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A regular, predictable daily task to begin, will probably assist in the initial separation from #h parent each time. 3=Although #N does not have older siblings at the school, it is expected that after only a few days of experiencing the classroom rules and routines #e will join in readily and participate eagerly. COMMENTS: 1ab Intro Sentences 1=#N is #personality and #personality person and an absolute delight to have in our preschool. 2=#N presents as #personality and #personality person and is a well liked member of Blue Group. 3=#N presents as #personality and #personality person and #frequency enjoys participating in the preschool experiences. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY aSafe Secure Supported 1=#E loves to attend Kinder and participates happily in all available activities. 2=#E shows #abasic sense of belonging to the Kinder group by #feelings initiating interactions and conversations with peers and educators. 3=#E continues to need individual attention from staff on arrival, to support the transition from #h mother and begin participating in the usual routines of the session. 4=Although #e clearly enjoys coming to Kinder, #e still needs staff support at arrival times to make a successful transition into starting the session and happily saying goodbye to #m mother each time. 5=#E continues to build on #h own sense of security, frequently turning to a staff member for support, assistance or reassurance during the session. 6=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a butterfly, a princess or a fairy. 7=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a TV or movie character. 8=#E confidently explores and engages socially with peers through relationships and playfulness. 9=#E displays #abasic level of self identity by exploring, engaging with and interacting with the physical environment. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY bAuton Resilience Agency 1=#E is open to new challenges and making new discoveries. 2=#E approaches new situations with confidence. 3=#E is able to persist when faced with challenges or when first attempts are not successful. 4=#E demonstrates #abasic ability to cooperate and work collaboratively with others. 5=#E has a well developed sense of Kinder routines and expectations which makes #m a very cooperative and helpful member of our group. 6=#E is #frequency able to manage #h first impulses when things go wrong and shows an increasing capacity for emotional self regulation. 7=#E shows #abasic capacity to cope emotionally when things do not go as expected. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY cKnwledg Confid Self Id 1=#E has #abasic ability to explore different identities and consider points of view of others through imaginative role play. 2=#E has #abasic sense of #h own personal identity, family belonging, and having a valued place within it. #E happily tells us about other family members, or family events. 3=#E shows pride in #h own achievements. 4=#E explores different identities and points of view of others through role play. 5=#N has #abasic awareness of #h cultural heritage. #E is happy to share information with the group about the culture and language of #h family. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY dInteractions w others 1=#N engages in and contributes to shared play experiences. 2=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. 3=#N #frequency shows care and empathy for others, especially if someone is injured or crying. 4=#H development of skills in interacting with others, includes an awareness of the additional respect required for children who are younger or have special needs. 5=#N shows #h self pride and satisfaction, by showing or sharing #h achievements with others. 6=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. Often that will be a positive, inclusive response to the other child but equally can be a response of moving away if #e feels concerned. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY aBelong Civic Resp 1=#N demonstrates a sense of belonging to the Kinder community and enjoys being part of our group. 2=#N shows #abasic sense of belonging to and contentment within the Kinder group. 3=#N #feelings attends Kinder and has #abasic sense of being a welcome member of the group. 4=#N is playful and responds positively to others, seeking out company and friendship. 5=#N participates fully in reciprocal relationships with others. #E has continued to develop positive friendships with several peers and is very popular within the group. 6=#N is #frequency able to read the behaviours of others and respond appropriately. 7=#N is #frequency able to work collaboratively and cooperate with others for a shared purpose. 8=#N is usually playful and responds positively to others, seeking out company and friendship after #e has settled into the normal routine of the session. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY bRespect Diversity 1=#E is #frequency able to consider the ideas of others even though they may differ from #h own. 2=#E shows respect for the differing needs of others by responding positively to children who are younger or who have special needs. 3=#E is increasingly aware of diversity by noticing differences and similarities of other people within the group, local community and the wider world. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY cAware of fairness 1=#N is fully aware of what is fair or unfair behaviour and #support can #frequency make appropriate positive choices. 2=#N #frequency demonstrates kindness and compassion to others, especially if someone is upset or injured. 3=#N is able to recognize when others have been excluded, and will #frequency respond with kindness and compassion. 4=#N #frequency chooses fair rather than unfair behaviour toward others when things go wrong. 5=#N is able to think critically about fair and unfair behaviour when issues arise and #support can make an appropriate choice. 6=Regarding behaviour, #N needs significant and frequent adult support to think critically about #h behaviour choices when issues arise, and with that significant adult support, #e can #frequency make an appropriate choice. 7=#E frequently attempts to divert the unwanted discussion by instantly and desperately needing to go to the toilet or claiming #e is injured or has been injured by others and needs sympathy and help. COMMENTS: 2COMMUNITY dSoc Rsponsib Enviro 1=#E shows a growing appreciation and care for the natural environment. 2=#E shows interest, respect and care for bugs and small creatures in the playground environment and is becoming aware of their value and place within nature. 3=#E is able to participate responsibly with others to solve simple problems and contribute to positive group outcomes. 4=#E readily helps with responsible care routines, such as packing away items even if #e did not play with that equipment during the session. 5=#E enjoys participating in the care and development of our garden environment, by planting seeds, watering and weeding. 6=#E loves to engage with the natural elements of the outdoor environment, especially getting involved in using sand, water, sloppy mud and plant matter such as flowers and leaves. 7=#E loves to be outside and engage with the natural environment, especially getting involved in using sand, water, sloppy mud, rocks, logs and plant matter such as leaves, branches and sticks. COMMENTS: 3WELLBEING aSocial Emo Sprtual 1=#N seems to have #abasic sense of personal wellbeing. #E #frequency enjoys times of happiness, satisfaction and contentment. 2=#N #frequency remains accessible to peers or staff in times of distress, or frustration and will accept offers of comfort and support to assist in resolution of the problem. 3=#N displays personal pride and celebrates #h own efforts and achievements. 4=#N has developed a delightful sense of humour which #e shares in laughter with others. 5=#N #frequency shares laughter with peers and has a growing sense of humour which is delightful to see and to hear. 6=#N shows an increasing capacity to understand, self regulate and manage #h own emotions in appropriate ways. 7=#N can get upset and isolate #s if #e believes #e has been excluded, but if given a chance to say what happened and a short time to recover emotionally, #e is able to rejoin playing, fairly quickly, without ongoing concern. 8=#E takes great pride in the knowledge that #e is highly competent at virtually all of the activities offered and is also silently aware that #h skills are greater than most of #h peers. 9=#N seems to have #abasic sense of positive wellbeing and has developed a delightful sense of humour which #e shares in laughter with others. However, #e also has a flip side and often becomes self conscious and politely refuses to participate in group activities such as #?. 10=#N seems to have #abasic sense of personal wellbeing. #E #frequency enjoys times of happiness, satisfaction and contentment. However, #e can easily become upset if things are not quite as #e expected such as #?. When #e does become upset, #e will seek out and is willing to accept comfort from a staff member. COMMENTS: 3WELLBEING bPhysical Health Wbeing 1=#E shows enthusiasm for participating in active physical play. #E is #frequency able to move around and through the play spaces in a manner that is safe for others as well as #s. 2=Regarding physical wellbeing, #e demonstrates spatial awareness and is #frequency able to challenge #s to take considered risks while maintaining safety for #s and others. #E will #frequency look around first before leaping ! 3=#H fine motor skills are age appropriate and #e is able to manipulate equipment with #abasic competence and skill. 4=#E #feelings responds to music and dance, either independently or at group times, effectively combining gross and fine motor movements and balance to achieve whole body sensory-motor integration. 5=#N shows #abasic awareness of healthy lifestyles and good nutrition. #E #frequency eats #h fresh fruit for snack or lunch times. 6=#E is very swift, agile and energetic. #E needs to move constantly and finds it difficult to remain in one place for the purpose of engaging in an activity that requires sitting. 7=#E is very swift, agile and energetic when outside. However, #e is also quite capable of maintaining a calm body for the purpose of engaging in an activity that requires sitting for several minutes. 8=#E #feelings responds to music and dance, at group times or with a few others, effectively combining gross and fine motor movements for creativity and enjoyment. 9=Regarding physical wellbeing, #N enjoys the free choice creativity of the craft table, utilizing #h fine motor skills to manipulate a variety of "bits" available to make something of personal interest, and will often show others #h results with pride. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING aDispositions 1=#N is curious and enthusiastic about learning. #E #frequency asks questions to extend #h current knowledge. 2=#N #frequency follows and extends #h own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration. 3=#N is #frequency able to persevere with a new learning skill and then experience the satisfaction of achievement. 4=With difficult things such as a tricky puzzle or a rope that won't stay tied on, #N is #frequency able to persist, for a short time, before seeking assistance or alternatives. 5=#N participates in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry based experiences. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bProcesses 1=#E uses a range of strategies to engage with situations and solve problems (such as how to tie things together with the rope or how to get the ball off the shade sail). 2=#E has #abasic understanding of how to use or read a simple chart, visual table, vertical indicator, or arrow dial indicator (eg. a Voice Volume "thermometer") 3=#E is able to make predictions and generalizations about aspects of the natural world and immediate environment. 4=#E is able to think reflectively and consider why things happen. #E offers simple hypotheses (such as during a science experiment, why the water did not fall out of the upturned glass). 5=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". (these are VELS Level 1 Prep level indicators) 6=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. (this is a VELS Level 1 Prep indicator) 7=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 8=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bSkills 1=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. #E can count from memory up to #? and is able to count to at least 10 items using accurate one to one correspondence. 2=#E is able to count from memory up to #? 3=#E is able to name #? alphabet letters. 4=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". (these are VELS Level 1 Prep level indicators) 5=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. (this is a VELS Level 1 Prep indicator) 6=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 7=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING cTransfer Knowlledge 1=#N is #frequency make connections between experiences, applying generalizations from one situation to another. 2=#N can #frequency assimilate some new information or experience into #h existing knowledge base, sometimes making a relevant comment when #e realizes the connection (eg "I saw that on tele !") 3=#N can #frequency ask and answer simple questions of others, for information and clarification. 4=#N can link current learning to things #e already knows and is able to clearly explain similar related experiences. 5=#N #frequency participates in exploring the possibilities and uses of a wide range of resources including books, natural materials, construction toys, games and equipment and ICT. #E makes regular use of the Kindergarten iPads which are available for 5 - 10 mins at a time. 6=#N #frequency explores ideas and extends #h own learning through imagination, creativity and play. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION aInteract 1=#N #frequency initiates conversation with peers and adults. #H speech is #frequency understood by peers and if there is confusion, #e is able to find other ways to get #h message across. 2=#N is a very capable, independent and confident communicator. #E is able to construct and convey conversation containing useful or interesting information and is able to clarify or repair if a listener misunderstands. 3=#N is willing to contribute #h ideas, while in play with peers or in small group discussions. When speaking to the whole group, #e speaks #speaks and #speaks. 4=#N is #frequency able to include descriptive words for feelings, quantities or spatial locations (such as excited, longest, underneath). 5=#N is aware of Auslan as a language and is able to sign some simple words that are included in songs we have learnt at Kinder. 6=#N is #abasic and #abasic speaker. #E is #frequency understood by adults and peers. 7=#N has #abasic vocabulary. #H sentences are #frequency grammatically correct, complex and full of appropriate adjectives. 8=With adult reminders #e is able to control #h voice volume inside the playroom. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION bTexts 1=#E loves books and engages with the text in stories for meaning or enjoyment. #E also enjoys the sound of silly sounding words and made up language. 2=#E is able to retell a known story, with #story and in fairly logical order, maintaining the key parts of the story. 3=#E is able to remember the words to sing most of a simple song, or to say a chant or rhyme. #E can hear or recognize rhyming words. 4=#E has #abasic understanding of letter - sound relationships, the general concepts of print and is aware of some punctuation marks, such as full stops and exclamation marks. 5=#E has #abasic knowledge and recall of alphabet letter names. 6=#E has #abasic ability to recognize the names of and copy letters and numerals provided by an adult, for the purpose of making signs which have some meaning to #m for a task or chosen activity. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION cExpress Ideas 1=#N is beginning to use approximations of letters and words to convey meaning. 2=#N has #abasic ability to copy conventional letters, groups of letters, words and even sentences with simple punctuation, to extend meaningful play. Signs of warning to others or labels for constructions are common. 3=#N has #abasic understanding that written text takes longer to write down or type than speaking the words. #E also understands that story telling has a different style of sentence structure than conversation. 4=#N #frequency uses language to communicate created roles using different voices, character styles, invented scripts and ideas during play (such as movie or TV characters) 5=#N is able to draw recognizable simple human forms and a few other things as well (such as a tree, a simple house, a rainbow or spider) 6=#N is skilled at drawing recognizable things and includes a lot of fine detail. #E will often explain what is contained in the artwork and shows pride and satisfaction with the result. 7=#N is able to draw recognizable detailed human forms and several other reasonably detailed things as well (such as a tree with fruit or bird in it, a house with windows and door, a rocket with fire or truck with wheels) 8=#N spends a great deal of time at the craft table enjoying the free choice to use the assorted materials that are available, to make items that are not immediately recognizable to adults but which are a source of pride and satisfaction to #s. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION dSymbols Patterns 1=#N has #abasic ability to sort, categorize, order and compare collections according to attributes of objects and materials (such as, grouping just the baby animals together from an assortment of farm animals) 2=#N is able to work out what comes next to complete a repetitive three part pattern of objects. 3=#N shows #h understanding of pattern by using supplementary materials during play, to make purposefully arranged patterns, based on colour, texture, size or shape. 4=#E can write #h own name using a combination of recognizable letters and other marks. 5=#E is able to write #h own name in a consistent way using neatly formed, conventional and fully legible letters. #E recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. 6=#E shows an interest in print formation by using a combination of invented letters and some recognizable conventional letters and numbers. 7=#E is aware of the alphabet song and is able to recognize and name a few letters. 8=#N is able to safely and responsibly use an iPad as a tool to compose and represent ideas. #E can locate apps from the home page and use swipe and tap skills for selecting options in visual constructions, timed target games and simple problem solving such as mazes. 9=#N engages with iPad technology for fun and information. 10=#N recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. LIST: abasic 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=an excellent 4=an improving 5=an increasing 6=an advanced 7=a broad 8=an intuitive 9=a good 10=a developing 11=a solid 12=a growing 13=an extensive 14=a strong 15=a confident 16=a capable 17=an emerging 18=a clear LIST: feelings 1=happily 2=cautiously 3=enthusiastically 4=willingly 5=carefully 6=readily 7=confidently 8=politely 9=cheerfully LIST: frequency 1=rarely 2=occasionally 3=sometimes 4=usually 5=frequently 6=always 7=never 8=often 9=increasingly 10=nearly always 11=mostly 12=regularly 13=typically 14=constantly 15=routinely 16=ordinarily 17=normally 18=repeatedly LIST: personality 1=a confident 2=a quiet 3=a willing 4=a happy 5=a keen 6=a cautious 7=an observant 8=a hesitant 9=an active 10=an enthusiastic 11=a sensitive 12=a calm 13=a thinking 14=a content 15=a thoughtful 16=a creative 17=an attentive 18=a co-operative LIST: puzzles 1=shape and picture logic 2=trial and error 3=9 pieces 4=12 pieces 5=18 pieces 6=20 pieces 7=24 pieces 8=36 pieces LIST: speaks 1=clearly 2=confidently 3=fluently 4=cheerfully 5=extensively 6=thoughtfully 7=informatively 8=interestingly 9=quietly 10=hesitantly 11=cautiously 12=loudly LIST: story 1=basic parts 2=a lot of detail 3=amazing accuracy 4=some of the main aspects LIST: support 1=with adult support 2=with significant adult support 3=independently 4=with guidance 5=with minimal prompting 6=with minimal assistance /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.