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A regular, predictable daily task to begin, will probably assist in the initial separation from #h parent each time. 3=Although #N does not have older siblings at the school, it is expected that after only a few days of experiencing the classroom rules and routines #e will join in readily and participate eagerly. COMMENTS: 1ab Intro Sentences 1=#N is #personality and #personality person and an absolute delight to have in our preschool. 2=#N presents as #personality and #personality person and is a well liked member of Blue Group. 3=#N presents as #personality and #personality person and #frequency enjoys participating in the preschool experiences. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY aSafe Secure Supported 1=#E loves to attend Kinder and participates happily in all available activities. 2=#E shows #abasic sense of belonging to the Kinder group by #feelings initiating interactions and conversations with peers and educators. 3=#E continues to need individual attention from staff on arrival, to support the transition from #h mother and begin participating in the usual routines of the session. 4=Although #e clearly enjoys coming to Kinder, #e still needs staff support at arrival times to make a successful transition into starting the session and happily saying goodbye to #m mother each time. 5=#E continues to build on #h own sense of security, frequently turning to a staff member for support, assistance or reassurance during the session. 6=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a butterfly, a princess or a fairy. 7=#E explores aspects of #h own identity through role-play by pretending to be someone else, such as a TV or movie character. 8=#E confidently explores and engages socially with peers through relationships and playfulness. 9=#E displays #abasic level of self identity by exploring, engaging with and interacting with the physical environment. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY bAuton Resilience Agency 1=#E is open to new challenges and making new discoveries. 2=#E approaches new situations with confidence. 3=#E is able to persist when faced with challenges or when first attempts are not successful. 4=#E demonstrates #abasic ability to cooperate and work collaboratively with others. 5=#E has a well developed sense of Kinder routines and expectations which makes #m a very cooperative and helpful member of our group. 6=#E is #frequency able to manage #h first impulses when things go wrong and shows an increasing capacity for emotional self regulation. 7=#E shows #abasic capacity to cope emotionally when things do not go as expected. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY cKnwledg Confid Self Id 1=#E has #abasic ability to explore different identities and consider points of view of others through imaginative role play. 2=#E has #abasic sense of #h own personal identity, family belonging, and having a valued place within it. #E happily tells us about other family members, or family events. 3=#E shows pride in #h own achievements. 4=#E explores different identities and points of view of others through role play. 5=#N has #abasic awareness of #h cultural heritage. #E is happy to share information with the group about the culture and language of #h family. COMMENTS: 1IDENTITY dInteractions w others 1=#N engages in and contributes to shared play experiences. 2=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. 3=#N #frequency shows care and empathy for others, especially if someone is injured or crying. 4=#H development of skills in interacting with others, includes an awareness of the additional respect required for children who are younger or have special needs. 5=#N shows #h self pride and satisfaction, by showing or sharing #h achievements with others. 6=#N displays an awareness of others having their own point of view and is able to consider how to respond when that differs from #h own. Often that will be a positive, inclusive response to the other child but equally can be a response of moving away if #e feels concerned. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING aDispositions 1=#N is curious and enthusiastic about learning. #E #frequency asks questions to extend #h current knowledge. 2=#N #frequency follows and extends #h own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration. 3=#N is #frequency able to persevere with a new learning skill and then experience the satisfaction of achievement. 4=With difficult things such as a tricky puzzle or a rope that won't stay tied on, #N is #frequency able to persist, for a short time, before seeking assistance or alternatives. 5=#N participates in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry based experiences. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bProcesses 1=#E uses a range of strategies to engage with situations and solve problems (such as how to tie things together with the rope or how to get the ball off the shade sail). 2=#E has #abasic understanding of how to use or read a simple chart, visual table, vertical indicator, or arrow dial indicator (eg. a Voice Volume "thermometer") 3=#E is able to make predictions and generalizations about aspects of the natural world and immediate environment. 4=#E is able to think reflectively and consider why things happen. #E offers simple hypotheses (such as during a science experiment, why the water did not fall out of the upturned glass). 5=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". (these are VELS Level 1 Prep level indicators) 6=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. (this is a VELS Level 1 Prep indicator) 7=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 8=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least puzzles using puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING bSkills 1=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. #E can count from memory up to #? and is able to count to at least 10 items using accurate one to one correspondence. 2=#E is able to count from memory up to #? 3=#E is able to name #? alphabet letters. 4=#E is able to place and orient shapes according to simple descriptions such as "next to", "beside", "between" and also to compare length and weight of items using descriptive terms such as "longer", "taller", "heavier". (these are VELS Level 1 Prep level indicators) 5=#E is able to count 20 or more items accurately. (this is a VELS Level 1 Prep indicator) 6=#E is able to count from memory up to #? and can count items accurately and consistently to at least 10. #E has developed "conservation of number". 7=#E is able to complete interlocking jigsaw puzzles of at least #puzzles using a #puzzles method. COMMENTS: 4LEARNING cTransfer Knowlledge 1=#N is #frequency make connections between experiences, applying generalizations from one situation to another. 2=#N can #frequency assimilate some new information or experience into #h existing knowledge base, sometimes making a relevant comment when #e realizes the connection (eg "I saw that on tele !") 3=#N can #frequency ask and answer simple questions of others, for information and clarification. 4=#N can link current learning to things #e already knows and is able to clearly explain similar related experiences. 5=#N #frequency participates in exploring the possibilities and uses of a wide range of resources including books, natural materials, construction toys, games and equipment and ICT. #E makes regular use of the Kindergarten iPads which are available for 5 - 10 mins at a time. 6=#N #frequency explores ideas and extends #h own learning through imagination, creativity and play. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION aInteract 1=#N #frequency initiates conversation with peers and adults. #H speech is #frequency understood by peers and if there is confusion, #e is able to find other ways to get #h message across. 2=#N is a very capable, independent and confident communicator. #E is able to construct and convey conversation containing useful or interesting information and is able to clarify or repair if a listener misunderstands. 3=#N is willing to contribute #h ideas, while in play with peers or in small group discussions. When speaking to the whole group, #e speaks #speaks and #speaks. 4=#N is #frequency able to include descriptive words for feelings, quantities or spatial locations (such as excited, longest, underneath). 5=#N is aware of Auslan as a language and is able to sign some simple words that are included in songs we have learnt at Kinder. 6=#N is #abasic and #abasic speaker. #E is #frequency understood by adults and peers. 7=#N has #abasic vocabulary. #H sentences are #frequency grammatically correct, complex and full of appropriate adjectives. 8=With adult reminders #e is able to control #h voice volume inside the playroom. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION bTexts 1=#E loves books and engages with the text in stories for meaning or enjoyment. #E also enjoys the sound of silly sounding words and made up language. 2=#E is able to retell a known story, with #story and in fairly logical order, maintaining the key parts of the story. 3=#E is able to remember the words to sing most of a simple song, or to say a chant or rhyme. #E can hear or recognize rhyming words. 4=#E has #abasic understanding of letter - sound relationships, the general concepts of print and is aware of some punctuation marks, such as full stops and exclamation marks. 5=#E has #abasic knowledge and recall of alphabet letter names. 6=#E has #abasic ability to recognize the names of and copy letters and numerals provided by an adult, for the purpose of making signs which have some meaning to #m for a task or chosen activity. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION cExpress Ideas 1=#N is beginning to use approximations of letters and words to convey meaning. 2=#N has #abasic ability to copy conventional letters, groups of letters, words and even sentences with simple punctuation, to extend meaningful play. Signs of warning to others or labels for constructions are common. 3=#N has #abasic understanding that written text takes longer to write down or type than speaking the words. #E also understands that story telling has a different style of sentence structure than conversation. 4=#N #frequency uses language to communicate created roles using different voices, character styles, invented scripts and ideas during play (such as movie or TV characters) 5=#N is able to draw recognizable simple human forms and a few other things as well (such as a tree, a simple house, a rainbow or spider) 6=#N is skilled at drawing recognizable things and includes a lot of fine detail. #E will often explain what is contained in the artwork and shows pride and satisfaction with the result. 7=#N is able to draw recognizable detailed human forms and several other reasonably detailed things as well (such as a tree with fruit or bird in it, a house with windows and door, a rocket with fire or truck with wheels) 8=#N spends a great deal of time at the craft table enjoying the free choice to use the assorted materials that are available, to make items that are not immediately recognizable to adults but which are a source of pride and satisfaction to #s. COMMENTS: 5COMMUNICATION dSymbols Patterns 1=#N has #abasic ability to sort, categorize, order and compare collections according to attributes of objects and materials (such as, grouping just the baby animals together from an assortment of farm animals) 2=#N is able to work out what comes next to complete a repetitive three part pattern of objects. 3=#N shows #h understanding of pattern by using supplementary materials during play, to make purposefully arranged patterns, based on colour, texture, size or shape. 4=#E can write #h own name using a combination of recognizable letters and other marks. 5=#E is able to write #h own name in a consistent way using neatly formed, conventional and fully legible letters. #E recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. 6=#E shows an interest in print formation by using a combination of invented letters and some recognizable conventional letters and numbers. 7=#E is aware of the alphabet song and is able to recognize and name a few letters. 8=#N is able to safely and responsibly use an iPad as a tool to compose and represent ideas. #E can locate apps from the home page and use swipe and tap skills for selecting options in visual constructions, timed target games and simple problem solving such as mazes. 9=#N engages with iPad technology for fun and information. 10=#N recognizes and can confidently name all the letters of the alphabet. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev2 1=#N responds to suggestions of how to find things out and, with help, makes #h own suggestions. 2=#N uses simple equipment provided and makes observations related to the task. 3=#N compares objects, living things and events observed. 4=#N describes observations and records them using simple tables where it is appropriate to do so. 5=#N says whether what happened was what was expected. COMMENTS: AT1 Exp. and Investigative Sci. Lev3 1=#N responds to suggestions, puts forward #h own ideas and, where appropriate, makes simple predictions. 2=#N makes relevant observations and measures quantities, such as length or mass, using a range of simple equipment. 3=With some help #e can carry out a fair test, recognising and explaining why it is fair. 4=#N records observations in a variety of ways. 5=#N provides explanations for observations and, where they occur, for simple patterns in recorded measurements. 6=#N says what has been found out from #h work. COMMENTS: ATL -Research 1=#E is able to use #h research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to the topic. 2=Academic research is a specific type of research: 3=#E is able to process detailed and methodical investigation into a topic, exemplifying #h research skills. 4=#H research involves intensive search, investigation, and critical analysis of #h topic. 5=Extensive reading has helped #N to enhance #h research skills. 6=The #interview carried out individually reflect #h ability to research effectively. COMMENTS: ATL -Self-management 1=#E is able to set goals for #s. 2=#H ability to self monitor, self evaluate, and self reinforce reflects on good self-management skills. 3=#E organises #h study materials effectively. 4=With little guidance #e is able to complete tasks, displaying good self-management skills. 5=#E is actively involved in learning and knows when to ask questions for clarification; which enhances #h self-management skill. COMMENTS: ATL -Social 1=#E knows and follows turn-taking, cooperation during group activities. 2=#E is able to understand and display #h own emotions and recognise emotions in other people. 3=#E is able to recognize and empathize as to how other people feel in particular situations. 4=#E is able to communicate and interact with others, both verbally and non-verbally, through gestures, body language and personal appearance. COMMENTS: ATL -Thinking 1=#E uses #h thinking skills to process information 2=#E uses #h thinking skills to make connections 3=#E uses #h thinking skills to make decisions 4=#E uses #h thinking skills to create new ideas. 5=#E use #h thinking skills to try to make sense of experiences, solve problems, make decisions, ask questions, make plans, or organize information. COMMENTS: Behaviour 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Behaviour unit 1=#E was able to identify dispositions and create #h personal goals making #h an agentic learner. 2=#E is brave in articulating #h expressing feelings of joys and sorrows. 3=#E is #PYPlevel to make reasoned and ethical decisions to behave more responsibly in a positive manner. 4=#E is able to understand the importance of being open-minded to the choices that others make, and response in a correct manner. 5=#E understands that the dispositions and actions of an individual can be appropriate and inappropriate in different situations. 6=#E is #PYPlevel to understand that there are different factors that influence a person’s behaviour and there are consequences for the same. 7=#E is able to identify between appropriate and inappropriate behaviour. 8=#E is able to take the initiative to self-regulate #h dispositions and actions to become a better person. COMMENTS: End of year comments 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h test next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: English 2a 1=#N is starting to know when to use the first person and the third person in #h writing. 2=#N can normally write in the past tense. 3=#H stories have a beginning, several events and a simple ending. 4=#E can describe the events in my stories. 5=#N can describe the characters in #h stories. 6=In non-fiction #N can include a short introduction or concluding sentence. 7=#E uses headings to organise #h non-fiction writing. 8=#E sometimes choose words and phrases to interest the reader. 9=#N often chooses interesting vocabulary for effect in #h writing. 10=#N can use interesting adjectives or verbs to help describe a person or thing. 11=#E sometimes uses pronouns (#e, it, they) instead of characters� or things� names. 12=At least half of #h sentences use the correct punctuation (capital letters, full stops, ? and !). 13=#N sometimes uses commas to separate items in a list. 14=#N can spell all common words with one syllable. 15=#E uses #h knowledge of spelling patterns, suffixes and prefixes to help #m spell tricky words. COMMENTS: English 2b 1=#N can write a story in order, describing either #h characters or the setting. 2=#E knows some ways to show that #h writing is non-fiction. 3=#E can use vocabulary that helps organise #h writing, e.g. next, then, after, first. 4=#E can use detail to make #h writing interesting for the reader. 5=#N sometimes uses interesting vocabulary for effect. 6=#E can write a simple sentence to describe a person or thing using interesting words. 7=In non-fiction #e chooses words carefully to explain or describe. 8=#E can use different, simple connectives such as, because, so. 9=#E often knows when to write in the past or present tense. 10=#E sometimes uses question marks and exclamation marks. 11=All #h upper and lower case letters are the correct size and shape. 12=#E can spell most words with one syllable. 13=#E uses #h sounds to help #h spell longer words with more than one syllable. COMMENTS: English 3a 1=#N can structure a story clearly, e.g. beginning, problems, resolution, ending. All sections are linked together and well paced. 2=#E can develop #h main characters through description and/or dialogue and create interaction between the characters. 3=#E can describe #h story settings in some detail using all #h senses. 4=In non-fiction #e has an introduction, conclusion and ordered sections. 5=#E can use interesting and imaginative language to help the reader understand my characters or events. 6=#H chooses a style of writing that will interest the reader e.g. through use of specific detail or humour. 7=#E can describe how an action is performed using adverbial phrases e.g. The snake slithered along the ground stealthily. 8=#E can choose and use verbs, adjectives and adverbs together to make #h writing interesting and imaginative. 9=In non-fiction writing #e makes effective use of technical or specific vocabulary. 10=#E can use some complex sentence structures to add extra information. 11=#E use a new line when each character speaks and speech marks to show dialogue. 12=#N can use commas in lists and most of my punctuation is correct. 13=#H can use an apostrophe for omission e.g. don�t, can�t, it�s. COMMENTS: English 3b 1=#N always uses the first person (I, we) and third person (he, she, it, they) in the right places. 2=#E sometimes uses different tenses to write about what might happen. 3=All the events in #h stories are linked to each other. 4=When #e changes events, setting or time in my stories #e uses paragraphs. 5=#E can describe how the narrator or characters react to events in my stories. 6=In non-fiction #e always writes a simple introduction and conclusion. 7=#E can use precise words which are lively and imaginative, to amuse, frighten etc. 8=#E can use sentences with a wider variety of connectives e.g. however, whilst, whenever, therefore. 9=In non-fiction the first sentence of each section will say what #e is writing about. 10=#E full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks, and question marks are mostly accurate. 11=#E can use speech marks to indicate beginning and end of direct speech. 12=#N can spell common words with one or more syllables correctly. 13=#H handwriting is neat and always joined. 14=#N can spell words with more than one syllable containing common prefixes and suffixes correctly. 15=#E can use #h knowledge of spelling patterns, suffixes and prefixes to help #m spell new words with more than one syllable. COMMENTS: English 3c 1=#N always uses the past tense when writing a story. 2=#N always uses the present tense when characters are speaking. 3=#H can develop description of characters by including speech, feelings or emotion using interesting vocabulary. 4=#E can use interesting ways to describe setting so the reader can imagine it. 5=#N can write details of events to entertain or amuse my audience or create tension. 6=In non-fiction writing #e groups similar information together. 7=#E is beginning to use paragraphs, bullet points or headings to separate sections in #h writing. 8=#E can use noun phrases, e.g. the golden haired #b or adverbs e.g. slowly. 9=#N often chooses words for variety and which add interest and detail. 10=#E is beginning to use different ways to start #h sentences to make them more interesting. 11=#E can sometimes use question marks and exclamation marks in the right place. 12=#N can use speech marks to show when a character is speaking e.g. �Hello� said Bob. 13=#H handwriting is neat and usually joined. 14=#N can spell many words correctly which have more than one syllable. COMMENTS: English 4a 1=#H ideas and material are developed through imaginative detail. 2=#E is able to show feelings through the images #e develops rather than by a direct statement. 3=Through the pace and the settings in #h writing, #e is able to create mood and atmosphere. 4=#H characters' dialogue and reported speech help to move #h stories on. 5=#E understands that viewpoints need to be consistent and #e is beginning to do this in #h writing. 6=#E select and uses the appropriate language and presentational features to clearly establish context and purpose. 7=#E I am able to adapt #h writing to suit a particular audience. 8=#E is beginning to use literacy features, such as personification, alliteration and idioms, effectively in #h writing. 9=#E can structure #h writing appropriately in a range of genres. 10=#H is able to use a range of techniques to engage the reader. 11=#E is able to choose appropriately between standard English, colloquialism or dialect, according to the formality of the writing. 12=#H writing is organised into a planned and coherent series of paragraphs. 13=#E can use a wide and varied range of connectives. 14=#E can use a wide range of connectives, such as furthermore, nevertheless, on the other hand, to clarify the relationship between ideas. 15=#E can position a clause to achieve a specific effect. 16=#E can use a full range of punctuation appropriately. 17=#E is able to use precise and adventurous vocabulary for effect. 18=#E am able to use a range of styles of handwriting for different purposes. COMMENTS: English 4b 1=Within paragraphs, #N can develop sequences of events around a main sentence. 2=#E can link characters actions to key events. 3=#E can use relationships between sections or paragraphs to give structure to the whole text. 4=In non-fiction #N can balance #h main points and information as appropriate to the purpose. 5=In non fiction #h can reflect on the main points in #h conclusion. 6=#E can adapt the form and presentation of my writing for a specific readership. 7=#E can use some devices such as simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification for a specific purpose. 8=#E can use a wide range of interesting verbs and make good use of adverbs for precision. 9=#E can use a range of simple and complex sentences are to create effect or extend meaning. 10=#H can adapt #h sentence structure to support a clear account of events in #h stories. 11=#E can use expanded phrases and clauses to express #h ideas. 12=#N always use of commas to mark phrases or clauses. 13=#E is starting to use a wider range of punctuation e.g. brackets, dashes or colons, semi-colons, ellipses. COMMENTS: English 4c 1=#N change time and place in #h stories to help shape the story and guide the reader through the text. 2=#E sometimes link #h paragraphs together effectively. 3=#H characters will talk and act together as they would in real life. 4=#E uses #h setting to create the mood of the story. 5=In non-fiction #e uses introductory phrases to start new sections and paragraphs. 6=#E engages the reader by helping them to feel moods and feelings in #h stories. 7=#E engages the reader by adding or emphasising details. 8=#E can maintain the viewpoint of #h narrator and characters. 9=#E always includes imaginative detail and precise vocabulary for effect. 10=#E can use adverbial phrases to engage as well as inform. 11=#E can use complex sentence structure and a wider range of sentence connectives to develop meaning e.g. also, besides, even though, never the less, despite. 12=#N can use a mixture of compound, complex and simple sentences to good effect. 13=#H sometimes use commas to mark phrases or clauses. 14=#E can use the apostrophe for omission and possession e.g. the #b�s coat, the teachers� staff room, can�t, won�t, it�s. COMMENTS: English 5c 1=#N is able to weave dialogue, action and description through #h stories. 2=Through careful selection of words and sentence structure #N is able to avoid repetition and superfluous statements. 3=When writing non-fiction, #e is confident in the structure and information #e needs to convey. 4=#E is beginning to elaborate upon #h viewpoints. 5=#N can use flashbacks and time shifts confidently in #h narrative writing, signalling them clearly. 6=#E beginning to create subordinate plots to be woven into #h main plot. 7=In #h non-chronological writing, #e introduces, develops and concludes paragraphs appropriately. 8=In #h closing statements, #e is able to refer back to the starting points. 9=#H paragraphs are varied in length and structure. 10=#H final paragraphs offer an appropriate summary or appeal to the reader. 11=#E is able to use modal verbs in sentences. (the #b should be, would be, could be). 12=#E can use a full range of punctuation to convey and clarify meaning. 13=#N uses punctuation for effect. 14=#H writing includes a range of figurative language to enhance narrative. COMMENTS: English Listening and Speaking 1=#E listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 2=#N's spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 3=When asked to talk about Literacy texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence, and shows a super understanding of the ideas under discussion. 4=#E listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 5=#E listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 6=#E listens attentively in class. 7=#E listens extremely well, and invariably makes perceptive comments during discussions. 8=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 9=#E contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humour, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 10=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions; and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 11=#E is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 12=#E is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. COMMENTS: English opener 1=It is a pleasure to have #N in English. #E shows enthusiasm and interest in the subject. 2=#N makes a fantastic contribution to the class, displaying enthusiasm and competence across the subject. 3=#N will always try in English and has made progress in a number of key areas this year. 4=#N has generally had a positive year in English with good progress in a number of areas. COMMENTS: English reading 1=#E is expected to read a variety of materials and can create atmosphere when reading aloud, by varying pace and intonation 2=#N's reading has shown good progress this year. #E reads a variety of books with growing expression and good fluency 3=#E reads independently showing good expression and understanding. #N shows obvious enjoyment in reading, choosing a good range of appropriate texts. 4=#E is becoming a competent reader and is starting to enjoy more demanding books. #N is able to read silently and is developing sustained concentration. 5=#E is reading more fluently as a result of regular practice, and is hopefully enjoying reading more demanding books. COMMENTS: English speaking and listening 1=#N is well informed, and quietly puts #h point of view over in class discussions. #E listens with interest during these sessions. 2=#N listens well in discussions and is beginning to join in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. 3=#N is a good contributor to class discussions, and is starting to think more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 4=#N must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. COMMENTS: English writing 1=#N writes with feeling and expression, and is willing to draft and redraft work, when appropriate #N has a lively imagination. 2=#N writes well-structured pieces with the use of interesting detail and expressive words leading to work which involves the reader. 3=#N is starting to use excellent description and other writing techniques to suit the purpose of the piece. 4=#N is able to write independently, and will can use a range of punctuation correctly. However, #N will often need reminding to check work for spellings and basic punctuation errors. COMMENTS: English YR3 Handwriting 1=When #e chooses, #N can produce beautiful handwriting and is making an effort to improve #h bookwork. If #e keeps taking care, #e will have a beautiful cursive handwriting style. 2=#N produces neat bookwork and is developing an attractive style of cursive handwriting. 3=#N has made a commendable effort to improve #h handwriting and #h bookwork is looking beautiful. #E is developing an attractive style of cursive handwriting. 4=#N finds the physical skill of writing difficult, but with continued effort #e will develop a neat cursive handwriting style. 5=#N's letters are not always correctly proportioned, but with further care #e will develop a neat cursive handwriting style. COMMENTS: English YR3 Intro 1=#N is an enthusiastic student who is making steady progress. 2=#N is a diligent, capable student who is making excellent progress in all of #h English skills. 3=#N has worked very hard this year and is making commendable progress. 4=#N works steadily and the quality of #h work has shown a marked improvement this semester. 5=#N is making a commendable effort to improve #h English skills. 6=#N is a capable student with strong literacy skills. 7=#N is a talented, diligent student in this subject. 8=#N works enthusiastically and tries to do #h best. 9=#N has sound literacy skills which enable #m to complete most tasks at an acceptable standard. 10=#N is developing sound literacy skills. 11=#N is making pleasing progress and #h literacy skills are steadily improving. 12=#N is a capable student who underestimates #h own abilities. COMMENTS: English YR3 Listening 1=#N is able to gather information while listening and usually follows directions. 2=When #N is focused, #e can listen carefully and follow directions. 3=Although #N sometimes needs to clarify instructions, #e is an attentive listener and carefully follows directions. 4=Although #N is a careful listener, #e often needs instructions to be repeated and clarified. 5=#N is improving #h listening skills and is learning how to focus on instructions. 6=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E is often distracted, and misses important instructions. This hinders #h ability to get tasks finished effectively. COMMENTS: English YR3 Reading 1 1=#N has worked hard to improve #h reading skills this year. 2=#N has shown a positive approach to the development of #h reading skills. 3=#N is showing a greater interest in books as #h abilities increase. 4=#N enjoys group reading and discussing #h book with others. 5=#N is a capable reader and scored highly in #h comprehension tests. 6=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is reading with greater confidence and understanding. #E needs to keep up regular reading to consolidate this year�s progress. 7=#N derives much pleasure from #h books. 8=#N is a most expressive reader and even though some words might be misread, #h expressive style indicates a solid understanding of the text. 9=#N is reading more confidently and has been able to lift #h fluency rate to #? words a minute. #E needs to read consistently to get this up to 100 words a minute which will help #m to improve in comprehension tasks. 10=#N has achieved a fluency rate of approximately #? words per minute which enables #m to complete most comprehension tasks at a satisfactory level. 11=#N is an extremely capable reader with a wide vocabulary and a strong general knowledge base. When doing comprehension tests, #e does need to slow down and use the time given to think carefully about each question so that #e avoids careless errors. 12=#N is an extremely capable reader with a wide vocabulary and a strong general knowledge base. 13=#N is an expressive oral reader with an excellent fluency rate. 14=#N is a confident, fluent reader who is developing sound comprehension skills. 15=#N is a very fluent, confident reader who enjoys reading books. COMMENTS: English YR3 Reading 2 1=#N reads expressively when #e is familiar with the text. When reading an unseen passage aloud, #N needs to observe punctuation to understand the text more clearly. COMMENTS: English YR3 Speaking 1 1=#E is a confident speaker who experiments with creative ideas to engage the audience. 2=#E is developing confidence as a public speaker and has many interesting ideas to share. 3=#E is a confident speaker and loves to perform in front of the class. 4=#E is developing confidence as a public speaker and is willing to have a go at any speaking task. 5=#E is beginning to enjoy speaking to a larger group of people and the class enjoys #h creative oral presentations. COMMENTS: English YR3 Speaking 2 1=The class enjoyed #h gadget presentation about a #?. 2=The class enjoyed #h oral presentations about #? and #?. 3=The class enjoyed #h presentation about #?. 4=The class enjoys #h oral presentations. 5=The class enjoys #h creative oral presentations. COMMENTS: English YR3 Speaking 3 1=When speaking, #e does have difficulty in producing some sounds correctly which impacts on #h ability to spell words. 2=It would be good to see #N contribute more regularly in class discussions. COMMENTS: English YR3 Writing 1 1=The biggest challenge for #N is to improve #h written work and spelling. 2=#N is producing excellent pieces of writing and is making commendable use of adjectives and similes. 3=#N is writing with greater confidence and accuracy. Spelling is still a challenge for #m, but #e can identify most sounds and represent these sounds using the most common graphemes. #H written work is usually readable, even though it contains spelling errors. 4=#N has tried really hard to improve the quality of #h written work. When #e works carefully, #e can produce neat, attractive work that makes sense. 5=#N has made a pleasing effort to improve the quality of #h written work. #E can now edit #h work so that it makes sense and there are only a few missing words or errors in grammar. 6=While #N�s written work demonstrates a pleasing level of accuracy in spelling and grammar, some spelling errors of common words do appear into #h work. 7=#N is developing more confidence when expressing #h ideas in writing. COMMENTS: English YR3 Writing 2 1=#N is learning how to edit #h work and when #e remembers to leave spaces between words it usually makes sense. 2=Although #N's writing still contains some spelling errors and other inaccuracies, it is quite readable, and #e is becoming more aware of how to edit. 3=Although spelling is still a challenge for #m, #h work is readable and #e is becoming more aware of how to edit #h work. 4=#E needs to become more conscious of the need to edit #h work carefully and to take time to look carefully at what #e has written. 5=#E is experimenting with the use of descriptive and literary devices in #h writing. 6=Lack of confidence in spelling often hinders #N�s writing. #E likes to use words that #e knows how to spell. #E needs to have a go at using bigger words even if #e doesn�t know how to spell them. This would make #h writing more interesting. 7=#N has strong spelling skills and #h writing usually contains few errors. COMMENTS: Excellent progress 1=#N has made excellent progress this year thanks to enthusiastic hard work. COMMENTS: fifth sentence 1=In daily prayer #N is respectful, and has contributed to the wider school community. 2=responsibly as our Class Captain in Term Three. 3=responsibly as our Class Captain in Term Four. 4=in the school Choir. 5=diligently as our Liturgy Representative. 6=diligently as our Council Representative. 7=diligently as one of our Recycle Managers. 8=as a valued member of #h 9=Netball Team. 10=Cricket Team. 11=Dancesport Team. 12=Hockey Team. 13=Polyfest Team. 14=Waterpolo Team. 15=Soccer Team. 16=Junior Orchestra. 17=Dance Competition Team. COMMENTS: form general 1=#N is pleasant, lively and cheerful. 2=#N is polite and well mannered. 3=#N is a charming and helpful member of the class who can always be relied upon to carry out any task conscientiously. 4=#N demonstrates a sensible and mature attitude to school life. 5=#N has an outgoing personality and is developing a wide range of interests. 6=#N shows encouraging signs of maturity and will discuss sensibly any comments about work or behaviour. 7=#N is developing self-confidence and becoming more independent in thought and action. 8=#N is a popular member of the group and has a good sense of humour. 9=#N is always prepared to listen to advice and to act upon it as a means of improving the standard of work. 10=#N approaches all school activities with care and increasing perseverance. COMMENTS: form general two 1=#E is pleasant, lively and cheerful. 2=#E is polite and well mannered. 3=#E is a charming and helpful member of the class who can always be relied upon to carry out any task conscientiously. 4=#E demonstrates a sensible and mature attitude to school life. 5=#E has an outgoing personality and is developing a wide range of interests. 6=#E shows encouraging signs of maturity and will discuss sensibly any comments about work or behaviour. 7=#E is developing self-confidence and becoming more independent in thought and action. 8=#E is a popular member of the group and has a good sense of humour. 9=#E is always prepared to listen to advice and to act upon it as a means of improving the standard of work. 10=#E approaches all school activities with care and increasing perseverance. COMMENTS: form opener 1=#N is a pleasant and well motivated pupil who clearly gains much from school and gives much in return. 2=#N continues to make a positive contribution to the class through cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 3=#N has the ability and commitment to excel in all subjects. 4=#N has made a positive start to #h time at Valley Gardens Middle School. COMMENTS: form organisation 1=#N is well organised and always makes sure #h Planner is signed, homework is recorded and that #e has all the equipment needed for that day. 2=#N is becoming more organised, making sure #h Planner is signed, homework is recorded and #e has all the equipment needed for that day, although there is still room for improvement. 3=#N needs to work on #h organisation making sure #h Planner is always signed, homework is recorded and #e has all the equipment needed for that day COMMENTS: form progress 1=#E has made excellent progress towards targets across the board. 2=#E has made excellent progress towards targets in the majority of subjects. 3=#E has made pleasing progress towards targets in the majority of subjects, however there are a few subjects where #e may need additional support and more focus to reach #h attainment potential. 4=#E has made satisfactory progress towards targets in the majority of subjects however there are a few areas of concern. COMMENTS: form targets 1=#N must realise that self-discipline is key to success and happiness at school. 2=#N is capable of achieving good results when concentrating but must avoid the tendency to daydream. 3=#N needs to be more assertive and develop the self-confidence to express opinions and ideas more readily. 4=#N must try to develop a more positive attitude towards work rather than attempting to distract other members of the class. 5=#N needs to realise that homework assignments are important and be prepared to give these more time and attention. 6=#N has a slow work rate and must make a greater effort to work more quickly. 7=#N must avoid the tendency to chatter and needs to recognise the value of concentrated attention. 8=#N must balance high standard of academic work with involvement in extra-curricular life of the school. COMMENTS: fourth sentence 1=#E participates in class discussion regularly, often building on ideas being explored, especially in Religious Education. 2=#E always shows a genuine interest in class activities and willingly takes responsibility around the classroom. 3=#E regularly contributes #h ideas in class discussion. 4=#N will contribute #h opinion on topics being discussed. 5=When asked, #e will contribute #h ideas to class discussion. COMMENTS: General comments 1=In general #N has a very positive attitude towards all aspects of #h school work and sets a good example with #h behaviour. 2=#N is a quiet member of the class, who has a considerate and thoughtful nature. 3=#N works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. #E has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 4=#N has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class 5=#N has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 6=#E is quiet in class but works hard. 7=#N has a large circle of friends and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#N has a mature attitude and uses #h own initiative to develop work, having produced some excellent homework. 9=#N has a mature approach to many aspects of #h work and shows independence, settling down to work without a fuss. 10=#N is a friendly and cheerful member of our class. 11=#N is a cooperative, friendly and cheerful member of our class. 12=#N is a cooperative member of our class. 13=#N is able to demonstrate responsible behaviour by working cooperatively with a group and showing appreciation for the efforts of others 14=#N is willing to share, to cooperate in a group setting, to voice feelings and opinions and to listen to the opinions of others. 15=#N helps to maintain a cooperative working environment by interacting appropriately and by accepting a share of the responsibility for completing a task. 16=#N is able to participate in cooperative team effort when working with a small group. COMMENTS: General comments 2 1=#N has become more confident about answering questions and talking in front of the class 2=#N has worked hard in many curriculum areas and has produced some work to be really proud of. 3=#E is quiet in class but works hard. 4=#N has a positive attitude towards all aspects of #h schoolwork, and sets a superb example. 5=#E is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 6=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and has a sensible attitude. 7=#E has a high level of independent working skills. 8=#E is considerate and is always polite and sensible. 9=#E takes a lot of pride in #h work. 10=#N is a friendly member of the class, who works with enthusiasm and regularly contributes to class discussion. 11=#N is a confident member of the class and contributes well in lessons. 12=#N is extremely conscientious and has produced some excellent work to be really proud of. 13=#E is considerate with many friends and is always polite and sensible. 14=#N is a helpful pupil who is sensible and well behaved. 15=#N is a cheerful pupil and a popular member of the class. 16=#N gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 17=#E is making excellent progress. 18=#E makes good contributions to discussions in class and often asks questions. 19=#E gets along well with others and has many friends. 20=#N has many friends and is always displays a pleasant nature. COMMENTS: General comments 3 1=#N gets on well with a variety of children in the class and is a very lively and cheerful pupil. 2=#N has been working extremely hard in a variety of curriculum areas. 3=#E seems to prefer to work on an individual basis rather than in a group situation. 4=#N can work equally well independently, or with others 5=#E is always helpful and willing to undertake jobs around the classroom. 6=#E is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone. 7=#E is usually cheerful with a smile and a joke. 8=#E has a good sense of humour and enjoys sharing a joke with children and adults alike. COMMENTS: General comments improvements 1=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #N works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 2=#E needs to put more effort into written work. 3=#N is too easily distracted in class. 4=#N is generally hardworking, although #e can be easily distracted. 5=#E is always helpful and willing to undertake jobs around the classroom. 6=#E is always polite and friendly and gets on well with everyone. 7=#E is usually cheerful with a smile and a joke. 8=#E has a good sense of humour and enjoys sharing a joke with children and adults alike. COMMENTS: General comments improvements 1 1=Although the standard of presentation of #h work has been variable, #N works very hard and has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 2=#E needs to put more effort into written work. 3=#N is too easily distracted in class. 4=#N is generally hardworking, although #e can be easily distracted. 5=#H attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #e has calmed down. 6=#N has produced some good work when #e makes the effort but is capable of more. 7=#N must ask if #e does not understand the work and in this way #e will make much more progress. 8=Recently, #N has settled down well and worked much harder in class. 9=However, #h behaviour can still be silly at times and #e needs to realise that next year #e will be in the oldest year group in the school. 10=#H attitude to work when working in class is good but #e needs to do #h homework in order to make progress. 11=In order to maintain the progress that #N is making, #e needs to listen carefully to instructions. 12=Unfortunately, #N lacks confidence in #h own ability in some subjects and needs to realise that #e is capable of producing work of a high standard when #e puts in the effort. 13=Although #N is beginning to show signs of increased maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 14=If #N develops this more positive approach to work and behaviour, #e will reach #h full potential. 15=#N is a clever capable #b, but this is not always reflected in #h written work. 16=#N has the ability to produce good work in all subjects but needs to avoid the temptation to chatter for sustained periods to friends. 17=At certain times #N does find difficulty in remaining on task as #e prefers to 'chat' to others around #m. In order to maintain the progress that #e is making, #e needs to give #h full concentration at all times. 18=#E needs to help with putting resources away. 19=#N needs to concentrate and apply #s in full to achieve #h full potential. 20=I am sure that the challenge of a year six curriculum will inspire #m to realise #h full potential. COMMENTS: General comments improvements 2 1=#N sometimes lacks confidence, and needs to start being more independent in the classroom. 2=#E is keen to answer questions, but needs to remember to put up #h hand. 3=Occasionally, #N can be easily distracted and #h needs to realise that #h must settle down to work straightaway. 4=#N always settles down quickly to work, but needs to listen carefully to the instructions given so #e can complete the work successfully. 5=#H attitude to school and work in general has improved this term and #h has calmed down. COMMENTS: General YR3 Conclusion 1=2012 NAPLAN results were sent home in September. COMMENTS: General YR3 Intro 1=#N is a friendly, lively student who is making steady progress in all areas of #h learning. 2=#N is a helpful student who is making steady progress. 3=#N is a diligent and capable student who is eager to learn new skills and always tries to do #h best. 4=#N is working hard and all aspects of #h learning are slowly progressing. 5=#N is a capable student with a wonderful mind. #E has the potential to achieve high grades. 6=#N is a capable, energetic student who is making #? progress in all aspects of #h learning. 7=#N is an enthusiastic, gifted student who takes a keen interest in all areas of #h learning. COMMENTS: General YR3 Sentence1 1=Although #h numeracy and literacy skills have strengthened this year, they are still behind what is expected at this year level. 2=#E is making excellent progress in all areas of #h learning. 3=#E is establishing good work habits and it has been a pleasure to watch #m developing this year. 4=Although #e is becoming more responsible, #e does need to obey classroom rules even when #e is not being supervised. 5=#N works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. #E has produced some work to be extremely proud of. 6=#N is extremely conscientious, producing work to be really proud of. 7=#E is still developing a work ethic and finds starting and completing written work a challenge. 8=#E does need to use #h energy for appropriate activities that do not distract others. Making wise choices is a challenge for #N. COMMENTS: General YR3 Sentence2 1=#E is learning how to focus and manages to keep on task for longer periods of time. 2=#N watches out for the needs of others and it has been a pleasure to have #m in our classroom. 3=#N is valued by #h peers and it has been a pleasure to have #m in our classroom. 4=Although some of #h skills are lagging behind what is expected at this year level, #e has been able to improve #h performance this year. 5=#N is always kind and helpful and it has been a pleasure to have #m in our classroom. 6=#N continued to blossom as the year progressed and it has been a pleasure to have #m in our classroom. 7=#N is a friendly, kind #b and I have thoroughly enjoyed having #m in my class this year. 8=Careful listening is a challenge for #N. #E needs to keep #h eyes on the teacher and resist the temptation to fiddle with other equipment. COMMENTS: Geog improve 1=For #N to improve in Geography #e needs to grasp a better understanding of the world around #m. 2=To see improvement in #N's work I would like to see #m begin to add detailed explanation to #h work. 3=For #N to improve #e needs to start describing the links between differing factors in a range of Geographical situations. 4=To improve #N needs to start to think empathetically when answering questions. COMMENTS: Geog understand 1=#E has an impressive knowledge of place and the key ideas related to mountains and Jamaica. 2=#E has a sound knowledge of place and the key ideas related to mountains and Jamaica. 3=#E has a secure knowledge of places and some of the key ideas related to mountains and Jamaica. COMMENTS: Geography behave 1=#N produces a good level of work which is well thought through and shows a high level of understanding. 2=#N generally produces a good level of work but sometimes needs encouragement to access higher level thinking or to engage with more difficult questions. 3=#N has the ability to produce good Geography work but will often spend lesson time #Distraction instead of working. COMMENTS: Geography knowledge 1=#E has shown and demonstrated an advanced level of apptitude with Geographical skills. 2=#E has consistently demonstrated that #e is a capable and confident Geographer, using a wide range of skills to show understanding. 3=#E has generally demonstrated a good level of skill in Geography. 4=#E can sometimes show a good level of skill in Geography. COMMENTS: Geography progress 1=This year #N has made fantastic progress in Geography. 2=This year #N has made good progress in Geography. 3=This year #N has made satisfactory progress in Geography. 4=This year #N has made poor progress in Geography. 5=#N is a keen and enthusiastic pupil who has produced excellent work in all areas of the subject. 6=#N is a capable pupil who has made good progress in Geography. COMMENTS: GiF YR3 Conclusion 1=#E usually practises the Christian values promoted by the school. 2=#E is a kind student who usually practices the Christian values promoted by the school. 3=#E is #SUAlist reverent during worship activities and practises the Christian values promoted by the school. 4=#N needs to make a greater effort to sit quietly and respectfully during chapel. #E also needs to make a determined effort to practise the Christian values promoted by our school, such as self-control and responsibility. 5=#E supports the Christian values of our school and is always reverent during worship activities. 6=#E is becoming more confident in completing written activities. 7=#E participates enthusiastically in activities and contributes to discussions about spiritual issues. COMMENTS: GiF YR3 Intro 1=#N has enjoyed studying Bible stories about the prophets of the Old Testament and some of the New Testament stories about Jesus. #E is learning how to identify the lessons that can be learnt from these stories. 2=#N studied Bible stories about the prophets of the Old Testament and some of the stories of Jesus. 3=#N has a sound understanding of the Bible stories studied this semester. #E is able to identify the lessons found in these stories and always makes positive responses. 4=#N has made a pleasing effort to understand the Bible stories studied this semester. #E responds creatively and is learning how to identify the lessons in these stories. 5=#N has a basic knowledge of the Bible stories studied this semester. #E is beginning to identify the important lessons found in these stories. 6=#N enjoyed the Bible stories studied this semester and has responded creatively through writing, art and drama. 7=#N listens carefully to the Bible stories presented and is learning how to identify the lessons in these stories. #E is developing confidence in responding through writing, art and drama. 8=#N has a sound knowledge of the Bible stories studied this semester and is usually able to identify the lesson in these stories. COMMENTS: GiF YR3 Middle 1=#E is learning how to identify the lessons found in the stories and can usually apply them to life situations. 2=#E loves to take part in role plays and demonstrates a sound understanding of the lessons found in these stories. #N thinks deeply about spiritual issues and always contributes insightful comments to class discussions. 3=#N has shown care and compassion for #h peers and is willing to speak out against injustice. 4=#N listens respectfully and participates in all of the activities. It would be good for #m to attempt join in class discussions more often. 5=#N is interested in spiritual issues and often contributes insightful comments or questions to discussions. COMMENTS: Handwriting 1=#H cursive handwriting and printing are very neat and clear. 2=#H cursive handwriting and printing are legible. 3=#H cursive handwriting and printing are sometimes difficult to read. 4=#H cursive handwriting and printing quality could use improvement. 5=I would like to see #m put more effort in to the quality of #h handwriting. 6=#H cursive handwriting and printing are neat and clear. 7=#H cursive handwriting and printing are clear. 8=#H handwriting is neat and clear and a pleasure to read. 9=I appreciate the care #N takes in #h handwriting quality. 10=I appreciate the care #N takes in #h handwriting. 11=Thank you #N for making your handwriting a joy to read. 12=Thank you #N for making your handwriting a pleasure to read. 13=#N takes care in #h handwriting quality. I appreciate that. 14=#? 15=#N still needs to improve #h handwriting. It is difficult to read at times. 16=#N has made improvements in #h handwriting. I really appreciate the effort. 17=#N has made some improvements in #h handwriting. I really appreciate the effort. COMMENTS: History 1=#N has a good understanding of chronology, and recognises similarities and differences between different times in the past. 2=#N is beginning to describe event in chronological order, and is beginning to recognise the differences between past times. 3=#N offers reasons for the changes that happened in history before and after major events. 4=#N has shown a keen interest in studying history and #h written work and drawings have consistently been of a very good standard. 5=#N has worked hard in all our history topics and has produced a lot of quality work. 6=#N has shown a good level of interest in finding out about the past and #h written work has improved in quality, although sometimes #e would benefit from working a little quicker. 7=#N shows a great interest in finding out about the past and has enjoyed our history topics. 8=#N's work has been of a very good quality, showing care and understanding. 9=#N has shown an interest in finding out about the past, but #h written work doesn't always reflect this. I feel more care would demonstrate #h knowledge much better. 10=#N has shown an interest in our history topics and can talk about the differences between modern life and life in the past. #E has tried hard with the written work and has produced some good pictures. 11=#N can discuss the differences between life in the past and the modern day. 12=#N can make suggestions about why people acted the way they did in the past. COMMENTS: History 2 1=#N has really enjoyed studying the Tudor period this year. 2=#N has enjoyed studying the Tudor period this year. 3=#E has been able to contribute to discussion about life at this time, and this understanding is reflected in #h written work. 4=Using #h knowledge and understanding, #e is beginning to evaluate sources of information, identify those that are useful for particular tasks and select and combine information from different sources. 5=This year #N enjoyed learning about the Tudors. 6=#N was keen to learn about the differences between living in Tudor times and modern day, especially the living conditions at the time 7=#E is able to describe some of the main events, people and changes over the period studied, to give some reasons for changes and explain the results of these changes. 8=Using #h knowledge and understanding, #e is beginning to evaluate sources of information and identify those that are useful for particular tasks. 9=#N really enjoyed the trip to Hampton Court Palace, it really brought the topic to life for #h. 10=#N enjoyed studying the Tudors this year, with our visit to Hampton Court Palace enabling #h to visualise life during this period in time. and life in the past. #E has tried hard with the written work and has produced some good pictures. 11=#E is able to describe the main event, people and changes over the period studied. 12=#N is able to make comparisons between the Tudor period and modern day. 13=#E is able to use different sources to gather evidence when answering questions about the past and is beginning to select information from these sources to determine why important figures in history acted as they did. 14=#N has really enjoyed learning about the Tudors this year, particularly the differences in living condition then and now. 15=#E is able to describe some of the main events, people and changes over the Tudor period, such as the Battle of Bosworth. 16=#E is able to give some reasons for changes and explain the results of these changes. 17=#N benefited from our trip to Hampton Court Palace where #e learnt a lot about life in Tudor times, especially in the kitchens. 18=#N now needs to go beyond making simple observations, questioning sources and artefacts to develop #h understanding further. COMMENTS: History 3 1=#N really enjoyed learning about the Tudors this year and is able to give reasons for main events and changes, #e particularly enjoyed learning about the differences between living condition in the Tudor period and modern day. #N is able to produce well-structured work, making appropriate use of historical terms. #E is beginning to use sources of information and observations to ask and answer questions about the past. #N really enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace 2=#N has enjoyed learning about the Tudors this year. #E is able to make comparisons between the Tudor period and modern day, #e particularly enjoyed finding out about living conditions at the time. #N is able to use different sources to gather evidence when answering questions about the past and is beginning to select and combine information from different sources to determine why important figures in history acted as they did. 3=#N has shown a great enthusiasm for our Tudor topic, #e is able is describe events, people and changes that have taken place during this period. #E demonstrates an increasing depth of factual knowledge and understanding of aspects of the history of Britain. #N is able to select and combine information from different sources. #E greatly enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace and learnt a great deal about Tudor life. 4=#N has been enthusiastic about our history topic on the Tudors, #e benefited from our trip to Hampton Court Palace where #e was able to see first-hand what life as Tudor nobility would have been like. #N is beginning to use sources of information to answer questions about the past on the basis of simple observations. #N is beginning to recognise why people in the past acted as they did, and beginning to put forward suggestions about the reasons for this. 5=#N has enjoyed learning about the Tudors this year. #E is able to use different sources to gather evidence when answering questions about the past and is beginning to select and combing information from different sources to determine why important figures in history acted as they did. #N is able to make clear comparisons between the Tudor period and modern day. #E greatly enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace and learnt a great deal about Tudor life. 6=#N has really enjoyed studying the Tudor period this year. Using #h knowledge and understanding, #e is beginning to evaluate sources of information, identify those that are useful for particular tasks and select and combine information from different sources. #N has been able to contribute to discussion about life during the Tudor period, and this understanding is reflected in #h written work. g conditions at the time 7=#N was really enthusiastic about our topic of the Tudors this year. #E is able to make comparison between the Tudor period and modern day life. #N is able to use different sources to gather evidence when answering questions about the past and is beginning to select and combine information from different sources to determine why important figures in history acted as they did. 8=#N really enjoyed our Tudor topic this year, particularly our trip to Hampton Court Palace which bought the period to life for #h. #N is able to recall the main events, people and changes of the Tudor period. #E is aware that the past can be represented a number of different ways and has been able to use these sources of information and answer simple questions about events, people and changes that have occurred. 9=#N has enjoyed learning about the Tudors in history this year and is able to give reasons for main events and changes, #e enjoyed learning about the six wives of Henry VIII. #N is beginning to use sources of information and observations to ask and answer questions about the past. #E is able to produce well-structured work, making appropriate use of historical terms. #N enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace., 10=#N has enjoyed learning about the Tudors. #E is developing #h understanding of chronology and understands that the past is divided into different periods of time. #N is able to describe some of the main events, changes and people during this period of time, as well as beginning to ask and answer basic questions based on simple observations. #E now needs to develop this skill and go beyond simple observations. #N really enjoyed our trip to Hampton Court Palace. 11=#N has enjoyed studying the Tudors this year and is able to recall some of the main events, people and changes at this time. #E is aware that the past can be represented a number of different ways and has been able to use these sources of information to ask and answer simple questions about events, people and changes that have occurred. #E is able to recognise there are reasons for and results of the main events and changes during the Tudor period, such as the Battle of Bosworth. COMMENTS: History bhave 1=Even though the classes are online, #e confidently takes parts in discussions and makes a strong contribution to the lesson 2=#E can take part in discussion but will often need encouragement to answer questions and discuss topics. 3=#E rarely takes part in conversations or class discussions, #e needs to develop confidence in #h opinions and ideas. 4=#E will often contribute to class discussions but is quickly of topic when working in a group. 5=#E has gained much knowledge and settled well in the online classes. 6=It has been an adventure for #m to explore and learn the tech specifications for online classes. 7=We have seen #m open up and participate much more in these online classes. 8=Online teaching hasn't been a bar for #m to learn and enhance #h knowledge. COMMENTS: History improve 1=For #N to improve in History #e needs to begin to take responsibilty for #h own research. 2=To improve #h history work #e should move from describing to explaining in #h answers. 3=For continued improvement in History #N should begin to explore using a range of sources and evidence. 4=To improve in History #N needs to spend more time thinking through #h answers. 5=#N should try to explain #h ideas in more detail to improve in History. COMMENTS: History Lower 1=#N has really enjoyed our Tudor topic this year. #E benefited from our trip to Hampton Court Palace. #N can make suggestions about why people acted the way they did in the past and ask questions about historical artefacts. #N is beginning to use sources of information to answer questions about the past on the basis of simple observations. #E now needs to develop this skill and go beyond simple observations. 2=#N has enjoyed learning about the Tudors this year. #E is developing #h understanding of chronology and understands that the past is divided into different periods of time. #E is able to make comparisons between the Tudor period and modern day. #N is able to use different sources to gather evidence when answering questions about the past. #N benefited from our trip to Hampton Court Palace. 3=#N has been very enthusiastic about our history topic on the Tudors. #E benefited from our trip to Hampton Court. #N is beginning to use sources of information to answer questions about the past on the basis of simple observations. #E now needs to develop this skill and go beyond simple observations. #N is beginning to recognise that there are reasons why people in the past acted as they did. COMMENTS: History progress 1=#N has demonstrated good sustained progress in History. 2=#N's progress has been satisfactory in History. 3=#N's progress has not been as good as I would have expected, #e has made satisfactory progress. 4=#N has shown excellent progress in the understanding of History. 5=#N has not made the progress expected, but can demonstrate an understanding of Historical concepts. COMMENTS: History work 1=#N produced written work and drawings of a good standard to reflect #h knowledge. 2=#N is capable of producing written work and drawings to reflect #h knowledge. 3=#N has worked steadily and shown that #e has a developing knowledge of historical subjects. 4=#N has selected information independently from a wide range of sources. 5=#N can interpret and analyse a range of sources and historical evidence. 6=#E can discuss historical bias and give reasons and ideas to support #h thoughts. 7=#E can present and discuss ideas in a sensible and appropriate manner. COMMENTS: HSIE YR3 2 1=#E responded thoughtfully to Pioneer Day and the excursion to Elizabeth Farm. 2=#E responded thoughtfully to our Pioneer Day activities. 3=#E responded thoughtfully to our excursion to Elizabeth Farm. COMMENTS: HSIE YR3 3 1=#E wrote #LevelList Dreamtime story and gave a #LevelListSingle speech about #h visit to #?. 2=#N also wrote #LevelList Dreamtime story that #e successfully produced into an e-book using an iPad. COMMENTS: HSIE YR3 Intro 1=#N achieved #LevelList standard in activities relating to the study of early Australia. COMMENTS: intro sentence 1=#N has continued to be a quiet and friendly student. 2=#N has made a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 3=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 4=#N is friendly towards #h peers and shows genuine interest in class activities. 5=#N continues to make a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 6=#N is consistently a sensible and hardworking student who is clearly well-liked by #h peers. 7=#N continues to have a positive attitude and strive to do #h best. 8=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student. 9=#N is a quiet and friendly student. 10=#N shows consideration towards #h peers and is consistently sensible and hardworking. 11=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student who is supportive of others. 12=#N is always considerate of the rights and feelings of others and responds when #e sees a need. 13=#N is an active member of the class. 14=#N is a dependable class member; #e shows a positive attitude towards #h peers and school activities. 15=#N is outgoing and friendly towards #h peers. 16=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student who is clearly liked by #h peers. 17=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 18=#N shows consideration towards #h peers and can be sensible and hardworking. 19=#N is respectful of others and always uses #h time wisely. COMMENTS: Level 5 Reading Statement 1=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. #E is able to express #h thoughts briefly and clearly when responding to either fiction or non-fiction. #E can see how the author�s choice of specific vocabulary makes the meaning within the text more precise. 2=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. #E is aware of the author�s ability to convey feelings through a series of images rather than direct statements and is also aware of how authors use personification or alliteration to create stronger images. #N can perceive hidden irony in texts and can see how the author�s choice of specific vocabulary makes the meaning within the text more precise. 3=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. #E can perceive hidden irony within texts and can appreciate how the author has managed detail and sequence to sustain the reader�s interest, e.g. conflict or relationship between characters. #E is able to succinctly summarise the main positive and negative points from a story or information text. COMMENTS: Math 1=#N was able to observe number relationships and patterns in the environment and use these to derive number facts. 2=#N can find one more or one less than a number from 1 to 20. 3=#N is able to also work out the corresponding subtraction facts. 4=#N is able to count on or back in ones up to 20. 5=#N recalls the doubles of all numbers to at least 20. 6=#N derives and recalls all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 20, all pairs with totals to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 with totals up to 100. 7=#N uses #h knowledge of number facts and operations to estimate and check #h answers to #h calculations. 8=#N is able to say and use number names in order in familiar contexts. 9=#N knows that numbers identify how many objects are in a set. 10=#N has counted reliably up to 20 everyday objects. 11=#N is able to estimate how many objects #h can see and check #h answer by counting the objects for #s. 12=#N can count aloud in ones, twos, fives or tens. 13=#N has used the language such as 'more' or 'less' to compare two numbers. 14=#N was able to count reliably at least 20 objects, recognizing that when rearranged the number of objects stayed the same. #E knows that an estimate of a number of objects that can be checked by counting. 15=#N can compare and order numbers, using the related vocabulary. #E also knows how to use the equals (=) sign. 16=#N is able to read and write number from 0 to 10. 17=#N can use #h knowledge of place numbers on a number line to perform addition or subtraction equations. 18=#N was able to say the number that is 1 more or less than any given number up to 20. 19=#N participated in practical activities and discussion, #e is starting to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting. 20=#N uses the symbols +, -, and = to perform equations, and #e is able to explain #h choices using the appropriate language. COMMENTS: Maths 3a statement 1=#E is particularly good at mental arithmetic and can use mental methods quickly to do calculations with all the four operations. #E can add and subtract decimals to two places and can multiply a simple decimal by a single digit. #E can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. #E can also recognise equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. #E is beginning to understand simple ratio and can use and interpret coordinates in the first quadrant. 2=#E can also solve two-step problems. #E can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles and can measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5�. #E can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line and #e can rotate a shape around the origin. #E can record data using a frequency table and can create simple line graphs. #E can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record sorting and classifying of information. COMMENTS: Maths 3b statement 1=#E understands place value in numbers to 1000. #E can recognise sequences of numbers and can add and subtract three-digit numbers using written method. #N can recognise some fractions that are equivalent to 1/2. #E can also record fractions that are several parts of the whole such as 3/4, 2/5. #N can recognise common 3-D shapes and knows some nets of familiar 3-D shapes. 2=#E can reflect shapes, presented on a grid, in a vertical or horizontal mirror line and knows when a shape does not have a line of symmetry. #E understands what area and perimeter are. #N can make a sensible choice for recording data, e.g. a tally chart or frequency table and can construct a bar chart. COMMENTS: Maths 4c statement 1=#N can use mental methods to do calculations with all the four operations and can order decimals to three decimal places. #E understand and can use fractions such as 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, 1/10 and is beginning to understand simple ratio. #N can add and subtract three-digit numbers using written method. 2=#N can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line and #e can rotate a shape around the origin. #E can measure a length to the nearest � cm. #N can record data using a frequency table and can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record sorting and classifying of information. COMMENTS: Maths Approach 1=#N generally understands new concepts well and knows the appropriate time to ask for help if #e gets stuck. 2=#N easily takes on board new concepts and is ready and willing to challenge #s. 3=#N is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to slow down and check #h approach. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2a 1=#N knows #h 10, 2x and 1x table. 2=#N knows #h number doubles to 10 +10. 3=#E know by heart all the answers to any addition or subtraction up to 10. 4=#E knows that subtraction is the inverse of addition. 5=#N can choose the appropriate operation when solving addition and subtraction problems. 6=#N knows that #e can work out the answer to a multiplication problem by repeated addition. 7=#E understands halving as a way of 'undoing' doubling and vice versa. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2b 1=#N can decompose a number into Tens and Units and then compose them. 2=#N can recognise sequences of numbers in 2s, 5s and 1Os. 3=#E knows what is meant by odd or even numbers. 4=#E can double and half numbers to 20. 5=#N can add 2 two-digit numbers. 6=#N can subtract a single-digit number from a two digit number without using apparatus. 7=#E can shade half or one quarter of a given shape. COMMENTS: Maths Level 2c 1=#N can read and order numbers up to 100. 2=#N knows which is the smallest or largest number is in any given group up to 100. 3=#E can use a number line to add numbers together by counting on. 4=#E can subtract by counting back on a number line. COMMENTS: Maths Level 3 MA2 1=#N understands place value in numbers to 1000. 2=#N can show and compare numbers using number lines and 100 squares. 3=#E can show that some numbers can be represented as different arrays. 4=#E can use place value to multiply and divide numbers by 10. 5=#N can use place value to estimate. 6=#E can recognise negative numbers. 7=#N can recognise sequences of numbers (multiples of 2, 5 and 10). 8=#E understand and can use fractions such as 1/2, 1/4, 1/3, 1/5, 1/10. 9=#N can find fractions of shapes and sets of objects. 10=#N can record fractions that are several parts of the whole such as 3/4, 2/5. 11=#N can recognise some fractions that are equivalent to 1/2. 12=#E can order decimals with one decimal place. 13=#N can order decimals with two decimal places in relation to money. 14=When given a number sentence #N can use #h knowledge of operations to create related sentences, e.g. given 14 � 5 = 70, create 5 � 14 = 70, 15=#N can use inverses to find missing whole numbers in problems. 16=#E can solve �balancing� problems such as 7 � 10 = 82 � ? 17=#E can find a quarter of a number of objects and explain #h method. 18=#E is learning �6, �8, �9 and �7 tables 19=#N can add and subtract three-digit numbers using written method. COMMENTS: Maths Level 3 MA3 1=#N can sort objects and shapes using more than one criteria. 2=#N can sort the shapes which have all edges the same length and all angles the same size. 3=#E is beginning to understand the terms �regular� and �irregular�. 4=#E can recognise right angles in shapes in different positions. 5=#N can find angles which are bigger or smaller than 90�. 6=#E is beginning to use the terms �obtuse� and �acute�. 7=#N can recognise right-angled and equilateral triangles. 8=#E can show reflection symmetry by folding. 9=#N knows when a shape does not have a line of symmetry. 10=#N can recognise common 3-D shapes. 11=#N knows some nets of familiar 3-D shapes. 12=#E can reflect shapes, presented on a grid, in a vertical or horizontal mirror line. 13=#N can use the words left, right, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn, 90� to give directions along a route. 14=#E can measure a length to the nearest � cm. 15=#N can read simple scales. 16=#E can read a 12-hour clock. 17=#E understands what area and perimeter are. 18=#E can find areas of shapes by counting squares. 19=#N can recognise angles as a measure of turn and know how many degrees are in one whole turn. COMMENTS: Maths Level 3 MA4 1=#N can decide what data to collect to answer a question. 2=#N can make a sensible choice for recording data, e.g. a tally chart or frequency table. 3=#E can construct a bar chart. 4=#E can construct a pictogram, where each picture represents more than 1. 5=#N can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record my sorting and classifying of information. 6=#E can use a key to interpret data. 7=#N can read scales labelled in twos, fives and tens. 8=#E can compare data. 9=#N can respond to questions of a more complex nature such as �How many children took part in this survey altogether?� COMMENTS: Maths Level 4 MA2 1=#N can continue sequences involving decimals. 2=#N can use and understand the terms multiple, factor and square. 3=#E can use place value to multiply and divide whole numbers by 10 or 100. 4=#E can recognise equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages . 5=#N can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and vice versa. 6=#E can order decimals to three decimal places. 7=#N is beginning to understand simple ratio. 8=#N can use inverse operations to find missing numbers. 9=#E understands �balancing sums�. 10=#N can use mental methods to do calculations with all the four operations. 11=#E knows all multiplication facts up to 10 � 10. 12=#N can quickly calculate the corresponding division facts to all times tables. 13=#E can use written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 14=#N can add and subtract decimals to two places. 15=#E can multiply a simple decimal by a single digit. 16=#N can use and interpret coordinates in the first quadrant. 17=#E can solve two-step problems. 18=#E can interpret a calculator display of 4.5 as �4.50 in context of money. 19=#N can carry out simple calculations involving negative numbers in context. COMMENTS: Maths Level 4 MA3 1=#N can name most quadrilaterals. 2=#N can recognise right-angled, equilateral, isosceles and scalene triangles. 3=#E can recognise an oblique line of symmetry in a shape. 4=#E can use words such as horizontal, vertical, congruent. 5=#N understand properties of shapes, e.g. why a square is a special rectangle. 6=#E can recognise shapes different positions. 7=#N can draw common 2-D shapes in different positions on a grid. 8=#N I can use a grid to plot the reflection in a mirror line. 9=#E can rotate a shape around the origin. 10=When measuring #N can choose and use appropriate units and instruments. 11=#E can measure a length using mm. 12=#N can measure and draw acute and obtuse angles to the nearest 5�. 13=#E can find the area by counting squares and part squares. 14=#N can find the area of other shapes by dividing them into rectangles. 15=#E can calculate time durations that go over the hour. 16=#N can read and interpret timetables. COMMENTS: Maths Level 4 MA4 1=#N can suggest possible answers and data to collect. 2=#N can test a suggestion about the frequency of an event by collecting data. 3=#E can record data using a frequency table. 4=#E can decide whether a bar chart, Venn diagram or pictogram would be most appropriate. 5=#N can use one symbol to represent, say, 2, 5, 10 or 100 on a pictogram. 6=#E can create simple line graphs. 7=#N can use Venn and Carroll diagrams to record sorting and classifying of information. COMMENTS: Maths mental 1=#N displays apptitude for mental maths and quickly solves problems in #h head. 2=#N needs to work on #h mental maths skills, developing estimation and quick ways to solve problems. COMMENTS: maths presentation 1=#E has been working on improving #h presentation and setting out work logically. 2=#E has greatly improved the presentation and layout of #h work. 3=#E has improved the presentation of #h work but now needs to display consistancy in #h approach. COMMENTS: maths problem 1=#N approaches challenges with enthusiasm and is willing retry questions when incorrect. 2=#N has some confidence when problem solving but needs to develop more in this area. 3=#N lacks confidence in problem solving and needs to develop this skill to progress. COMMENTS: Maths shape 1=#E has recently been working on 2D and 3D shapes and is progressing well in this topic. 2=#E has recently been working on 2D and 3D shapes and needs to focus a little more to make good improvements in this topic. COMMENTS: Maths YR3 Conclusion 1=Overall, #N is developing useful skills and gaining confidence. #E is making a commendable effort to learn the times tables and needs to keep working on these to build up speed. 2=#E has a sound working knowledge of the units of measurement and can apply this knowledge to problem solving tasks. 3=#E does not use class time effectively and misses out on many opportunities to strengthen #h skills. 4=#N needs to be more willing to show working out when requested so the teacher can get an insight into #h thought processes. 5=#N is developing strong problem solving skills and #h excellent reading comprehension allows #m to interpret word problems correctly. 6=#N is eager to learn and #e completes #h bookwork neatly. 7=#E is also gaining confidence in reading and interpreting word problems. 8=#N needs to work a little more thoughtfully and check #h work thoroughly to avoid careless errors in calculations. 9=#N can solve one-step problems and is becoming more competent at interpreting and solving word problems. #E works well in group activities and efficiently carries out practical tasks. 10=#N works effectively both as a leader and member of activity groups. 11=Although #N's confidence in recalling times tables is improving, #e needs to keep working on these to build up speed and accuracy. #E could improve #h performance by listening more carefully to instructions and checking carefully to improve accuracy. 12=#E can solve most one-step problems and is developing strategies to solve more complex questions. 13=#N benefits from practical demonstrations of the concepts and it would be helpful for #m to notice where and how mathematical concepts are used in every day life. Overall, #N has strengthened #h understanding this year. 14=#N does #h best work in practical settings and it would benefit #m to be encouraged to see numbers at work in daily life. COMMENTS: Maths YR3 Intro 1=Although #N works enthusiastically, #e finds it difficult to grasp many of the mathematical concepts required at this year level. 2=#N has a sound understanding of mathematical concepts and processes. 3=#N is making excellent progress in #h understanding of mathematical concepts. 4=#N is a capable mathematician who has the potential to achieve the top grade. 5=#N is working steadily and understands basic concepts. 6=Although #N�s scores are still quite low, #e is starting to develop an understanding of basic concepts. #E is eager to learn and always tries to do #h best. 7=#N has a solid understanding of basic mathematical concepts in the number strand, but #h progress is hindered by slow recall of number facts. #E would benefit from some holiday practice doing tables games on the computer, using each of the four processes. 8=#N has a solid understanding of mathematical concepts which enables #h to work efficiently and accurately on most tasks. 9=#N is a capable mathematician with strong problem solving skills. 10=#N works enthusiastically and is making steady progress. 11=#N is a hard working student who is making pleasing progress. #E is eager to learn and always tries to do #h best. 12=#N works enthusiastically and likes to complete tasks quickly. 13=#N has a true enthusiasm and gift for Mathematics. #H effort is reflected in #h high grade. #E is also an excellent class member, as #e frequently assists other students with concepts, not answers. COMMENTS: Maths YR3 Measurement 1=#N is a practical, resourceful student and this helps #m to successfully complete measurement tasks. 2=#N is a practical, resourceful student and works well in the measurement strand. 3=The measurement and space activities are more practical and #e performs better doing these less abstract tasks. 4=#N has a sound working knowledge of the units of measurement and can apply this knowledge to problem solving tasks. 5=#N has an excellent understanding of clocks and works well with the other units of measurement. 6=#N is quick to recognise patterns and demonstrates a working knowledge of the units of measurement. 7=#E performs better in the Measurement and Space strands because they are less abstract and more visual. 8=#N works well on practical tasks. 9=The word problems are become more demanding and #N requires assistance in reading and interpreting the questions. COMMENTS: Maths YR3 Number 1=The number strand is particularly difficult for #m and #e still needs concrete materials to complete many of the operations. 2=Lack of confidence in #h knowledge of number facts tends to slow down #h work output and rob #m of valuable practice. Although #e has made a commendable effort to learn #h tables, #e does needs to keep practising to build up speed. 3=The number strand has become more challenging for #m as the tasks have started making greater use of hundreds and thousands. 4=#E has made a commendable effort to master #h times tables. #E would benefit from some holiday practice on computer games for addition and subtraction number facts. #E still needs concrete materials to complete many of the number questions. 5=#E has made a commendable effort to master the times tables and needs to keep practising to build up #h speed. 6=Although #e can calculate the answers to number facts, #e needs to have automatic recall so that #e can efficiently complete calculations in problems. This would enable #m to work more quickly, get more practice and achieve #h potential. 7=#E has made a commendable effort to master the times tables and can usually apply this knowledge to solve problems. 8=#E scored highly in the final maths tests. #E has a sound understanding of place value and can apply this to decimal notation. 9=#E works best on routine type questions which do not require too much reading. 10=#H understanding of place value has improved and #e is becoming confident in the use of decimal notation. 11=#E has made a commendable effort to master the times tables. #E can apply this knowledge to one-step problems and is learning how to solve more complex questions. 12=#E has a sound understanding of place value and the four operations. Although #h recall of number facts is improving, #e needs to keep practising to build up speed and confidence. 13=#N has made a commendable effort to master the times tables and this has given #m greater confidence in working with numbers. #E works best in practical settings and would benefit from reminders to observe numbers at work in daily life. COMMENTS: PDH YR3 Conclusion 1=#N has #LevelList level of competence in physical education skills and is developing a confident swimming style. 2=#N has #LevelList level of competence in physical education skills and is #LevelList swimmer. 3=#N has #LevelList level of competence in physical education skills and is improving #h swimming style. COMMENTS: PDH YR3 Intro 1=#N demonstrated #LevelListSingle group working skills in creating an advertisement and during technology building activities. 2=#N demonstrated #LevelListSingle group working skills on Pioneers Day and during technology building activities. COMMENTS: PDH YR3 Middle 1=#E keeps on task, cooperates with other members and works towards completing the task. 2=#E keeps on task, is learning how to cooperate with other members and works towards completing the task. 3=#E usually keeps on task, cooperates with other members and works towards completing the task. COMMENTS: Positive closers 1=Overall this has been a good year for #N and I wish #m well in the future. 2=If N's improved attendance at school can be maintained I am sure that #e will sustain #h current rapid progress. 3=#N is a charming pupil and I wish #m well for the future. 4=If #N's learning style continues to mature I am sure #e will be able to fulfil #h considerable potential. I wish #m well for the future. 5=#N is a delightful child and I wish #m well for the future. 6=#N has been a pleasure to teach and I wish #m well for the future. This has been a good year for #N. 7=#N is a delightful child who has been a pleasure to teach. I wish #m well for the future COMMENTS: Profile - Balanced 1=#E enthusiastically takes various roles in group work 2=#E helps to keep group focused on the task 3=#E accepts and acts upon constructive criticism 4=#E has many varied interests 5=#E works democratically with peers/groups COMMENTS: Profile - Inquirer 1=#E #PYPlevel maintains active curiosity throughout the day 2=#E is an inquirer and responds inquisitively to what has been read or discussed in class 3=#E enjoys continuing the conversation with friends and enhances #h inquiry. 4=#E demonstrates being an inquirer with higher level questioning skills. 5=#E offers insightful questions/comments displays keen observational skills COMMENTS: Profile - Knowledgeable 1=#E readily grasps new concepts and strategies avoids careless mistakes with attention to detail 2=#E provides background knowledge willingly ( about topics of interest to #m) 3=#E asks for clarification when required 4=#E enjoys sharing what #e has learned /personal opinions/experiences COMMENTS: Profile - Open Minded 1=#E understands and appreciates #h own culture and personal history. 2=#E is open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. 3=#E understands others points of view and is willing to grow from the experience. COMMENTS: Profile - Principled 1=#E #PYPlevel principles as #e shows integrity at all times. 2=#E diligently carries out classroom tasks which reflects on #m #PYPlevel being principled. 3=#E #PYPlevel principled and follows directions and follows through to the end. 4=#E is dependable and conscientious with all class activities and expectations. 5=#E loves #PYPlevel to be principled and actively seeks responsibilities. COMMENTS: Profile - Reflective 1=#E works hard to reach #h full potential 2=#E sets achievable goals frequently refers back to concepts/ideas that we have learned. 3=#E is a self-motivated learner consistently checks work thoroughly uses #h free time resourcefully 4=#E makes connections to learning cleverly and thoughtfully. 5=#E accepts feedback from teachers and peers 6=#E evaluates #h own progress objectively 7=#E Understands #h next steps and can set goals effectively COMMENTS: Profile - Thinker 1=#E shows initiative and seeks ways to be involved #PYPlevel to be a thinker. 2=#E is #PYPlevel as a thinker, choosing words carefully and thoughtfully, both verbally and in writing. 3=#E plans and carries out activities methodically. 4=#E actively tries multiple strategies to solve a problem. 5=#E shows keen interest in class topics and discussion. 6=#E enhnaces group discussions with insightful comments. COMMENTS: Public Spaces 1=#E is able to identify between a public and private space. 2=#E understands that public spaces are designed for the welfare and betterment of the community. 3=#E #PYPLevel that public spaces are shared by everyone and each person has their own way of using it. 4=#E #PYPLevel in understanding the concept of design. #E is able to create #h own classroom design. COMMENTS: PYP Math Data Handling-1 1=#N is able to #PYPLevel understand how the collection and organisation of information helps to make sense of the world. 2=#E is #PYPLevel to sort, describe and label objects by attributes. 3=#E can represent information in the form of graphs, pictographs and tally marks. COMMENTS: PYP Math Data Handling-2 1=#E understands that information can be expressed in a structured way. 2=#E is able to collect and represent data in different types of graphs, interpreting the resulting information for the purpose of answering questions. 3=#E is able to analyse information to understand that some events occur more frequesntly than others. COMMENTS: PYP Math Measurement 1=#N is able to compare objects in relation to #Measurement COMMENTS: PYP Math Measurement 1 1=#N is able to compare and describe objects in relation to #Measurement 2=#E understands and can sequence events in daily routines like before, after, today and tomorrow. 3=#E is able to use non-standard units of measurement to solve real life problems. 4=#H can read and write the time to the hour, half-hour and quarter hour. 5=#E can read and write digital and analog clocks. COMMENTS: PYP Math Measurement 2 1=#E understands and can use the standard units of measurement for length and mass 2=#E constructs meaning using calendars and can determine the date, identify and sequence the days, weeks and months of the year. 3=#E is able to estimate the quantity of different objects. 4=#E uses measures of time to assist with problem solving in real-life situations. COMMENTS: PYP Math Numbers 1=#E models numbers upto hundreds using the base 10 place value system. 2=#E uses appropriate mathematical language for addition and subtraction. 3=#E can identify and use ordinal numbers till 20. 4=#E reads, writes, compares and sequences numbers correctly. 5=#E is #PYPLevel #h mental math skill for addition and subtraction of two digit numbers. 6=#E connects number names and numerals to the quantity they represent. 7=#E is able to identify a whole and a part using different shapes. 8=#E is able to use different strategies to check #h answers. 9=#E is able to double the numbers up to 10. 10=#E can create different number combinations for a given number. COMMENTS: PYP Math Patterns 1=#E is #PYPLevel to understand that patterns can be found in everyday situations. 2=#E is able to create patterns using a variety of ways, words, drawings, symbols and numbers. 3=#E can skip-count numbers in 2s, 5s and 10s. 4=#E identifies patterns in numbers such as odd and even. COMMENTS: PYP Math Shape 1=#E is able to sort,compare and describe the characteristics of 2D and 3D shapes. 2=#E can explain the position and direction of an object.eg. above, below, inside, outside. 3=#E is able to identify the shapes of real-life objects. 4=#E is #PYPLevel to create and describe symmetrical and assymetrical patterns. COMMENTS: RE effort 1=#E has shown lots of interest and has paid great attention, whilst contributing to discussion. 2=#E has shown interest and has generally been willing to discuss ideas in class. 3=#E will generally display a positive attitude towards RE but needs to volunteer answers and opinions more freely. COMMENTS: RE enthusiasm 1=#E has shown lots of interest and has paid great attention, whilst contributing to discussion. 2=#E has shown interest and has generally been willing to discuss ideas in class. 3=#E will generally display a positive attitude towards RE but needs to volunteer answers and opinions more freely. COMMENTS: RE improve 1=To improve in RE #N needs to actively contribute to class discussions and share #h own opinion. 2=To see continued progress in RE #N needs to assess and consider the opinions of others before coming to a conclusion. 3=To see more progress in RE #N should aim to think through why people hold certain beliefs before coming to a conclusion. COMMENTS: RE progress 1=#N has shown interest in RE this year and has made good progress. 2=This year #N has made reasonable progress and shown a good level of understanding in RE. 3=#N has demonstrated adequate progress but has not shown the interest in RE that is needed to make good progress. 4=Whilst #N has made progress this year it has been hampered by their attitude towards RE. COMMENTS: RE studied 1=In RE this year we have studied Creation, Important Religious People, Northern Saints and Buddhism. COMMENTS: RE work 1=#E has shown competence and ethusiasm in completing #h RE work. 2=#E has displayed excellent comprehension and enthusiasm in completing #h RE work. 3=#E generally demonstrates enthusiasm and a good level of understanding in RE. COMMENTS: Reading 1=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e has achieved full fluency in #h reading and has good expression when reading aloud. 2=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e is expected to read a variety of materials. #E can create atmosphere when reading aloud, by varying pace and intonation and is deriving more pleasure from #h books. 3=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e reads independently showing good expression and understanding. #E has an affinity with books and enjoys silent reading. #E is starting to use very descriptive words in #h own writing; often picking them up from the books #e has read. 4=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #N's reading has shown good progress this year. #E reads a variety of books with growing expression and good fluency. 5=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e can select and evaluate information from a wide range of reference materials. 6=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e reads independently showing good expression and understanding. #E shows obvious enjoyment in reading, choosing a good range of appropriate texts. 7=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e reading is increasingly fluent, and #e uses #h voice well to bring the characters and plot to life. 8=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e reads fluently, with appropriate expression, deriving pleasure from an increasingly wide range of books. 9=I recently reassessed the students' reading, #e demonstrates a good level of fluency when reading. #E reads with understanding and enjoys using reference books. 10=In rhyming word lessons, #e can comment effective word use in the poem, showing how the language and themes have been developed. 11=#E can find and select information and use it effectively. 12=#E is becoming a competent reader and is starting to enjoy more demanding books. #E is able to read silently, with sustained concentration. 13=#E demonstrates a good level of reading fluency, and #e puts expression into #h voice. #E is now reading a wider range of texts and has a growing enthusiasm for books. 14=#E reads independently showing good understanding, and is starting to use descriptive words in #h own writing; often picking them up from the books #e has read. 15=#N's reading has shown good progress this year. #E reads a variety of books and styles with growing expression and increasing fluency. 16=#E shows a developing interest in reading; and is reading a range of more testing books. 17=#E now enjoys reading more demanding books. 18=#E has really improved #h reading this year. #E is choosing a range of more demanding and interesting texts. This variety of styles will lead to a consequent maturity in #N's story writing. 19=#N's reading is gaining in fluency. #E is more willing to share a book with an adult during the Literacy Hour and senses that #e is making some improvement this year. 20=#E is now reading with greater fluency as a result of more regular practice; and is certainly deriving pleasure from #h books. COMMENTS: Reading - Final Level 1=#N is reading at the _ level. Emergent readers such as #N can read repetitive text and simple sentence patterns. #N can read text with a consistent format and is able to decode the words phonically. #E understands the parts of a book, including the title, author, illustrator and publisher. 2=#E prefers books that have the print clearly separated from the illustrations, the print is in a consistent position on the page, and the spaces between the words are obvious. As #e becomes more experienced with site words, #e won't rely on the illustrations to carry the story. I'm proud of #N's reading achievement this year. 3=#N is reading at the _ level. Early readers such as #N can read sentences that have familiar situations to which #e can bring background knowledge. #N can read repetitive sentence patterns, read the high frequency words, understand the variety of syntax and sentence structure. 4=#E understands the parts of a book; including the title, author, illustrator and publisher. #E can identify the dialogue in a story. #N is starting to read text format that gradually changes in complexity. I'm very proud of #N's reading achievement this year. 5=#N is reading at the _ level. Fluent readers such as #N are encouraged to read a wider, more challenging range of texts, and require supportive features to help them understand what they are reading. #N is able to understand complex text layout on the page. #E can decode the "hooks" that attract the reader's interest. #E is beginning to identify the details, labelled illustrations in factual texts, charts or graphs in the text. 6=#E can identify the dialogue and specify which character is talking. #N reads books with chapter leads that draw readers into the text and #e can apply different strategies to understand the story. And finally #e can read a table of contents and chapter titles that help #e to understand the text. I'm extremely proud of #N's reading achievement this year. 7=#N has successful completed our Grade 1 reading and writing program. Thanks to your love and parental involvement, your child is now reading and writing. Please continue an uninterrupted literacy time each day. COMMENTS: Reading 2a 1=#N is able to use appropriate expression in my reading. 2=#E can read independently, using a range of reading strategies appropriately to establish meaning. 3=#E shows good understanding of the main points of the text and retell the story. 4=#E is able to alter #h voice when reading something exciting, humorous or emotional. 5=#E can recognise similarities in plot or characters between different stories. 6=#E can quickly identify key words within a passage by scanning. 7=When making a point about a story #e has read, #e uses examples drawn from the text. 8=#E can make sensible predictions about what is likely to happen in the story. 9=#E knows that most stories #e reads can belong to a certain type, eg, mystery. 10=#E can extract information from non-fiction texts, using contents, index, chapters, headings and glossary. 11=#E can read poetry, using intonation and expression appropriately. 12=#E can handle humour in texts and poetry appropriately when #e needs to. 13=#E knows how suspense is built up in a story, including the development of the plot. 14=#E is beginning to be aware of how a writer uses different words and phrases to help make a point. 15=From a given text, #e can identify the main arguments for or against a particular point of view. 16=#E is able to see how certain text may be written for an intended audience. 17=#E can express reading preferences both by naming the author and talking about the types of stories #e likes. 18=#E can explain why #h enjoys the work of a particular author. 19=#E knows that many stories contain information about the way of life of a group of people. COMMENTS: Reading 2b 1=When reading, #N can enhance meaning through expression and intonation. 2=#E notices when reading does not make sense and takes appropriate action. 3=#E can self-correct, looking backwards and forwards in text and searching for meaning. 4=#E can use the beginning and endings of words to help #h read unfamiliar words. 5=#E can look for initial blends in unfamiliar words to give #h additional confidence about reading them. 6=#E can use #h knowledge of the alphabet to locate information in dictionaries. 7=#H reading of simple unfamiliar text is mostly accurate. 8=#E can use a range of strategies to decode unfamiliar words. 9=#E read ahead to confirm meaning. 10=#E can identify and comment on the main characters in a story. 11=#E can comment on the way characters relate to one another. 12=#E can include important detail when retelling a story #e have just read 13=When talking about a story, #e can make specific reference to the text. 14=#E can express #h own opinion about events and action within a text. 15=#E can talk about things that might have happened and make predictions. 16=#E is very aware of the main differences between fiction and non-fiction and show some preferences within each type. 17=#E can comment on the way that non-fiction text is organised and can see how this helps the reader to find wanted information. 18=#E is able to understand why and how the author has used humour in certain situations. 19=#E is able to identify sections of text that lend themselves to humour or create atmosphere. 20=#E is beginning to recognise that some authors have very specific ways of writing. COMMENTS: Reading 3a 1=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. 2=#E can recognise how authors use different ways to start sentences to create variety and interest in their writing. 3=#E uses pauses as well as my body language to generate maximum effect when #e is reading aloud. 4=#E can identify key points when reading appropriate texts and I understand the significant ideas, themes, events and characters. 5=#E can see why a character may hold a strong point of view about an issue. 6=#E can appreciate that people use bias in persuasive writing, including in articles and advertisements. 7=#E is able to see how the author has used language precisely to get across a point of view. 8=#E can see how authors vary the openings of their stories, sometimes using action, dialogue or description. 9=#E can see how some authors use time shifts effectively to help set the scene within a story. 10=#E can quickly work out how an author�s point of view comes across in the story or information text. COMMENTS: Reading 3b 1=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. 2=#E is able to read ahead to determine direction and meaning in a story. 3=#E is able to skim materials to gain an overview of the text. 4=#E is able to summarise the main points of an argument or discussion and make up #h own mind about what the important points are. 5=#E is able to deduce from the evidence in the text what the characters are like and why they react as they do. 6=#E is beginning to find meaning beyond the literal, eg the way impressions of people are suggested through a choice of details and language. 7=#E can recognise the way the writer has used certain language to help get a point across. 8=#E is able to explain #h thoughts and use points raised from two different perspectives to help clarify ideas. 9=#E is able to consider two different stories written by the same author, and offer points of view about similarities and differences in the way the stories unfolded. COMMENTS: Reading 3c 1=#N can read a range of texts fluently and accurately. 2=#E is quick to recognise if #e has made a mistake and will self-correct. 3=#E can use appropriate voices for characters and adopt a story-telling voice when needed. 4=#E can move to the relevant place in #h reading quickly by using key words or phrases to locate information. 5=#E is beginning to recognise how relationships between characters may influence the outcome of the story. 6=#E is aware that non-fiction texts can take different forms, eg, newspapers or reference books. 7=#E can compare different versions of the same myth and legend. 8=Within texts, #e can identify language which is different from that in everyday use. 9=#E has a good idea of what the voices of the main characters in a story might sound like. 10=#E is able to summarise what #e has just read, using appropriate language to do so. 11=#E is able to organise #h thinking so that #e can explain points precisely and in a way that makes sense to others. 12=#E is able to feel happy or sorry for a characters in a story because #e recognises what they may be going through. 13=#E can recognise that stories identify with different sets of people from different backgrounds, e.g. poor or rich. 14=#E knows that some stories are set in times of particular historical interest (eg war-time). COMMENTS: Recycling 1=#N is able to make a connection between reducing, reusing, recycling and how #e can do this in their everyday life. 2=#N is aware of #e responsibility to the planet, and what kind of actions they can take to make the world a better place. 3=#N can recognize the consequences of events, decisions, and developments. 4=#N can make an ethical judgment about events, decisions and action, and suggest changes in behaviour to improve the environment. 5=#N can talk about the different recycling categories and demonstrate how to correctly sort materials; Paper and card, plastic, glass, and metal, bottles, cans, juice boxes, and compost. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 1 Intro 1=#N is making steady progress with #h literacy skills. 2=#N is a diligent student who is making steady progress in all aspects of literacy. 3=#N is a diligent worker who is making pleasing progress. 4=#N is an enthusiastic student who is making excellent progress in all aspects of literacy. 5=Although #N is not yet able to work independently at a Year 3 level, #e is making steady progress in all aspects of literacy. 6=#N is a quiet worker who is making steady progress. 7=While #N has worked very hard this semester and has made commendable progress, #h literacy skills are still not yet up to the standard required for independent work at this year level. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 2 Speaking 1=#E speaks confidently and can usually engage the audience with #h stories. 2=#E has excellent speaking skills in everyday conversations, although it would be good if #e could transfer this enthusiasm into #h formal speaking tasks. 3=#E is developing confidence in public speaking and is willing to have a go at most topics. 4=#E enjoys public speaking and engages the audience with #h smile, gestures and expressive voice. 5=#E enjoys public speaking and has many interesting stories to tell. 6=#E is developing confidence as a public speaker and always listens carefully to instructions and obeys promptly. 7=#E enjoys public speaking and has many interesting stories to tell, using strategies to engage the audience. 8=#E enjoys public speaking and engages the audience with #h enthusiastic smile. 9=When #N speaks about #h own experiences #e can engage the audience. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 3 Listening 1=Although #e performs well when listening for information, #e does need to obey instructions more promptly. 2=Listening is a challenge for #N and #e needs to make a greater effort to focus on instructions so that #e can begin work promptly. 3=#E usually listens carefully and follows directions. 4=#E has strong listening skills and always follows directions. 5=#E is making a great effort to listen to instructions more consistently. 6=#E does need to make a greater effort to listen to instructions and to obey promptly. 7=#E also has strong listening skills and always follows directions. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 4 Reading 1=#N still requires support to complete reading activities and #e needs to be faithful in #h daily reading to build up #h fluency and comprehension. 2=#N is a capable reader with strong comprehension skills. 3=#N is becoming a fluent, expressive reader with #LevelListSingle comprehension skills. 4=#N's reading fluency is improving considerably and #e is developing sound comprehension skills. 5=While #N still needs support to complete reading tasks, both #h reading comprehension and reading fluency are beginning to improve. 6=#N's reading fluency is improving and #h comprehension skills are developing. 7=#N's reading fluency is improving and this will enable #m to improve #h comprehension. 8=#E is an expressive, fluent reader with #LevelListSingle comprehension skills. 9=Although #N's reading fluency is still quite slow, #e is now reading text accurately without guessing at the words. This will enable #m to improve #h comprehension skills and #e needs to read as many books as possible during the next semester. 10=#N's reading fluency is improving and #e is performing well in comprehension activities. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 5 Writing1 1=#N is a fluent writer and finds it easy to express #h ideas. 2=#N is becoming more confident in writing down #h ideas. 3=#N is also a fluent writer demonstrating a #LevelListSingle degree of accuracy in spelling and grammar. 4=#N is making progress in writing down #h ideas; however #e needs to place more effort in completing tasks in the given time. 5=#N writes fluently about #h ideas and #e is experimenting with using adjectives and descriptive language. 6=#N is beginning to write with confidence and #h text is starting to make sense. 7=#N usually produces neat bookwork and is becoming more confident in writing down #h ideas. 8=#N can usually write down #h ideas quite fluently. 9=While #N's spelling and editing skills are still weak, #e is becoming more conscious of the need to check #h written work. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 6 Writing2 1=#H spelling and editing skills tend to be rather weak so #e will keep working on these skills next semester. 2=#N demonstrates pleasing accuracy in spelling and grammar and #h bookwork is #SUAlist neatly completed. 3=#N's editing and spelling skills are beginning to improve. #E needs to now work on making greater use of adjectives and descriptive detail in #h writing. 4=#E does need to read #h work carefully to make corrections in grammar and spelling. 5=#N's spelling and grammar skills are beginning to improve, and #e is becoming more conscious of the need to check #h work. 6=#N is developing #LevelListSingle editing skills and always produces neat bookwork. 7=#N is trying hard to improve #h handwriting and keep #h bookwork neat. COMMENTS: S1 English YR3 7 Writing3 1=#N works enthusiastically and #h bookwork is always beautifully presented. 2=#E is an enthusiastic worker and #SUAlist does #h best work. 3=#H bookwork is always neatly and carefully completed. 4=When #e is focused, #N can produce neat handwriting. 5=#N always keeps #h bookwork neat; however #e needs to keep working hard so that #e can complete #h written work in the given time. 6=#N needs to keep working hard so that #e can complete #h written work in the given time. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 1 Intro 1=#N is a friendly, cheerful student who is making steady progress. 2=#N has a questioning and inquisitive mind and consistently offers creative suggestions and ideas in class discussions. 3=#N is a pleasant, easy-going student who has made steady progress in many aspects of #h work this semester. 4=#N is conscientious and hardworking and keen to do #h best. 5=#N is a friendly, enthusiastic student who is working hard to close the gaps in #h learning. 6=#N is a friendly member of the class, who regularly contributes to class discussions. 7=#N is a friendly, cheerful student who works very hard and always gives #h best effort in all areas of the curriculum. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 2 Behaviour 1=#E needs to remember to keep up #h best behaviour in all circumstances. 2=#H behaviour is usually acceptable but there are occasions when #e needs to be reminded to follow class rules. 3=#E sets an excellent example of good behaviour and works with enthusiasm, regularly contributing to class discussions. 4=#E is an excellent group member and can be depended on to take responsible leadership. 5=#N is usually a cooperative #b who settles into #h work and usually tries to do #h best. Although #N is beginning to show signs of maturity, there are days when #e can be silly and lack the concentration needed to make progress. 6=#E is listening more carefully and keeping on task for longer periods of time. #E needs to keep up this effort and consolidate #h progress. 7=#E is always polite and is both liked and well respected by the class. 8=#E has a clever sense of humour, is always polite and gets along well with everyone. 9=#E enjoys sharing a laugh with both teachers and students; however #e is still learning the delicate balance between having fun and disrupting others. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 3 Cooperation 1=#N is an excellent group member and can be depended on to take responsible leadership. 2=#E has made a pleasing effort to participate in group activities. 3=#N works reasonably well as part of a small group but must value the ideas and opinions of others. 4=#N works very well in a small group and can be counted on to take responsible leadership. 5=#N is working reasonably well as part of a small group, although must try to keep #h concentration on the task at hand. 6=#N generally works well as part of a small group; however #e is still learning to work effectively with others outside #h close friendship circle. COMMENTS: S1 General YR3 4 Final 1=#N is a valued member of the class. 2=#N is valued by #h peers and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. 3=#N is willing to take part in all classroom activities and is a pleasure to have in the class. 4=#N is a positive role model for other students and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. 5=#N is well-organised and is always correctly equipped for each day. #E is a valued member of the class. 6=#N has an enjoyable sense of humour and is a valued member of the class. 7=#N is a conscientious student and it is a pleasure to have #m in the classroom. 8=#N is helpful and kind to both teachers and students, and it is a pleasure to have #m in the class. COMMENTS: S1 GiF YR3 1 Intro 1=#N has enjoyed the Bible stories studied this semester and is usually able to identify the lesson in these stories. COMMENTS: S1 GiF YR3 2 Middle 1=#E demonstrates #LevelListSingle recall of the facts and memory gems and responds through writing, drama and art. COMMENTS: S1 GiF YR3 3 End 1=#N understands and #SUAlist practises the values promoted by the school. COMMENTS: S1 HSIE YR3 1 Intro 1=#N gave #LevelList speech on saving #ResourceList. COMMENTS: S1 HSIE YR3 2 Middle 1=#E demonstrated #LevelList understanding of the impact of human settlement on the earth, recycling and ways to care for the earth. COMMENTS: S1 HSIE YR3 3 End 1=#E also wrote #LevelList report about #h excursion to the Awabakal Nature Reserve. COMMENTS: S1 Maths YR3 1 Intro 1=#N is making steady progress in this subject. 2=#N is a diligent worker who is making pleasing progress in this subject. 3=#N works enthusiastically and is making pleasing progress. 4=#N is making steady progress in each of the strands. #E has a sound understanding of many basic mathematical concepts. 5=#N is making steady progress. 6=When #N applies #s to the task, #e appears to have sound understanding of basic mathematical concepts. 7=#N is a keen mathematician who is making excellent progress. 8=#N enjoys Mathematics and is making steady progress. 9=#N has been making steady progress in this subject. #E is working hard to fill the gaps in #h learning and is just beginning to work more confidently. 10=#N is keen to learn and tries to do #h best. #E still requires concrete materials for most of the tasks and is not yet able to complete work that requires abstract thinking. 11=#N is a diligent worker who is making steady progress in each of the strands. #E has a sound understanding of many basic mathematical concepts. 12=#N is beginning to show improvement in #h understanding of mathematical concepts. COMMENTS: S1 Maths YR3 2 Number1 1=#E has made a commendable effort to master #h multiplication facts and completes the quizzes in record time. This skill has boosted #h confidence and enabled #h to work efficiently. 2=#E is working hard to master #h multiplication tables and needs to keep practising to build up speed and accuracy. 3=With #h go-slow approach to work, it is difficult to gain an accurate assessment of #h current level of achievement which is probably higher than this assessment shows. #E does need to work hard to improve #h speed of recall of number facts. This would help #m to increase #h work output and gain the practice #e needs to complete work within the given time. 4=#E is becoming more confident at counting and using the four operations. 5=#E has a sound understanding of many basic mathematical concepts. #E can accurately calculate the answers to multiplication tables #h recall speed is consistently improving. 6=#E can accurately calculate the answers to multiplication tables and just needs to keep practising to build up speed of recall. 7=#E still requires concrete materials for most of the tasks and is not yet able to complete work that requires abstract thinking. 8=#E has worked very hard to master multiplication tables and completes quizzes in record time which helps #m to work efficiently and recognise patterns. 9=#E is working hard to fill the gaps in #h learning and is just beginning to work more confidently. #H ability to work out multiplication facts is slowly improving. 10=#E is becoming more confident in counting and using place value. #N still needs to do most of #h work using concrete materials to establish the concepts. #E is working hard to master #h multiplication tables and needs to keep practising to build up speed and accuracy. 11=#E has made a commendable effort to master #h multiplication facts and completes the quizzes in good time. This skill has boosted #h confidence and has enabled #m to work efficiently. COMMENTS: S1 Maths YR3 3 Number2 1=Sometimes #h reading comprehension skills are not strong enough to enable #m to interpret word problems. 2=#E can solve simple one-step problems and is learning how to interpret more complex questions. 3=#E understands the four operations and can solve one-step problems. #E is developing strategies to solve more complex questions. 4=#E is beginning to solve simple problems and is learning how to interpret word problems. 5=#E is developing effective problem solving strategies and is learning how to solve more complex questions. 6=#E is beginning to solve simple word problems. #E needs to work hard to improve #h reading skills so that #e can interpret word problems without assistance. 7=#E can solve one-step problems that require simple calculations. Completing any of the four operations using larger numbers is still a challenge for #m. 8=#E understands numbers and place value and successfully uses the four operations to solve one-step problems. #E is learning how to solve more complex questions and to interpret longer word problems. 9=#E is beginning to recognise simple patterns and is gaining confidence in solving problems. 10=The ability to recognise patterns depends largely on automatic recall of number facts and #N needs to keep practising to improve #h accuracy and speed of recall. #E is beginning to solve simple word problems. COMMENTS: S1 Maths YR3 4 Measurement 1=#N has a satisfactory knowledge of the units of measurement and is learning how to use them in practical situations. 2=#N is still developing confidence in using the units of measurement and is learning how to solve simple measurement problems. 3=#N understands the units of measurement and is able to solve practical problems. 4=#N also has #LevelList understanding of the units of measurement and is able to solve practical problems. 5=#N understands units of measurement and applies them to practical activities. 6=#N is still developing confidence in using the units of measurement. 7=#N is still developing confidence in using the units of measurement and is learning how to solve simple measurement problems. COMMENTS: S1 Maths YR3 5 End 1=With further practice next semester #h performance across all strands should improve. 2=With further practice next semester, #e should be able to lift #h performance in the #MathStrand strand. 3=With further practice next semester, #e should be able to lift #h performance in the #MathStrand and #MathStrand strand. 4=#N enthusiastically attacks every task and completes work in the given time. 5=With continued effort, #N should be able to improve #h performance during the next semester. 6=#N is an enthusiastic worker and with further practice #h results should improve next semester. At times, #N demonstrates evidence of deep understanding. 7=#N is an enthusiastic worker and with further practice #h results should improve next semester. 8=#N is an enthusiastic worker and always tries to do #h best. 9=When #e applies #s, #N appears to be a very capable mathematician. 10=#N is making steady progress in each of the strands and #e will become more confident as the year progresses. At times, #N demonstrates evidence of deep understanding. 11=#N is progressing well in each of the four strands and will continue to build on this skill base as the year progresses. 12=With continued effort, #N will consolidate #h learning and develop greater confidence in each of the strands. COMMENTS: S1 PDH YR3 1 Intro 1=#N demonstrates #LevelList understanding of body systems and healthy eating. COMMENTS: S1 PDH YR3 2 Middle 1=#E wrote #LevelList narrative describing the journey of a piece of food through the digestive system. COMMENTS: S1 PDH YR3 3 End 1=#E participates enthusiastically in physical education activities and performed well in the Cross Country. 2=#E displays excellent coordination and agility during physical education activities, and #SUAlist participates with enthusiasm. 3=#E is beginning to develop confidence and coordination during physical education activities and #SUAlist participates with enthusiasm. COMMENTS: S1 ST YR3 1 Intro 1=#N enjoys participating in science investigations and prepares #LevelListSingle reports on #h findings. COMMENTS: S1 ST YR3 2 Middle 1=#E contributed to #h group�s construction of a wind-powered vehicle. 2=#E is beginning to identify strengths and weaknesses of design ideas as they develop. COMMENTS: S1 ST YR3 3 End 1=#E achieved #LevelList standard in #h computer assignments and is developing independence in the use of a variety of programs. 2=#E achieved #LevelList standard in #h computer assignments. 3=#E can identify strengths and weaknesses in design work and is developing independence in the use of a variety of computer programs. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentence 1=#N has continued to be a quiet and friendly student. 2=#N has made a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 3=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 4=#N is friendly towards #h peers and shows genuine interest in class activities. 5=#N continues to make a positive contribution to the class through #h cheerfulness, enthusiasm and perseverance. 6=#N is consistently a sensible and hardworking student who is clearly well-liked by #h peers. 7=#N continues to have a positive attitude and strive to do #h best. 8=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student. 9=#N is a quiet and friendly student. 10=#N shows consideration towards #h peers and is consistently sensible and hardworking. 11=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student who is supportive of others. 12=#N is always considerate of the rights and feelings of others and responds when #e sees a need. 13=#N is an active member of the class. 14=#N is a dependable class member; #e shows a positive attitude towards #h peers and school activities. 15=#N is outgoing and friendly towards #h peers. 16=#N is a pleasant and well-motivated student who is clearly liked by #h peers. 17=#N shows consideration towards others and has an excellent attitude to #h work. 18=#N shows consideration towards #h peers and can be sensible and hardworking. 19=#N is respectful of others and always uses #h time wisely. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentence 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment was excellent and has been displayed in reception. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentence 1=#N has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. COMMENTS: Science 1=#N has approached all aspects of science work with enthusiasm and interest. 2=#N has approached all aspects of science work with interest and enthusiasm. 3=#E can describe #h story settings in some detail using all #h senses. 4=In non-fiction #e has an introduction, conclusion and ordered sections. 5=#E can use interesting and imaginative language to help the reader understand my characters or events. 6=#H chooses a style of writing that will interest the reader e.g. through use of specific detail or humour. 7=#E can describe how an action is performed using adverbial phrases e.g. The snake slithered along the ground stealthily. 8=#E can choose and use verbs, adjectives and adverbs together to make #h writing interesting and imaginative. 9=In non-fiction writing #e makes effective use of technical or specific vocabulary. 10=#E can use some complex sentence structures to add extra information. 11=#E use a new line when each character speaks and speech marks to show dialogue. 12=#N can use commas in lists and most of my punctuation is correct. 13=#H can use an apostrophe for omission e.g. don�t, can�t, it�s. COMMENTS: Science - Ability 1=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. 2=#E generally understands new scientific concepts and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 3=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 4=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well. 5=#E always understands new scientific concepts well. 6=#E always understands new scientific concepts quickly. 7=#E generally understands new scientific concepts quickly. 8=#E tries hard to understand new scientific concepts and now needs to use #h knowledge to try and explain results of experiments. 9=#E needs careful explanations to learn new scientific concepts but always tries hard to understand. COMMENTS: Science - Discussion 1=#E has a good general knowledge and is willing to share this with others during class discussions. 2=#E participates well during class discussions and can always be relied on to offer ideas and suggestions. 3=#E has a good general knowledge and can always be relied on to offer ideas and suggestions during class discussions. 4=#E has a very good general knowledge and is willing to share this with others during class discussions. 5=#E has an excellent general knowledge and is willing to share this with the rest of the class during discussions. 6=#E has a very good general knowledge, but sometimes lacks the confidence to share this with the class during discussions. 7=#E has a good general knowledge, and uses this well to think about what #e is learning. COMMENTS: Science - Group work 1=#E has a sensible, mature approach to group working, uses equipment carefully and records observations accurately. 2=#E works very well as a member of a group and uses equipment and materials in a sensible and responsible manner. 3=#E works well as a member of a small group and has had experience of using basic scientific equipment. 4=#E works reasonably well as part of a small group, but must try to keep #h concentration on the task in hand. 5=#E works co-operatively in a group situation, uses equipment maturely, and has learnt to make careful and accurate measurements. 6=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. COMMENTS: Science - Opener 1=#N needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around #m but I am pleased to say #e is taking more of a part during class discussions. 2=#N needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around #m and it would be nice to see #h develop confidence enough to suggest ideas during class discussions. 3=#N has approached all aspects of science work with enthusiasm and interest. 4=#N has approached all aspects of science work with interest and enthusiasm. 5=#N really enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm. 6=#N has really enjoyed all aspects of the science work we have covered this year and is developing good exploratory techniques. 7=#N has really enjoyed science and is developing good exploratory techniques. 8=#N has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science. 9=#N has a questioning and inquisitive mind and can offer suggestions and ideas in class discussions. 10=#N has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science and is developing good exploratory techniques. COMMENTS: Science - Practical 1=#E has used a range of basic scientific equipment and has learnt the importance of making careful measurements during an experiment. 2=#E has carefully used a range of basic scientific equipment and has become more accurate when making measurements during an experiment. 3=#E understands the concept of fair testing and applies this during practical work. 4=#E is beginning to understand the concept of fair testing and is starting to apply this during practical work. 5=#E has extended #h understanding of fair testing and is competent in applying this during practical work. 6=#E has discussed the concept of fair testing and is learning to apply this during practical work. 7=#E is capable of drawing appropriate conclusion from experimental results and relating this to #h scientific knowledge. 8=#E now needs to develop the ability to draw appropriate conclusion from experiments and relate #h findings to the scientific concepts learnt. 9=#E can relate the findings from experiments to #h scientific knowledge and can try to explain why #e got the results #e did. 10=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge. 11=#E has learnt to try and relate the results from experiments to #h scientific knowledge, and is beginning to do this successfully. COMMENTS: Science - Simple Machine 1=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines' #N learnt about the different sorts of machines and how to describe them. #E has related machines to forms of moving oneself or items in lifting, pushing and pulling. The work in this unit also offered #N a number opportunities to relate #h understanding simple machines to everyday examples which #e can see around #m such as a ramp ie: inclined plane. 2=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines' #N was able to describe how the inclined plane is a simple machine e.g. a wheel chair ramp, using words and phrases e.g. the wheel chair can easily be pushed to gradually raise and lower oneself or an item. 3=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines', when using a lever, #e could describe a series of movements #e had made e.g. in an activity. 4=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines', when working with a lever, #N was able to make a series of movements and #h identified the physical advantaged of it's design. 5=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines' #N was able to identify the object which #e moved by pulling or releasing a rope; e.g. I moved the bucket by pulling on the rope and the bucket could be lowered and lifted depending on which direction I wanted the bucket to go. 6=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines' #N could say whether #h predictions about getting an object to move was correct e.g. 'I was right, I pulled the rope and the bucket was raised'. 7=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines', #N was able to identify the mechanical advantage of simple machine such as the lever. #E identified that a lever can be used to pry the lid off a can. 8=In the Science unit 'Simple Machines', #N is able to describe how an object might be stopped. #E is also able to explain why it could be dangerous to try to stop some moving objects e.g. I wouldn't be able to stop a car because it's heavy and it would push me over; I shouldn't go behind a moving swing because it could knock me over. COMMENTS: Science - Written work 1=#E written reports in science are always of a very good standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 2=#E written work in science has got much better over the year and #e is being more careful to organise reports in a logical way. 3=#E written work in science has got much better over the year and #e has learnt to be more careful to organise reports in a logical way. 4=#E written reports in science are always of a good standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 5=#E written reports in science are always of an excellent standard and #e has learnt to organise them in a logical way, using charts and graphs where appropriate. 6=#E written reports are becoming more carefully organised and #e is beginning to use charts and graphs where appropriate. 7=#E has learnt to improve #h written reports by organising them in a more logical way and including charts and graphs where appropriate. However, #e must make sure to write enough so it reflects more fully what #e has discovered. COMMENTS: Science Ability 1=#E grasps new scientific concepts quickly and then can use these to try and explain the results of experiments. 2=#E generally understands new scientific concepts and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 3=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well and is beginning to be able to use these to explain the results of experiments. 4=#E generally understands new scientific concepts well. 5=#E always understands new scientific concepts well. 6=#E always understands new scientific concepts quickly. 7=#E generally understands new scientific concepts quickly. 8=#E tries hard to understand new scientific concepts and now needs to use #h knowledge to try and explain results of experiments. 9=#E needs careful explanations to learn new scientific concepts but always tries hard to understand. COMMENTS: Science AT1 Level 3 1=#N responds to suggestions, puts forward #h own ideas and, where appropriate, makes simple predictions. 2=#N makes relevant observations and measures quantities, using a range of simple equipment. 3=With some help #N can carry out a fair test, recognising and explaining why it is fair. 4=#N records observations in a variety of ways. 5=#N provides explanations for observations and, where they occur, for simple patterns in recorded measurements. 6=#N can explain what #e has found out from #h work. COMMENTS: Science observation 1=#E has excellent observation skills in Science. 2=#E has good observation skills in Science. 3=#E needs to improve #h observation skills in Science. COMMENTS: Science practical 1=When designing experiments #N is capable and confident. #E can organise their ideas, plan and carry out an experiment efficiently and accurately. 2=When designing an experiment #N benefits from group discussion. #N can carry out experiments in a confident and accurate way. 3=#N will often need support in the designing of experiments. #E can then complete the investigation in efficient and accurate way. COMMENTS: Science progress 1=#N progress has been fantastic this year. 2=#N has made good progress this year. 3=#N has made adequate progress this year. COMMENTS: Science ve 1=#N has had an excellent year in Science and has consistently been enthusiastic and curious about the Science topics. 2=#N has demonstrated a good level of enthusiasm and curiosuity in Science this year. 3=#N has generally shown good levels of enthusiasm in Science. COMMENTS: second sentence 1=#E shows effective time management and organisational skills, and has put in consistent effort with skills taught applying these to a variety of subject areas. 2=#E has put in consistent effort with skills taught and applied these to a variety of tasks. 3=#E possesses good self-discipline, works independently and is beginning to sort #h ideas and to write them in a logical order, adding detail and description. 4=#E needs to apply skills being taught in class to all #h written work. 5=#E can work independently and always completes tasks in good time but #e is inclined to allow others to distract #h. 6=#H progress has remained consistent and #e has strengthened #h skills in many areas. 7=#E is a capable student who is gaining confidence in presenting clear and detailed explanations and descriptions to effectively convey information and ideas. 8=Although #e still needs guidance to sort #h ideas and to begin tasks #N is able to achieve at the required level in most subject areas. 9=#E is beginning to sort #h ideas and to write them in a logical order adding detail and description. 10=Due to #h consistent effort and the application of the skills taught, #h work has matured across subject areas. 11=#E has made a consistent effort in all areas, gaining confidence in #h written work to present clear and detailed explanations. 12=#E needs to apply skills being taught in class to all #h written work and #e still needs assistance to study before tests. 13=#E is gaining confidence in #h written work using clear explanations and descriptions to convey information and ideas. 14=#H progress has been consistent and #e has strengthened #h skills in adding detail and depth of thinking in subject areas. #N written work has matured in content and structure but #e is still hindered by editing skills. 15=#E is confident when conveying information and ideas, and is beginning to add depth to #h explanations and descriptions. 16=#E has become more responsible with #h time management and works confidently to complete tasks in a good time. 17=#E is gaining confidence in presenting clear and detailed explanations and descriptions to effectively convey information and ideas. COMMENTS: Socials - My Community 1=This 2nd term for Socials #N studied the unit 'Around our school'. The local area will be studied frequently during a #N's time in primary school and therefore this unit focused on different aspects of the local features, land use and environment around #m. 2=This 2nd term for Socials, #N studied the unit 'Around our school', #e knows the name of the area where #h do lives. #H knows that the other pupils may live in different areas. 3=This 2nd term for Socials #N knows #h own address. 4=This 2nd term for Socials #N could understand the significance of each line of #h address. 5=This 2nd term for Socials #N was able to represent the various types of travel on a simple graph. 6=This 2nd term for Socials #N drew some conclusions from #h findings. 7=This 2nd term for Socials #N know where #h school is and knows #h route to get to school. 8=This 2nd term for Socials #N can draw a map showing #h route to school. 9=This 2nd term for Socials #N was able to identify a clear sequence of features seen on #h route to school. 10=This 2nd term for Socials #N is able to use the correct vocabulary to describe the different local features. 11=This 2nd term for Socials #N can name the places are within the community and/or around #h school. 12=This 2nd term for Socials #N could understand the jobs that people perform in our school. 13=This 2nd term for Socials #N has recognized that there are different buildings in our community and that they each support different kinds of work. 14=This 2nd term for Socials #N has realized that the process of change in a community is continuous and happens in most places. 15=This 2nd term for Socials #N was able to use a range of words and pictures to show and explain #h views on the quality of the environment around #m. 16=This 2nd term for Socials #N can talk about the about changes which have taken place in #h locality. 17=This 2nd term for Socials #N could understand that emergency workers have jobs that save citizens in the community. 18=This 2nd term for Socials #N could understand that service workers have jobs that help citizens in the community. 19=This 2nd term for Socials #N has identified the correct digits to dial for an emergency response person to come to #h aid. 20=This 2nd term for Socials #N is able to identify the behaviours that put them in danger and #h correctly responded with a quick resolution to get them to a safe location. COMMENTS: Solar System 1=#N is able to identify the planets in the Earth's solar system. #E is able to determine the position of the planets from the sun. 2=#N knows that the Sun is a star. #N can express that it is a massive ball of hot gas that gives off light and heat. 3=#N can identify the eight planets that orbit around the Sun. 4=#N shows comprehension of facts such as the closest planet to the Sun is Mercury, and the farthest away is Neptune. 5=#N demonstrates comprehension of facts such as the biggest planet is Jupiter, and the smallest planet is Mercury. 6=#N demonstrates comprehension that the Earth is the only planet, that we know, containing life. 7=#N can identify that the Earth rotates as it orbits the Sun. #E knows that it takes one day to complete a rotation. 8=#N knows that It takes 365 days for the Earth to complete one circuit around the Sun. #E knows to call this a year. 9=#N demonstrates comprehension that the Moon orbits around the Earth. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening average 1=#N contributes well to discussions, usually paying close attention to what is being said. #E is quite shy in a class situation and must learn to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 2=#N contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments, and always listens attentively. #E makes excellent responses to stories and poems. 3=#N is a good contributor to class discussions, and lately is thinking more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. 4=#N is quite shy in a class situation but has learned to value, and put forward, #h own opinions. 5=#N listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 6=When asked to talk about #h work in a group, #N is beginning to participate more readily and can express #h point of view sensibly. #N is able to discuss a book's plot, demonstrating a good understanding of the material read. 7=#N generally listens attentively and makes good responses to stories and poems. #E can be self-conscious about speaking in front of others. 8=#N listens well in discussions and is joining in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening good. 1=#N listens attentively. When asked to talk about #h work, #e reports back clearly and concisely. 2=#N spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. 3=When asked to talk about Literacy texts, #e speaks in front of an audience with confidence, and shows a super understanding of the ideas under discussion. 4=#N listens attentively, responds well to the ideas of others and can report back clearly and concisely. 5=#N listens attentively and responds well to the suggestions and ideas of others. 6=#N listens attentively in class. 7=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. 8=#E contributes well to class discussions, often injecting some humour, and is willing to justify #h opinions and feelings to others. 9=#N is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions; and speaks with greater clarity and thought. 10=#N is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. 11=#E listens superbly, and can put forward #h own points of view clearly and articulately. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening poor 1=#N is not a confident speaker, but enjoys listening to stories. #E is beginning to take part in discussions, and give #h point of view. 2=#E must curb #h tendency to daydream when involved in class discussions. 3=#N joins in quite well during class discussions. 4=#N listens well in class, and is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others. #E needs to remember to indicate when #e is unclear about an idea under discussion. 5=#N listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 6=#N is beginning to take part in discussions, but usually has to be encouraged to do so. 7=#N is beginning to participate more readily during discussions and can express #h point of view sensibly. 8=When asked to talk about #h work in groups, #N will quietly offer #h views and opinions. 9=During class discussions, #N contributes #h views confidently but becomes distracted when listening to others. 10=During class discussions, #N's verbal contribution is not as high as it could be. #E responds more confidently in a small group situation. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening statements average. 1=#N is a good contributor to class discussions, and lately is thinking more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. When asked to talk about #h work in a group, #N is beginning to participate more readily and can express #h point of view sensibly. 2=#N is a good contributor to class discussions, and lately is thinking more carefully about the point #e is trying to make. #E listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 3=#N listens well in discussions and is joining in with more enthusiasm. #E generally thinks carefully about the point #e is trying to get over to others. #E does however need to listen more carefully to the points made by others. 4=#N contributes well to class discussions, offering quite perceptive comments. #E displays good understanding of what is being discussed, but #e often does not give due consideration to the points made by others. 5=#N is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. #E can however be rather quiet and should try to play a more active role in class discussions. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening statements good. 1=#N is well informed. #E listens with interest during class discussions and is very composed when answering questions. #N�s spoken comments are often perceptive and reflect #h well-developed listening skills. COMMENTS: Speaking and listening statements poor. 1=#N is beginning to participate more readily during discussions and can express #h point of view sensibly. #E listens well to others, and is now starting to develop the confidence to comment on the points others have made. 2=#N is beginning to participate more readily during discussions and can express #h point of view sensibly. #E listens well to others, and is now starting to develop the confidence to comment on the points others have made. #E works better in small group rather than whole class discussions. 3=#N is not a confident speaker, but enjoys listening to stories. #E is beginning to take part in discussions, and give #h point of view. When asked to talk about #h work in groups, #N will quietly offer #h views and opinions. 4=When asked to talk about #h work in groups, #N will quietly offer #h views and opinions. #N listens well to others and comments sensibly on what has been said when asked to do so. 5=During class discussions, #N contributes #h views confidently but becomes distracted when listening to others. #E is keen to get #h point across, but #e must learn to respect the right of others to also express their opinions, and to listen when others are making their contributions. COMMENTS: Spelling 1=Foundation Stage Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) objectives 2=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E is able to explore and experiment with sounds, words and text. 4=#E has linked #h sounds to letters, naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. 5=#E is able to use a pencil and hold it effectively to form recognizable letters, most of which are formed correctly. 6=#E is able to hear and say sounds in words in the order in which they occur. 7=#E has read simple words by sounding out and blending the phonemes all through the word from left to right. 8=#E recognizes common digraphs. 9=#E read some high frequency words. 10=#E can use phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words. 11=#E is able to read a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently. 12=#E has read texts compatible with #h phonic knowledge and skills. 13=#E can read and write one grapheme for each of the 44 phonemes. 14=Foundation Stage Word structure and spelling objectives 15=------------------------------------------------------------------- 16=#E uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and #e makes phonetically plausible attempts at more complex words. 17=Grade 1 Word recognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) objectives 18=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19=#E is able to recognize and use alternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught, for example, that the grapheme 'g' is pronounced differently in 'get' and 'gem'. #E can use the grapheme 'ow' . #E knows it is pronounced differently in 'how' and 'show'. 20=#E has recognized and used alternative ways of spelling the phonemes already taught, for example that the /ae/ sound can be spelt with 'ai', 'ay' or 'a-e'; that the /ee/ sound can also be spelt as 'ea' and 'e'; and #e is beginning to know which words contain which spelling alternatives. COMMENTS: Spelling--part2 1=#E is able to identify the constituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words to support the application of phonic knowledge and skills. 2=#E can recognize automatically an increasing number of familiar high frequency words. 3=#E is able to apply #h phonic knowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spelling unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable. 4=#E is able to read more challenging texts which can be decoded using #h acquired phonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition of high frequency words. 5=#E is able to read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words. 6=Grade 1 Word structure and spelling objectives 7=------------------------------------------------------ 8=#E is able to spell new words using phonics as the prime approach. 9=#E can segment sounds into their constituent phonemes in order to spell them correctly. 10=#E is able to recognize vowels sounds and use phonetic spelling. 11=Use knowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly, -er 12=#E can read and spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllable words. 13=#E can read independently and with increasing fluency longer and less familiar texts. 14=#E can spell with increasing accuracy and confidence, drawing on #h word recognition skills and #h knowledge of word structure, and spelling patterns. 15=#E knows how to tackle unfamiliar words that are not completely decodable. 16=#E can read and spell less common alternative graphemes including trigraphs. 17=#E can read high and medium frequency words independently and automatically. COMMENTS: ST YR3 End 1=#E contributed responsibly to group tasks of building a boat and a tower, and gave #LevelList gadget speech about #?. 2=#E contributed responsibly to group tasks of designing and building a boat and a paper tower. COMMENTS: ST YR3 Intro 1=#N carried out experiments about the properties of water and other materials about which #e made #LevelListSingle observations and conclusions. COMMENTS: ST YR3 Middle 1=#E contributed responsibly to group tasks of building a boat and a tower, and gave #LevelList gadget speech about #?. 2=#E contributed responsibly to group tasks of designing and building a boat and a paper tower. COMMENTS: Summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next term dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. COMMENTS: third sentence 1=#N can speak clearly in oral presentations but #e needs to add volume. 2=#N speaks clearly and directly to #h audience. 3=When presenting information in oral form #e speaks clearly and directly to #h audience with volume and animation. 4=and utilises #h talent for dramatic effects to entertain. 5=Although #N can speak clearly when making an oral presentation #e lacks volume and needs to make eye contact with #h audience. 6=When presenting orally #N speaks with confidence to #h audience. 7=#E participates in class discussion regularly, often building on ideas being explored, especially in Religious Education. 8=#E always shows a genuine interest in class activities and willingly takes responsibility around the classroom. 9=#E participates in class discussion often and is always willing to be the spokesperson in activities. 10=#N will contribute #h opinion on topics being discussed. 11=#E will contribute to class discussion when asked. COMMENTS: Time Telling 1=#N can tell the time on the hour. #E can draw the time on the clock face (whole hours). 2=#N can tell the time on the half-hour. #E can draw the time on the clock face (half hours) 3=#N can tell the time on the hour, half-hour and quarter-hour. #E has an understanding of seconds, minutes, hours, and days. 4=#N can give information using the times of the day and names of subjects. 5=#N can give information about elapsed time. #E can state what time will it be in one hour. 6=#N can give information about elapsed time. #E can state what time will it be in X hours. COMMENTS: TRA01: Imported Comments 1=can distinguish between the spellings and meanings of common homophones. 2=#E knows and applies #h common spelling rules. 3=#E is developing a range of personal strategies for learning new and irregular words. 4=know and uses less common prefixes and suffixes such as im-, ir-, -cian. 5=#E is able to group and classify words according to their spelling patterns and their meanings. 6=can spell familiar words correctly and #e is able to employ a range of strategies to spell difficult and unfamiliar words. COMMENTS: TRA01: Introduction 1=In the unit 'Celebrations' #N was given the opportunity to learn about the beliefs of a particular religion through a festival. #E learnt about the meaning of the festival for believers, the way in which it is celebrated around the world, and what #e may learn about #h own life and communities from it. 2=#E is able to describe and compare the various festivals around the world. COMMENTS: TRA02: Applying--part2 1=#E can solve one-step and two-step problems involving numbers, money or measures, including time. In these activities, #e has demonstrated #h skills by choosing and carrying out the appropriate calculations. 2=#E can represent the information in a puzzle or problem using numbers, images or diagrams. 3=#E has used #h own digrams to find a solution to a problem and present it in context, where appropriate using �.p notation, � and cent or units of measure. 4=#E has followed a line of enquiry by deciding what information is important. 5=#E has made use of #h own lists, tables and graphs to organise and interpret the information. 6=#E is able to identify patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes, and use these to solve #h problems. 7=#E has describeed and explained #h methods, #h choices and #h solutions to puzzles and problems, orally and in writing, using a range of pictures and diagrams. COMMENTS: TRA02: Celebrations 1=Section 1: Celebrations 2=#E was able to identify the difference between festivals and other types of celebrations. 3=#E could explain how and why #e and #h community has celebrations. 4=#E is able to reflect on and share #h own experiences of celebrations. COMMENTS: TRA03: Counting 1=Year 1 Counting and understanding number objectives 2=---------------------------------------------------------------- 3=#E was able to count reliably at least 20 objects, recognising that when rearranged the number of objects stayed the same. #E knows that an estimate of a number of objects that can be checked by counting. 4=#E can compare and order numbers, using the related vocabulary. #E also knows how to use the equals (=) sign. 5=#E is able to read and write numerals from 0 to 20, then beyond. #E can use #h knowledge of place value to position these numbers on a number track and number line . 6=#E was able to say the number that is 1 more or less than any given number, and 10 more or less for multiples of 10. 7=#E has used the vocabulary of halves and quarters in an appropriate context. 8=Year 2 Counting and understanding number objectives 9=---------------------------------------------------------------- 10=#E can read and write two-digit and three-digit numbers in figures and words. #E can describe and extend number sequences and recognise odd and even numbers. 11=#E is able to count up to 100 objects by grouping them and counting in tens, fives or twos. 12=#E knows and can explain what each digit in a two-digit number represents, including numbers where 0 is a place holder. 13=#E has shown evidence #e can partition two-digit numbers in different ways, including into multiples of 10 and 1. 14=#E can order two-digit numbers and position them on a number line; use the greater than (>) and less than (<) signs. 15=#E can estimate a number of objects and has rounded two-digit numbers to the nearest 10. 16=#E can find one half of shapes and sets of objects. 17=#E can find one half, one quarter of shapes and sets of objects. 18=#E can find one half, one quarter and three quarters of shapes and sets of objects. 19=Year 3 Counting and understanding number objectives 20=---------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS: TRA03: Counting--part2 1=#E can read, write and order whole numbers to at least 1000 and position them on a number line. 2=#E is able to count on from and back to zero in single-digit steps or multiples of 10. 3=#E is able to partition three-digit numbers into multiples of 100, 10 and 1 in different ways. 4=#E has experience of rounding two-digit or three-digit numbers to the nearest 10 or 100 and giving estimates for their sums and their differences. 5=#E can read and write proper fractions (e.g. three sevenths, nine tenths), interpreting the denominator as the parts of a whole and the numerator as the number of parts. 6=In addition, #e is able to identify and estimate fractions of shapes; use diagrams to compare fractions and establish equivalents. COMMENTS: TRA03: Festival 1=Section 2: What is a religious festival? 2=#E was able to recount a story linked to a festival. 3=#E is beginning to understand a religious festival's significance and symbolism for its believers. COMMENTS: TRA04: Diversity 1=Section 3: How is this festival celebrated in different parts of the world? 2=#E was able to identify some of the ways in which believers celebrate festivals. 3=#E recognises cultural diversity. 4=#E is able to share the history of #h family traditions. COMMENTS: TRA05: Meanings 1=Section 4: How do religious believers celebrate the meaning of a festival? 2=#E could explain that worship, both at home and in a place of worship, is a key part of the festival celebrations. 3=#E has explained the importance of a religious festival to its believers and their communities. COMMENTS: TRA06: Shapes 1=Year 1 Understanding shape objectives 2=---------------------------------------------- 3=#E has visualised and named common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids and described their features 4=#E can use common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids to make patterns, pictures and models. 5=#E is able to identify objects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line (e.g. a door). 6=#E has recognised and made whole, half and quarter turns. 7=#E has visualised and used everyday language to describe the position of objects and the direction and distance #e has used when moving them. 8=Year 2 9=--------- 10=#N visualises common 2-D shapes and 3-D solids. 11=#E can identify shapes from pictures of them in different positions and orientations. 12=#E sorts, makes and describes shapes, referring to their properties. 13=#N identifies reflective symmetry in patterns and 2-D shapes and #e draws lines of symmetry in shapes. 14=#N can follow and give instructions involving position, direction and movement. 15=#N is able to recognise and uses whole, half and quarter turns, both clockwise and anticlockwise. 16=#E knows that a right angle represents a quarter turn. 17=Year 3 18=--------- 19=#N relates 2-D shapes and 3-D solids to drawings of them. #E describes, visualises, classifies, draws and makes the shapes. 20=#N can draw and complete shapes with reflective symmetry. COMMENTS: TRA06: Shapes--part2 1=#E is able to draw the reflection of a shape in a mirror line along one side. 2=#N has read and recorded the vocabulary of position, direction and movement, using the four compass directions to describe a movement across a grid. 3=#N has used a set-square to draw right angles and to identify right angles in 2-D shapes. 4=#E can compare angles with a right angle. In addition, #e recognises that a straight line is equivalent to two right angles. COMMENTS: TRA06: Traditions 1=Section 3: How is this festival celebrated in different parts of the world? 2=#E was able to identify some of the ways in which believers celebrate festivals. 3=#E recognises cultural diversity. 4=#E is able to share the history of #h family traditions. 5=#E can explain why a particular celebration is important in #h life. 6=#E is able to research on the message/story behind different celebrations. 7=#E is able to identify and compare different traditions and celebrations shared by #h peers. 8=#E has successfully created charts and show and tells to organize and interpret information. 9=#E can express #h understanding of what a celebration is. 10=#E can understand that geographical and chronological factors affect the way people celebrate. COMMENTS: TRA07: Measuring 1=Year 1 Measuring Objectives 2=----------------------------------- 3=#E can estimate, measure, weigh and compare objects. 4=#E is able to choose and use suitable uniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments (e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) as appropriate. 5=#E has used vocabulary related to time. 6=#E is able to order the days of the week and months. 7=#E can read the time to the hour and half hour. 8=Year 2 9=--------- 10=#E can estimate, compare and measure lengths, weights and capacities. 11=#E can choose and use the correct standard units (m, cm, kg, litre) and a suitable measuring instrument. 12=#E can read the numbered divisions on a scale, and interpret the divisions between them (e.g. on a scale from 0 to 25 with intervals of 1 shown but only the divisions 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 numbered). 13=In addition, #N uses a ruler to draw and measure lines accurately to the nearest centimetre. 14=#E use the units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, days) and knows the relationships between them. 15=#N can read the time to the quarter hour and can identify time intervals, including those that cross the hour. 16=Year 3 17=--------- 18=#E knows the relationships between kilometres and metres, metres and centimetres, kilograms and grams, litres and millilitres. 19=#N can choose and use appropriate units to estimate, measure and record measurements. 20=#E reads, to the nearest division and half-division, scales that are numbered or partially numbered. COMMENTS: TRA07: Measuring--part2 1=#N can use the information to measure and draw to a suitable degree of accuracy. 2=#E reads the time on a 12-hour digital clock and can read to the nearest 5 minutes on an analogue clock. 3=#N is able to calculate time intervals and find start or end times for a given time interval. COMMENTS: TRA07: RoundUp 1=#E could link the different aspects of festivals into a coherent whole. 2=#N has evaluated what #e has learnt about religious festivals. COMMENTS: TRA08: Handling Data 1=Year 1 Handling data objectives 2=-------------------------------------- 3=#E has answered a question by recording information in lists and tables. 4=#E is able to present #h outcomes using a wide range of practical resources, pictures, block graphs or pictograms. 5=#E is able to use diagrams to sort objects into groups according to a given criterion. 6=#E has suggested a different criterion for grouping the same objects. 7=Year 2 Handling data objectives 8=-------------------------------------- 9=#N has answered a question by collecting and recording #h data in lists and tables. 10=#E can represent the data as block graphs or pictograms to show results. 11=#E has used ICT to organise and present #h data. 12=#N can use lists, tables and diagrams to sort objects. 13=In addition, #e is able to explain #h choices using the appropriate language, including 'not'. 14=Year 3 Handling data objectives 15=-------------------------------------- 16=#N can answer a question by collecting, organising and interpreting #h own data. 17=#E is able to use tally charts, frequency tables, pictograms and bar charts to represent results and illustrate #h observations. 18=#E has used ICT to create a simple bar chart. 19=#N can use Venn diagrams or Carroll diagrams to sort data and objects using more than one criterion. COMMENTS: Weight/Mass Comparison 1=#N can demonstrate an understanding of measurement by comparing identifying attributes. #E can place objects in order, make statements of the filing, and match the objects. 2=#N can compare mass/weight and linear measures of at least two of width, height ("taller/shorter") and length. 3=#N can compare capacity of two vessels by filling them with liquid, then transfer the liquid into a measuring cup to record quantity. COMMENTS: Writing 3a Statement 1=#N can structure #h stories clearly with a beginning, problems, resolution and ending. The sections of #h stories are linked together and well paced. When #h changes events, setting or time in #h stories #e uses paragraphs. #E can develop #h main characters through description and dialogue and can create interaction between the characters. #N can use commas in lists and most of #h punctuation is correct. #E can use some complex sentence structures to add extra information. 2=In non-fiction #e has an introduction, conclusion and ordered sections. COMMENTS: Writing 3a Statements 1=#N can structure #h stories clearly with a beginning, problems, resolution and ending. The sections of #h stories are linked together and well paced. When #h changes events, setting or time in #h stories #e uses paragraphs. #E can develop #h main characters through description and dialogue and can create interaction between the characters. #N can use commas in lists and most of #h punctuation is correct. #E can use some complex sentence structures to add extra information. COMMENTS: Writing Statements 3B 1=#N�s writing is often clear, organised and imaginative. 2=#E is able to use appropriate and interesting vocabulary and shows some awareness of the reader. 3=#H ideas are developed and #e is able to use basic punctuation, but #e does need to increase the variety of punctuation used for effect. 4=The basic grammatical structure of #N�s work is usually correct; #e does however need to read through #h work to reduce �silly� mistakes. 5=The basic grammatical structure of #N�s work is usually correct. Simple monosyllabic words are usually spelt correctly and where inaccuracies occur, the alternative is a phonetically plausible one. LIST: abasic 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=an excellent 4=an improving 5=an increasing 6=an advanced 7=a broad 8=an intuitive 9=a good 10=a developing 11=a solid 12=a growing 13=an extensive 14=a strong 15=a confident 16=a capable 17=an emerging 18=a clear LIST: BSPElist 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=a pleasing 4=an excellent 5=an engaging 6=an interesting LIST: feelings 1=happily 2=cautiously 3=enthusiastically 4=willingly 5=carefully 6=readily 7=confidently 8=politely 9=cheerfully LIST: frequency 1=rarely 2=occasionally 3=sometimes 4=usually 5=frequently 6=always 7=never 8=often 9=increasingly 10=nearly always 11=mostly 12=regularly 13=typically 14=constantly 15=routinely 16=ordinarily 17=normally 18=repeatedly LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: interview 1=interview 2=report writing 3=finding information off the internet 4=analysis of information from different sources LIST: LevelList 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=a pleasing 4=an excellent 5=an engaging 6=an interesting 7=a satisfactory 8=an outstanding 9=a solid LIST: LevelListSingle 1=detailed 2=basic 3=satisfactory 4=excellent 5=pleasing 6=engaging 7=improving 8=effective 9=developing LIST: MathStrand 1=Space and Geometry 2=Measurement and Data 3=Number 4=Patterns and Algebra LIST: Measurement 1=long and short 2=heavy and light 3=big and small LIST: personality 1=a confident 2=a quiet 3=a willing 4=a happy 5=a keen 6=a cautious 7=an observant 8=a hesitant 9=an active 10=an enthusiastic 11=a sensitive 12=a calm 13=a thinking 14=a content 15=a thoughtful 16=a creative 17=an attentive 18=a co-operative LIST: PYPLevel 1=developing 2=demonstrating 3=excelling 4=demonstrates 5=beginning to develop 6=excels LIST: ResourceList 1=water 2=electricity 3=water and electricity LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth 5=Solar System 6=Waste Mangement LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth 5=Solar System 6=Waste Management LIST: Skill 1=a basic 2=a satisfactory 3=an excellent 4=an improving 5=an increasing 6=an advancing 7=a broad 8=an intuitive 9=a good 10=a developing 11=a solid 12=a growing LIST: speaks 1=clearly 2=confidently 3=fluently 4=cheerfully 5=extensively 6=thoughtfully 7=informatively 8=interestingly 9=quietly 10=hesitantly 11=cautiously 12=loudly LIST: story 1=basic parts 2=a lot of detail 3=amazing accuracy 4=some of the main aspects LIST: SUAlist 1=sometimes 2=usually 3=always LIST: support 1=with adult support 2=with significant adult support 3=independently 4=with guidance 5=with minimal prompting 6=with minimal assistance LIST: Time 1=^ can tell the time on the hour. 2=^ can tell the time on the half-hour. 3=^ can tell the time on the hour, half-hour and quarter-hour. 4=* has an understanding of seconds, minutes, hours, and days. 5=^ can give information about elapsed time. 6=^ can give information using time of the day and subject. 7=* can state what time will it be in one hour. 8=^ can give information about elapsed time. 9=* can state what time will it be in X hours. LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.