/* SAVE YOURSELF HOURS... /* IMPORT THESE COMMENTS INTO: SchoolReportWriter.COM /* No.1 in GOOGLE - "BEST TEACHER REPORTS APP": /* - TRUSTED by 1000s of teachers, since 2012 /* - QUICKLY create personalised reports /* - PASTE into your school system, Word etc /* - GENDER NEUTRAL option /* - DEMO video at SchoolReportWriter.COM /* FOR HELP see end of this document. /* Subjects: General/Holistic, Literacy (Read/Write), Mathematics (Maths), Science/Social Studies combined /* Author says: /* "Once your comment bank is input, SRW /* [SchoolReportWriter.COM free app - ed.] saves loads of time /* and its interchangeable nature, resulting in almost endless /* variety, makes picky administrators happy! For grammar /* checking, sign-up for Grammarly on Chrome which seems to /* work within the text fields, if a little clumsily. /* /* This set of comments was developed from a modified Common /* Core, but could be used for any similar set of standards. /* Report cards at my school are biannual, December and June, /* so the comment banks are labeled accordingly. This year we /* switched to 2nd person comments written to the student, /* e.g. "You made great progress on your reading goal and can /* now..." They are labeled with all caps, DEC or JUN. The /* comments previous to the 2018-2019 school year are labeled /* in caps+lower case and written in the 3rd person /* (parent/caregiver audience). /* /* Not sure how useful to others, but might give at least a /* head start! /* /* Cheers, /* Michelle" COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Character Dispositions 1=Others look to you for #EvaluativeLeadershipAdjectives leadership which sets a positive example. 2=Your kindness, care and friendliness make you a role model for classmates. 3=Quick witted, you enjoy a good joke and like to look for the fun in every activity. 4=Your generous nature shows your deep commitment to the well-being of those you care about. 5=Others see how genuine you are through the help you freely give. 6=You always arrive at school with a smile on your face, ready to learn and actively participate. 7=Your cheery demeanor has made you a friend to many in the class. 8=A curious learner, you like new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those that are #?. This is a real strength which you could turn to your advantage, for example #?. 9=Your vast reserve of #EvaluativeNouns allows you to be curious and to learn about the world around you with a sense of wonder. 10=Your flexible resilience allows you to work through any challenges and remain balanced throughout. 11=Others see your compassion through the empathy you freely give. 12=No matter whether a task seems easy or challenging, your unwavering work ethic pushes you to succeed. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Collaboration 1=Your #EvaluativeLeadershipAdjectives self-awareness helps you recognize your own strengths, confidently contributing your ideas and abilities to the group and actively seeking the ideas of others. 2=You effectively communicate by actively listening, using positive body language and making appropriate eye contact. You patiently take turns and use strategies to ensure the group has a shared understanding of the big ideas you are discussing. 3=You recognize conflict and can manage it effectively. You think about why it might be happening and listen to concerns. You work to #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs resolve conflicts through carefully choosing non-hurtful language as a way to minimize disagreements. Others trust you because they can count on you to follow through on your commitments. 4=When your group sets out to achieve a goal, you #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs weigh appropriate next steps, using pros and cons to help the group make the wisest choices. 5=While working towards achieving group goals, you encourage the group's perspectives and opinions, so that all may contribute information and skills to the shared goal. You collaboratively make connections and build on ideas from others, while at the same time showing respect when you disagree. You are able to take on any needed roles in the group. 6=When a group goal is completed, you are able to #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs facilitate group reflection. You can lead the group to consider reasons why the group achieved or did not achieve their goal and use this to suggest ways how the group might improve in the future. You recognize and value contributions of all group members so that everyone feels included. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC ES Character Standards 1=You not only appreciate your own diversity, but you are also open to the differences between yourself and others which promotes creative risk-taking in your ideas and trying new things. 2=Through thoughtful reflection, you create goals and use strategies to achieve those goals over time, tracking progress and making changes when needed. You think about how your actions impact others and look back, using what you've learned to plan forward. 3=By accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, you show resilience. You can ask for help when you need it and then celebrate your successes, knowing what worked well. You welcome challenges, using strategies to work through tough times. 4=Your consistent respect for others is evident through your speech, listening skills, inclusion and interaction, honoring their differences, needs, beliefs and customs. This transfers to your daily upstanding behavior following school and classroom expectations. 5=You actively listen to others' points of view, considering how decisions affect not only you but others, too. This respect helps you understand that fair doesn't always mean equal and everyone has different needs. You graciously accept that you might not always get exactly what you want and you find ways to feel satisfied. 6=Your kindness helps you transfer self-care into consideration of the needs of others and finding ways to help them. You recognize everyone has their own feelings which might result in different choices than yours. This helps you make informed decisions that positively impact your community. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Goal Progress 1=As discussed during conferences, you are becoming more organized with easy to read assignment layouts and headings. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, slowing down to check for completeness. 2=With monitoring, you are becoming more skilled in planning, prioritizing and managing your time. As discussed at conferences, it is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, making time to list priorities by importance and estimate how long each will take. 3=Your persistence in becoming more emotionally balanced and using mindfulness when needed has allowed you to more quickly take on new learning and apply it across all subject areas. Next term, you are encouraged to continue to use the checklists we've developed and classroom strategies to help you be more analytical when evaluating and correcting your work. 4=Since conferences, and with monitoring, you are becoming more considerate in waiting your turn to share your thinking aloud with the class. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, raising your hand before speaking, or writing your idea in your journal. 5=With determination and perseverance, you have worked hard to become more reserved and mindful in your speech. Marked restraint in side-talking enabled you to continue sitting with good learning buddies. Ongoing attention will keep this skill strong and will support your learning across all subject areas as you move into the next term. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Greeting 1=#N, you have had a fantastic start to the fifth grade year, settling in to new routines and schedules. 2=#N, you have gotten off to a positive start, settling in to the fifth grade learning expectations with ease. 3=You have really hit the ground running in fifth grade, #N, demonstrating excellent growth in all aspects of school work. 4=What a positive start to fifth grade you have had, #N, settling in to the fifth grade learning expectations with ease. 5=#N, you have gotten off to a positive start and have been a welcome addition to our fifth grade class. 6=#N, you have had a fantastic start to the fifth grade year and have been a welcome addition to the class. 7=#N, you have had a successful first half of 5th grade and you can be proud of your many achievements. 8=#N, you have maintained a high level of perseverance this term, demonstrating excellent growth in all aspects of school work. 9=#N, you have worked very hard and always gave your best effort this term, no matter what you were asked to do. You have produced work to be extremely proud of. 10=#N, you have maintained forward momentum throughout this term demonstrating a positive attitude towards all aspects of school work. 11=#N, you have maintained a high level of dedication in all of your school work demonstrating steady growth. 12=#N, you have worked hard in many areas during the term and have produced some work to be really proud of. 13=#N, you have been a friendly and cheerful member of the class. You have made steady progress and produced some work to be really proud of. 14=#N, you have settled in well to a new school and have made some good friends. 15=#N, you can look back on a very successful term, making huge strides with your English, which has affected all subject areas. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Next Steps 1=As discussed at conferences, you take pride in a job done to the best of your ability and you know which strategies help you get there. Sometimes you find yourself distracted by social concerns or unfocused thinking. When this happens, pause and say to yourself 'Stop, evaluate, think,' so you can choose the best approach for the situation. Stopping before doing will give you an opportunity to ask for help before a situation gets too difficult to manage on your own. 2=As discussed at conferences, you always want to do your best. Sometimes when facing a small stumbling block that might stand in the way of your best, it can seem like there is no good way forward. Using mindfulness practices, such as pausing and taking a breath, so you can slow down and identify your feelings, will continue to help you control the variety of ways you might react. 3=As discussed at conferences, you take great pride in getting your work done on time and to the best of your ability. To help you achieve this, you are encouraged to use good time management strategies such as timers to help manage time and to choose wise work areas away from friends. To help others understand your work is important to you, try using "I" statements to tell friends you need time to finish your work, but you will talk with them at a better time. 4=As discussed at conferences, sometimes you have found yourself surprised by deadlines when you've become distracted by iPad apps. Next term you are encouraged to chunk larger goals into smaller steps when using technology so that you can set aside digital distractions and accomplish the task at hand. 5=As discussed at conferences, you quickly understand concepts and have shown growth in a number of areas. While you have produced some pieces of work that you can be proud of, other pieces have not always reached these same levels. To maintain consistently high levels of performance you are encouraged to pay close attention to detail and follow through all the way to completion. 6=As discussed at conferences, in order to build greater independence in starting tasks on your own, you are encouraged to use our classroom strategies: checklists, digital resources like QR codes to remind you of standard classroom procedures and taking advantage of the Coaches' Corner when you are not yet able to solve a problem on you own. 7=As discussed at conferences, you desire to do your best, but sometimes your thoughts about perfection hold you back. To help you get started, use a 2 minute classroom timer and try to get started on your work before the timer ends. You might also look back at provided sentence starters to get you over the hump. Continued effort will help you reach your best effort possible in learning and sharing ideas. 8=As discussed at conferences, with monitoring, you are working to become more skilled in planning, prioritizing and managing your time. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, making time to list priorities by importance and estimate how long each will take. 9=As discussed at conferences, you are working to become more organized with easy to read assignment layouts and headings. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, slowing down to check for completeness. 10=As discussed at conferences, you enjoy the feeling when you do something well. To help you achieve this more frequently, you are encouraged to strengthen your #EFSkills by carefully choosing only the materials needed for the task you are working on, storing unneeded supplies in your locker. 11=As discussed at conferences, you have great pride in getting your work done on time and to the best of your ability. To help you achieve this, you are encouraged to sit with good learning buddies, work at a small table when needed and to use good time management strategies such as timers to help manage time. 12=As discussed at conferences, sometimes, you have found the class has moved on while you were deep in your own thoughts. Next term, you are encouraged to check class schedules so you can efficiently shift from one class to the next. Within class, listen for language cues such as "In a moment you're going to..." to help you anticipate the upcoming task and needed supplies. 13=As discussed at conferences, you are working to become more self-reflective in your performance and accuracy. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, slowing down and taking a mental step away from your work so you can fully use checklists and reflection strategies modeled in class. 14=As discussed at conferences, your persistence in becoming more #BehaviorsPositive has allowed you to more quickly take on new learning and apply it across all subject areas. Ongoing attention will keep this skill strong and will support your learning across all subject areas as you move into the next term. 15=As discussed at conferences, working in small groups at school has helped you build needed skills, confidence and get immediate feedback. Although it might not always be your first choice, you are encouraged to seek out and actively participate in these groups as often as needed. 16=As discussed at conferences, to increase your comfort in English, you are encouraged to practice speaking aloud as much as possible in low stress situations, such as with friends in the cafeteria or at recess. 17=As discussed at conferences, sometimes you are too hard on yourself, wanting a perfect performance. You are encouraged to see small stumbling blocks as opportunities for growth. Remember the power in Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s quote "Only in the darkness can you see the stars. 18=As discussed at conferences, with monitoring, you are becoming more #BehaviorsPositive. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, #?ing #?. 19=As discussed during conferences, you are becoming more #BehaviorsPositive. It is important for you to continue working on this goal next term, #?ing #?. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Social Skills 1=Always quick to volunteer, you look for ways to help a classmate in need or friends on the playground. 2=You are thoughtful towards classmates, listening to what they have to say, and you go out of your way to include everyone. 3=You treat others fairly and value what everyone has to say, even when your opinion is different. 4=You think about the feelings of others and carefully take this into account before speaking or acting. 5=When handling disagreements, you look for appropriate and fair solutions. 6=You enjoy making new friends and social time in and out of the classroom. 7=You value and nurture previous friendships and seek out opportunities for adding new friends. 8=Although quiet, you know your ideas are worth sharing and finds ways to comfortably do so. 9=Although it has not always been easy, you continue to better control your emotions so you can more fully enjoy the friendships you have developed. COMMENTS: DEC HOLISTIC Work Habits 1=Because you take great pride in a job well done, you make sure your work is done to the best of your ability and turned in on time. 2=You find pleasure in knowing you've done your best and have developed task-focused habits that ensure consistent homework completion. 3=You have worked hard to improve the quality and length of your home learning assignments and are now able to produce work of increasing length and caliber. 4=While you had trouble finishing homework in a timely manner at the beginning, you developed strategies and have been much more consistent with completion the rest of the term. 5=You demonstrate solid organizational habits, knowing where to look in your journals for needed strategies, tools and example thinking organizers and can find them quickly. This has resulted in reliable home learning completion. 6=When you are unsure, you think of what you need to move forward, ask questions to make sure you're on the right track and then you move forward independently. 7=You are beginning to adapt the Home Learning journal to fit your needs and personal style. This has resulted in work you can be proud of and consistently excellent home learning completion. 8=You have adapted the Home Learning journal to fit your needs and personal style. This has resulted in work you can be proud of and consistently excellent home learning completion. 9=Although you have a busy life away from school, you creatively find time to do complete your home learning and turn it in on time. 10=You have taken on the opportunities home learning assignments provide, showing your #EvaluativeNouns and #EvaluativeNouns while exploring some topics of your own interest. 11=While you had a strong start with home learning completion in the first half of the term, the second half has proved more of a challenge. Think back to what made you successful, planning your time out each week, and stick to it! COMMENTS: DEC LITERACY Reading Growth 1=You accurately identified setting, characters, problem and resolution in your reading, using these within written work. 2=You accurately identified setting and plot during reading, using context clues to independently understand new vocabulary. 3=Now, you can recognize author revealed topics using text evidence to develop them into a well-supported theme statement. 4=You were able to use #VocabularyStrategies to #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv understand new vocabulary and transfer this to your discussions and writing. 5=You located the most important information when reading and used this to summarize and analyze the story. 6=Listening attentively to your group members' opinions, you respectfully built on shared ideas using text evidence furthering the discussion. 7=You used #VocabularyStrategies of Historical Fiction to critique story characters, setting and events determining their authenticity. COMMENTS: DEC LITERACY Reading Next Steps 1=Developing strategies for understanding and identifying character conflict in a text. 2=Using developed checklists to ensure your analysis and text support are logically connected to the reading task. 3=Looking back at self-help strategies such as #ReadingStrategies to help you move forward more independently. 4=Identifying how conflict and character changes help us identify theme. 5=Slowing down and paying attention to text features when reading, in order to identify relevant information. 6=Noticing the characteristics and organization of a text in order to understand the intention of the author or purpose of text. 7=Determining the important details in a text and using strategies to record relevant and concise notes. COMMENTS: DEC LITERACY Targeted Goals 1=Strengthening spelling patterns in longer words using strategies you-ve been learning such as reliable spelling patterns and spell-check to boost the readability of your written work across all subject areas. 2=Strengthening spelling patterns within words using strategies you've been learning such as reliable spelling patterns and spell-check to boost the readability of your written work across all subject areas. 3=Strengthening sentence structure by eliminating run-on sentences and replacing with correctly written simple, compound, complex, or complex/compound sentences to boost the readability of your written work across all subject areas. 4=Improving overall general quality of writing through editing, to boost the readability of your written work across all subject areas. COMMENTS: DEC LITERACY Writing Growth 1=By using the features we studied in class, you wrote an argument that effectively persuaded your reader. 2=You effectively used the traffic light organization system resulting in an easy to read argument. 3=You constructed a well-rounded thesis paragraph that previewed your background information in a way that engaged your reader. 4=You've increased the sophistication of your writing, joining ideas together logically using compound sentences with connectives. 5=You have increased the sophistication of your writing by joining ideas together logically using complex sentences with connectives. 6=Using features studied in class, you wrote an effective argument with an increasing range of text connectives within paragraphs, supporting reasoning with examples and details. 7=The text connectives you used to connect sentences within paragraphs, helped you support your reasons with examples, facts and details. 8=Your use of evaluative language influenced the reader's viewpoint. 9=To influence your reader you were able to use a range of modals appropriately / with growing accuracy. 10=You independently / with support paid attention to detail when editing your work by including....correct grammar / verb tense / punctuation / spelling. COMMENTS: DEC LITERACY Writing Next Steps 1=Grouping ideas together to create effective paragraphs. 2=Editing consistently and accurately for proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, verb tenses, spelling to increase clarity for your reader. 3=Identifying and understanding the purposes of different types of sentences and beginning to use them effectively. 4=Increasing the variety of sentence structures to enhance sentence fluency. 5=Adding in complex and compound sentences to connect information in a logical manner. 6=Using figurative language in order to create voice in your writing. 7=Using evaluative language in your writing to express feelings and opinions, and make judgments about people and the quality of things. 8=Planning writing effectively in order to complete a writing task within a given time frame. 9=Using verb tenses consistently and appropriately to the task. 10=Organizing work in a logical manner that helps you to.... (understand the main idea, produce a written piece of writing, answer a research question, prepare for a discussion) 11=Organizing words within sentences to improve overall clarity. 12=Consistently using capitalization and end punctuation to improve sentence clarity. 13=Using a range of modals to influence your reader. 14=Using strategies to eliminate run-ons and replacing them with a variety of sentence types. COMMENTS: DEC MATH General 1=You comfortably use multiple strategies and can explain their use when solving multiplication problems. 2=With ease, you use visual models to justify your calculations and explain your thinking. 3=With comfort, you use visual models to justify your calculations and explain your thinking. 4=You show a firm understanding and precision in number sense, extending this into solving problems with all four operations. 5=Your solid grasp of the base ten number system supported you in calculating products and quotients of multi-digit numbers. 6=You can correctly compare two decimals using relationship symbols and accurately place them on a number line. 7=You can appropriately round and estimate strategies to check how reasonable your answers are. 8=You improved your understanding of how to deconstruct word problems to identify the key mathematical elements. 9=You persevered and worked effectively with your classmates to explore a range of problem-solving tasks. 10=You have made great growth in the accuracy and fluency of your math facts. COMMENTS: DEC MATH NEXT STEPS Dispositions 1=- Adding greater precision and depth to written explanations. 2=- Highlighting critical information and labeling steps clearly. 3=- Balancing how understanding is presented using words, drawings, models, and equations. 4=- Carefully documenting flow of thinking in response to multi-step problems. 5=- Using notes and tools efficiently to enhance learning & application. 6=- Using more than one strategy like acting out the problem, solving a similar problem, or using a visual model to approach a problem and/or verify a correct solution. 7=- Double checking calculations to confirm accuracy. 8=- Using estimations and inverse operations to check for accuracy. 9=- Solving problems with precision and paying attention to place value. 10=- Collaborating with partners & group members to aid understanding. 11=- Including relevant maths vocabulary to strengthen arguments. 12=- Stopping to ensure an understanding of the question and context before responding to questions. COMMENTS: DEC MATH NEXT STEPS Skills 1=- Solidifying multiplication fact fluency in the #XFacts tables. 2=- Exploring the relationship between numbers using the base ten system. 3=- Moving to more efficient method of adding and subtracting decimals to the thousandths. 4=- Multiplying and dividing whole numbers by powers of 10. 5=- Using whole-number exponents to represent powers of 10. 6=- Moving to more efficient methods of multiplication and division. 7=- Using notes and tools to problem solve. 8=- Making connections between strategies. 9=- Explaining thinking using models and numbers. 10=- Further developing unit specific vocabulary. 11=- Considering place value and rounding to confirm the reasonableness of answers. 12=- Comparing decimals to thousandths by placing them accurately on a number line. 13=- Comparing decimals to thousandths by using the correct mathematical symbols < = >. COMMENTS: DEC MATH Standards 1=Through exploration of extension opportunities, such as the Math Parking Lot, you have begun to evaluate and critique others' mathematical hypotheses and provide alternative arguments. 2=Your #EvalDegreeAdj understanding of how to use whole-number exponents to represent powers of 10 helped you solve word problems. 3=Your #EvalDegreeAdj use of strategies, such as the Gattegno tens chart, to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals by powers of 10. 4=Based on your understanding of the relation between the number of zeros and exponentials, and with help of the base ten place value chart, you explained patterns in the number of zeros of the product when multiplying by powers of 10. 5=Your #EvalDegreeAdj understanding of place value relationships in multi-digit numbers enabled you to multiply and divide whole numbers by powers of 10. 6=Your #EvalDegreeAdj use of strategies, such as the open number line, helped you to flexibly compare and round decimals in the thousandths place. 7=Your #EvalDegreeAdj knowledge of place value in order to correctly line up the numbers, enabled you to solve contextualized multi-step addition and subtraction problems. 8=You have demonstrated #EvalDegreeAdj understanding of the base 10 numbers system which has helped you calculate with increasing accuracy. 9=With comfort, you are using visual strategies, such as arrays and grids, to solve whole number multi-digit multiplication which will lead you to using shortened algorithms. 10=You are most successful using visual strategies, such as arrays and grids, to solve whole number multi-digit multiplication which will lead you to using shortened algorithms. 11=Drawing upon the properties of operations and the relationship between them, you are #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv using strategies to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers. COMMENTS: DEC S&SS Body Systems Growth 1=You demonstrated deep understanding between body system processes providing examples and using sophisticated scientific vocabulary. 2=You used a wide range of scientific vocabulary and made accurate and detailed connections between the body systems. 3=You meaningfully connected across body system processes content including appropriate scientific vocabulary. 4=You understood connections between various body systems using appropriate unit vocabulary. 5=You used a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary making some simple, but accurate connections between the body systems. 6=You used basic subject-specific vocabulary and made simple connections between some of the body systems. 7=You made good connections among the body systems we studied and you explained how the systems process nutrients and remove waste. 8=You made good connections among the body systems we studied and you explained how the systems process nutrients and remove waste, with some support. COMMENTS: DEC S&SS Next Steps 1=- Sequencing of events to show clear cause and effect. 2=- Writing rich research questions in order to identify the most important information. 3=- Using resources to answer a research question. 4=- Using a focused and efficient note-taking system to organize information. 5=- Communicating findings clearly and effectively. 6=- Identifying relevant research keywords to narrow search results. 7=- Identifying reliable research resources so that information is accurate and dependable. 8=- Interpreting graphs to analyze impact of events. 9=- Constructing questions and exploring new information or experiences that include varied perspectives where appropriate. 10=- Interpreting and representing information in ways that make meaning. 11=- Organizing information in ways that help us see patterns and make connections. 12=- Testing theories and predictions in new and different contexts to discover when, where, and how they are applicable. COMMENTS: DEC S&SS Science Fair Analysis 1=You independently identified variables by brainstorming many possibilities which might influence or affect your experiment. 2=From the possibilities, you narrowed the variables in order to identify the range of impact on the experiment. 3=You gave a thorough scientific explanation for your results which deepened your understanding of the phenomenon observed. 4=You made accurate and detailed observations describing how they connect to the results in your experiment. 5=You took the results of your experiment and showed how they are being applied in real world situations. 6=You made a reasonable prediction about if your experiment can be used in a different context. COMMENTS: DEC S&SS Science Fair Design 1=You designed a detailed experiment for your science fair project with a rich question leading you to use the scientific method. 2=You designed a detailed experiment for your science fair project with an original question leading you to use the scientific method. 3=You designed a simple experiment for your science fair project with an original question and this led you to use the scientific method. 4=You designed a simple experiment for your science fair project with an interesting question and this led you to use the scientific method. COMMENTS: December GC Behavior 1=#E consistently makes good choices throughout the school day and sets the standard for model behavior. 2=#E makes good choices in behavior throughout each school day and often separates work and social times effectively. 3=#E has worked hard to become more well-balanced throughout the school year and is better able to separate work and social times effectively. 4=#E is an active, energetic student who benefits from quiet, less busy environments to settle down and get #h work done. #E often chooses to sit at a small table so #e can focus and feel a sense of accomplishment. 5=#E is an active, energetic student who is at #h best in quiet, less busy environments where #e can settle down and get #h work done. #E sometimes chooses to sit at a small table so #e can focus and feel a sense of accomplishment and would benefit from regularly continuing to do so. COMMENTS: December GC Closing/Next Steps 1=These skills have served #m well. 2=#E has benefited from improved control of #Behaviors. These skills will serve #m well as #e moves into the next term. 3=Organization and time management remains somewhat chaotic and time consuming as #e works to adopt classroom models. Further attention is needed to match these increasing demands as #N enters the second term. 4=Further attention to #BehaviorsPositive is needed to match increasing demands as #N enters the second term. 5=#N wants to do #h best and contribute to a positive classroom environment. #E has benefited from direct monitoring through priority seating, private work at a small table, chunking to help manage time, and regular small group instruction. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #e enters the next term. 6=While attention to time management has improved, further work is recommended as #N moves into the next term. 7=Regular small group instruction in school and one-on-one instruction #TutoringFrequency built confidence in #TutoringSubjects. Further attention to build confidence and independence across all subject areas will help in the next term. 8=#N has worked toward recognizing moments when #e is distracting others, and has improved slightly, yet further work is needed to match increasing demands in the second term. 9=#E has begun to see small group instruction as a great benefit where #e can more readily voice #h questions and get immediate feedback. These skills will serve #m well as #e moves into the next term. 10=#E has benefited from coaching to improve personal organization and finding out how best to fit in during group work. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands in the second half of the year. 11=While attention to time management has improved, further work is recommended for the next term. 12=At the beginning of term, #e allowed #h tendency toward #Behaviors to impact #h work. #E demonstrates improved progress, yet further work is recommended to match increasing demands in the next term. 13=#E is encouraged to practice speaking aloud as much as possible in comfortable situations, such as with friends in the cafeteria or at recess. 14=#N has great ideas that others would benefit from and is encouraged to volunteer #h ideas on a more regular basis. 15=Further attention to minimizing distraction is needed to match increasing demands as #N enters the second term. Choosing wise work areas away from friends and using "I" statements to tell friends #e needs time to finish work and will talk with them a little later have been beneficial. 16=#N is working toward building greater independence in executing tasks. Some tools that support this are using checklists, or digital resources like QR codes to remind #m of standard classroom procedures and taking advantage of the Coaches' Corner when #e is not yet able to solve a problem on #h own. These skills will become increasingly important as academic demands rise. 17=#N is working toward building greater focus in order to understand tasks and execute them. To support this, #e has developed checklists that remind #m to take advantage of quiet work areas in the classroom and strategies to maintain focus. These skills will become increasingly important as academic demands rise. 18=#N is sometimes too hard on #s, wanting a perfect performance. #E would benefit from seeing small stumbling blocks as opportunities for growth. #E is encouraged to remember a quote from Martin Luther King, Jr. "Only in the darkness can you see the stars." 19=Further attention to #BehaviorsPositive is needed to match increasing demands as #N enters the second term. In order to support this, #e has developed checklists to help in self-management. #E is encouraged to use these when #e feels distracted by social interactions or technology. COMMENTS: December GC Collaboration 1=#E is a valued member of any group, often taking on leadership roles where others trust #h vision and teamwork. 2=#E consistently works well in any group and can be relied upon to do #h part in reaching the goal. 3=#E is a valued member of any group, who keeps the task in mind and the goal on target. 4=#E is a valued member of any group, happy to fulfill any role or task as needed#?. 5=#E is a valued member of any group, happy to fulfill any role or task as needed especially when modeling the example of others. This has been facilitated by caring classmates who look out for #h well-being and provide positive support. 6=#E greatly enjoys group assignments and the social interaction involved. #E often knows the role and task to perform and can contribute well when in less distracting environments. 7=In small group work, #N is at #h best when working with good learning buddies instead of good buddies. #E is encouraged to self-select fruitful partnerships and rely less on teacher intervention. COMMENTS: December GC Dispositions 1=An enthusiastic learner, #e tackles new challenges #DegreeAdverbs with #PositiveSynonyms attitude. 2=#E always arrives at school with a smile on #h face, ready to learn and actively participate. 3=#E always arrives at school with a smile on #h face, ready to learn and actively participate. 4=#H kindness, care and friendliness make #m a role model for classmates. 5=#H cheery demeanor has made #m a friend to many in the class. 6=Quick witted, #e enjoys a good joke and likes to look for the fun in every activity. 7=#E looks forward to new learning in the classroom, especially when active and hands-on. 8=A curious learner, #e likes new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those connected to #?. 9=A curious learner, #e likes new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those connected to #?. Sometimes #e can be distracted by #? finding #s caught up in actions that aren't helping #m get the job done. 10=Others look to #m for leadership and to set a positive example. 11=#E is an independent learner who can often work on #h own, or with others, and has managed #h time, space and materials wisely. 12=#H vast reserve of creativity allows #m to be curious and to learn about the world around #m with a sense of wonder. 13=#H wealth of self-motivation enables #m to become deeply involved and engrossed in whatever #e is learning. 14=#H flexible resilience allows #m to work through any challenges without wavering in temperament, or spirit. 15=#E is an eager learner who values school and wants to do the best #e can. 16=A curious learner, #e likes new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those connected to technology. Sometimes #e can be distracted by technology finding #s on apps that aren't helping #m get the job done. COMMENTS: December GC Greeting 1=#N has had a fantastic start to the fifth grade year. 2=#N has had a fantastic start to the fifth grade year and a welcome addition to the class. 3=#N has had a successful first half of 5th grade, and can be proud of #h many achievements. 4=#N has maintained a high level of determination this term in all of #h academics demonstrating excellent growth. 5=#N has worked very hard and always gave #h best effort this term, no matter what #e was asked to do. #E has produced work to be extremely proud of. 6=#N has been a valued member of the classroom, well-liked and welcomed into any group collaboration. 7=#N has maintained forward momentum throughout this term demonstrating a positive attitude towards all aspects of school work. 8=#N has maintained a high level of determination in all of #h academics demonstrating steady growth. 9=#N has worked hard in many areas during the term and has produced some work to be really proud of. 10=#N has been a friendly and cheerful member of the class, has made steady progress and produced some work to be really proud of. 11=#N has settled in well to a new school and has made some good friends. 12=#N can look back on a very successful term, where #e has made huge strides with #h English, consequently leading to wider academic progress in all subject areas. 13=#N continues to demonstrate growth in #h academic understanding as well as #h maturity level. #E no longer needs reminders or assistance #WorkHabits. 14=#N remains a bright student with much potential. #E has shown growth in a number of areas and has produced some pieces of work that #e can be proud of. Other pieces of work have not reached these same levels and this can be put down to poor execution and #h lack of attention to detail rather than errors in understanding. COMMENTS: December GC Social Skills 1=Always quick to volunteer, #e looks for ways to help a classmate in need or friends on the playground. 2=#E is thoughtful towards classmates, listens to what they have to say, and includes those who are not always the easiest to include. 3=#E treats others fairly and values what everyone has to say, even when #e doesn't always agree with it. 4=#E thinks about the feelings of others and carefully takes this into account before speaking or acting. 5=When handling disagreements, #e looks for appropriate and fair solutions. 6=#E enjoys making new friends and social time in and out of the classroom. 7=#E values and nurtures previous friendships and seeks out opportunities for adding new friends. 8=Although quiet, #e knows #h ideas are worth sharing and finds ways to comfortably do so. COMMENTS: December GC Work Habits 1=Because #e takes great pride in a job well done, #e makes sure work is done to the best of #h ability and turned in on time. 2=#E demonstrates exemplary organizational habits and dedicated classwork and homework completion. 3=While #e had trouble completing homework in a timely manner at the beginning, #e developed workable strategies and has been much more consistent the rest of the term. 4=#E has worked hard to turn homework in on time, but sometimes has seemed overwhelmed and left parts undone or at home. 5=#E demonstrates solid organizational habits, knowing where to look in #h Homework Journal for needed tools and example thinking organizers and being able to find them quickly. 6=#E listens carefully and when unsure asks questions and then gets #s back on track. 7=When unsure, #e thinks of what #e needs to move forward, asks questions to make sure #e's on the right track and then is able to move forward independently. 8=#E wants to do the best #e can and has consistently taken on classroom procedures so #e can get #h work finished well and on time. COMMENTS: December Inquiry Classwork Evidence 1=During the body systems unit, #e demonstrated a very good understanding of various body systems providing examples and using sophisticated scientific vocabulary. #E was able to discuss how our body processes nutrients, oxygen and removes waste and make connections between those systems. Through class discussions, and formative assessments, it was evident that #e has a good conceptual understanding of the unit and was able to apply this understanding to #h work. 2=Throughout the body systems unit, #e was able to make meaningful connections with the body systems content and show a solid conceptual understanding of how our body processes nutrients, oxygen and removes waste and make connections between those systems. #E provided examples and used appropriate unit vocabulary. 3=Throughout the body systems unit, #e was able to show a solid conceptual understanding by providing examples and using appropriate unit vocabulary. In learning activities, #e was able to describe the function of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and muscular and skeletal systems in some detail and make connections between them noting processes that take in nutrients and oxygen and dispose of waste. 4=In conversations and formative assessments, #e could explain how our body processes nutrients, oxygen and removes waste, with some support. #E was able to begin to make connections between those systems. 5=During the body systems unit, #e showed solid conceptual understanding by providing examples and using appropriate unit vocabulary. In learning activities, #e was able to describe the function of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory and muscular and skeletal systems in some detail and make some connections between them noting processes that take in nutrients and oxygen and dispose of waste. Often #h best work shows up during revision when #e has guided redirection to follow through on. COMMENTS: December Inquiry Closer/Next Steps 1=As a next step, #e is encouraged to continue asking questions throughout lessons as they stimulate good class discussions and help #m solidify information. 2=As a next step, #e is encouraged to push #s toward high excellence. #N is extremely capable and is beginning to recognize the power of hard work. 3=For next term, #e should continue to ask questions in class as they demonstrate #h understanding and help solidify new concepts. 4=For next term, #e should push #s to ask questions in class as they demonstrate #h understanding and help solidify new concepts. 5=For next term, #e is encouraged to use tools such as checklists and good seating choices to reduce distraction and stay focused. COMMENTS: December Inquiry Opener 1=In our Unit of Inquiry, #N made excellent connections between the content and the underlying themes studied in class. 2=#N has made fantastic progress in our unit of inquiry. During lessons, #e asks very good informative questions to stimulate #h own curiosity and inspire class discussions. 3=#N made good progress during our Inquiry unit. #E was able to ask some meaningful questions which helped #m understand challenging concepts and generate discussions. 4=#N made good progress during our Inquiry unit. #E was able to participate in group discussions which helped #m solidify challenging concepts. COMMENTS: December Inquiry Science Fair 1=#N greatly enjoyed the scientific process while conducting an experiment for the Science Fair. #E was able to independently develop a good question, and plan and conduct an experiment using variables. #H project was well thought out and great care was taken to presentation. 2=#N explored the scientific process while conducting an experiment for the Science Fair. Following class models, #e was able to develop a good question, and plan and conduct an experiment using variables. #H project demonstrated understanding and thorough care was taken to presentation. 3=#N explored the scientific process while conducting an experiment for the Science Fair. With guidance, #e was able to develop a question, and plan and conduct an experiment using variables. #H project demonstrated understanding and care was taken to presentation. COMMENTS: December Literacy Notetaking 1=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight relevant information across the text in both text and text features, filtering out irrelevant or less important ideas. #E can take notes from the highlights that directly connect to the question asked and paraphrase as required. This was a real strength for #m. 2=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight relevant information across the text in both text and text features, filtering out irrelevant or less important ideas. #E can take notes from the highlights that directly connect to the question asked. #E worked diligently to improve #h paraphrasing skill. 3=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight mostly relevant information across the text in both text and text features. #E can take notes from the highlights that connect to the question asked and paraphrase as required. 4=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight mostly relevant information across the and some text features. #E can take notes from the highlights that connect to the question asked and paraphrase as required. This was a real strength for #m. 5=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight mostly relevant information across the text and some text features. #E can take notes from the highlights that connect to the question asked and paraphrase as required. 6=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is independently able to highlight mostly relevant information across the text in both text and text features. #E can take notes from the highlights that connect to the question asked and is working to paraphrase as required. 7=When reading nonfiction texts, #N is able to highlight mostly relevant information across the text in both text and text features, with some support. #E can take notes from the highlights that connect to the question asked and is working to paraphrase as required. COMMENTS: December Literacy Opener 1=#N has consistently read and responded to above grade level texts and regularly seeks out ways to take #h understanding in literacy and performance further. 2=#N has consistently read and responded to above grade level texts. 3=#N proved that #e is a confident and enthusiastic reader with texts beyond grade level. 4=#N proved that #e is a confident and enthusiastic reader often reading texts beyond grade level. 5=#N has confidently read and responded to grade level texts. 6=#N proved that #e is a confident and enthusiastic reader with texts at grade level. 7=With support, #N has read and responded to grade level texts. 8=With support, #N has been able to read and respond to texts approaching grade level. COMMENTS: December Literacy Reading Discussion 1=#E listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 2=#N's spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 3=When asked to talk about literary texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence and shows a super understanding of the ideas under discussion. 4=#E listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 5=#E listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 6=#E listens attentively when interested and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 7=#E listens attentively in class. 8=#E listens attentively in class and is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions. 9=When focused, #e can listen attentively during reading discussions and is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others. #E benefits greatly from this type of Socratic method as it helps #m clarify and refine #h conjectures. 10=#E listens extremely well and invariably makes perceptive comments during discussions. 11=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 12=#E contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humor, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 13=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 14=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and is striving to speak with greater clarity and thought. 15=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 16=#E is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. 17=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 18=#E listens well in discussions and is beginning to join in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. 19=#E is a good contributor to class discussions, and is starting to think more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 20=#E must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. COMMENTS: December Literacy Reading Next Steps 1=#E is encouraged to continue vigilance maintaining #h Reading Log and reading habit. 2=#E is faithfully keeping up with #h Reading Log demonstrating consistent reading habits. #E is encouraged to build upon this and aim for reaching 60 minutes daily by the end of the year. 3=#E would benefit from additional time spent reading, at least 30 minutes daily, with a goal of reaching 45-60 minutes by the end of the year. 4=#E would benefit from additional time spent reading, at least 30 minutes daily. 5=#E would benefit from reading more widely, perhaps choosing a genre #e is less familiar with. 6=#E would benefit from building a more consistent at-home reading habit and faithfully recording this in #h Reading Log. 7=#E should be sure to include enough detail in #h written responses. Sometimes they were a bit thin. 8=As a goal for next term, #N should continue to read books at #h level as they will allow #m to continue to become a stronger reader. 9=Sometimes #h spoken ideas don't always translate fully to #h paper. #E should work to ensure #h written work reflects the detail of #h thinking. 10=#E would benefit from continued opportunities to talk with others about what #e is reading. 11=#E would benefit from self-selecting organizers to help while reading, such as #ReadingOrganizers. 12=#E struggled to fully complete work in a timely manner. #E would benefit from improved time-management, pacing tasks out on a calendar so #e doesn't feel like #e's playing catch-up. 13=#H non-verbal work doesn't always show #h full thinking. #E would benefit from slowing down and adding more detail to #h projects. 14=#E is encouraged to strengthen reading fluency by choosing books at #h level, reading aloud while self-recording then play back the recording, listening to others read aloud while following along, and reading along with a recorded text. COMMENTS: December Literacy Reading Skills 1=To a high degree, #e examined deeper layers of plot, setting, character change and common themes across historical fiction texts. 2=#E examined deeper layers of plot, setting, character change and common themes across historical fiction texts. 3=#E analyzed and discussed plot, setting, character change and basic theme in historical fiction texts. 4=#E analyzed and discussed plot, setting, character change and basic theme in historical fiction texts. #E is encouraged to include enough textual evidence to more fully support #h theories. 5=#E improved #h independence when thinking more critically about plot, setting, character change and basic theme in a historical fiction text. 6=#E improved #h independence when thinking more critically about plot, setting, character change and basic theme in a historical fiction text. #E is encouraged to include enough textual evidence to more fully support #h theories. 7=With support, #e applied reading strategies and responded to text in order to think more critically about plot, setting, character change and basic theme in a historical fiction text. COMMENTS: December Literacy Reading Theme Detail 1=#E used class strategies for developing a theme, by extending a topic into an opinion, and, with multiple recurring text examples, supported #h theme of '#? .' 2=#E used class strategies for developing a theme, by extending a topic into an opinion, and gave supporting reasoning and text evidence for #h theme of '#?.' 3=#E used class strategies for developing a theme, by extending a topic into an opinion, and gave some supporting reasoning for #h theme of '#?.' 4=#E relied on support to use class strategies for developing a theme, by extending a topic into an opinion, and gave some supporting reasoning for #h theme of '#?.' 5=#E named a theme in the text as a topic and gave some supporting reasoning for #h topic of '#?.' 6=#E used class strategies for developing #h theme, '#?,' by extending a topic into an opinion. 7=#E named a theme in the text as a topic, '#?.' COMMENTS: December Literacy Writing Argument Details 1=It was easy to understand and was convincing. 2=It was easy to understand and well reasoned. 3=It was easy to read and thoughtfully written. 4=It was easily understood and well detailed. COMMENTS: December Literacy Writing Argument Next Steps 1=To improve, #N should practice editing skills. A good technique is #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 2=To improve, #N should work on writing in complete sentences that have all the needed parts (verbs and nouns). A good technique is to color code sentences to make sure there is a verb and noun in every sentence. 3=To improve, #N should work on writing in complete sentences and not run-ons. A good technique is to color code sentences to make sure there is a verb and noun in every sentence and no more than one 'and.' 4=#N is encouraged to explore greater detail by building noun groups that help create positive or negative bias. The nominal group chart is a good tool to use. 5=#N would benefit from developing a wider range of reasoning to support the argument thesis. Using the class developed outline will help. 6=#N would benefit from improved organization. Using the class developed outline will help. 7=#N is encouraged to work on #?. 8=#N is encouraged to work on improved writing organization and more closely following class developed organizers. 9=Further work is recommended in meeting deadlines. 10=Further work is recommended in managing time and meeting deadlines. 11=#N correctly spells many words beyond the grade level. 12=#N spells many grade level words accurately. 13=When recognized, often through spell-check, #N spells many grade level words correctly. 14=Throughout all #h daily writing, #N is encouraged to work on #h current literacy goal of #GrammarSkills as well as basic writing conventions such as #GrammarSkills. 15=In order to improve, #N is encouraged to work on #h current literacy goal, #GrammarSkills as well as #GrammarSkills, throughout #h daily writing. 16=Throughout #h daily writing, #N is encouraged to work on #h current writing goal, #GrammarSkills. 17=#N is at #h strongest when #e can reason out #h thinking by talking it out and then recording #h ideas on an organizer and looking back at it while writing. 18=#N can move forward more independently when given a small range of choices and then recording on an easy to use thinking organizer. #E is encouraged to look back at the organizer to support #h overall organization while writing. COMMENTS: December Literacy Writing Argument Strengths 1=#H argument essay on '#ArgumentTopics,' showed exceptional attention to #ArgumentStrengths COMMENTS: December Literacy Writing Goals 1=#N has been focussing on the goal of #WritingLessonTopic in #h writing, with much success. #E now understands how to use #WritingLessonUnderstanding. #N has been able to apply this understanding to #h own writing for which #e can be very proud. 2=#N has been focussing on the goal of #WritingLessonTopic in #h writing, with good progress. #E now understands how to use #WritingLessonUnderstanding and is beginning to apply this understanding to #h own writing for which #e should be very proud. 3=#N has been focussing on the goal of #WritingLessonTopic in #h writing. #E is beginning to understand how to use #WritingLessonUnderstanding. The next step will be to solidify this new understanding and apply it to #h own writing. COMMENTS: December Literacy Writing Opener 1=#N writes with feeling and expression, and is willing to draft and redraft work. When appropriate, #e has a lively imagination. 2=#N writes well-structured pieces with the use of interesting detail and expressive words leading to work which involves the reader. 3=#N writes well-structured pieces with the use of good detail and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece. 4=#N writes with interest, good description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece. 5=#N writes well and draws upon taught strategies and techniques to suite the purpose of the piece. 6=#N is starting to use excellent description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece. 7=#N writes independently and is beginning to use a range of description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece. 8=#N is able to write independently, and can use a range of punctuation correctly. However, #N will often need reminding to check work for spellings and basic punctuation errors. COMMENTS: December Math Approach & Problem Solving 1=#N displays an eager attitude towards #h mathematics learning. During investigations, #e has demonstrated exceptional perseverance and, when needed, seeks out new ways to amend #h plan when exploring possible pathways through a problem. 2=#N displays an enthusiastic attitude towards #h mathematics learning. During investigations, #e has demonstrated great perseverance and a willingness to amend #h plan when exploring possible pathways through a problem. 3=#N displays a can-do attitude towards #h mathematics learning. During investigations, #e has demonstrated good perseverance and, when prompted, will amend #h plan when exploring possible pathways through a problem. COMMENTS: December Math Multiplication & Division 1=#N further developed mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers, including decimals, by taking on varied methods for checking accuracy. #E communicates #h ideas in a sophisticated manner, correctly using mathematical vocabulary and analyzing the efficiency of multiplicative strategies. 2=#N further developed mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers by taking on varied methods for checking accuracy. #E communicates #h ideas in a sophisticated manner, correctly using mathematical vocabulary and analyzing the efficiency of multiplicative strategies. 3=#N further developed mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers by taking on varied methods for checking accuracy. #E is taking on new mathematical vocabulary and is beginning to use it within #h verbal and written explanations. 4=#N has also gained mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers, including decimals. #E now communicates #h ideas in a sophisticated manner, correctly using mathematical vocabulary and analyzing the efficiency of multiplicative strategies. 5=#N has also gained mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers. #E now communicates #h ideas in a sophisticated manner, correctly using mathematical vocabulary and analyzing the efficiency of multiplicative strategies. 6=#N has also gained mastery when multiplying and dividing multi-digit numbers. #E is gaining experience communicating #h theories in a sophisticated manner especially when working with partners who encourage #m to do so. #E is correctly using mathematical vocabulary and analyzing the efficiency of multiplicative strategies. 7=#N has also gained fluency when multiplying multi-digit numbers. #E now communicates #h ideas more clearly through verbal explanations, correctly using mathematical vocabulary and makes reference to the relevant broader ideas such as the distributive property of multiplication. 8=#N continues to develop fluency when multiplying multi-digit numbers, often building confidence during the revision process. #E is growing in #h ability to use thinking models to more fully explain #h mathematical processes and arguments. 9=#N continues to develop fact fluency with basic facts and is starting to apply this when multiplying multi-digit numbers, with support from the teacher and classroom resources. #E is gaining some skills to express #h ideas more clearly through verbal explanations, is beginning to use mathematical vocabulary and is learning to connect broader mathematical concepts. COMMENTS: December Math Next Steps 1=To further advance mathematical learning, #N is encouraged to explore ideas of proof. Developing rigorous arguments that include logic, counter-examples and exhaustive supporting examples will help #m develop a deeper conceptual understanding. 2=To develop further, #N is encouraged to begin bringing greater precision to the written presentation of #h thinking, using diagrams, numbers and words to make the ideas clear to an outside audience. In doing so, it will be helpful for #m to further consider how visual models, such as arrays, can be used to both support and communicate mathematical thinking. 3=To encourage further development, #N should continue to work on #h math fact fluency and clearly expressing #h mathematical thinking verbally and in writing with greater independence. In doing so, it will be helpful for #m to further consider how visual models, such as arrays, can be used to both support and communicate mathematical thinking. 4=As #N moves forward with more complex mathematical ideas, #e is encouraged to strengthen multiplication fact fluency, especially those often considered more difficult such as the multiplication tables for 6 through 9. 5=To improve #N is encouraged to practice #NextStepsNumberWhat by #NextStepsNumberHow. COMMENTS: December Math Number Concepts 1=#E #DevelopedVerbsOfDegree #h thinking about #NumberBigIdeas and #BloomsVerbsOfDegree it to solve complex real world problems. 2=#E #DevelopedVerbsOfDegree #h thinking about #NumberBigIdeas and #BloomsVerbsOfDegree it to solve real world problems. 3=#E #DevelopedVerbsOfDegree #h thinking about #NumberBigIdeas and #BloomsVerbsOfDegree it to solve simple problems. COMMENTS: December Math Number Intro 1=#E began with a good sense of whole number place value, fluent computation and flexible representation of fractional ideas. 2=#E began with a good sense of whole number place value, fluent computation and understanding of fractional representations. 3=#E began with a good sense of whole number place value and fluent computation and is developing greater understanding of fractional representation. 4=#E began with a satisfactory sense of whole number place value and computation and is developing greater understanding of fractional representation. 5=#E began with a good sense of whole number place value, understanding of fractional representations and is working to solidify fluent decimal computation. 6=#E began with a satisfactory sense of whole number place value and is developing more complex calculation. 7=#E is developing understanding of whole number place value and more complex calculation. 8=#E is developing understanding of whole number place value and simple calculation. COMMENTS: December Math Number Strategies & Models 1=#E makes excellent use of strategies such as #StrategiesFractionsDecimals and #StrategiesFractionsDecimals. #E can use models such as arrays, analog meters, number lines, and money as tools to think with. 2=#E makes good use of strategies such as #StrategiesFractionsDecimals and #StrategiesFractionsDecimals. #E can use models such as arrays, number lines, and money to explain #h thinking. 3=#E makes satisfactory use of strategies such as #StrategiesFractionsDecimals and #StrategiesFractionsDecimals. #E can use models such as arrays and money as tools to represent a situation. COMMENTS: December Math Opening 1=#N has had a fantastic 1st term in math, often working #Level grade level. 2=#N has had a satisfactory 1st term in math, often working #Level grade level. 3=#N has worked hard and made some progress during the 1st term in math. 4=#N has worked hard and with guidance made steady progress during the 1st term in math. COMMENTS: December Math Place Value 1=#H responses to formative assessment tasks and our Great Wall of Base Ten post-assessment indicate that #e has gained mastery with adding and subtracting decimals to hundredths and has a deep understanding of place value. 2=#H responses to formative assessment tasks and our Great Wall of Base Ten post-assessment indicate that #e has gained fluency with adding and subtracting decimals to hundredths, and has a good understanding of place value. 3=#H responses to formative assessment tasks and our Great Wall of Base Ten post-assessment indicate that #e has gained fluency with adding and subtracting decimals to hundredths, and has a good understanding of place value. Continued practice using the packet emailed home will keep these skills strong. 4=#H responses to formative assessment tasks and our Great Wall of Base Ten post-assessment indicate that #e continues to gain fluency with adding and subtracting decimals to hundredths and has developed a greater understanding of place value. 5=#H responses to formative assessment tasks and our Great Wall of Base Ten post-assessment indicate that #e continues to gain fluency with adding and subtracting decimals to hundredths and has developed a greater understanding of place value. Continued practice using the packet emailed home will keep these skills strong. COMMENTS: December Writing Editing 1=#E makes editing errors, sees them, knows how to fix them and fixes them on #h own. 2=#E makes editing errors, sees them, has learned how to fix them because #e has learned some of the techniques, but #e needs support to follow through. 3=#E makes editing errors and can see them, but is not confident to fix them on #h own. 4=#E makes editing errors and needs help to see them. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Character Dispositions 1=You show #EvaluativeLeadershipAdjectives leadership and set a positive example for others. 2=Quick witted, you enjoy a good joke and liked to look for the fun in every activity. 3=You found pleasure in generously sharing treats with friends and sharing your time with others. 4=You enjoyed helping others whether they were close friends or just someone in need. 5=You always arrived at school with a smile on your face, ready to learn and actively participate. 6=Your cheery demeanor made you a friend to many in the class. 7=An enthusiastic learner, you tackled new challenges #MentalApproach with #EvaluativeAdjectives attitude. 8=A curious learner, you like new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those connected to #?. 9=You looked forward to new learning in the classroom, especially when active and hands-on. 10=Your vast reserve of creativity allowed you to be curious and to learn about the world around you with a sense of wonder. 11=You were an active participant and liked new ideas and concepts to explore and think about. 12=A thoughtful learner, you had many insights and ideas to share with the class. 13=You used common sense to problem solve independently and in a positive manner. 14=Your balanced nature helped you move through small daily interruptions and annoyances with ease. 15=Your empathy and care made you a model for classmates. 16=Your wealth of self-motivation enabled you to become deeply involved and engrossed in whatever you were learning. 17=You take great pride in a job well done and always gave your best no matter the task. 18=You #DegreeAdverbs became more aware of your personal habits that interfered with learning performance and worked to improve. 19=You were an eager learner who values school and wants to do the best you can. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Collaboration 1=Your #EvaluativeLeadershipAdjectives self-awareness helped you recognize your own strengths, confidently contributing your ideas and abilities to the group and actively seeking the ideas of others. 2=You effectively communicated by actively listening, using positive body language and making appropriate eye contact. You patiently took turns and used strategies to ensure the group had a shared understanding of the big ideas you were discussing. 3=You recognized conflict and managed it effectively. You though about why it might be happening and listened to concerns. You worked to #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs resolve conflicts through carefully choosing non-hurtful language as a way to minimize disagreements. Others trust you because they can count on you to follow through on your commitments. 4=When your group set out to achieve a goal, you #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs weighed appropriate next steps, using pros and cons to help the group make the wisest choices. 5=While working towards achieving group goals, you encouraged the group's perspectives and opinions, so that all could contribute information and skills. You collaboratively made connections and built on ideas from others, while at the same time showing respect when you disagreed. You were able to take on any needed roles in the group. 6=When a group goal was completed, you were able to #EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs facilitate group reflection. You lead the group to consider reasons why the group achieved or did not achieve their goal and used this to suggest ways how the group might improve in the future. You recognized and valued contributions of all group members so that everyone felt included. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC ES Character Standards 1=Your open-mindedness allowed you to be accepting of the differences between yourself and others as well as take personal risks and try new things. 2=Your thoughtful reflection helped you create goals and use strategies to achieve those goals over time, tracking progress and making changes when needed. You thought about how your actions impacted others and looked back, using what you'd learned to plan forward. 3=By accepting that mistakes are part of the learning process, you showed resilience. You asked for help when you needed it and then celebrated your successes, knowing what worked well. You welcomed challenges, using strategies to work through tough times. 4=You consistently respected others through your speech, listening skills, inclusion and interaction. This was also evident in your daily upstanding behavior following school and classroom expectations. 5=You actively listened to others' points of view, considered how decisions affected not only you but others, too. This respect helped you understand that fair doesn't always mean equal and everyone has different needs. You graciously accepted that you might not always get exactly what you wanted and you found ways to feel satisfied. 6=Your kindness helped you transfer self-care into consideration of the needs of others and finding ways to help them. You recognized everyone has their own feelings which might result in different choices than yours. This helped you make informed decisions that positively impacted your community. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Goal Progress 1=You improved organization with easy to read assignment layouts and headings. 2=You made progress in planning, prioritizing and managing your time. 3=In the second term, you often used the checklists and classroom strategies we've developed which improved your analytical skills when evaluating and correcting your work. 4=During the second term, while it wasn't always easy, you improved your ability to wait your turn before sharing your thinking. 5=With ongoing determination and perseverance, you showed reserve and mindfulness in your speech. Self-monitoring your side-talk helped you to continue sitting with good learning buddies. 6=You were able to improve time management strategies, such as timers and wise work area choices. You are encouraged to continue to use "I" statements to help friends understand your work is important to you and you will speak with them at a better time. 7=You have worked to become more self-reflective in your performance and accuracy, using checklists and reflection strategies modeled in class. 8=You made some progress in maintaining focus on the task at hand. Sometimes you still found the class had moved on while you were deep in your own thoughts or personal projects. You are encouraged to continue working on efficiently shifting from one class to the next and from one subject to the next, listening and looking for teacher and classroom cues. 9=You've made progress becoming more organized and able to find needed supplies. Following class strategies and developed checklists allowed you to achieve more goals and maintain organization between school and home. 10=You have a strong desire to do your best, but sometimes are not sure the best way forward when faced with a challenging task or partnership. You are encouraged to remember mindfulness practices, such as pausing and taking a breath, so you can slow down and identify your feelings. This will help you control the variety of ways you might react. 11=You've grown in your ability to focus thinking and are continuing to work on limiting social distractions. You are encouraged to continue to use what you've learned about managing difficult situations by saying to yourself "Stop, evaluate, think," so you can choose the best approach for the situation. 12=Your continued improvement in managing social emotions allowed you to relax and truly enjoy this semester. Whenever you find yourself in a tricky situation, you now know you can draw from your mindfulness practices, pausing and taking a breath, so you have time to think carefully about the variety of ways you might react. 13=With prompting, you were able to use digital resources to record and reflect your deep thinking. For continued success, it will be important for you to use classroom resources such as checklists, established procedures and QR codes to remind you how to solve a problem on your own. 14=You've improved in starting tasks on your own. For continued success, you are encouraged to look for class resources such as checklists and procedures to remind you how to solve a problem on your own. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Greeting 1=#N, you can look back on an excellent year in 5th grade and should be proud of all your achievements. 2=#N, you have continued to impress as the year has gone on and you can look back with pride at a successful year in 5th Grade. 3=#N, you have continued to develop in maturity and determination resulting in pride in a job well done. 4=#N, you have continued to have a successful year in 5th grade, and can be proud of your many achievements. 5=#N, you have maintained a high level of determination this year in all of your academics demonstrating excellent growth. 6=#N, you have worked very hard and always gave your best effort this year, no matter what you were asked to do. You have produced work to be extremely proud of. 7=#N, you have been a valued member of the classroom this year, well-liked and welcomed into any group collaboration. 8=#N, you continued to grow throughout this year demonstrating a positive attitude toward all aspects of school work. 9=#N, you continued solid growth this year and have produced some work you can be really proud of. 10=#N, you continued a high level of determination this year in all of your learning demonstrating steady growth. 11=#N, you worked hard in many areas during the 5th grade year and have produced some work you can be proud of. 12=#N, you have been a friendly and cheerful member of the 5th grade class and have made steady progress, producing some work you can be proud of. 13=#N, you've had a very positive second part of this year and can look back on your time in 5th Grade as one of huge growth and progress. 14=#N, you can look back on a very successful year in 5th Grade, where you've made huge strides with your English, resulting in learning progress in all subject areas. 15=#N, your understanding grew as well as your maturity level. You no longer need reminders or assistance #Behavioralimprovements. 16=#N, you continued to demonstrate growth in your learning as well as your maturity level. 17=#N, while the 5th grade year has been full of changes, you have settled in to a new school, making fast friends. You've grown steadily and can look back with a sense of pride and accomplishment. 18=#N, you have shown growth in a number of areas and have produced some pieces of work that you can be proud of. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Next Steps 1=These skills will serve you well as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 2=You should look forward to continued success into next year and beyond. 3=These skills will serve you well as you leave ISB and move on to your next adventure. You will be missed! 4=You have benefited from #?. These skills will serve you well as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 5=Your improved attendance toward the end of the year set you up for a strong finish and a successful start in 6th grade. 6=Organization and time management continue to remain somewhat chaotic and time-consuming as you work to adopt classroom models. Further attention is needed to match these increasing demands as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 7=Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as you moves into 6th grade and beyond. 8=You want to do you best and contribute to a positive classroom environment. You have benefited from direct monitoring through priority seating, private work at a small table, chunking to help manage time, and regular small group instruction. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 9=While attention to time management has improved, further work is recommended as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 10=Regular small group instruction in school and one-on-one instruction weekly after school built confidence in reading, writing and math. Further attention across all subject areas will help as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 11=Regular small group instruction in school and one-on-one instruction weekly after school built confidence in reading, writing and math. Continued attention across all subject areas will provide consistent support as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 12=You have worked toward recognizing moments when you are distracting others and have improved slightly, yet further work is needed to match increasing demands as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 13=You have begun to see small group instruction as a great benefit where you can more readily voice your questions and get immediate feedback. These skills will serve you well as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 14=You have benefited from coaching to improve personal organization and to find out how best to fit in during group work. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 15=While attention to #BehaviorsPositive has continued to improve, further work is recommended as you moves into sixth grade and beyond. 16=Across the year, you have had a few serious missteps in behavior. You seem truly regretful and committed to improvement, but when presented with the same choices you are not always choosing the right thing. As you move into 6th grade, further attention is needed to develop into the strong positive leader you have the potential to be. 17=While absences have not increased significantly, your increased tardiness meant you often felt you were interrupting a class in progress and needed to play catch-up to get your day going. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as you move into 6th grade and beyond. 18=During this term absences and tardiness continued to increase. This meant you often felt in an uncomfortable position of having to catch-up which negatively affected your progress. Regular and consistent attendance will support you in reaching your potential next year and beyond. 19=Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as you leaves ISB and moves on to your next adventure. Your friends will miss you greatly. 20=You are a bright student with much potential. Some pieces of work have not always matched your ability, more as a result of poor execution and lack of attention to detail rather than errors in understanding. You are encouraged to take the time needed to show your full range of understanding. COMMENTS: JUN HOLISTIC Work Habits 1=Because you take great pride in a job well done, you made sure work was done to the best of your ability and turned in on time. 2=You demonstrated exemplary organizational habits and dedication to completing work 3=You are self-motivated and completed work with quality in mind. 4=Your passion for #? showed through in the perseverance you put into every assignment. 5=Your hard work and dedication consistently produced quality results. 6=You actively engaged in producing careful and conscientious work. 7=You regularly payed attention to detail in daily work, producing results to be proud of. 8=You were able to follow directions well and produced work to be proud of. 9=You began to use learned skills in new situations with less teacher prompting. 10=While You had trouble completing work in a timely manner at the beginning, you were much more responsible and reliable throughout the rest of the year. 11=You have worked hard to turn work in on time, but sometimes seemed overwhelmed and left parts undone or at home. 12=You demonstrated solid organizational habits, knowing where to look for needed tools and example thinking organizers, being able to find them quickly. 13=You listened carefully and when unsure asked questions and then got back on track quickly. 14=When unsure, you thought of what you needed to move forward, asked questions to make sure you were on the right track and then were able to move forward independently. 15=You want to do the best you can and have improved routines so you could get your work finished well and on time this term. 16=You want to do the best you can and have consistently taken on classroom procedures so you could get your work finished well and on time. 17=You take pride in yourself when you complete work well. When you didn't understand what to do, you weren't yet able to ask for help when you needed it. With close supervision and intervention from teachers you completed work that was adapted to your needs. 18=You are encouraged to trust in your own pace of learning, that once you latch on to an idea your understanding is strong and flexible in many situations. 19=You wants to do the best you can and have sometimes taken on classroom procedures so you can get your work finished well and on time. So that you use work time efficiently, you are encouraged to seek out help when needed instead of waiting for help to come to you. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Goals Next Steps 1=READING 2=To keep skills strong, you are encouraged to read frequently and discuss these ideas with others. 3=To make sure you are ready for the challenge of 6th grade, you are encouraged to read frequently and discuss these ideas with others. 4=While you have grown, further improvement is needed. You are encouraged to read frequently and discuss these ideas with others. 5=WRITING 6=To keep skills strong, you are encouraged to practice these strategies in fun ways; perhaps keep a journal of summer events or travels, write travel reviews or photojournal interesting happenings. 7=To make sure you are ready for the challenge of 6th grade, you are encouraged to practice these strategies in fun ways; perhaps keep a journal of summer events or travels, write travel reviews, or photojournal interesting happenings. 8=While you have made progress, further improvement is needed. You are encouraged to practice these strategies in fun ways; perhaps keep a journal of summer events or travels, write travel reviews, or photojournal interesting happenings. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Goals Progress 1=READING 2=Since March conferences, you have recognized how character conflict helps point toward story theme. 3=Since March conferences, you have followed class models to improve note taking. 4=WRITING 5=Since March conferences, you have followed class models for planning and organizing to improve overall flow in your writing. 6=Since March conferences, you have used paragraphing strategies to improve text flow in your writing. 7=Since March conferences, you have used capitalization and puctuation to improve readability in your writing. 8=Since March conferences, you have used improved sentence organization to increase readability in your writing. 9=Since March conferences, you have replaced run-on sentences with a wider variety of sentence types in your writing, creating better flow and interest. 10=Since March conferences, you have improved sentence construction using a wider variety of sentence types in your writing, creating better flow and interest. 11=Since March conferences, you have used editing skills to improve overall readability in your writing. 12=Since March conferences, you have taken on new spelling strategies to improve readability in your writing. 13=Since March conferences, you have used more consistent verb tense to improve readability in your writing. 14=Since March conferences, you have used more connectives at sentence starts to link ideas in your writing. 15=Since March conferences, you have used more evaluative language in your writing, tapping in to the reader's emotions. 16=Since March conferences, you have used more figurative language in your writing pieces to give them additional sophistication and voice. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Reading Benchmark 1=COMPREHENSION 2=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv summarized by locating information in non-fiction texts. 3=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv summarized complex plots with multiple events and gathered information about a character's traits and their relationships. 4=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv summarized text evidence that you located to support opinions and theories. 5=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv synthesized ideas comparing perspectives with other readers and building on the ideas of others during discussion. 6=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv recorded ideas applying effective note-taking and determining importance strategies. 7=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv made connections between the reader's life and the lives and motivations of characters. 8=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv inferred big ideas, recognizing, understanding and discussing symbolism. 9=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv inferred big ideas, hypothesizing the significance of how setting influences character decisions and attitudes. 10=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv inferred big ideas, identifying the mood of a piece of writing. 11=LITERARY ELEMENTS 12=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv noticed strategies the writer used to organize an informational text (categories, subcategories, sequence). 13=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv discussed problem/resolution in plot and reasons for character change (dynamic/static). 14=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv noticed how the writer uses character, plot and events to reveal the underlying theme of a text. 15=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv identified internal and external conflict using varied text evidence as support. 16=You #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv examined how biographical background influences an author's writing choices. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Reading Standard 1=COMPREHENSION 2=You have continued to show excellent growth in literacy using a range of reading strategies to understand text. 3=LITERARY ELEMENTS 4=You have continued to show excellent growth in literacy using key ideas and details to analyze and evaluate text. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Writing Benchmark 1=ORGANIZATION 2=Your carefully constructed Historical Recount introduction paragraph provided accurate background information and hinted at the significance of the event. 3=Your Historical Recount body paragraphs provided a sequence of events, each focused on one major event and/or time. 4=Your Historical Recount concluding paragraph drew out the historical significance and linked to the present. 5=In your narrative writing beginnings, you engaged the reader by developing a detailed sense of setting and characterization. 6=In your narrative plots you included more than one complication which built rising tension across the piece. 7=In your narrative writing, you developed a satisfying resolution directly connected to the character's goal and story problem. 8=CONNECTING INFORMATION 9=In your Historical Recount, you often used time connectives, connecting ideas across the text and grounding the event in history. 10=You used relative clauses, such as who and which, as a more sophisticated strategy to build greater detail. 11=You used a range of sentence types, including complex sentences, to develop ideas and improve flow and sophistication. 12=VOCABULARY & STANCE 13=In your Historical Recount writing, you included topic related technical vocabulary to increase formality and scientific precision. 14=You used evaluative language to express feeling and judgement of the events and the people and/or characters involved in the events. 15=GRAMMAR & CONVENTIONS 16=You were able to use commas after time and place connectives which improved overall readability. 17=You used appropriate verb tense throughout which improved overall time flow. 18=You showed good control of sentence level punctuation and spelling conventions which improved overall readability. COMMENTS: JUN LITERACY Writing Standard 1=ORGANIZATION 2=Your written texts were structured well because you'd thought about genre and purpose. 3=CONNECTING INFORMATION 4=Your written texts #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv included a range of connecting language which joined ideas within and across sentences. 5=VOCABULARY & STANCE 6=Your written texts #EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv showed a range of appropriate vocabulary which supported the purpose of the text. 7=GRAMMAR & CONVENTIONS 8=Your written texts showed appropriate grammar, conventions and usage. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Fractions Benchmark Example 1=ADDING & SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS 2=and you've #AdvOfAccuracy used common denominators, developing flexibility in your thinking. 3=and you've #AdvOfAccuracy used visual models, developing a range to show your thinking. 4=and you've taken on really great strategies such as the money and clock models to support your thinking. 5=and you've started to shift from simple fraction strips to flexible visual models, allowing you to work with more sophisticated denominators. 6=MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS 7=and you've #AdvOfAccuracy used area models, moving on to multiplying two fractions. 8=by #AdvOfAccuracy using visual models to show your thinking. 9=, taking on really great visual strategies to support your thinking. 10=, taking on really great visual strategies to be confident in your thinking. 11=CONSTRUCT VIABLE ARGUMENTS & CRITIQUE 12=You considered why your theory worked so you could develop generalized rules for your theories. 13=You reflected on your arguments and considered your audience so you could be clear, thorough and detailed. 14=You questioned your assumptions and forms of proof to devleop strong reasoning. 15=You were open to revising and restructuring so that you could give convincing and interesting arguments. 16=This was evident in your submissions on the nRich maths website. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Fractions Standards Achievement 1=ADDING & SUBTRACTING FRACTIONS 2=Your skill applying equivalency to add and subtract fractions has grown 3=You made good progress applying equivalency to add and subtract fractions 4=You made good growth applying equivalency to add and subtract fractions 5=MULTIPLYING FRACTIONS 6=You applied your skill in multiplying whole numbers to fractions 7=You easily applied what you knew about multiplying whole numbers to fractions 8=You extended your knowledge multiplying whole numbers to fractions 9=CONSTRUCT VIABLE ARGUMENTS & CRITIQUE 10=You made further progress in developing good math proof arguments, giving and getting useful critique. 11=You continued to build good math proof arguments, giving and getting useful critique. 12=Your skill in developing good math proof arguments has grown as well as giving and getting useful critique. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Geometry Achievement 1=WRITING & INTERPRETING NUMERICAL EXPRESSIONS 2=In our geometry unit, you've added parentheses to your range of tools to improve how your written expressions are interpreted. 3=ANALYIZING PATTERNS AND RELATIONSHIPS 4=In your geometry work, you've been able to use and form ordered pairs in order to observe interesting patterns and make predictions based on them. 5=CONVERTING LIKE MEASUREMENTS 6=During your work in geometry, you #AdvOfAccuracy converted between standard size measures in measurement systems so you could solve real-world problems. 7=VOLUME 8=In the geometry unit, you #AdvOfAccuracy connected what you know about multiplication to volume problems in the real-world. 9=COORDINATE PLANE 10=During your geometry work, you #AdvOfAccuracy made use of the coordinate plane to help you create and interpret algebraic concepts in a visual landscape. 11=During your geometry work, you #AdvOfAccuracy made use of the coordinate plane to help you describe algebraic relationships in a visual sense. 12=2D POLYGONS 13=While working in the geometry unit, you understood the importance of attributes in accurately categorizing polygons into a hierarchy. 14=While working in the geometry unit, you extended what you knew about classifying polygons and developed Minimum Defining Lists to categorize them by their attributes. 15=While working in the geometry unit, you applied what you knew about the properties of polygons to classify them into clear categories. 16=While working in the geometry unit, you #AdvOfAccuracy grouped polygons into categories based on their properties. 17=CONSTRUCT VIABLE ARGUMENTS & CRITIQUE 18=You made further progress in developing good math proof arguments, giving and getting useful critique. 19=You continued to build good math proof arguments, giving and getting useful critique. 20=Your skill in developing good math proof arguments has grown as well as giving and getting useful critique. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Goals Next Steps 1=MULTIPLICATION FACTS 2=To remain strong in your skills, you are encouraged to practice multiplication fact fluency in the #XFacts tables. 3=To make sure 6th grade is a smooth transition for you, you are encouraged to practice multiplication fact fluency in the #XFacts tables. 4=While you've shown good growth, further effort is needed to be ready for more advanced mathematics. You are encouraged to practice multiplication fact fluency in the #XFacts tables. 5=MATHEMATICAL HABITS 6=To remain strong in your skills, you are encouraged to try submitting math proofs to nRich maths over the summer. 7=To make sure 6th grade is a smooth transition for you, you are encouraged to practice these skills over the summer. Nrich maths is a great website to get ideas. 8=To make sure 6th grade is a smooth transition for you, you are encouraged to practice these skills over the summer. Freckle math is a great resource. 9=While you've shown good growth, further effort should be made. You are encouraged to practice these skills over the summer. Freckle math is a great resource. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Goals Progress 1=MULTIPLICATION FACTS 2=Since March conferences, you have improved multiplication fact confidence and are now able to quickly recall all facts. 3=Since March conferences, you have improved multiplication fact confidence and are now able to quickly recall most facts. 4=Since March conferences, you have improved multiplication fact confidence and are now able to quickly recall many facts. 5=HABITS 6=Since March conferences, you've added stronger multiplication and division strategies to your calculation toolbox which has built your confidence level. 7=Since March conferences, you've used notes and tools much more efficiently so that you could apply what you were learning to new problems. 8=Since March conferences, you've thought more carefully about checking your work and paying attention to the small details like organization and process in order to improve accuracy. 9=Since March conferences, you've made it a point to add greater precision, detail and depth to written explanations, resulting in stronger proofs. 10=Since March conferences, you've challenged yourself to take risks by asking "What if" and looking for unusual patterns, resulting in theories that are inventive and insightful. COMMENTS: JUN MATH Intro 1=ABOVE 2=You have shown great application across your mathematics and are able to work to a high level. 3=APPLYING 4=You continued to work confidently and consistently in your math. 5=You were confident working in all aspects of mathematics. 6=You continued to build mathematical confidence. 7=You have shown steady growth in your mathematics 8=As a mathematician, You have shown great progress. 9=In mathematics, you have made steady progress in all areas. 10=As a mathematician, you have really grown. 11=You have shown great determination and growth in your math. 12=DEVELOPING 13=You have continued to develop understanding of key grade level concepts in math. COMMENTS: JUN S&SS Earth Systems Standards Achievement 1=CS.2530.FQ1 - CONSTRUCTS QUESTIONS & EXPLORES INFORMATION 2=During your disaster research, you asked purposeful questions, which added varied viewpoints to your flowchart. 3=While conducting disaster research, you asked good questions which helped you find new and interesting information for your flowchart. 4=You were able to use varied questions to help you find research on your disaster, including them in your flowchart. 5=With support, you asked different kinds of questions, including the information in your flowchart. 6=CS.2530.FQ2 - INTERPRETS & REPRESENTS INFORMATION 7=During disaster research, you paraphrased the information you found in varied ways, adding meaning to your flowchart. 8=You were able to paraphrase the information you found and added these ideas to your flowchart. 9=While conducting disaster research, you evaluated whether information was directly connected to your questions, adding unity to your flowchart. 10=While researching your disaster, you judged whether information was connected to your questions and chose which to add to your flowchart. COMMENTS: JUN S&SS Earth Systems Understandings 1=EARTH IN CONSTANT CHANGE 2=You demonstrated deep understanding of the constant state of change of our earth systems providing examples and using sophisticated scientific vocabulary. 3=You used a wide range of scientific vocabulary and made accurate and detailed connections between earth layer structures and their constant state of change. 4=You meaningfully connected earth layer structures to their constant state of change, including appropriate scientific vocabulary. 5=You understood connections between earth layer structures and their constant state of change, using appropriate unit vocabulary. 6=You used a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary making some simple, but accurate connections between earth layer structures and their constant state of change. 7=You used some subject-specific vocabulary and made simple connections between some of the earth layer structures and their constant state of change. 8=TOOLS AND DATA COLLECTION 9=You demonstrated deep understanding of the important scientific tools used to understand earth systems, applying sophisticated scientific vocabulary. 10=You understood the importance of scientific tools used to study earth systems, using appropriate unit vocabulary. 11=You used a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary making some simple, but accurate connections understanding the importance of scientific tools used to study earth systems. 12=IMPACT 13=You used a wide range of scientific vocabulary and made accurate and detailed connections between earth systems and how they impact our lives. 14=You demonstrated deep understanding of the connections between earth systems and how they impact our lives, including appropriate scientific vocabulary. 15=You used a range of appropriate scientific vocabulary making some simple, but accurate connections between earth systems and how they impact our lives. COMMENTS: JUN S&SS Society & Values Standards Achievement 1=CS.2530.FQ2 - INTERPRETS & REPRESENTS INFORMATION 2=As a researcher, you used good note-taking strategies to summarize key facts which you included in your Roman advancement presentation. 3=During your research, you selected the most relevant information connected to your Roman advancement and #AdvOfAccuracy included it in your presentation. 4=You continued to perfect good note taking tools to collect and summarize key facts directly connected to your Roman advancement and included these in your presentation. 5=CS.2530.CT.1 - ORGANIZE INFORMATION TO SEE PATTERNS AND MAKE CONNECTIONS 6=You condensed and organized information based on connected patterns you were seeing, improving the accuracy in your Roman advancement presentation. 7=While researching many resources for your Roman advancement, you were able to organize it based on similar ideas, resulting in good presentation flow. 8=As you prepared your research notes for your Roman advancement, organizing similar ideas into clear categories made for an easy to follow presentation. 9=As you collected research notes for your Roman advancement, you were able to collaborate with the teacher to follow clear organization models, resulting in a presentation that was easier to understand. 10=CS.2530.CT.2 - TEST THEORIES & PREDICTIONS IN NEW CONTEXTS COMMENTS: JUN S&SS Targeted Goal Benchmark Achievement 1=CS.2530.FQ.1 - CONSTRUCTING QUESTIONS & EXPLORING INFORMATION 2=You made good progress on your goal of writing rich research questions, identifying the most important information, resulting in well-thought-out presentations. 3=You made good progress on your goal of using a focused and efficient note-taking system to organize information. This helped you create interesting presentations. 4=using resources to answer a research question 5=identifying relevant research keywords to narrow search results 6=identifying reliable research resources so that information is accurate and dependable 7=purposefully exploring new resources in order to gather varied points-of-view 8=CS.2530.FQ.2 - INTERPRET & REPRESENT INFORMATION 9=communicating finding clearly and effectively 10=You made good progress on your goal of interpreting graphs to analyze the impact of events, which made for interesting presentations, influencing the audience. 11=You made good progress on your goal to interpret and represent information, selecting the most relevant that added meaning to your presentations. 12=CS.2530.CT.1 - ORGANIZE INFORMATION TO SEE PATTERNS/CONNECTIONS 13=You made good progress on your goal of sequencing events to show clear cause and effect, which was evident in your flowcharts making it easy to read and understand. 14=organizing information in ways that help us see patterns and make connections 15=CS.2530.CT.2 - TEST THEORIES & PREDICTIONS 16=testing theories and predictions in new and different contexts to discover when where, and how they are applied COMMENTS: June GC Behavior 1=#E consistently makes good choices throughout the school day and sets the standard for model behavior. 2=#E consistently makes good choices across the school day and is often a role model for our class with #h good behavior. 3=#E continues to make good choices in behavior throughout the school day and is polite to adults and peers in and out of the classroom. 4=#E continues to make good choices in behavior throughout each school day and manages personal feelings and emotions well. 5=#E continues to make good choices in behavior throughout each school day and separates work and social times effectively. 6=#E continues to make good choices in behavior throughout the school day and reacts appropriately in adverse situations. 7=#E has worked hard to become more well-balanced throughout the school year and is better able #Behavioralimprovements. 8=#E is an active, energetic student who benefits from quiet, less busy environments to settle down and get #h work done. #E often chooses to sit at a small table so #e can focus and feel a sense of accomplishment. 9=#E continues to improve balance in #BehaviorsPositive. 10=#E finds quieter, less distracting environments help #m stay focused, so #e is better able to do #h best work. 11=#E finds quieter, less distracting environments help #m stay focused, so #e is better able to do #h best work. #E has been encouraged to use a random bell timer to build independence in managing #h time wisely. COMMENTS: June GC Closing 1=These skills will serve #N well as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 2=#N should look forward to continued success into next year and beyond. 3=These skills will serve #N well as #e leaves ISB and moves on to #h next adventure. #E will be missed. 4=#N has benefited from #?. These skills will serve #m well as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 5=#N's improved attendance toward the end of the year set #m up for a strong finish and a successful start in 6th grade. 6=Organization and time management continue to remain somewhat chaotic and time-consuming as #e works to adopt classroom models. Further attention is needed to match these increasing demands as #N moves into 6th grade and beyond. 7=Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #N moves into 6th grade and beyond. 8=#N wants to do #h best and contribute to a positive classroom environment. #E has benefited from direct monitoring through priority seating, private work at a small table, chunking to help manage time, and regular small group instruction. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 9=While attention to time management has improved, further work is recommended as #N moves into 6th grade and beyond. 10=Regular small group instruction in school and one-on-one instruction weekly after school built confidence in reading, writing and math. Further attention across all subject areas will help as #N moves into 6th grade and beyond. 11=Regular small group instruction in school and one-on-one instruction weekly after school built confidence in reading, writing and math. Continued attention across all subject areas will provide consistent support as #N moves into 6th grade and beyond. 12=#N has worked toward recognizing moments when #e is distracting others and has improved slightly, yet further work is needed to match increasing demands as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 13=#E has begun to see small group instruction as a great benefit where #e can more readily voice #h questions and get immediate feedback. These skills will serve #N well as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 14=#N has benefited from coaching to improve personal organization and to find out how best to fit in during group work. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 15=While attention to #BehaviorsPositive has continued to improve, further work is recommended as #N moves into sixth grade and beyond. 16=Across the year, #N has had a few serious missteps in behavior. #E seems truly regretful and committed to improvement, but when presented with the same choices is not always choosing the right thing. As #e moves into 6th grade, further attention is needed to develop into the strong positive leader #e has the potential to be. 17=While absences have not increased significantly, #N's increased tardiness meant #e often felt #e was interrupting a class in progress and needed to play catch-up to get #h day going. Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #e moves into 6th grade and beyond. 18=During this term absences and tardiness continued to increase. This meant #e often felt in an uncomfortable position of having to catch-up which negatively affected #h progress. Regular and consistent attendance will support #m in reaching #h potential next year and beyond. 19=Further attention is needed to match increasing demands as #N leaves ISB and moves on to #h next adventure. #H friends will miss #m greatly. COMMENTS: June GC Collaboration 1=#E is a valued member of any group, often taking on leadership roles where others trust #h vision and teamwork. 2=#E effectively participates in a range of conversations with a wide variety of partners. 3=#E is comfortable taking on any role during group tasks, whether as a leader or team member, whose input and guidance is valued. 4=#E is comfortable taking on any role during group tasks, whether as a leader or team member. 5=#E consistently works well in any group and can be relied upon to do #h part in reaching the goal. 6=#E is a valued member of any group, who keeps the task in mind and the goal on target. 7=#E is a valued member of any group, happy to fulfil any role or task as needed #?. 8=#E is an active participant in small and large group discussions. 9=#E is an active listener and important member of group discussions. 10=During group work, #e asks and answers questions demonstrating understanding. 11=#E asks questions and seeks clarification when needed. 12=#E listens well and shares ideas frequently. 13=#E listens to the ideas, opinions and comments of others without interrupting. 14=#E responds appropriately to other's comments during partner work. 15=During group work, #e has become more independently responsible for #h contributions and has benefitted from greater understanding. 16=Although #e continues to find group work a challenge, when the task is set at an appropriate level, #e is able to contribute to the group's success. 17=#E is still working to apply this success consistently during group work, often becoming distracted with off-task behavior which results in work of lesser quality than #e would wish. COMMENTS: June GC Dispositions 1=An enthusiastic learner, #e tackles new challenges #MentalApproach with #PositiveSynonyms attitude. 2=#E always arrives at school with a smile on #h face, ready to learn and actively participate. 3=#H kindness, care and friendliness make #m a model for classmates. 4=#H cheery demeanor has made #m a friend to many in the class. 5=Quick witted, #e enjoys a good joke and likes to look for the fun in every activity. 6=#E looks forward to new learning in the classroom, especially when active and hands-on. 7=A curious learner, #e likes new concepts to think about and to work with, especially those connected to #?. 8=#E is an active participant and likes new ideas and concepts to explore and think about. 9=#E shows perseverance in all that #e does and never says no to any new challenge. 10=Others look to #m for leadership and to set a positive example. 11=#E is an independent learner who can work on #h own, or with others, and has managed #h time, space and materials wisely. 12=#H vast reserve of creativity allows #m to be curious and to learn about the world around #m with a sense of wonder. 13=#H wealth of self-motivation enables #m to become deeply involved and engrossed in whatever #e is learning. 14=#H flexible resilience allows #m to work through any challenges without wavering in temperament, or spirit. 15=A thoughtful learner, #e has many insights and ideas to share with the class. 16=#E uses common sense to problem solve independently and in a positive manner. 17=#E is respectful of others. 18=#E adapts easily to new situations. 19=#E is an eager learner who values school and wants to do the best #e can. 20=#E is #DegreeAdverbs becoming more aware of #h personal habits which interfere with learning performance. COMMENTS: June GC Greeting 1=#N can look back on an excellent year in 5th grade and should be proud of all #h achievements. 2=#N has continued to impress as the year has gone on and #e can look back with pride at a successful year in 5th Grade. 3=#N has continued to develop in maturity and determination resulting in pride in a job well done. 4=#N has continued to have a successful year in 5th grade, and can be proud of #h many achievements. 5=#N has maintained a high level of determination this year in all of #h academics demonstrating excellent growth. 6=#N has worked very hard and always gave #h best effort this year, no matter what #e was asked to do. #E has produced work to be extremely proud of. 7=#N has been a valued member of the classroom this year, well-liked and welcomed into any group collaboration. 8=#N has maintained forward momentum throughout this year demonstrating positive attitude towards all aspects of school work. 9=#N has maintained forward momentum throughout this year and has produced some work #e can be really proud of. 10=#N has maintained a high level of determination this year in all of #h academics demonstrating steady growth. 11=#N has worked hard in many areas during the 5th grade year and has produced some work #e can be proud of. 12=#N has been a friendly and cheerful member of the 5th grade class and has made steady progress and produced some work #e can be proud of. 13=#N has had a very positive second part of this year and can look back on #h time in 5th Grade as one of huge growth and progress. 14=#N can look back on a very successful year in 5th Grade, where #e has made huge strides with #h English, consequently leading to wider academic progress in all subject areas. 15=#N continues to demonstrate growth in #h academic understanding as well as #h maturity level. #E no longer needs reminders or assistance #WorkHabits. 16=#N continues to demonstrate growth in #h academic understanding as well as #h maturity level. 17=While the 5th grade year has been one of great change for #N, #e has made steady progress and can look back with a sense of pride and accomplishment. 18=#N remains a bright student with much potential. #E has shown growth in a number of areas and has produced some pieces of work that #e can be proud of. Other pieces of work have not reached these same levels and this can be put down to poor execution and #h lack of attention to detail rather than errors in understanding. COMMENTS: June GC Social Skills 1=Always quick to volunteer, #e looks for ways to help a classmate in need or friends on the playground. 2=#E is thoughtful towards classmates, listens to what they have to say, and includes those who are not always the easiest to include. 3=#E treats others fairly and values what everyone has to say, even when #e doesn't always agree with it. 4=#E thinks about the feelings of others and carefully takes this into account before speaking or acting. 5=#H strong sense of right and wrong guides #h choices when finding appropriate and fair solutions during disagreements. 6=When handling disagreements, #e looks for appropriate and fair solutions. 7=#E enjoys making new friends and social time in and out of the classroom. 8=#E values and nurtures previous friendships and seeks out opportunities for adding new friends. 9=Although quiet, #e knows #h ideas are worth sharing and finds ways to comfortably do so. 10=#E gets along well with others in the classroom and on the playground. 11=#E is polite to peers and adults in and out of the classroom. 12=#E handles disagreements with peers appropriately and diplomatically. 13=#E makes friends easily. 14=#E enjoys spending time with friends. 15=#E enjoys spending time with friends, but is not always sure what #e should do to be a good friend. #E has more positive results when #e is with strong peer models and can be supported by adult coaching. 16=#H strong sense of right and wrong guides #h choices when finding appropriate and fair solutions during disagreements. #E is eloquent in expressing what #e thinks has happened and what restorative actions should take place. #E is generous with forgiveness. COMMENTS: June GC Work Habits 1=Because #e takes great pride in a job well done, #e makes sure work is done to the best of #h ability and turned in on time. 2=#E uses higher level thinking strategies to apply learned skills to new situations. 3=#E demonstrates exemplary organizational habits and dedication to completing work 4=#E is self-motivated and completes work with quality in mind. 5=#H passion for #? shows through in the resolve #e puts into every assignment. 6=#H hard work and dedication consistently produce quality results. 7=#E actively engages in producing careful and conscientious work. 8=#E regularly pays attention to detail in daily work, producing results to be proud of. 9=#E is able to follow directions well and produce work to be proud of. 10=While #e had trouble completing work in a timely manner at the beginning, #e has been much more responsible and reliable throughout the rest of the year. 11=#E has worked hard to turn work in on time, but sometimes has seemed overwhelmed and left parts undone or at home. 12=#E demonstrates solid organizational habits, knowing where to look for needed tools and example thinking organizers, being able to find them quickly. 13=#E listens carefully and when unsure asks questions and then gets #s back on track. 14=When unsure, #e thinks of what #e needs to move forward, asks questions to make sure #e's on the right track and then is able to move forward independently. 15=#E wants to do the best #e can and has improved routines so #e can get #h work finished well and on time this term. 16=#E wants to do the best #e can and has consistently taken on classroom procedures so #e can get #h work finished well and on time. 17=#N takes pride in #s when #e completes work well. When #e doesn't understand what to do, #e doesn't yet have the skills to ask for help when #e needs it. With close supervision and intervention from teachers #e can complete work that has been adapted to #h needs. 18=#N is encouraged to trust in #h own pace of learning, that once #e latches on to an idea #h understanding is durable and flexible in varied applications. 19=#E wants to do the best #e can and has sometimes taken on classroom procedures so #e can get #h work finished well and on time. #E is encouraged to self-initiate seeking out help when needed so that #e uses #h work time efficiently. COMMENTS: June Inquiry - Independent Research 1=#N took on new understanding about effective researching, such as developing keywords and guiding questions to direct research. #E was able to clearly speak about what was learned in an interesting presentation about #CulturalEncountersProjects. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth 1=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a detailed flow chart, including all the appropriate features expected. Additionally, #e was able to go further and included some sophisticated technical language to summarize the action processes. #E analyzed how earth's systems impact our lives and showed particular skill using detail to extend reasoning in #h report on #ChangingEarthTopic. 2=#E created a fantastically detailed flow chart in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works including all the appropriate features expected. #E took it further and included some sophisticated technical language to summarize the action processes. #H report on #ChangingEarthTopic analyzed how earth's systems impact our lives and showed particular skill using detail to extend reasoning. 3=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a flow chart, including most of the appropriate features expected. #E demonstrated #h understanding that the earth is in a constant and sudden state of flux and that earth's systems impact our lives in #h report about #ChangingEarthTopic. 4=#E created a well-detailed flow chart in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works including most of the appropriate features expected. #H report on #ChangingEarthTopic explained how earth's systems impact our lives in a clearly understandable way. 5=#H flowchart, in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works demonstrating solid detail and included a nice range of appropriate features. #H report on #ChangingEarthTopic was easily understandable and explained how earth's systems impact our lives. 6=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon works in the form of a simple flow chart, including a limited number of the appropriate features expected. #E demonstrated understanding that the earth is in a constant and sudden state of flux and that earth's systems impact our lives and in #h report on #ChangingEarthTopic. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Flowchart 1=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a detailed flow chart, including all the appropriate features expected. To a high degree, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. Additionally, #e was able to go further and included some sophisticated technical language to summarize the action processes. 2=#E created a fantastically detailed flow chart in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works including all the appropriate features expected. With great independence, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. #E took it further and included some sophisticated technical language to summarize the action processes. 3=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a flow chart, including all the appropriate features expected. With independence, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 4=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a flow chart, including the appropriate features expected. With independence, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 5=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works in the form of a flow chart, including most of the appropriate features expected. With independence, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 6=#E created a detailed flow chart in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works including most of the appropriate features expected. Independently, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 7=#H flowchart, in our Changing Earth unit, about how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon, works demonstrating solid detail and included a nice range of appropriate features. With support, #e was able to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 8=In our Changing Earth unit, #e was able to explain how #NaturalDisaster, a natural phenomenon works in the form of a simple flow chart, including a limited number of the appropriate features expected. #E was supported to show understanding that the earth is in a constant state of slow and sudden flux. 9=#N strives to take in as much vocabulary as possible, keeping a daily word journal so #e can remember and use both common words and subject-specific terms. #E has completely filled one journal and has begun a second. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Impact 1=#E analyzed how earth's systems impact our lives and showed particular skill using detail to extend reasoning. 2=#E demonstrated #h understanding that earth's systems impact our lives in varied and unexpected ways. 3=#E explained how earth's systems impact our lives in a clearly understandable way. 4=#E explained how earth's systems impact our lives. 5=#E demonstrated understanding that earth's systems impact our lives. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Measurement & Tools 1=To a high standard, #e integrated into #h museum project the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. 2=To a high caliber, #e incorporated into #h museum project the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. 3=#E included in #h museum project many of the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. 4=#E detailed in #h museum project many of the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. 5=#E included in #h museum project some of the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. 6=#E explained in #h museum project some of the different tools and methods scientists use to collect data in order to study and predict #h natural phenomenon. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Next Steps 1=#N found the math extension group to be a rewarding time to share conceptual understanding. 2=#N enjoyed taking on new challenges within the daily lessons and often completed extended work on at home learning assignments. 3=#N is eager to learn and #e completes #h work neatly. 4=#N is #RemindedVerbs to consistently show working out so observers can get an insight into #h thought processes. 5=#N is #RemindedVerbs to work a little more thoughtfully and check #h work thoroughly to avoid careless errors in calculations. 6=#N is #RemindedVerbs to work a little more thoughtfully and look back through #h notes to confirm strategies and avoid errors. 7=Overall, #N is developing useful skills and gaining confidence. #E is making a commendable effort to learn the times tables and is #RemindedVerbs to keep working on these to build up speed. 8=Overall, #N is developing useful skills and gaining confidence. Continued practice on #? will benefit #m greatly. 9=Although #N's confidence in recalling multiplication facts is improving, #e is #RemindedVerbs to keep working on these to build up speed and accuracy. 10=#N benefits from practical demonstrations of the concepts and is #RemindedVerbs to notice where and how mathematical concepts are used in everyday life. Overall, #e has strengthened #h understanding this year. 11=#N does #h best work in practical settings and it would benefit #m to be encouraged to see numbers at work in daily life. 12=#N's awareness of bringing greater precision to #h mathematical explanations has #ImprovedSynonyms. #E is #RemindedVerbs to continue to keep this in mind in future mathematical work. 13=#N's awareness of bringing greater precision to #h mathematical explanations is improving. #E is #RemindedVerbs to keep this in mind in future mathematical work. 14=#N has continued to explore ideas of proof. #E is developing arguments with an eye for rigor that are beginning to include logic, counter-examples and/or exhaustive supporting examples. #E is #RemindedVerbs to remember this as it will help #m develop deeper conceptual understanding. 15=#N's achievement scores in Math are based on available data since #h arrival after #?. 16=Due to illness during #?, #N was not able to complete many activities in #?. #H achievement scores in Math are based on available data. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Research 1=#E was able to self-select, employ and adapt, as necessary, key research skills such as using a question to read for a specific purpose and recording summarized information. 2=#E was able to self-select and employ, as needed, key research skills such as using a question to read for a specific purpose and recording summarized information. 3=#E was able to employ key research skills such as using a question to read for a specific purpose and recording summarized information. 4=With some guidance, #e was able to employ key research skills such as using a question to read for a specific purpose and recording summarized information. 5=With directed support, #e was able to employ key research skills such as using a question to read for a specific purpose and recording summarized information. 6=With support, #e was able to employ a key research skill, using a question to read for a specific purpose. 7=With support, #e was able to employ a key research skill, recording summarized information. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Changing Earth - Sources 1=#E was able to understand the purpose of and compile a multi-source bibliography using an online citation tool. 2=#E was able to compile a multi-source bibliography using an online citation tool. 3=#E was able to compile a basic bibliography using an online citation tool. 4=#E was able to compile a simple bibliography. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Cultural Encounters 1=To show extended understanding of how cultural norms and experiences influence how one group views another, during our Cultural Encounters unit, #N independently researched the encounter between #? for the You Be The Judge project. #E used the information to draw clear connections from these groups' core values, beliefs, needs and wants to how they influenced the actions in the encounter and included in-depth information. 2=In our Cultural Encounters Unit, #N successfully demonstrated a sophisticated grasp of the events surrounding the meeting between Aztecs and Conquistadors. #E made a well considered and mature judgment of the encounter, considering both perspectives and clearly connecting actions to specific values and beliefs of the groups in question. #E was able to take what #e learnt about open-mindedness and tolerance of different perspectives and apply it to #h own behaviors, beliefs and values. 3=To show understanding of how cultural norms and experiences influence how one group views another, during our Cultural Encounters unit, #N used information from the class's study of the Aztec and Conquistadors for the You Be The Judge project to outline these groups' core beliefs, needs and wants and began to present how they influenced the actions in the encounter and included detailed background information. 4=In our Cultural Encounters Unit, #N successfully demonstrated a solid grasp of the events surrounding the meeting between Aztecs and Conquistadors. #E made a reasoned judgment of the encounter, considering both perspectives and connecting actions to some of the values and beliefs of the groups in question. #E was able to take what #e learned about open-mindedness and tolerance of different perspectives and apply it, in a simple manner, to #h own behaviors, beliefs and values. 5=To show understanding of how cultural norms and experiences influence how one group views another, during our Cultural Encounters unit, #N used information from the class's study of the Aztec and Conquistadors for the You Be The Judge project to outline these groups' core beliefs, needs and wants and began to present how they influenced the actions in the encounter. 6=In our Cultural Encounters Unit, #N demonstrated some knowledge of the events surrounding the meeting between Aztecs and Conquistadors. #E attempted to make a judgment of the encounter, between the two groups and should now work on considering more than one perspective when analyzing similar ideas in the future. #E started to take what #e learned about open-mindedness and tolerance of different perspectives and apply it to #h own behaviors, beliefs and values, with teacher guidance. COMMENTS: June Inquiry Introduction 1=#N has continued to excel in our Inquiry Units, relishing the opportunity to discover new knowledge and to apply #h well considered theories in different contexts. 2=#N has continued to work #MentalApproach in our Inquiry units, taking the opportunity to discover new knowledge and applying emerging theories in different contexts. 3=#N has continued to work #MentalApproach in our Inquiry units, taking the opportunity to discover new knowledge and applying some emerging theories in different contexts. 4=#N has continued to work #MentalApproach in our Inquiry units, taking the opportunity to discover new knowledge and starting to apply some emerging theories in different contexts. 5=#N has continued to approach learning in our Inquiry units #MentalApproach, ready to take on new knowledge and is beginning to put what #e has learned into action across varied topics. 6=#N has worked successfully in our Inquiry units. #E has enjoyed discovering new knowledge and is beginning to put what #e has learned into action across varied topics. 7=#N has worked with some success in our Inquiry units. #E has enjoyed discovering new knowledge and is beginning to put what #e has learned into action across varied topics. 8=#N has worked with some success in our Inquiry units. #E has enjoyed discovering new knowledge and with directed assistance, #e is beginning to put what #e has learned into action across varied topics. 9=#N has worked with some success in our Inquiry units. #E has enjoyed discovering new knowledge and with directed assistance, #e is beginning to put what #e has learned into action within the topics studied. 10=#N has approached learning in our Inquiry units wholeheartedly, ready to take on new knowledge. #E is enthusiastic about the topics being studied. #E pays close attention during group work copying careful notes that #e can use later. #E is beginning to add some of #h own ideas to #h notes. #E is becoming more confident in reading #h notes aloud to others so #e can share what #e has learned. 11=Due to #h great success last term, #N was able to work with only the homeroom teacher's support during the second term of Inquiry. COMMENTS: June Literacy Opener 1=#N has consistently read and responded to above grade level texts. 2=#N proved that #e is a confident and enthusiastic reader with texts beyond grade level. 3=#N has confidently read and responded to grade level texts. 4=#N has continued to read and respond confidently to grade level texts. 5=#N has continued to successfully read and respond with confidence to grade level texts. 6=#N has continued to comfortably read and respond to texts at grade level. 7=#N has continued to successfully read and respond with comfort to texts at grade level. 8=#N is a confident and enthusiastic reader who reads grade level texts comfortably. 9=#N proved that #e is a confident and enthusiastic reader with texts at grade level. 10=With support, #N has read and responded to grade level texts. 11=With support, #N has been able to read and respond to texts approaching grade level. 12=With support, #N has been able to read and respond to texts approaching grade level. COMMENTS: June Literacy Reading Author Study Project 1=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Project. #E put a great deal of effort into #h #SuperProjectAuthor Spark Video with an outstanding result. It was exceptionally well thought out and presented incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 2=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Project. #E put effort into #h #SuperProjectAuthor Spark Video with a good result. It was well planned and presented incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 3=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Project. #E worked hard on #h #SuperProjectAuthor Spark Video and although it was challenging, ended up with a good result. It was easy to see the time and effort in the final presentation incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 4=This was evident through journal responses in the Author Study Project. #E worked hard and had enthusiastic ideas for #h #SuperProjectAuthor Spark Video, but found #ProjectChallenges a challenge to incorporate #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. COMMENTS: June Literacy Reading Discussion 1=#E listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 2=#N's spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 3=When asked to talk about Literacy texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence, and shows a super understanding of the ideas under discussion. 4=#E listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 5=#E listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 6=#E listens attentively in class. 7=#E listens extremely well, and invariably makes perceptive comments during discussions. 8=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 9=#E contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humor, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 10=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 11=While not the swiftest reader, #e comprehends well, listens carefully to discussions and invariably adds meaningful content for others to think about. 12=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 13=#E is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. 14=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 15=#E listens well in discussions and is beginning to join in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to make to others. 16=#E is a good contributor to class discussions, and is starting to think more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 17=#E must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. COMMENTS: June Literacy Reading Next Steps 1=#E is encouraged to continue reading widely for pleasure over the summer. 2=#E is encouraged to continue reading for pleasure across a wide variety of genre over the summer. 3=#E would benefit from continued time spent reading over the summer. 4=#E would benefit from additional time spent reading over the summer. 5=#E would benefit from reading more widely, perhaps choosing a genre #e is less familiar with. 6=#E would benefit from continued opportunities to talk with others about what #e is reading. 7=Further work in reading stamina is needed, whether at home, or supported by one-on-one instruction after school, as it was this year. 8=In order to build sustained stamina, #N is encouraged to practice reading for increasingly longer periods of time. COMMENTS: June Literacy Reading Skills 1=To a high degree, #e uses and adapts modeled reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring to make good sense of what #e reads. 2=#E #MentalApproach uses modeled reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring to make good sense of what #e reads. 3=#MathLevelStarters use modeled reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring to make good sense of what #e reads. 4=#E took on class demonstrated reading strategies to #MentalApproach summarize, predict, connect and infer making good sense of what #e read. 5=#MathLevelStarters take on class demonstrated reading strategies to #MentalApproach summarize, predict, connect and infer making good sense of what #e reads. 6=Summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring were valuable reading strategies #e used #MentalApproach to make good sense of reading. 7=Valuable reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring were a regular part of #h reading repertoire. 8=A consistent part of #h tools, #e #MentalApproach summarized, predicted, connected and inferred to make good sense of texts. 9=#E improved #h independence using modeled reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring to make good sense of what #e reads. 10=#MathLevelStarters in improving independence using modeled reading strategies such as summarizing, predicting, connecting and inferring to make good sense of what #e reads. COMMENTS: June Literacy Reading Superproject 1=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Super Project. #E put a great deal of effort into #h #SuperProjectAuthor #SuperProjectMedium with an outstanding result. It was exceptionally well thought out and presented incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 2=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Super Project. #E put effort into #h #SuperProjectAuthor #SuperProjectMedium with a good result. It was well planned and presented incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 3=This was evident through journal responses and in the Author Study Super Project. #E worked hard on #h #SuperProjectAuthor #SuperProjectMedium and although it was challenging, ended up with a good result. It was easy to see the time and effort in the final presentation incorporating #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. 4=This was evident through journal responses in the Author Study Super Project. #E worked hard and had enthusiastic ideas for #h #SuperProjectAuthor #SuperProjectMedium, but found #ProjectChallenges a challenge to incorporate #Quantifier of the ways readers respond to literature: aesthetic, critical and biographical. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Craft 1=#E searches out craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language in order to take #h writing beyond class expectations. 2=#E incorporates demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and adapts them to fit #h needs. 3=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and shows good application of them. 4=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve overall organization and is working to improve detail and language. 5=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve detail and language and is working to improve overall organization. 6=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and with assistance is often able to apply them. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Craft: Connections 1=#E searches out craft techniques, such as #HRtools, and applies them throughout #h writing ending up with a result often beyond class expectations. 2=#E independently incorporates demonstrated craft techniques, such as #HRtools, and applies them throughout #h writing ending up with a result often beyond class expectations. 3=#E independently incorporates modeled craft techniques, such as #HRtools, and applies them throughout #h writing and adapts them to fit #h needs. 4=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques, such as #HRtools, throughout #h writing and independently shows good application of them. 5=#E takes on modeled craft techniques, such as #HRtools, throughout #h writing and with some support shows good application of them. 6=#E takes on demonstrated craft techniques, such as #HRtools, throughout #h writing and with support shows good application of them. 7=#E tries out modeled craft techniques, such as #HRtools, in #h writing and with assistance is often able to apply them. 8=#E tries out demonstrated craft techniques, such as #HRtools, in #h writing and with assistance is working to apply them. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing General 1=#N writes with feeling and expression, across varied genres including nonfiction and fiction, is willing to draft and redraft work, and when appropriate #N has a lively imagination. 2=#N writes well-structured pieces, across varied genres including nonfiction and fiction, with the use of interesting detail and expressive words leading to work which involves the reader. 3=#N writes well-structured pieces, across varied genres including nonfiction and fiction, is willing to draft and redraft work, and incorporates the use of interesting detail and expressive words leading to work which involves the reader. 4=#N is starting to use excellent description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece, whether nonfiction or fiction. 5=#N writes independently and is beginning to use a range of description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece, whether nonfiction or fiction. 6=#N is able to write independently, and can use a range of punctuation correctly, whether nonfiction or fiction. However, #N will often need reminding to check work for spellings and basic punctuation errors. 7=#N is capable of writing well-structured pieces, across varied genres including nonfiction and fiction. #E is willing to draft and redraft work and incorporates the use of interesting detail and expressive words leading to work which often involves the reader. 8=#N is capable of writing well-structured pieces, across varied genres including nonfiction and fiction. However, #e will often need reminding to check work for spellings and basic punctuation errors. 9=Antonio displayed confidence and enthusiasm while reading texts at grade level. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Historical Recount Next Step 1=#E continued to work on putting facts into #h own words and would benefit from additional practice. 2=#E continued to work on improving phrasing from casual train-of-thought structures to more formal complete sentences. 3=#E continued to work on improving overall structure so it fit the typical pattern of orientation, event episodes and reorientation. 4=#E continued to work on improving grammatical errors such as #?. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Historical Recount Strengths 1=#H recount of #HistoricalRecountTopic showed exceptional attention to #?. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Improvements 1=#E's made great strides to improve detail through descriptive adjectives and adverbs. 2=#E's made noted improvement to detail through use of specific and vivid verbs. 3=#E's really worked hard to improve detail through building noun groups, which give more information about which one, how many, what it's like, what kind and which one in particular. 4=#E's made huge growth in controlling the flow of time (verb tense) throughout. 5=#E's made great improvements in overall organization by incorporating a flow of controlled events that are well connected. 6=#E's made great improvements to how #e controls organizational flow through paragraphing. 7=#E continues to improve targeted grammar skills, making sure #GrammarSkills are well corrected. 8=#E continues to improve using capitals at sentence beginnings and endings, which has been a year-long goal. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Intro 1=When writing, #N searches out craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language in order to take #h writing beyond class expectations. 2=When writing, #N incorporates demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and adapts them to fit #h needs. 3=When writing, #N takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and shows good application of them in #h writing. 4=When writing, #N takes on demonstrated craft techniques to improve organization, detail and language and with assistance is often able to apply them in #h writing. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Narrative Grammar & Mechanic 1=#E is developing a solid understanding of the rules of grammar and punctuation. 2=#E is able to write independently, in complete sentences, using capital letters, full stops and question marks; and can spell most common words. 3=#E can revise and redraft #h own work, using a dictionary as necessary. 4=#E has a generally accurate grasp of sentence punctuation; writing fluently, with considerable thought and inventiveness. However, #e still needs to check through #h work before handing it in to eliminate preventable errors. 5=#E has tried hard to grasp the basics of sentence punctuation. While #e still has difficulties with commas and quotation marks, #e seems generally secure about full stops and the use of capitals. #H story writing needs greater use of descriptive words and phrases. 6=When writing, #e uses sentence punctuation accurately, and is beginning to introduce descriptive phrases. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Narrative Improvements 1=#E's made great strides to improve detail through descriptive adjectives and adverbs. 2=#E's made noted improvement to detail through use of specific and vivid verbs and controlling the flow of time (verb tense) throughout the story. 3=#E's really worked hard to improve detail through building noun groups, which give more information about which one, how many, what it's like, what kind and which one in particular. 4=#E's made huge growth in taking on new character development techniques, those that help tell the characters feelings and emotions as well as inner thoughts, wishes and desires throughout the course of the character's journey. 5=#E's made huge growth in plotting through character development techniques, those that help tell the characters feelings and emotions as well as inner thoughts, wishes and desires throughout the course of the character's journey. 6=#E's made great improvements in plotting by incorporating a flow of controlled events that are well connected from the character's initial problem, through reasonable complications and finally to a satisfactory resolution. 7=#E's made great improvements to how #e controls the flow of the story through paragraphing. 8=#E continues to improve targeted grammar skills, making sure #GrammarSkills are well corrected. 9=#E continues to improve using capitals at sentence beginnings and endings, which has been a year-long goal. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Narrative Intro 1=#N's stories are always interesting to read and #e usually takes good care that they make sense. 2=#N's stories show good evidence of care and effort in making them interesting and ensuring they make sense. 3=#N's stories show good evidence of the care and effort put in to make them interesting. 4=#N's stories show good evidence of the care and effort put in to make them make sense. 5=#E writes well-structured stories; #e use of interesting detail and expressive words means that #h creative writing involves the reader. 6=#E writes stories with feeling and expression, and is willing to draft and redraft them, when appropriate. #E has a lively imagination. 7=Generally, #h stories are coherently structured and well executed. 8=#E has made good progress during writing; #h stories are more descriptive and increasingly well plotted. 9=#H imaginative writing has some interesting ideas and #e gives careful thought to making the meaning clear. 10=#E is willing to listen to advice and this has led to a wider use of adjectives and descriptive phrases in #h work. 11=#N's imaginative story work is full of original ideas and #e uses a good range of vocabulary. 12=#E writes with confidence, and #h stories are now more detailed and descriptive. #E tends to set #h ideas down in a colloquial fashion, but is becoming more aware of when to use formal language. 13=#E has worked diligently to increase the length of #h writing and is now producing work more generally consistent with grade level expectations. 14=#E writes imaginatively, though #h work is usually concise. #E needs to introduce more descriptive phrases in order to hold the reader's attention. #N's handwriting is much neater, and more legible. 15=#E has a lively writing style and is often quite imaginative. #H use of more advanced punctuation can, at times, be erratic. 16=When asked to present #h thoughts on paper, #e is less expressive, though the amount #e writes has increased dramatically over the year. #E is very slow when writing stories, and although #e has good ideas, #h stories are never very long. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Narrative Next Steps 1=To improve, #N should practice editing skills. A useful technique has been #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 2=#N is encouraged to review editing skills. A trusted classroom strategy has been #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 3=#N would benefit from reviewing editing skills. A reliable class technique has been #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 4=Further work is recommended in meeting deadlines. 5=Further work is recommended in managing time and meeting deadlines. 6=Further work is recommended in managing time. 7=#N correctly spells many words beyond the grade level. 8=#N spells many grade level words accurately. 9=When recognized, often through spell-check, #N spells many grade level words correctly. 10=#N knows all the pieces that make up excellent writing and can execute that knowledge in isolation, but #e struggles to pull it all together for final products. Frustration due to lack of organization and time management are the lead causes behind #h erratic execution of longer writing projects. #E is encouraged to get a better handle on this in order to cope with increasing demands next year. 11=When #e makes mistakes, #e sees them. #E knows how to fix them and does it. 12=When #e makes mistakes, #e sees them. #E has learned the techniques for how to fix them, but is not yet consistently doing it on #h own. To get started #e could try #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 13=When #e makes mistakes, #e sees them, but isn't yet sure how to fix them or reimagine them. #E needs more experience with strategies. Tried and true techniques have been #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 14=When #e makes mistakes, #e doesn't yet see them on #h own. A modeled technique used frequently in the classroom has been #EditingSkillsHow and #EditingSkillsWhy. 15=#N knows all the pieces that make up excellent writing and can execute that knowledge in isolation, but #e struggles to pull it all together for final products. Frustration due to lack of organization and time management are the lead causes behind #h erratic execution of longer writing projects. #N is encouraged to get a better handle on this in order to cope with increasing demands next year. 16=#N is encouraged to continue effort to eliminate overly casual language in #h writing. COMMENTS: June Literacy Writing Narrative Strengths 1=#H writing, as demonstrated in #h story #?, shows multiple complications connecting the story problem from the beginning, through the climax and finally to the resolution at the end. Characters are well developed through thoughts, speech, feelings and actions. 2=#H writing shows multiple complications connecting the story problem from the beginning, through the climax and finally to the resolution at the end. Characters in #h story #? were well developed through thoughts, speech, feelings and actions. 3=#H writing, as evidenced in #?, shows multiple complications connecting the story problem from the beginning, through the climax and finally to the resolution at the end. 4=#H writing, as demonstrated in #?, shows multiple complications connecting the story problem from the beginning, through the climax and finally to the resolution at the end. 5=Characters in #h story #? were well developed through thoughts, speech, feelings and actions. 6=#H writing, revealed in #h story #?, shows good connection from the problem at the story beginning to its climax and resolution at the end and includes some complications. Characters are well developed through use of details brought out in description. 7=#H writing, exhibited in #h story #?, shows good connection from the problem at the story beginning to its climax and resolution at the end and includes some complications. 8=Characters in #h story #? were well developed through use of details brought out in description. 9=In #h story, #?, #e was able to clearly define the beginning, middle and end. #E was supported to more clearly connect the initial problem, complications and final story resolution. 10=#H writing has a clear beginning, middle and end and is beginning to show a problem and resolution. 11=#H Student Led Writing Lesson on #WritingLessonTopic enabled #m to make marked improvements in this area in #h writing. 12=A real strength was #h dialogue which helped to move the story forward. #E continues to further develop a well-connected plot by including complications to connect the story problem and resolution. 13=A real strength was #h dialogue which helped to move the story forward. #E continues to further develop a well-connected plot by including complications to connect the story problem and resolution. COMMENTS: June Math Computation & Number Facts 1=#E displays aptitude for mental math and quickly solves problems in #h head. 2=#E easily takes on board new strategies and models and is ready and willing to challenge #s. 3=#E generally understands well new strategies and models and knows the appropriate time to ask for help if #e gets stuck. 4=#E is #RemindedVerbs to work a little more thoughtfully and check #h work thoroughly to avoid careless errors in calculations. 5=#E is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to slow down and check #h approach. 6=#E is #RemindedVerbs to work on #h mental math skills, developing estimation and quick ways to solve problems. 7=#E takes on new strategies and models, but is sometimes unsure how to apply them across varied situations. 8=#E is continuing to more fully explain #h mathematical processes and arguments. #E is #RemindedVerbs to review thinking models and strategies recorded in #h notes. COMMENTS: June Math Concepts Measurement 1=#E is quick to recognize patterns and demonstrates a working knowledge of the units of measurement such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 2=#E is a practical, resourceful student and this helps #m to confidently complete measurement tasks such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 3=#E is a practical, resourceful student and works well in the measurement strand such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 4=The measurement and space activities are more practical and #e performs better doing these less abstract tasks such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 5=The measurement and space activities are more practical and #e performs better doing these less abstract tasks such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 6=#E has a sound working knowledge of the units of measurement and can apply this knowledge to problem solving tasks such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 7=#E has a sound working knowledge of the units of measurement and can apply this knowledge to problem solving tasks such as converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system. #E is supported to use addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 8=#E performs better in the measurement and space strands because they are less abstract and more visual. #E felt particular confidence converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system and using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 9=#E performs better in the measurement and space strands because they are less abstract and more visual. #E felt particular confidence converting amongst different-sized standard units within a system. 10=#E performs better in the measurement and space strands because they are less abstract and more visual. #E felt particular confidence using addition and multiplication to extend ideas about area to applications in volume. 11=#E is improving #h understanding within the measurement strand. As the word problems become more demanding, #e requires assistance in reading and interpreting the questions. 12=#E is improving #h understanding within the measurement strand. #E should be encouraged to practice #MeasurementConcepts in practical ways at home. 13=#E is improving #h understanding within the measurement strand. #E should be encouraged to practice #MeasurementConcepts in practical ways at home. COMMENTS: June Math Concepts Number 1=#E's adapted and generalized ideas about the Base-10 system and extended #h number sense to fractional parts of numbers, parentheses and exponential notation in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 2=#E's adapted ideas about the Base-10 system and extended #h number sense to fractional parts of numbers, parentheses and exponential notation in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 3=#E's adapted ideas about the Base-10 system and extended #h number sense to fractional parts of numbers and parentheses in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 4=#E's adapted ideas about the Base-10 system and extended #h number sense to fractional parts of numbers and exponential notation in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 5=#H sense of number has grown from simple manipulation of our Base-10 system to comfortably working with fractional parts of a whole and parentheses, in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 6=#H concept of our Base 10 number system has continued to grow across the year, with simple whole number calculation at the beginning of the year and growing into working flexibly with fractional parts of wholes, in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 7=#H understanding of ideas within our Base 10 number system has progressed from calculation with whole numbers early on to working efficiently with fractional parts of wholes to represent ideas about very large and very small numbers. 8=#E solidified #h understanding of number from simple manipulation of our Base-10 system to working with basic fractional parts of a whole, in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. 9=#E continues to solidify #h understanding of number concepts from simple manipulation of our Base-10 system to working with basic fractional parts of a whole, in order to express ideas about very large and very small numbers. #E would benefit from further practice with #FractionTopics, a foundational skill of fractional concepts and computation in years to come. Over the summer, #N could continue #h DreamBox goal of completing 3-5 weekly lessons. COMMENTS: June Math Concepts Shape 1=#E has exceptional visualization of shape and #MathLevel flexibly classify using a wide range of attributes, graph and manipulate position, and solve real world geometric problems. #E takes great pleasure in exploring provocative mathematical theories such as that of Minimal Defining Lists. 2=#E has exceptional visualization of shape and #MathLevel flexibly classify using a wide range of attributes, graph and manipulate position and solve real world geometric problems. 3=#E has taken on many concepts about shape and #MathLevel classify using a range of attributes, graph and manipulate position and solve real world geometric problems. 4=#E has learned to apply understandings about shape, #MathLevel classify using attributes, graph and manipulate position and solve real world geometric problems. 5=#H new confidence within the shape strand has enabled #m to solve real world problems involving classifying by attributes and graphing and manipulating position. 6=New ability applying concepts of shape such as recognizing geometric attributes and graphing and manipulating position, has enabled #m to solve real world problems with confidence. 7=#E has improved understanding about shape and #MathLevel classify shape using attributes and graph and manipulate position to solve some real world problems. COMMENTS: June Math Conclusion 1=#N found the math extension group to be a rewarding time to share conceptual understanding. 2=#N enjoyed taking on new challenges within the daily lessons and often completed extended work on at home learning assignments. 3=#N is eager to learn and #e completes #h work neatly. 4=#N is #RemindedVerbs to consistently show working out so observers can get an insight into #h thought processes. 5=#N is #RemindedVerbs to work a little more thoughtfully and check #h work thoroughly to avoid careless errors in calculations. 6=#N is #RemindedVerbs to work a little more thoughtfully and look back through #h notes to confirm strategies and avoid errors. 7=Overall, #N is developing useful skills and gaining confidence. #E is making a commendable effort to learn the times tables and is #RemindedVerbs to keep working on these to build up speed. 8=Overall, #N is developing useful skills and gaining confidence. Continued practice on #? will benefit #m greatly. 9=Although #N's confidence in recalling multiplication facts is improving, #e is #RemindedVerbs to keep working on these to build up speed and accuracy. 10=#N benefits from practical demonstrations of the concepts and is #RemindedVerbs to notice where and how mathematical concepts are used in everyday life. Overall, #e has strengthened #h understanding this year. 11=#N does #h best work in practical settings and it would benefit #m to be encouraged to see numbers at work in daily life. 12=#N's awareness of bringing greater precision to #h mathematical explanations has #ImprovedSynonyms. #E is #RemindedVerbs to continue to keep this in mind in future mathematical work. 13=#N's awareness of bringing greater precision to #h mathematical explanations is improving. #E is #RemindedVerbs to keep this in mind in future mathematical work. 14=#N has continued to explore ideas of proof. #E is developing arguments with an eye for rigor that are beginning to include logic, counter-examples and/or exhaustive supporting examples. #E is #RemindedVerbs to remember this as it will help #m develop deeper conceptual understanding. COMMENTS: June Math Intro 1=#N has continued to work confidently and consistently beyond grade level in math. 2=#N has continued to build mathematical confidence and consistently works beyond grade level. 3=#N has shown great application across #Quantifier aspects of mathematics and shows #e is capable of working to a high level. 4=#N enjoys Math and is confident working in all aspects of the subject. 5=#N has shown steady growth and continued to work at grade level understanding in math. 6=As a mathematician, #N has had a fantastic year and shown great progress. 7=#N has enjoyed Math and works hard, making good progress. 8=As a mathematician, #N has shown great progress over the year. 9=#N enjoys Math and works hard in this subject. #E has made steady progress in all areas. 10=As a mathematician, #N has really grown over the year. 11=As a mathematician, #N has shown determination and growth over the year. 12=#N has continued to develop understanding of key grade level concepts in math. 13=#N is supported to develop understanding of key grade level concepts in math. COMMENTS: June Math Problem Solving 1=#E confidently interprets and solves more complex word problems and can clearly defend strategies. 2=#E is developing strong problem solving skills and #h excellent reading comprehension allows #m to interpret word problems correctly. 3=#E has been working on improving #h presentation and setting out work logically when solving problems. 4=#E has greatly improved the presentation and layout of #h solution strategies. 5=#E approaches challenges with enthusiasm and is willing to retry problems when incorrect. 6=#E is also gaining confidence in reading and interpreting word problems. 7=#E has improved the presentation of #h work but now needs to display consistency in #h problem solving approach. 8=#E can solve one-step problems and is becoming more competent at interpreting and solving more complex word problems. 9=#E can solve most one-step problems and is developing strategies to solve more complex questions. 10=#E has some confidence when problem solving but needs to develop more in this area. 11=#E lacks confidence in problem solving and needs to develop this skill to progress. LIST: AdvOfAccuracy 1=faultlessly 2=masterfully 3=precisely 4=confidently 5=accurately 6=skillfully 7=correctly 8=effectively 9=carefully 10=successfully 11=efficiently 12=capably 13=reliably 14=ably 15=solidly 16=satisfactorily LIST: ArgumentStrengths 1=overall organization. 2=detailed reasoning. 3=well connected reasoning. 4=reasoning connected to thesis. 5=organizing language such as 'firstly,' and 'in conclusion.' 6=using more sophisticated organizing language. 7=detailed descriptive language around nouns. 8=descriptive language creating positive/negative bias. 9=control of varied sentences from compound to complex. 10=control of compound sentences. 11=improving simple sentences. 12=improving capitalization and end punctuation. LIST: ArgumentTopics 1=I'm old enough to stay at home alone 2=Books are better than movies 3=Pets should be allowed in school 4=Field trips are an important part of a child's education 5=It's better to play outside than watch television 6=People are becoming addicted to tv 7=Movies are better than books 8=Dogs are better than cats 9=Kids should be allowed to make changes in the world 10=Cats are better than dogs LIST: Behavioralimprovements 1=to fully complete work to the best of your ability 2=to regularly self-start 3=to separate work and social times effectively 4=to maintain serious focus 5=to ignore minor distractions 6=to maintain personal organization 7=to use time management skills 8=to employ mindfulness techniques 9=to use organized, easy to read layouts and headings LIST: BehaviorsPositive 1=thoughtful and serious 2=task-focused and mindful 3=reserved and mindful in your speech 4=considerate in waiting your turn to share your thinking 5=organized and able to find needed supplies 6=skilled in setting up and maintaining journal organization 7=organized with easy to read assignment layouts and headings 8=persistent turning in home learning assignments on time 9=skilled in planning, prioritizing and managing your time 10=emotionally balanced and using mindfulness when needed 11=skilled at efficiently shifting from one task to the next 12=skilled at staying focused for longer periods of time 13=detail oriented adding examples and explanations 14=able to separate social and work time effectively 15=self-motivated to start tasks on your own 16=flexible in unexpected situations 17=self-reflective in your performance and accuracy LIST: BloomsVerbsOfDegree 1=adapted 2=justified 3=transformed 4=evaluated 5=appraised 6=synthesized 7=created 8=generated 9=constructed 10=applied 11=recognized 12=analyzed 13=demonstrated 14=used 15=showed 16=interpreted 17=reproduced 18=recognized 19=identified 20=memorized LIST: ChangingEarthTopic 1=Paricutin 2=Mt Vesuvius 3=Mt St Helens 4=Pompeii 5=the San Francisco earthquake 6=the 2010 Indus River monsoon 7=the 1938 New England hurricane 8=the 1989 Bangladeshi tornado 9=the 1988 Yellowstone wildfire 10=the 2004 Sumatra earthquake 11=the 2004 Thai tsunami 12=Typhoon Haiyan in 2013 LIST: CulturalEncountersProjects 1=the Romans vs. the Vandals 2=Columbus' conquest of the Native Americans 3=Crusades in the Holy Land 4=WWII Japan vs. America in the bombing of Pearl Harbor 5=the Romans vs. the Celts 6=Charlemagne vs. the Saxons 7=the Lewis & Clark expedition 8=the Reconquista: the Spanish vs. the Moors 9=WWII Nazis vs. the Jews 10=WWII Japanese internment camps 11=Richard I conquest during the Crusades 12=Alexander the Great's conquests 13=the Romans vs. Attila the Hun 14=the Romans vs. the Goths 15=Alexander the Great vs. the Persians 16=Caesar's conquests 17=the Viking conquests 18=the conquests of Julius Caesar LIST: DegreeAdverbs 1=seriously 2=eagerly 3=daily 4=continually 5=frequently 6=weekly 7=purposefully 8=enthusiastically 9=determinedly 10=deliberately 11=clearly 12=generally 13=often 14=usually 15=on occasion 16=sometimes 17=deeply 18=completely 19=fully 20=thoroughly LIST: DevelopedVerbsOfDegree 1=expanded 2=extended 3=advanced 4=deepened 5=broadened 6=widened 7=strengthened 8=solidified 9=refined 10=improved 11=progressed 12=revised 13=reshaped 14=developed 15=increased 16=rethought 17=furthered 18=reimagined LIST: EditingSkillsHow 1=to read the passage aloud 2=to listen to Read&Write read the passage aloud 3=to read the paragraphs in order backward 4=to read the sentences in order backward 5=to use the grammar check function 6=to highlight the verbs 7=to highlight the nouns 8=to circle the 1st three words in each sentence 9=to highlight the 'be' verbs (was, were, is, am, etc.) 10=to highlight the dialogue 11=to use TAPS (change in topic, action, person, setting) 12=to use Reviser in the Writing Navigator app LIST: EditingSkillsWhy 1=note missing, repeated, or ill-fitting words 2=note natural pauses which require a period and capital 3=notice where subject and verbs don't match 4=notice misspellings 5=notice usage errors 6=fix up inconsistent changes in tense 7=add detail through descriptive noun phrases 8=add detail through circumstances (when, where, how) 9=rework to ensure varied sentence beginnings 10=shift from passive voice to active voice 11=check for clear dialogue tags punctuated correctly 12=notice where logical paragraphing should be made 13=look for natural pauses and eliminate run-ons LIST: EFSkills 1=response inhibition 2=working memory 3=emotional control 4=sustained attention 5=task initiation 6=planning and prioritization 7=organization 8=time management and shifting 9=flexibility 10=metacognition 11=goal directed persistence LIST: EvalDegreeAdj 1=successful 2=revised 3=redeveloped 4=in-depth 5=strengthened 6=creative 7=authentic 8=intuitive 9=task-focused 10=improved 11=furthered 12=broadened 13=solidified 14=accurate 15=sound 16=applied 17=clear 18=re-shaped 19=reflective 20=strong LIST: EvaluativeAdjectives 1=a positive 2=a thoughtful 3=a creative 4=an enthusiastic 5=a flexible 6=an eager 7=an inventive 8=a level-headed 9=an energetic 10=a methodical 11=a purposeful 12=a determined 13=a persistent LIST: EvaluativeLeadershipAdjectives 1=compassionate 2=creative 3=strong 4=wise 5=tenacious 6=insightful 7=resourceful 8=intuitive 9=thoughtful 10=humble 11=logical 12=gentle 13=dedicated 14=well-honed 15=rich 16=skillful 17=energetic 18=imaginative 19=level-headed 20=reliable LIST: EvaluativeLeadershipAdverbs 1=compassionately 2=creatively 3=expertly 4=wisely 5=tenaciously 6=insightfully 7=resourcefully 8=intuitively 9=thoughtfully 10=humbly 11=logically 12=gently 13=skillfully 14=imaginatively 15=level-headedly 16=reliably 17=carefully 18=conscientiously 19=fully 20=precisely LIST: EvaluativeNouns 1=creativity 2=intuition 3=resourcefulness 4=inventiveness 5=imagination 6=insight 7=vision 8=self-motivation 9=thoughtfulness 10=engagement 11=observation 12=understanding 13=dedication 14=determination 15=grit 16=tenacity 17=spunk 18=persistence LIST: EvaluativeUnderstandingAdv 1=independently 2=deeply 3=consistently 4=clearly 5=completely 6=fully 7=determinedly 8=skillfully 9=reliably 10=accurately 11=appropriately 12=thoughtfully 13=tenaciously 14=insightfully 15=consistently 16=methodically 17=determinedly LIST: FlowchartSkills 1=citing source references 2=using captions to extend reasoning 3=including captions 4=using detail to extend reasoning 5=supporting reasoning with details 6=showing causal relationship between events 7=using technical vocabulary 8=including interesting facts 9=nominalizing the names of the events 10=using sequencing and subtitles LIST: FractionTopics 1=equivalency 2=calculating unlike denominators 3=converting between all kinds of fractional representations 4=shifting between fractions, decimals and percents 5=recognizing ratios, e.g. 1/4 of 5 euros LIST: GrammarSkills 1=capitals 2=articles 3=prepositions 4=irregular plurals 5=agreement of subjects and verbs 6=consistency of verb tenses 7=complex verb conjugations 8=eliminating run-ons 9=plural nouns 10=pronoun to noun agreements 11=irregular past tense verb forms 12=using complete sentences 13=plurals vs. possessives 14=common homophone errors 15=clarity 16=using conjunctions and commas to form complex sentences LIST: HistoricalRecountTopic 1=the 2004 Sumatra earthquake 2=the 1883 Krakatoa eruption 3=the Michoacan (Paricutin) eruption 4=the ongoing Kilauea eruptions 5=the 79 A.D. Vesuvius eruption 6=the Mt. Saint Helens eruption 7=the 1906 San Francisco earthquake 8=the ongoing Mt. Etna eruptions 9=the 2001 Olympia earthquake LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: HRtools 1=beginning with introductory time elements 2=using cause and effect conjunctions or connectives 3=explaining technical terms with relative pronouns 4=clarifying with technical vocabulary 5=showing importance with evaluative language LIST: ImprovedSynonyms 1=augment 2=correct 3=elaborate 4=enhance 5=enrich 6=improve 7=increase 8=refine 9=revise 10=edit 11=fine-tune 12=polish 13=readjust 14=sharpen 15=further LIST: Level 1=beyond 2=at 3=toward LIST: MathLevel 1=is able to adapt and generalize understandings to 2=is able to 3=is being supported to LIST: MathLevelStarters 1=He is able to adapt and generalize understandings to 2=She is able to adapt and generalize understandings to 3=He is able to 4=She is able to 5=He is being supported to 6=She is being supported to LIST: MeasurementConcepts 1=reading thermometers and interpreting temperature 2=measuring and drawing using a ruler 3=greater familiarity with metric and imperial measures 4=measuring common weights 5=measuring and interpreting capacity 6=measuring and drawing accurate angles 7=using the Gattegno chart to convert between unit measures 8=finding area 9=finding volume 10=finding perimeter and area LIST: MentalApproach 1=energetically 2=enthusiastically 3=passionately 4=openly 5=receptively 6=excitedly 7=eagerly 8=keenly 9=wholeheartedly 10=happily 11=well 12=solidly 13=effectively 14=successfully 15=seriously 16=admirably 17=satisfactorily 18=competently 19=commendably 20=capably LIST: NaturalDisaster 1=a volcano 2=an earthquake 3=a tsunami 4=a hurricane 5=a flood 6=a tornado 7=a landslide 8=a monsoon 9=a wildfire 10=a typhoon LIST: NextStepsNumberHow 1=reviewing the Home Learning Video and Practice on Gdrive 2=using titles and white space to organize work 3=choosing 5-10 target facts each week 4=looking back and using modeled strategies 5=using class models to describe thinking strategies 6=using various strategies to rework thinking 7=pacing thinking instead of rushing through 8=asking 'what if' and 'why' questions 9=recording working out 10=recording working out more clearly 11=spending weekly time on DreamBox 12=more carefully reading questions and estimating answers LIST: NextStepsNumberWhat 1=using landmark decimals, fractions and percents 2=using number properties to make calculation more friendly 3=generalizing a strategy across number operations 4=using place value ideas to multiply/divide powers of 10 5=counting on instead of removal when subtracting 6=using repeated addition when multiplying 7=recalling math facts and using them flexibly 8=using a common whole to add and subtract fractions 9=multiplying/dividing to make equivalent fractions 10=computing with decimals into the thousandths 11=using a common whole to compare fractions 12=simplifying to make a common whole 13=using fractions, decimals and percents interchangibly 14=using proportional reasoning 15=accuracy 16=using models to represent a situation 17=using models to explain strategies 18=using models as a tool for thinking 19=eliminating careless errors 20=justifying thinking LIST: NumberBigIdeas 1=the relationships between very large and small numbers 2=the connections when calculating whole/fractional numbers 3=equivalencies across many types of number representations 4=flexibly using math properties across applications LIST: PositiveSynonyms 1=seriously 2=eagerly 3=daily 4=continually 5=frequently 6=weekly 7=purposefully 8=enthusiastically 9=determinedly 10=deliberately 11=clearly 12=generally 13=often 14=usually 15=on occasion 16=sometimes 17=deeply 18=completely 19=fully 20=thoroughly LIST: ProjectChallenges 1=full completion within the deadline 2=complying with the task guidelines 3=neatness and care of materials 4=time management 5=following task expectations 6=sticking to the task LIST: Quantifier 1=all 2=most 3=a majority of 4=a great number of 5=many 6=a number of 7=several 8=some 9=a few LIST: ReadingOrganizers 1=post-it notes 2=thinking bookmarks 3=response logs LIST: ReadingStrategies 1=text deconstruction models 2=sticky note-taking 3=mindmaps 4=story maps 5=goal, problem, resolution maps 6=theme synthesizers 7=character trait/authenticity organizers 8=setting authenticity organizers 9=exemplar models LIST: RemindedVerbs 1=advised 2=encouraged 3=entreated 4=exhorted 5=prompted 6=reminded 7=urged LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: StrategiesFractionsDecimals 1=using landmark decimals 2=using the associative property to make friendly numbers 3=generalizing a repertoire for whole number operations 4=generalizing a repertoire for decimal operations 5=flexible use of properties of multiplication and addition 6=using place value ideas to multiply/divide powers of 10 7=applying whole number computation ideas to decimals LIST: SuperProjectAuthor 1=Michael Morpurgo 2=Avi 3=Margaret Peterson Haddix 4=Gail Carson Levine 5=Andrew Clements 6=Dan Gutman 7=Kevin Henkes 8=Cynthia Rylant LIST: SuperProjectMedium 1=Green Screen 2=presentation cube 3=mobile 4=Prezi 5=book talk video LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: TutoringFrequency 1=after school weekly 2=twice weekly after school 3=after school 4=before school 5=before school weekly 6=weekly 7=twice weekly LIST: TutoringSubjects 1=math 2=literacy 3=math and literacy 4=home learning assignments 5=math and home learning assignments 6=literacy and home learning assignments 7=math, literacy and home learning assignments LIST: VocabularyStrategies 1=prior knowledge 2=resources 3=context clues LIST: WritingLessonTopic 1=using dialogue 2=using varied sentence construction 3=including interesting verbs 4=using nominal groups (detailed language) 5=paragraphing 6=matching prepositions (at, in, on) with locations 7=adding plot development 8=controlling verb tense 9=matching prepositions (at, in, on) with time references 10=forming complete and compound sentences that aren't too long 11=forming possessives to show ownership LIST: WritingLessonUnderstanding 1=quotation marks and dialogue tags appropriately 2=introductory phrases to add greater sentence detail 3=a wider range of verbs that are highly descriptive 4=a broader range of adjectives to add detail 5=topic, action, person and setting to separate paragraphs 6=location context to choose at, in, or on correctly 7=try/fail cycles, building suspense and greater interest 8=conjugation and context to choose tenses appropriately 9=time context clues to choose at, in, or on correctly 10=conjunctions, commas and periods to eliminate run-ons 11=apostrophes with singular and plural nouns appropriately LIST: XFacts 1=up through 12s 2=2-12s 3=4-12s 4=6-12s 5=8-12s 6=7, 11-12s /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the 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You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.