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Prog. cont. 1=#N #shown a #superlatives achievement in #subject this #Time-period. 2=#N #shown a #superlatives attitude in #subject this #Time-period. 3=#N #shown a #superlatives work ethic in #subject this #Time-period. 4=#N #shown a #superlatives enthusiasm in #subject this #Time-period. 5=#N #shown a #superlatives progress in #subject this #Time-period. 6=#N #shown #superlatives growth #subject this #Time-period. 7=#N #shown genuine interest in #subject this #Time-period. 8=#N #shown a good work ethic which has led to some progression in #subject this #Time-period. 9=#N has struggled with inconsistent engagement in #subject which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 10=#N #shown an inconsistent work ethic in #subject which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 11=#N has struggled with conceptual understanding #subject which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 12=#N has struggled with instructional language in #subject which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 13=#N has struggled with the expectations of #subject which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 14=#N has a pleasant attitude in #subject but has struggled with the expectations of Science which has limited #h progression this #Time-period. 15=#N has a very quiet manner in class which makes it difficult to gauge #h understanding through spoken interaction. 16=#N has #shown #superlative consistency in #subject this #Time-period. COMMENTS: 1. Gen. Prog. start 1=#N has shown great enthusiasm which has led to a #superlatives start of the #subject course. 2=#N has shown a #superlatives work ethic which has led to a #superlatives start of the #subject course. 3=#N has shown a #superlatives attitude which has led to a #superlatives start to the #subject course. 4=#N has shown a #superlatives interest which has led to #superlatives start of the #subject course. 5=#N has struggled with inconsistent engagement which has led to a challenging start to the #subject course. 6=#N has shown an inconsistent work ethic which has led to a challenging start of the #subject course. 7=#N has struggled with conceptual understanding which has led to a challenging start to the #subject course. 8=#N has struggled with the expectations of the #subject course. 9=#N has made a consistent start to the #subject course. 10=#N has shown great enthusiasm which has led to a #superlatives start of the #subject course. 11=#N has shown a friendly attitude in class. 12=#N has show a #superlatives work ethic but with a very quiet manner in class. COMMENTS: 2. Pos. Physics DP 1=#E demonstrates #superlatives skills in all aspects of a scientific investigation. 2=#E has demonstrated improvements in many aspects of a scientific investigation. 3=#E has effectively completed the #DPIASections section for internal assessment. 4=#E has improved with the ability to design investigations ready for internal assessment. 5=#E has improved with the ability to present and process data ready for internal assessment. 6=#E has improved with the ability to develop conclusions and evaluate experiments ready for internal assessment. 7=TEST 8=#E demonstrates outstanding understanding in tests. 9=#E demonstrates good knowledge and understanding in tests. 10=#E demonstrates an above satisfactory understanding in tests. 11=#E demonstrates a satisfactory understanding in tests. 12=#E demonstrates understanding in class that does not transfer to solving quantitative problems. 13=#E demonstrates good understanding of the core content, yet is limited with advanced content. 14=General 15=#E demonstrates a willingness to come to each class ready to apply the knowledge reviewed in advance. 16=#E demonstrates a clear diligence in completing the Kognity based assignments and utilising them as a learning tool. 17=#E generally demonstrates a willingness to come class ready to apply the knowledge reviewed in advance. 18=#E generally demonstrates diligence in completing the Kognity based assignments and utilising them as a learning tool. COMMENTS: 2. Science criterion specific 1=INVESTIGATION 2=#E has demonstrated #superlatives skills in some aspects of a scientific investigation. 3=#E has demonstrated #superlatives skills in all aspects of a scientific investigation. 4=Within scientific investigations #e has shown clear improvements with #labskills. 5=Within scientific investigations #e has demonstrated #superlatives investigation skills with #labskills. 6=TESTS 7=#E has demonstrated #superlatives understanding in the most recent test where #e has performed best in the #testsections section. 8=#E has shown improvements in achievement within test situations. 9=#E has demonstrated understanding in class that does not transfer to solving quantitative problems. 10=#E has demonstrated #superlatives understanding of the core content, yet struggled with the more advanced content. 11=ESSAY 12=#E has demonstrated #superlatives skills in all aspects reflecting on the impacts of science essay. 13=#E has demonstrated #superlatives skills in communicating the ideas of science. 14=#E has demonstrated #superlatives research skills. 15=#E has demonstrated #superlatives referencing skills. 16=#E has demonstrated #superlatives evaluation skills when considering the impact on society of science. COMMENTS: 3. ATL skills all 1=ORGANIZATION 2=#E uses time effectively in class. 3=#E shows #superlatives self management skills 4=COLLABORATION 5=#E #ability to collaborate effectively with others. 6=COMMUNICATION 7=#E #ability use scientific terminology to communicate 8=INFORMATION LITERACY 9=#E #ability research effectively for tasks 10=#E shows #superlatives use of referencing skills. 11=REFLECTION 12=#E #ability accepts and acknowledges positive criticism. 13=#E shows #superlatives honesty when reflecting on completed tasks. 14=THINKING 15=#E #ability identify problems and propose solutions. 16=#E #ability consider problems in unfamiliar situations. 17=TRANSFER 18=#E #ability transfer knowledge into new appropriate situations. COMMENTS: 4- abilities 1=#E has shown a lot of growth in #h critical thinking abilities. 2=#E has good critical thinking abilities and put them to good use solving difficult problems this year. 3=#E has a natural ability in science showed a lot of growth this year. 4=#E readily grasped new concepts and ideas and was always open to new ideas. 5=Throughout the year #e was determined to understand and did not give up until #e mastered the concept. COMMENTS: 4- opening 1=#N has had a great year in science. 2=#N has done well in science this year. 3=#N has had ups and downs in science this year, but has managed to prevail at the end of the year. 4=Overall, #N had a good year in science, but had a slip in grades towards the end of the year. 5=#N has made huge improvements over the year and should be proud of #s. 6=#N has had ups and downs this year in science. COMMENTS: 4- opening A 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student that excels in science. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. COMMENTS: 4-behaviour 1=One goal for next year would be less disruptive in class and focus more on the material at hand. 2=This year #e has been rather social and at times disruptive and I encourage #m to focus more next year in class. 3=#N has a difficult time using the materials in the classroom in a respectful and appropriate manner. In addition, #e has a difficult time concentrating and gets distracted easily. COMMENTS: 4-close 1=It has been a pleasure teaching #N this year. 2=I wish #m the best of luck next year. 3=I have really enjoyed teaching #N the past two years and I wish #m the best of luck next year. 4=I look forward to another year with #N! 5=I hope that #N has a restful summer and is recharged for the new year. COMMENTS: 4-goal 1=One goal that #e may want to set for next year would be to #goal COMMENTS: 4-hw suggest 1=I encourage #m to use #h planner on a daily basis. 2=I encourage #m to slow down and double check for accuracy. 3=I encourage #m to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 6=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 7=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments, slow down, and check #h work. 8=One suggestion for #N is to slow down on #h assignments as #e has a tendency to make careless errors. COMMENTS: 4. Pos. LP 1=#E has shown to be knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects. 2=#E has been willing to take take on the challenge of more independently driven learning activities. 3=#E has been willing to communicate #h thoughts and ask questions in class. 4=#E has shown a willingness to reflect on the learning experiences. 5=#E has been open-minded to the concepts introduced. 6=#E has shown a caring attitude when working with others. 7=#E has shown a well balanced attitude to the demands of the #subject class. 8=#E has shown a willingness to inquire to further #h understanding of #subject. 9=#E has shown a willingness to think about how new understanding further builds on the key concepts of #subject. COMMENTS: 5. Imp. Physics 1=IA 2=#E must focus on improving #h internal assessment marks. 3=#E must focus on improving on the exploration aspect of #h internal assessment marks. 4=#E must focus on improving on the data analysis aspect of #h internal assessment marks. 5=#E must focus on improving on the evaluation aspect of #h internal assessment marks. 6=#E must focus on improving on the communication aspect of #h internal assessment marks. 7=#E must focus on improving on the personal engagement aspect of #h internal assessment marks. 8=Tests 9=#E must focus on developing a considered and logical process to all numerical problems. 10=Units 11=#E must review the #? unit to further consolidate #h understanding. 12=General 13=#E must demonstrate an improved willingness to come to each class ready to apply the prior learning. 14=#E must demonstrate an improved clear diligence in completing the Kognity based assignments and utilising them as a learning tool. COMMENTS: 5. Imp. Science 1=LABS 2=However, #e needs to improve in all aspects of a scientific investigation. 3=However, #e needs to develop #labskills to support #h future scientific investigations. 4=TESTS 5=However, #e requires a more effective revision method to improve test results. 6=However, #e needs to better prepare for #testsections in test situations. 7=However, #e needs to develop a willingness to utilise #h skills when faced with an unfamiliar test situation. 8=ESSAYS 9=However, #e needs to develop techniques for the completion of reflecting on the impacts of science tasks. 10=However, #e needs to develop research techniques for the preparation of reflecting on the impacts of science tasks 11=However, #e needs to better use the organisational tools to improve #h reflecting on the impacts of science tasks. 12=However, #e needs to use the science support tools available more effectively. 13=However, #e needs to develop the skills to effectively reference using MLA format. 14=However, #e needs to work on finding effective evidence that supports discussion on the impact on society of science. COMMENTS: 6. Improve. ATL 1=#E must develop strategies to more effectively complete learning tasks. 2=#E must also organise #h written notes and work in a more effective manner. 3=#E must also manage time more effectively so to complete tasks on time. 4=#E must also develop a more effective revision method so to improve test results. 5=#E must start to consider a long-term revision programme that will go through to the final exams. 6=COLLABORATION 7=#E also needs to increase involvement when working in a group. 8=#E also needs to accept that other points of view are valid. 9=#E also needs to focus on how to successfully work with others in a group. 10=COMMUNICATION 11=#E also needs to understand scientific terminology to ensure appropriate use. 12=#E also needs to take more care in identifying what is required to be communicated in tasks. 13=INFORMATION LITERACY 14=#E also needs to better use additional research to support expectations of the task. 15=#E also needs to develop the skills for formal referencing information in MLA format. 16=REFLECTION 17=#E should also focus on accepting and integrating positive criticism. 18=THINKING 19=#E also needs to develop a technique to help solve unfamiliar problems. 20=#E also needs to use techniques for solving mathematical problems (for instance the GUESS process). COMMENTS: 7. Improve LP 1=#E also needs to make efforts to extend #h scientific knowledge 2=#E also must be more willing to take on the challenges involved in learning new content. 3=#E also must be more willing to try communicate #h thoughts. 4=#E also must reflect on prior learning experiences and not make the same mistakes again. 5=#E also must be open-minded enough to attempt to succeed in #subject. 6=#E also must be more considerate when working with others. 7=#E also must develop a more balanced approach to life outside school and the requirements inside the classroom. 8=#E also must develop a willingness to further inquire into topics rather than scratch the surface. 9=#E also must further think about how new understanding in #subject is always built upon prior understanding. 10=#E also must realise that optimum learning involves making mistakes in a safe classroom environment, asking clarifying questions and reflecting on these learning experiences to help develop a strong understanding. COMMENTS: 8. Wrap up statements 1=Overall, #N should be congratulated for the knowledge and ability shown in #subject. 2=In class #N is a quiet and reserved student who needs to be more of a risk-taker and more involved in class activities. 3=I encourage #N to continue developing #h skills and showing a well balanced approach to #subject. 4=I encourage #N to continue developing #h skills and increasing the effort shown. 5=Moving forward, #N needs to reflect on the advice provided in this report and make changes to allow for greater future improvement. 6=Moving forward, #N should work to find #h voice in both group and class discussion settings. 7=Moving forward, #N should be open-minded to the time demands of success in #subject. 8=Moving forward, #N needs to make the effort to further inquire into #h own understanding in #subject. 9=Moving forward, #N needs to make an effort to try and communicate with scientific language in class. 10=Moving forward, #N needs to make an effort to use the tools provided to help reach higher levels in all assessment tasks. 11=Moving forward, #N needs to make an effort to use the tools provided to help #h progression. 12=Moving forward, #N should ask questions to help clarify #h understanding. COMMENTS: Attendance 1=#N's attendance is #attendance. COMMENTS: behaviour 1=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. 2=#E is very social and needs constant reminders to stay on task. 3=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 4=#E often daydreams in class and misses important information 5=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 6=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. COMMENTS: Behaviour Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should aim to take more pride in the presentation of #h work. At times it is difficult to work out what #e has written or tried to shown in #h book. 2=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 3=#N should also try to answer questions by putting #h hand up rather than continually shouting out and disturbing the lesson. 4=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or #h homework planner. 5=#N does have the tendancy to be a bit of a day dreamer. #E needs to try and improve #h concentration so that #e doesn't miss important details and information. 6=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. COMMENTS: blurb 1=This quarter in science we began the quarter by reviewing the scientific method and designing our own experiment. We then moved on to studying the properties of matter, such as mass, weight, and density, and then applied these concepts to properties of water. These fundamentals have laid out the groundwork for our next units on atmosphere and weather. 2=This quarter in science we applied our first quarter lessons on properties of matter in order to understand atmosphere and weather. We learned how to read weather maps and what causes different types of weather and how hurricanes occur. We also had a unit on addiction, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. We looked at what causes addiction, and what each drug physically does to the body and mind. At the end of the quarter, the students went online as drug scene investigators to investigate imaginary 3=-------- 4=This quarter in science we have been focusing on the scientific method and on chemistry. We started the year reviewing the scientific method and creating our own lab procedures in order to get them to use their critical thinking skills. We then moved onto chemistry, looking at the make up of an atom and how different parts of the atom can cause changes about the atom's properties. We also did an extensive study on nuclear decay and radioactivity. 5=This quarter in science studied the trends within the periodic table and how the periodic table is organized. Students then used this knowledge to predict how elements come together to form molecules via ionic and covalent bonds. We experimented with behavioral differences between covalent and ionic bonds and which ions readily bond and which ones do not. We learned about conservation of matter and how to balance chemical equations with mathematics, manipulatives and computer simulations. Thi COMMENTS: close 1=#N is well on #h way to having a great year! 2=#N is a pleasure to teach. 3=Keep up the great work, #N! 4=I look forward to next quarter with #N! 5=I have no doubt that #e will continue to succeed in science if #e continues to work hard. 6=It is a pleasure to have #N in class! 7=I believe that if #e refocuses #h energy #e will improve. 8=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next quarter. COMMENTS: confidence 1=#N sometimes needs particular encouragement to overcome #h lack of confidence. 2=#N often seeks for validation of #h answers and #e is almost always correct. #E is bright and #e should trust #s. 3=Often, #e begins to panic early in the lesson. This makes it harder for #m to learn and it would help if #e trusted in #h abilities and gave it a chance to sink in before shutting out the information. 4=However, there are times when #e loses confidence in #h science abilities and convinces #s that #e can't do certain problems. With a little encouragement and support, I'm sure this will resolve. COMMENTS: Confidence Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should try to have a bit more confidence in #h own ability. #E often knows the correct answers and now needs to take a bit of a risk by putting #h hand up to offer an answer or get a bit more involved in the lesson. 2=#E needs to try and develop the confidence to share more of #h ideas with the rest of the class or group that #e is working with. COMMENTS: effort 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the group, who takes a keen interest in science. 4=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 5=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 6=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 7=#E has been working hard, particularly towards the end of the term and if #e started with this effort from the beginning of next semester, #e will make even bigger strides. 8=#N does not have a positive attitude about school and the work that needs to be completed. 9=#N has a difficult time concentrating and gets distracted easily. Futhermore, #e has a difficult time using the materials in the classroom in a respectful and appropriate manner. COMMENTS: enthusiasm 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 4=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 5=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. COMMENTS: Form_abilities 1=#E has great communication skills. 2=#E is a positive member of the form group. 3=#E has settled well into the form. 4=#E is an active participant in form activities. 5=I applaud #h willingness to participate in all form activities. 6=#E engages with most form activities. 7=#E is a reluctant participant in form activities. COMMENTS: Form_Attendance 1=#N's attendance #attendance. 2=#N's attendance has been excellent. 3=#N's attendance has been very good. 4=#N's attendance has been satisfactory. 5=#N's attendance has been something of a cause for concern. COMMENTS: Form_behaviour 1=One goal for next year would be for #N to be less disruptive in class and for #m to focus more on the material at hand. 2=This year #e has been rather social and at times disruptive and I encourage #m to focus more next year in class. 3=This year #N has received a disappointing number of #Form-Consequence-list. 4=#E has garnered an impressive number of rewards including #? #Form-Rewards-List. 5=#N has received very positive reports in #Form-Subject-list and #Form-Subject-list. 6=I hope that #e will take note of the targets set, particularly in #Form-Subject-list. COMMENTS: Form_blurb 1=During the lockdown we have continued with Form Periods in the morning. #N has attended all of the sessions. 2=During the lockdown we have continued with Form Periods in the morning. #N has attended most of the sessions. 3=During the lockdown we have continued with Form Periods in the morning. #N has attended the majority of the sessions, but is often late. 4=During the lockdown we have continued with Form Periods in the morning. #N has attended some of the sessions. 5=During the lockdown we have continued with Form Periods in the morning. #N has attended none of the sessions. COMMENTS: Form_closingsentence 1=It has been a pleasure having #N in 6In3 this year. 2=I wish #m the best of luck in #h endeavours next year. 3=I have really enjoyed having #N in the form this year and I wish #m the best of luck next year. 4=I hope that #N will be able to complete their preparations for next year in these difficult circumstances. COMMENTS: Form_goal 1=One goal that #e may want to set for next year would be to #goal COMMENTS: Form_Nextyear 1=As #N goes into #NextYear, #e needs to continue to work as hard to ensure that #e has every success. 2=I wish #N every success as #e goes into #NextYear. 3=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N all the best for #h future. 4=With #N going into #NextYear, #e needs to think about #h approach to #h GCSE's and I wish #m a successful culmination to #h GCSE studies. 5=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N every success and am sure that #e will do well. COMMENTS: Form_Openingsentence 1=#N has had a great year. 2=#N has done well this year. 3=#N has had ups and downs this year, but has managed to prevail at the end of the year. 4=Overall, #N had a good year, but had a slip in grades towards the end of the year. 5=#N has made huge improvements over the year and should be proud of #s. 6=#N has had ups and downs this year. COMMENTS: GCSE Specific 1=#N would now benefit from regularly reading through and revising #h class notes to ensure that #e is constantly revising and learning the content covered in class. 2=#N would benefit from looking through some past exam papers to start working on applying #h knowledge to an exam situation and looking at the number of marks available for different questions. 3=#N needs to try and read around the topics covered in class to improve #h general scientific knowledge. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e starts revision for the next set of exams a lot earlier than #e did for the exams in May. This will ensure that #e is far better prepared. COMMENTS: GENERAL 1=A report is not applicable for #N at this time due to #h recent arrival at the College. 2=Due to #N's absence, insufficient data has been collected to make an informed judgement in this subject. 3=#N has failed to submit all required pieces of assessment and therefore cannot be rated. 4=#N's achievement in this subject has been affected by illness. 5=I look forward to seeing #N's skills and knowledge continue to develop in this subject next semester. 6=I would like to wish #N every success in #h studies next semester. 7=I would like to wish #N every success in #h studies next year. 8=I would like to wish #N every success for #h future. COMMENTS: grades 1=/Assignments: #hwgrades /Labs: #labgrades /Tests: #testgrades 2=/Assignments: #hwgrades /Labs: #labgrades? /Tests: #testgrades /Final exam gade: (10% of year grade): #? COMMENTS: group work 1=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with great solutions to difficult problems. 2=#E works cooperatively in a group situation and encourages others to contribute. 3=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with solutions to difficult problems. 4=#E has a quiet conscientious approach to #h work in science and is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group. 5=#E has worked hard with the group projects and I have been impressed with the leadership qualities that have emerged. 6=#E is an active participant in small group discussions. 7=----- 8=#E usually works cooperatively in a group situation, but sometimes #e needs extra encouragement to share #h bulk of the responsibility. 9=#E finds it difficult to work cooperatively in a group situation unless support is given. 10=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. 11=We had a couple of group projects this quarter in which #e participated minimally and left the work up to others while #h socialized. COMMENTS: Homework Next Steps Sentences 1=Homework is an area of concern as #N needs to ensure that it is completed with the required amount of effort and handed in before the deadline. 2=Homework needs to be an area of focus. It needs to be detailed and well thought out, taking the required amount of time to complete. It shouldn't be a rushed attempt to simply have some work to hand in. 3=If #N is ever stuck with homework #e should come and ask for help straight away. Rather than saying nothing and then not having anything to hand in. Homework is set to assess understanding and further learning and is an important part of the course. COMMENTS: How to improve 1=#E needs to maintain this record as it reflects extremely well upon #m. 2=Whilst #h record is very good, there is some room for improvement and this will definitely help #N's achievement in the long run. 3=#H record is good, but we would like to see improvement as this will affect #h chances of success in school. 4=We would like to see #h record improve to maximise #h future chances COMMENTS: hw 1=On occasion, #N forgets to turn in #h assignment in on time. 2=#E has had many late and missing assignments this quarter. When #e does make up the work, it is generally after we have moved on to a new topic and therefore #e has missed the practice phase before the test. This in turn has lead to poor test scores. 3=Sometimes #N forgets to do #h work at home and often rushes in the first five minutes of class to complete #h work. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=#H grades tend to fluctuate up and down all areas, suggesting that #e may not be fully grasping some areas and should come in for extra help from time to time. 6=#N can get easily distracted in school and which often leads to careless errors or rushed work. Focusing more on #h work will lead to improvements in the quality of #h work. 7=#E is easily distracted in school and needs to improve in #h work habits. 8=#E has had a few incomplete assignments this quarter, which is often an indication that #e forgot that it was due. 9=I encourage #h to use #h planner on a daily basis. 10=I encourage #h to slow down and double check for accuracy. 11=I encourage #h to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 12=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 13=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 14=One goal for #N next quarter is to slow down as #e tends to rush and make careless errors. 15=-------- 16=#N takes pride in #h work and does everything to the best of #h ability. 17=#E always puts #h best effort into #h assignments. 18=#E is always willing to learn new things and accepts academic challenges with enthusiasm. COMMENTS: hw suggest 1=I encourage #m to use #h planner on a daily basis. 2=I encourage #m to slow down and double check for accuracy. 3=I encourage #m to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 6=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 7=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments, slow down, and check #h work. 8=One suggestion for #N is to slow down on #h assignments as #e has a tendency to make careless errors. COMMENTS: Introduction Sentences for Strengths 1=#N has made a pleasing start to the year. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N is a pleasure to teach in Science. 4=#N has had a shaky start to #h Science studies so far this year. 5=#N is capable of working well in Science when #e concentrates and focusses on the task at hand. 6=#N seems to enjoy #h Science lessons. 7=#N is an enthusiastic Scientist. 8=#N could do very well in Science. 9=#N has the potential to do well in Science COMMENTS: IsaacPhysics 1=#N has made excellent use of the Isaac Physics platform and used #h initiative to attempt a great number of the questions at all levels of difficulty in order to hone #h problem solving skills. 2=#N has made very good use of the Isaac Physics platform and used #h initiative to attempt a good number of the questions in order to hone #h problem solving skills. 3=#N has made use of the Isaac Physics platform to attempt a great number of the questions in order to hone #h problem solving skills. COMMENTS: IT skills 1=#N has made an excellent start to IT this #Time-period. 2=#N has shown that IT is a strength over the course of this #Time-period. 3=#N has made a good start to IT over the course of this #Time-period. 4=#N has shown good efforts in IT this #Time-period. 5=#N has started well in IT in #h first #Time-period 6=#N has made a good start to #h IT course this #Time-period COMMENTS: Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: LaboratorySkills 1=#N has demonstrated excellent practical skills in laboratory work with a wide variety of experimental techniques. #E formulates excellent plans with careful consideration of reducing uncertainties. When collecting results #e is methodical and precise. The data is always very well presented with due consideration given to possible sources of error. #E is able to draw valid conclusions with a high degree of certainty to back up the theoretical work covered in the course. 2=#N has demonstrated good practical skills in laboratory work with a variety of experimental techniques. When collecting results #e is careful and precise. The data is well presented with due consideration given to possible sources of error. #E is able to draw valid conclusions to back up the theoretical work covered in the course. 3=#N has demonstrated good practical skills in laboratory work. The data is well presented with due consideration given to possible sources of error. #E is able to draw valid conclusions to back up the theoretical work covered in the course. COMMENTS: labs 1=#E has the tendency to rush to get the labs done and makes careless errors. I recommend that #e slow down. 2=#E ha a tendency to be very social during labs and does not pay attention to the details, leading to careless errors. 3=#E has a tendency to follow other people's lead during labs and sometimes ends up following their errors. I encourage #h to think for #s. COMMENTS: Literacy Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h classwork. #E has shown a particular strength in writing detailed answers and explanations that contain the correct key words and terms. 2=#E has shown #keywordlist grasp of key words and terms and can often use them to give some very strong verbal answers. 3=#E is starting to grasp some scientific key words and terms and is using them to give some good verbal answers in class. 4=#N can write some very clear longer answers. This is a brilliant ability to have as more and more exam questions now require extended answers. 5=#N has shown real improvement in the standard of written work that #e can produce. #E has started to use more scientific words and is now checking #h work through more regularly. 6=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. 7=I was particularly pleased with #N's APP work on #?. #E clearly spent a lot of time on it, which was reflected in #h grades. #N showed a particular strength in being able to #? COMMENTS: missing and late 1=/LATE work: #? /Missing work: #? COMMENTS: Next year 1=As #N goes into #NextYear, #e needs to continue to work as hard to ensure that #e has every success. 2=I wish #N every success as #e goes into #NextYear 3=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N all the best for #h future. 4=With #N going into #NextYear, #e needs to think about #h options for GCSE and I wish #m a successful #NextYear. 5=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N every success and am sure that #e will do well. 6=I hope that I will see #N in #NextYear after #h GCSE exams, and am sure that #e will do well. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. If #e continues like this #e has a good chance of reaching #h target grade. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a polite and friendly member of the class. #E always works hard though sometimes struggles with the concepts taught. A good steady performance throughout the #Time-period. Well done. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=#N has been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #E seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#E often misses deadlines and #h project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent. It was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: opening A 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student that excels in science. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. COMMENTS: opening B 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a good student that has found success is in science this term. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. 5=#N has been working hard this quarter and it has payed off. COMMENTS: opening C 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student, but I feel that #e has not been applying #s. 4=#N had a rough start to the quarter and #e made great strides towards the end of the quarter. COMMENTS: participation. 1=I am very pleased to see that #e has been very active in discussions with a lot of positive energy. 2=#E is #AUR attentive in class and participates in class discussions #willingencourage. 3=#E is attentive in class and willingly participates in group discussion and goes beyond just answering questions. 4=#E is asking some good questions that bring about interesting discussions. 5=------------------------- 6=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. 7=I would love to see #m participate more in class as I believe that #e could add a lot to the class discussions. 8=One goal for next quarter would be for #m to ask questions when #e does not understand. I understand that #e may be shy, but I encourage #m to take #h charge of #h learning. COMMENTS: Personal nature 1=#E has taken responsibility this year in the form by being #FormRole, which is a good reflection upon #h willingness to contribute to the overall school. 2=#E has been an enthusiastic participant in form time activities, which reflects well upon #m. 3=#E is a quiet member of the form, but #N is a very good representative of #House, and #e just needs a bit more confidence in form time. 4=#E is often quite chatty during form, which #e needs to be careful of, but overall #N is a very good representative of #House 5=#E cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students. 6=#E transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction. i 7=#E s courteous and shows good manners in the classroom. 8=#E follows classroom rules. conducts themselves with maturity. #N responds appropriately when corrected. #N remains focused on the activity at hand. 9=#E resists the urge to be distracted by other students. #N is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom. #N sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation COMMENTS: Personal nature A 1=#E has taken responsibility this year in the form by being #FormRole, which is a good reflection upon #h willingness to contribute to the overall school. 2=#E has been an enthusiastic participant in form time activities, which reflects well upon #m. 3=#E is a quiet member of the form, but #N is a very good representative of #House, and #e just needs a bit more confidence in form time. 4=#E is often quite chatty during form, which #e needs to be careful of, but overall #N is a very good representative of #House 5=#E cooperates consistently with the teacher and other students. 6=#E transitions easily between classroom activities without distraction. i 7=#E s courteous and shows good manners in the classroom. 8=#E follows classroom rules. conducts themselves with maturity. #N responds appropriately when corrected. #N remains focused on the activity at hand. 9=#E resists the urge to be distracted by other students. #N is kind and helpful to everyone in the classroom. #N sets an example of excellence in behavior and cooperation COMMENTS: PLTs Next Steps Sentences 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. 5=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. COMMENTS: PLTs Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has demonstrated that #e is willing to work independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 2=#E is starting to work more independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 3=#N will work with any member of the class and has shown a particular strength in taking the lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. This may be in either a practical activity or more paper based task. 4=#N will work with most members of the class and is starting to take more of a lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. 5=#N has shown a talent for being able to stand up in front of the class and present ideas or work that #e has researched. This is fantastic to see as it is an area that so many students struggle with. 6=#N has shown a real ability to comment on the reliability and validity of other pupils results and investigations. This is a difficult skill to master but is essential for course work. COMMENTS: Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: Punctuality 1=As well as this, #N's punctuality is #punctuality. COMMENTS: Read work through Next Steps Sentences 1=#N now needs to ensure that #e reads #h work through in between lessons and spends time revising. This should ensure that #N's grades improve and that #e is a step closer to attaining #h target grade of a #?. 2=#N now needs to read through all #h written work to ensure that there are no silly mistakes and that #e has included all the correct keywords and terms. 3=#N would benefit from setting some time aside to learn the correct spelling and use of key words and term as this would help #m to improve #h written work and attainment. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e checks all of #h written work through carefully as #e is prone to making the odd silly mistake. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: SEM1 A-E 7MAT 1=#N has demonstrated an understanding of number and place value, real numbers and geometric reasoning and algebra and unit costs in complex unfamiliar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in unfamiliar situations. #N shows systematic application of relevant problem-solving approaches to investigate unfamiliar situations. #E used effective and clear appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of number and place value, real numbers and geometric reasoning and algebra and unit costs in complex familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in complex familiar situations. #N shows application of relevant problem-solving approaches to investigate complex familiar situations. #E used consistent appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 3=#N has demonstrated an understanding of number and place value, real numbers and geometric reasoning and algebra and unit costs in simple familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in simple familiar situations. #N shows application of problem-solving approaches to investigate simple familiar situations. #E used appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 4=#N has demonstrated an understanding of number and place value, real numbers and geometric reasoning and algebra and unit costs in some simple familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in some simple familiar situations. #N shows some selection and application of problem-solving approaches to investigate some simple familiar situations. #E used aspects of mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 5=#N has demonstrated an understanding of number and place value, real numbers and geometric reasoning and algebra and unit costs in obvious isolated situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in obvious isolated situations. #N shows partial selection of problem-solving approaches. #E used simple diagrams when required. COMMENTS: SEM1 A-E 8MAT 1=#N has demonstrated an understanding of expanding, factorising and simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations in complex unfamiliar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in unfamiliar situations. #N shows systematic application of relevant problem-solving approaches to investigate unfamiliar situations. #E used effective and clear appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 2=#N has demonstrated an understanding of expanding, factorising and simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations in complex familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in complex familiar situations. #N shows application of relevant problem-solving approaches to investigate complex familiar situations. #E used consistent appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 3=#N has demonstrated an understanding of expanding, factorising and simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations in simple familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in simple familiar situations. #N shows application of problem-solving approaches to investigate simple familiar situations. #E used appropriate mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 4=#N has demonstrated an understanding of expanding, factorising and simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations in some simple familiar situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in some simple familiar situations. #N shows some selection and application of problem-solving approaches to investigate some simple familiar situations. #E used aspects of mathematical terminology and diagrams when required. 5=#N has demonstrated an understanding of expanding, factorising and simplifying algebraic expressions and solving linear equations in obvious isolated situations. #E has also been able to recall and use facts, definitions and procedures to find solutions in obvious isolated situations. #N shows partial selection of problem-solving approaches. #E used simple diagrams when required. COMMENTS: SJR BEHAVIOUR 1=#N has been a quiet and courteous student who demonstrates 2=#N has been an enthusiastic and courteous student who demonstrates 3=#N has been a friendly and enthusiastic student who demonstrates 4=#N has been a cooperative student who demonstrates 5=#N has been a mature and conscientious student who demonstrates 6=#N has been an enthusiastic and confident student who demonstrates 7=#N has been a quiet and mature student who demonstrates 8=#N has been a friendly student who demonstrates 9=#N has been a quiet student who demonstrates 10=#N has been a conscientious student who demonstrates COMMENTS: SJR EFFORT 1=#E has worked hard to deepen #h understanding of the subject and 2=#E has helped others to reinforce #h own understanding of the subject and 3=#E has remained highly focused on all tasks and 4=#E usually aimed to complete all classwork and assessment work and 5=#E managed #h time effectively to aim for success and 6=#E consistently seeks and uses teacher feedback and 7=#E contributes positively to class discussions and 8=#E constantly remained engaged in learning and 9=#E worked diligently in all settings and 10=#H results do not reflect the amount of effort #e has applied to #h classwork and 11=#E is reluctant to ask for teacher assistance and 12=#E usually needs teacher support to complete the work and 13=#E finds the work difficult but puts in #h best effort and 14=#E attempts easier work but becomes discouraged when the work gets more difficult and 15=#E could achieve more success with more application and effort and 16=#E sometimes needed reminders to stay on task and 17=#E sometimes needed reminders to stay on task but was always polite and respectful and 18=#E sometimes needed reminders about distracting others and 19=#E showed integrity and effort this term to understand the topics and increased #h participation in class activities and 20=#E completed adjusted classwork and assignment work and was not assessed at a year X standard and COMMENTS: SJR HILLS LAWS 1=the Hills LAWS by showing respect and compassion to others in all tasks. 2=the Hills LAWS by acting with integrity in all situations. 3=the Hills LAWS by working with diligence in all tasks. 4=the Hills LAWS by striving for success in this subject. 5=the Hills LAWS by aiming to show compassion. 6=the Hills LAWS by aiming to act with integrity. 7=the Hills LAWS by aiming to work with diligence. 8=the Hills LAWS by aiming to achieve success. 9=an understanding of the Hills LAWS of compassion, integrity, diligence and success. COMMENTS: SJR MAINTAIN and IMPROVE1 1=to maintain this result #N should 2=to improve this result #N should 3=review and edit work carefully to identify mistakes. 4=ask for teacher assistance to ensure that #e has a clear understanding of the tasks. COMMENTS: SJR MAINTAIN and IMPROVE2 1=#N should continue to work at #h current high standard. 2=listen more carefully to instructions. 3=ensure that any work missed due to absence is completed. 4=attempt class tasks independently before asking for assistance, to promote confidence in learning. 5=continue to ask for teacher assistance to ensure that #e has a clear understanding of the tasks. 6=show more persistence and effort when tasks become difficult. 7=increase #h level of concentration in class and remain focused on the set tasks. 8=talk less during class and focus on the set tasks. 9=ensure homework is completed consistently and to an appropriate standard. 10=attend maths tutorials every week. 11=show working out clearly so that mistakes can be identified. 12=bring a calculator to all maths classes to be able to learn effectively. 13=re-read questions carefully to ensure all components of assessment items have been answered appropriately. 14=use more subject specific language and representations in responses. 15=ensure that #e acts on the feedback provided on draft assignments. 16=use the assessment criteria to self-assess progress against the criteria more frequently. 17=make the most of class time that has been allocated to tasks. 18=submit a more comprehensive draft assignment in order to receive more specific feedback. 19=thoroughly evaluate the reasonableness of assignment solutions by considering results, assumptions and observations. 20=revise complex procedures so they can be incorporated into assignment responses. COMMENTS: suggest 1=#E is bright and I encourage #m to start next term out on a strong note rather than scrambling at the end to bring it up. 2=I believe that with just a little more effort on #h part, we will see an improvement in #h grade. 3=One suggestion for #N is to not give up so easily. I often see that if it doesn't come to #m immediately, #e won't push #s until #e gets it. With a little more "stick to it", #e could excel. 4=I also recommend that #e come in for extra help a day or two before a test. 5=#E also has a tendency to do the minimum possible to get by. #E is smart and should take pride in #h work. COMMENTS: Teacher:Activating Hard Thinking 1=Structuring: #N gives students an appropriate sequence of learning tasks; signals learning objectives, rationale, overview, key ideas and stages of progress; matches tasks to learners' needs and readiness; scaffolds and supports to make tasks accessible to all, but gradually removed so that all students succeed at the required level 2=Explaining: #N presents and communicates new ideas clearly, with concise, appropriate, engaging explanations; connects new ideas to what has previously been learnt (and re-activating/checking that prior knowledge); uses examples (and non- examples) appropriately to help learners understand and build connections; models/demonstrats new skills or procedures with appropriate scaffolding and challenge; uses worked/part- worked examples 3=Questioning: #N uses questions and dialogue to promote elaboration and connected, flexible thinking among learners (e.g., 'Why?', 'Compare', etc.); uses questions to elicit student thinking; gets responses from all students; uses high-quality assessment to evidence learning; interpreting, communicating and responding to assessment evidence appropriately 4=Interacting: #N responds appropriately to feedback from students about their thinking/knowledge/understanding; gives students actionable feedback to guide their learning 5=Embedding: #N gives students tasks that embed and reinforce learning; requires them to practise until learning is fluent and secure; ensures that once-learnt material is reviewed/revisited to prevent forgetting 6=Activating: #N helps students to plan, regulate and monitor their own learning; progresses appropriately from structured to more independent learning as students develop knowledge and expertise COMMENTS: test suggest 1=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 2=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 3=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. 4=In particular, #e struggled in the area of #testarea and I suggest #e review this area before finals COMMENTS: tests 1=#H test scores #testing this quarter. 2=#N's weak area this quarter was #? and I recommend that #e review and get a better grasp of this topic before finals. 3=However, #h test scores do not reflect #h science ability and may need to spend more time preparing for tests. 4=Overall, #e does well, but #h test scores fluctuate which indicates that #e may not be grasping everything. 5=----------- 6=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 7=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 8=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. COMMENTS: UCAS01: Positive 1 1=#N has shown ability and interest in this subject. 2=#N is a very highly motivated student who has shown a very sound understanding of all the topics covered. 3=#N is a very competent physicist who can invariably see a variety of ways to tackle a problem using concepts and techniques from a wide range of concepts. 4=#E has worked conscientiously on assignments and generally produced work of a sound standard . 5=#E can quickly grasp new ideas and sees the implications of points being made. 6=has proved to be a very keen and conscientious student who has taken a very positive approach to the subject . 7=appears to enjoy the challenge of more demanding problems and shows admirable perseverance in trying to complete them . 8=#E has greatly gained in confidence during the course and is now able to apply a wide variety of techniques . 9=has become a very competent physicist. 10=has shown a very sound understanding of the topics on the course. 11=has a mature approach to study. 12=has an analytical mind. 13=has applied #s well to a subject #e does not find easy and is to be commended for #h diligence hard work and effort. 14=#H attendance at lessons has been good and #e is always attentive, conscientious and keen to learn . COMMENTS: UCAS02: Positive 2 1=#N has an excellent attendance record. 2=#E has regularly attended the physics clinic sessions. 3=#E asks pertinent questions. 4=#E has shown persistence and flair with the optional section of the course . 5=#E has good question interpretation skills , a lively mind and good powers of reasoning. 6=#H attitude and commitment to #h studies have been most commendable. 7=#E appeared to enjoy the discrete Astrophysics section of the course and had a sound understanding of the application of earlier topics involved. 8=After initially finding the transition from GCSE to 'A' level rather difficult #N began to make great strides in the 2nd year of the course. 9=#E works well alone and with other students. 10=#H ideas are very clearly presented and easy to follow. 11=#H attendance , industry , and approach to the subject does #h great credit. 12=#E has a good knowledge of applicable techniques and is capable of careful reasoned analysis. 13=#E is able to communicate work clearly in the most appropriate form with precision and effectiveness. 14=#E has generally worked to the best of #h abilities and participated enthusiastically in oral work. 15=#H solutions to problems are well set out with clear diagrams and logical steps. 16=Although #N does struggle with some of the concepts within the physics course #e does try hard to understand and has progressed well. COMMENTS: UCAS03: Lockdown 1=#N demonstrated an ability to work independently during the COVID-19 lockdown. 2=#N is a very highly motivated student who worked hard during the COVID-19 lockdown. 3=#N is a very competent physicist but found study difficult during the COVID-19 lockdown. 4=#E has worked conscientiously on assignments and generally produced work of a sound standard during the COVID-19 lockdown.. 5=#E lost confidence during during the COVID-19 lockdown but is now recovering some of the lost ground. COMMENTS: UCAS03: Negative 1 1=did not always use #h abilities fully and was somewhat inconsistent in the handing in of work 2=Lack of commitment to making proper use of #h free time has meant that #e is still somewhat unsure of basic techniques through lack of practise . 3=at times has problems with question interpretation but with a little guidance can invariably carry a solution through to its conclusion . 4=has found the course very demanding and did not fully confront #h difficulties or seek sufficient help . 5=finds it difficult to remember and apply basic techniques 6=proved to be a rather disorganised student who should really have made better use of #h time . 7=without the necessary practise to be gained from tackling past questions #e is unlikely to do #s justice in the exam . 8=tended to lack confidence in tackling topics in the mechanics section of the course but nevertheless made every effort to master difficulties . 9=found the mathematical aspect of the course very difficult but proved to be quite able on the practical work . 10=is competent and confident numerically but experiences some difficulties with question interpretation . 11=has a slow methodical approach but has generally grasped most of the concepts involved . 12=often appears to be somewhat casual in #h approach but this belies the fact that #e has proved to be quite able in certain areas . 13=Although #e has encountered some difficulties with the mechanics section of the course #e has nevertheless worked diligently to master the topics concerned . 14=has problems with the setting out of solutions and showing the methods used which can make answers somewhat difficult to follow . COMMENTS: UCAS04: Negative 2 1=#N is a well intentioned physicist with a less than disciplined approach to #h work 2=#N does not have a natural flair for this subject but nevertheless has made every effort to master the concepts involved . 3=was at times somewhat inconsistent in the handing in of work by set deadlines 4=has lacked commitment and has invariably failed to meet homework deadlines. 5=#E participates enthusiastically in oral work but #h written work suffers at times from a lack of a good working background knowledge of concepts and techniques 6=#E often has difficulty starting off more demanding questions and invariably needs guidance as to how the problem should be tackled . 7=not having a science background #e has found the mechanics section of the course very demanding and often experienced difficulties with question interpretation . 8=whilst not having a natural flair for mathematics #N has generally worked to the best of #h abilities . 9=#E has found the mathematical aspects of the course more to #h liking as #e has had difficulties with question interpretation and applying the relevant technique to the mechanics section of the course. COMMENTS: UCAS05: Conclusion 1=#N is a friendly polite student who has good relationships both with #h fellow students and with staff. 2=#E would appear well suited to #h chosen course. 3=#N is not a strong physicist and may well find the physics of #h chosen course demanding. 4=I highly recommend #N for #h chosen course. 5=If #N can adopt a more disciplined approach to #h studies then it is possible #e may obtain a grade but a is more likely LIST: ability 1=struggles to 2=is able to 3=continues to be able to 4=does 5=does not LIST: Alevelgrades 1=A* 2=A 3=B 4=C 5=D 6=E 7=U LIST: amount 1=always 2=usually 3=generally 4=sometimes 5=rarely 6=never LIST: attendance 1=is outstanding 2=is very good 3=is good 4=has room for some improvement 5=needs to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=is poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: effort 1=working hard 2=making an satisfactory effort 3=not working to #h full potential LIST: effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: effortresult 1=paying off. 2=hurt #h grade. 3=#e has made good progress. LIST: ExamTypes 1=A-Level 2=GCSE 3=end of year examination 4=mock examination 5=end of topic test LIST: Form-Consequence-list 1=of the C3 detentions 2=of the C4 detention LIST: Form-Rewards-List 1=of the Outstanding contribution awards. 2=of the Subject Awards. 3=of the awards for Roll of Honour. 4=of the awards for School Colours. 5=of the Annual Awards. LIST: Form-Subject-list 1=Astronomy 2=Biology 3=Business Studies 4=Chemistry 5=Computing 6=Creative Imedia 7=Drama 8=English 9=English Literature 10=Film Studies 11=Food Technology 12=French 13=Geography 14=German 15=History 16=Mathematics 17=Photography 18=Physical Education 19=Physics 20=Science (Double) LIST: FormRole 1=lead student 2=house representative 3=school council representative LIST: GCSEgrades 1=9 2=8 3=7 4=6 5=5 6=4 7=3 8=2 9=1 10=U LIST: goal 1=stay on top of due dates for assignments and homeworks. 2=come in for extra help during subject surgeries. 3=slow down on #h work in order to avoid careless mistakes. 4=reduce the socializing and focus on the work at hand. 5=show more patience with peers during group work. 6=participate a little more in class discussions. 7=participate a little more with #h group during activities. 8=bring all of the required equipment to each class. 9=improve #h attitude to learning. 10=reduce low level disruption. LIST: House 1=Springwell 2=Incents 3=Bury 4=Stockers LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions 7=use the online support materials LIST: hwgrades 1=A 2=B 3=C 4=D LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: labskills 1=developing a suitable research question 2=identifying and describing variables 3=developing a hypothesis 4=communicating a procedure 5=collecting data 6=producing a data table 7=constructing graphs 8=analysing graphs 9=drawing conclusions and providing scientific explanations 10=evaluating the hypothesis 11=evaluating the investigation 12=designing investigations 13=drawing conclusions and evaluating LIST: lateassignments 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 10=10 LIST: NextYear 1=year 8 2=year 9 3=year 10 4=year 11 5=year 12 6=year 13 7=#h GCSE exams 8=#h A-Level exam year 9=University LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: OLD-Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: punctuality 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: RatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: RatingList2 1=excelling 2=doing well 3=putting in minimal effort 4=showing great improvement LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics 1=Energy 2=Electricity 3=Particles 4=Radioactivity 5=Forces 6=Space LIST: shown 1=has started to show 2=has continued to show 3=has shown 4=has occasionally shown 5=has consistently shown LIST: subject 1=physics 2=science 3=astronomy LIST: superlatives 1=great 2=positive 3=suitable 4=good 5=poor 6=brilliant 7=basic 8=excellent 9=outstanding 10=tremendous 11=acceptable 12=improved 13=developing LIST: targetgrades 1=9 2=8 3=7 4=6 5=5 6=4 7=3 8=2 9=1 LIST: Term 1=Autumn term 2=Spring term 3=Summer term 4=Winter term LIST: testing 1=have been excellent 2=have been good 3=have been below average 4=have fluctuated LIST: testsections 1=describing scientific knowledge 2=application of scientific knowledge 3=analysis of information to make scientific judgments LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: topiclist 1=Particles 2=Elements 3=Space 4=Forces 5=Electricity and Magnetism 6=Energy 7=Cells 8=Reproduction LIST: willingencourage 1=willingly 2=with some encouragement /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.