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COMMENTS: Independent Work 1=#N applies #s in #h work even when not under direct supervision. #E effectively interprets instructions and embraces opportunities for self-directed work. #N effectively gathers needed materials and resources to get #h work done. 2=#N applies #s in #h work with little teacher supervision. #N requires occasional assistance to gather needed materials and resources to get #h work done. 3=#N works well when #e devotes all #h attention to #h work, ignoring those around #m. 4=#N needs direct supervision to apply #s in #h work. #E requires assistance to gather and use materials and resources effectively to get #h work done. 5=#N is encouraged to be productive during practice activities in order to ensure a better understanding of what is being taught. 6=#N could accomplish more by eliminating friendly conversations with those around #m. 7=#N will continue to be supported by being directed to sit near the teacher and to use verbal and visual cues to continue to develop #h independent work skills. 8=Assignments will continue to be divided into smaller steps/manageable chunks to help #N complete independent tasks. COMMENTS: Initiative 1=#N shows initiative by immediately starting an appropriate activity after completing assigned work. #E completes extension activities such as reading responses, math facts practice or assists other students. 2=#N shows initiative by keeping track of outstanding assignments and devising a plan to complete them. 3=#N show initiative by looking for ways to go beyond what is expected in assignments. 4=#N shows initiative by using resources to review and improve #h assignments prior to handing them in. 5=#N shows initiative by locating needed materials/resources in the classroom to complete various assignments. 6=#N shows initiative by using the list of activities posted in the class to know what to do next rather then waiting for the teacher to prompt #m. 7=#N needs supervision to start an appropriate activity after completing assigned work. #E is found wandering around the classroom instead of actively seeking the next learning opportunity. 8=#N needs assistance to keep track of outstanding assignments and devise a plan to complete them. 9=#N needs to improve taking initiative in #h work by using resources to review and/or improve #h assignments prior to handing them in. COMMENTS: Math Processes 1=#N independently identifies and interprets the information given and the information that needs to be determined to solve math problems. #E selects appropriate strategies. #E uses different representations to demonstrate #h thinking. #N uses mathematical symbols, vocabulary and does the necessary calculations. 2=With some guidance, #N identifies the information given and the information that needs to be determined to solve math problems. #E selects appropriate strategies. #E usually use one representations to demonstrate #h thinking. #N is encouraged to review #h work to make sure #e uses mathematical symbols, vocabulary and does the necessary calculations. 3=With assistance, #N Identifies the information given and the information that needs to be determined to solve math problems. #E sometimes selects appropriate strategies. #N is learning to use mathematical symbols, vocabulary and to do the necessary calculations when explaining #h thinking. COMMENTS: Organization 1=#N consistently uses our class check lists and charts to assist #m in meeting #h daily work goals. 2=#N is reminded to use our class check lists and charts to assist #m in meeting #h daily work goals. 3=#N demonstrates a keen interest in #h schooling by seeking out additional information related to topics and discussions in class. 4=#N maintains complete and organized notebooks and keeps a tidy and organized desk. 5=#N is encouraged maintain complete and organized notebooks and keep a tidy and organized desk. 6=#N is reliable and responsible in #h participation in school activities and clubs however, needs encouragement to follow through with #h responsibilities for #h class work. 7=When given some support, #N is able to gather information from different sources to complete class work. 8=Many of #N's errors or mistakes can be attributed to working too quickly, rather than a lack of understanding. 9=#N frequently completes #h work hastily rather than carefully. 10=#N often has difficulty in getting started on tasks or assignments and should ask for clarifications if needed. 11=#N will continue to work on keeping #h materials neatly organized by sorting #h daily work, recording notes in #h agenda and preparing materials for homework. #E is encouraged to develop a similar routine at home. 12=#N is learning how to gather and use information from a variety of sources when researching in a variety of subject areas. As our term continues, #e will have further opportunities to research other topics and will use our class check lists to ensure that #h researching skills are being further developed. 13=At home on a weekly basis, parents are encouraged to go through #N's binder and school back to organize notes and assignments. 14=Next term, #N will continue to learn how to gather and evaluate information for a variety of tasks by using class success criteria and a step by step research process. 15=Using the classroom website would allow #N to develop a better grasp of new ideas and concepts. 16=#N is encouraged to utilize informational resources, such as the Internet or our class website, at school and at home to gather information and resources to support #h learning. COMMENTS: Responsibility 1=#N is a reliable and dependable student who follows through with commitments and consistently complete assignments within the time limit provided. 2=#N must take responsibility for #h learning by completing assignments within the time limit provided. 3=#N is very aware of #h behavior and is able to self-reflect on #h use of time and make adjustments accordingly. 4=#N is not always aware of #h behavior and should self-reflect on #h use of time and make adjustments accordingly. 5=When faced with a challenge both inside and outside the classroom, #e is able to solve it on #h own or knows when to seek further assistance. 6=#N is learning to solve challenges on #h own or seek further assistance when needed. 7=#N takes responsibility for and manages #h own behaviour without reminders from the teacher. 8=#N displays a personal responsibility for accuracy, neatness and precision. 9=If #N is absent, #e demonstrates responsibility by catching up on #h homework without further reminders from the teacher. 10=#N takes responsibility to understand the learning goals and criteria for success. 11=#N demonstrates responsibility when using computers and the internet for projects and assignments. 12=#N is learning to track their homework and upcoming assignments using #h agenda. 13=#N frequent absences cause difficulties in gaining the fundamentals needed for Grade 4 work. 14=#N must improve #h work habits if #e is to gain the fundamentals needed for Grade 4 work. 15=At home #N's homework and understanding should be monitored on a daily basis through oral discussions. 16=#N must learn to use class time effectively to complete assigned tasks. Discussions at home focused on use of time could be used to motivate and encourage #m. 17=#N needs to develop a better sense of responsibility for #h own learning by completing tasks without reminders. 18=Before starting a task, #e is encouraged to review the success criteria in reading and writing to ensure #h work is completed to the best of #h abilities. 19=#N is encouraged to complete work on #h own, without being asked or reminded. At home, parents are also encouraged to encourage #h independence. 20=#N is often reminded to keep #h parents informed about school activities, homework and deadlines by showing them #h agenda for signature. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Self-Regulation 1=#N is should seek clarifications for assignment requirements in order to submit work which meets grade level expectations. 2=#N requires an extra explanation with new concepts taught, but when this is given, #e is able to work through the given tasks with teacher support. 3=#N is able to remain focussed on assignments until completion. 4=When facing difficulties in assignments, #N asks for assistance after trying to solve problem on #h own. 5=#N should try to solve problem on #h own before asking for assistance. Often, reading the instructions over and discussing what they mean is what #e needs to overcome difficulties. 6=#N must advocate for #m during new learning situations by seeking out teacher support and assistance, and ask for help when #e needs it. 7=#N is reminded to adjust #h behaviour and voice level when returning from recess and quickly get ready to resume learning. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Data Management 1=#N construct accurate bar graphs and line plots from most sets of data including all elements of the graph such as labels, titles and scale. #E provides clear and detailed statements when analysing data from simple surveys conducted in class. 2=#N constructs bar graphs and line plots with reminders to include all elements of the graph such as labels, titles and scale are present and accurate. #E provides clear and detailed statements when analysing data from simple surveys conducted in class. 3=#N constructs bar graphs and line plots with reminders to include all elements of the graph such as labels, titles and scale are present and accurate. #E analyses data by making simple statements about the information gathered from simple surveys conducted in class. 4=#N construct accurate bar graphs and line plots from most sets of data including all elements of the graph such as labels, titles and scale. #E is beginning to analyse data by making simple statements about the information gathered from simple surveys conducted in class. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 French Li-Sp 1=#N provides clear answers to questions by usually retrieving the necessary vocabulary and some new words or expressions to express #h ideas. #E can restate the main ideas and talk about details in a presentation/lesson. #N participates fully in language practice activities and #e makes effective use of clarification and/or repetition when needed. 2=#N provides clear answers to questions by usually retrieving the necessary vocabulary and some new words or expressions to express #h ideas. #E can restate the main ideas and talk about details in a presentation/lesson. #N is regularly reminded to communicate only in French during French instruction time. Using every opportunity to speak French would allow #m to improve #h fluency. 3=With some assistance to retrieve the necessary vocabulary, #N can formulate complete sentences to talk about familiar topics such as family activities and subjects learned in school. #N is regularly reminded to communicate only in French during French instruction time. Using every opportunity to speak French would allow #m to improve #h fluency. 4=With some assistance to retrieve the necessary vocabulary, #N can formulate complete sentences to talk about familiar topics such as family activities and subjects learned in school. When participating in language practice activities, #e should ask for help to use the correct word or expression in French. #N should volunteer answers/ideas more often during group discussions. 5=#N needs assistance to retrieve the necessary French vocabulary and pronounce words correctly in order to make #s understood in communication situations. #E must increase #h participation in language practice activities such as sharing #h ideas during community circle in order to increase #h fluency in French. Looking at the speaker and paying careful attention to the visual information presented would help #N have a better understanding in French class. 6=#N needs assistance to retrieve the necessary French vocabulary and pronounce words correctly in order to make #s understood in communication situations. #E must increase #h participation in language practice activities such as sharing #h ideas during community circle in order to increase #h fluency in French. Looking at the speaker and paying careful attention to the visual information presented would help #N have a better understanding in French class. 7=#N repeats simple routine expressions to ask basic needs such as asking for materials, to get a drink or to go to the washroom. #E is frequently unable to answer simple questions in French about a discussion, a lesson, a presentation or a story that was read in class. Often, questions are simplified or translated to English to allow #N to know what is being asked. When this happens, #e responds entirely in English even though #e is reminded to speak in French. 8=Looking at the speaker and paying careful attention to the visual information presented would help Arjun have a better understanding in French class. 9=#N is regularly reminded to communicate only in French during French instruction time. Using every opportunity to speak French would allow #m to improve #h fluency. 10=#N is regularly reminded to communicate only in French during French instruction time. Using every opportunity to speak French would allow #m to improve #h fluency. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Reading 1=#N reads at a good pace making minor pronunciation errors and #e is encouraged to add expression when participating in reader's theatre. #E understands a variety of grade level texts and can discuss what #e reads about as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher. In future reading responses, #N is encouraged to take the time to write entries which demonstrate deeper thinking by making connections to #h own experiences or explaining #h point of view about events in the story. 2=#N reads texts containing familiar words and expressions at a sufficient rate demonstrating that #e understands the overall sense of the text. #E can briefly discuss what #e reads about as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher. #N should put more effort selecting French books during independent reading periods and complete reading responses in detail. #N needs to put more effort into #h reading responses by varying the type of response and showing deeper thinking. 3=#N reads Grade level French texts requiring assistance to pronounce words clearly. #E attempts to discuss what #e is reading about but often misinterpret what the main idea of the book is about and has difficulty discussing details. #N will continue to be supported with selecting books that are at #h reading level and practice showing #h understanding by making connections to what #e is reading. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Reading English 1=#N reads a variety of types of grade level texts independently and provides oral answers in detail about the content. In #h reading responses to "Life in a Rotting Log" and "The Canadian Shield" #e demonstrated the ability to identify the main idea and author's message and purpose in a text as well as provide evidence from the content of #h reading to support opinions and ideas. 2=#N is able to read a passage of text and provides answers demonstrating some detail about the content #e has read. #E needs to pause during #h reading when unsure of content and, if necessary, re-read the passage to improve #h understanding. 3=#N demonstrates the ability to identify the main idea and author's message providing some evidence from the content of #h reading to support opinions and ideas. 4=#N consistently demonstrates the ability to identify the main idea and author's message and purpose in a text as well as provide evidence from the content of #h reading to support opinions and ideas. 5=In Language, *N* reads a variety of grade level texts fluently and confidently and is encouraged to continue to read and discuss books at home daily. *N* confidently identifies and uses reading comprehension strategies effectively, like determining importance in various fiction and non-fiction texts 6=In Language, *N* reads a variety of grade level texts with fluently and is encouraged to continue to read and discuss books at home daily. *N* can usually identify and use reading comprehension strategies effectively, like determining importance in various fiction and non-fiction texts. 7=In Language, *N* reads grade level texts with some fluency and is encouraged to continue to read and discuss books at home daily. *N* sometimes identifies and uses reading comprehension strategies effectively, like determining importance in various fiction and non-fiction texts. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Reading in French 1=#N reads at a good pace making minor pronunciation errors and #e is encouraged to add expression when participating in reader's theatre. #E understands a variety of grade level texts and can discuss what #e reads about as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher. In future reading responses, #N is encouraged to take the time to write entries which demonstrate deeper thinking by making connections to #h own experiences or explaining #h point of view about events in the story. 2=#N reads at a good pace making minor pronunciation errors and #e is encouraged to add expression when participating in reader's theatre. #E independently understands and accurately answers most comprehension questions as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher and in #h written reading responses. In future reading responses, #N is encouraged to take the time to write entries which demonstrate deeper thinking by explaining #h point of view about events in the story. 3=#N reads texts containing familiar words and expressions at a sufficient rate demonstrating that #e understands the overall sense of the text. #E can briefly discuss what #e reads about as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher. #N should put more effort selecting French books during independent reading periods and complete reading responses in detail. 4=#N reads texts containing familiar words and expressions at a sufficient rate demonstrating that #e understands the overall sense of the text. #E can briefly discuss what #e reads about as demonstrated in book talks with the teacher. #N receives some support to understand comprehension questions. Once clarifications are given, #e usually provides accurate answers. 5=#N reads Grade level French texts requiring assistance to pronounce words clearly. #E attempts to discuss what #e is reading about but often misinterpret what the main idea of the book is about and has difficulty discussing details. #N receives support to understand comprehension questions and to locate the correct information in the text to answer them. 6=#N reads Grade level French texts requiring assistance to pronounce words clearly. #E attempts to discuss what #e is reading about but often misinterpret what the main idea of the book is about and has difficulty discussing details. #N will continue to be supported with selecting books that are at #h reading level and practice showing #h understanding by making connections to what #e is reading. 7=#N puts all #h efforts in trying to decode simple texts in French. #E has not consolidated many of the French sounds and requires assistance to pronounce and read familiar words accurately. When asked questions about a text, #N will often look at the picture and summarize what is depicted in it rather than finding the information in the text to address the question. 8=#N will continue to participate in phonics and vocabulary development activities to develop basic reading skills in French. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Science 1=#N shows an understanding of the role animals and plants play in a habitat by correctly classifying them as producers, decomposers or consumers. 2=#N shows a basic understanding of the role animals and plants play in a habitat by classifying some of them as producers, decomposers or consumers. 3=#N needed to review the concept of producers, decomposers and consumers in order to identify the role animals and plants play in a habitat. 4=In #h project on the wolf and in discussions about other animals, #e could identify adaptations that help animals survive in their environment. 5=In #h project on the wolf and in discussions about other animals, #e could identify some adaptations that help animals survive in their environment. 6=#N demonstrates the ability to reflect about the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with habitats. In #h responses to enquiry questions, #e included information learned from previous discussions and/or lessons. #E could name many examples of what #h family could do to reduce the amount of garbage they produce. 7=#N is beginning to reflect about the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with habitats. When answering enquiry questions, #e should work towards including more information learned from previous discussions and/or lessons. #E could name some examples of what #h family could do to reduce the amount of garbage they produce. 8=#H follows models provided to reflect about science enquiry questions such as the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with habitats. #E is learning to include information learned from previous discussions and/or lessons in #h responses. #E could name a few examples of what #h family could do to reduce the amount of garbage they produce. 9=Discussing #h ideas orally about the positive and negative impacts of human interactions with habitats helped #N complete enquiry questions with more clarity. 10=In our unit on Rocks and Minerals, #N demonstrated an understanding that rocks and minerals are important natural resources that we use every day in a variety of ways. #E identified the three main types of rocks and described the characteristics of each. #E accurately labelled a diagram of the rock cycle and orally explained how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are formed. 11=In our unit on Rocks and Minerals, #N demonstrated an understanding that rocks and minerals are important natural resources that we use every day in a variety of ways. #E identified the three main types of rocks but needed prompting to describe the characteristics of each. #E accurately labelled a diagram of the rock cycle and gave a brief/needed assistance to retrieve the necessary science vocabulary to explain how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are formed. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Writing 1=#N is able to create effective descriptive paragraphs. #E is able to apply the basic conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar in order to edit written work. #E is encouraged to create interest by developing ideas in more detail and vary sentence structure. 2=#N uses graphic organizers to sequence and sort #h ideas. After adding specific details, sentences are written and then grouped into paragraphs. A variety of strategies such as making jot notes or following a writing framework are being used in the classroom to assist with paragraph writing. #E is encouraged to create interest by developing ideas in more detail and vary sentence structure. 3=#N uses graphic organizers to sequence and sort #h ideas. After adding specific details, sentences are written and then grouped into paragraphs. A variety of strategies such as making jot notes or following a writing framework are being used in the classroom to assist with paragraph writing. Luke should add more interesting vocabulary in writing assignments. #E is encouraged to use a variety of sentence lengths to improve the fluency of #h written work. 4=#N is learning to organize and to communicate ideas in short paragraphs. A variety of strategies such as making jot notes or following a writing framework are being used in the classroom to assist with paragraph writing. #H use of conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar) is improving but much more careful editing of assignments is required. COMMENTS: Term 1 Grade 4 Writing in French 1=In #h journal entries and other written assignments, #N organizes information which conveys a clear message. #E uses the bilingual dictionary to find words #e does not know in French. #E should continue to work on adding interesting details in #h writing by including opinions, descriptions and feelings. 2=In #h journal entries and other written assignments, #N writes simple sentences to convey #h ideas. #E should use the bilingual dictionary to look up words #e does not know in French. #N revises #h writing to improve its content and correct spelling errors with the teacher's assistance. 3=In #h journal entries and other written assignments, #N uses sentence models to convey #h ideas clearly. #E is learning to use the correct form of the "passé composé" when writing about past events. Practising spelling the words on the weekly French vocabulary would assist #N with spelling accurately a greater number of words in French. 4=#N writes in French with prompting. #E is provided with sentences models to help #m express ideas clearly. Studying the words on the weekly French vocabulary list would assist #N in gaining some basic vocabulary that #e could use in #h writing. 5=In #h journal entries and other written assignments, #N writes simple sentences to convey #h ideas. #E should use the conjugation resources provided in class to ensure #e uses the correct form of the "passé composé" when writing about past events. #E should also use the bilingual dictionary to look up words #e does not know. At home. #N must use the weekly vocabulary list provided in #h homework duo-tang to help #m spell familiar words accurately when completing the French homework. 6=In #h journal entries and other written assignments, #N uses sentence models to convey #h ideas clearly. #E is learning to use the correct form of the "passé composé" when writing about past events. At home. #N must use the weekly vocabulary list provided in #h homework duo-tang to help #m spell familiar words accurately when completing the French homework. 7=produce drafts, following established criteria, and revise their writing to improve its content, clarity 8=Added some interesting details. (e.g., opinions, descriptions, feelings) 9=Writes in French with prompting. Copies modelled sentences with assistance. Has a limited vocabulary which makes it difficult to express ideas clearly. COMMENTS: Term 1- Grade 4 Social Studies 1=#N successfully created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name characteristics associated with climate and vegetation. #N independently researched key information about provinces and territories such as location, significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is beginning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. 2=#N is encouraged to maintain is level of participation and continue asking questions during classroom lessons and discussions in order to ensure understanding. 3=#N created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name some characteristics associated with climate, vegetation. With some support, #N researched key information about provinces and territories such as location,some significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is learning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. 4=Increasing #h is level of participation and asking questions during classroom lessons and discussions would assist #N with showing #h understanding. 5=#N created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name some characteristics associated with climate, vegetation. 6=#N needed assistance to locate and understand key information about provinces and territories such as location, significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is learning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. 7=#N will continue to be supported in class with frequent reviews of basic concepts to help #m demonstrate a better understanding. COMMENTS: Term 1-Grade 4 Social Studies 1=#N successfully created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name characteristics associated with climate and vegetation. #N independently researched key information about provinces and territories such as location, significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is beginning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. 2=#N created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name some characteristics associated with climate, vegetation. With some support, #N researched key information about provinces and territories such as location,some significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is learning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. 3=#N created a poster depicting the different landforms found in Canada. When discussing specific physical regions, #e was able to name some characteristics associated with climate, vegetation. 4=#N needed assistance to locate and understand key information about provinces and territories such as location, significant activities that take place in them and their natural resources. Through inquiry activities, #e is learning to reflect on the impact human activity and the environment have on each other. COMMENTS: Term 2 - Grade 4 Math 1=#N understands mathematical concepts and successfully applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. #E represent fractions using concrete materials, words, and standard fractional notation, and explains the meaning of the denominator as the number of the fractional parts of a whole or a set, and the numerator as the number of fractional parts being considered. 2=#N understands mathematical concepts and successfully applies knowledge and skills in familiar contexts with some errors. #E represent fractions using concrete materials, words, and standard fractional notation, and explains the meaning of the denominator as the number of the fractional parts of a whole or a set, and the numerator as the number of fractional parts being considered. 3=#N requires support to understand mathematical concepts and to apply #h knowledge and skills in familiar contexts. #E represent fractions using concrete materials, words, and standard fractional notation, and explains the meaning of the denominator as the number of the fractional parts of a whole or a set, and the numerator as the number of fractional parts being considered. 4=#N compares and orders fractions (i.e., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, tenths) by considering the size and the number of fractional parts. 5=#N uses manipulatives such as fraction strips to compare and order fractions (i.e., halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, tenths). 6=#N uses critical thinking processes to estimate and determine elapsed time given the durations of events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. 7=#N is experiencing difficulty estimating and determining elapsed time in events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. 8=#N identifies quadrilaterals and three-dimensional figures and classifies them by their geometric properties using Venn Diagrams. 9=Using a protractor, #e can construct and measure angles. #E is consistently able to classify angles as acute, obtuse or right based upon #h measurements. 10=#N identifies and describe the general location of an object using a grid system. 11=#N identifies, performs, and describes reflections using a variety of tools. 12=#N applies #h knowledge of addition, subtraction, and multiplication to find the missing number in simple equations. 13=When conducting probability experiments, #N uses processing skills to carry out a plan with some flexibility. #E connects data, questions, and tests #h solution to evaluate reasonableness. #E is beginning to make connections within and between various contexts. 14=#N is able to use #h knowledge of probability to make predictions based upon anticipated outcomes of events. #E can classify possible outcomes (e.g., rolling dice, drawing certain cards from the deck) as most likely, somewhat likely and least likely. 15=#E consistently expresses and organizes #h mathematical thinking clearly and completely. 16=Regular practice of number facts in necessary in order to allow #N to solve problems with more confidence. 17=Is encouraged to review solutions to questions to make sure they show completely the strategy used to solve problems. 18=Reference the Math Word Wall to include concept specific math vocabulary in solutions to problems. 19=Reference the Math Word Wall to include concept specific math vocabulary in solutions to problems. 20=Reference the Math Word Wall to include concept specific math vocabulary in solutions to problems. COMMENTS: Term 2 - Grade 4 Science 1=#N successfully built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. #E can identify different types of gears and their application in real life situations. #N investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop and can explain in detail how they work. 2=#N successfully built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. #E can identify different types of gears and their application in real life situations. #N investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop and can explain verbally how they work. 3=#E completed all components of #h project on (device). 4=#E needed to review #h project on (device) to complete missing requirements. 5=#N conducted experiments in order to investigate different ways in which light and sound are produced and transmitted. #E created a device that produces and transmits sound energy. #E can explain most of the science involved when demonstrating #h sound device to the class. 6=#N conducted experiments in order to investigate different ways in which light and sound are produced and transmitted. #E created a device that produces and transmits sound energy. With assistance, #e can explain most of the science involved when demonstrating #h sound device to the class. 7=#N conducted experiments in order to investigate different ways in which light and sound are produced and transmitted. #E created a device that produces and transmits sound energy. With assistance, #e can explain most of the science involved when demonstrating #h sound device to the class. COMMENTS: Term 2 - Grade 5 Math 1=#N understands mathematical concepts and successfully applies knowledge and skills when solving math problems. #E applies critical thinking process and devises a plan to compare and order proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers (e.g., changes all fractions to mixed numbers, finds equivalent fractions). 2=#N uses number lines and base ten materials to compare, and order decimal numbers. #E performs basic operations involving decimal numbers to hundredths with accuracy. 3=#N understands mathematical concepts and applies knowledge and skills when solving math problems with some errors. #E is gradually applying critical thinking process and devising a plan to compare and order proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers (e.g., changes all fractions to mixed numbers, finds equivalent fractions). 4=#N uses number lines and base ten materials to compare, and order decimal numbers. #E performs basic operations involving decimal numbers to hundredths. 5=#N demonstrates an imprecise understanding of concepts and application of mathematical procedures. #E chooses appropriate strategies to solve problems, but has difficulty executing them. With an opportunity to review the critical thinking process (e.g., changes all fractions to mixed numbers, finds equivalent fractions)., #e compares and order proper and improper fractions, and mixed numbers. 6=#N uses critical thinking processes to estimate and determine elapsed time given the durations of events expressed in five-minute intervals, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. 7=#E effectively solves problems that involve comparing 12-hour and 24-hour time, and is able to correctly determine elapsed time, with and without a timeline. 8=#E solves problems that involve comparing 12-hour and 24-hour time, and determines elapsed time with and without a timeline. 9=#E is beginning to use estimation skills to determine elapsed time with a timeline, and can express the duration of time in minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months. 10=#N correctly identifies two-dimensional shapes by side and angle properties, and can compare and sort three-dimensional figures. #E is able to classify, measure, and construct a variety of angles using a protractor. #E effectively describes the location of an object using cardinal directions, and can perform a number of geometric transformations. 11=#N identifies two-dimensional shapes by some side and angle properties, and can compare and sort most three-dimensional figures. #E is able to classify acute, right, and obtuse angles, and is developing the ability to measure and construct angles using a protractor. #E describes the location of an object using cardinal directions, and can identify and create a number of geometric transformations. 12=#N identifies some two- and three-dimensional shapes by their properties, such as side lengths and angle measurements. #E is able to sort and classify some types of angles, and is developing the ability to precisely measure angles using a protractor. #E describes the location of an object using cardinal directions in some detail, and can distinguish types of geometric transformations. 13=Using mental math, #e determines the missing number in equations, and demonstrates an understanding of variables as unknown qualities that can change and are represented by a letter or symbol. 14=#E determines the missing number in some equations, and demonstrates an understanding of variables as unknown qualities represented by a letter or symbol. 15=#N lists all possible outcomes in a probability experiment and communicates the probability of an event occurring in a fraction, decimal, or percentage 16=#N represents the probability that a specific outcome will occur in a complex probability experiment, using appropriate methods to record results and communicates using a fraction, decimal, or percentage. 17=Regular practice of number facts in necessary in order to allow #N to solve problems with more confidence. 18=#N is encouraged to demonstrate #h learning and thinking by thoroughly communicating the answer, which includes explaining the steps #e took to solve problems. 19=#N is encouraged to use greater detail when communicating strategies and solutions in problem solving situations. 20=#N is encouraged to look at multiple ways to solve complex problems and strive to communicates #h procedures in details. COMMENTS: Term 2 - Grade 5 Science 1=#N participates in building challenges to investigate how forces such as compression and tension act on a structure. #E is able to develop a plan, select strategies and resources when completing a project. #N can recognize when a plan requires modifications in order to be successful. This was demonstrated when #e built a device to lift a charge during our "Save the Bear Challenge". #E is encouraged to use information from previous learning to support #h opinions. 2=#N participates in building challenges to investigate how forces such as compression and tension act on a structure. #E requires some assistance to develop a plan, select strategies and resources when completing a project. #N is learning to recognize when a plan requires modifications in order to be successful. #E is encouraged to describe #h observations more fully and link them clearly to the purpose of the experiment. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 French Li-Sp 1=#N determines meaning in a variety of oral French texts. #E is usually able to report on what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 2=#N determines meaning in some oral French texts. #E is gradually able to report on what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 3=#N determines meaning in simple oral French texts. #E briefly shares what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 4=#N experiences difficulty determining meaning in oral French texts. #E occasionally shares briefly what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 5=#E interacts in French using complete sentences to provide descriptions, express a point of view or defend #h opinion. 6=#E interacts in French asking for assistance when #e is not able to find the right word or expression. #N can provide simple descriptions, briefly express a point of view or defend #h opinion. 7=#E interacts in French often resorting to English to express #h thoughts. With support, #e can provide simple descriptions, briefly express a point of view or defend #h opinion. 8=#E can ask simple questions in French about the activities of the day, or when #e needs help or specific materials. #N has difficulty sustaining a conversation in French due to limited acquired vocabulary. 9=#N akes minor grammatical errors but can still be understood. 10=#N makes grammatical errors which sometimes make it difficult to understand #m. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 Reading English 1=#N can accurately predict what will happen in a fiction text. After reading, #h summaries usually include the most important information. When responding to texts, #h demonstrates good literal understanding of what #e has read. #N demonstrates a growing ability to infer and make connections to demonstrate deeper understanding. To continue improving, #N should practice the strategy of inferring to try to consider what the characters in a story might be thinking or feeling. 2=#N predicts what will happen in a fiction text. After reading, #h summaries are sometimes missing important information. When responding to texts, #e demonstrates a literal understanding of what #e has read. At times, #N finds it challenging to infer and make connections to demonstrate deeper understanding. To improve, #e should practice the strategy of inferring to try to consider what the characters in a story might be thinking or feeling. 3=#N predicts what will happen in a fiction text. After reading, #h summaries are often missing important information. When responding to texts, #e demonstrates a basic understanding of what #e has read. At times, #N finds it challenging to infer and make connections to demonstrate deeper understanding. To improve, #e should practice the strategy of inferring to try to consider what the characters in a story might be thinking or feeling. 4=#N predicts what will happen in a fiction text. When summarizing, #e is experiencing difficulty selecting the most important information. #E is learning to write clear responses to texts #e has read. #N finds it challenging to infer and make connections to demonstrate deeper understanding. To improve, #e should practice the strategy of inferring to try to consider what the characters in a story might be thinking or feeling. 5=#N reads grade appropriate texts for information and understanding. When researching a specific topic, (e.g., Pulleys and Gears) #e is able to independently locate information, take notes and share #h understanding of what #e has read. 6=With support, #N reads appropriate texts for information and understanding when researching a specific topic (e.g., Pulleys and Gears). With some assistance, #e is able to locate information, take notes and share #h understanding of what #e has read. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 Reading in French 1=In #h reading responses, #N continues to demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of a variety of French texts about familiar, academic, and personally relevant topics, with contextual and visual support. 2=#E can explain in detail why other students would be interested in reading the books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 3=In #h reading responses, #N demonstrates a basic understanding of the meaning of French texts about familiar and personally relevant topics, with contextual and visual support. 4=#E is able to express thoughtful recommendations when reviewing books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 5=#E is able to express simple recommendations when reviewing books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 6=#E is learning to complete book reviews by expressing reasons why other students would be interested the book that #e reads during independent reading sessions. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 Science 1=#N successfully built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. #E can identify ways in which pulleys and gears are used in real-life and the positive benefits of their uses. #N made clear and logical observations when completing activities on the properties of light. 2=#E explains the science involved when investigating musical instruments and how they produce and transmit sound energy. #E is encouraged to continue using information posted in class and in #h Science duo-tang to complete observations following experiments. 3=#N built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. #E can identify some ways in which pulleys and gears are used in real-life and the positive benefits of their uses. #N made brief observations when completing activities on the properties of light. 4=#E explains the science involved when investigating musical instruments and how they produce and transmit sound energy. #E is encouraged to use information posted in class and in #h Science duo-tang to complete observations following experiments in more detail. 5=With assistance, #N built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. With an opportunity for review. #E can identify some ways in which pulleys and gears are used in real-life and the positive benefits of their uses. #N required support to record basic observations when investigating the characteristics and properties of light. 6=#E hesitantly explains the science involved when investigating musical instruments and how they produce and transmit sound energy. #E is encouraged to use information posted in class and in #h Science duo-tang to complete observations following experiments in more detail. 7=With assistance #N built a simple pulley system demonstrating an understanding of how pulleys improve our ability to do work. With prompting, #e can identify few ways in which pulleys and gears are used in real-life and the positive benefits of their uses. #N required much support to make logical observations when investigating the characteristics and properties of light. 8=#N has difficulty explaining the science involved when investigating musical instruments and how they produce and transmit sound energy. #E requires much prompting to complete written tasks and observations. #E routinely copies modeled answers and observations from the board instead of completing them on #h own. 9=In #h responses to enquiry questions, #e included information learned from previous discussions and/or lessons. 10=When answering enquiry questions, #e should work towards including more information learned from previous discussions and/or lessons. 11=#H follows models provided to reflect about science enquiry questions. 12=Discussing #h ideas orally helped #N complete enquiry questions with more clarity. 13=#E investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop and can explain in detail how they work. 14=#E investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop and can explain verbally how they work. 15=#E investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop. With prompting, #e explains verbally how they work. 16=#E investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop. With prompting, #e explains verbally how they work. 17=#E investigated familiar objects that uses pulleys and gears such as blinds or an ice cream scoop. With prompting, #e explains verbally how they work. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 Writing English 1=#N writes summaries which usually include the most important information. In #h compare and contrast written assignment on ***, #e gave all of the basic information needed to make #h point. 2=When writing summaries, #N is learning to include the most important details and leave out unimportant information. In #h compare and contrast written assignment on ***, #e gave all of the basic information needed to make #h point. 3=#N is learning to write clear summaries by selecting the most important details from the texts #e reads. #H compare and contrast written assignment on *** would have benefited from more information to make #h point. 4=#E readily used new vocabulary learned in class to effectively write about similarities and differences in #h comparison. 5=#E incorporated some of the new vocabulary learned in class to write about similarities and differences in #h comparison. 6=Using specific vocabulary introduced in class to effectively write about similarities and differences would have made #h comparison much more effective. 7=#N develops ideas that are appropriate to the task in written assignments. #E included the required story elements in #h adventure story "Title". 8=#N is learning to develops ideas that are appropriate to the task in written assignments. With assistance, #e included the required story elements in #h adventure story "Title". 9=Written assignments are consistently well edited in the area of conventions of writing (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar). #E is encouraged to review #h written work to eliminate repetitions of familiar expressions and/or vocabulary. 10=Written assignments are generally well edited in the area of conventions of writing (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar). #E is encouraged to review #h written work to include specific vocabulary to convey meaning. 11=#H use of the conventions of writing (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar) is improving but much more careful editing of written assignments is required. 12=#N requires assistance to review #h writing and make sure #e uses conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar) correctly. 13=#E is encouraged to create multiple drafts to improve #h results. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 4 Writing in French 1=#N creates detailed pieces of writing to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 2=#N creates organized pieces of writing to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 3=#N follows models to write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 4=With assistance, #N follows models to write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 5=#N experiences difficulty following models to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 6=#E uses grade level vocabulary and structures in #h writing. 7=#E is continuing to learn and use grade level vocabulary and structures in #h writing. 8=#N uses a bilingual dictionary to confirm spelling of unfamiliar words. #E is encouraged to read a variety of French texts over the Summer to build vocabulary and knowledge of language structures. 9=#N reviews and edit #h writing with individual assistance. #E is encouraged to read a variety of simple French texts over the Summer to build vocabulary and knowledge of language structures. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 45 Writing in French 1=#N creates detailed pieces of writing to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 2=#N creates organized pieces of writing to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 3=#N follows models to write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 4=With assistance, #N follows models to write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 5=#N experiences difficulty following models to convey information, ideas, and opinions about familiar, personally relevant, and academic topics. 6=#E uses grade level vocabulary and structures in #h writing. 7=#E is continuing to learn and use grade level vocabulary and structures in #h writing. 8=#N uses a bilingual dictionary to confirm spelling of unfamiliar words. #E is encouraged to read a variety of French texts over the Summer to build vocabulary and knowledge of language structures. 9=#N reviews and edit #h writing with individual assistance. #E is encouraged to read a variety of simple French texts over the Summer to build vocabulary and knowledge of language structures. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 5 French Li-Sp 1=#N determines meaning in a variety of oral French texts. #E is able to report on what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 2=#N determines meaning in oral French texts. #E is generally able to report on what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 3=#N determines meaning in simple oral French texts. With prompting, #e briefly shares what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 4=#N experiences difficulty determining meaning in oral French texts. #E occasionally shares briefly what #e has learned after listening to a presentation. 5=#E spontaneously interacts in French using complete sentences to provide descriptions, express a point of view or defend #h opinion. 6=#E interacts to provide descriptions, express a point of view or defend #h opinion. #N makes some grammatical errors but can still be understood. 7=#E interacts in French often resorting to English to express #h thoughts. With support, #e can provide simple descriptions, briefly express a point of view or defend #h opinion. 8=#E can ask simple questions in French about the activities of the day, or when #e needs help or specific materials. #N has difficulty sustaining a conversation in French due to limited acquired vocabulary. 9=#N readily integrates subject-specific vocabulary and more sophisticated structures when expressing #s in French. 10=With occasional assistance, #N integrates subject-specific vocabulary and modeled structures when expressing #s in French. #E is encouraged to take more risks expressing #h ideas spontaneously in class. 11=#N can understand oral French in most learning situations but must understand that it is with taking risks and sharing #h ideas spontaneously that #h fluency will increase. A variety of settings have been provided (e.g., small group discussions, conferences) to help #N gain confidence in expressing #s in French this year. 12=#N makes grammatical errors which sometimes make it difficult to understand #m. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 5 Reading English 1=#N demonstrates a very good understanding of the material #e reads in class by analyzing texts and adding #h own ideas to construct meaning. 2=#N demonstrates an understanding of the material #e reads in class by analyzing texts and adding some of #h own ideas to construct meaning. 3=#N is learning to analyze texts and is beginning to add a few of #h own ideas to construct meaning. 4=#E provides well-thought out conclusions about the ideas in a variety of texts, using several examples of implied evidence to support #h opinions. 5=#E makes reasonable conclusions about the ideas in a variety of texts, using implied evidence from the text to support #h opinions. 6=#E is beginning to make more relevant conclusions about the ideas in a variety of texts, using simple examples from the text to support #h opinions. 7=#E would benefit from stepping outside of #h comfort zone by reading increasingly challenging texts outside of their usually chosen genre. 8=#E is encouraged to ask more relevant questions and make connections when reading challenging texts, seeking specific examples from the text to help #h answer interpretative questions. 9=#E is encouraged to continue using details from the text to support #h views. 10=#E is also encouraged to read a variety of texts to form #h own opinions on important topics. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 5 Reading in French 1=#N independently reads grade appropriate texts for information and understanding. #E is able to clearly communicate #h essential understandings of what #e has read both verbally and in writing (e.g., guided reading discussions, written project display). 2=#N is able to read grade appropriate texts for information and understanding. #E generally communicates #h essential understandings of what #e has read both verbally and in writing (e.g., guided reading discussions, written project display). 3=Small group discussions of grade appropriate texts assists #N with reading for information and understanding. #E is able to communicate some of #h essential understandings of what #e has read both verbally and in writing (e.g., oral report, written project display). 4=In #h reading responses, #N continues to demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of a variety of French texts about familiar, academic, and personally relevant topics, with contextual and visual support. 5=In #h reading responses, #N demonstrates a basic understanding of the meaning of French texts about familiar and personally relevant topics, with contextual and visual support. 6=#E makes clear and accurate inferences using clues from the text and #h own prior knowledge and connections. 7=#E makes inferences using clues from the text and #h own prior knowledge. 8=#E is sometimes to make inference using clues from the text and #h own prior knowledge. 9=#E can explain in detail why other students would be interested in reading the books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 10=#E is able to express thoughtful recommendations when reviewing books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 11=#E is able to express simple recommendations when reviewing books that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 12=#E is learning to complete book reviews by expressing reasons why other students would be interested the book that #e reads during independent reading sessions. 13=#E is learning to complete book reviews by expressing reasons why other students would be interested the book that #e reads during independent reading sessions. COMMENTS: Term 2 Grade 5 Writing English 1=#N produces pieces of published work that are organized into paragraphs. Pieces of writing are carefully edited so finished works demonstrate a good command of spelling and punctuation conventions. In #h comparison essay on #?, #e compares and contrast items clearly including relevant information and specific examples to illustrate the comparison. 2=#N produces pieces of published work that are organized into paragraphs. Pieces of writing are edited so finished works demonstrate understanding of spelling and punctuation conventions. In #h comparison essay on #?, #N compares and contrasts items clearly including relevant information but could add more specific examples to illustrate the comparison. 3=#N is learning to produce pieces of published work that are organized into paragraphs. When writing a comparison, #e is learning to compare and contrast items clearly and to add more supporting information to illustrate the comparison. 4=#E readily used new vocabulary learned in class to effectively write about similarities and differences in #h comparison. 5=#E incorporated some of the new vocabulary learned in class to write about similarities and differences in #h comparison. 6=Using specific vocabulary introduced in class to effectively write about similarities and differences would have made #h comparison much more effective. 7=Written assignments are consistently well edited in the area of conventions of writing (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar). 8=#N requires assistance to review #h writing and make sure #e uses conventions (e.g., spelling, punctuation, grammar) correctly. 9=#E is encouraged to create multiple drafts to improve #h results. 10=#N is encouraged to continue applying the feedback received to make revisions that improve on the clarity and content of #h writing. 11=#N should take the time to carefully double check spelling, punctuation, and proper use of grammar to improve on the content and clarity of #h writing, using the editing checklist and feedback provided. COMMENTS: Term 2- Grade 4 Social Studies 1=Upon completing a simulated survival activity individually and then repeating the activity in a group, #N was able to identify that the ease of societal living was a main factor in the formation of early societies. 2=#N independently completed enquiry activities about early societies. #E was able to identify similarities and differences among early societies in regards to their social organization, daily life and beliefs. 3=#N required assistance to complete enquiry activities about early societies. #E was able to identify some similarities and differences among early societies in regards to their social organization, daily life and beliefs. 4=#N needed clarifications and assistance to understand and gather information about early societies. With prompting, #e identified few similarities and differences among early societies in regards to their social organization, daily life and beliefs. 5=#E created artifacts and was able to explain their importance to the civilizations in the past. #N names inventions we still use today. 6=#E created artifacts and briefly explained their importance to the civilizations in the past. #N names some inventions we still use today. 7=#N independently completed enquiry activities about early societies. #E was able to reflect and contribute to discussions regarding key aspects of early societies such as social organization, daily life and beliefs. 8=#N required assistance to complete enquiry activities about early societies. #E was able to make brief contributions regarding key aspects of early societies such as social organization, daily life and beliefs. 9=#N is encouraged to formulate inquiry questions to guide #h own research when discovering ways of life in societies across the world. 10=#N is encouraged to maintain #h level of participation and continue asking questions during classroom lessons and discussions in order to ensure understanding. 11=Increasing #h level of participation and asking questions during classroom lessons and discussions would assist #N with showing #h understanding. 12=#N will continue to be supported in class with frequent reviews of basic concepts to help #m demonstrate a better understanding. 13=#N is able to identify the main factors that contributed to the formation of the first human societies. With occasional assistance, #e worked in small groups recreating Mesopotamian innovations in law, architecture, written language, trade, and warfare demonstrating a basic understanding of how ancient societies' culture developed. 14=#N is able to identify the main factors that contributed to the formation of the first human societies. #E worked collaboratively in small groups recreating Mesopotamian innovations in law, architecture, written language, trade, and warfare demonstrating an understanding of how ancient societies' culture developed. COMMENTS: Term1 - Grade 45 Visual Arts 1=#N uses art techniques correctly and #h attention to detail is consistently demonstrated in #h art work. #E is encouraged to continue displaying creativity and organization in #h various art projects. 2=#N uses art techniques correctly when creating two- and three-dimensional works of art. #E is encouraged to continue displaying creativity and organization in #h various art projects. 3=#N is learning to use art techniques correctly when creating two- and three-dimensional works of art. #E is encouraged to complete art projects with the same attention to detail from beginning to end. COMMENTS: Term1 - Grade 5 Data Management 1=#N conducted surveys in class, using the results to create bar graphs and line plots. #E also examined and interpreted the data by calculating the mean and mode. The Geometry Strand will be assessed next term. 2=#N conducted surveys in class, using the results to create bar graphs and line plots. With support through questioning and prompts, #e examined and interpreted the data by calculating the mean and mode. COMMENTS: Term1- Grade 4 Math 1=#N independently understand and solves a variety of math problems in all strands using #h mathematical knowledge. 2=#N receives occasional support to interpret and choose an appropriate strategy to solve math problems. 3=#N occasionally requires assistance to solve math problems using #h mathematical knowledge. 4=#N receives support to interpret and solve math problems. 5=Procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are usually complete and clearly labelled. 6=#E is encouraged to review #h answers to ensure that procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are complete and clearly labelled. 7=#E is encouraged to make sure #e explains #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 8=#E is learning to explain #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 9=#E is learning to organize #h answers by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 10=#E is learning to include complete procedures in #h answers. 11=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 10 000. #E successfully uses regrouping to add and subtract up to four digit numbers. #N reads and represents money amounts to $100 using pictures, play money, in dollar and cents notation. #E is able to add and subtract money amounts by making simulated purchases and providing change for up to $100. 12=#N reads, writes whole numbers to 10 000 but #e makes some mistakes when comparing and ordering them. #E uses regrouping to add and subtract up to four digit numbers. Consistently lining-up digits and showing all the steps taken when adding or subtracting multi-digit numbers would eliminate errors. #N reads and represents money amounts to $100 using dollar and cents notation. #E is able to add and subtract money amounts by making simulated purchases and providing change for up to $100. 13=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 10 000. #E makes errors when using regrouping to add and subtract double digit numbers. Consistently lining-up digits and showing all the steps taken when adding or subtracting multi-digit numbers would eliminate errors. #N is learning to correctly represents money amounts to $100 using dollar and cents notation. #E is learning to accurately add and subtract money amounts by making simulated purchases and providing change for up to $100. 14=#E estimates, measures, and records linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom. #E is able to apply #h knowledge of multiplication facts to accurately calculate the area of most squares and rectangles by multiplying length by width. 15=#E measures, and records linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N usually selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom. #N is able to demonstrate some knowledge of multiplication facts. However, #e has difficulty applying this knowledge when calculating the area of squares and rectangles. 16=#E measures, and records linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #H estimates are usually reasonable. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom. #E is able to apply #h knowledge of some multiplication facts to accurately calculate the area of most squares and rectangles by multiplying length by width. 17=#E is beginning to estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., formulas, grid paper and calculators). 18=#N is consistently able to identify numerical patterns and can use patterns to predict what number will come next in a sequence. 19=#N is able to identify most numerical patterns and can use patterns to predict what number will come next in a sequence. 20=#N is able to identify some numerical patterns and with assistance can use patterns to predict what number will come next in a sequence. COMMENTS: Term1- Grade 5 English 1=#N clearly summarizes important ideas in fiction and non-fiction texts with supporting details and #h own ideas. #E makes supported judgements and can draw conclusions about ideas in texts using relevant and detailed information read, heard or interpreted visually. 2=#N demonstrates #h understanding by summarizing important ideas in Nelson Literacy texts occasionally missing some important details. #E can generally prove #h answers to comprehension questions using relevant information read, heard or interpreted visually. 3=#N is participating in lessons that allow #m to demonstrate #h understanding my summarizing important ideas in fiction and non-fiction texts. #E is learning to prove #h answers to comprehension questions using relevant information read, heard or interpreted visually. During group discussion, #N is encouraged to express opinions about what #e has read using information from the text. 4=This was demonstrated in #h novel study project on the book "No Talking". #N utilized elements from the novel to go beyond the literal ideas of the text adding #h own interpretation of events, characters and theme. #E should continue adding a personal connection to the most important ideas in a text. 5=In #h novel study project on the book "No Talking", #N is beginning to display #h understanding in more depth and/or complexity. #N utilized some elements from the novel to go somewhat beyond the novel itself. #E should continue to seek out and reflect upon the most important ideas in fiction and non-fiction texts. 6=#N novel study project on the book "No talking" displays a basic understanding of the characters, plot, and theme in the novel. #E is learning to extend ideas beyond the literal ideas of the text by adding #h own interpretation of events, characters and theme. 7=#N successfully organizes and generates ideas in #h written assignments. #H story "The Substitute Teacher" engages the reader with detailed descriptions and feelings. #N uses a variety of simple and complex sentences. #E makes very few errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. 8=#E is able to generate and organize ideas specific to the writing task, as shown in #h story "The Substitute Teacher". #N is encouraged to consistently use co-constructed criteria in order to meet all writing expectations. In future writing assignments, #e will focus on using vivid descriptive language that engages the reader and vary sentence types. 9=#N had some success with organizing and creating ideas when writing the ending to the story "The Substitute Teacher". #E is able to correct some spelling errors using a dictionary. In future writing assignments, #e will focus on developing ideas through brainstorming in small groups prior to writing. 10=During small and large group discussions, #N uses appropriate listening and speaking strategies with purpose and intent. #E spoke confidently during #h Heritage Presentation providing many interesting facts about Country. 11=#N makes contributions during discussions. #E shared many interesting facts about Country during #h Heritage Presentation. 12=Listening with intent and making contributions during discussions would help #N consolidate concept we learn in class. #E shared many interesting facts about Country during #h Heritage Presentation. 13=#N participated in Media Literacy activities by analyzing and interpreting media messages. #H ad for "Energetic girls" was informative and included appealing visual information. 14=#N participated in Media Literacy activities by analyzing and interpreting media messages. #H ad for "Energetic girls" was informative. 15=#N participated in Media Literacy activities by analyzing and interpreting media messages. #H needed assistance to follow instructions and produce an add that was informative and visually appealing. COMMENTS: Term1- Grade 5 Math 1=#N independently understand and solves a variety of math problems in all strands using #h mathematical knowledge. 2=#N understand and solves math problems with occasional support. 3=#N occasionally requires assistance to solve math problems using #h mathematical knowledge. 4=#N understands and solves math problems with support. 5=Procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are usually complete and clearly labelled. 6=#E is encouraged to review #h answers to ensure that procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are complete and clearly labelled. 7=#E is encouraged to make sure #e explains #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 8=#E is learning to explain #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 9=#E is learning to organize #h answers by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 10=#E is learning to include complete procedures in #h answers. 11=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 100 000. #E successfully uses regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 12=#N reads, writes whole numbers to 100 000 but #e makes several mistakes when comparing and ordering them. #E uses regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 13=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 100 000. #E makes errors when using regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 14=#E independently uses a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and shows a thorough understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. #E accurately estimates and measures the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., formulas, grid paper and calculators). 15=#E uses a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and shows an understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. #E estimates and measures the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., grid paper and calculators). 16=#E is learning to use a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N is beginning to select the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and is developing an understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. 17=#E is beginning to estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., formulas, grid paper and calculators). 18=#N uses a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #h own numeric patterns. #E independently uses tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns and make accurate predictions. 19=#N uses a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #N own numeric patterns. #N uses tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns and make predictions. 20=#N is learning to use a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #h own numeric patterns. #E is participating in lessons that allow the use of tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns, and with support #e can make simple predictions. COMMENTS: Term1- Grade 5 Math 1 1=#N independently understand and solves a variety of math problems in all strands using #h mathematical knowledge. 2=#N understand and solves math problems with occasional support. 3=#N occasionally requires assistance to solve math problems using #h mathematical knowledge. 4=#N understands and solves math problems with support. 5=Procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are usually complete and clearly labelled. 6=#E is encouraged to review #h answers to ensure that procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts are complete and clearly labelled. 7=#E is encouraged to make sure #e explains #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 8=#E is learning to explain #h thinking fully by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 9=#E is learning to organize #h answers by including complete procedures, graphs, diagrams and/or charts. 10=#E is learning to include complete procedures in #h answers. 11=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 100 000. #E successfully uses regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 12=#N reads, writes whole numbers to 100 000 but #e makes several mistakes when comparing and ordering them. #E uses regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 13=#N reads, writes, compares, and orders whole numbers to 100 000. #E makes errors when using regrouping to add and subtract multiple digit numbers. 14=#E independently uses a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and shows a thorough understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. #E accurately estimates and measures the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., formulas, grid paper and calculators). 15=#E uses a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N selects the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and shows an understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. #E estimates and measures the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., grid paper and calculators). 16=#E is learning to use a variety of tools to estimate, measure, and record linear dimensions, mass, and capacity. #N is beginning to select the most appropriate standard unit (e.g., kg, mL, cm) to measure items in the classroom and is developing an understanding of changing metres into centimetres and kilometres into metres. 17=#E is beginning to estimate and measure the perimeter and area of regular and irregular shapes using a variety of tools and strategies (e.g., formulas, grid paper and calculators). 18=#N uses a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #h own numeric patterns. #E independently uses tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns and make accurate predictions. 19=#N uses a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #N own numeric patterns. #N uses tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns and make predictions. 20=#N is learning to use a variety of operations (including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to identify and create #h own numeric patterns. #E is participating in lessons that allow the use of tables and manipulatives to determine relationships in growing and shrinking patterns, and with support #e can make simple predictions. COMMENTS: Term1- Grade 5 Social Studies 1=#N independently identifies and sorts important services under the correct level of government (e.g., the public library is a municipal service, education is a provincial service, and Canada Post is a federal service). 2=#N identifies and sorts some important services under the correct level of government (e.g., the public library is a municipal service, education is a provincial service, and Canada Post is a federal service). 3=#N needs prompting and/or assistance to identify and sort important services under the correct level of government (e.g., the public library is a municipal service, education is a provincial service, and Canada Post is a federal service). 4=#E can identify the major rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship in Canada. 5=With an opportunity for review, #e can identify the major rights and responsibilities associated with citizenship in Canada. 6=#N's contributions during discussions, mock elections and debates, demonstrate a very good understanding of the responsibilities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our federal government and of the election process. 7=During discussions, mock elections and debates, #N demonstrates a general grasp of the responsibilities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our federal government and of the election process. #E investigated responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues such as social and environmental issues. 8=During discussions, mock elections and debates, #N demonstrates a general grasp of the responsibilities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our federal government and of the election process. #E investigated responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues such as social and environmental issues. 9=During discussions, mock elections and debates, #N needs prompting to share #h understanding of the responsibilities of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our federal government and of the election process. #E investigated responses of governments in Canada to some significant issues such as social and environmental issues. 10=#N is encouraged to find and discuss government news stories found in newspapers, online, and on television with a family member to further #h understanding of how decisions made by our government impact our lives. 11=Discussing Social Studies concepts taught in class with a family member would help #N consolidate the big ideas so #e can feel more confident to participate during discussions. COMMENTS: Term1-Grade 5 French 1=#N independently follows instructions given in French and fully participate in language practice activities. #E can retrieve the necessary vocabulary to restate the key ideas in presentations/lessons and provide clear answers to questions. 2=#N requires some clarification of instructions given in French in order to complete a task. #E requires occasional teacher-assistance to find the appropriate words in French when making contributions to discussions or answering questions. Using French to communicate with #m peers would help #m increase #h fluency. 3=#N requires instructions given in French to be simplified or broken down into smaller steps in order to complete a task. With extra time for processing and understanding, #e provides simple answers to some questions. Using French to communicate with #m peers would help #m increase #h fluency. 4=#N reads texts containing familiar words and expressions at a sufficient rate using accurate pronunciation and expression. #E demonstrates strong understanding of the texts #e reads in class through oral and written responses to questions. #N is encouraged to continue developing #h ability to demonstrate deeper thinking when completing #h reading log by giving examples to support #h opinions and by making connections. 5=#N reads texts containing familiar words and expressions at a sufficient rate using accurate pronunciation. #E demonstrates a general understanding of the texts #e reads in class through oral and written responses to questions. #N is encouraged to put more effort into #h French reading log by giving examples to support #h opinions and by varying the type of entries. 6=#N is learning to use effective strategies when reading aloud (e.g. accurate pronunciation and expression). #E is participating in lessons that allow #m to demonstrate an understanding of the texts #e reads in class through oral and written responses to questions. #N is learning to select appropriate text details and support #h opinions when completing #h French reading log. 7=#N conveys facts and #h own ideas in written works in an effective and engaging way. #H written assignments are easy to read since appropriate French grammar is used in most sentences. #N readily uses resources to proofread #h written work focusing on grammar, spelling and content. #E should find new creative and interesting ways to begin sentences to peak the audience interest in reading #h written work. 8=#N conveys facts and #h own ideas in written works with the help of planning tools such as graphic organizers. Despite some grammatical errors, #h written assignments are easy to read. #N is reminded to use a bilingual dictionary to check spelling and to look up words #e does not know in French. In future writing assignments, #N will encouraged to develop #h ideas in more details by adding opinions, descriptions and feelings. 9=With support, #N is beginning to convey facts and #h own ideas in simple written works with the help of planning tools such as graphic organizers. #E requires assistance to edit #h work and eliminate grammatical/spelling errors. Word lists and sentence models are provided to help #N improve #h ability to express ideas clearly in #h French written assignments. COMMENTS: Term1-Grade 5 Science 1=#N uses scientific experimentation skills to investigate changes in body systems such as heart rate and breathing increasing as a result of physical activity. 2=#E records data and observations clearly. 3=#E follows models to record data and complete observations. 4=#N correctly identifies major organs, parts and functions when explaining how a body system works. 5=#N requires prompting to correctly identify organs, parts and functions when explaining how a body system works. 6=#E used subject specific vocabulary when completing #h research on the * system. 7=#N included interesting facts and identified what we can do to keep this system healthy and prevent diseases. 8=#N needed help looking for information, writing #h finding clearly and identifying what we can do to keep this system healthy and prevent diseases. 9=#E could explain the relationship between the digestive system and the circulatory system. 10=#E needed assistance to give a complete explanation of the relationship between the digestive system and the circulatory system. 11=With prompting and assistance, #e gave a brief explanation of the relationship between the digestive system and the circulatory system. 12=#E identifies renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, where they come from, how they are transformed and used in daily life. #N participated in the Eco-Friendly House Challenge and demonstrated an understanding of ways to conserve energy in #h home design by adding features such as insulation, water collector for rainwater, recycling bins, energy saving appliances, solar panels and a windmill. 13=With support, #e identifies renewable and non-renewable sources of energy, where they come from, how they are transformed and used in daily life. #N participated in the Eco-Friendly House Challenge and demonstrated a basic understanding of ways to conserve energy in #h home design by adding features such as insulation, energy saving appliances, solar panels, and a windmill. 14=#N is encouraged to continue researching how #e can reduce the amount of energy used at home 15=#N is encouraged to remain focused in class and to seek assistance when completing and organizing activities inside #h science duo-tang. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.