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absorb and understand instructions and information provided COMMENTS: CHS learning ethic 1=continue with their high level of school and class attendance, so ensuring a sound foundation for the development of key concepts 2=work to improve school and class attendance, to ensure a sound foundation for the development of key concepts 3=continue to set personal goals and monitor progress towards those goals 4=set personal goals and monitor progress towards those goals 5=continue to be open to new ideas and new experiences, being flexible and adaptable 6=be more open to new ideas and new experiences, becoming more flexible and adaptable 7=be open to new ideas and new experiences, becoming flexible and adaptable 8=continue to demonstrate greater independence in learning, attempting a task before asking for assistance 9=work towards greater independence in learning by attempting a task before asking for assistance 10=maintain the ability to persist with a challenging task to achieve a satisfactory outcome 11=persist with a challenging task to achieve a satisfactory outcome 12=seek teacher assistance when faced with a difficulty 13=ensure that all necessary pieces of equipment, especially books and electronic devices, are brought to every class COMMENTS: CHS learning evidence 1=focus on and complete all classwork 2=complete and submit all assignments by the due date 3=bring a more sustained effort to classwork to provide work of a quality that better reflects their capability 4=more carefully check and edit assigned work before submitting it 5=check and edit assigned work before submitting it 6=give more focus to preparing for tasks: identifying requirements, researching and organising information 7=give focus to preparing for tasks: identifying requirements, researching and organising information 8=continue to carefully analyse the criteria provided with each assessment task to ensure that they fully meet the task requirements 9=carefully analyse the criteria provided with each assessment task to ensure that they fully meet the task requirements 10=check the criteria provided with each assessment task to ensure that they meet the task requirements 11=continue to make responsible and thoughtful contributions to collaborative work, respecting the views of others and working toward consensus 12=ensure that their contributions to group work are responsible and thoughtful, and that they listen to the ideas of the other members of the group 13=continue to meet the responsibilities of a member of a group by carrying out an equal share of the tasks and completing them by the due date 14=meet the responsibilities of a member of a group by carrying out an equal share of the tasks and completing all by the due date 15=aim to meet the responsibilities of a member of a group by carrying out a share of the tasks and completing them by the due date 16=continue to value, respect and understand the views of others in the group 17=work towards valuing, respecting and understanding the views of others in the group 18=bring a greater contribution to the work of the group through an increased focus on the task 19=contribute to the work of the group through a focus on the task COMMENTS: CHS NA explanations 1=work to improve attendance, to avoid Not Assessed (N/A) grade allocation due to absence 2=complete and/or submit all classwork, homework and assignments to avoid a Not Assessed (N/A) grade COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 1 Knowledge 1=further consolidate learning by completing active note-taking revision strategies at home for the day’s lesson 2=consolidate learning by revising the day’s lesson at home 3=further complement their study program prior to an examination or test by making use of opportunities provided for revision and feedback 4=complement their study program prior to an examination or test by making use of opportunities provided for revision and feedback 5=undertake a study program prior to an examination or test, making use of opportunities provided for revision and feedback 6=nurture the curiosity that leads them to question, and to make connections between understandings and sets of data 7=attempt to relate new scientific information to their understanding of the world 8=seek additional explanation to understand new scientific concepts, and work towards being able to apply them in new situations 9=persevere with the task of understanding and applying new concepts following extended assistance to understand them 10=bring more focus to the task of understanding and applying new concepts following extended assistance to understand them COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Communication - oral presentation 1=continue to identify the characteristics and requirements of the target audience before preparing a written or oral presentation 2=identify the characteristics and requirements of the target audience before preparing a written or oral presentation 3=identify the target audience before preparing a written or oral presentation 4=continue to practise presentation skills, such as voice volume, eye contact and gesture, to maintain confidence when presenting to an audience 5=practise presentation skills, such as voice volume, eye contact and gesture, to gain greater confidence when presenting to an audience 6=practise presentation skills, such as voice volume, eye contact and gesture, to gain confidence when presenting to an audience COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Communication - reading 1=continue to independently read more frequently and more widely to develop an extensive vocabulary and an even greater understanding of the meaning of words and text 2=independently read more frequently and more widely to develop a broader vocabulary and a greater understanding of the meaning of words and sections of text 3=independently read more frequently and more widely to develop vocabulary and understanding of the meaning of words and sections of text COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Communication - SST 1=continue to provide accurate and appropriate use of scientific language and conventions in written and oral submissions 2=work towards accurate and appropriate use of scientific language in written and oral submissions 3=use scientific language in written and oral submissions COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Communication - writing 1=take more opportunities to develop their writing to “defend a position”, and so further improve their ability to communicate knowledge and ideas in Science 2=take more opportunities to develop their writing to “defend a position”, and so develop their ability to communicate knowledge and ideas in Science 3=continue to produce practical reports that follow the scientific format, are logically organised, and use charts and graphs where appropriate 4=ensure that practical reports follow the scientific format, are logically organised, and use charts and graphs where appropriate 5=ensure that practical reports follow the scientific format COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Skills - data 1=undertake further practice to develop skills in interpreting and presenting data in tables, diagrams and graphs 2=practise skills in reading, interpreting and presenting data in tables, diagrams and graphs 3=apply the five ‘Design Thinking’ steps to carry out problem-solving tasks 4=apply the five ‘Design Thinking’ steps to carry out problem-solving tasks 5=identify and apply the five ‘Design Thinking’ steps to carry out problem-solving tasks 6=focus on drawing relevant conclusions from experimental results and appropriately relating them to the experimental aim 7=focus on drawing conclusions from experimental results and relating them to the experimental aim COMMENTS: CHS Outcome 2 Skills - investigation 1=continue to accurately and effectively apply the process steps of the scientific method to design and carry out investigations 2=apply the process steps of the scientific method sequentially to design and carry out investigations 3=apply the process steps of the scientific method to design and carry out investigations 4=demonstrate greater understanding of and respect for safety in the laboratory 5=focus on using practical equipment more carefully and safely 6=make more accurate records of practical observations 7=make more careful and accurate measurements during practical activities 8=build an improved understanding of the concept of fair testing, and so be able to apply this during practical activities 9=focus on being able to draw relevant conclusions from experimental results and to appropriately relate them to the experimental aim COMMENTS: IST - Achieved Extensive 1=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format; this was shown particularly well in the #ISTProjectName project. 2=#E is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. 3=#E has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 4=#E is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. COMMENTS: IST - Achieved Sound 1=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 2=#E has made effective use of graphics editing software to manipulate images; this was clearly demonstrated in #h work on the #ISTProjectName project. 3=#E has made effective use of graphics editing software to manipulate images; this was clearly demonstrated in #h work on the #ISTProjectName project. 4=#E has shown a good awareness of the impact of IST in society during discussion work within small groups. 5=#E has selected a range of relevant websites during research tasks and decided which information is suitable for use in #h work. 6=#E has completed a range of projects making use of a variety of software applications. 7=I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ISTProjectName project. 8=#E has used IST effectively to present ideas in a variety of ways showing a clear sense of audience. 9=#H work on the #ISTProjectName project was particularly well presented. 10=#E has struggled when learning how to use unfamiliar software, but has completed the set tasks with assistance. 11=#E can use IST to present information in different ways showing some awareness of the intended audience. COMMENTS: IST - Achieved Thorough 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project work and I was especially pleased with #h #ISTProjectName assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ISTProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 4=#E has demonstrated a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 5=#E has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ISTProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 6=#E has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 7=#E has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 8=#E has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 9=#E has made effective use of ICT to plan, refine and present information in a variety of styles. 10=#E has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #E particularly enjoyed working on the #ISTProjectName project. 11=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to #h target audience; this was clearly shown in #h work on the #ISTProjectName project. 12=#E has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 13=#E has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 14=#E has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. COMMENTS: IST - Attitude and Behaviour 1=#N has enjoyed outstanding success this term and I am delighted with #h progress. 2=#N has enjoyed success this term and I am pleased with #h progress. 3=#N has worked well and is beginning to show signs of making good progress. 4=#N has enjoyed the most success in terms of #h confidence in using the computing facilities. 5=#N has gained a range of new skills and has shown competence in #h use of database software. 6=After an unsure start, #N has gained in confidence and is beginning to make some good progress. 7=#N has found many aspects of this course quite challenging, but has worked with a determined attitude. 8=#N clearly enjoys using the computing facilities, but is not yet working to #h full potential. 9=I have no doubt that #N enjoys this subject, but I have yet to see #m working to the best of #h ability. 10=It has been pleasing to see #N working well and using the computing facilities to good effect. 11=I am pleased to report a recent improvement in #N's attitude, reflected in #h achievements. 12=Despite making a promising start to the course, #N seems to have lost #h initial impetus. COMMENTS: IST - Classwork 1=In class #e always works with a high level of independence, and #e prefers to tackle challenging problems for #s rather than asking for help straight away. 2=In class #e can be relied upon to work productively and with a high level of independence. 3=#E has demonstrated a good level of competence in using database and presentation software. 4=#E is always well mannered in class and works with a good level of independence. 5=There are times when #e can be easily distracted by #h friends, and this can sometimes result in a lack of productivity in lessons. 6=#E has demonstrated competence in the use of database software and #h use of Power Point to deliver an effective presentation. 7=Although #e has found some aspects of the course quite challenging, #e is not afraid to ask for help when required. 8=#E often makes valuable contributions to lessons, and I have appreciated #h willingness to take part. 9=I have particularly appreciated #h willingness to help friends in the class who may have struggled with various aspects of the course. 10=Although #e clearly enjoys this subject, #e is not yet working to #h full potential. COMMENTS: IST - Intro sentence 1=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this is reflected in the standard of #h work. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N sets a very high standard for #s. #E shows a vigilant and enquiring approach to learning. 4=#N works enthusiastically and to a high standard at all times. 5=#N works quietly and unobtrusively so that steady progress has been maintained. 6=#N's work is good when #e sets #h mind to it. 7=#N is capable of better work but lacks concentration 8=#N has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and interest throughout the year. 9=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 10=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed well in class discussions. 11=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who has displayed a real interest in the subject. 12=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the year. 13=#N has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far. 14=#N has found some of the work challenging this year, but #e has always tried #h best. 15=#N has had a mixed year but there have been signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 16=#N has had a varied approach to #h IST lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e occasionally allows #s to be distracted. 17=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to IST, tackling each topic with interest. 18=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 19=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. COMMENTS: IST - OPT Database 1=#E has successfully created #h own database using Microsoft Access, and has shown an excellent understanding of using queries to search for useful results. 2=#E has successfully created #h own database using Microsoft Access, and has shown a good understanding of using queries to search for useful results. 3=#E has successfully created #h own database using Microsoft Access, and has shown a reasonable understanding of using queries to search for useful results. 4=#E has created #h own database using Microsoft Access, and has shown a reasonable understanding of using queries to search for useful results. 5=#E has also enjoyed using forms to insert records into #h database, and #e understands how to create reports for printing out results. 6=#E has also enjoyed using forms to insert records into #h database. 7=#E has also demonstrated competence in using forms to insert records into #h database. 8=#E has made the most progress with #h use of forms to insert records into #h database. 9=#N was introduced to files, records and fields by letting #m explore and compare computer-based data and paper-based information. #E has used a computer database, added to it, carried out simple searches and #e was able to produce several bar charts. 10=#N will apply what #e has learnt in this unit when using technology to handle and present information in geography, science, design and technology, and history. 11=#E understand why #e needs to structure #h information. 12=#E has used the database fields correctly in order to answer #h questions. 13=#E was able to identify the appropriate information for #h specific fields within a textual or visual description. 14=#E could add new records to a file and place the information in the correct fields using the correct conventions. 15=#E could recognise the similarities between the computer and paper-based systems and add records to #h database. 16=#E is able to translate questions into search criteria that can be used to find answers from a database. 17=#E used a database to generate #h own bar charts and to interpret #h data. 18=#N can collect the appropriate information, enter it into a database and use the database to answer simple questions. COMMENTS: IST - OPT Internet 1=In class #e always works with a high level of independence, and #e prefers to tackle challenging problems for #s rather than asking for help straight away. 2=In class #e can be relied upon to work productively and with a high level of independence. 3=#E has demonstrated a good level of competence in using web-authoring software. 4=#E is always well mannered in class and works with a good level of independence. 5=There are times when #e can be easily distracted by #h friends, and this can sometimes result in a lack of productivity in lessons. 6=#E has demonstrated competence in the use of web-authoring software and #h use of FTP to publish #h files online. 7=Although #e has found some aspects of the course quite challenging, #e is not afraid to ask for help when required. 8=#E often makes valuable contributions to lessons, and I have appreciated #h willingness to take part. 9=I have particularly appreciated #h willingness to help friends in the class who may have struggled with various aspects of the course. 10=Although #e clearly enjoys this subject, #e is not yet working to #h full potential. COMMENTS: IST - Projects 1=#N has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #ISTProjectName assignment. 2=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ISTProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 3=#N is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. 4=#N always takes an active part in class and group discussions on the use of technology, demonstrating sound awareness of its impact on society. 5=#N has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 6=#N shows the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format. This was shown particularly well in the #ISTProjectName project. 7=#N is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. 8=#N demonstrates a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 9=#N has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ISTProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 10=#N is able to use sound editing software to mix and edit pre-recorded sound files. #H demonstrated this well in the #ISTProjectName project. 11=#N has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 12=#N has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 13=#N has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #H particularly enjoyed working on the #ISTProjectName project. 14=#N has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 15=#N has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 16=#N has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. 17=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 18=#N has maintained consistency within presentation work by #h careful use of colour schemes and text styles. 19=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. COMMENTS: IST - Recommend 1=As a target for next term #N should aim to increase #h productivity in lessons and listen carefully to instructions. 2=As a target for next term #N should aim to listen carefully to instructions. 3=As a target for next term #N should aim to be less distracted and keep focused on #h own project work. 4=As a target for next term I would encourage #N to continue #h current level of effort, and build on #h success. 5=As a target for next term #N should aim to stretch #s by trying some of the extension exercises in lessons. 6=As a target for next term #N should aim to come to lessons fully prepared to work hard and make good progress. 7=As a target for next term #N should aim to arrive to lessons in good time in order to get off to a good start. 8=As a target for next term #N should aim to try things out for #s rather than immediately seeking support when facing new challenges. 9=As a target for next term #N should aim to come to each lesson having already decided on a goal to achieve, and then work towards achieving that goal with a determined and focused attitude. 10=As a target for next term #N should aim to take an increased responsibility for #h own learning and progress. 11=As a target for next term #N should aim to make sure that homework is always completed on time. 12=As a target for next term #N should aim to make sure that homework is always completed on time, to the best of #h ability. 13=As a target for next term #N should aim to go beyond the minimum requirements, and reach #h full potential. COMMENTS: IST Strengths 1 1=#N is a polite and helpful member of the group, who has #SampleRatingList attitude towards the subject. Concentration is also excellent, with determination being shown to complete the tasks. 2=#N has a good attitude towards the subject and tries hard to complete the tasks set. 3=#N generally works well in Information and Software Technology, but often becomes distracted by matters unrelated to #h learning. 4=#N generally produces good work, but this is sometimes spoilt by a lack of concentration. 5=#N needs to work much harder and concentrate on the tasks set. Work is often left unfinished and this is reflected in the grades awarded. 6=#N has made no real effort in this subject and behaviour requires a dramatic improvement if any success is to be achieved. 7=#N needs to use the time in lessons wisely, as sometimes work is left unfinished. 8=#N sometimes rushes to complete the work, leading to careless mistakes and lack of detail. 9=#N has a good attitude towards the subject but sometimes struggles with #h computer work. COMMENTS: IST Strengths 2 1=#N is able to generate and develop basic work using technology. 2=#E is able to produce information in different forms and #N can show that #e is aware of the intended audience. 3=#N uses technology to structure, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific audiences and purposes. 4=#N is able to present ideas in a variety of ways with a clear sense of audience and purpose. 5=#N can combine information from a variety of computer-based and other sources for presentation to different audiences. COMMENTS: IST Strengths 3 1=#N uses databases to find, store and retrieve information following simple lines of enquiry. 2=#N is able to carefully frame questions when searching for information and can question its reliability and validity. 3=#N can select information needed and check its accuracy. 4=#N uses complex lines of enquiry to test hypotheses and is able to develop and refine their work enhancing its quality using information from a variety of sources. 5=#N can select and use information systems suited to their work, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of different applications. COMMENTS: IST Strengths 4 1=#E can produce based models and simulations to help find things out and solve problems. 2=#E can produce models and simulations to explore patterns and relationships, and can also make and test predictions. 3=#E can explore and explain the effects of changing variables in a computer-based model. 4=#E can use computer-based models to make predictions, varying the rules and assessing the validity of the model. 5=#E can design computer-based models and procedures with variables to meet particular needs. 6=#E has not studied the modelling topic this year, so this will be assessed later in the year. COMMENTS: IST Strengths 5 1=#E can order a sequence of instructions to achieve a simple specific outcome. 2=#E can use computer systems to control events in a predetermined manner. 3=#E can create sequences of instructions to control events and understands the need to be precise when framing and sequencing instructions. 4=#E can develop, try out and refine sequences of instructions and shows efficiency in framing these instructions. COMMENTS: Sample content sentences 1=We looked at using triangles and scale in the real world, in which #e showed an increasing understanding over the semester. 2=#N developed #h information and communication technology skills using spreadsheets and interactive websites. 3=#E often used various mathematical approaches to solve a problem and identified when a problem was similar to one completed in class. 4=#N has displayed mathematical reasoning and logical thought while solving equations, and #e implemented a variety of algebraic techniques across concepts covered in this course. 5=#N displayed excellent mathematical reasoning and thought when representing information in symbolic and graphical form. 6=#N used digital technologies, such as calculators, spreadsheets, dynamic geometry software and graphing software to demonstrate a steady understanding of key concepts. 7=#N embraced the opportunity to learn the vocabulary associated with mathematics, including the specific meanings in a mathematical context. 8=This semester #N has had the opportunity to develop work and enterprise knowledge, skills and understanding through the study of mathematics in a work-related context. 9=#E was often able to model reality using mathematics and then occasionally able to manipulate the mathematics in order to understand and/or predict reality. 10=Students have had the opportunity to lean mathematical knowledge, skills and understanding that are essential for active participation in the world. COMMENTS: Sample evaluation sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h classwork. 2=Classwork has been done to a minimum standard. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h classwork was satisfactory, I do expect #m to show more of their working out next time. 4=#N regularly brought their equipment to school and was well organised. 5=#E showed remarkable team work skills and the ability to think creatively about complex problems. 6=When focused, and with assistance, #N was able to achieve some understanding of most of the concepts presented in class. 7=#N has not worked to #h full potential and often needed encouragement to attempt set tasks or classwork. 8=#E is encouraged to #How-to-improve. 9=#N is encouraged to be creative in their approach to solving new problems, combining the skills and knowledge they have acquired in their study of a number of different topics, within a new context. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 3=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 4=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 5=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved result overall. #E should be encouraged next year to #How-to-improve. 2=To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 3=#E often works below #h best and, with a little more effort, #e could easily improve next year. To improve #e should #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 5=#N is encouraged to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: STEM 2019 T4 Conduct 1=#N can outline a logical procedure for undertaking a range of investigations to collect valid first hand data which includes fair tests. 2=#N can identify suitable equipment or resources to perform a first hand investigation, including safety equipment and digital technologies. 3=#N can assemble and use appropriate equipment and resources to perform a first hand investigation, including the required safety equipment. 4=#N can follow a planned procedure, including fair tests in order to measure and control specific variables. 5=#N can perform specific roles safely and responsibly when working collaboratively to complete a task within the required timeframe. 6=#N reflects on the method used to investigate a question or solve a problem, including evaluating the quality of the data collected. COMMENTS: STEM 2019 T4 Content 1=#E can identify changes that take place when particular forces are acting. 2=#E can predict the effect of unbalanced forces acting in everyday situations. 3=#E can investigate characteristics of specific forces in terms of size and direction. 4=#E can construct and interpret food chains and food webs, including examples from Australian ecosystems. 5=#E can identify some examples of common compounds by their common names and chemical formula. 6=#E can describe the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures, including the type and arrangement of particles. 7=#E can identify when a chemical change is taking place by observing a change in temperature, the appearance of new substances or the disappearance of an original substance. COMMENTS: STEM 2019 T4 Evaluate 1=#N can identify the reliability of gathered data and information by comparing with observations or information from other sources. 2=#N can identify data which supports or discounts a question being investigated. 3=#N reflects and evaluates the appropriateness of different strategies for solving an identified problem. 4=#N describes, using examples, how science knowledge can develop through collaboration and connecting ideas across the disciplines of science. COMMENTS: STEM 2019 T4 Question 1=#N can pose questions to clarify and interpret information and probe for causes and consequences. 2=#N identifies and clarifies relevant information and prioritise ideas. 3=#N can identify main ideas, select and clarify information from a range of different sources. 4=#N can identify situations where current approaches do not work, challenge existing ideas and generate alternative solutions. 5=#N assess and test options to identify the most effective solution then puts #h ideas into action to create a solution. 6=#N reflects on assumptions made, considers reasonable criticism and adjusts #h thinking if necessary to develop a creative solution. 7=#N identifies and justifies the thinking behind the choices #e has made when developing a creative solution. COMMENTS: STEM Stage 4 - Behaviour 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects across all classes. 2=Classwork has been done to a minimum standard. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h classwork was satisfactory, #N is encouraged to show more of #h working out in the future. 4=#N regularly brought #h equipment to school and was well organised. 5=#E showed remarkable team work skills and the ability to think creatively about complex problems. 6=#N #ability-to achieve some understanding of most of the concepts presented in class. 7=#N has not worked to #h full potential and often needed encouragement to attempt set tasks or classwork. 8=#E showed a high quality of bookwork and organisation. 9=#N regularly completed #h homework to an excellent standard. 10=#N has not completed a number of assessments, which makes judging #h understanding of the content difficult. 11=#N #ability-to follow classroom instructions when present. #E #ability-to work with others on tasks and activities. 12=#N regularly completed #h bookwork to an excellent standard. COMMENTS: STEM Stage 4 - Content 1=#N #ability-had-a understanding of the importance of measurement in real life applications. 2=#N #ability-to reflect on the effectiveness and suitability of choices made during the planning phase. 3=#E #ability-to successfully plan and manage projects and #ability-to adopt a systematic approach that incorporates research, problem-solving and evaluation. 4=#N #ability-to demonstrate creativity in #h approach to solving new problems, combining the skills and knowledge #e has acquired in #h study of a number of different topics, within a new context. 5=#N #ability-to demonstrate #h information and communication technology (ICT) capability. #E investigated, created and communicated #h ideas and concepts using fast, automated, interactive and multimodal technologies. 6=#E #ability-to draw on knowledge of particular contexts and circumstances in deciding when to use mathematics, science or technology to critically evaluate and solve new problems. 7=#N #ability-to display #h personal and social capabilities by demonstrating initiative-taking, decision-making, communicating #h processes and findings, and working independently and collaboratively in the STEM classroom. 8=#N #ability-to follow a sequence of instructions to safely undertake an activity, both collaboratively and individually. 9=#E #ability-to draw evidence-based conclusions and explanations by investigating problems through posing questions, making predictions and gathering data. 10=#E #ability-to critically analyse information and evidence according to criteria such as validity and relevance. 11=#E #ability-to pose questions to clarify and interpret information and probe for causes and effects. 12=#E #ability-to assess and test options to identify the most effective solution and to put their ideas into action. 13=#E #ability-had-a ability to evaluate and justify the reasons behind choosing a particular problem-solving strategy. 14=#E #ability-to draw on prior knowledge and use evidence when choosing a course of action or drawing a conclusion. 15=#N selected and used appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to generate creative plausible solutions to identified problems. 16=#N #ability-to process and analyse data and information from first-hand investigations and secondary sources to identify trends, patterns and relationships, and then draw relevant, evidence-based conclusions. 17=#N #ability-to select and safely use a variety of equipment, materials and resources and identify the potential safety risks. 18=#N #ability-to identify where improvements to #h methods, techniques or research could improve the quality of #h work. 19=#E #ability-to use evidence to draw conclusions and develop explanations. 20=#N #ability-to organise data and identify patterns using table, graphs or technology such as spreadsheets. COMMENTS: STEM Stage 4 - Ending 1=#N is encouraged to continue to select and apply appropriate mathematical, scientific and technological techniques and problem-solving strategies with in the STEM classroom. 2=#E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily improve next year. To improve #e should #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 3=To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=#E is encouraged to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 5=#N is encouraged to be creative in #h approach to solving new problems, combining the skills and knowledge #e has acquired in #h study of a number of different topics, within a new context. 6=To improve, #e is encouraged to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: STEM Stage 4 - Literacy 1=#E #ability-had-a understanding of subject-specific vocabulary and occasionally applied this when communicating design solutions. 2=#E #ability-had-a capacity to apply subject specific terminology. 3=#E #ability-had-a clear understanding and interpretation of word problems and instructions containing specific language featured in mathematics, science and technology. 4=#E #ability-to present ideas, findings and information to others using appropriate language and representations. COMMENTS: STEM Stage 4 - Start 1=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. 2=#N is a friendly and cooperative class member who has put in a steady performance in class. 3=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h organisation and equipment that #e needs to address. 4=#N has often applied #s diligently to #h study. 5=#N is a polite and respectful student who worked really well in class on given tasks. 6=#N is an outgoing and social student who has settled well into class. 7=#N is a quiet student who has settled well into class. 8=#N's absence from class has affected their ability to settle into classroom environments and learn effectively. COMMENTS: Summary - high 1=I have been very pleased with #N's focussed approach to independent research and #h willingness to contribute ideas in class discussions. 2=#N's work on their project demonstrated #h ability to carry out research independently and then share ideas within a team to create a joint presentation. 3=#N has worked well independently to evaluate the quality of #h own work, making improvements where necessary. 4=I have been impressed with how #N has evaluated #h own work independently in order to make improvements. 5=I have been impressed with how well #N has completed independent research and then worked within a team to create a joint presentation online. 6=I was pleased with #N's ability to select information carefully from #h research and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 7=I have been impressed with how well #N worked as part of a team to create a joint online presentation on their project. 8=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whist producing #h project. 9=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whilst learning how to use unfamiliar software. 10=#N has always worked well in paired and group activities and then shown the ability to focus well when completing tasks independently. 11=I have been especially pleased that #N has worked well on independent tasks, managing #h time so that work is completed by the deadlines. COMMENTS: Summary - low 1=#N now needs to become more independent whilst carrying out research activities so that work is completed on time. 2=I would like to see #N try to improve #h personal organisation whilst working independently. 3=I would now like to see #N become more independent whilst researching specific topics. 4=I would like to see #N become more independent whilst completing research activities. 5=I would now like to see #N try to become more focussed whilst carrying out research activities. 6=If #N continues to work on #h self-motivation, I am sure #e will improve #h ability to work independently. 7=I would like to see #N concentrate more whilst working independently so that work is completed to a higher standard. 8=With more concentration, the standard of #N's work will improve. 9=I would like to see #N develop #h skills as an independent enquirer so that #e can summarise the key points from the information #e finds. 10=#N is keen to contribute to class discussions and I would now like #m to improve #h concentration whilst working independently so that #e can complete work to a higher standard by the deadlines set. COMMENTS: Summary - medium 1=I was impressed by #h skills as a team worker whilst producing a joint online presentation with #h peers. 2=#N has worked well within a team, especially whilst creating a presentation together. 3=#N has also worked well within a team to produce a joint presentation. 4=I was pleased with #N's ability to carry out research independently and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 5=#N has worked well within #h group to produce a joint presentation online using #Software. 6=#N has worked well independently whilst researching a topic to find relevant facts and images to include in #h work. 7=I have been impressed with #N's ability to work well within a small team, especially by producing a joint presentation in #Software software. 8=#N has worked reasonably well when asked to carry out a research task independently and I would like to see #m become more confident when experimenting with new software. COMMENTS: TRA: Communication_Basic_Elementary 1=BASIC 2=#E has not been consistent in #h attention to detail both in class discussions and report writing. 3=#H presentation of reports/assignments has been of a good standard. 4=#H problem solving skills have improved this semester. 5=#E has been able to share ideas in a class discussion. 6=ELEMENTARY 7=#E needs to develop skills in following instructions and communicating effectively in class. 8=#E has been able to share ideas in a class discussion. 9=The major assessment task for this semester was not completed, even after many reminders. 10=The major assessment task for this semester was handed in late. Assessment deadlines need to adhered to in the future. COMMENTS: TRA: Communication_Extensive 1=#E experimental report on the cooling rates of hot and cold water was exceptional and showed how #e can be a very effective communicator in Science. 2=#E has demonstrated that #e is an academically gifted student who consistently produces quality work which communicates ideas and understandings effectively. 3=The quality of #h written work was excellent both in terms of content and presentation. 4=#E has shown an attentiveness to detail and #h presentation of reports and assignments has been of an excellent standard. 5=#E has been able to share ideas and #e displays sound reasoning in class discussions. 6=#H Independent Research Project on Genetically Modified Foods was excellent. 7=#H Independent Research Project on #? was completed to #RatingList standard 8=#H experimental report on #? was exceptional and showed how #e can be a very effective communicator in Science. 9=#H experimental report on #h home research task was exceptional and received full marks. COMMENTS: TRA: Communication_Thorough_Sound 1=THOROUGH 2=A high standard of bookwork has been maintained over the semester. 3=The general quality of #h written work has been consistently very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 4=#H classwork was always completed to a high standard. 5=#E has been attentive to detail and #h presentation of reports has been of a high standard. 6=#E has taken pride in the presentation of #h work which makes for an excellent Record of Learning. 7=#E has shown that #e was able to select and use an appropriate method to acknowledge sources of information. 8=#E has been able to share ideas in a class discussion as well as collate and record class responses in an appropriate form. 9=SOUND 10=#H written work was variable, often detailed and carefully presented, but sometimes only just adequate. 11=#H development of communication skills has enabled #h to work effectively in group problem solving situations. 12=#E has developed effective problem solving skills and has demonstrated a good understanding of scientific terminology. 13=#E has been able to list and use sources of information effectively in research documents. 14=#E was able to share ideas in a class discussion as well as collate and record class responses in an appropriate form. COMMENTS: TRA: Introduction_Basic_Elementary 1=BASIC 2=#N has a basic understanding of scientific concepts and practical skills. 3=#N has tried #h best to master the concepts covered so far this semester. 4=#N has been inconsistent in #h application to classwork which has affected #h results. 5=#N has not been working to #h full potential this semester. 6=#N has settled in well to the classroom environment this semester. 7=#N has not taken up opportunities given to #m in order to demonstrate #h full potential. 8=#N was a friendly student who worked with enthusiasm and regularly contributed to class discussions but has found some aspects of the work difficult. 9=ELEMENTARY 10=#N has a limited understanding of scientific concepts. 11=#N has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 7 Science course. 12=#N has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 8 Science course. 13=#N has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 9 Science course. 14=#N has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 10 Science course. 15=#N has not been working to #h full potential this semester. 16=#N has settled in well to the classroom environment this semester. 17=#N has tried hard this semester but finds some aspects of the Science course difficult. COMMENTS: TRA: Introduction_Extensive 1=#N has been an excellent student who has attained a very high standard in all of the course requirements. 2=#N has steadily improved and has attained a very high level of understanding in the topics covered. 3=#N has been an excellent student with regard to all academic aspects within the Science course.. 4=#N has demonstrated a genuine ability to think and link the key concepts in this course. 5=#N has demonstrated an enthusiasm to better understand the key concepts of this course. 6=#N has settled in well to the classroom environment this semester. 7=#N has shown interest, ambition and a desire to do well in Science. COMMENTS: TRA: Introduction_Sound 1=#N has progressed well and has displayed a sound understanding of scientific concepts and practical skills. 2=#N has achieved a sound level of understanding of scientific concepts. 3=#N has achieved sound overall results in Science. 4=#N has worked conscientiously this semester in Science. 5=#N has generally worked well this semester. 6=#N was a capable student who has not been afraid to seek assistance when necessary in order to clarify #h understanding of specific scientific concepts. 7=#N has shown #s to be cooperative and mature in #h approach to #h studies. 8=#N has shown improved results as #e has involved #s more in class work. 9=#N has steadily improved #h knowledge and understanding in Science. 10=#N has shown an ability to link key concepts. 11=#N has shown an ability to think and to link ideas concerning the course outcomes in Science. 12=#N has continued to show a strong interest in the course activities. 13=#N has continued to involve #s in course activities, generating a deeper understanding of key scientific concepts. 14=#N has continued to demonstrate a sound understanding of the key concepts presented in the Science course. 15=#N has demonstrated a keen and capable attitude throughout the course. 16=#N has settled in well to the classroom environment this semester. COMMENTS: TRA: Introduction_Thorough 1=#N has steadily improved and has attained a very good understanding of scientific concepts. 2=#N has been a polite and enthusiastic student who has made steady progress in Science. 3=#N has attained a very high standard in all of the course requirements. 4=#N has worked diligently this semester in Science. 5=#N has displayed a mature approach to #h studies this semester. 6=#N has made a commendable effort to understand the key concepts of the Science course. 7=#N has demonstrated an enthusiasm to better understand the key concepts of this course. 8=#N has settled in well to the classroom environment this semester. COMMENTS: TRA: Knowledge_Extensive_Thorough 1=#E has shown that #e was able to apply critical thinking in the consideration of proposals. 2=#E speaks and writes about scientific ideas in considerable detail and has shown a confident use of scientific terminology. 3=#E has demonstrated an outstanding knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in Science this semester. 4=Continued revision and effort have been rewarded with quality results. 5=#H approach to #h learning has been positive and was reflected in #h overall result. 6=#E has shown considerable talent in this subject. 7=#E has used creativity and imagination to suggest plausible solutions to familiar problems. 8=#E has shown that #e was able to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. 9=#E was able to justify inferences from gathered information. 10=#E has shown that #e was able to select and appropriately use types of text for a range of purposes and contexts. 11=A test result of % in the Semester 1 Science examination was excellent. 12=A test result of % in the Semester 2 Science examination was excellent. 13=#E has achieved first place in the class in the half yearly examination with a score of %. 14=#E has achieved first place in the class in the yearly examination, with a score of %. 15=THOROUGH 16=#E has demonstrated a high level of knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in Science this semester. 17=#E has shown that #e was able to apply #h knowledge and understanding in scientific problem solving. 18=#E has achieved first place in the class in the half yearly examination with a score of %. 19=#E has achieved first place in the class in the yearly examination with a score of %. 20=#E has demonstrated a keen and capable attitude throughout the course. COMMENTS: TRA: Knowledge_Sound_Basic_Elementary 1=SOUND 2=#E has demonstrated a sound level of knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in Science this semester. 3=#E has progressed well and has displayed a sound understanding of scientific concepts and practical skills. 4=BASIC 5=#E has a basic level of knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in Science this semester. 6=#E has further developed #h skill of recalling information in examinations. 7=#E has improved in being able to apply skills and recall knowledge in examinations. 8=ELEMENTARY 9=#E has limited knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in Science this semester. 10=#E has shown a limited ability to recall knowledge under examination conditions. 11=#E has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 7 Science course. 12=#E has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 8 Science course. 13=#E has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 9 Science course. 14=#E has struggled to attain the basic outcomes and skills of the Year 10 Science course. COMMENTS: TRA: N-Award 1=It has been difficult to accurately assess #N's progress due to their many absences. This could lead to #N being nominated for a 'N' Award in Science unless an improvement is forthcoming. 2=Following the non-completion of #N's assessment task this semester in Science despite many reminders, #h achievement of course outcomes has been affected. COMMENTS: TRA: Practical_Basic_Elementary 1=BASIC 2=#E has demonstrated a basic level of skill in conducting scientific investigations. 3=#E has shown that #e was able to draw conclusions, with guidance, from collected data. 4=#E has developed #h skill to follow a given procedure in order to conduct a simple investigation. 5=#E has been an active participant in practical lessons. 6=#E has shown confidence when carrying out scientific investigations. 7=#H social interactions have distracted #m from following instructions and enabling #m to develop skills in scientific investigations. 8=ELEMENTARY 9=#E has demonstrated limited skills in conducting scientific investigations. 10=#E has shown that #e was able to conduct scientific investigations only with guidance and encouragement to stay on task. 11=#H social interactions have distracted #m from developing #h skills in scientific investigations. 12=#E needs to wear the correct footwear so that #e can participate in practical lesseons. COMMENTS: TRA: Practical_Extensive_Thorough_Sound 1=EXTENSIVE 2=#E has participated well in class activities and has displayed the ability to easily grasp Science skills. 3=#E has demonstrated outstanding skills in conducting scientific investigations 4=#E has shown that #e was able to work effectively both independently and in group situations while conducting investigations. 5=#E has shown that #e was able to think critically to evaluate investigations and display data in an appropriate form. 6=THOROUGH 7=#E has demonstrated a high level of skill in conducting scientific investigations 8=#E has shown that #e was able to design a scientific investigation, follow set procedures, collect results and draw conclusions. 9=#E has shown that #e was able to independently carry out an experiment, record results and draw conclusions. 10=#E has developed #h skills in scientific investigations, problem solving and accurate recording of data. 11=#E has shown that #e can follow a given procedure, conduct a scientific investigation and accurately record observations. 12=#E has developed a wide range of skills relating to accurately gathering data during scientific investigations and was able to record these results in an appropriate form. 13=#E has further developed #h skills in designing, conducting and recording data accurately during scientific investigations. 14=SOUND 15=#E has demonstrated a sound level of skill in conducting scientific investigations. 16=#E has actively participated in practical activities and was able to accurately record results and draw conclusions. 17=#E has followed a scientific method to conduct investigations effectively. 18=#E has developed #h skills in scientific investigations and was able to follow a given procedure, collect results and record them accurately. 19=#E needs to ensure all practical reports are completed in the set time. 20=#E has developed #h skills in designing conclusions from data recorded during scientific investigations. COMMENTS: TRA: Process_Basic_Elementary 1=BASIC 2=#E has been able to extract and summarise relevant information from a range of sources using the provided scaffold. 3=#E was able to organise data using a variety of methods including diagrams and tables. 4=#E has shown a gain in confidence in the skills of summarising, tabulation and graphing. 5=LIMITED 6=#E was able to extract and summarise relevant information from a limited range of sources using the provided scaffold. 7=#E has shown that #e was only able to summarise information from a textbook with assistance. 8=#E has demonstrated the ability to present data in a table. 9=#E needs to gain more confidence in mastering necessary skills such as tabulation and graphing. COMMENTS: TRA: Process_Extensive_Thorough_Sound 1=#E has been able to apply #h knowledge and understanding in scientific problem solving situations. 2=#E has been able to summarise information from identified oral and written sources. 3=The high standard of assessment marks reflect a positive work ethic and application to #m studies. 4=#E has been able to collate information from a number of sources. 5=#E has shown that #e was able to observe and record information effectively. 6=#E has demonstrated that #e was able to use drawings, diagrams, graphs and tables to show relationships and present information clearly and succinctly. 7=#E has demonstrated critical thinking skills in evaluating information and drawing conclusions. 8=#E has shown that #e was able to design and organise data using a variety of methods including diagrams, tables, spreadsheets and databases. 9=#E has been able to use a variety of techniques such as skimming and scanning to identify appropriate information. 10=THOROUGH 11=#E has demonstrated that #e can use a variety of equations to solve mathematical problems using basic numeracy skills at a high standard. 12=#E has been able to explain trends, patterns and relationships in data. 13=#E has shown that #e was able to check the reliability of gathered data and information by comparing them with observations or information from other sources. 14=#E has shown that #e was able to organise data using a variety of methods including diagrams, tables, spreadsheets and databases. 15=#E has shown that #e was able to discuss and evaluate evidence to support science based theories. 16=#E has demonstrated that #e was able to use a variety of techniques such as skimming and scanning to identify appropriate information. 17=SOUND 18=#E was able to locate relevant information and graphics from a range of sources. 19=#E has demonstrated the ability to organise data using diagrams and tables. 20=#E can also construct an accurate and reliable graph based on given data but needs to develop #h understanding of how to use them to make predictions and identify trends. COMMENTS: TRA: Recommend_Basic_Limilted 1=BASIC 2=#N needs to develop #h time management skills to improve #h presentation of scientific reports. 3=#N will need to begin focused revision of class work to enable #m to gain a better understanding of the course outcomes. 4=#N has been involved in the course activities. A strong focus is now needed to increase #h levels of study and questioning of the key concepts. 5=Revision of scientific terminology needs to be included in #N's study program. 6=#N needs to play an active role in group work during practical activities. 7=#N should aim to become a more independent learner during scientific investigations. 8=#N's results could be improved by remaining focused during lessons. 9=#N could improve #h knowledge and understanding of the topics by consolidating #h work in class with regular home revision. 10=LIMITED 11=Attendance issues are not allowing #N to gain full benefit from the experiences on offer. 12=Completion of all set tasks by the required dates must occur in the future. 13=The lack of focus in class needs to be addressed if #N is to get the best from the experiences on offer. COMMENTS: TRA: Recommend_Extensive_Thorough 1=EXTENSIVE 2=Continued review of terminology is a central concept for #N's future success. 3=#N is a valued member of the class. 4=#N has worked independently and can always be relied on to give #h personal best in all set tasks. 5=THOROUGH 6=With consistent application to classwork and revising topics at home, #N will continue to consolidate #h scientific knowledge. 7=Completion of past exam questions will be of benefit in #N's future study program. 8=Increasing completion of revision questions and focusing on outcome specific questions will aid #N's understanding of scientific terminology. 9=A consistent study program and completion of all set text questions is encouraged to help develop #N's deep understanding of key concepts for exams. COMMENTS: TRA: Recommend_Sound 1=#N needs to complete readings prior to class to best utilise class time and efforts. 2=#N needs to ensure #h study is consistently maintained. 3=#N needs to revise class work on a regular basis to improve #h results in Science. 4=#N needs to demonstrate a more consistent effort towards class work in order to achieve a higher standard of academic results. 5=#N's level of effort has been sporadic and now needs to focus on revision to provide a deeper understanding of the key concepts in Science. Completion of all text revision questions, summaries and practicals is required. 6=#N needs to reflect on past exam questions to better develop strategies to answer exam questions. 7=Increased levels of study and revision of course work is recommended. 8=#N needs to complete all practical activities to a high standard in the future. 9=Linking class work with study and improving exam technique is encouraged. 10=#N has the ability to progress to a higher level with more focus on participation in class discussions and work detail. 11=All extension questions and practical reports need to be completed to improve #N's understanding of scientific terminology. 12=#N would benefit from further development of time management skills to complete tasks and exams in set time frames. 13=#N needs to develop confidence in #h ability to apply #h knowledge in solving scientific problems. COMMENTS: TRA: Record of Learning 1=EXTENSIVE 2=#H Record of Learning was excellent and proved very useful in the revision process. 3=#H Record of Learning was complete and of an exceptional standard. 4=THOROUGH 5=#H Record of Learning should was very useful in the revision process.. 6=#H Record of Learning was of a high standard and reflects considerable effort. 7=SOUND 8=#H Record of Learning was missing some class work and therefore was lacking when it came to revision. 9=BASIC 10=#H Record of Learning was inadequate because #N often forgets #h book or engages in time wasting behaviours in class. 11=LIMITED 12=#H Record of Learning was nonexistent as #e hardly ever brought #h book to class and rarely completed #h set work. 13=#E has a very incomplete Record of Learning due to #h frequent absences and #h unwillingness to catch up on classwork. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 2 1=Sometimes #e can be a bit chatty in lessons. 2=Prep needs a bit of extra care. 3=#E is able to give a good account of #s orally. 4=#N is working hard in lessons and contributing a lot to discussions. 5=#E has done good quality prep this term, but recently the standard has gone down very slightly. 6=#N is an able student who can work well in lessons once #e settles down. 7=One prep has not been done this term and two have been late. 8=From day one #m work has been of a very high standard. 9=#E clearly cares a lot about how #e performs in ICT. 10=All but one prep has attained grade A. 11=I would like #N to ask questions when #e is unsure of something. 12=#E is always attentive and follows instructions very carefully, 13=#E puts in the detail required to get top marks. 14=#E is always enthusiastic about the tasks and #e sets about #h work with energy and a desire to do #h best. 15=All of #h prep has been done to grade A standard. Well done. 16=#E especially enjoyed composing a poem about being safe on the internet. 17=The quality of #h prep has improved as the term has gone on. 18=#E has contributed well to the discussions about eSafety. 19=#N has shown an interest in ICT lessons, but can be distracted by #h iPad on occasions. 20=I feel that #e could push #s a little harder in both lessons and prep. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 3 1=The latest prep has not been submitted. 2=There are times when #e could be a bit more proactive when presented with a new task, but.... 3=There are times when #e could be a bit more confident in #h own ability, but even so #e gets the job done to a good standard. 4=#E is confident in #h ability and has produced good quality work in both lessons and prep. 5=#N has had a solid term and is always enthusiastic in lessons, contributing well in discussions about eSafty and social media. 6=#E has contributed in discussions on eSafety and social media. 7=#E is very diligent in #h approach to the tasks and asks lots of questions in order to get #s to a place where #e can produce the quality work required. 8=#N has had a successful term in ICT. 9=#H prep has been a bit variable, and needs to be checked before submission. 10=#N has contributed a lot in ICT lessons and has been a frequent contributor in class discussions, making salient points. 11=#E is an able ICT practitioner whose work is always of a good standard. 12=#N's prep has been satisfactory, but needs more attention to detail. I know #e can do better. 13=#H work in lessons has been fine so far and shows #e can do it, and #h prep has been satisfactory but needs more attention to detail. 14=I know #e can do better. 15=#E works really hard and challenges #s all the time, wanting to improve #h outcomes. 16=#E is a very capable ICT practitioner and knows a lot about the subject. 17=#E is always so enthsuiastic and wants to get down to work straight away. 18=#E always has something useful to contribute to discussions. 19=#E always has something useful to contribute to discussions and is able to communicate #h ideas easily. 20=#N's effort in prep has dropped slightly this half-term. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 4 1=#H written work has also been fine. 2=#E goes about the work quietly and efficiently and the outcomes have been good. 3=The quality of #N's prep has increased as the term has gone on. 4=#H work is always well presented and done with care and attention. 5=#N is attentive in lessons and knows how to approach the tasks without much guidance. 6=#E has a natural ability to work out how to go about tasks. #E tries out ideas for #s and uses past knowledge to inform this. 7=#N is a clever fellow when it comes to computers. 8=#E is able to attempt tasks without much guidance and this has served #m well. 9=#H is inventive in #h written work and likes to do tasks #h own way. 10=#E is inventive in #h written work and likes to do tasks #h own way. 11=#E has worked well in lessons and shown a keeness to succeed. 12=However, #e could do with paying more attention to prep work, as its quality has gone down this half-term. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Introduction 1=#N has made #standard-of-progress progress throughout the year so far. 2=#E can be #standard-of-talkative talkative at times, but #e is enthusiastic in lessons and wants to get involved. 3=#N has been an enthusiastic student. 4=#E is willing to contribute during discussions and has fitted in very well since joining the group at half-term. 5=#N has been keen to do well in ICT. 6=I enjoy teaching #N as #e is an enthusiastic student who clearly wants to learn. 7=#N seems to enjoy the ICT lessons. 8=#E gets down to the work quickly and is always keen to do #h best. 9=#E is attentive in lessons and contributes when #e has something worthwhile to add. 10=#N is a lively fellow who has contributed well in lessons and got involved in discussions. 11=#N pays a lot of attention to detail and this results in well presented work. 12=Sometimes #e could do with thinking out #h answer before replying. 13=#H produced #standard-of-work standard in prep. 14=#E tries things out for #s even when #e finds the tasks challenging. 15=#E tries things out for #s even when #e finds the tasks challenging. 16=#N is an enthusiastic student who enjoys the cut and thrust of discussions. 17=#N's work has been a bit variable this term. 18=#E is not always as focussed as #e could be 19=,and tends to give up too easily when the task requires thought. 20=#E is so positive and #h contributions have been #standard-of-contribution. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Prep 1=#E did #standard-of-test in #h end of year test. 2=#E needs to be a careful that #e gets #h prep done on time. 3=#E needs to make sure #e gets #h prep in on time. 4=#N is capable of better quality prep but this will require spending longer on it. LIST: ability 1=was developing 2=had an excellent 3=had a minimal 4=had demonstrated 5=was aware of 6=was developing an understanding of 7=was yet to 8=reflected on 9=could 10=was not able to 11=was progressing towards 12=demonstrated 13=was not able to demonstrate 14=was able to 15=was working towards being able to 16=could occasionally 17=with assistance was ale to 18=with assistance was developing 19=with assistance was progressing towards 20=with assistance was aware of LIST: ability-had-a 1=had a thorough 2=had a basic 3=had a minimal 4=had an excellent 5=had a well developed 6=with assistance had an 7=with assistance had a 8=was working towards a 9=was working towards an 10=was developing a 11=was developing an 12=demonstrated a 13=demonstrated an 14=showed a strong 15=showed a basic 16=was able to show a 17=was able to show an LIST: ability-to 1=showed the ability to 2=demonstrated the ability to 3=excelled at the ability to 4=was working towards being able to 5=could regularly 6=could occasionally 7=was able to show others how to 8=was aware of how to 9=with assistance was able to 10=with assistance was aware of how to 11=was able to 12=was yet to 13=progressing toward being able to 14=struggled to 15=found it difficult to 16=as often unable to 17=was occasionally unable to LIST: abillity-had-a 1=had a through 2=had a basic 3=had a minimal 4=had an excellent 5=had a well developed 6=with assistance had an 7=with assistance had a 8=was working towards a 9=was working towards an 10=was developing a 11=was developing an 12=demonstrated a 13=demonstrated an 14=showed a strong 15=showed a basic 16=was able to show a 17=was able to show an LIST: effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=practise skills at home 5=develop #h calculator skills 6=pay more attention to instructions 7=try not to use #h mobile phone during class 8=bring equipment regularly 9=ask questions when stuck 10=participate more in class discussion 11=attempt questions before seeking assistance 12=revise topics regularly so concepts are not forgotten 13=increase attendance in class 14=attend class more regularly 15=develop #h computer skills LIST: ISTcore 1=design, produce, evaluate 2=past, current, emerging Tech 3=data handling 4=hardware 5=issues 6=people 7=software LIST: ISTProjectName 1=Artificial Intelligence, Simulation and Modelling 2=Authoring and Multimedia 3=Database Design 4=Digital Media 5=Internet and Website Development 6=Networking Systems 7=Robotics and Automated Systems 8=Software Development and Programming LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: lstRating 1=excellent 2=commendable 3=thorough 4=good 5=basic LIST: Physics-topics 1=Kinematics 2=Dynamics 3=Waves and Thermodynamics 4=Electricity and Magnetism 5=Advanced mechanics 6=Electromagnetism 7=The Nature of Light 8=From the Universe to the Atom LIST: RatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an extensive 2=a thorough 3=a sound 4=a basic 5=an elementary LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth 5=Matter and Mixtures 6=Chemistry 7=Physics 8=Biology 9=Earth and Environmental Science LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Software 1=Microsoft Access 2=Microsoft Excel 3=Microsoft Word 4=Microsoft PowerPoint 5=Google Slides 6=Google Docs 7=Google Sheets 8=Google Classroom 9=Google Team Drive 10=Scratch 11=Code Combat 12=HTML and CSS 13=Visual Basic for Applications 14=coding LIST: standard-of-contribution 1=sound 2=thorough 3=extensive LIST: standard-of-progress 1=unsatisfactory 2=reasonable 3=satisfactory 4=steady 5=good 6=very good 7=excellent LIST: standard-of-talkative 1=somewhat 2=too 3=very LIST: standard-of-test 1=unsatisfactorily 2=satisfactorily 3=well 4=very well 5=superbly 6=superbly well LIST: standard-of-work 1=a satisfactory 2=a very satisfactory 3=a good 4=a very good 5=an excellent LIST: Subjects 1=Science 2=Physics 3=Information and Software Technology LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=first semester 4=second semester 5=term 6=first term 7=second term 8=third term 9=fourth term LIST: topiclist 1=Kinematics 2=Dynamics 3=Waves and Thermodynamics 4=Electricity and Magnetism 5=Advanced Mechanics 6=The Nature of Light 7=From the Universe to the Atom /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.