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COMMENTS: Group work 1=#E can find the process of working with #h peers very challenging and would rather focus on independent work. 2=#E works effectively in group scenarios but would benefit from making more of a contribution. 3=#E really enjoys group tasks and finds them beneficial in developing #h understanding further by considering the points raised in discussions. 4=#E will often take the lead role in group tasks, guiding the learning of peers who are less confident. COMMENTS: Independence 1=#N works independently, with confidence, showing a high level of evaluative, analytical and application skills. 2=#N can work independently and shows a good understanding of evaluation and analysis, and is developing in application skills. 3=#N can work independently but often lacks confidence in #h ability to effectively use analysis, evaluation and application skills. 4=#N cannot work independently without guidance and prompting, and is struggling to apply knowledge and analysis effectively. 5=#N can find independent work challenging, only identifying very basic evaluative points, often struggling to effectively analysis data and apply knowledge. 6=#N cannot work effectively on many independent tasks and finds evaluating work challenging, often struggling to effectively analyse data and apply knowledge. COMMENTS: Knowledge 1=#E has developed a good understanding of AO1 and AO3 content required and can make clear links between them to generate high quality exam responses with a clear line of argument. 2=#E has developed a good understanding of AO1 and AO3 content required but needs to make sure there are clear links between them to generate high quality exam responses. 3=#E has developed a good understanding of AO1 and AO3 content but needs to address issues, debates and approaches as additional evaluation in exam responses. 4=#E as developed a basic understanding of both AO1 and AO3 content but needs to work on this skill further to ensure #e can generate good quality exam responses. 5=#E can identify knowledge that belongs to either AO1 or AO3 but needs to ensure the relationship between the two is clearly identified in #h essays. 6=#E is finding the amount of knowledge required for each topic difficult which results in a very basic exam response to most questions attempted. COMMENTS: Research 1=#N has shown a good understanding of the requirements of the course by completing research and reading outside the classroom to develop #h understanding further. 2=#N understands the requirements of the course and has completed some independent work outside the classroom setting. 3=#N understands the requirements of the course but is only completing minimal additional reading outside the classroom. 4=#N is limiting #h understanding to the text books in the classroom by not completing additional reading outside of lesson time. 5=#N has a limited understanding of the course content as #e rarely complete any additional reading outside the classroom. COMMENTS: Target 1 1=#N needs to increase confidence by making an effort to be more involved in class discussion. 2=#N needs to try to spend a little more time on homework and additional reading. 3=#N should complete independent research to add breadth to #h understanding of key topics. 4=#N should make an effort to concentrate more during discussion as this will allow #h to develop #h basic understanding further. 5=#N needs to improve #h application skills by referring to specific details in the given scenario and link them to key concepts. 6=#N needs to complete all homework to the best of #h ability to help assess #h own level of understanding. 7=#N should proof read work to ensure that all key terms are correctly spelt and used in the right context. 8=#N needs to consider how to include relevant issues, debates and approaches to develop #h evaluation further. 9=#N needs to consider how to link information in essay responses to develop a clear line of argument. 10=#N should use key psychological terms in #h independent written work. 11=#N would benefit from attending all additional revision sessions offered to enable revision to be successful. 12=#N needs to ensure #e asks for help when required. COMMENTS: Target 2 1=#E also needs to increase #h confidence by making an effort to be more involved in class discussion. 2=#E also needs to try to spend a little more time on homework and additional reading. 3=#E also should complete independent research to add breadth to #h understanding of key topics. 4=#E also should make an effort to concentrate more during discussion as this will allow #h to develop #h basic understanding further. 5=#E also needs to improve #h application skills by referring to details in a scenario that has been given and link them to key concepts. 6=#E also needs to complete all homework to the best of #h ability to help assess #h own level of understanding. 7=#E also should proof read work to ensure that all key terms are correctly spelt and used in the right context. 8=#E also needs to consider how to include relevant issues, debates and approaches to develop #h evaluation further. 9=#E also needs to consider how to link information in essay responses to develop a clear line of argument. 10=#E also should use key psychological terms in #h independent written work. 11=#E also would benefit from attending all additional revision sessions offered to enable revision to be successful. 12=#E also needs to ensure #e asks for help when required. COMMENTS: UCAS Independent Work 1 1=#N consistently works at #h best, especially when working independently as #e has a very mature approach to #h studies 2=#N seems to enjoy the process of learning about new concepts which means that independent work is good for #m. 3=#N completes good-quality independent work and is able to effectively research topics with minimal guidance. This puts #h in a good position for studying psychology or other subjects in higher education. 4=#N has proven #s to be excellent when studying independently and is a very focused student when on #h own. 5=#N excels when working independently and always works with good pace. 6=#N handles independent work really well and can give effective feedback on the information #e has researched. 7=#N has proven that #e does have the ability to work well independently and appears to enjoy researching new information. COMMENTS: UCAS Independent Work 2 1=#E is able to take on more challenging content and pick out crucial points in high-level material for use. 2=#E is able to research, access and make use of high-level content before feeding back to #h peers, in order to develop their understanding as well as #h own. #N will excel at #h studies at university as a result. 3=#E is also comfortable in being able to query information #e finds in order to deepen #h understanding further. 4=#E has proved that #e is able to then apply the knowledge #e has gained to novel situations which will enhance #h exam responses. 5=#E is beginning to access the more challenging content and is willing to express #s more in lessons when concepts need clarifying. 6=#E has shown that #e can research and then apply psychological theories with the minimal guidance. 7=#E has proven #s to be very able in handling more challenging content which puts #m in a good position for studying at university. COMMENTS: UCAS Personal Qualities 1 1=In Psychology, #N regularly makes valuable contributions in lessons and has shown that through discussion and debate that #e can develop a deeper understanding of the notions and applications within the subject. 2=In Psychology, #N has taken on the challenges that come with the subject in a positive way and has shown real resilience in the face of the more difficult content. 3=In Psychology, #N is a valued member of the class and is able to give clear and concise verbal responses in lessons. 4=In Psychology, #N is a capable student who can outline theories and studies effectively and in detail. 5=In Psychology, #N never fails to work hard in lessons and works well with those around #m. #E has developed more confidence over the course of the past year and is making valuable contributions during group tasks that benefit the learning of #h peers. 6=#N can always be counted on in Psychology lessons to give detailed verbal responses and this translates into #h written work. COMMENTS: UCAS Personal Qualities 2 1=#E organises #h work well and always works well with #h peers and often takes the lead in group work. 2=#H hard work has led to consistently high grades in assessments, including *** grades in the *** and *** topics. 3=#E seems to enjoy the process of learning about new concepts which means that independent work is good for #m. 4=#E works well with #h peers and we have seen a lot of progress in both #h written and verbal responses over the course of the past year. 5=#E exceeded #h target grade by getting *** grades in the *** and *** topics. 6=#E can express #s well both verbally and in #h written responses so can be relied upon to explain psychological principles to a high standard. 7=#E performed very well in the Psychology Paper 1 mock exam which is encouraging for the summer examinations. 8=#E is on track to meet #h target grade by the end of Year 13 after showing a willingness to take on feedback and made good use of it to improve #h exam answers. 9=#H strengths lie in being able to take theories and concepts #e is learning and apply them to everyday scenarios. COMMENTS: UCAS Powers of Analysis 1 1=#N has worked hard in order to expand #h vocabulary and can now use psychology-specific terminology in order to critically evaluate both theories and studies. 2=#N has shown real progress in #h ability to critically evaluate psychological theories and studies. #E can now confidently use much of the new terminology in order to outline a concept's strengths and weaknesses. 3=#N is able to consider the possible strengths and weaknesses of psychological concepts and then use specialist terminology, which #e has developed over the course, in order to do this in #h essays. 4=#N has worked hard to develop #h skills in evaluating psychological theories and studies. 5=#N has come a long way in being able to critically analyse information and evaluate a variety of theories and studies in psychology. 6=#N has worked hard to develop #h evaluation skills over the past year so that #e can outline strengths and weaknesses of psychological concepts clearly. COMMENTS: UCAS Powers of Analysis 2 1=#E can now confidently use much of the new terminology in order to outline a concept's strengths and weaknesses. #N is continuing to progress in this area and is showing real promise. 2=#E is now working to create a more fluid discussion in #h essays. 3=#E is continuing to progress in this area and is showing real promise. 4=#E is now working to create a more fluid discussion in #h essays which is leading #m towards an A* grade. 5=#E has shown a significant increase in #h vocabulary and therefore also uses specialist terms whilst applying these new skills. 6=#E has shown the ability to articulate and discuss issues within psychology to a high standard time and time again. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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