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COMMENTS: 2017 S1 Weaknesses 1=#N would benefit from contributing more thoughtfully to group work activities. 2=#N is often distracted during small group activities and is encouraged to ensure that #e remains on task without teacher input. 3=#N would benefit from taking time to listen to others during small group activities. 4=#N is encouraged to exercise greater #task when approaching both group and individual tasks. 5=#N is exhorted to take time to approach all tasks with the full range of #h analytical and creative abilities. 6=#N would benefit from contributing with greater frequency to classroom discussions. 7=#N is encouraged to share #h ideas vocally in class to increase #h confidence in discussing matters pertaining to faith. 8=#N makes #tasker contributions to classroom discussions when asked, and would benefit from beginning to make these without prompting. 9=#N makes #tasker contributions to small group discussions and is encouraged to confer these in conversations with the wider class. 10=#N is encouraged to maintain engagement during whole class discussions. 11=#N would benefit from considering how #e might show greater depth of reflection in spoken responses. 12=#N is adjured to ensure #h contributions in class are a reflection of #h capacity for respectful dialogue and to show #h classmates the respect of serious answers in discussion. 13=#N is adjured to take time to listen to and reflect on the contributions of others in order to gain understanding of different opinions. 14=#N often makes lapses in the way #e demonstrates respect toward others. #E is encouraged to carefully watch both #h tone and choice of language in this regard. 15=#N would benefit from taking more time to understand others opinions before expressing #h own. 16=#N's disinterested approach in class and sometimes arrogant remarks about faith are both disrespectful to #h classmates and a hinderance to class discussion. #E is urged to consider how #e might approach Religious Education with a more open and respectful manner. 17=#N is encouraged to take a more diligent approach to the study of the Bible in class. This will benefit #h understanding of #h own worldview and the role of the Bible within Western history and literature. 18=#N's frequent failure to complete tasks in class and disinterested attitude has resulted in minimal progress. #E is encouraged to take a more proactive approach to class work. 19=#N is encouraged to continue to extend #h understanding by considering deeply the application of class material to all aspects of life. COMMENTS: 2017 S2 Assessment 1=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated a #level level of insight and reflection. 2=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated #h ability to use sophisticated, respectful language when discussing faith. 3=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was well researched and demonstrated #h commitment to speaking truthfully and respectfully of other's beliefs. 4=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was indicative of the seriousness and sensitivity with which #e has approached Religious Education this year. 5=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task elucidated #h ability to synthesise themes across a range of texts to create a sophisticated argument pertaining to matters of faith. 6=#N's personal reflection in #h Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was both well written and #good. #E is to be commended on both #h thoughtfulness and courage to share #h own opinion. 7=#N exhibited #speaking in presenting #h Expressions of Faith Assessment Task to the class and demonstrated #level reflection. 8=#N made a #level effort towards reflecting on people's expressions of faith, particularly within the Protestant tradition and was able to speak about this with #speaking. 9=#N produced a #good and #good Passion Task this semester. 10=#N produced a #level Passion Task which contained #good elements. 11=#N worked with diligence to produce a #good Passion Task this semester. 12=#N made progress towards producing a Passion Task this semester and was able to show aspects of #good thinking in #h work. COMMENTS: 2017 S2 Assessment Improvement 1=#N's grades were hindered by use of plagiarism in an Assessment Task. #N is encouraged to ensure #h work is #h own writing in future and to demonstrate personal reflection. 2=#N is encouraged to edit #h work carefully in order to ensure that #e demonstrates the full extent of both #h respect and understanding for what others believe as this hindered #h marks in #h Assessment Task. 3=#N would benefit from taking confidence to state #h own personal opinions and to allow others to engage with #h in meaningful dialogue. The lack of personal reflection in #h Assessment Task was indicative of this area of improvement. 4=Whilst #N made a good effort in completing #h Expressions of Faith Assessment Task, #h reflection showed a lack of #tasker insight. #E is encouraged to ensure that in future #e demonstrates greater depth of reflection. 5=Whilst #N's understanding was conveyed well in #h Assessment Task, #h use of sentence structure impacted the strength of #h argument. Taking time to organise #h ideas well and carefully edit #h work will allow #h to explain #h ideas with more clarity. 6=#N is encouraged to use develop #h use of sophisticated and technical language when speaking and writing about matters of faith as this prevented #h from achieving higher marks in #h Assessment Task. 7=#N would benefit from taking time to understand the specificity of what others believe, rather than speaking in general terms. #E is encouraged to listen carefully and read without assumptions. 8=#N is encouraged to use #h class time wisely, especially when engaged in long-term projects. 9=#N is encouraged to not allow #s to be distracted by #h peers or irrelevant internet searches when engaged in research. 10=#N is encouraged to seek out teacher help when needed and to make greater use of the available resources in completing projects. 11=#N's Jesus Feminist task contained excellent ideas, however, limited evidence supporting these. Ensuring that attention is paid to writing with logical consistency will assist #h in explaining and defending #h views. COMMENTS: 2017 S2 Assessment Strength 1=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated a #level level of insight and reflection. 2=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated #h ability to use sophisticated, respectful language when discussing faith. 3=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was well researched and demonstrated #h commitment to speaking truthfully and respectfully of other's beliefs. 4=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was indicative of the seriousness and sensitivity with which #e has approached Religious Education this year. 5=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task elucidated #h ability to synthesise themes across a range of texts to create a sophisticated argument pertaining to matters of faith. 6=#N's personal reflection in #h Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was both well written and #tasker. #E is to be commended on both #h thoughtfulness and courage to share #h own opinion. 7=#N exhibited #speaking in presenting #h Expressions of Faith Assessment Task to the class and demonstrated #level reflection. 8=#N made a #level effort towards reflecting on people's expressions of faith, particularly within the Protestant tradition and was able to speak about this with #speaking. 9=#N produced a #tasker and #tasker Passion Task this semester. 10=#N produced a #level Passion Task which contained #tasker elements. 11=#N worked with diligence to produce a #tasker Passion Task this semester. 12=#N made progress towards producing a Passion Task this semester and was able to show aspects of #tasker thinking in #h work. 13=#N produced a #level Passion Task this semester and was able to show aspects of #tasker thinking in #h work. 14=#N's Passion Task showed #tasker ability to link #h own interests to matters of faith. COMMENTS: 2017 S2 Improvement 1=#N is encouraged to take more time during writing and reflection activities in order to maximise insight. 2=#N is encouraged to include new vocabulary and a more sophisticated sentence structure in #h written reflections in order to show deeper analysis and reflection. 3=#N is adjured to make sure that #h written reflections match the quality and thoughtfulness of #h contributions to classroom discussion. 4=#N is encouraged to apply #s diligently to #h work so as to minimise distractions during individual tasks. 5=#N has a tendency to be distracted when completing individual classroom tasks. #E is encouraged to make wiser choices in this regard. 6=#N has a tendency to generalise when speaking about religious concepts. #E is adjured to speak with greater accuracy and attention to detail. 7=#N would benefit from revising new vocabulary terms in order to speak with greater clarity about religious concepts. 8=#N is encouraged to approach Religious Education classes with greater #task. An openness to considering other views and perspectives will allow #h to develop skills of empathy and respect. 9=#N would benefit from approaching the Religious Education classroom with a sense of wonder and willingness to learn from #h peers. 10=#N would benefit from using classroom opportunities to grow in #h empathetic understanding of #h classmates and wider global issues 11=In order to improve #h grades, #N is advised to maintain engagement in all class activities. 12=#N is encouraged to take advantage of all opportunities to grow #h understanding of Biblical concepts. 13=#N would benefit from taking a more diligent approach to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. Clarifying #h understanding with the teacher will assist in this regard. 14=#N's effort and concentration in Religious Education has noticeably deteriorated this semester. #E is encouraged to return next year with greater respect for #h classmates and an attitude that is willing to learn. 15=#N's focus in class this semester has been inconsistent. #E is encouraged to return next year with a more settled approach. 16=#N is encouraged to consider deeply the implications of class material for life and faith. 17=#N is encouraged to embrace future opportunities to explore matters of faith and spirituality. 18=#N is encouraged to continue to ask questions that will allow #h to reflect critically on life, faith and morality. COMMENTS: 2017 S2 Strengths 1=#N is to be commended on #h #tasker approach to Religious Education. 2=#N has consistently engaged in Religious Education classes with #task. 3=#N has a #tasker and #tasker approach to Religious Education. 4=#N has consistently demonstrated thoughtfulness in #h written work. #E is to be commended on the effort #e places upon reflecting deeply. 5=#N has shown #level analysis in #h written reflections. 6=#N has written eloquently on a range of topics and issues in Religious Education this semester. 7=#N often approaches individual tasks with #task and #task. 8=#N always approaches individual work with a praiseworthy ethic. 9=#N is to be commended on #h diligence in speaking about religious concepts with accuracy. 10=#N has a #tasker, #tasker and #tasker approach to Religious Education. #E is to be commended on #h willingness to consider and evaluate differing views and perspectives. 11=#N often demonstrates empathy for both #h classmates and wider global issues. 12=#N approaches Religious Education with a positive and thoughtful attitude, #e has demonstrated particular engagement in our class exploration of #S2topics. 13=#N has demonstrated #level understanding of Biblical concepts. 14=#N's understanding of Biblical concepts is emerging. 15=#N is to be praised for the effort #e has concerted to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. 16=#N has demonstrated #level understanding of #S2topics. 17=#N has demonstrated reasonable understanding of #S2topics and is increasingly demonstrating ability to share #h opinions respectfully with others who think differently. 18=#N is to be commended on a more settled and focused attitude in Religious Education this semester. 19=#N has demonstrated an improved focus and thoughtfulness in Religious Education this semester. 20=#N has displayed effort and #task during the #S2topics unit. COMMENTS: 2018 S1 End Sentences 1=Occasional tardiness has contributed to disruption in #h progress and #e is adjured to be on time and fully prepared for all lessons. 2=#N is often distracted during small group activities and is encouraged to ensure that #e remains on task without teacher input. 3=Learning to hear and respond to the views of others will assist #N in improving #h ability to dialogue on matters of faith and morality. 4=#N is encouraged to exercise greater #task when approaching both group and individual tasks. 5=#N is exhorted to take time to approach all tasks with the full range of #h analytical and creative abilities. 6=#N is encouraged to share #h ideas vocally in class to increase #h confidence in discussing matters pertaining to faith. 7=#N makes #task contributions to classroom discussions when asked, and would benefit from beginning to make these without prompting. 8=#N makes #task contributions to small group discussions and is encouraged to confer these in conversations with the wider class. 9=#N is encouraged to consider #e might increase both the number and complexity of #h questions in class so as to expand #h understanding of complex Biblical and religious concepts. 10=#N is encouraged to consider more deeply how best to express #h own opinions in personal reflections. 11=#N is encouraged to maintain engagement during whole class discussions. 12=#N would benefit from considering how #e might show greater depth of reflection in spoken responses. 13=#N is adjured to ensure #h contributions in class are a reflection of #h capacity for respectful dialogue and to show #h classmates the respect of serious answers in discussion. 14=#N is adjured to take time to listen to the opinions of others in a respectful way in order to gain understanding of different opinions. 15=#N makes occasional lapses in the way #e demonstrates respect toward others. #E is encouraged to carefully watch both #h tone and choice of language in this regard. 16=#N would benefit from taking more time to understand others opinions before expressing #h own. 17=#N is encouraged to continue to extend #h understanding by considering deeply the application of class material to all aspects of life. 18=#N's disinterested approach in class and occasionally arrogant remarks about faith are both disrespectful to #h classmates and a hindrance to class discussion. #E is urged to consider how #e might approach Religious Education with a more open and respectful manner. 19=#N's frequent failure to complete tasks in class and disinterested attitude has resulted in minimal progress. #E is encouraged to take a more proactive approach to classwork. 20=#N is encouraged to take a more diligent approach to the study of the Bible in class. This will benefit #h understanding of #h own worldview and the role of the Bible within Western history and literature. COMMENTS: 2018 S1 Intro Sentences 1=#N is #type1 Religious Education student who has produced work of adequate quality this semester. 2=#N is #type1 student in Religious Education who has contributed greatly to our classroom exploration of #S1topics. 3=#N always displays interest and thoughtful engagement in Religious Education lessons. 4=#N has made steady progress over this semester in Religious Education. 5=#N has engaged well in Religious Education classes this semester and has produced work of adequate quality. 6=#N is #type1 and #type student in Religious Education. 7=#N is #type1 and #type student who approaches all tasks with #task. 8=#N is #type1 Religious Education student who has approached tasks this semester with enthusiasm. 9=#N is to be commended on a successful semester in Religious Education. 10=#N is #type1 and #type Religious Education student who has demonstrated significant understanding of #S1topics and #S1topics. 11=#N has consistently demonstrated a clear understanding of the topics studied in Religious Education this semester. 12=#N has displayed great interest in Religious Education this semester, particularly in the #S1topics unit. 13=#N has made adequate progress in Religious Education this semester. 14=#N is a quiet Religious Education student who has contributed well to small group tasks. 15=#N displays confidence in sharing #h ideas and opinions in Religious Education. 16=#N has attempted most tasks in Religious Education this semester. 17=#N has demonstrated the ability to convey ideas and opinions about #S1topics in Religious Education this semester with #speaking. COMMENTS: 2018 S1 Middle Sentences 1=#E is to be commended on #h ability to link the concepts studied to #h own life and that of the community. 2=#E often works well in small groups, contributing ideas and reflections and demonstrating respect and support for #h peers. 3=#E recognises the value of small group work and often tries hard to include others. 4=#E approaches all tasks with a pleasing sense of creativity and enthusiasm. 5=#E has demonstrated creativity in our class exploration of #S1topics. #H is to be commended for the way #e has shared this to the benefit of the class. 6=#E often contributes to classroom discussion and has made particularly #type insights into our conversations about #S1topics. 7=#E often contributes to classroom discussion with #type comments that demonstrate respect for #h peers. 8=#E always actively engages in classroom discussions with #speaking, #e helps to extend conversations and asks for clarification when needed. 9=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and speaks with increasing clarity and respect. 10=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering perceptive comments, and often listens attentively and respectfully to #h peers. 11=#E has been contributing to classroom discussion with increasing frequency and has demonstrated the ability to show #type reflection on topics studied. 12=#E has demonstrated #task in articulating #h views in our exploration of #S1topics. #E is to be commended on #h willingness to share and the depth that #h observations have brought to classroom discussion. 13=#E has demonstrated adequate ability to explain and critique the views of others. 14=#E has demonstrated significant reflection in class, as exemplified through insightful questions in class discussion. 15=#E is speaking with increasing clarity and respect in class. #E is to be commended on #h courage to voice #h opinions. 16=#E is to be commended on the effort #e places on speaking respectfully in class. #H tone, choice of language and increasing vocabulary demonstrate this skill. 17=#E's praiseworthy use of language demonstrates #h desire to respect the dignity and faith positions of both #h classmates and the wider community. 18=#E has demonstrated adequate ability to convey ideas and opinions about #S1topics this semester. 19=#E has demonstrated adequate ability to link #h understanding of #S1topics to the wider role and value of religion for both individuals and society. 20=#E has demonstrated adequate ability to discern and express #h appreciation of the value of religion. COMMENTS: 2018 S2 Assessment Sentences 1=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated a #level level of insight and reflection. 2=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task demonstrated #h ability to use sophisticated, respectful language when discussing faith. 3=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was well researched and demonstrated #h commitment to speaking truthfully and respectfully of other's beliefs. 4=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was indicative of the seriousness and sensitivity with which #e has approached Religious Education this year. 5=#N's Jesus Feminist Assessment Task elucidated #h ability to synthesise themes across a range of texts to create a sophisticated argument pertaining to matters of faith. 6=#N's personal reflection in #h Jesus Feminist Assessment Task was both well written and #tasker. #E is to be commended on both #h thoughtfulness and courage to share #h own opinion. 7=#N produced a #tasker and #tasker Passion Task this semester. 8=#N produced a #level Passion Task which contained #tasker elements. 9=#N worked with diligence to produce a #tasker Passion Task this semester. 10=#N made progress towards producing a Passion Task this semester and was able to show aspects of #tasker thinking in #h work. 11=#N is encouraged to use #h class time wisely, especially when engaged in long-term projects. 12=#N is encouraged to not allow #s to be distracted by #h peers or irrelevant internet searches when engaged in research. 13=#N is encouraged to seek out teacher help when needed and to make greater use of the available resources. 14=#N's Passion Task was both creative and insightful, #e is to be commended on the diligence with which #e engaged in the research process. 15=#N engaged well in the guided inquiry research process to produce a thoughtful Passion Task. 16=#N's Passion Task demonstrated excellence in analysis of research and creative representation of concepts relating to faith. 17=#N maintained a solid work ethic throughout the Passion Task unit producing a creative product with sound levels of insight. 18=#N worked well throughout the Passion Task unit, and is to be particularly praised for the encouragement with which #e supported #h peers in their research. 19=#N's progress through the Passion Task unit was inconsistent, and #e is encouraged to come to every class ready to learn and engage to the best of #h abilities. 20=As demonstrated in #N's Passion Task, #h research skills are developing. A greater focus on understanding information, not just locating it, will assist #h in analysing #h findings. COMMENTS: 2018 S2 End Sentences 1=#N is encouraged to take more time during writing and reflection activities in order to maximise insight. 2=#N is encouraged to include new vocabulary and a more sophisticated sentence structure in #h written reflections in order to show deeper analysis and reflection. 3=#N is adjured to make sure that #h written reflections match the quality and thoughtfulness of #h contributions to classroom discussion. 4=#N is encouraged to apply #s diligently to #h work so as to minimise distractions during individual tasks. 5=#N has a tendency to be distracted when completing individual classroom tasks. #E is encouraged to make wiser choices in this regard. 6=#N has a tendency to generalise when speaking about religious concepts. #E is adjured to speak with greater accuracy and attention to detail. 7=#N would benefit from revising new vocabulary terms in order to speak with greater clarity about religious concepts. 8=#N is encouraged to approach Religious Education classes with greater #task. An openness to considering other views and perspectives will allow #h to develop skills of empathy and respect. 9=#N would benefit from approaching the Religious Education classroom with a sense of wonder and willingness to learn from #h peers. 10=#N would benefit from using classroom opportunities to grow in #h empathetic understanding of #h classmates and wider global issues 11=In order to improve #h grades, #N is advised to maintain engagement in all class activities without excessive teacher input. 12=#N is encouraged to take advantage of all opportunities to grow #h understanding of Biblical concepts. 13=#N would benefit from taking a more diligent approach to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. Clarifying #h understanding with the teacher will assist in this regard. 14=#N's effort and concentration in Religious Education has noticeably deteriorated this semester. #E is encouraged to return next year with greater respect for #h classmates and an attitude that is willing to learn. 15=#N's focus in class this semester has been inconsistent. #E is encouraged to return next year with a more settled approach. 16=#N is encouraged to consider deeply the implications of class material for life and faith. 17=#N is encouraged to embrace future opportunities to explore matters of faith and spirituality. 18=#N is encouraged to continue to ask questions that will allow #h to reflect critically on life, faith and morality. 19=#N would benefit from taking time to understand the specificity of what others believe, rather than speaking in general terms. #E is encouraged to listen carefully and read without assumptions. COMMENTS: 2018 S2 Intro Sentences 1=#N approaches Religious Education with a positive and thoughtful attitude. #E has demonstrated particular engagement in our class exploration of #S2Topics. 2=#N has consistently engaged in Religious Education classes with #task. 3=#N has demonstrated significant improvement in regards to #h engagement and achievement in Religious Education this semester. 4=#N has demonstrated significant maturity in #h approach to Religious Education throughout this semester. 5=#N is to be commended on a successful semester in Religious Education. 6=#N has shown a consistently positive, #tasker and thoughtful approach to Religious Education. #E is to be commended on #h willingness to consider and evaluate differing views and perspectives. 7=#N has demonstrated good engagement in Religious Education this semester, particularly in regards to our study of #S2Topics. 8=#N has achieved #level results in Religious Education this semester. 9=#N enthusiastically contributes to Religious Education lessons, contributing ideas to classroom discussions with thoughtfulness and #task. 10=#N has shown a keen willingness to learn in Religious Education and is to be commended on the thoughtfulness #e has applied to #h study of #S2Topics. 11=#N has shown a well developed ability to grasp new concepts quickly and contributes well to classroom discussion. However, since #e tends to work at a leisurely rate, #N often does not complete as much work as #e could. 12=#N usually completes tasks to a reasonable standard in Religious Education. 13=#N has approached Religious Education with curiosity this semester and has shown great enjoyment of paired work. 14=#N has grasped the major concepts of both #S2Topics and #S2Topics. 15=#N engaged well in our class exploration of #S2Topics, contributing to discussion and producing thoughtful written work. 16=#N has made #level attempts at most of the work in Religious Education this semester. COMMENTS: 2019 10 Assessment + 1=#N’s ethics task demonstrated an excellent understanding of the views of both Christians and other ethical theories as well as a #type exploration of #h own views. 2=#N’s ethics task was extremely well written, demonstrating sensitivity to the ethical views of others and a #type and nuanced description of #h own. 3=#N’s ethics task was both #type and #type, #e is to be commended on the thoughtfulness #e applied to exploring the ethical views of others. 4=#N’s ethics task demonstrated a deep engagement with the issues presented and reflected both #h hard work and empathetic approach. Well Done! 5=Whilst #N’s ethics task lacked some sophistication in #h writing, it demonstrated a clear understanding of the issues. #E is to be commended on the effort #e applied to exploring the views of others and thinking though #h own stance. COMMENTS: 2019 10Assessment - 1=#N’s ethics task contained some good understanding, but appeared rushed and without editing. #E is encouraged to take sufficient time to complete all tasks. 2=#N’s ethics task demonstrated a lack of nuance in exploring the views of others. #E is encouraged to take time to understand what others believe in order to engage with them in respectful dialogue. 3=#N’s ethics task demonstrate a basic understanding of the issues involved, #e is adjured to apply the concepts and ideas learnt in class to #h own research and ideas. 4=#N’s ethics task demonstrated a basic understanding of the issues, however, lacked the level of sophistication required for this task. #E is encouraged to take time to write with nuance and clarity, giving attention to fully understanding the views of others. 5=#N's ethics task demonstrated a understanding of the issues, however, lacked the level of sophistication required to achieve the highest marks. #E is encouraged to take time to write with nuance and clarity, giving attention to fully understanding the views of others. 6=#N's ethics task contained a number of unjustified assumptions, and #e is encouraged to consider how #e might strengthen the logic of #h arguments using the breadth of material covered in class. 7=#N's ethics task demonstrated deep engagement with the ideas, however, could not attain the highest marks as #e did not direct #h response to the requirements of the marking criteria. #N is to be commended on #h effort and encouraged to recall this when completing assignments in the future. COMMENTS: 2019 S1 End BEST 1=#N has made sound progress this semester and is encouraged to continue in this pleasing pattern in the remainder of the year. 2=#N’s understanding of the value and role of religion for both individual and the community will broaden by continuing to engage in class in this pleasing manner. 3=#N’s ability to understand the complexity of views of others is emerging, and #e is encouraged to continue in this pleasing manner. 4=#N should be proud of the empathy and diligence #e has consistently demonstrated this semester. Keep up the great work! COMMENTS: 2019 S1 End Sentences IMPROVE 1=Occasional tardiness has contributed to disruption in #h progress and #e is adjured to be on time and fully prepared for all lessons. 2=#N is often distracted during small group activities and is encouraged to ensure that #e remains on task without teacher input. 3=Learning to hear and respond to the views of others will assist #N in improving #h ability to dialogue on matters of faith and morality. 4=#N is encouraged to exercise greater #task when approaching both group and individual tasks. 5=#N is exhorted to take time to approach all tasks with the full range of #h analytical and creative abilities. 6=#N is encouraged to share #h ideas vocally in class to increase #h confidence in discussing matters pertaining to faith. 7=#N makes #type contributions to classroom discussions when asked, and would benefit from beginning to make these without prompting. 8=#N makes #type contributions to small group discussions and is encouraged to confer these in conversations with the wider class. 9=#N is encouraged to consider #e might increase both the number and complexity of #h questions in class so as to expand #h understanding of complex Biblical and religious concepts. 10=#N is encouraged to consider more deeply how best to express #h own opinions in personal reflections. 11=However, #e has a tendency to distraction during class discussions and is encouraged to consider how #e might show greater respect to #h class in this regard. 12=#N would benefit from considering how #e might show greater depth of reflection in spoken responses. 13=#N is adjured to ensure #h contributions in class are a reflection of #h capacity for respectful dialogue and to show #h classmates the respect of serious answers in discussion. 14=#E is adjured use classroom discussion time as an opportunity to listen to the opinions of others in a respectful way in order to gain understanding of different opinions. 15=#N makes occasional lapses in the way #e demonstrates respect toward others. #E is encouraged to carefully watch both #h tone and choice of language in this regard. 16=#N would benefit from taking more time to understand others opinions before expressing #h own. 17=#N is encouraged to continue to extend #h understanding by considering deeply the application of class material to all aspects of life. 18=#N's disinterested approach in class and occasionally arrogant remarks about faith are both disrespectful to #h classmates and a hindrance to class discussion. #E is urged to consider how #e might approach Religious Education with a more open and respectful manner. 19=#N's frequent failure to complete tasks in class and disinterested attitude has resulted in minimal progress. #E is encouraged to take a more proactive approach to classwork. 20=#N is encouraged to take a more diligent approach to the study of the Bible in class. This will benefit #h understanding of #h own worldview and the role of the Bible within Western history and literature. COMMENTS: 2019 S1 Intro Sentences 1=#N is #type1 Religious Education student who has produced work of adequate quality this semester. 2=#N is #type1 student in Religious Education who has contributed greatly to our classroom exploration of #S1topics. 3=#N always displays interest and thoughtful engagement in Religious Education lessons. 4=#N has made steady progress over this semester in Religious Education. 5=#N enthusiastically embraces all the learning experiences the Religious Education classroom has to offer. 6=#N has engaged well in Religious Education classes this semester and has produced work of adequate quality. 7=#N is #type1 and #type student in Religious Education. 8=#N is #type1 and #type student who approaches all tasks with #task. 9=#N is #type1 Religious Education student who has approached tasks this semester with enthusiasm. 10=#N is to be commended on a successful semester in Religious Education. 11=#N is #type1 and #type Religious Education student who has demonstrated significant understanding of #S1topics and #S1topics. 12=#N has consistently demonstrated a clear understanding of the topics studied in Religious Education this semester. 13=#N has displayed great interest in Religious Education this semester, particularly in the #S1topics unit. 14=#N has made adequate progress in Religious Education this semester. 15=#N is a quiet Religious Education student who has contributed well to small group tasks. 16=#N displays confidence in sharing #h ideas and opinions in Religious Education. 17=#N has attempted most tasks in Religious Education this semester. 18=#N has demonstrated the ability to convey ideas and opinions about #S1topics in Religious Education this semester with #speaking. COMMENTS: 2019 S1 Middle Sentences 1=#E is to be commended on #h ability to link the concepts studied to #h own life and that of the community. 2=#E often works well in small groups, contributing ideas and reflections and demonstrating respect and support for #h peers. 3=#E recognises the value of small group work and often tries hard to include others. 4=#E has demonstrated creativity in our class exploration of #S1topics. #E is to be commended for the way #e has shared this to the benefit of the class. 5=#E often contributes to classroom discussion and has made particularly #type insights into our conversations about #S1topics. 6=#E often contributes to classroom discussion with #type comments that demonstrate respect for #h peers. 7=#E always actively engages in classroom discussions with #speaking, #e helps to extend conversations and asks for clarification when needed. 8=#E is not afraid to express #h feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and speaks with increasing clarity and respect. 9=#E contributes well to class discussions, offering perceptive comments, and often listens attentively and respectfully to #h peers. 10=#E has been contributing to classroom discussion with increasing frequency and has demonstrated the ability to show #type reflection on topics studied. 11=#E has demonstrated #task in articulating #h views in our exploration of #S1topics. #E is to be commended on #h willingness to share and the depth that #h observations have brought to classroom discussion. 12=#E always listens attentively in classroom discussion, demonstrating by #h body language and written reflections that #e has engaged with the ideas and material. 13=#E has demonstrated sound ability to explain and critique the views of others. 14=#E has demonstrated significant reflection in class, as exemplified through insightful questions in class discussion. 15=#E does not often make contributions to classroom discussion, however, when #e does, it is always with #task and #task. 16=#E is to be commended on the effort #e places on speaking respectfully in class. #H tone, choice of language and increasing vocabulary demonstrate this skill. 17=#E's praiseworthy use of language demonstrates #h desire to respect the dignity and faith positions of both #h classmates and the wider community. 18=#E has demonstrated sound ability to convey ideas and opinions about #S1topics this semester. 19=#E has demonstrated sound ability to link #h understanding of #S1topics to the wider role and value of religion for both individuals and society. 20=#E has demonstrated sound ability to discern and express #h appreciation of the value of religion. COMMENTS: 2019 S2 End Sentences - YEAR 10 1=#N is encouraged to continue to ask curious questions about life and faith beyond the scope of formal Religious Education classes. 2=The empathetic and respectful demeanour that #N has shown in the Religious Education classroom makes me confident that #e will be a compassionate and thoughtful member of society. 3=I invite #N to continue to consider deeply the topics studied in Religious Education, seeking out opportunities to expand #h understanding of the role of religion. 4=#N is encouraged to continue to reflect deeply on the meaning of the content studied in class and link it to #h experiences of the wider world. 5=#N's curiosity, combined with #h natural compassion, make me confident that whilst this is the end of #h formal Religious Education, #e will find many more opportunities to broaden #h understanding of the role of faith in the lives of individuals and communities. 6=#N is encouraged to continue to ask thoughtful and curious questions, beyond the scope of the Religious Education classroom, to deepen #h understanding of the role of faith in the lives of others. 7=#N is encouraged to continue to develop #h skills in engaging respectfully and with curiosity about other people's faith and worldviews. 8=I encourage #N to continue to ask thoughtful questions and to seek out experiences that will allow #h to better understand the faith and worldview opinions of others. 9=As #N engages in the Studies of Religion course next year, #e is encouraged to continue to ask questions that will expand #h understanding of the faith positions of others. 10=#N will continue to develop #h understanding of religion and its role in society by asking curious and respectful questions as opportunities arise. 11=I encourage #N to reflect deeply on the content #e has studied in Religious Education, reflecting on its meaning for #h own life. COMMENTS: 2019 S2 End Sentences Yrs 7-9 1=#N is encouraged to take more time during writing and reflection activities in order to maximise insight. 2=#N is encouraged to include new vocabulary and a more sophisticated sentence structure in #h written reflections in order to show deeper analysis and reflection. 3=#N is adjured to make sure that #h written reflections match the quality and thoughtfulness of #h contributions to classroom discussion. 4=#N is encouraged to apply #s diligently to #h work so as to minimise distractions during individual tasks. 5=#N has a tendency to be distracted when completing individual classroom tasks. #E is encouraged to make wiser choices in this regard. 6=#N has a tendency to generalise when speaking about religious concepts. #E is adjured to speak with greater accuracy and attention to detail. 7=#N would benefit from revising new vocabulary terms in order to speak with greater clarity about religious concepts. 8=#N is encouraged to approach Religious Education classes with greater #task. An openness to considering other views and perspectives will allow #h to develop skills of empathy and respect. 9=#N would benefit from approaching the Religious Education classroom with a sense of wonder and willingness to learn from #h peers. 10=#N would benefit from using classroom opportunities to grow in #h empathetic understanding of #h classmates and wider global issues 11=In order to improve #h grades, #N is advised to maintain engagement in all class activities without excessive teacher input. 12=#N is encouraged to take advantage of all opportunities to grow #h understanding of Biblical concepts. 13=#N would benefit from taking a more diligent approach to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. Clarifying #h understanding with the teacher will assist in this regard. 14=#N's effort and concentration in Religious Education has noticeably deteriorated this semester. #E is encouraged to return next year with greater respect for #h classmates and an attitude that is willing to learn. 15=#N's focus in class this semester has been inconsistent. #E is encouraged to return next year with a more settled approach. 16=#N is encouraged to consider deeply the implications of class material for life and faith. 17=#N would benefit from taking time to understand the specificity of what others believe, rather than speaking in general terms. #E is encouraged to listen carefully and read without assumptions. 18=#N is encouraged to consider how #e might show greater courage in contributing to classroom discussion. 19=#N could continue to extend #h understanding by drawing in a wider range of understanding from literature, history, politics and philosophy to #h study in class. 20=#N is encouraged to consider how #e could extend #h understanding through reflecting philosophically on the material studied. COMMENTS: 2019 S2 Intro Sentences 1=#N approaches Religious Education with a positive and thoughtful attitude. #E has demonstrated particular engagement in our class exploration of #S2Topics. 2=#N has consistently engaged in Religious Education classes with #task. 3=#N has demonstrated significant improvement in regards to #h engagement and achievement in Religious Education this semester. 4=#N has demonstrated significant maturity in #h approach to Religious Education throughout this semester. 5=#N is to be commended on a successful semester in Religious Education. 6=#N has shown a consistently positive, #tasker and thoughtful approach to Religious Education. #E is to be commended on #h willingness to consider and evaluate differing views and perspectives. 7=#N has demonstrated good engagement in Religious Education this semester, particularly in regards to our study of #S2Topics. 8=#N has achieved #level results in Religious Education this semester. 9=#N enthusiastically contributes to Religious Education lessons, contributing ideas to classroom discussions with thoughtfulness and #task. 10=#N has shown a keen willingness to learn in Religious Education and is to be commended on the thoughtfulness #e has applied to #h study of #S2Topics. 11=#N has shown a well developed ability to grasp new concepts quickly and contributes well to classroom discussion. However, since #e tends to work at a leisurely rate, #N often does not complete as much work as #e could. 12=#N usually completes tasks to a reasonable standard in Religious Education. 13=#N has approached Religious Education with curiosity this semester and has shown great enjoyment of paired work. 14=#N has grasped the major concepts of both #S2Topics and #S2Topics. 15=#N engaged well in our class exploration of #S2Topics, contributing to discussion and producing thoughtful written work. 16=#N has made #level attempts at most of the work in Religious Education this semester. 17=#N's approach to Religious Education this semester, whilst somewhat inconsistent, has typically revealed curiosity and empathy in #h approach to the transcendental. 18=#N is to be praised for #h #tasker approach to Religious Education this semester, a real and demonstrated improvement. 19=#N should take pride in the consistent #task with which #e has approached Religious Education this semester. COMMENTS: 2019 S2 Middle Sentences 1=#N has consistently demonstrated thoughtfulness in #h written work. #E is to be commended on the effort #e places upon reflecting deeply. 2=#N has shown #level analysis in #h written reflections and is encouraged to approach these with a greater level of #task. 3=#N has written eloquently on a range of topics and issues in Religious Education this semester. 4=#N's writing is increasingly in clarity and #h vocabulary is growing in range and sophistication. 5=#N often approaches individual tasks with alacrity and #task. 6=#N approaches individual tasks with a praiseworthy work ethic. 7=#N has produced a range of thoughtful pieces of individual work this semester, reflecting on the themes studied in the #S2Topics unit. 8=#N is to be commended on #h diligence in speaking about religious concepts with accuracy. 9=It is pleasing to note #N's increasing attention to speaking about religious concepts with respect and attention to veridicality. 10=#N often demonstrates empathy for both #h classmates and wider global issues as revealed through #tasker and #tasker comments. 11=#N has made a number of thoughtful comments which demonstrate #h reflective and empathetic approach to Religious Education. 12=#N has demonstrated perspicacity in #h approach to Religious Education this semester, particularly throughout our study of #S2Topics. 13=#N has demonstrated #level understanding of Biblical concepts. 14=#N's understanding of Biblical concepts is emerging. 15=#N is to be praised for the effort #e has applied to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. 16=#N has demonstrated #level understanding of #S2Topics. 17=#N has demonstrated a growing understanding of #S2Topics and is increasingly demonstrating a capacity to share #h opinions respectfully with others who think differently. 18=#N is to be commended on a more settled and focused attitude in Religious Education this semester. 19=#N has demonstrated an improved focus and thoughtfulness in Religious Education this semester. 20=#N's curious and #tasker questions reveal #h empathetic understanding of the role and value of religion. COMMENTS: 2019 S2 Passion Sentences 1=#N produced a #tasker and #tasker Passion Task this semester. 2=#N produced a #level Passion Task which contained #tasker elements. 3=#N worked with diligence to produce a #tasker Passion Task this semester. 4=#N made progress towards producing a Passion Task this semester and was able to show aspects of #tasker thinking in #h work. 5=#N is encouraged to use #h class time wisely, especially when engaged in long-term projects. 6=#N is encouraged to not allow #s to be distracted by #h peers or irrelevant internet searches when engaged in research. 7=#N is encouraged to seek out teacher help when needed and to make greater use of the available resources. 8=#N's Passion Task was both creative and insightful, #e is to be commended on the diligence with which #e engaged in the research process. 9=#N engaged well in the guided inquiry research process to produce a thoughtful Passion Task. 10=#N's Passion Task demonstrated excellence in analysis of research and creative representation of concepts relating to faith. 11=#N maintained a solid work ethic throughout the Passion Task unit producing a creative product with sound levels of insight. 12=#N worked well throughout the Passion Task unit, and is to be particularly praised for the encouragement with which #e supported #h peers in their research. 13=#N's progress through the Passion Task unit was inconsistent, and #e is encouraged to come to every class ready to learn and engage to the best of #h abilities. 14=As demonstrated in #N's Passion Task, #h research skills are developing. A greater focus on understanding information, not just locating it, will assist #h in analysing #h findings. COMMENTS: 2020 Year 7 Middle S1 Sentences 1=You are to be commended on your ability to link the concepts studied to your own life and that of the community. 2=You often work well in small groups, contributing ideas and reflections and demonstrating respect and support for your peers. 3=You have shown that you recognise the value of small group work and often try hard to include others. 4=You approach all tasks with a pleasing sense of creativity and enthusiasm. 5=You have demonstrated creativity in our class exploration of #S1topics. It is great to see the way that you have shared your ideas to the benefit of the class. 6=You often contributes to classroom discussion and have made particularly #type insights into our conversations about #S1topics. 7=You often contribute to classroom discussion with #type comments that demonstrate respect for your peers. 8=It is great to see that you always actively engage in classroom discussions with #speaking, helping to extend conversations and asks for clarification when needed. 9=You are not afraid to express your feelings and opinions to others during class discussions and it is excellent to see that you are learning to speak with increasing clarity and respect. 10=Your contributions to class discussions, offering perceptive comments, and listens attentively and respectfully to your peers are admirable qualities and help set the tone for our classroom. 11=It is great to see that you have been contributing to classroom discussion with increasing frequency and has demonstrated the ability to show #type reflection on topics studied. 12=You have demonstrated #task in articulating your views in our exploration of #S1topics. You are to be commended on your willingness to share and the depth that these observations have brought to classroom discussion. 13=You have demonstrated adequate ability to explain and critique the views of others. 14=You have demonstrated significant reflection in class, as exemplified through insightful questions in class discussion. 15=You do not often make contributions to classroom discussion, however, when you do, it is always with #task and #task. 16=You make excellent contributions to classroom discussion when I call on you, it would be fantastic to see you take courage to offer these without prompting. 17=You are to be commended on the effort you place on speaking respectfully in class. your tone, choice of language and increasing vocabulary demonstrate this skill. 18=Your praiseworthy use of language demonstrates your desire to respect the dignity and faith positions of both your classmates and the wider community. 19=You have demonstrated sound ability to link your understanding of #S1topics to the wider role and value of religion for both individuals and society. 20=You have demonstrated a growing ability to discern and express your appreciation of the value of religion. COMMENTS: 2020 Year 7 Semester 1 End Sentence 1=Occasional tardiness has contributed to disruption in your progress and I would like to see you come on time and fully prepared for all lessons. 2=Sometimes you are distracted during small group activities and I encourage you to ensure that you remain on task without reminders. 3=Learning to hear and respond to the views of others will assist you in improving your ability to dialogue on matters of faith and morality. Make sure you are always listening to understand other people’s points of view before expressing your thoughts. 4=I encourage you to ensure that for the rest of the year you approach both group and individual tasks with #task. 5=#N, you will see improvement in your grades by taking the time to approach all tasks with the full range of your analytical and creative abilities. 6=I encourage you to share your ideas vocally in class to increase your confidence in discussing matters pertaining to faith. 7=You make #type contributions to classroom discussions when asked, and you will continue to improve by beginning to make these without prompting from me. 8=You offer #type contributions to small group discussions and it would be great to see you take courage to make these in conversations with the wider class. 9=You are encouraged to consider how you might increase both the number and complexity of the questions you ask in class so as to expand your understanding of complex Biblical and religious concepts. 10=You are encouraged to consider more deeply how best to express your own opinions in personal reflections, remembering that empathy is an important value of religion. 11=You are encouraged to maintain engagement during whole class discussions. 12=You continue to improve in Religious Education by considering how you might show greater depth of reflection in spoken responses. 13=You are strongly adjured to ensure that contributions in class are a reflection of your capacity for respectful dialogue and to show your classmates the respect of serious answers in discussion. 14=You will see improvement in your grades by taking the time to listen to the opinions of others in a respectful way and it will help you to gain an understanding of different ideas and perspectives. 15=You do occasionally make lapses in the way you demonstrates respect toward others. You are encouraged to carefully watch both your tone and choice of language in this regard. 16=You are encouraged to continue to extend your understanding by considering deeply the application of class material to all aspects of life. 17=Your disinterested approach in class and occasionally arrogant remarks about faith are both disrespectful to your classmates and a hindrance to class discussion. You are urged to consider how you might approach Religious Education with a more open and respectful manner. Please come speak to me if you think you need more help with this. 18=Your frequent failure to complete tasks in class and disinterested attitude has resulted in minimal progress. I would love to see you take a more proactive approach to classwork. 19=You are encouraged to take a more diligent approach to the study of the Bible in class. This will benefit your understanding of both your own worldview and the role of the Bible within Western history and literature. 20=I think you are right that you always do the work, but you sometimes rush to get it done. I look forward to seeing you work at individual tasks with greater focus and attention to thoughtful reflection in the rest of the year. Well done! COMMENTS: 2020 Year 7 Semester 1 Intro Sentence 1=#N, you are a #type1 Religious Education student who has produced work of adequate quality. 2=#N, you are a student in Religious Education who has contributed greatly to our classroom exploration of #S1topics. 3=#N, it is fantastic to see you are always displaying interest and thoughtful engagement in Religious Education lessons. 4=#N, nice work, you have made steady progress over this semester in Religious Education. 5=#N, you have engaged well in Religious Education classes this semester and produced work of adequate quality. 6=#N, you are a #type1 and #type student in Religious Education. 7=#N , you are a #type1 and #type student who approaches all tasks with #task. 8=#N, it is great to see your #type1 approach to Religious Education and the way you have brought enthusiasm to all aspects of your learning. 9=Nice work #N! This has been successful start to Religious Education. 10=#N, you are a #type1 and #type Religious Education student who has demonstrated significant understanding of #S1topics and #S1topics. 11=#N you have consistently demonstrated a clear understanding of the topics studied in Religious Education this semester. 12=It is encouraging to see the great interest in Religious Education this semester #N, particularly in our discussion of #S1topics. 13=#N you have made adequate progress in Religious Education this semester. 14=#N, you are a quiet Religious Education student who has contributed well to small group tasks. 15=It is fantastic to see the confidence with which you display your opinions in Religious Education #N! 16=#N you have demonstrated the ability to convey ideas and opinions about #S1topics in Religious Education this semester with #speaking. COMMENTS: 2021 S2 End Sentences - YEAR 10 1=I encourage you to continue to ask curious questions about life and faith beyond the scope of formal Religious Education classes. 2=The empathetic and respectful demeanour that you have shown in the Religious Education classroom makes me confident that you will be a compassionate and thoughtful member of society. 3=I invite you to continue to consider deeply the topics studied in Religious Education, seeking out opportunities to expand your understanding of the role of religion, its impact on society and relevance for your life. 4=You are encouraged to continue to reflect deeply on the meaning of the content studied in class and link it to your experiences of the wider world. 5=Your curiosity, combined with your natural compassion, make me confident that whilst this is the end of your formal Religious Education, you will find many more opportunities to broaden your understanding of the role of faith in the lives of individuals and communities. 6=I encourage you to continue to ask thoughtful and curious questions, beyond the scope of the Religious Education classroom, to deepen your understanding of the role of faith in the lives of others. 7=I encourage you to continue to develop your skills in engaging respectfully and with curiosity about other people's faith and worldviews. 8=I encourage you to continue to ask thoughtful questions and to seek out experiences that will allow you to better understand the faith and worldview opinions of others. 9=As you engage in the Studies of Religion course next year, I hope you continue to ask questions that will expand your understanding of the faith positions of others. 10=I hope you will continue to develop your understanding of religion and its role in society by asking curious and respectful questions as opportunities arise. 11=I encourage you to reflect deeply on the content have has studied in Religious Education, considering its meaning for your own life. COMMENTS: HR intro sentences y7 1=#N is a friendly and positive member of our form. #E often offers to help out with form duties which is appreciated by myself. #E is always positive about school and is well organised in terms of homework and equipment. #E reads well in form time and #h behaviour is excellent. 2=#N, although being a quiet member of our form, is growing slowly in confidence. #H organisation is at times an issue and #e needs to be fully prepared for lessons at all times. #E reads quietly in form time and does as asked, although does need reminding at times. 3=#N is a friendly and popular member of our form. #E often offers to help and shares #h opinion with us in class discussion. #E is always positive about school and is well organised in terms of homework and equipment. #E reads well in form time and #h behaviour is excellent. 4=#N is a friendly and popular member of our form. #E often offers to help and joins in occasionally with us in class discussion. #E brings a spark to the day with #h cheerful and enthusiastic approach to school. #E reads well in form time and #h behaviour is very good. 5=#N is a friendly member of our form. #E is quiet in class and occasionally needs reminders to either pay attention or stay on task but otherwise #h behaviour is satisfactory. #E is well organised; however, I would like to see #m read more consistently. 6=#N is a friendly and conscientious member of our form. #E reads well in form time and #h behaviour is exceptional. 7=#N is a friendly and lively member of our form. Unfortunately, recently #e has started to demonstrate behaviours that undermine the maturity of a year 7 pupil. 8=#N is a friendly and lively member of our form. #E is always positive about school and is well organised in terms of homework and equipment. #E could focus a little more on reading in form time; however, #h behaviour is generally good. 9=#N is a friendly and conscientious member of our form. #E is quiet and should work on #h confidence in communication as it is a key life skill. #E is always positive about school and is well organised in terms of homework and equipment. 10=#N is a friendly and popular member of our form. #E often offers to help and shares #h opinion with us in class discussion. #E does well at school but I hope #e can see a way to be a bit more positive, there are a lot of enjoyable aspects to school that #e can be, and is, part of. 11=#N is a quiet but friendly member of the class, who has good attendance and punctuality. Behaviour in form time has been good, although not always fully involved in our activities. COMMENTS: HR next year 1=As #N goes into #NextYear, #e needs to continue to work as hard to ensure that #e has every success. 2=I wish #N every success as #e goes into #NextYear 3=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N all the best for #h future. 4=With #N going into #NextYear, #e needs to think about #h options for GCSE and I wish #m a successful #NextYear. 5=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N every success and am sure that #e will do well. 6=I hope that I will see #N in #NextYear after #h GCSE exams, and am sure that #e will do well. COMMENTS: HR summing up y7 1=#N has been an absolute pleasure to work with and I look forward to seeing #m continue in this vein next year. 2=I look forward to seeing #N accelerate #h improvement next year. 3=#N has been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to seeing #m improve further next year. 4=#N has been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to seeing #m improve next year, having taken on board this advice. 5=#N has been an absolute pleasure to work with, showing increasing maturity and I look forward to seeing #m continue in this vein next year. 6=#N has often been a lovely #b and at times has been a pleasure to work with but has also been hard work at times too, I hope #e starts to progress and mature more quickly next year, taking on this advice. 7=#N has been an absolute pleasure to work with and I hope that #e continues #h development with a more consistent approach to all subjects next year. COMMENTS: HR summing up y8 1=I would like to wish #N all the very best for the future and thank #m for everything that #e has done at KMS, #e does have a lot to be proud of. 2=It has been a pleasure to be #N's form tutor and I wish #m well in #m future studies and success in #h music activities. 3=It has been a pleasure to be #N's form tutor and I wish #m well in #h future studies and success in #h sporting activities. I look forward to hearing about #h sporting exploits at a higher level! 4=It has been a pleasure to see #N mature as a person, I would suggest a bit more focus still academically and we'll see a young person that #h schools and family will be very proud of. I wish #m all the very best for the future. 5=Although a lot of work at times, #N really has been a pleasure to have in our form. #E adds a lot of personality and happiness to the class. I really hope #e takes note of this report and what #e has admitted that #e does need to improve and really succeed in the future. 6=I would like to wish #N all the very best for the future. 7=It has been a pleasure to be #N's form tutor and see #m mature and #h self-esteem grow. #E has taken on responsibility #s to talk at the right times about the right thing. I wish #m well in the future. 8=I wish #N all the very best for the future, #e deserves it, #e has been an absolute pleasure to have in our form. COMMENTS: HR8 Achievement S1 1=#N is comfortable sharing #h thoughts and enjoys group activities with #h peers. #E always has a friendly, welcoming smile for all members of the group. 2=#N is an excellent role model for #h peers, often a risk taker in a group setting, and #h enjoys the process of developing a collaborative environment. 3=#N confidently shares #h opinions and experiences in our Homeroom discussions, but also patiently listens when others contribute. 4=#N is open and friendly with all members of our Homeroom and will interact with everyone equitably. 5=Because of #h willingness to volunteer, #N often sets the precedent for #h peers to become involved in Homeroom activities such as games, competitions and debates. 6=During our Homeroom activities #N has worked collaboratively with #h peers, often leading groups to plan and create presentations and competition entries. 7=#N frequently volunteers creative ideas for our Homeroom, like morning activities, collaborative assemblies or decorating the room for competitions. COMMENTS: HR8 Progress S1 1=#N has had an excellent first semester in Grade 8. 2=#N has made an impressive start to the year in Grade 8. 3=#N has had a settled and positive start to #h year in Grade 8. COMMENTS: HR8 Progress S2 1=#E is a positive force in our Homeroom, and is always willing to share #h thoughts, ideas and feelings with the group. 2=#E is kind, gentle and approaches the Homeroom group with empathy, openness and honesty. 3=#E has been an extremely outgoing, engaging student who goes out of #h way to interact with all members of our Homeroom group. 4=#E is a great communicator who freely contributes #h ideas to our Homeroom discussions. 5=#E is a caring and sincere young adult, who is an excellent role model for #h peers. #E has excellent self-management skills, and #e is always motivated to reach #h personal goals. 6=#E has been an engaged member of our Homeroom community throughout the semester. COMMENTS: HR8 Target S1 1=The targets that #N has set for #s are to 2=The target that #N has set for #s is to 3=In the second semester, #N is going to focus on 4=In the second semester, #N will aim to improve on their 5=Moving forward, #N wants to COMMENTS: HR8 Target S2 1=I might suggest that #N stretch #h comfort zone by taking the risk to speak to a wider audience and have #h voice heard more often in whole group discussions. 2=I might suggest that #N continue to grow as a group member by talking directly to a variety of other students in the Homeroom group, expanding #h conversation past #h immediate friends. 3=Next semester, #N could also focus on taking more of a leadership role in Homeroom, actively facilitating conversations, using #h natural leadership skills. 4=One goal for #N next semester is to work on pausing so that #h peers can have more opportunities to participate. 5=Next semester, #N could focus on making more thoughtful reflections on how service topics such as school charity initiatives resonate in #h own life. 6=The goal #N has set for #s is to work on #h communication skills by asking for help when needed in order to reduce the level of stress towards new tasks. 7=The goal #N has set for #s is to continue working on organisation by setting a study plan in order to distribute #h learning activities equally during the week and avoid completing too many tasks at the final moment. 8=Next Semester, in #h writing reflections, I'd like to see #N take more time to provide specific evidence to support some of #h thinking. COMMENTS: Organisation details 1=#E has high standards and to this end #e is always well prepared, organised and works hard. To achieve more highly though, #e needs to still make further steps, showing ability to work independently at home, extra to work set by #h teachers. #E is particularly proud of #h effort and work in #subjects, #subjects, and #subjects. #E does also feel #e needs to improve #h effort in #subjects. 2=#H organisation and behaviour are excellent; #e really does do everything that would be expected of a good pupil. To further improve, I would suggest that #e needs to do over and above what is asked of #m, to study and do extra work on the areas that #e feels that #e can improve in, particularly in the key core subjects. There are plenty of online resources now as well as the more traditional study books, there is no time like the present to start preparing for #h success in year 11. 3=#H attendance, punctuality, organisation and behaviour have all been very good and will stand #m in good stead for the new challenges that await #m next year. I am confident that #e will achieve highly, carrying on the way that #e treats all aspects of school life. 4=#E is always well prepared, organised and works hard. To achieve more highly though, #e needs to still make further steps, showing ability to work independently at home, extra to work set by #h teachers. #E is particularly proud of #h effort and work in #subjects and #subjects. #E does also feel #e needs to improve #h #subjects and #subjects. 5=There are still times when #h behaviour leaves a bit to be desired, in particular #h reaction to discipline procedure. #E does need to take responsibility for #h actions, when #e knows deep down that #e has made a mistake. #E is particularly proud of #h work in #subjects and #subjects, yet realises that #e needs to increase #h effort in #subjects and #subjects. 6=With the odd notable exception, #h behaviour has continued improving, but can still improve further, particularly in terms of work rate, keeping it high and consistent. #H organisation with #h planner, equipment and homework is improving and #e will have to continue this and try to do this more independently as #e goes through high school. By #h own admission, #e needs to up #h game when it comes to homework. 7=#E is pleased with #h work in #subjects, however #e has identified #subjects as an area where #e doesn't put the required effort in and has set #s a target of improving in this key subject. 8=#E is rightly pleased with #h work in #subjects. By #h own admission, #e does not show enough effort in #subjects and this is a target for #m to improve next year. 9=#E is pleased with #h work in many subjects, trying #h best and listening intently, but has particularly enjoyed #subjects and #subjects. By #h own admission, #e could work harder in #subjects and participate in lessons more by being more vocal. It is hard when a person is quiet by nature to push themselves forward but #N is capable and it is an important life skill. 10=#E is well organised in terms of equipment, but needs to improve sorting out homework. #E is rightly pleased with #h work in #subjects. By #h own admission, #e does not show enough effort in #subjects and this is a target for #m to improve next year. 11=#E is well organised in terms of homework, but needs to improve having the correct equipment. #E is rightly pleased with #h work in #subjects. By #h own admission, #e does not show enough effort in #subjects and this is a target for #m to improve next year. COMMENTS: Passion Project Reports 1=This is an excellent and thought provoking project, #N. Your hard work throughout the term and your willingness to take feedback on board has resulted in a complex and insightful look at the links between Christianity and #?. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. 2=#N, you have produced a creative and engaging project. Your research offers depth of insight and provides a sophisticated link between your chosen passion and Christianity. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 3=This is a thoughtful and engaging project, #N. You have demonstrated the ability to synthesise and present information in a creative way, and offered insight into the intersection of your passion and Christianity 4=This is an interesting project, #N. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the #? and aspects of the Christian faith. While you have offered deep analysis of the intersection between your passion and Christianity, your project would be better if you took a more creative route to demonstrate your deep understanding of your chosen topic. 5=This is a great project, #N. You have demonstrated excellent research skills and provided an artefact that demonstrates thoughtful reflection on your research. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 6=This is a good project, #N. You have demonstrated sound research skills and presented an artefact that is well developed and thoughtful. It would have been nice to see a slightly more creative approach to your artefact, given the nature of your topic. Having said that, it is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 7=This is a good project, #N. It is clear that you enjoyed the research and creative process and this is reflected in your artefact. You have demonstrated excellent research skills and offered a valuable insight into your takeaways from that process. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 8=This is an excellent project, #N. You have demonstrated good research skills and the ability to manage your time over an extended period. Your artefact demonstrates insightful reflection upon your research in a creative way that engages the viewer. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 9=This is an excellent project, #N. You have demonstrated great research skills that have informed your artefact. Your artefact demonstrates elements of creativity and insight into a complex topic and you should feel proud of having achieved this in such a short time. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 10=You have produced a good project, #N. This is a very creative and thought-provoking project. You have presented your research in a subtle way, that is reflected in your art and informed by your research. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! 11=This is a great project, #N. You have demonstrated strong research skills and presented clear information in your #?. It is also excellent to see you demonstrate time the management skills necessary to complete this project with limited teacher monitoring. It is clear that you have developed a deep understanding of the relationship between your passion and its intersection with Christianity. Well done! COMMENTS: Personal nature 1=#E has taken responsibility this year in the form by being #FormRole, which is a good reflection upon #h willingness to contribute to the overall school. 2=#E has been an enthusiastic participant in form time activities, which reflects well upon #m. 3=#E is a quiet member of the form, but #N is a very good representative of #House, and #e just needs a bit more confidence in form time. 4=#E is often quite chatty during form, which #e needs to be careful of, but overall #N is a very good representative of #House COMMENTS: Progressive Reporting End Sentences S2 1=#N, I encourage you to take more time during writing and reflection activities in order to maximise insight. 2=#N, I encourage you to include new vocabulary and a more sophisticated sentence structure in you written reflections in order to show deeper analysis and reflection. 3=It would be fantastic to see you making sure that your written reflections match the quality and thoughtfulness of your contributions to classroom discussion. 4=#N, I encourage you to apply yourself diligently to your work so as to minimise distractions during individual tasks. 5=#N, you have a tendency to be distracted when completing individual classroom tasks. You are encouraged to make wiser choices in this regard. 6=#N, you have a tendency to generalise when speaking about religious concepts, I encourage you to pay attention to speaking about these with accuracy and attention to detail. 7=#N, you would benefit from revising new vocabulary terms in order to speak with greater clarity about religious concepts. 8=#N, I encourage you to approach Religious Education classes with greater #task. An openness to considering other views and perspectives will allow you to develop skills of empathy and respect. 9=#N, you would benefit from approaching the Religious Education classroom with a sense of wonder and willingness to learn from your peers. 10=#N, you would benefit from using classroom opportunities to grow in your empathetic understanding of your classmates and wider global issues 11=In order to improve your grades, you are advised to maintain engagement in all class activities without needing redirection from me. 12=#N, I encourage you to take advantage of all opportunities to grow in your understanding of Biblical concepts. 13=#N, you would benefit from taking a more diligent approach to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. Clarifying your understanding with me when you don't understand will assist in this regard. 14=Your effort and concentration in Religious Education has noticeably deteriorated this semester. You are encouraged to remember that respect is shown through a willingness to listen to your classmates and an attitude that is willing to learn. 15=#N, your focus in class this semester has been inconsistent you are encouraged to develop a more settled approach to be able to engage with the complexities of Year 8 Religious Education. 16=I encourage you to consider deeply the implications of class material for life and faith. 17=#N, you would benefit from taking time to understand the specificity of what others believe, rather than speaking in general terms, remember to listen carefully and read without assumptions. 18=#N, I encourage you to consider how you might show greater courage in contributing to classroom discussion. 19=#N, you could continue to extend you understanding by thinking about how you could draw in examples from literature, history, politics and philosophy to your study in class. 20=#N, I encourage you to consider how you could extend your understanding through reflecting deeply on the material studied. COMMENTS: Progressive Reporting Intro Sentences S2 1=#N, you always approach Religious Education with a positive and thoughtful attitude, it has been fantastic to see your engagement in our class exploration of #S2Topics. 2=#N, it has been great to see you consistently engaging in Religious Education classes with #task. 3=#N, I have been impressed with the significant improvement you have shown this Semester in both your engagement and achievement in class. 4=#N, it has been great to see the maturity you have demonstrated in your approach to Religious Education throughout this semester. 5=Congratulations #N on a successful semester in Religious Education. 6=#N, it has been great to see you show a consistently positive, #tasker and thoughtful approach to Religious Education. You are to be commended on your willingness to consider and evaluate differing views and perspectives. 7=#N, it has been great to see the engagement you have demonstrated in Religious Education this semester, particularly as we have studied #S2Topics. 8=#N, it has been great to see you enthusiastically contributing to Religious Education lessons, sharing ideas in classroom discussions with thoughtfulness and #task. 9=#N, it has been excellent to see your keenness to learn in Religious Education and you are to be commended on the thoughtfulness you have applied to your study of #S2Topics. 10=#N, you have shown that you can grasp new concepts quickly and discuss these with the class. However, since you tend to work at a leisurely rate you often do not complete as much work as you could. 11=#N, when you are focussed it has been excellent to see you complete tasks to a good standard in class. 12=#N, you have approached Religious Education with curiosity this semester and shown a good ability to work with pairs and small groups. 13=#N, you have grasped the major concepts we have studied in Religious Education this Semester and reflected on some of the deeper questions about life that these have raised. 14=#N, you have engaged well in our class exploration of #S2Topics, contributing to discussion and producing thoughtful written work. 15=#N, you have made #level attempts at most of the work in Religious Education this semester. 16=#N, whilst your approach to Religious Education this semester has been somewhat inconsistent, it has typically revealed curiosity and empathy. 17=#N, you are to be praised for your #tasker approach to Religious Education this semester, a real and demonstrated improvement. 18=#N, you should take pride in the consistent #task with which you have approached Religious Education this semester. 19=#N, you have made some really interesting and #tasker comments in Religious Education this semester, thanks for sharing these with the class. COMMENTS: Progressive Reporting Middle Sentences S2 1=You have consistently demonstrated thoughtfulness in your written work, demonstrating that you are reflecting deeply on the topics studied. 2=You have shown #level analysis in your written reflections and are encouraged to approach these with a greater level of #task. 3=You have written eloquently on a range of topics and issues in Religious Education this semester. 4=Your writing is increasingly in clarity and your vocabulary is growing in range and sophistication. 5=You often approaches individual tasks with alacrity and #task. 6=You approach individual tasks with a praiseworthy work ethic. 7=You have produced a range of thoughtful pieces of individual work this semester, reflecting on the themes studied in the #S2Topics unit. 8=You are to be commended on your diligence in speaking about religious concepts with accuracy. 9=It is pleasing to note your increasing attention to speaking about religious concepts with respect and attention to veridicality. 10=You often demonstrate empathy for both your classmates and wider global issues as revealed through #tasker and #tasker comments. 11=You have made a number of thoughtful comments which demonstrate your reflective and empathetic approach to Religious Education. 12=You have demonstrated perspicacity in your approach to Religious Education this semester, particularly throughout our study of #S2Topics. 13=You have demonstrated #level understanding of Biblical concepts. 14=Your understanding of Biblical concepts is emerging. 15=You are to be praised for the effort you have applied to understanding and applying Biblical concepts. 16=You have demonstrated #level understanding of #S2Topics. 17=You have demonstrated a growing understanding of #S2Topics and are increasingly showing a capacity to share your opinions respectfully with others who think differently. 18=You are to be commended on a more settled and focused attitude in Religious Education this semester. 19=You have demonstrated an improved focus and thoughtfulness in Religious Education this semester. 20=Your curious and #tasker questions reveal an empathetic understanding of the role and value of religion. COMMENTS: Responsibilities y7 1=#N has taken part in no extra-curricular clubs within school. These are great ways to discover new interests and skills as well as make new friends. I'd suggest that #e looks at some of these next year and maybe a residential visit if possible. 2=#E understands the importance and benefits of extra-curricular activities where #e has represented school at #sports. #E has some talent in the sporting area and to broaden #h horizons, I'd suggest that #e looks at maybe an ambassadorial role in school, #e has already been a credit to the school as a Young Leader. 3=I know #N enjoys #sports, but other than inter-house #e has attended no extra-curricular clubs within school. These are great ways to discover new interests and skills as well as make new friends. I'd suggest that #e looks at some of these next year and maybe a residential visit if possible. 4=#N has not taken an active part in extra-curricular activities. I would suggest that #e looks at some of these next year and maybe a residential visit if possible. #E has a friendly manner and a good sense of humour; I think that, as #e matures, #e could work well with the younger pupils. 5=#N would like to become a young leader, an idea which I highly encourage. To start this process I would suggest #e take an active part in extra-curricular activities. These are great ways to discover new interests and skills as well as make new friends. 6=#E takes part in an admirable range of extra-curricular activities, and these experiences along with #h confidence in speaking, I would suggest an ambassadorial role in school or residential visit if possible. 7=#E hopes to be a house captain, which would suit #h interest in sport. To achieve this admirable target, #e needs to show maturity and empathy for others consistently around school. 8=#N has been a valuable befriender to the younger pupils, a role which is both admirable and greatly appreciate. #H should look to continue a role of responsibility next year. 9=#E has been involved in extra-curricular clubs and I would encourage a greater participation in these next year, they are a great way of developing confidence and making new friends. COMMENTS: Responsibilities y8 1=#E has offered to help with many class duties, roles which are much appreciated by myself and also has taken part in #sports, extra to PE. I would also suggest #e consider the many extra-curricular opportunities on offer at Shelley and take part in some of these. #E likes #h sport and should look at these clubs but also try other areas too and see what interests #m, these are great ways to make new friends and settle in quickly at a new school. 2=#N has taken an active part in school life, something that I always like to see. #E has been a good befriender to the year 6 pupils, I hope #e gets to continue with similar opportunities at Shelley. 3=All I can suggest to #N is to carry on with what #e is doing, taking part in school life through #h sport and support roles, working hard. If anything, relax a little and develop further #h confidence, realising that making mistakes is a strategy to learn and improve when channelled correctly. 4=#E also takes a full part in the extra-curricular side of school, particularly #sports. Also, #e should be proud of #h role as a young leader. I am sure #e will continue in this vein at Shelley, but #e should keep in mind the importance of #h studies too, especially at this stage of #h schooling. 5=#E has offered to help with many class duties, roles which are much appreciated by myself but has done very little outside of this. I would suggest #e consider the many extra-curricular opportunities on offer at Shelley and take part in some of these. There are opportunities in many areas, #e should see what interests #m, these are great ways to make new friends and settle in quickly at a new school. 6=All I can suggest to #N is to carry on with what #e is doing, taking part in school life through #h sport, working hard and just realising that even if #e doesn't always get the reward that #h hard work may deserve, #e will do over the long term. #E has been an asset to this school and will continue to be one at Shelley. 7=#N has not really taken part in too much else that school offers outside of the classroom. As at KMS, Shelley offer a range of extra curricular activities and visits and I hope that #e considers some of these, they can really enhance a child's time at school and particularly help them fit into a new environment. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the year and I expect #m to do well when #e moves to Senior School next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Year 8 Creator God Reflection Statements 1=I really like the different aspects of our term that you showed in your reflection task. I think you are doing a great job of trying to figure out what religion means to you. 2=Your term reflection is great - I love how you have made links between the different things we have looked at so far this year. 3=Your term reflection is excellent - fantastic #tasker and critical thinking! 4=Very personal and #tasker reflection - thank you for sharing. 5=Your creative reflection shows excellent recall of the ideas we have studied this term, however, I would encourage to push futher to offer some critical reflection on what you think about these and why. 6=Your creative reflection picked up on many of the major themes we have studied this term, however, it would show more depth if you were able to link these ideas together. 7=Your reflection is clear and and shows ideas from the term, however, in future you might like to think more about how it could demonstrate creativity. How could you present these ideas in a way that helps other people engage with and reflect on what you have learned? 8=Your creative reflection was great! It clearly reflected what you have learned about God this term. 9=Your reflection showed some elements of what we have been learning about this term, however, it was largely superficial. Make sure you ask deep questions about what these ideas mean and whether you agree or not. 10=Your reflection was thoughtful and creative. Don't forget to proof-read and check for careless errors. 11=Whilst your reflection was creative, it didn't look at depth at the ideas we have been studying. Make sure you check the marking criteria so I can give you as many marks as possible. 12=As you have not submitted a reflection task, I have given you an estimate based on the work and reflections you offered in class this term. 13=Your reflection task showed elements of #tasker thinking, however, it appeared rushed. Make sure you utilise class time to the best of your ability. 14=Your reflection indicated that you had not taken the time at the end of each class to note what you had been thinking about. With long-term tasks like this one, it is important to engage in each step of the process. LIST: ATL7 1=research 2=communication 3=thinking LIST: ATL8 1=research 2=communication 3=thinking 4=self-management LIST: ATLskill 1=research 2=communication 3=thinking 4=social 5=self-management LIST: attendance 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: FormRole 1=lead student 2=house representative 3=school council representative LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: level 1=sound 2=significant 3=superior 4=minimal 5=excellent 6=some 7=basic 8=satisfactory 9=increasing 10=solid 11=good 12=improving 13=growing 14=broad LIST: NextYear 1=year 8 2=year 9 3=year 10 4=year 11 5=year 12 6=year 13 7=#h GCSE exams 8=#h A-Level exam year 9=#h IB exam year LIST: punctuality 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: S1Topics 1=the nature and practice of prayer 2=the identity of Jesus in the gospel of Luke 3=the intersection of Christianity and Science 4=the foundation of Biblical justice 5=the study of World Religions 6=ethical and moral theories 7=the ethical applications of power LIST: S2Topics 1=the overarching Story of the Bible 2=the allegorical nature of The Lion, The Witch and The WardX 3=The Gospel of Mark 4=The Wonder Life 5=Passion Project 6=the Reason for God 7=Cults and New Religious Movements 8=the Fundamental Questions of Life LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: speaking 1=clarity 2=honesty 3=insight 4=respect 5=interest LIST: sports 1=football 2=netball 3=cricket 4=rugby 5=dance 6=gym 7=music 8=hockey 9=taekwondo 10=athletics 11=chess 12=warhammer LIST: subjects 1=Maths 2=English 3=Science 4=Art 5=DT 6=Computing 7=Music 8=PE 9=PSHE 10=French 11=Geography 12=History 13=RE LIST: task 1=maturity 2=diligence 3=insight 4=creativity 5=alacrity 6=assiduity 7=thoughtfulness 8=consideration 9=contemplation 10=imagination 11=perceptiveness 12=courage LIST: tasker 1=mature 2=diligent 3=insightful 4=creative 5=assiduous 6=thoughtful 7=original 8=innovative 9=contemplative 10=positive 11=careful 12=independent 13=imaginative 14=perceptive LIST: Time 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: Type 1=mature 2=attentive 3=respectful 4=engaged 5=interested 6=diligent 7=conscientious 8=polite 9=thoughtful 10=motivated 11=enthusiastic 12=innovative 13=creative 14=insightful 15=meaningful 16=reflective 17=comprehensive LIST: Type1 1=a mature 2=an attentive 3=a respectful 4=an engaged 5=an interest 6=a diligent 7=a conscientious 8=a polite 9=a thoughtful 10=a motivated 11=an enthusiastic 12=an inconsistent /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.