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COMMENTS: Aquatics Proficient 1=#E progressed well in Aquatics and demonstrated confidence floating and doing basic strokes. 2=In Aquatics, #e demonstrated a high level of confidence floating and moving in the water. 3=#E progressed consistently in Aquatics. #N was competent in locomotive and self-rescue skills. 4=#E was a very strong swimmer and used #h understanding of movement and buoyancy to successfully perform skills at a higher level in Aquatics. 5=In Aquatics, #e demonstrated understanding of how to adjust #h body for better buoyancy and propulsion in water. 6=In Aquatics, #e actively participated in a variety of games and activities in the water that involved using different swimming techniques for success. 7=#E has grown more confident in the water and freely engaged in play activities independently during Aquatics. 8=#E was very comfortable performing different skills in Aquatics both independently and as part of a team or group. 9=#E has demonstrated strong skills in Aquatics, and moves confidently and efficiently in the water. 10=#E consistently used #h free time to improve #h skills in Aquatics. 11=#E recognised the relationship between body position in the water and propulsion, using them to perform skills appropriately in Aquatics. 12=#E demonstrated understanding of the skills and techniques needed to participate safely in Aquatics. 13=#E was a strong swimmer who demonstrates competence in a variety of swimming skills during Aquatics. 14=#E has demonstrated competence in all buoyancy, locomotor and rescue skills in Aquatics at grade level. 15=#E participated very well in activities requiring the use of swimming strokes on #h front during Aquatics. 16=#E mastered the safety and self-rescue skills taught in this semester in Aquatics. 17=#E has demonstrated consistent growth in Aquatics to meet grade level expectations. 18=During Aquatics, demonstrated that #e swims comfortably and confidently in water of varying depths. 19=In Aquatics, #e was confident using free time to independently practice #h swimming skills. 20=In Aquatics, #e set a movement goal and is continuing to work towards achieving it. COMMENTS: Aquatics Proficient 2 1=During Aquatics, #e demonstrated proficiency while performing self-rescue skills in deeper water. 2=In Aquatics, #e demonstrated understanding of movement and buoyancy in the pool by actively participating in different games. 3=#E participated actively in the games and activities taught in Aquatics, using the foundation skills from earlier in the unit. 4=#E showed consistent growth in #h confidence and abilities during Aquatics. 5=#E demonstrated understanding of how #h core muscles influence the quality of #h movement in Aquatics. 6=#E confidently applied #h understanding of buoyancy and propulsion to higher level Aquatics skills. 7=In Aquatics, #e identified #h own areas of need in different skill areas. #N confidently set a series of small goals over the course of the unit to meet those needs. 8=#E diligently worked to meet #h Aquatics goals throughout the unit. 9=#E has been able to demonstrate #h learning and progress in Aquatics via different mediums. 10=#E identified #h own learning needs in the Aquatics unit, and pursued set goals by seeking out an "expert" friend and making use of targeted practice time. 11=#E expanded #h knowledge of different Aquatics skills by volunteering to be an "expert" source for other students. 12=#E demonstrated #h understanding of various Aquatics skills by teaching a friend. 13=#E used the games played in the pool to showcase #h understanding and ability in various Aquatics skills. 14=#E set #h own entry and movement goals in Aquatics and worked diligently throughout the unit to be able to achieve "check off" status. 15=#E used a variety of techniques and practice activities to help #m meet #h Aquatics goals this semester. 16=While #e may not have met all #h Aquatic goals this semester, #N has demonstrated consistent progress towards achieving #h targets. 17=#E self-selected at least two Aquatics goals this semester and worked consistently and independently to demonstrate significant progress towards achievement. 18=In Aquatics, #e confidently demonstrated, explained and taught a friend at least one of the skills #e selected as #h learning goals for this semester. COMMENTS: Ball Skills Approaching 1=#E has improved in #h ability to send and receive objects, but still needs to work on developing consistency. 2=#E has demonstrated progress in activities involving sending and receiving and ball manipulation. 3=#E has participated well in ball games and is developing #h throwing and catching skills. 4=#E has developed successful skills when throwing and catching. 5=#E has practised hard to improve #h passing skills in games. 6=#E worked on co-operating better with others during team games so that the game objectives were achieved. 7=#E worked on developing more confidence when throwing and catching in team games. 8=#E practiced #h ball control skills, but needs to continue developing consistency. 9=#E must be prepared to accept the views and decisions of others in team situations. 10=#E has begun to develop an appropriate level of hand-eye coordination relevant to throwing and catching skills. 11=#E has begun to manipulate different pieces of equipment to play ball games with growing confidence and control. 12=#E has demonstrated that #e is close to grade-level ability to #h efforts to send and receive objects during ball games and activities. 13=#E participated with increasing confidence in ball activities, maintaining some contact and control. 14=#E has shown improvement in #h ability to direct and control a ball or other object with long-handled and short-handled equipment. 15=#E demonstrated how to send and receive a ball or object with appropriate force and accuracy, but on an irregular basis. 16=#E has begun to coordinate tossing and catching in activities like juggling, using appropriate grasp and release skills. 17=#E demonstrated some understanding of the aim, step, release process for throwing through targeting objects with inconsistent results. 18=#E was more regularly using appropriate cradling when demonstrating catching skills within a movement situation. 19=#E has become more consistent when #e tracks a ball or other object during throwing and catching activities. COMMENTS: Ball Skills I 1=#E participated well in ball games and always tried hard to demonstrate understanding of throwing and catching skills and concepts. 2=#E participated well in ball games and has developed #h throwing and catching skills. 3=#E participated well in ball games and demonstrated an excellent eye for throwing and catching. 4=#E participated well in ball games and demonstrated a good eye for throwing and catching. 5=#E showed a good level of skill and enthusiasm during group games. 6=#E was able to dribble a ball with advanced control. 7=#E has demonstrated that #e has very advanced ball skills and co-ordination. 8=#E has developed #h passing and catching skills through small-sided games. 9=#E has worked well on co-operative activities to develop speed and accuracy of passing during Ball Skills. 10=#E has worked well on co-operative activities to develop marking and defensive skills in ball activities. 11=#E has learned basic principles of attack and defence in ball games. 12=#E consistently used a range of different ball skills for games; striking, throwing and catching. 13=#E worked collaboratively in small teams to be successful in a game situation. 14=#E effectively demonstrated how to be both attacker and defender in small-sided games during Ball Skills. 15=#E effectively used and kept to the rules of conventional games during Ball Skills, such as dribbling in hockey. 16=#E dribbled effectively around obstacles and showed precision when sending and receiving. 17=#E travelled with a ball showing changes of speed and direction. 18=#E travelled whilst bouncing a ball with control. 19=#E passed a ball accurately to a partner over a variety of distances. 20=#E demonstrated how to throw and catch a ball with a partner with an appropriate level of consistency. COMMENTS: Ball Skills II 1=#E demonstrated a high level of skill and understanding across a range of games activities in the Ball Skills unit. 2=#E cooperated well with other children when playing in a group or team in the Ball Skills unit. 3=#E had an enthusiastic approach and works confidently in games lessons. 4=#E has developed an appropriate level of hand-eye coordination relevant to throwing and catching skills. 5=#E manipulated differing pieces of equipment to play ball games effectively, with confidence and control. 6=#E demonstrated grade-level ability to send and receive objects during ball games and activities. 7=#E participated confidently in ball activities, maintaining appropriate contact and control where necessary. 8=#E was able to direct and control a ball or other object with long-handled and short-handled equipment. 9=#E demonstrated how to send and receive a ball or object with appropriate force and accuracy on a consistent basis. 10=#E was able to coordinate tossing and catching in activities like juggling, using appropriate grasp and release skills. 11=#E demonstrated understanding of the aim, step, release process for throwing by accurately targeting objects with consistency. 12=#E used appropriate cradling when demonstrating catching skills within a movement situation. 13=#E consistently and effectively tracked a ball or other object during throwing and catching activities. COMMENTS: Conclusion approaching/developing 1=As a learner, #N needs to feel more confident about #h abilities and put a greater effort into PE. 2=As a learner, #N has shown potential to do well in PE this year and needs to continue to increase #h level of active involvement in class. 3=As a learner, #N is becoming more independent in #h practice, and should continue to work on developing a sense of ownership of #h skills. 4=As a learner, #N is beginning to recognise opportunities for independent practice and self-improvement. 5=As a learner, #N is working towards consistency in staying on task and maximising practice time. 6=As a learner, #N is figuring out how to seek out more appropriate learning partners with whom distractions are minimised and #e can focus better. 7=As a learner, #N is working to recognise distracting behaviours and self-regulate with some teacher assistance. 8=As a learner, #N continues to work towards understanding the importance of following instructions in a timely manner. 9=As a learner, #N continues develop #h self-confidence and assertiveness in #h actions as #e becomes more physically literate. 10=As a learner, #N has been struggling to accept decisions and obey rules of play during activities so that all participants can enjoy the experience, but with continued support I expect to see some development in maturity and understanding in the coming semester. 11=As a learner, #N has been trying to accept decisions and follow the rules of play and conduct more consistently. 12=As a learner, #N is beginning to accept the views and decisions of others in team situations. 13=As a learner, #N is starting to recognise the impact of #h behaviour on others, and with continued support I hope to see more growth in this area. 14=As we move forward through to the second half of the year, #N's goal is to self-regulate #h behaviour with some consistency. 15=In the second semester of PE, #N's goal is to take charge of #h body and how #e moves within general space. 16=As a learner, #N is working towards consistently staying on-task, and following instructions with better accuracy. 17=As a learner, #N is beginning to work through distractions and focus more fully on #h own tasks. 18=As a learner, #N is working towards focussing consistently on the tasks #e has been given. 19=As a learner, #N is working towards having more positive interactions with #h peers on a more consistent basis. 20=While #N is active in PE and participates in class, as a learner, #e is still developing consistency in #h behaviour and ability to stay on task without becoming a distraction to others. COMMENTS: Conclusion approaching/developing II 1=As a learner, #N is developing consistency in #h behaviour and ability to stay on task without becoming a distraction to others. 2=As a learner, #N continues to work on #h level of focus and engagement during class, and has begun to demonstrate some ability to do so. 3=As a learner, #N has been working towards consistency in #h response to teacher feedback and application of such feedback and assistance. 4=While #N enjoys the more open structure of PE classes, as a learner, #e is still working towards expectations with regard to listening to and following instructions in a timely manner. 5=As a learner, #N loves to be active in PE, but #e is still developing an understanding of the guidelines and rules in the gym that are in place to allow #m and others to participate safely in all the activities. 6=As a learner, #N is beginning to develop an understanding of #h responsibility for #h own learning, and is starting to recognise that full participation and engagement is key to #h growth. 7=As a learner, #N is beginning to recognise that #e needs to develop a greater level of resilience in #h practice so that #e can grow and improve #h skills. 8=As a learner, #N is beginning to recognise distracting behaviours and self-regulate with some teacher assistance. 9=As a learner, #N has shown a lot of growth in #h focus and ability to stay on task. #E still requires some teacher assistance to maintain #h attention, but #e now does this with fewer reminders. 10=As a learner, #N is still figuring out how to best interact with #h friends and peers in positive and responsible manner. 11=As a learner, #N is beginning to recognise distracting behaviours and self-regulate with some teacher assistance. 12=As a learner, #N has grown in #h independence and awareness of #h own skills and abilities. COMMENTS: Conclusion proficient 1=As a learner, #N loved PE and was level headed and composed in games and activities. 2=As a learner, #N has made good improvements in all areas of PE this semester. 3=As a learner, #N has particularly enjoyed sharing and performing #h ideas with others. 4=As a learner, #N worked cooperatively with #h peers and was a responsible learner. 5=As a learner, #N listened carefully to instructions and used #h time productively in class. 6=As a learner, #N proactively used #h time in class to practice #h skills. 7=As a learner, #N actively sought clarification and used feedback to improve skill performance. 8=As a learner, #N incorporated feedback in skill practice to improve performance. 9=As a learner, #N listened with an open mind to corrections and suggestions for skill improvement. 10=As a learner, #N worked cooperatively with others and used #h own knowledge to assist #h peers. 11=As a learner, #N demonstrated responsible behaviour when working in a group. 12=As a learner, #N proactively sought assistance to better understand or perform skills. 13=As a learner, #N generally worked well in PE, was usually focussed, and paid attention in order to get the most out of class. 14=As a learner, #N continued to develop a sense of ownership of #h abilities, and should keep practicing the different skills for consistency. 15=As a learner, #N has developed into a focussed participant in PE who really makes an effort to perform. 16=As a learner, #N listened well to instructions and stayed on-task during PE. #E practiced independently and responsibly. 17=As a learner, #N has developed a good sense of awareness of #h abilities and worked independently to improve. 18=As a learner, #N was a good listener in PE and was able to stay focussed and on-task consistently. 19=As a learner, #N has made an effort to be a responsible and respectful participant in PE classes. 20=As a learner, #N was a respectful member of the class and worked hard to practice and perform the skills taught. COMMENTS: Conclusion proficient II 1=As a learner, #N has exhibited the capacity for responsible, independent learning in PE. 2=As a learner, #N was a responsible, independent learner who used opportunities for practice to #h benefit. 3=As a learner, #N consistently made an effort to be engaged and involved in PE lessons, regardless of the topic. 4=As a learner, #N has demonstrated understanding of the fundamental skills by applying them to the different units taught in PE this year. 5=As a learner, #N is conscientious and focussed. #E stays on task and willingly asks for and accepts constructive feedback on #h performance. 6=As a learner, #N has shown tremendous growth in #h willingness to seek assistance and apply feedback to #h performance. 7=As a learner, #N has come far with regards to #h willingness to take risks and try new things in PE. #E has been open to new opportunities and challenged #s. 8=As a learner, #N was unafraid of trying new things and #e always asked for help when necessary, or made #s available to #h peers to give them assistance. 9=As a learner, #N was quietly focussed on #h given tasks and participated responsibly in class. 10=As a learner, #N has become more independent and more confident in #h abilities. 11=As a learner, #N has become a very engaged and active student in PE class. #E listens well to instructions and has become a much better risk-taker in unfamiliar activities. 12=As a learner, #N actively sought clarification and used feedback to improve skill performance. 13=As a learner, #N was a good listener in PE and was able to stay focussed and on-task consistently. COMMENTS: Cooperative Games 1=#E demonstrated clear understanding of the concepts of collaboration and communication when working with #h group to solve tasks. 2=#E was a risk-taker during the Cooperative Games unit and consistently stretched #h comfort zone during activities. 3=#E collaborated well with #h group during Cooperative Games. 4=#E exhibited good leadership qualities while participating in the team problem-solving activities in Cooperative Games. 5=#E worked well with #h group solve the tasks and challenges that were given to them in Cooperative Games. 6=#E showed a willingness to participate fully and take risks during our Cooperative Games unit. 7=#E voluntarily communicated and collaborated with the members of #h group as they worked to solve the challenges given to them in Cooperative Games. 8=#E demonstrated a willingness to fail, and to learn from that failure, while trying to solve the challenges and tasks each group was given in Cooperative Games. 9=#E has come to recognise failure as an opportunity to grow, and improve on past experiences through the problem-solving activities in Cooperative Games. 10=#E has become a good listener who paid close attention to other members of #h group while they voiced their opinions during Cooperative Games. 11=#E improved #h listening and collaborative skills during Cooperative Games, and used them to help #h team to success. 12=#E has shown an understanding of how to give, and respond to, feedback and constructive criticism for the purpose of improvement in Cooperative Games. 13=#E learned valuable lessons about working with others, and the importance of active listening, and compromise during Cooperative Games. 14=#E has become a better listener with regards to receiving opinions and ideas from others as a result of #h participation during Cooperative Games. 15=#E has learned to be more open-minded when working with other people, and when solving challenges during the Cooperative Games unit. 16=#E challenged #s be involved in unfamiliar activities that required collaboration, communication and problem-solving with a variety of other individuals in the Cooperative Games unit. 17=#E developed a level of resilience during the Cooperative Games unit, as #e used setbacks as feedback for learning. 18=#E had some difficulty collaborating with others in the beginning of Cooperative Games, but over time, #e got better at communicating and compromising for the greater good of #h team. 19=During the Cooperative Games unit, #e learned important lessons about the value of effective communication and collaboration. 20=At first, #e found it difficult to effectively communicate and compromise to achieve group goals during some of the activities in Cooperative Games, but with practice #N developed #h skills and became a true team member. COMMENTS: Cooperative Games 2 1=#E was a willing contributor to #h group during Cooperative Games, as they worked together to develop strategies and solutions to complete the tasks that had been set. 2=#E learned a lot about #s as a contributor during Cooperative Games, as #e had to learn to communicate #h ideas, advocate for #h position, collaborate with the group in order to be successful at the tasks given. This was a bit difficult for #m at first, but with each opportunity, these skills improved. 3=In Cooperative Games, #e discovered #h capacity for resilience, as #e had to persevere through challenges and be flexible in #h thinking in order to successfully complete the problem-solving activities. 4=In Cooperative Games, #e developed into a mindful participant who took the time to listen to team members and work collaboratively with students of different abilities. 5=#E learned to be a more mindful individual who showed thoughtfulness in #h intentions towards #h peers during Cooperative Games. 6=#E had to work on developing more empathy towards peers of differing abilities during Cooperative Games so that #h group's dynamic could be more productive. 7=The activities in the Cooperative Games unit allowed #m to demonstrate #h capacity to follow rules and be an ethical member of a group. 8=#E worked on growing as an ethical individual as #e tried to perform various activities during Cooperative Games within the boundaries and guidelines set without direct teacher oversight. 9=During Cooperative Games, #e learned to recognise and adapt to social cues from #h group members in order to help create a successfully functioning team. 10=During the Cooperative Games unit, #e learned that success in group tasks meant collaborating and working together effectively, rather than pursuing individual agendas and working in isolation. COMMENTS: Fitness Approaching 1=#N worked towards increasing #h fitness levels though our regular fitness activities. 2=#N is encouraged to participate more enthusiastically in physical activities to improve #h own fitness. 3=#N is encouraged to seek out physical activities that would help increase #h fitness. 4=#N needed to put greater effort into performing different fitness activities with correct form so that #e could improve #h fitness levels. 5=#N struggled to develop an appropriate pacing and running technique through the practice for the 800m cross country course. 6=#N needs to work on developing #h stamina and endurance, so that #e can comfortably complete an 800m cross country distance without excessive walking. 7=#N has the potential to demonstrate higher performance in the 800m cross country run. 8=#N has increased the consistency of #h participation in the fitness activities offered throughout the semester. 9=#N has begun to use the fitness opportunities presented to set goals for #s, and to improve on #h general performance. 10=#N has tried to participate consistently in the fitness activities and perform the exercises to the best of #h ability. 11=#N performed some of fitness skills and activities ably and is working towards grade-level expectations. 12=#N worked towards grade-level competence when performing various activities for health-related fitness. 13=#N needs to try to embrace more opportunities to participate in different kinds of strength, flexibility and cardio endurance exercises and activities. 14=#N showed little improvement in #h level of endurance during sustained physical activity. 15=#N had difficulty sustaining a moderate level of exertion consistently during the Fitness unit. 16=#N needs to participate more regularly in a variety of activities that will help increase #h fitness level. 17=#N has worked towards increasing #h core strength through participation in the exercises taught during the Fitness unit. 18=In the future, #N’s fitness goals need to include developing a greater level of core strength through a variety of activities like yoga, dance, Zumba, gymnastics etc. 19=#N found that when exercise was made into games, it was fun and enjoyable, making #h want to participate more consistently. COMMENTS: Fitness I 1=#N set, and was successful in meeting, #h goals for jogging the 800m Festival of Running course. 2=#N demonstrated an understanding of pacing and rhythm during jogging for practice of the 800m Festival of Running course. 3=#N improved #h ability to sustain a moderate level of physical activity for a set length of time without becoming overly tired or exhausted. 4=#N was consistent in participating in the variety of fitness activities offered throughout the semester. 5=#N used the fitness opportunities presented to set goals for #s, and to improve on #h general performance. 6=#N participated consistently in the fitness activities and tried to perform the exercises to the best of #h ability. 7=#N performed a wide variety of fitness skills and activities with consistency and at grade-level expectations. 8=#N demonstrated grade-level competence when performing various activities for health-related fitness. 9=#N actively and vigorously participated in our fitness activities. 10=#N has demonstrated understanding of how physical activity affects the body and used this to increase #h participation. 11=#N has begun to develop an understanding of the effects of physical activity on the body. 12=#N used our activities as an opportunity to increase #h own fitness levels. 13=#N applied the correct form in different fitness activities to help improve #h own performance. 14=#N participated consistently in our fitness activities. 15=#N capably explained how #h body reacts to different types of exercise and the importance of warming up and cooling down. #E demonstrated that #e understood that exercise is good for #h health and fitness. 16=#N ably explained and applied basic safety principles when preparing for exercise. #E was able to describe what effect exercise has upon #h body and knows that exercise is good for #h body. 17=#N was able to give reasons for warming up before activity and #e knows why physical activity is good for #h health. 18=#N understood how to exercise safely, and was able to describe how #h body felt during different activities. 19=#N was able to talk about how to exercise safely and how #h body felt during an activity. 20=#N had a positive attitude and demonstrated a natural ability for athletics. COMMENTS: Fitness II 1=#N was able to suggest ideas and develop warm up activities on #h own and in a group. 2=#N enthusiastically participated in the fitness activities and showed improvement consistently through the year. 3=#N successfully completed an 800m cross country course, demonstrating appropriate pacing and running technique. 4=#N understood how to use basic fitness technology to set goals for #s. 5=#N demonstrated appropriate stamina and endurance during the 800m cross country practice. 6=#N consistently improved #h performance of the 800m cross country run. 7=#N paid close attention during the Fitness Unit and performed the exercises proficiently. 8=#N trained hard for the long-distance run by learning to pace #s and by setting goals each time #e practiced. 9=#N demonstrated some understanding of pacing by completing the training distances for the Festival of Running without excessive walking. 10=#N participated in a variety of health-related fitness activities at an appropriate level of ability. 11=#N sustained a moderate level of exertion consistently during the Fitness unit without too much difficulty. 12=#N demonstrated improvement in #h ability to perform strength exercises with appropriate form and control. 13=#N showed improvement in #h level of endurance during sustained physical activity. 14=#N performed a variety of exercise routines (yoga, Zumba, circuits, dance) with consistency. 15=#N was open to experiencing different forms of exercise (yoga, Zumba, circuits) and performed to the best of #h ability. 16=#N used the different types of exercises taught to improve #h strength, flexibility and endurance. 17=#N demonstrated improved flexibility and coordination during the yoga activities in the Fitness unit. 18=#N demonstrated a sense of control and mind-body connection during the yoga portion of the Fitness unit. 19=#N embraced opportunities to participate in different kinds of strength, flexibility and cardio endurance exercises and activities. 20=#N used the different types of exercises learned to develop #h understanding of how to improve #h health and fitness. COMMENTS: Fitness III 1=#N especially liked working through yoga to tell different stories during the Fitness unit. 2=#N successfully increased #h working endurance level to a minimum of 10 minutes of continuous moderate to vigorous movement during the Fitness unit. 3=#N showed a lot of improvement in #h coordination and endurance during the Zumba exercises and routines in the Fitness unit. 4=#N recognised the variety of ways in which fitness can be developed and improved, and participated with consistency. 5=#N used basic technology tools to monitor and track #h heartrate so that #e could self-adjust #h activity and participation levels during lessons. 6=#N demonstrated understanding of the use of heartrate monitors and pedometers as tools for setting and achieving fitness goals. 7=#N enjoyed the fitness scavenger hunts and was consistent in using the opportunity to focus on developing the different areas of #h fitness. 8=#N used the scavenger hunts and other fitness games as opportunities to be more self-directed in achieving #h fitness goals. COMMENTS: Gr 2 Creative Movement - Approaching 1=#N learned a lot about commitment to a group and to practice during Creative Movement, as #e tried to work with others to build a short movement sequence. 2=#N has grown in #h ability to express #h ideas to a group in a collaborative manner during Creative Movement. 3=#N developed greater confidence in #h ability to perform a variety of techniques and dance skills during Creative Movement. 4=In Creative Movement, #N continues to develop an understanding of rhythm in the performance of dance moves. 5=In Creative Movement, #N demonstrated a basic understanding of how direction changes, levels and pathways should be incorporated into a movement sequence. 6=#N performed a good Creative Movement sequence with #h group, however #e needed to be more involved in the development of the routine from the beginning. 7=#N slowly developed #h ability to think creatively when presented with abstract movement concepts during the Creative Movement unit. 8=During the development and performance of #h movement sequence, #N had some difficulty demonstrating that #e fully understood the concepts of space and boundaries in Creative Movement. 9=#N made a commendable effort in Creative Movement, to demonstrate understanding of the concepts of rhythm and timing in the dance sequence, but still needs to work on being able to do this with consistency. COMMENTS: Gr 2 Creative Movement - Proficient 1=In Creative Movement, #N demonstrated a level of creativity that greatly enhanced #h dance performance. 2=#N used a variety of movements and skills to express #s creatively in the Creative Movement unit. 3=#N demonstrated clear understanding of the concept of space by using the designated performance area fully in Creative Movement. 4=In Creative Movement, #N demonstrated good communication and collaboration as #e worked with #h other group members to design and perform a solid dance routine. 5=#N showed good leadership in #h group with the creation of their dance routine during the Creative Movement unit. 6=In Creative Movement, #N exhibited a solid understanding of sequencing and transitions between movements in #h dance, making it flow smoothly. 7=#N gave a polished performance of #h Creative Movement routine, demonstrating commitment to practice. 8=#N demonstrated that #e could put together a short routine that illustrated a variety of movements, techniques and abstract concepts during the Creative Movement unit. 9=#N worked well with #h group and demonstrated appropriate levels of communication and collaboration during the Creative Movement unit. 10=In Creative Movement, #N used the movement concepts and techniques taught to create an imaginative and unique dance routine. 11=In Creative Movement, #N incorporated a range of movement skills and techniques, such as jump rope, into #h dance routine to make it unique and interesting. 12=#N showed commitment to #h group and put a lot of effort into practicing the dance routine #e helped create for Creative Movement. 13=#N demonstrated a clear understanding of rhythm during #h dance routine in Creative Movement. 14=#N effectively incorporated a variety of directional changes and transitional elements into #h dance routine in Creative Movement. 15=#N used #h space effectively and creatively in #h group's dance performance in Creative Movement. 16=#N creatively expressed #s through movement, gesture and rhythm in the Creative Movement unit. 17=#N can suggest ways to improve #h performance and that of others during the Creative Movement unit. 18=In Creative Movement, #N demonstrated understanding of how to link skills together into a good movement sequence. 19=In Creative Movement, #N has developed ideas into sequences including several elements in floor work. 20=#N worked hard to create a routine that incorporated the categories of dance skills that we learned in class during Creative Movement. COMMENTS: Gr 2 Creative Movement - Proficient 2 1=#N demonstrated understanding that the variety of ways of a performer links actions together are as important as the actions themselves during Creative Movement. 2=In Creative Movement, #N created a flowing sequence using a good variety of dance skills. 3=#N created and performed a dance sequence that highlighted #h competence in a variety of skills in Creative Movement. 4=In Creative Movement, #N has developed an understanding of how to sequence dance skills into a performable routine. 5=In Creative Movement, #N and #h group came together to develop a dance routine that aptly showcased the Laban Movement concepts that they selected. COMMENTS: Intro 1=#N has done well this semester in PE. 2=#N participated actively in PE this semester. 3=#N continued to participate actively and willingly in PE this semester. 4=#N maintained a high level of activity and engagement in PE this semester. 5=#N demonstrated continued engagement in PE this semester. 6=#N demonstrated a good level of interest and activity in PE this semester. 7=#N enjoyed participating in PE this semester. 8=#N demonstrated an improved level of engagement in PE this semester. 9=#N steadily increased #h level of active participation in PE. 10=#N was an enthusiastic member of the class who took a keen interest in PE and appeared to enjoy all aspects of the subject. 11=#N has worked well in PE this semester. 12=#N worked with enthusiasm in PE, and regularly participated actively. 13=#N has had a successful semester in PE. 14=#N was an active participant in class. 15=#N worked collaboratively and participated consistently in PE. 16=#N enjoyed being active in PE class. 17=#N has begun to develop an appreciation for physical activity. 18=#N demonstrated a consistent level of engagement in PE this semester. 19=#N has become a more engaged participant in PE activities. 20=#N was consistently an engaged and willing participant in PE class. COMMENTS: Intro 2 1=#N has enjoyed PE this semester. 2=#N has participated well this semester. 3=#N was enthusiastic about physical activity. 4=#N developed #h enthusiasm and confidence in PE sessions during the semester. 5=#N approached this semester of PE with a positive attitude and good work ethic. 6=#N has become more consistently engaged in PE. 7=#N steadily gained confidence in PE, and began to participate fully and actively in class. 8=#N showed understanding of many of the concepts taught in PE and worked to demonstrate #h understanding in a meaningful way. 9=#N has worked hard in PE this semester, and made an effort to participate to the best of #h ability. 10=#N has settled nicely into PE this year, and participated well in the units this far. 11=#N took a little time to settle down into PE this year, but #e has become a more willing and active participant as the semester has progressed. 12=#N took a bit of time to find #h rhythm in PE class, but with continued encouragement and support, #e has been able to participate fully in activities. 13=#N has steadily gained confidence in PE this semester and has become a willing and active participant in our activities. COMMENTS: KG/Gr 1 Creative Movement - Approaching 1=In Creative Movement, #N must try to develop ideas more independently during free movement sessions. 2=During Creative Movement, #N needed to give more concentration to body shape and control in while dancing. 3=In the Creative Movement unit, #N needed to consider more the safety of #s and others in the space while #e is moving around during movement games. 4=#N made an effort to follow the different movement sequences, but #e had trouble remembering repeated short dance phrases, and needed a fair bit of scaffolding to be successful during Creative Movement. 5=#N demonstrated improved coordination and body control during Creative Movement. 6=#N continued to develop #h coordination while performing a variety of dance skills during the Creative Movement unit. 7=In Creative Movement, #N worked on recognising the rhythm of "turn, hit, jump" for jump rope with limited success. 8=#N needed to work on developing greater control and co-ordination in dance during the Creative Movement unit. 9=#N had a difficult time accurately following along with the modelled movement patterns and sequence during the Creative Movement unit. 10=#N learned to correctly identify directional changes while performing movement sequences and dances in Creative Movement. 11=During the course of the Creative Movement unit, #N began to respond to musical cues appropriately when performing various dance and movement sequences. 12=#N showed growth in #h appreciation of dance and creative movement over the course of this unit, and was less reluctant to participate in these activities. 13=#N continued to work on #h timing and rhythm during Creative Movement, so that #e could stay in concert with the rest of the group or keep up with the demonstrating leader. 14=#N worked on slowing down during activities in Creative Movement, listening to, and following the beat of the music, so that #h actions were clean and recognizable. 15=In Creative Movement, #N found it difficult to maintain the rhythm needed for successful, continuous jump roping, but with practice this will develop. COMMENTS: KG/Gr 1 Creative Movement - Proficient 1=#N took part enthusiastically in our dance sessions during Creative Movement. 2=#N had a confident approach to Creative Movement and enjoyed working with a variety of stimuli. 3=During Creative Movement #N enjoyed, and showed a good sense of rhythm, as #e danced and performed different movements. 4=During Creative Movement, #N demonstrated individual creativity in solo movement activities. 5=#N performed a variety of dances with some fluency and control during Creative Movement. 6=In Creative Movement, #N developed a good sense of body awareness while moving around #h space. 7=#N exhibited good control and rhythm in dance during the Creative Movement unit. 8=#N showed creativity and imagination in dance during the Creative Movement unit. 9=#N enjoyed creative expression in dance during the Creative Movement unit. 10=In Creative Movement, #N performed a variety of dance and creative movement styles with accuracy and fluency. 11=In Creative Movement, #N responded to a variety of stimuli showing a range of actions performed with control and fluency. 12=In Creative Movement, #N improvised freely while translating ideas from stimuli to movement. 13=In Creative Movement, #N linked several movements together with control and coordination. 14=In Creative Movement, #N followed the leader performing jumps, hops and skips to a steady beat. 15=#N followed multiple, modelled dance sequences during the Creative Movement unit with a high level of success. 16=In Creative Movement, #N distinguished between different transition skills during a movement sequence or dance. 17=During Creative Movement, #N travelled in a variety of directions and along different pathways smoothly and rhythmically. 18=#N demonstrated understanding of the rhythm and timing needed to successfully jump a self-turned rope in Creative Movement. 19=During Creative Movement, #N showed consistent progress in #h ability to successfully jump a self-turned rope. COMMENTS: KG/Gr 1 Creative Movement - Proficient 2 1=#N was successful in #h attempts to combine jumping a self-turned rope with creative footwork during the Creative Movement unit. 2=In Creative Movement, #N met grade level expectations by jumping a self-turned rope multiple times in succession with an appropriate turning rhythm. 3=#N demonstrated confidence and consistency in #h efforts to follow the steps and rhythms of the set dance routines learned during the Creative Movement unit. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.