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COMMENTS: --saved with no name? 1=#N showed a profound understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is not just a positive number, but is also a distance. #E can masterfully extract distances from the coordinate plane and #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 2=#N showed a clear understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, and can be a distance. #E can extract distances from the coordinate plane and show #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 3=#N showed a basic understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, but had trouble explaining its relation to distance. #E can count distances from the coordinate plane. #E is encouraged to practice graphing on the coordinate plane. COMMENTS: Absolute Value/Number Line 1=#N showed a profound understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is not just a positive number, but is also a distance. #E can masterfully extract distances from the coordinate plane and #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 2=#N showed a clear understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, and can be a distance. #E can extract distances from the coordinate plane and show #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 3=#N showed a basic understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, but had trouble explaining its relation to distance. #E can count distances from the coordinate plane. #E is encouraged to practice graphing on the coordinate plane. COMMENTS: Absolute Value/Number Line/Coordinate Plane 1=#N showed a profound understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is not just a positive number, but is also a distance. #E can masterfully extract distances from the coordinate plane and #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 2=#N showed a clear understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, and can be a distance. #E can extract distances from the coordinate plane and show #h understanding of its relationship to absolute value. 3=#N showed a basic understanding of rational numbers and absolute value. #E was able to show that absolute value is a positive number, but had trouble explaining its relation to distance. #E can count distances from the coordinate plane. #E is encouraged to practice graphing on the coordinate plane. COMMENTS: Decimal/Fraction operations 1=#N showed a mastery of decimal and fraction operations. #E was able to multiply and divide rational numbers in decimal and fraction notation fluently and accurately. 2=#N showed a clear understanding of decimal and fraction operations. #E was able to multiply and divide rational numbers in decimal and fraction notation with the required skills and accuracy. 3=#N showed an introductory level of understanding of decimal and fraction operations. #E was able to multiply and divide rational numbers in decimal and fraction notation with some accuracy. COMMENTS: Decimals 1=#N was able to fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. #E extended #h skills to expertly perform multi-digit decimal operations using the standard algorithm for each operation. 2=#N was able to divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm most of the time. #E could capably perform multi-digit decimal operations using the standard algorithm. 3=#N was sometimes able to divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. #E needs more practice performing multi-digit decimal operations. 4=#N needs a significant amount of practice dividing multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm. #E could not perform multi-digit decimal operations. COMMENTS: Exponents/Order of Ops/GCF/LCM 1=#N could easily find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two or more numbers. #E also showed a high level of understanding of exponents and order of operations. 2=#N could usually find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two or more numbers. #E also showed a grade-level understanding of exponents and order of operations. 3=#N struggled to find the greatest common factor and least common multiple of two or more numbers. #E would also benefit from more practice with exponents and order of operations. COMMENTS: Expressions and Equations 1=#N can expertly identify parts of an expression such as sum, term, product, factor, quotient, and coefficient. #E can astutely write and solve equations. 2=#N can successfully identify parts of an expression such as sum, term, product, factor, quotient, and coefficient. #E can effectively write and solve equations. 3=#N can sometimes identify parts of an expression such as sum, term, product, factor, quotient, and coefficient. #E needs practice writing and solving equations. COMMENTS: Fractions 1=#N was able to perform basic fraction division using the standard algorithm. #E struggled to show that understanding using visual models. 2=#N was able to apply the standard algorithm to fraction operations and #e struggled to show #h understanding with visual models. 3=#N was able to perform fraction division using the standard algorithm and showed a basic understanding using visual models. 4=#N was able to perform fraction division using the standard algorithm. #E struggled to show that understanding using visual models. 5=#N was able to fluently and accurately perform fraction division and show #h understanding using visual models. COMMENTS: Geometry- 3D Nets and Surface Area 1=#N can expertly identify and draw three-dimensional figures using nets made up of triangles and rectangles. 2=#N can adequately identify and draw three-dimensional figures using nets made up of triangles and rectangles. 3=#N struggled to identify and draw three-dimensional figures using nets made up of triangles and rectangles. 4=#N can draw polygons in the coordinate plane and use coordinates to measure the perimeter and surface area of 3-D shapes. 5=#N can draw polygons in the coordinate plane and use coordinates to measure the perimeter and surface area of 3-D shapes most of the time. 6=#N struggled to draw polygons in the coordinate plane and use coordinates to measure the perimeter and surface area of 3-D shapes. COMMENTS: Geometry- Volume 1=#N showed a masterful understanding of volume in right rectangular prisms in a variety of ways. 2=#N showed a satisfactory understanding of volume in right rectangular prisms. 3=#N struggled to show an understanding of volume in right rectangular prisms. COMMENTS: Geometry-area and perimeter 1=#N demonstrated a clear understanding of area and perimeter. 2=#N demonstrated a satisfactory understanding of area and perimeter. 3=#N sometimes showed an understanding of area and perimeter. 4=#N can find the area of triangles, and masterly used the area formula of a triangle to find the area of other quadrilaterals and polygons. 5=#N can sometimes find the area of triangles, and sometimes used the area formula of a triangle to find the area of other quadrilaterals and polygons too. 6=#N struggled to find the area of triangles and struggled to use the area formula of a triangle to find the area of other quadrilaterals and polygons too. COMMENTS: Graphing Coordinate Plane 1=#N was able to graph points on the coordinate plane and use the distance formula to find the distance between points. #E could extract data from a graph and use it to make inferences. #E showed an advanced and in depth understanding of graphing. 2=#N was able to graph points on the coordinate plane most of the time and count the distance between points. #E could make basic inferences from data given on a graph, showing a basic understanding of graphing. 3=#N had difficulty graphing points on the coordinate plane and the distance between two points. #E had difficulty making inferences from data given on a graph showing an introductory level of understanding of graphing. COMMENTS: Homework 1=#N produced high-quality work and consistently worked hard on in-class activities and homework. 2=#N worked hard in class and when focused and produced high quality work. #E typically turned in work on time and was an organized student. 3=#N was sometimes distracted in class and would benefit from better organizing #h supplies and work. #E struggled to complete assignments and turn them in on time. COMMENTS: In Order To Improve 1=In order to continue improving, #N is encouraged to check all #h work against the rubrics provided. 2=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to advocate for #s and attend tutorial sessions. 3=#N has worked hard throughout the semester. In order to continue improving, #e should continue to seek feedback. 4=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to attend to accuracy and precision and check #h work. 5=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to seek assistance when needed. 6=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to continue to develop confidence in problem-solving abilities by attempting to solve problems first before seeking assistance. 7=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to take all opportunities to make corrections to misunderstandings including missing class work and ask for help as soon as difficulties arise. 8=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to concentrate on the organization and structure of solutions to problems and continue to strive to maintain a high level of performance. 9=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to maintain the outstanding work ethic and focus in the classroom and check more thoroughly for small errors before handing in work or assessments. COMMENTS: Intro Semester 2 1=This semester in Mathematics, #N further developed an understanding of the shapes and structures that build our modern world and was introduced to ratios, algebraic thinking, statistics, and data displays. 2=This semester in Mathematics, #N further developed an understanding of real-world mathematics and was introduced to geometry, ratios, algebra, and statistics. 3=This semester #N further developed an understanding of real-world mathematics by unraveling and inspecting the fibers that hold our modern mathematical world together. COMMENTS: Intro Sentence 1=This semester in Mathematics, #N explored the boundaries of our mathematical universe. #E built upon an understanding of rational number operations and learned about the coordinate plane. 2=This semester in Mathematics, #N developed an understanding of the mathematical universe using various models and algorithms to show #h thinking. COMMENTS: Language/EAL 1=#N is developing a mathematical vocabulary and needs more practice with word problems. 2=#N has a limited mathematical vocabulary and would benefit from more practice using mathematical terms in everyday conversations. 3=#N is working hard to develop a robust mathematical vocabulary. #E showed a steady improvement throughout the semester with #h mathematical language skills. 4=#N is steadily improving in developing a mathematical vocabulary and should continue to see success as the year progresses. COMMENTS: Particulars 1=As a confident learner, #N continues to rush through some tasks and needs to remember that it is important to set appropriate goals toward completing #h work to the best of #h ability. 2=#N is encouraged to take initiative to focus independently during all learning experiences. 3=With prompting, #N can redirect #h focus on learning and is working on building this important learning skill to an independent level. 4=During group work activities, #N is reminded to be an active, rather than passive, participant. 5=As an inquirer, #N is very inquisitive and loves to pose questions, but is learning to connect questions to the concepts being discussed in class. 6=#E has developed strong friendships with classmates and is encouraged to be open-mind with all interactions. 7=#N is working toward presuming positive intentions of #h peers #e does not consider friends, as well as paying attention to #h tone of voice and concentration levels in order to address classmates in a respectful way. 8=#N is very assertive during group activities when sharing #h viewpoints; #e is often encouraged to try to remain open to and value the ideas of others. 9=#N is social and has a large circle of friends, and can be distracted while listening to whole class instruction. #E also enjoys sharing #h thoughts and ideas with others, which often makes it difficult for #m to remain on task. 10=With support, #N is becoming a self-directed learner who knows and understands the criteria of #h ideal learning environment. 11=#N is often searching for a correct answer and the acknowledgment of a task completed correctly, but #e is learning about the importance of gaining confidence and independence through risk-taking and trial and error. 12=As an inquirer, #N can become frustrated when a conclusion is not reached immediately, but is building #h patience daily. 13=#N is learning how to develop meaningful reflections with #h mathematical thinking and allowing observations of patterns to take #h deeper into understanding a concept. 14=#N often learns best through repetition and reminders when completing a multi-step mathematical concept. 15=#N is encouraged to trust #h thoughts and become more self-directed with #h learning. COMMENTS: Ratios and Rates 1=#N was highly successful in making ratios relating quantities, finding missing ratios in tables, and plotting pairs of values on the coordinate plane. 2=#N was effective in making ratios relating quantities, finding missing ratios in tables, and plotting pairs of values on the coordinate plane. 3=#N is learning how to make ratios relating quantities, finding missing ratios in tables, and plotting pairs of values on the coordinate plane. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. If #e continues like this #e has a good chance of reaching #h target grade. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a polite and friendly member of the class. #E always works hard though sometimes struggles with the concepts taught. A good steady performance throughout the #Time-period. Well done. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=#N has been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #E seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#E often misses deadlines and #h project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent. It was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Statistics 1=#N is an expert at identifying a statistical problem, collecting data, and calculating a data set's mean, median, and mode. #E can swiftly display data graphically. 2=#N is proficient at identifying a statistical problem, collecting data, and calculating a data set's mean, median, and mode. #E can effectively display data graphically. 3=#N is developing at identifying a statistical problem, collecting data, and calculating a data set's mean, median, and mode. #E is working on displaying data graphically. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.