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COMMENTS: January 2019 - Closing 1=#N has been a strong member of our Physical and Health Education community here at ASW. I look forward to seeing #h continued growth. 2=Although #N had difficulty adjusting to the new year, #e has grown into a contributing member of our Physical and Health Education community here at ASW. 3=After many conversations with #N, I feel confident that we will see more growth this next semester. 4=By continuing on #h current path in PHE, #N is sure to grow. 5=By incorporating the recommendations for improvement in PHE, #N is sure to grow. 6=Since our meetings at the beginning of the year, there has been improvement and #N has become more aware of making sure that #e is following classroom expectations. I look forward to #N's continued growth this year. 7=Through #h positive approach and willingness to take risks and sometimes be out of #h comfort zone #N has grown in PHE. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 6 - Criteria A 1=In our first unit, #N was able to remember some of the topics that we covered and the specific #unit-vocab vocabulary. 2=In our first unit, #N showed limited ability to remember the topics that we covered including the specific #unit-vocab vocabulary. 3=In our first unit, #N was able to use information that we discussed in class about muscle groups and their function as well as apply the #unit-vocab vocabulary to communicate understanding. 4=In our first unit, #N was able to use information that we discussed in class about muscle groups and their function to solve problems that #e was not familiar with as well as consistently apply the #unit-vocab vocabulary to communicate understanding. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 6 - Criteria B 1=#N was able to start planning for #h workout, but needed to think through #h process a bit more. 2=#N was able to generate a basic workout plan to improve #h athlete's skill related fitness. 3=#N was able to talk about a workout plan to improve the skill related fitness level of #h athlete. 4=#N was able to create a comprehensive workout plan to improve #h athlete's skill related fitness, as well as discuss the effectiveness of #h plan. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 6 - Criteria C 1=In our second unit, #N was able to remember some #unit-vocab skills and movements with limited success. 2=In our second unit, #N was able to remember #unit-vocab skills and movements such as #skills-movements in game situations. 3=In our second unit, #N was able to remember and use #unit-vocab skills and movements such as #skills-movements and #skills-movements in game situations effectively. 4=In our second unit, #N was able to remember and use a range of #unit-vocab skills and movements such as #skills-movements and #skills-movements in game situations effectively. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 6 - Criteria D 1=#N was able to give some detail about their performance. 2=#N was able to discuss the general theme surrounding #h performance in game situations. 3=#N was able to give a brief account and the general theme surrounding #h performance in game situations. 4=#N was able to give a detailed account and the major points of #h performance in game situations. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 8 - Criteria A 1=In our second unit, #N was able to remember the topics that we covered as well as the specific #unit-vocab vocabulary with limited success. 2=In our second unit, #N was able to use information that we discussed in class as well as apply the #unit-vocab vocabulary to communicate understanding. 3=In our second unit, #N was able to use information that we discussed in class, such as different types of serves, to solve problems that they were not familiar with as well as consistently apply the #unit-vocab vocabulary to communicate understanding. 4=In our second unit, #N was able to use information that we discussed; such as how to read, react, and recover; effectively in class to solve problems that they were not familiar with as well as consistently apply the #unit-vocab vocabulary to communicate understanding. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 8 - Criteria B 1=In our first unit, #N was able to start planning for #h workout, but needed to think through #h process a bit more. 2=In our first unit, #N was able to generate a basic workout plan to improve #h swimming skills. 3=In our first unit, #N was able to talk about a workout plan to improve #h swimming skills. 4=In our first unit, #N was able to create a comprehensive workout plan to improve #h swimming skills, as well as discuss the effectiveness of #h plan. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 8 - Criteria C 1=#N attempted to demonstrated some #unit-vocab skills and and strategies to perform in small sided games. 2=#N demonstrated some #unit-vocab skills and strategies to perform in small sided games. 3=#N demonstrated #unit-vocab skills and strategies, such as hitting the spot where your opponent is not, to perform effectively in small sided games. 4=#N demonstrated a range of #unit-vocab skills and strategies, such as hitting the spot where your opponent is not, to perform effectively in small sided games. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Grade 8 - Criteria D 1=#N was able to discuss the general theme surrounding #h performance in the pool. 2=#N was able to give a brief account and the general theme surrounding #h performance in the pool. 3=#N was able to give a detailed account and the major points of #h performance in the pool. 4=#N was able to give a detailed account as well as the strengths and weaknesses of #h performance in the pool. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Introductions 1=#N has shown growth in Physical & Health Education this semester throughout our first two units. 2=#N has made great progress in Physical and Health Education and should be proud of all #h accomplishments. 3=#N has made progress in Physical and Health Education since the start of the semester. 4=#N has worked hard to develop #h physical literacy throughout this semester. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Next Step List 1=remembering to take a serious and focused approach to #h warm up and fitness activities every day. 2=using more of the units vocabulary and terminology when expressing #h knowledge and understanding of concepts. 3=elaborating more on #h ideas to better showcase understanding. 4=managing #h time better when working on the assessment task to guarantee all aspects of the assignment are completed to the best of #h potential and turned in on time. 5=using #h class time more effectively, especially during skill practice and small sided games, by staying on task and following actionable feedback to improve #h performance. 6=asking for clarification before submitting the assignment when unsure of a specific task. 7=reflecting on #h performance during activities and to seek out peer and/or teacher feedback to help #e move to the next level. 8=exercising leadership, taking on a variety of roles during group activities, sharing #h knowledge and giving #h peers a meaningful feedback. 9=remembering to use Google Classroom to review subject specific vocabulary and the key concepts of assessment. COMMENTS: January 2019 - Next Steps 1=#E is encouraged to use more of the unit's vocabulary and terminology when expressing #h knowledge and understanding of concepts. 2=#E is encouraged to elaborate on #h ideas to better showcase #h understanding. 3=Moving forward, #e should ensure #e monitors #h use of vocabulary and concepts by #next-steps-A 4=#E is encouraged to manage #h time when working on the assessment task to guarantee all aspects of the assignment are complete to the best of #h ability and turned in on time. 5=To improve, #N is encouraged to manage #h time more wisely. During skill practice #N was not always on task or following instructions where #e might of missed important key points or actionable feedback to improve #h performance. 6=As a next step, #e would benefit from asking for clarification when unsure of a specific task before submitting an assignment. 7=To improve, #N is encouraged to continue to develop #h leadership skills such as taking on coaching roles and providing more specific and actionable feedback to peers more consistently during gameplay. 8=To improve, #N is encouraged to reflect on #h performance in games and to seek out peer and/or teacher feedback to help them move to the next level. 9=To improve, #N is encouraged to be more flexible and work with peers outside of #h social group. This would allow more opportunities to develop #h interpersonal skills such as communication, as well as build new relationships. 10=In the future, I look forward to seeing #N to take more responsibility for #h learning by 11=In the future, I look forward to seeing #N continue to take responsibility for #h learning by COMMENTS: June 2019 - A Great Example - Grade 6 1=A great example of this was when #e was able to name the muscle groups and skill related fitness components used in a warm up that #e created. 2=A great example of this was when #e was able to use the vocabulary we learned in our puberty unit to describe the changes that are happening during this time. 3=A great example of this was when #e was tasked with creating a warm up that was designed for a specific athlete. #N was able to identify the muscle groups that were needed in their sport and develop a plan that would get the athlete ready for their activity. 4=A great example of this was when #e was asked to create a free-running course. Given certain requirements, #N was able to plan out a challenging course that was fun to complete. 5=A great example of this was seen in our aquatic team game unit. #E was able to take the skills that we practiced and apply them during gameplay in the same class period. 6=A great example of this was when #e was asked to reflect on #h gameplay during our aquatic team games unit. Given #h statistics from the previous match, #N could think about what movements were most helpful to #h team and decide on #h future tactics. 7=A great example of this was when #e was asked to create a free-running course. For part of the assessment, #N worked in a group to develop a challenging course that was fun to complete. Working in a group can be quite difficult, especially in middle school, and #h reflections show how #e would better approach this situation in the future. COMMENTS: June 2019 - A Great Example - Grade 8 1=A great example of this was when #e was asked to diagram #h strategies of attack and defense in a given net game situation. These strategies were developed through #N's intentional practice during gameplay. 2=A great example of this was when #e was asked to create a training program to improve #h stroke technique, racing speed, and muscular endurance. #N's plan was detail oriented and #e was able to see results in #h 25 meter sprint and 5 minute swim. 3=A great example of this was when #e was asked to create a dance performance that included funk and latin dance steps. #N's practice plan was detail oriented and easily followed. The results of #h practice created an enjoyable performance. 4=A great example of this was seen in #h gameplay during our net games unit. #N was able to use #h positioning and a variety of striking techniques to be successful on the court. 5=A great example of this was seen in #h gameplay during our tchoukball unit. #N was able to use teamwork, communication, and tactics to be successful on the court. 6=A great example of this was when #e was asked to reflect on #h plan to improve #h stroke technique, racing speed, and muscular endurance. #N was able to find the strengths and limitations of #h plan based on the results of #h 25 meter sprint time and 5 minute swim distance. 7=A great example of this was when #e was asked to reflect on #h teamwork and gameplay during our tchoukball unit. #N was able to explain how #e improved #h teamwork throughout the unit and how different techniques and tactics helped #h gameplay. 8=A great example of this was when #e was asked to reflect on #h practice plan and routine for #h dance performance. #N was able to discuss how #e worked in a group setting and the difficulties that may have come up during the process. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Criteria A 1=In class, #e has been able to easily communicate what #e knows about a topic by using specific vocabulary we learned during the unit. 2=In class, #e has been able to communicate what #e knows about a topic by using vocabulary we learned during the unit. 3=In class, #e has had difficulty communicating what #e knows about a topic, especially when using specific vocabulary we learned during the unit. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Criteria B 1=When #N had the chance to plan #h course of action for a task; #e was consistently able to create a plan that was logical and effective. Even in a group setting #e was able to stay, as well as keep the other members, on task. 2=When #N had the chance to plan #h course of action for a task, #e sometimes was able to create a plan that was effective. However #e had difficulty sticking to the schedule that was created. 3=When #N had a chance to plan #h course of action for a task, #e would sometimes appear disinterested. However when placed in a group setting #N would engage in the process and develop a plan that was logical and effective. 4=When #N had the chance to plan #h course of action for a task, #e struggled to create a plan that was logical and effective. #E regularly appeared distracted and experienced difficulty staying on task. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Criteria C 1=During gameplay I have noticed #N effectively using a wide range of skills, movements, and strategies in practiced as well as unique situations. 2=During gameplay I have noticed #N using some of the skills, movements, and strategies that we have learned in class. 3=When asked about #h gameplay, #N was able to remember some of the skills, movements, and strategies that we have learned in class. However I have not noticed #m applying these in unique situations. 4=When asked about #h gameplay, #N was unable to remember most of the skills, movements, or strategies that we had discussed in class. Even after our conversations #e did not apply the things we discussed. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Criteria D 1=#N's reflections have proven to be of great value as they are very clear and fair. This allows #m to look back at #h process and find ways to improve for the next time #e approaches the task or situation. 2=#N's reflections have improved since the start of the year. They are becoming more clear and objective. I hope that as this skill continues to develop #e will be able to use these reflections for the next time #e approaches a task or situation. 3=#N is showing signs of difficulty with reflecting. It is unclear if #e is able to clearly think about how to improve #h approach if #e were given another chance at a task or situation. I would encourage #m to try to look at it from a more objective perspective. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Farewell 1=Transitioning into a MYP Physical and Health Education class has seemed effortless for #N. I expect #e will continue to grow, and I look forward to seeing what #e will produce in the future. 2=The transition into a MYP Physical and Health Education class has been an interesting journey for #N. We have worked to develop a foundation of skills and attitudes that #e will need for the coming years. I know that with #h continued effort #e will continue to grow. 3=#N has been a strong member of our MYP Physical and Health Education community this year. I expect #e will continue to grow, and I look forward to seeing what #e will produce in the future. 4=#N has had an interesting journey this year in MYP Physical and Health Education. We have worked on fine-tuning the skills and attitudes #e will need for the coming years. I know that with #h continued effort #e will continue to grow. COMMENTS: June 2019 - Intro 1=During this second semester, #N has continued to show high levels of physical literacy and health knowledge. 2=During this second semester, #N has continued to show growth in #h physical literacy and health knowledge. 3=During this second semester, #N maintained #h level of physical literacy and health knowledge. 4=During this second semester, #N has struggled to show continued growth in #h physical literacy and health knowledge. LIST: growth-variable 1=no 2=little 3=some 4=expected 5=more than expected LIST: next-steps-A 1=noting the command terms provided within #h work. 2=examining feedback on previous assignments. 3=seeking peer and teacher feedback. LIST: skills-movements 1=water polo freestyle 2=moving to open space 3=positive verbal communication 4=positive non-verbal communication LIST: unit-vocab 1=skill related fitness 2=aquatic team game 3=swimming 4=net game 5=health related 6=target game /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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