-boo 2=tag 3=scarf play 4=dancing 5=freeze dance 6=follow the leader 7=listen and move 8=Simon Says 9= LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Knowledge-level 1=just beginning to learn 2=has fully mastered 3=not consistent 4=developing 5=growing 6=good grasp 7=solid understanding 8=an improving 9=an increasing 10=basic understanding 11=beginning to 12=steadily improving LIST: number-range 1=1-3 2=1-5 3=1-10 4=1-15 5=1-20 6=1-25 7=1-30 8=1-35 9=1-40 10=1-45 11=1-50 LIST: numbers 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 10=10 11=11 12=12 13=13 14=14 15=15 16=16 17=17 18=18 19=19 20=20 LIST: personality-list 1=a confident 2=a quiet 3=a willing 4=a happy 5=a keen 6=a cautious 7=an observant 8=a hesitant 9=an active 10=an enthusiastic 11=a sensitive 12=a calm 13=a thinking 14=a content 15=a thoughtful 16=a creative 17=an attentive 18=a co-operative LIST: personality2 1=a joy 2=a very sweet 3=a friendly and engaging 4=a great participant 5=a caring and kind 6=a vivacious and energetic 7=a curious 8=an interesting 9=funny 10=amusing 11=cunning 12=bright 13=helpful LIST: physical-baby 1=sit with assistance 2=sit without assistance 3=army crawl 4=crawl 5=scoot 6=pull up 7=roll front to back 8=roll back to front 9=take steps 10=walk with a walker 11=walk while holding hands 12=walking with confidence LIST: songs 1=One Little Finger 2=Baby Shark 3=If You're Happy and You Know It 4=Row, Row, Row Your Boat 5=The Itsy Bitsy Spider 6=Hello, Hello 7=Days of the Week 8=Let it Go 9=We Don't Talk About Bruno 10=Baby Bumble Bee 11=Wheels on the Bus LIST: soothe 1=finding their thumb 2=using a pacifier 3=finding a soft toy 4=finding a toy that makes music 5=reading a book 6=finding a teacher for help 7=squeezing a stuffed animal 8=holding a blanket 9=hugging a baby doll LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=month 3=weeks 4=few months 5=school year 6=days LIST: toys-list 1=wooden blocks 2=balls 3=legos 4=soft blocks 5=cloth books 6=rattles and teethers 7=musical instruments 8=puppets 9=foam blocks 10=push toys 11=ride on toys 12=cars and trains 13=animal toys 14=toys that have lights and sounds LIST: ygtoys 1=Legos 2=cars and trains 3=people and houses 4=kitchen area 5=dress up clothes 6=ABC Blocks 7=foam blocks 8=waffle blocks 9=books 10=houses and people 11=farms and animals 12=big cars 13=balls 14=musical instruments 15=baby dolls 16=washer and dryer 17=ride on horses 18=Stevie the dinosaur /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.