/* SAVE YOURSELF HOURS... /* IMPORT THESE COMMENTS INTO: SchoolReportWriter.COM /* No.1 in GOOGLE - "BEST TEACHER REPORTS APP": /* - TRUSTED by 1000s of teachers, since 2012 /* - QUICKLY create personalised reports /* - PASTE into your school system, Word etc /* - GENDER NEUTRAL option /* - DEMO video at SchoolReportWriter.COM /* FOR HELP see end of this document. /* Subjects: Science /* Author says: /* "I created these over the past 3 years. Some are slight /* changes from other teachers work, most are my original /* sentences, the newest comments were created with the help /* of ChatGTP." COMMENTS: --saved with no name? 1=Overall, #N could have done much better this term. I would suggest that #e more actively participate in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, it is near impossible to know the student understands the material without a response to questions or questions from them. #N needs to ask for help in order to receive help. 2=Overall, #N worked well this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, it is near impossible to know the student understands the material without a response to questions or questions from them. #N needs to ask for help in order to receive help. 3=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E needs to keep up the great effort! 4=#N did not do very well on the term assessment. #E should be more active in the class discussions and activities, #N must put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 5=#N did well this term but could still improve by completing more of the class and homework assignments. #N must put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 6=#N did some good work this term but could still improve by completing more of the class assignments and being more active in the group investigations and presentations. #E ought to be more engaged in the class discussions to increase #h comprehension. 7=#N did some good work this term, however, I would like to see them more active in the group investigations and presentations. This will help improve #h understanding of the topic. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 8=#N could greatly improve #h understanding of the class if #e more actively participated in class and group activities. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 9=#N can greatly improve by making more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. The understanding of Mathematics is about practicing and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. 10=#N can greatly improve by making much more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. 11=#N did not take the term assessment. In order to improve next year, #e will need to make an effort during class as well as outside of lessons to complete all #h assignments. The understanding of Mathematics is about practice and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. Without a good foundation of what #e has missed, #N will continue to struggle. 12=#N has done very good work this term. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to be successful next year. 13=#N has done very good work this term. #E has continually shown a great attitude towards the class and in education in general. #N will need to keep up this great effort to be successful next year. #H work throughout this year shows that #e can be successful in the future. COMMENTS: 4- opening 1=#N has had a great year in science. 2=#N has done well in science this year. 3=#N has had ups and downs in science this year, but has managed to prevail at the end of the year. 4=Overall, #N had a good year in science, but had a slip in grades towards the end of the year. 5=#N has made huge improvements over the year and should be proud of #s. 6=#N has had ups and downs this year in science. COMMENTS: 4-close 1=It has been a pleasure teaching #N this year. 2=I wish #m the best of luck next year. 3=I have really enjoyed teaching #N the past two years and I wish #m the best of luck next year. 4=I look forward to another year with #N! 5=I hope that #N has a restful summer and is recharged for the new year. COMMENTS: A Online attend & Participation 1=#N has not attended any of the online lessons this term including the term assessment. #H grade this term is reflective of the lack of attendance in the lessons and incompletion of the assignments.Therefore, #e has received a G for this terms grade. 2=#But, #N has attended #some lessons this term but did complete the term assessment. #H grade is reflective of the very low attendance in the lessons and incompletion of the majority of the assignments. 3=#But, #N has attended #some lessons this term and did not attend the assessment lesson. #H grade this term is reflective of the lack of attendance in the lessons and incompletion of the assignments. #E has therefore received a G grade for this term. 4=#N has not attended #some online lessons this term #but when #e does attend #e does not participate. 5=#N has attended #some of the online lessons this term and is usually an active participant by answering or asking questions and/or sharing #h work. 6=#N usually attends #some of our online lessons but #but never participates in class discussions. #E appears to be listening to the lessons but does not ask or answer any questions. 7=#N always attends the online classes. #H participation in our lessons is generally good and shows a great understanding of the material and a willingness to improve #h comprehension. 8=#N regularly attends #some of our online meetings, #but, #e rarely joins in the discussions. 9=#N's attendance to our online lessons has been very poor this term. #But, when #e does attend class #e sometimes asks questions and participates. 10=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e is sometimes engaged in the the discussions and contributes appropriately. 11=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e does not contribute to the discussions and stays quiet even when asked direct questions. COMMENTS: abilities 1=#E has great critical thinking abilities. 2=#E as good critical thinking skills and has mastered some difficult problems. 3=#E has a natural ability in science and has strong critical thinking skills. 4=#E readily grasps new concepts and ideas. 5=#H ability to think through problems #EGN. 6=I love #h determination to understand things and #e never gives up until #e fully grasps it. 7=I applaud #h willingness to ask questions when #e does not understand something. 8=#E has strong critical thinking and problem solving skills. COMMENTS: Alerts other targets 1=#N has been elected as a member of the school council and is looking forward to representing student viewpoints next year. 2=#E needs to improve #h punctuality to school.. 3=#N needs to improve #h organisation as #e has received a number of alerts for having the incorrect books and equiptment. 4=#N needs to work on completing independent learning on time, #e has received a number of alerts for late and incomplete independent learning. 5=#N needs to work on improving #h punctuality to school, and the standard of #h independent learning as #e has received a number of alerts for these. COMMENTS: Attendance (Form) 1=#N's attendance this term has been excellent. 2=#N's attendance so far this term has been good, but there is still #some room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand it can be difficult at times, it is very important for consistent education. 4=#N's attendance in our tutor time has been very poor this term. 5=#N's attendance in our tutor time this term has been extremely poor! COMMENTS: Attendance Form 1=#N's attendance is #attendance. COMMENTS: B Myimaths 1=#N has only completed #some of the class assignments. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed to be completed online. #N has not used the opportunity to learn from these resources and has not asked any questions about these assignments when #e attends our online lessons. 2=#N has completed #some of the class assignments. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed for an online teaching environment. #N has used these resources very effectively this term. #E usually uses our online lessons to ask questions about these assignments which improves #h understanding. 3=The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed to be completed online. #N has only completed #some of the class assignments this term. #E has not used the opportunity to learn from these resources and rarely asks questions about these assignments when #e attends our online lessons. 4=#N made #some effort in completing #h assignments this term. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed to be completed online. #N has not fully used this opportunity to learn from these resources and does not ask many questions about these assignments when #e attends our online lessons. 5=#N made a great effort in completing #h assignments this term. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed to be completed online. #N used this opportunity to learn from these resources and usually asks questions in our online lessons to improve #h understanding. 6=#N made a good effort in completing #h assignments this term. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed to be completed online. #N used this opportunity to learn from these resources, however, #e should ask questions in our online lessons to improve #h understanding. 7=#N has completed #some of the class assignments but should have made a greater effort to do more. The assignments on MyiMaths and Khan Academy have been specifically designed for an online teaching environment. #N has used these resources very effectively this term. #E usually uses our online lessons to ask questions about these assignments which improves #h understanding. COMMENTS: Behaviour 1=#H behaviour and attitude in class are both #quality. 2=#N's behaviour and attitude in lessons remain #quality. 3=#N should aim to take more pride in the presentation of #h work. At times it is difficult to work out what #e has written or tried to show in #h book. 4=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 5=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and was not so easily distracted. 6=#N should also try to answer questions more carefully, rather than shouting out and disturbing the lesson. 7=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or #h books. 8=#N needs to try and improve #h concentration so that #e doesn't miss important details and information. 9=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. 10=In general, #h has a good attitude to learning, but unfortunately #h behaviour can #frequency let #m down. 11=In general, #N's behaviour is #quality; #but, #e would find things a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and was not so easily distracted. 12=On the whole, #N's behaviour is #quality; #but, #e would find #h work a lot easier if #e focused more and put in that little extra effort. COMMENTS: Behaviour (Form) 1=#N's behaviour has also been excellent. 2=#N's behaviour has conversely been very positive. 3=#N has got a mixed result for behaviour. 4=#N's behaviour has sadly not been as positive and must improve. 5=#N's behaviour has also not been as positive and must improve. COMMENTS: Behaviour Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should aim to take more pride in the presentation of #h work. At times it is difficult to work out what #e has written or tried to shown in #h book. 2=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 3=#N should also try to answer questions by putting #h hand up rather than continually shouting out and disturbing the lesson. 4=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or #h homework planner. 5=#N does have the tendancy to be a bit of a day dreamer. #E needs to try and improve #h concentration so that #e doesn't miss important details and information. 6=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects. 2=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality2 work! 3=#N seems to be showing #quality2 grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 2 and seek help from #h teachers. 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is having some difficulty in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form Comment 2 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate that #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort in #h classes. 2=#N has received a #quality2 set of effort grades, #but there are a few subjects that can be improved upon. 3=#N has received a mixed result for effort grades. #E will need to focus on improving this next term. 4=#N has received a very disappointing set of effort grades. This will only hinder #h progress if it continues. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form comment 3 1=#N's attendance this term has been excellent. 2=#N's attendance so far this term has been good, but there is still #some room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand it can be difficult at times, it is very important for a consistent education. 4=#N is often late to school. Every effort should be made to come on time in order to be mentally prepared for the day ahead. 5=#N was often late to school earlier this term. Thankfully, #e has improved this behavior and #e will continue to be on time. 6=#N is often late or absent from school. Every effort should be made to come on time in order to be mentally prepared for the day ahead. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form comment 4 1=#N has been consistent in wearing the appropriate school uniform including the proper PE uniform. 2=#N has been consistent in wearing the appropriate formal school uniform. However, #e still needs to purchase and use the proper PE kit for days #e has PE. These items are currently available in the school store. 3=#N has been consistent in wearing the appropriate formal school uniform. However, #e still needs to wear the complete proper PE kit for days #e has PE. These items include the BSU PE trousers, jacket, and BSU white shirt or a plain white shirt. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form comment 5 1=This term, #e was very good in using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and share the information with #h parents as indicated by #h parent's signature. 2=This term, #e was good in using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and having it signed nearly every week by a parent. 3=Unfortunately, #N was not good in using #h school Planner this term and often neglected to share the information with #h parents and have the page signed each week. Having the student discuss their classes and homework each week with a parent is an important part of keeping them organised and on track with their educational goals. 4=#E was good at using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and having it signed each week by a parent, but lately #e was not doing this. Having the student discuss their classes and homework each week with a parent is an important part of keeping them organised and on track with their educational goals. 5=This term, #e has improved #h use of the school Planner to keep track of homework and share the information with #h parents as indicated by #h parent's signature. 6=This term, #e has improved #h use of the school Planner to keep track of homework and having it signed nearly every week by a parent. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T1 Form comment 6 1=All in all, please continue to encourage #N to be on time to school, wear the proper uniform each day, eat properly and stay hydrated throughout the day. Also it is important to speak with #m each week about their assignments and classes. Doing so can have a positive impact on #h grades and enjoyment of school in general. 2=Overall, please continue to encourage #N to be on time to school, wear the proper uniform each day, eat properly and stay hydrated throughout the day, and speak with #m each week to discuss their assignments and classes. This can have an extremely positive impact on #h grades and enjoyment of school in general. 3=On the whole, please continue to encourage #N to be on time to school, wear the proper uniform each day, eat properly and stay hydrated throughout the day. In addition, speak with #m regularly to discuss their assignments and classes. This can have a very positive impact on #h grades and school experience in general. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T2 Form comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects. 2=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality2 work! 3=#N seems to be showing #quality2 grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 3 and seek help from #h teachers. 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is having some difficulty in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T3 Form comment 1 1=#N has worked #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects. 2=#N has worked #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality2 work #NextYear! 3=#N has shown #quality2 grades in #some subjects. #E will need to make improvements in these subjects and remember to ask for help from #h teachers #NextYear. 4=#N has worked #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is having some difficulty in #some subjects this term. #NextYear, #e will need to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T3 Form Comment 2 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate that #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort in #h classes. 2=#N has received a #quality2 set of effort grades, #but there are a few subjects that can be improved upon. 3=#N has received a mixed result for effort grades. #E will need to focus on improving this next year. 4=#N has received a very disappointing set of effort grades. This will only hinder #h progress next year if it continues. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T3 Form comment 3 1=#N's attendance this term has been very good. 2=#N's attendance this term has been good, but there is still #some room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand it can be difficult at times, attendance is very important for a consistent education. 4=#N was often late to school or absent this term. This may have had a negative impact on #h grades throughout the year. Every effort should be made to arrive on time in order to be mentally prepared for the day ahead. 5=#N was often late to school earlier this term. Thankfully, #e has improved this behavior and #e will continue to be on time #NextYear. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T3 Form comment 5 1=This term, #e was very good in using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and share the information with #h parents as indicated by #h parent's signature. 2=This term, #e was good in using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and having it signed nearly every week by a parent. 3=Unfortunately, #N was not good in using #h school Planner this term and often neglected to share the information with #h parents and have the page signed each week. Having the student discuss their classes and homework each week with a parent is an important part of keeping them organised and on track with their educational goals. 4=#E was good at using #h school Planner to keep track of homework and having it signed nearly each week by a parent, but lately #e was not doing this. Having the student discuss their classes and homework each week with a parent is an important part of keeping them organised and on track with their educational goals. COMMENTS: BSU 9X T3 Form comment 6 1=On the whole, #N has completed year 9 and will be moving on to the much more challenging two year iGCSE program next year. #N should be prepared to return to BSU in August refreshed and ready to learn to the best of #h abilities. 2=Congratulations to #N for successfully completing Year 9! With #h consistent effort and dedication to #h studies, #e is well-prepared to embark on the challenging iGCSE program. 3=As #N moves into the iGCSE program, I have no doubt that #h natural curiosity, resilience, and commitment to excellence will enable #m to excel in the challenging coursework and assessments that lie ahead. 4=#N has successfully completed Year 9 with satisfactory academic progress, demonstrating a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that will support #h transition to the iGCSE program. 5=Throughout the year, #N has consistently displayed a positive attitude towards #h studies, actively engaging in class discussions and completing assignments to the best of #h abilities. 6=As #N moves into the iGCSE program, I encourage #m to continue building upon #h strengths and addressing areas that require further development. 7=While #N's performance may be average, #e has demonstrated a consistent work ethic and a genuine interest in the subject matter, indicating #h potential for growth in the iGCSE program. 8=Throughout Year 9, #N has shown progress in #h understanding and application of key concepts, and I am confident that with continued effort, #e will rise to the challenges of the iGCSE curriculum. 9=As #N transitions to the iGCSE program, I encourage #m to embrace the increased level of rigor and to seek opportunities for further enrichment and academic growth. 10=I am confident that #N's positive attitude, willingness to learn, and consistent effort will contribute to #h success as #e embarks on the iGCSE program, and I look forward to witnessing #h continued development and achievements. 11=Despite efforts to provide additional support and guidance, #N has struggled to grasp key concepts in Science and other subjects, hindering #h preparedness for the more demanding iGCSE curriculum. 12=The transition to the iGCSE program will require a heightened level of commitment and effort from #N, as well as close collaboration between home and school to support #h academic growth. COMMENTS: BSU Form 9X T1 comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. 2=#N seems to be showing #quality grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 2 and seek help from #h teachers. 3=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality work! 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is showing #quality grades in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU Form 9X T1 Comment 2 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort. 2=#N has received a good set of effort grades and should be looking to improve this for the rest of the year. 3=#N has received a mixed result for effort and #e will need to focus on improving this next term to succeed. 4=#N has received a very disappointing set of effort grades. This will only hinder #h progress if it continues. COMMENTS: BSU Form comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. 2=#N seems to be showing #quality grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 3 and seek help from #h teachers. 3=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality work! 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is showing #quality grades in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU Form Comment 2 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort. 2=#N has got a good set of effort grades and should be looking to improve this for the rest of the year. 3=#N has got a mixed result for effort and #e will need to focus on improving this to succeed. 4=#N has got a very disappointing set of effort grades and this will only hinder #h progress if it continues. COMMENTS: BSU Form comment 3 1=#N's attendance this term has been excellent. 2=#N's attendance so far this term has been good, but there is still #some room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand it can be difficult at times, it is very important for consistent education. 4=#N's attendance in our tutor time has been very poor this term. 5=#N's attendance in our tutor time this term has been extremely poor! COMMENTS: BSU Form comment 4 1=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has over 95%, which is wonderful, but there is still #some room for improvement. Attending the individual online lessons is important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. 2=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has #distance below 95%, #e should strive to bring this up during the course of the year. Attending the individual online lessons is very important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. 3=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. Attending the individual online lessons is important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. COMMENTS: BSU Form Y9 T1 comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. 2=#N seems to be showing #quality grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 2 and seek help from #h teachers. 3=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality work! 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is showing #quality grades in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: BSU new Physics T1 Sent 3 1=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e has #Level understanding of #some of our Physics topics. 2=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e understands the basic concepts of our Physics topics, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #Level understanding of Physics this term. 4=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e had difficulty with some of the most basic Physics concepts. For the most part, the assessments were left incomplete or unanswered. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness or willingness to try and answer the questions. 5=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Physics topics. Much of their assessments were left blank. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been #h lack of English comprehension to the point of not being able to give any sort of answer. 6=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e had difficulty with many of our Physics topics. Many parts of the assessments had incomplete or unanswered questions. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been lack of English comprehension and unpreparedness to the point of not being able to give an answer. 7=#N has had a lot of difficulty with reading and understanding English. The results of #h term one assessments showed many incomplete or unanswered questions, most likely due to #h problems with English comprehension. 8=The results of #h term one assessments indicate #e had difficulty with even the most basic Physics concepts. Many parts were incomplete. It seems clear that #N's difficulty is due to the lack of preparedness and general effort in being involved in the class. COMMENTS: BSU new Sci T1 Sent 3 1=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicate #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Science topics. 2=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Science topics, #but, #N had #some difficulty with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated a #Level understanding of Science this term. 4=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been due to #h lack of preparedness in reviewing #h notes and the Google Classroom materials. 5=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been #h lack of English comprehension to the point of not being able to give any sort of answer. 6=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. Therefore, #N's difficulty may have been due to #h lack of preparedness in reviewing #h notes and the Google Classroom materials. 7=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicate #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Mathematics topics. 8=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e understands basic Mathematical concepts, #but, #N had #some difficulty with the new skills we learned this term. 9=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated a #Level understanding of Mathematics this term. 10=The results of #h term 1 assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic Mathematical topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided on Google Classroom. COMMENTS: BSU new Sci T1 Sent 4 1=Overall, #N has done #quality2 work this term. With the same #quality2 effort, #e should have equal or greater success next term. 2=Overall, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this term. In order to make an improvement throughout the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Overall, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this term. In order to make improvements for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=Overall, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this year. In order to make improvements for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve, #How-to-improve, and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T1 Sent 1 1=#N has had #Level beginning in IGCSE Physics this year. 2=#N has had #Level beginning in IGCSE Physics class this year, #but #some of the topics have been #quality difficult for #m. 3=#N has had #Level start to IGCSE Physics this year. 4=#N has had #Level start to IGCSE Physics class this year, #but #some of the topics have been #quality difficult for #m. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T1 Sent 2 1=#E is #frequency a #Level participant in class activities and is able to understand new concepts #quality easily. 2=#N has #frequency been an active participant in our lessons. In order to improve #h understanding, #e should become more engaged in the class discussions by asking questions. 3=#E is #frequency a #Level participant in class activities. #But #e #frequency needs more help or time to understand new concepts. 4=#N has #frequency been an active participant in the lessons. In order to improve #h understanding, #e should use what English #e knows to join the class discussions. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T1 Sent 3 1=The results of our latest assessment shows that #N has a #Level understanding of #some of our Physics topics. 2=The results of our latest assessment shows that #N has #some understanding of the main Physics concepts of this term. #But, the more complicated concepts proved more challenging for #m. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T1 Sent 4 1=All in all, #N has accomplished a great deal this term. As long as #e continues to apply #s and work hard, the same should be expected throughout the year. 2=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Physics, in order to improve, #e needs to ask for help, put in more effort, and do the expected work consistently throughout the year. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T1 Sent 5 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved well-deserved results. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=I look forward to seeing #N further approach #h potential in Physics the next term. 3=Keep up the good work, #N! 4=Continue to do your best, #N, and keep making the effort! 5=#praise, #N! COMMENTS: BSU Physics T2 Sent 1 1=#N has continued to do #Level work in Physics class in term two. 2=#N had done #Level work in term one and has made #some #Level improvement this term. 3=#N did #Level work the first term, #but #e has found #some topics of term 2 #quality challenging. 4=#N has had a #Level term two in Physics, #but #e did find #some topics #quality challenging. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T2 Sent 2 1=#E understands the Physics concepts #quality easily and is #frequency a #Level contributor in class discussions. 2=#E is #frequency a #Level contributor in class discussions and #frequency is able to understand new Physics concepts and topics quickly and easily. 3=#E is #frequency a #Level contributor in class activities #But #frequency needs more time to understand new concepts. 4=#N has #frequency been an active student in our Physics classes this term. #E should get more involved in #h learning and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T2 Sent 3 1=The results of #h recent assessment indicates #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Physics topics. 2=The results of #h recent assessment indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Physics topics, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=The results of #h recent assessment indicated a #Level understanding of Physics this term. COMMENTS: BSU Physics T2 Sent 4 1=All in all, #N has done #quality2 work this term. With the same #quality2 effort, #e should have equal or greater success next term.. 2=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Physics class this year. In order to make an improvement for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Physics class this year. In order to make an improvement for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Physics class this year. In order to make an improvement for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve, #How-to-improve, and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Sci new T1 ending 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved well-deserved results. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=I look forward to seeing #N further approach #h potential by the end of the year. 3=Keep up the good work, #N! 4=Continue to do your best, #N, and keep up the effort! 5=#praise, #N! 6=I look forward to seeing #N continue to reach #h potential by the end of the year. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T1 Sent 1 1=#N has had a #Level beginning to this year in Science. 2=#N has had a #Level beginning to this year in Science, #but #e found #some topics #quality challenging. 3=#N has had a #Level start to this year in Science. 4=#N has had a #Level start to this year in Science, #but #e found #some topics #quality challenging. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T1 Sent 2 1=#E is #frequency a #Level participant in class discussions and understands concepts #quality quickly. 2=#N has #frequency been an active participant in our classes this term. #E should ask more questions in order to be further involved in #h learning. 3=#N has #frequency been an active participant in our classes this term. #E should be more involved in the class discussions to improve #h learning. 4=#E is #frequency a #Level participant in class discussions and is able to understand new concepts #quality easily. 5=#E is #frequency a #Level participant in class activities #But #frequency needs help to understand new concepts. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T1 Sent 3 1=#H recent assessment indicates that #e understands #some of our Science topics to a #Level degree. 2=#H most recent assessment indicated #some understanding of the basic concepts of our Science topics, however, #N had #some difficulty with the more complex ideas we explored this term. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T1 Sent 4 1=Overall, #N has done #quality2 work this term and #e should expect to continue to do the same or better throughout the year. 2=Overall, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this term, however, with active participation, greater effort in completing tasks, and asking for help, #e should expect to see an improvement throughout the remainder of the year. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T1 Sent 5 1=#praise, #N! COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 2023 Sent 2 1=#E understands new Science ideas and vocabulary #quality effortlessly and is #frequency #Levelwithan participant in class activities. 2=#E is #frequency #Levelwithan participant in class activities and #frequency is able to understand new scientific ideas and vocabulary without much difficulty. 3=#E is #frequency #Levelwithan participant in class discussions, #But #e #frequency needs more time to make sense of new scientific ideas and vocabulary. 4=#N has #frequency been an active student in our class activities of late. #But, #e should still be more engaged in #h learning and #How-to-improve #NextYear. 5=#N has not been a #quality active participant in class activities and discussions. #E will need to become a more active learner and #How-to-improve #NextYear. 6=#N has #frequency been an active student in our class activities when #e is in class. #But, #e is often absent and should make an effort to #How-to-improve #NextYear. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 2023 Sent 3 1=#H latest assessment indicates #e has #Levelwithan understanding of #some of our Science material. 2=#H latest assessment indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Science class, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=#H latest assessment indicated #Levelwithan understanding of Science this term. 4=#H latest assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science class. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided. 5=#H latest assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been lack of English comprehension to the point of not being able to give any sort of answer. 6=#H latest assessment indicated #e had difficulty with many of the basic concepts of our Science topics. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided on Google Classroom and our class revision lessons. 7=#H latest assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science class. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been with English comprehension and lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 2023 Sent 4 1=All things considered, #N has done #quality2 work. #E should have equal or greater success next term with the same #quality2 effort. 2=All things considered, #N has been #quality challenged in Science. With regard to improving in the third term, #e will need to #How-to-improve. 3=All things considered, #N has been #quality challenged in Science. With regard to improving in the third term, #e will need to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=All things considered, #N has been #quality challenged in Science. With regard to improving in the third term, #e will need to #How-to-improve, #How-to-improve, and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 Sent 1 1=#N has continued to do #Level work in Science class in term two. 2=#N did #Level work in the first term and should be #quality proud of the improvement #e has made lately. 3=#N did #Level work the first term, #but #e found #some topics of late #quality challenging. 4=#N has had #Levelwithan term two in Science, #but #e found #some topics #quality challenging. 5=#N did #Level work the first term, #but #e had more difficulty in Science recently. 6=#N has had #Levelwithan start here in Science. 7=#N began here at BSU a short time before our end of term assessment. Unfortunately, #e was unable to properly prepare for the exam. 8=#N began here at BSU a short time before our end of term assessment. 9=#N did #Level work earlier this year and should be #quality proud of the improvement #e has made this term. 10=#N has made some #quality good progress in term two and should be #quality proud of this improvement. 11=#N has not attended lessons nor has #e submitted any work posted on Google Classroom this term. #E has also not sat an assessment for this class in term two, therefore I am unable to submit a grade for #N at this time. 12=#N had #Levelwithan first term in Science, #but #e had more difficulty this term. 13=#N had #Levelwithan first term in Science, #but #e has made some #quality good progress in term two. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 Sent 2 1=#E understands concepts #quality effortlessly and is #frequency a #Level contributor in class discussions. 2=#E is #frequency a #Level contributor in class discussions and #frequency is able to understand new concepts and topics without much difficulty. 3=#E is #frequency a #Level contributor in class activities, #But #e #frequency needs more time to understand and process new concepts. 4=#N has #frequency been an active student in our classes this term. #But, #e still should be more engaged in #h learning and #How-to-improve #NextYear. 5=#N has not been a #quality active contributor to class discussions and activities. #E will need to become a more active learner and #How-to-improve #NextYear. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 Sent 3 1=The results of #h recent assessment indicates #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Science topics. 2=The results of #h recent assessment indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Science topics, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=The results of #h recent assessment indicated a #Level understanding of Science this term. 4=The results of #h recent assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided on Google Classroom. 5=The results of #h recent assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been lack of English comprehension to the point of not being able to give any sort of answer. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 Sent 4 1=All in all, #N has done #quality2 work this term. With the same #quality2 effort, #e should have equal or greater success next term. 2=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this year. In order to make an improvement for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this year. In order to make improvements for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=All in all, #N has been #quality challenged in Science class this year. In order to make improvements for the remainder of the year, #e needs to #How-to-improve, #How-to-improve, and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T2 Sent 5 1=#praise, #N! COMMENTS: BSU Sci T3 Sent 1 1=#N has continued to do #Level work in Science class this term and throughout the year. 2=#N did #Level work throughout the year and has been able to improve upon that work this term. 3=#N did #Level work throughout the year, #but #e found #some topics of term three #quality challenging. 4=#N has had a #Level year in Science, #but #e found #some topics #quality challenging. 5=#N did #Level work in terms one and two, #but #e had more difficulty in Science this term. 6=#N had #some difficulty this year in Science but was able to show #some improvement at the end of the year. 7=#N #Diligence improved in Science throughout the year, as shown with #h #Level results in term three. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T3 Sent 2 1=#E understands concepts #quality effortlessly and is #frequency #Level contributor in class discussions. 2=#E is #frequency #Level participant in class discussions and #frequency is able to understand new concepts and topics without much difficulty. 3=#E is #frequency #Level participant in class activities, #But #e #frequency needs more time to understand and process new concepts. 4=#N has #frequency been an active student in our classes this term. #But, #e still should try to be more engaged in #h learning and #How-to-improve #NextYear. 5=#N has not been a very active participant in class discussions and activities. To improve #e will need to be more active in #h own learning and #How-to-improve #NextYear. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T3 Sent 3 1=The results of #h end of year assessment indicates #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Science topics. 2=The results of #h end of year assessment indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Science topics, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex ideas we learned this term. 3=The results of #h end of year assessment indicated a #Level understanding of Science this term. 4=The results of #h end of year assessment indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic Science concepts. For the most part, the assessment was left incomplete or unanswered. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness or willingness to try and answer the questions. 5=The results of #h end of year assessment indicated #e had difficulty with many of our Science topics. For the most part the assessment had many incomplete or unanswered questions. Therefore, #h difficulty may have been lack of English comprehension or unpreparedness to the point of not being able to give an answer. 6=#N has had difficulty with reading and understanding English all year. The results of #h end of year assessment had many incomplete or unanswered questions, most likely due to #h problems with English comprehension. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T3 Sent 4 1=On the whole, #N has done #quality2 work this academic year. With the same #quality2 effort, #e should have little difficulty in continuing this success #NextYear. 2=On the whole, Science was #quality challenging for #N this academic year. In order to improve #NextYear, #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=On the whole, Science was #quality challenging for #N this academic year. In order to improve #NextYear, #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. 4=On the whole, Science was #quality challenging for #N this academic year. In order to improve #NextYear, #e needs to #How-to-improve, #How-to-improve, and #How-to-improve. 5=On the whole, Science was #quality challenging for #N this academic year. In order to prepare #NextYear, #e needs to #How-to-improve and #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: BSU Sci T3 Sent 5 1=#praise, #N! COMMENTS: BSU T3 A Online attend & Participation 1=#N has not attended many of the online lessons this term including the term assessment. #H grade this term is reflective of the lack of attendance in the lessons and incompleteness of the assignments.Therefore, #e has received a G for this term's grade. 2=#But, #N has attended #some lessons this term but completed the term assessment. #H grade is reflective of the very low attendance in the lessons and incompletion of the majority of the assignments. 3=#But, #N has attended #some lessons this term but did not complete the term assessment. #H grade this term is reflective of the lack of attendance in the lessons and incompleteness of the assignments and term assessment. #E has therefore received a G grade for this term. 4=#N has not attended #some online lessons this term #but when #e does attend #e does not ask or answer questions about the assigned tasks. 5=#N has attended #some of the online lessons this term and is usually an active participant by answering or asking questions and/or sharing #h work. 6=#N usually attends #some of our online lessons, #but #e never participates in class discussions. #E appears to be listening to the lessons but does not ask or answer any questions about the assigned tasks. 7=#N always attends the online classes. #H participation in our lessons is generally good and shows a great understanding of the material and a willingness to improve #h comprehension. 8=#N regularly attends #some of our online meetings, #but, #e rarely joins in the discussions. More participation in the lessons and working on the assigned tasks could have greatly improved #h understanding of the material. 9=#N's attendance to our online lessons has been very poor this term. #But, when #e does attend class #e sometimes asks questions and participates in the assigned work. 10=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e is sometimes engaged in the discussion and contributed appropriately while working on assigned tasks. 11=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, when #e does join the meeting, #e does not contribute to the class and stays quiet even when asked direct questions. #E did not appear to be doing much work during the lessons. 12=#N rarely attended our online meetings. When #e did join meetings, #e rarely joined in the discussions or worked on the assignments. More participation in the lessons could have greatly improved #h understanding of the material. 13=#N has attended #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e is usually engaged in the class and contributed appropriately while working on the assigned tasks. COMMENTS: BSU T3 A Science Online attend & Participation 1=#N has not attended #some online lessons this term #but when #e does attend #e does not ask or answer questions about the assigned tasks. 2=#N has attended #some of the online lessons this term and is usually an active participant by answering or asking questions. 3=#N usually attends #some of our online lessons, #but #e never participates in class discussions. #E appears to be listening to the lessons but does not ask or answer any questions about the assigned tasks. 4=#N always attends the online classes. #H participation in our lessons is generally good and shows a great understanding of the material and a willingness to improve #h comprehension. 5=#N regularly attends #some of our online meetings, #but, #e rarely joins in the discussions. More participation in the lessons and working on the assigned tasks could have greatly improved #h understanding of the material. 6=#N's attendance to our online lessons has been very poor this term. #But, when #e does attend class #e sometimes asks questions and participates in the assigned work. 7=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e is sometimes engaged in the discussion and contributed appropriately while working on assigned tasks. 8=#N has missed #some of our online classes. #But, when #e does join the meeting, #e does not contribute to the class and stays quiet even when asked direct questions. #E did not appear to be doing much work during the lessons. 9=#N rarely attended our online meetings. When #e did join meetings, #e rarely joined in the discussions or worked on the assignments. More participation in the lessons could have greatly improved #h understanding of the material. 10=#N has attended #some of our online classes. #But, during the meeting #e is usually engaged in the class and contributed appropriately while working on the assigned tasks. COMMENTS: BSU T3 B Myimaths 1=#N has only completed #some of the class assignments. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N has not used the opportunity to learn from these resources and failed to ask questions about these assignments when #e attended our online lessons to improve #h understanding. 2=#N has completed #some of the class assignments. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N has used these resources very effectively this term. #E usually uses our online meetings to ask questions about these assignments to improve #h understanding. 3=The online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N has only completed #some of the class assignments this term. #E has not used the opportunity to learn from these resources and rarely asked questions about the work when #e attended our online meetings. 4=#N made #some effort in completing #h assignments this term. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N has not fully used this chance to learn from these resources and does not ask many questions about the work when #e attends our online meetings. 5=#N made a great effort in completing #h work this term. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N used this chance to learn from these resources and usually asked questions in our online lessons to improve #h understanding. 6=#N made a good effort in completing #h work this term. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N used this chance to learn from these resources, however, #e should have asked questions in our online lessons to improve #h understanding. 7=#N has completed #some of the class work but should have made a greater effort to do more. These online assignments (MyiMaths and Khan Academy) were designed to be an integral part of learning mathematics remotely. #N did not use these resources very effectively this term. #E should have used our online lessons to ask questions about the class assignments to improve #h understanding. COMMENTS: BSU T3 C ICT 1=This term in ICT, we studied how to create mobile apps using a block based coding program. #N did #quality well on #h term assessment which indicated a #quality2 understanding of the programming. #E completed #some of the work necessary to learn the material and this showed in #h successful end of term assessment. 2=This term in ICT, we studied how to create mobile apps using a block based coding program. #N did #quality well on #h term assessment which indicated a #quality2 understanding of the programming. #E completed #some of the work necessary to learn the material. #But, a bit more effort in the assignments would have helped improve #h overall term grade. 3=This term in ICT, we studied how to create mobile apps using a block based coding program. #N did not do very well on #h term assessment. #H grade indicates a #quality2 understanding of the programming. More active participation in the class and completion of the assignments would have helped #h overall success in the class. 4=#N has shown a great attitude in class this year. #E seems to enjoy working with computers and should do well in the future ICT classes. 5=#E usually uses our online time to ask and answer questions to improve #h understanding. #E should continue this attitude for future improvement in ICT. 6=In order to improve in ICT, #e will need to make more of an effort both in class and outside of class to complete all the necessary work. 7=In order to improve in ICT, #e should use time in class to ask and answer questions to improve #h understanding. 8=This term's grade is a #quality2 improvement from last term. #N should be proud of this and understand that #e can do well in ICT if appropriate effort is made. COMMENTS: BSU T3 D Improvement 1=Overall, #N could have done much better this term. I would suggest that #e more actively participate in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, it is near impossible to know the student understands the material without a response to questions or questions from them. #N needs to ask for help in order to receive help. 2=Overall, #N worked well this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, it is near impossible to know the student understands the material without a response to questions or questions from them. #N needs to ask for help in order to receive help. 3=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E needs to keep up the great effort! 4=#N did not do very well on the term assessment. #E should be more active in the class discussions and activities, #N must put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 5=#N did well this term but could still improve by completing more of the class and homework assignments. #N must put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 6=#N did some good work this term but could still improve by completing more of the class assignments and being more active in the group investigations and presentations. #E ought to be more engaged in the class discussions to increase #h comprehension. 7=#N did some good work this term, however, I would like to see them more active in the group investigations and presentations. This will help improve #h understanding of the topic. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 8=#N could greatly improve #h understanding of the class if #e more actively participated in class and group activities. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 9=#N can greatly improve by making more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. The understanding of Mathematics is about practicing and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. 10=#N can greatly improve by making much more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. 11=#N did not take the term assessment. In order to improve next year, #e will need to make an effort during class as well as outside of lessons to complete all #h assignments. The understanding of Mathematics is about practice and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. Without a good foundation of what #e has missed, #N will continue to struggle. 12=#N has done very good work this term. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to be successful next year. 13=#N has done very good work this term. #E has continually shown a great attitude towards the class and in education in general. #N will need to keep up this great effort to be successful next year. #H work throughout this year shows that #e can be successful in the future. COMMENTS: BSU T3 D Science Improvement 1=Overall, #N worked well this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, it is near impossible to know the student understands the material without a response to questions or questions from them. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N needs to ask for help in order to receive help. 2=#N did not do very well on the term assessment. #E should be more active in the class discussions and activities, #N must put more effort in completing the homework assignments. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 3=#N did well this term but could still improve by completing more of the class and homework assignments. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 4=#N did some good work this term, however, I would like to see #m more active in the group investigations and completing the individual lab reports. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 5=#N could greatly improve #h understanding of the class if #e more actively participated in class and group activities. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 6=#N has done very good work this term. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to be successful next year. 7=#N has done very good work this term. #E has continually shown a great attitude towards the class and in education in general. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N will need to keep up this great effort to be successful next year. #H work throughout this year shows that #e can be successful in the future. 8=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E needs to keep up the great effort! 9=#N should be very proud of #h work this year. Keep up the good work! 10=#N did well on the term assessment. #E should be more active during the online lessons and put a little more effort in completing all the class assignments on time. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #E ought to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions about the tasks during the online meetings. 11=#N has done very good work on this term's assessment. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to be successful next year. 12=#N did some good work this term, however, I would like to see #m more active in the online lessons. This will help improve #h understanding of scientific inquiry and process. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 13=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E does complete most of the assignments, #but should also try to be more active in the online lessons and class discussions. #E needs to keep up the great effort next year! COMMENTS: BSU t3 Form comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects this term. 2=#N seems to be showing #quality2 grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects next year and seek help from #h teachers. 3=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality2 grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality2 work next year! 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is showing #quality2 grades in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects next year. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Form Comment 2 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort. 2=#N has got a good set of effort grades and should be looking to improve on this in the future. 3=#N has got a mixed result for effort and #e will need to focus on improving this in the future to succeed. 4=#N has got a very disappointing set of effort grades and this will only hinder #h progress if it continues next year. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Form comment 3 1=#N's attendance this term has been excellent. 2=#N's attendance this term has been good, but there is still #some room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand it can be difficult at times, it is very important for consistent education. 4=#N's attendance in our tutor time has been very poor this term. 5=#N's attendance in our tutor time this term has been extremely poor! COMMENTS: BSU T3 Form comment 4 1=#N must understand that attendance is especially important in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has over 95%, which is wonderful, but there is still #some room for improvement. Attending the individual online lessons has been important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance was recorded and became part of #h permanent record. 2=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has #distance below 95%, #e should strive to improve #h attendance next year. Attending the individual online lessons has been important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance was recorded and became part of #h permanent record. 3=#N must understand that attendance is especially important in #h first year of iGCSE. Attending the individual online lessons has been important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance was recorded and became part of #h permanent record. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 1 Intro 2023 1=#N has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a genuine passion for scientific exploration throughout the year. 2=Throughout the year, it has been a pleasure to witness #N's growth and development in scientific knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. 3=This year #N has actively participated in class discussions, offering thoughtful insights and engaging in meaningful scientific discourse with #h peers. 4=Throughout the year, #N's collaborative skills have been exemplary, as #e consistently demonstrates effective teamwork and respectful communication when working with #h classmates on group projects. 5=Throughout the year, #N has shown resilience and determination, successfully overcoming challenges and persistently seeking opportunities for growth and improvement in Science. 6=#N has demonstrated consistent effort and engagement in Science class, resulting in satisfactory academic progress throughout the year. 7=In term three, #N has faced difficulties in grasping and applying scientific concepts, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. 8=Throughout the year, #N has struggled to actively engage in class discussions and participate in activities, resulting in limited opportunities for learning and growth. 9=It is crucial for #N to develop stronger study habits and take ownership of #h learning to overcome the obstacles #e faces in Science. 10=Throughout the year, #N has shown limited interest in seeking help or asking questions, hindering #h ability to clarify doubts and deepen #h understanding of scientific concepts. 11=Throughout the year, #N has shown limited interest in seeking help or asking questions, hindering #h ability to clarify doubts and deepen #h understanding of scientific concepts. However, with focused support and improved effort, #N can make significant progress in #h scientific learning and overcome #h challenges in the future. 12=I am pleased to report that #N has shown steady progress and improvement in #h scientific understanding and skills throughout the year. 13=Throughout the year, #N's commitment to learning and #h eagerness to ask insightful questions have greatly contributed to #h growth in science. 14=Throughout the year, #N has maintained a consistent level of achievement in Science, demonstrating a solid grasp of key concepts and applying them appropriately. 15=Through active class participation and engagement, #N has become a valuable contributor to group discussions and collaborative activities. 16=Despite being new to the school, #N has quickly adapted to the classroom environment and has actively participated in class discussions. 17=As a new student, #N has demonstrated a positive attitude towards learning and an eagerness to engage with scientific concepts. 18=#N has shown steady progress and improvement in #h scientific understanding and skills throughout the year. 19=Over the course of the year, #N has been inconsistent with #h ability to apply scientific concepts on assessments, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. 20=Throughout the year, #N has faced difficulties in grasping and applying scientific concepts, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 1 Intro2 2023 1=#N has consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic and a genuine passion for scientific exploration throughout the year. 2=Throughout the year, #N has displayed a consistent level of understanding and application of scientific concepts, reflecting #h average but commendable progress in the subject. 3=While #N's performance in Science may be considered average, #e consistently demonstrates a positive attitude and willingness to learn, which positively impacts #h overall progress. 4=#N consistently demonstrates a diligent work ethic, resulting in a solid performance that aligns with the average expectations for #h grade level in Science. 5=Throughout the year, #N has shown resilience and determination, successfully overcoming challenges and persistently seeking opportunities for growth and improvement in Science. 6=#N has demonstrated consistent effort and engagement in Science class, resulting in satisfactory academic progress throughout the year. 7=In term three, #N has faced difficulties in grasping and applying scientific concepts, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. 8=Throughout the year, #N has struggled to actively engage in class discussions and participate in activities, resulting in limited opportunities for learning and growth. 9=It is crucial for #N to develop stronger study habits and take ownership of #h learning to overcome the obstacles #e faces in Science. 10=Throughout the year, #N has shown limited interest in seeking help or asking questions, hindering #h ability to clarify doubts and deepen #h understanding of scientific concepts. 11=Throughout the year, #N has shown limited interest in seeking help or asking questions, hindering #h ability to clarify doubts and deepen #h understanding of scientific concepts. However, with focused support and improved effort, #N can make significant progress in #h scientific learning and overcome #h challenges in the future. 12=I am pleased to report that #N has shown steady progress and improvement in #h scientific understanding and skills throughout the year. 13=Throughout the year, #N's commitment to learning and #h eagerness to ask insightful questions have greatly contributed to #h growth in science. 14=Throughout the year, #N has maintained a consistent level of achievement in Science, demonstrating a solid grasp of key concepts and applying them appropriately. 15=Through active class participation and engagement, #N has become a valuable contributor to group discussions and collaborative activities. 16=Despite being new to the school, #N has quickly adapted to the classroom environment and has actively participated in class discussions. 17=As a new student, #N has demonstrated a positive attitude towards learning and an eagerness to engage with scientific concepts. 18=#N has shown steady progress and improvement in #h scientific understanding and skills throughout the year. 19=Over the course of the year, #N has been inconsistent with #h ability to apply scientific concepts on assessments, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. 20=Throughout the year, #N has faced difficulties in grasping and applying scientific concepts, which have impacted #h overall performance in the subject. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 2 Improvement 2023 1=#E has shown potential in Science but would benefit from focused efforts to improve #h understanding and application of scientific concepts. 2=While #e demonstrates some understanding of scientific topics, #e needs to work on connecting the dots and developing a more holistic understanding of the subject. 3=#H participation in class discussions is limited, and #e would benefit from actively engaging with #h peers and sharing #h ideas to enhance #h learning experience. 4=#H work needs improvement in terms of organization, clarity, and scientific vocabulary to effectively communicate #h understanding of scientific concepts. 5=Time management continues to be a challenge for #m, as #e often struggles to complete assignments and tasks within the given timeframe. 6=#E could benefit from exploring additional resources and engaging in independent study to reinforce #h understanding of concepts beyond the classroom. 7=By actively seeking help and clarifications, #e can address areas of confusion and make progress in #h learning. 8=I encourage #m to take ownership of #h academic journey, set specific goals, and work towards consistent improvement in #h skills and knowledge. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 3 difficult 2023 1=#N consistently presents challenges in the science classroom, exhibiting disruptive behavior that hinders the learning environment for #s and #h peers. 2=Despite efforts to redirect #N's attention and provide additional support, #e often displays a resistant attitude towards Science lessons, making it difficult for #m to fully engage with the curriculum. 3=It is important for #N to develop stronger self-discipline and take responsibility for #h actions, as #h disruptive behavior impacts #h own learning as well as that of #h classmates. 4=#N's lack of focus and limited participation in class discussions prevent #m from fully understanding and benefiting from the concepts being taught. 5=#N needs to seek help and ask questions when #e encounters difficulties in Science, as this will help #m overcome challenges and improve #h understanding. 6=#N's work often reflects a lack of effort and attention to detail, suggesting a need for more careful planning and revision to enhance the quality of #h assignments. 7=Effective communication skills are essential in Science, and it is crucial for #N to improve #h ability to express #s clearly and respectfully during class interactions. 8=We remain committed to supporting #N in #h scientific journey, and with consistent guidance and redirection, we believe #e can overcome #h difficulties and find success in the subject. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 4 EAL 2023 1=#N, as an English as an Additional Language (EAL) student, demonstrates commendable effort in #h scientific studies despite the language barrier. 2=Despite the challenges of learning Science in a second language, #e consistently shows determination and perseverance in #h pursuit of understanding class concepts. 3=#E actively engages in classroom discussions, using #h growing English language skills to contribute and share ideas related to our class topics. 4=It is impressive to see #h progress in developing #h scientific vocabulary, as #e makes continuous efforts to expand #h language skills in order to express #h understanding. 5=Regular opportunities for peer interaction and collaborative learning in English have greatly supported #m in developing #h language skills and scientific knowledge simultaneously. 6=It is encouraging to witness #h increased confidence in participating in class, as #e effectively applies #h scientific knowledge despite the language challenges. 7=#H progress in developing scientific vocabulary and comprehension has been notable, although further support is needed to enhance #h language acquisition. 8=It is important to recognize that language barriers may occasionally hinder #h ability to fully express #h scientific understanding, leading to occasional misunderstandings. 9=Despite efforts to engage #N, #e consistently displays a passive attitude towards learning, hindering #h progress in understanding and applying scientific concepts. 10=#N's lack of motivation and what appears to be disinterest in Science continue to be significant challenges in #h academic journey as an English as an Additional Language (EAL) student. 11=#H limited participation in class discussions and group activities suggests a lack of enthusiasm and engagement with our class topics and may be because of the challenges of learning Science in a second language. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 5 good Student 2023 1=#E demonstrates excellent understanding of our class concepts and consistently applies them in class activities and discussions. 2=#E actively participates in class discussions and contributes valuable insights to scientific topics, showcasing a strong interest in the subject. 3=#E shows great enthusiasm for Science and demonstrates a curious and inquisitive nature, always seeking to explore and learn more. 4=#H analytical skills are commendable, as #e consistently demonstrates the ability to critically evaluate scientific data and draw meaningful conclusions. 5=#E actively collaborates with #h peers during group activities, demonstrating effective communication and teamwork skills in class projects and activities. 6=#H work consistently showcases #h ability to articulate complex scientific ideas with clarity and precision, displaying excellent communication skills. 7=#E consistently demonstrates good time management skills, meeting deadlines for assignments and completing work efficiently. 8=#H positive attitude towards challenges and resilience in the face of difficult scientific concepts make #m a highly motivated and proactive learner. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 6 Next year Student 2023 1=Looking ahead to the next academic year, I anticipate an exciting and challenging journey for #N in Science class. 2=With a strong foundation already established, #N has the potential to build upon #h scientific knowledge and skills in the coming year. 3=As for next year, #N's continued participation in class discussions and collaborative activities will enhance #h learning experience and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 4=Looking to next year, #N should be encouraged to take an active role in #h own learning, asking questions, seeking clarification, and actively participating in discussions to deepen #h scientific understanding. 5=#N has shown a strong foundation in scientific knowledge, and I believe #e will continue to thrive as #e delves into more advanced concepts next year. 6=In the upcoming year, we will focus on developing #N's scientific knowledge and understanding, emphasizing key concepts and their practical applications. 7=Next year, #N will be exposed to a wider range of scientific topics, providing opportunities to deepen #h understanding and broaden #h scientific horizons. 8=Next year, through collaborative projects and group discussions, #N will have opportunities to strengthen #h teamwork and communication skills, essential for the Science coursework. 9=#N has displayed a strong aptitude for scientific inquiry and critical thinking, positioning #m well for success in Science. 10=With #N's evident interest in Science and our collaborative efforts, I am confident that #e will excel next year and lay a strong foundation for future scientific pursuits. 11=#N has displayed a strong aptitude for scientific inquiry and critical thinking, positioning #m well for success in the iGCSE Science program. 12=Next year, the iGCSE Science program will encourage #N to engage with scientific literature, broaden #h understanding of scientific concepts, and develop #h ability to critically evaluate scientific information. 13=With consistent effort and targeted support, I have no doubt that #N will excel in the iGCSE Science examinations, setting the stage for success in #h future scientific pursuits. 14=Next year, through collaborative projects and group discussions, #N will have opportunities to strengthen #h teamwork and communication skills, essential for the iGCSE Science coursework. 15=With #N's evident passion for Science and our collaborative efforts, I am confident that #e will excel in the iGCSE Science program and lay a strong foundation for future scientific pursuits. 16=As we prepare for the iGCSE Science curriculum next year, I am confident that #N's strong foundation in scientific knowledge will serve #m well. 17=Next year, with the iGCSE exams approaching, we will work on honing #N's examination techniques, including time management, data interpretation, and effective communication of scientific ideas. 18=Next year, through regular practice of past papers and mock exams, #N will gain familiarity with the iGCSE assessment format, enhancing #h exam readiness. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 7 absent Student 2023 1=#But, #N's attendance in Science class has been a concern throughout the year. #H frequent absences have impacted #h progress and hindered #h ability to fully engage with the curriculum and classroom activities. 2=#But, despite our best efforts to support #N's learning, #h consistent absenteeism has made it challenging for #m to grasp key scientific concepts and keep up with class discussions and assignments. 3=#But, #N's irregular attendance in Science class has resulted in missed opportunities for hands-on experiments and collaborative learning experiences. It is important for #m to prioritize regular attendance to ensure a strong foundation in scientific knowledge. 4=#But, #N's frequent absences from Science class have affected #h overall academic performance. The cumulative effect of missed lessons and incomplete assignments has hindered #h progress and made it difficult for #m to catch up with #h peers. 5=#But, It is crucial for #N to understand the significant impact that consistent absenteeism has on #h learning and academic growth in Science. Regular attendance will allow #m to actively participate in class discussions and benefit from the hands-on learning experiences that are essential in Science education. 6=We encourage #N and #h parents to address the issue of #h frequent absences as it directly affects #h ability to grasp scientific concepts and succeed in Science. Open communication and proactive steps to improve attendance will greatly benefit #h academic progress. 7=#But, #N's sporadic attendance has limited #h exposure to important scientific concepts and practical applications. It is essential for #m to make a concerted effort to attend class regularly to maximize #h learning opportunities and enhance #h understanding of Science. 8=#But, #N's consistent absences from Science class have resulted in gaps in #h knowledge and understanding of key scientific principles. To ensure #h success in the subject, it is crucial for #m to prioritize regular attendance and take advantage of the resources and support available to #m. 9=#But, #N's frequent absences have made it difficult for #m to establish a consistent learning routine in Science. We encourage #m and #h parents to work together to address the underlying factors contributing to #h absenteeism and create a supportive environment for #h education. 10=It is important for #N to recognize the value of regular attendance in Science class. By prioritizing #h presence, #e will have the opportunity to fully engage with the curriculum, participate in practical experiments, and develop a strong foundation in scientific knowledge. 11=#But, without regular attendance, #N is unable to develop the fundamental scientific understanding and skills necessary to succeed in Science and pursue future educational and career opportunities in related fields. 12=Despite numerous attempts to address #N's lack of attendance, #e has failed to participate in any Science lessons, depriving #s of valuable learning opportunities. 13=#But, the complete absence of #N from Science class has resulted in a significant learning gap, as #e has missed out on critical content, experiments, and discussions that are integral to the subject. 14=#But, without regular attendance, #N is unable to develop the fundamental scientific understanding and skills necessary to succeed in Science and pursue future educational and career opportunities in related fields. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 7 bad next year Student 2023 1=Next year, #N will need to focus on addressing gaps in #h knowledge and building a solid foundation in key scientific principles. 2=#N's performance in assessments and exams highlights a need for improvement in #h application of scientific theories and problem-solving skills in the coming year. 3=With focused support and improved effort, #N can make significant progress in #h scientific learning and overcome #h challenges in the future. 4=It is crucial for #N to develop effective study habits and time management strategies to better prepare for the demands of the Science course next year. 5=Next year, it is crucial for #N to develop stronger study habits and take a proactive approach towards #h learning to overcome #h current difficulties in Science. 6=#N has struggled to grasp foundational scientific concepts, which will require dedicated effort and support to bridge the gaps in #h understanding next year. 7=Next year, it is important for #N to take responsibility for #h own learning and seek clarification when faced with difficulties, whether through teacher support or additional resources. 8=#N's weak performance in exams and assessments highlights the need for improved revision strategies and focused practice of past papers next year. 9=Next year, it is crucial for #N to develop effective study habits and time management strategies to better prepare for the demands of the iGCSE Science course. 10=As we approach the iGCSE Science curriculum next year, it is essential to address #N's current challenges and work towards improvement in #h academic performance. COMMENTS: BSU T3 Sent 7 bad Student 2023 1=As for next year, #N's continued participation in class discussions and collaborative activities will enhance #h scientific learning experience and foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. 2=Looking to next year, #N should be encouraged to take an active role in #h own learning, asking questions, seeking clarification, and actively participating in discussions to deepen #h scientific understanding. 3=#N has shown a strong foundation in scientific knowledge, and I believe #e will continue to thrive as #h delves into more advanced concepts next year. 4=With #N's evident passion for science and our collaborative efforts, I am confident that #e will excel in the iGCSE Science program and lay a strong foundation for future scientific pursuits. 5=The iGCSE Science program will encourage #N to engage with scientific literature, broaden #h understanding of scientific concepts, and develop #h ability to critically evaluate scientific information. 6=Next year, through collaborative projects and group discussions, #N will have opportunities to strengthen #h teamwork and communication skills, essential for the iGCSE Science coursework. 7=Next year, with the iGCSE exams approaching, we will work on honing #N's examination techniques, including time management, data interpretation, and effective communication of scientific ideas. 8=In the upcoming year, we will focus on developing #N's scientific knowledge and understanding, emphasizing key concepts and their practical applications. 9=Next year, #N will be exposed to a wider range of scientific topics, providing opportunities to deepen #h understanding and broaden #h scientific horizons. 10=As we prepare for the iGCSE Science curriculum next year, I am confident that #N's strong foundation in scientific knowledge will serve #m well. 11=Next year, through regular practice of past papers and mock exams, #N will gain familiarity with the iGCSE assessment format, enhancing #h exam readiness. 12=With consistent effort and targeted support, I have no doubt that #N will excel in the iGCSE Science examinations, setting the stage for success in #h future scientific pursuits. 13=With focused support and improved effort, #N can make significant progress in #h scientific learning and overcome #h challenges in the future. COMMENTS: BSU Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 1 1=#N has been consistently working hard to improve this term, and it is wonderful to see this reflected in #h mock examination grades. 2=#N is to be congratulated on #h ongoing efforts in #h Biology learning. As #h confidence continues to grow #h results will begin to improve. 3=#N is to be congratulated on #h ongoing efforts in #h Biology learning. As #e keeps growing in confidence #h results keep improving. 4=#N performed #quality well in #h recent mocks, improving from a #lettergrades in November to an #lettergrades. #E has clearly been working hard and putting in the effort. 5=#N performed #quality well in #h recent mocks. #E has clearly been working hard and putting in the effort to improve. 6=As evidenced by #h performance in the most recent mock examinations, #N has unfortunately not put in the focus and effort, in and outside of Biology lessons, necessary to do well in this subject. 7=#N has the ability to perform well in Biology, yet #e has unfortunately not put in the levels of effort and engagement that would see #m do so. 8=#N has performed very poorly in #h recent mocks. #E has missed many lessons this term and has not spent enough time revising at home and this has been reflected in #h responses to all three papers. 9=#N has been inconsistent this term, this is reflected in #h overall grade from the recent mock examinations. 10=#N has worked hard to improve upon #h performance in the November mock examinations. 11=#N has shown #s to be an able Biology student. #E pays attention in lessons and #e #frequency puts #h hand up when a question is asked, showing that #h confidence in #h own abilities keeps growing. 12=#N has shown #s to be #quality3 Biology student. #E #frequency pays attention in lessons, yet would benefit from engaging more with the learning content. 13=#N has had #quality3 term, improving #quality since the last round of mock examinations! 14=#N has clearly worked harder this term to improve #h grade in recent mocks. #E has put in consistent effort with skills taught and applied these skills to a variety of tasks. 15=Although #N has made more of an effort to attend and participate in lessons recently, this has unfortunately resulted in only a small improvement in #h grade as #e still has much to catch up on from earlier this academic year. COMMENTS: BSU Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 2 1=Looking at the recent mock assessments, #N has a solid grasp of the practical based paper and the longer answer questions of paper 4, so #e now needs to ensure that #e performs even better here, as it will set #m up very well in the CAIE summer examinations. 2=#N’s responses in all three papers were well represented and to the point which shows #h excellent understanding of most concepts in IGCSE Physics. 3=#N has excellent subject knowledge and should focus on how to structure #h answers to ensure #e achieves top marks. 4=#H most recent mock assessment has shown #e is highly capable in Biology and has a good understanding of the content. 5=#E achieved an excellent grade in #h recent mock examination and with #h strong work ethic I anticipate #m making further progress. 6=Looking at the recent mock assessments, #N has a decent grasp of all three papers. #E thus needs to keep learning the theoretical content of the course, as well as doing many practice papers, focusing on the areas that #e feels need more work. 7=#H responses in all three papers were well written but have lost marks due to lack of in-depth revision and not paying attention to details in paper 4. 8=#H recent mock assessment performance shows that #e needs to improve #h efforts across the board, yet #h result on the longer questions of paper 4 show that #e needs to spend a lot of time studying the basic theoretical content of the course. 9=#N performed #quality well on papers 4 and 6 in the mock assessments, and should keep studying the deeper details of the theoretical content whilst #e keeps doing many practice papers. 10=#N performed #quality well on papers 2 and 6, and should keep studying the deeper details of the theoretical content while #e keeps completing practice papers. 11=#E has clearly been putting in the time and effort to revise topics effectively outside of lessons in addition to during lessons. 12=#E struggles to concentrate in lessons, and thus does not gain what #e can from them. 13=In order to achieve #h potential in the summer examinations, #N must make a concerted effort to use #h revision time effectively. COMMENTS: BSU Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 3 1=All the papers have a set design and logic, and the more #N practices answering them, the more #e will get used to how to apply #h knowledge to the best effect. 2=To improve #h grades in the external examinations #e should attend extra help lessons in lunch hours and solve at least two past exam papers every week. 3=#E should make and follow a revision schedule, as well as make the most of revision sessions in school. 4=#E should also engage with past paper practice in #h own time, rather than just when #e is asked to do so for class learning purposes. 5=In order to improve further, #N should focus #h revision on the multiple choice and short answer papers (papers two and four) as these are the most heavily weighted papers, and the ones #e did the least well in. 6=#E should identify #h weaker topics from the recent mock examination and complete in-depth revision on these. 7=It is especially the technical language used in paper 4 questions that #N should practice on the most, as this is presently #h weakest point. 8=It is the paper 2 multiple choice questions, however, that #N should practice on the most so as to fine tune #h strategies. 9=In the lead up to the summer examinations, #N should make sure that #e maintains a good understanding across all the topics, and continues to complete past exam papers to improve #h exam technique. 10=#N should continue to increase #h effort in revision lessons as well as independent revision outside of school. This will, hopefully, result in exponential growth of #h understanding and confidence in topics. 11=Once #e has revised a topic enough to feel confident, #N should complete past exam questions to test #h understanding. 12=#E needs to put more effort into learning the theoretical content of the course, as well as doing many practice papers, focusing on the areas that #e feels need more work. COMMENTS: BSU Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 4 1=The exam questions follow a certain style and pattern, and the more #e practices these the better #e will get at answering them. 2=Also, an in-depth revision and focus on details in reading questions and solving past exam papers will help #m to get the highest grade #e deserves. 3=In addition, by working on past papers, #e will become more comfortable and confident in answering examination scripts. 4=Additionally, once #N has consolidated #h understanding of all topics, #e should complete whole practice exam papers to work on #h exam technique; skills such as identifying key terms in questions, pacing, and ensuring #e fully answers questions based on marks available. 5=Furthermore, it is the paper 2 multiple choice questions, however, that #N should practice on the most so as to fine tune #h strategies. 6=My recommendation for #N is to focus #h revision on the topics which #e struggled with on #h mock examinations and bring me any questions which #e would like further help with. 7=Furthermore, #N has excellent subject knowledge and should focus on how to structure #h answers to achieve top marks. 8=In addition, with continued practice #e will start to master the language, and also grow further in #h belief in #h ability to engage more positively with these kinds of questions. 9=#E should also identify #h weaker topics from the recent mock examination and complete in-depth revision on these. Completing all three types of past exam papers during revision will test #h understanding of the topics and hopefully show an improvement after #h targeted revision. COMMENTS: BSU Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 5 1=Keep up the good work, #N! 2=Well done, #N, and the best of luck as you fine tune your efforts towards the upcoming examinations. 3=Good luck for your summer exams, #N! 4=Overall, well done, #N, and the best of luck as you fine tune your efforts towards the upcoming examinations. 5=I am hopeful that #N will make the necessary effort to prepare for #h summer examinations to achieve a grade that is reflective of #h capabilities. 6=Best of luck in your summer examinations #N, with some hard work you are capable of achieving the grades that you want. COMMENTS: BSU Y11 Mocks Bio T1 Sent 3 1=The results of #h recent mock assessments indicate #e has a #Level understanding of #some of our Biology topics. 2=The results of #h recent mock assessments indicated #e understands the basic concepts of our Biology topics, #but, #N had #some problems with the more complex components of the curriculum. 3=The results of #h recent mock assessments indicated a #Level understanding of the Biology curriculum. 4=The results of #h recent mock assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Biology curriculum. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been due to the lack of preparedness in reviewing the materials provided on Google Classroom. 5=The results of #h recent mock assessments indicated #e had difficulty with even the most basic concepts of our Biology curriculum. For the most part the assessment was left blank. Therefore, the difficulty may have been lack of English comprehension to the point of not being able to give any sort of answer. COMMENTS: C ICT 1=This term in ICT, we have been learning the basics of Python Programming Language. In order for #N to learn this language, #e needs to be more active in the class discussions and practice using Python during the class and in completing the homework assignments. 2=This term in ICT, we have been learning the basics of Python Programming Language. #N has completed most of the class assignments. #E usually uses our online lessons to ask and answer questions to improve #h understanding. 3=This term in ICT, we have been learning the basics of Python Programming Language. As in any new language, #N needs to practice using the language by engaging in class discussions and doing the in-class activities. #E also needs to complete more of the homework assignments to better improve #h understanding of Python. COMMENTS: Class area of improvement 1=In order to improve I would recommend that #N has a more structured workbook. This will allow for better time management and give direction to some the harder calculations they need to follow. 2=In order to improve, #N should use #h time more effectively when revising. This will give #m a little more direction when time is important. 3=#E could also seek more feedback from the teacher. 4=In order to improve, I would recommend that #N seeks the finer points of the course. This may mean that extra questions will need to be asked. The teacher should be used both in and out of the classroom as a resource. 5=In order to improve, #N needs to work on the mathematical solving component of the course. This includes solving for unknown variables as well as the correct use of the calculators. 6=In order to improve, #N will need to spend some time getting to know #h way around the calculator. This will allow for better time efficiency in the exams. 7=In order to improve, #N should complete more questions under exam conditions. This will improve #h time management during exams. 8=In order to improve, #N should ask more questions during class and seek assistance at the time trouble arrises, and not wait until later in the week or next class. 9=In order to improve I would like to see more questions being raised during class time. COMMENTS: Class Attitude to Learning 1=In order for #N to improve, #h attitude to learning will need to improve. This could be achieved through increased awareness of expectations. 2=#N will need to improve #h attitude to learning in the following #Time-period. 3=#N has an inconsistent attitude to learning. Some days #e is very focused and responsible for #h learning, but other days this is not so evident. 4=#N has a positive attitude to #h learning. This is evident through #h questioning, #h response to teacher feedback and through a diligent approach to the work set. 5=#N maintains a hardworking attitude both in and out of the classroom. 6=#H attitude to learning new mathematical concepts is positive and #e has developed a fair understanding of them. COMMENTS: Class intro 1=#N has had a mixed start to the year. 2=#N has been a positive contributor to the Physics classroom but would probably be a little disappointed with the grades #e has attained. 3=#N has received mixed marks throughout #Time. 4=#N has had a consistent start to the year. 5=#N has had a tough #Time in the Physics course. 6=#N's scores have fluctuated throughout the course of #Time. 7=#N has demonstrated that #e is capable of achieving some good results in this course. 8=#N has been an outstanding student for #Time. 9=#N has had a consistent year; however I'm sure that #e would like to see some improvement in #h test scores next year. COMMENTS: Class organisation 1=#N whould look to improve #h organisation in order to become more efficient in #h work. 2=#N has unsatisfactory organisation. This is effecting the work output that #h is producing. I would reccomend this as an area for improvement. 3=#H organisational skills are satisfactory. 4=#E has fantastic organisational skills. This allows #m to be time efficient in planning and is able to structure the work appropriately. 5=#H organisational skills are satisfactory but could be improved by having a workbook and an answer booklet. COMMENTS: Closing (Form) 1=From this point on it will be a matter of #N making sure #e puts in #h best efforts to keep on top of ongoing workload, alongside managing revision work too. This will allow #N to achieve a set of results that shows #h full potential. #N must remember that #e are not in this alone, and that the staff in school are all here to support #m. Utilising after-school opportunities and Saturday mornings will be important support structures along the way. Only a few weeks to go now! COMMENTS: co-curricular/trips 1=I hope that next term #e will join in with some of the activities available, as they offer our students many benefits, and additional opportunities. 2=I hope that next term #e will join some of these, as they offer our students many benefits. 3=#E took part in the Christian Union weekend. 4=#E enjoyed going away on the Year 8 trip. COMMENTS: communication 1=#E is able to express working in detail, using the correct processes. 2=#E has trouble showing their processes which is limiting #h overall achievement. 3=#E needs to show #h working more to show understanding. COMMENTS: confidence 1=#N sometimes needs particular encouragement to overcome #h lack of confidence. 2=#N often seeks for validation of #h answers and #e is almost always correct. #E is bright and #e should trust #s. 3=Often, #e begins to panic early in the lesson. This makes it harder for #m to learn and it would help if #e trusted in #h abilities and gave it a chance to sink in before shutting out the information. 4=However, there are times when #e loses confidence in #h science abilities and convinces #s that #e can't do certain problems. With a little encouragement and support, I'm sure this will resolve. COMMENTS: Coursework (Form) 1=#N's coursework is clearly on target and #e should continue to keep pace with the work set. 2=#N's coursework is mostly on target and #e should endeavour to continue to keep pace with the work set. 3=#N's coursework is clearly not on target and #e will need to work very hard to ensure that #e catches up with missed work. COMMENTS: D ICT Science Improvement 1=Overall, #N could have done much better this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, I can never know how much the student is understanding without a response to my questions or questions from them. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help. 2=Overall, #N worked well this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, I can never know how much the student is understanding without a response to my questions or questions from them. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help. 3=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E needs to keep up the great effort! 4=#N did not do very well on the term assessment. #E should be more active in the class discussions and activities, #N needs to put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 5=#N did well this term but could still improve by completing more of the class and homework assignments. I would also like #m to be more active in the class discussions. 6=#N did some good work this term but could still improve by completing more of the class assignments and being more active in the group investigations and presentations. I would also like #m to be more engaged in the class discussions. 7=#N did some good work this term, however, I would like to see them more active in the group investigations and presentations. This will help improve #h understanding of the topic. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 8=#N could greatly improve #h understanding of the class if #e more actively participated in class and group activities. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 9=#N can greatly improve by making more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. The understanding of Mathematics is about practicing and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. 10=#N can greatly improve by making much more of an effort to complete the online assignments. In addition, #e should review #h mistakes and revise the assignments as many times as it takes to achieve a mark of 100%. 11=#N did not take the term assessment. In order to improve next term, #e will actually need to attend the lessons regularly. #E will need to make an effort during class as well as outside of lessons to complete all the current and previous assignments. The understanding of Mathematics is about practice and building on what you know to learn about each additional concept. Without a good foundation of what #e has missed, #N will continue to struggle. 12=#N has done very good work this term. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to successfully complete this year. 13=#N has done very good work this term. #E has continually shown a great attitude towards the class and in education in general. #N will need to keep up this great effort to be successful in term 3. #H past work shows that #e can do this. COMMENTS: E Science Improvement 2 1=Overall, #N could have done much better this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, I can never know how much the student is understanding without a response to my questions or questions from them. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help. 2=Overall, #N worked well this term. In order to improve, I would suggest that #e more actively participates in the lessons. #E may be listening but with online learning, I can never know how much the student is understanding without a response to my questions or questions from them. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help. 3=#N did very well this term and has improved #h grade from last term. #E needs to keep up the great effort! 4=#N did not do very well on the term assessment. #E should be more active in the class discussions and activities, #N needs to put more effort in completing the homework assignments. #E needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 5=#N could greatly improve #h understanding of the class if #e more actively participated in class and group activities. #N needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. 6=#N has done very good work this term. #E has kept up with the assignments and #e participates in the lessons. #N will need to continue this good effort in order to successfully complete this year. 7=#N has done very good work this term. #E has continually shown a great attitude towards the class and in education in general. #N will need to keep up this great effort to be successful in term 3. #H past work shows that #e can do this. 8=#E needs to let me know if #e needs help by asking questions during the lessons. COMMENTS: effort 1=#N engaged effectively with [classmates, teacher] during individual and group distance learning activities. 2=#N struggled early with participation in distance learning activities, but showed great persistence and became an active participant in #h own and #h classmates’ learning. 3=Although #N demonstrated increasing confidence and engagement during online class sessions, #e was often reluctant to join a discussion or activity without being asked. 4=#N did a great job adjusting to and following the modified school rules that were put in place during our distance learning sessions. #E was a model for other students in this regard. 5=#N was able to effectively use #tech-resource with limited assistance to engage in class activities, complete and submit assignments, and communicate with teachers, staff, and other students. 6=#N did a great job staying focused during online learning sessions and activities, even when faced with distractions and technology glitches. 7=#N very effectively maintained #h in-class behavior and work habits after the transition to distance learning. #E demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt/adjust to a very challenging transition! 8=#N required minimal assistance with #tech-resource and was helpful in assisting other students in developing proficiency with #tech-resource. 9=#N was an enthusiastic participant in online learning sessions, but sometimes had to be reminded to let other students have time to share their work and ideas, as well. 10=#N did an excellent job of following through on #h completion of offline assignments, homework, research, and other independent activities. 11=#N was accountable for #h attendance, behavior, and participation in distance learning sessions and was a model for other students in this regard. 12=#N responded very well to the challenging transition from in-class to distance learning, with the exception of submitting #h assignments in a timely manner. 13=#N always showed up prepared, organized, and motivated to make the best of distance learning sessions. #E was a joy to have in class. 14=#N's participation and behavior in distance learning sessions was inconsistent and sometimes disengaged or distracted. This was #sim-diff #h behavior in a classroom setting. 15=#N struggled in the distance learning environment but tried hard and did #h best to engage and be part of the discussions and activities. 16=#N was proactive and took initiative to reach out and ask for help when necessary, both academically and with technology and distance learning problems. COMMENTS: Effort (Form) 1=It is great to see the effort grades indicate #N has been putting in an excellent amount of effort. 2=#N has got a good set of effort grades and should be looking to improve this for the rest of the year. 3=#N has got a mixed result for effort and #e will need to focus on improving this to succeed. 4=#N has got a very disappointing set of effort grades and this will only hinder #h progress if it continues. COMMENTS: Final statement 1=#N must now use the information taken from #h tests and work to remove the gaps from #h understanding. 2=#N must now continue to use the information taken from #h tests and work to remove the gaps from #h understanding. 3=#N must change the way #e works in class and outside class to give #m the best chance of success. 4=An excellent years work from a very hardworking pupil. 5=#N must now continue to use some of the methods of revision and exam technique that #e has developed to continue to improve #h chances of succes COMMENTS: Form Attendance 1 1=#N's attendance this term has been excellent. 2=#N's attendance so far this year has been good, but there is still room for improvement. 3=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be, though we understand that this has been unavoidable. 4=#N's attendance has not been as good as it should be. 5=#N's attendance in our tutor time this term has been extremely poor, especially during the lockdown. 6=#N's attendance was good before the lockdown, but has become very poor since the lockdown. COMMENTS: Form Attendance 2 1=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has over 95%, which is wonderful, but there is still #some room for improvement. Attending the individual online lessons is important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. 2=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. #N has #distance below 95%, #e should strive to bring this up during the course of the year. Attending the individual online lessons is very important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. 3=#N must understand that attendance is especially important now that #e is in #h first year of iGCSE. Attending the individual online lessons is important, but it is equally important to attend the morning check-in during our tutor time. It is here that the official school attendance is recorded and it also gets the student focused and ready to begin their day. COMMENTS: Form Attendance 3 1=It is expected that #N join the Google Meet during the tutor time every morning to check in for the day. #N has not been attending this Google Meet in the mornings. This is the schools official attendance registration. 2=#N needs to keep up #h good attendance during the lockdown by joining the Google Meet during the tutor time every morning to check in for the day. This is the schools official attendance registration. 3=#N needs to improve #h attendance during the lockdown by joining the Google Meet during the tutor time every morning to check in for the day. This is the schools official attendance registration. COMMENTS: Form opening 1=#N has presented as a quiet and conscientious pupil. 2=#N has presented as an outgoing and confident pupil. 3=#N has presented as an organised and confident pupil. 4=#N has shown a great deal of maturity each day in form class. 5=#N has, unfortunately, not settled into this year as I would have hoped. I also hope that from this point we can see a more positive upturn, as I feel #e is capable of it should #e put #h mind to it. COMMENTS: GCSE Specific 1=#N would now benefit from regularly reading through and revising #h class notes to ensure that #e is constantly revising and learning the content covered in class. 2=#N would benefit from looking through some past exam papers to start working on applying #h knowledge to an exam situation and looking at the number of marks available for different questions. 3=#N needs to try and read around the topics covered in class to improve #h general scientific knowledge. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e starts revision for the next set of exams a lot earlier than #e did for the exams in May. This will ensure that #e is far better prepared. COMMENTS: group work 1=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with great solutions to difficult problems. 2=#E works cooperatively in a group situation and encourages others to contribute. 3=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with solutions to difficult problems. 4=#E has a quiet conscientious approach to #h work in science and is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group. 5=#E has worked hard with the group projects and I have been impressed with the leadership qualities that have emerged. 6=#E is an active participant in small group discussions. 7=----- 8=#E usually works cooperatively in a group situation, but sometimes #e needs extra encouragement to share #h bulk of the responsibility. 9=#E finds it difficult to work cooperatively in a group situation unless support is given. 10=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. 11=We had a couple of group projects this quarter in which #e participated minimally and left the work up to others while #h socialized. COMMENTS: Homework 1=#H homework is #frequency handed in on time and this is completed to a #quality standard. This is something #e should endeavour to #todonext next year. 2=#H homework is #frequency handed in on time and this is something #e must #change for next year. 3=Furthermore, #h homework is #frequency handed in on time, with no late submissions. 4=#But, homework is an area of concern, as #N needs to ensure that it is completed with the required amount of effort and handed in before the deadline. 5=#But, homework needs to be an area of focus. It needs to be detailed and well thought out, taking the required amount of time to complete. If #N is ever stuck with homework #e should come and ask for help straight away. COMMENTS: Homework Next Steps Sentences 1=Homework is an area of concern as #N needs to ensure that it is completed with the required amount of effort and handed in before the deadline. 2=Homework needs to be an area of focus. It needs to be detailed and well thought out, taking the required amount of time to complete. It shouldn't be a rushed attempt to simply have some work to hand in. 3=If #N is ever stuck with homework #e should come and ask for help straight away. Rather than saying nothing and then not having anything to hand in. Homework is set to assess understanding and further learning and is an important part of the course. COMMENTS: Housepoints/ responsibilities 1=#H has achieved an excellent number of house points. 2=#H has achieved a good number of house points. 3=#H needs to work on achieving more house points. COMMENTS: How to improve 1=#E needs to maintain this record as it reflects extremely well upon #m. 2=Whilst #h record is very good, there is some room for improvement and this will definitely help #N's achievement in the long run. 3=#H record is good, but we would like to see improvement as this will affect #h chances of success in school. 4=We would like to see #h record improve to maximise #h future chances COMMENTS: How to improve Form 1=#E needs to maintain this record as it reflects extremely well upon #m. 2=Whilst #h record is very good, there is some room for improvement and this will definitely help #N's achievement in the long run. 3=#H record is good, but we would like to see improvement as this will affect #h chances of success in school. 4=We would like to see #h record improve to maximise #h future chances COMMENTS: I/L comment 1=#E has produced good pieces of independent learning. 2=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning. 3=#E has produced good independent learning at times although some work has been late. 4=#E could improve #h independent learning by spending more time adding detail. 5=#E could improve #h independent learning by spending more time on it to ensure it is #h best work. 6=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning. 7=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning, but at times #h this work has appeared to have been completed in a hurry. 8=#E needs to spend longer on independent learning completing it to the best of #h ability. 9=#E needs to make a much greater effort with independent learning, completing the work fully and handing it in on time. COMMENTS: ICT Intro sentence 1=#N has had a mixed year but there have been signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N sets a very high standard for #s. #E shows a vigilant and enquiring approach to learning. 4=#N works enthusiastically and to capacity at all times. 5=#N works quietly and unobtrusively so that steady progress has been maintained. 6=#N's work is good when #e sets #h mind to it. 7=#N is capable of better work but lacks concentration 8=#N very receptive to new ideas and takes a great interest in any new venture. 9=#N has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and interest throughout the term. 10=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 11=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed with confidence to class and small group discussions. 12=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who has displayed a real interest in the subject. 13=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the term. 14=#N has made good progress this term and has demonstrated a good understanding of the information learned so far. 15=#N has found some of the work challenging this term, but #e has always tried #h best. 16=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this is reflected in the standard of #h work. 17=#N has had a varied approach to #h ICT lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e occasionally allows #s to be distracted. 18=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT, tackling each topic with interest. 19=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 20=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. COMMENTS: ICT L5 sentences 1=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 2=#E has maintained consistency within presentation work by careful use of colour schemes and text styles. 3=#E has made effective use of graphics editing software to manipulate images; this was clearly demonstrated in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 4=#E has made good use sound editing software to create a soundtrack for use in #h #ProjectName project. 5=#E has shown a good awareness of the impact of ICT in society during discussion work within small groups. 6=#E has selected a range of relevant websites during research tasks and decided which information is suitable for use in #h work. 7=#E has completed a range of projects making use of a variety of software applications. 8=I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project. 9=#E has used ICT effectively to present ideas in a variety of ways showing a clear sense of audience. 10=#H work on the #ProjectName project was particularly well presented. 11=#E has struggled when learning how to use unfamiliar software, but has completed the set tasks with assistance. 12=#E can use ICT to present information in different ways showing some awareness of the intended audience. COMMENTS: ICT L6 sentence 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project work and I was especially pleased with #h #ProjectName assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 4=#E has demonstrated a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 5=#E has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 6=#E is able to use sound editing software to mix and edit pre-recorded sound files. #E demonstrated this well in the #ProjectName project. 7=#E has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 8=#E has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 9=#E has made effective use of ICT to plan, refine and present information in a variety of styles. 10=#E has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #E particularly enjoyed working on the #ProjectName project. 11=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to #h target audience; this was clearly shown in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 12=#E has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 13=#E has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 14=#E has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. COMMENTS: ICT L7 sentences 1=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format; this was shown particularly well in the #ProjectName project. 2=#E always takes an active part in class and group discussions on the use of ICT, demonstrating sound awareness of its impact on society. 3=#E has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 4=#E is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. 5=#E is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. COMMENTS: ICT Project work 1=#N has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #ProjectName assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 4=#N is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. 5=#N always takes an active part in class and group discussions on the use of ICT, demonstrating sound awareness of its impact on society. 6=#N has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 7=#N shows the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format. This was shown particularly well in the #ProjectName project. 8=#N is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. 9=#N demonstrates a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 10=#N has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 11=#N is able to use sound editing software to mix and edit pre-recorded sound files. #H demonstrated this well in the #ProjectName project. 12=#N has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 13=#N has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 14=#N has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #H particularly enjoyed working on the #ProjectName project. 15=#N has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 16=#N has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 17=#N has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. 18=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 19=#N has maintained consistency within presentation work by #h careful use of colour schemes and text styles. COMMENTS: ICT skills 1=#N has made an excellent start to ICT this #Time-period. 2=#N has shown that ICT is a strength over the course of this #Time-period. 3=#N has made a good start to ICT over the course of this #Time-period. 4=#N has shown good efforts in ICT this #Time-period. 5=#N has started well in ICT in #h first #Time-period 6=#N has made a good start to #h ICT course this #Time-period COMMENTS: ICT Summary - high 1=I have been very pleased with #N's focussed approach to independent research and #h willingness to contribute ideas in group discussion work. 2=#N's work on the #ProjectName project demonstrated #h ability to carry out research independently and then share ideas within a team to create a joint presentation. 3=#N has worked well independently to evaluate the quality of #h own work, making improvements where necessary. 4=I have been impressed with how #N has evaluated #h own work independently in order to make improvements. 5=I have been impressed with how well #N has completed independent research and then worked within a team to create a joint presentation online. 6=I was pleased with #N's ability to select information carefully from #h research and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 7=I have been impressed with how well #N worked as part of a team to create a joint online presentation on the #ProjectName project. 8=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whist producing #h #ProjectName project. 9=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whilst learning how to use unfamiliar software. 10=#N has always worked well in paired and group activities and then shown the ability to focus well when completing tasks independently. 11=I have been especially pleased that #N has worked well on independent tasks, managing #h time so that work is completed by the deadlines. COMMENTS: ICT Summary - low 1=#N now needs to become more independent whilst carrying out research activities so that work is completed on time. 2=I would like to see #N try to improve #h personal organisation whilst working independently. 3=I would now like to see #N become more independent whilst researching specific topics. 4=I would like to see #N become more independent whilst completing research activities. 5=I would now like to see #N try to become more focussed whilst carrying out research activities. 6=If #N continues to work on #h self-motivation, I am sure #e will improve #h ability to work independently. 7=I would like to see #N concentrate more whilst working independently so that work is completed to a higher standard. 8=With more concentration, the standard of #N's work will improve. 9=I would like to see #N develop #h skills as an independent enquirer so that #e can summarise the key points from the information #e finds. 10=#N is keen to contribute to class discussions and I would now like #m to improve #h concentration whilst working independently so that #e can complete work to a higher standard by the deadlines set. COMMENTS: ICT Summary - medium 1=I was impressed by #h skills as a team worker whilst producing a joint online presentation with #h peers. 2=#N has worked well within a team, especially whilst creating an online presentation together. 3=#N has also worked well within a team to produce a joint online presentation. 4=I was pleased with #N's ability to carry out research independently and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 5=#N has worked well within #h group to produce a joint presentation online using #Software. 6=#N has worked well independently whilst researching a topic to find relevant facts and images to include in #h work. 7=I have been impressed with #N's ability to work well within a small team, especially by producing a joint presentation in #Software software. 8=#N has worked reasonably well when asked to carry out a research task independently and I would like to see #m become more confident when experimenting with new software. COMMENTS: ICT Test taking 1=#N did a good job on the end of term exam. 2=#N's answers have shown a good knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in ICT this term. 3=#N grasps ideas quickly and is a confident individual capable of expressing #s with clearly and precisely. 4=#N has made some excellent contributions to class activities and discussions and is keen to seek advice whenever #e needs it. 5=#N has shown a satisfactory knowledge and understanding of ICT and has been a keen participant in the classes. 6=#N has completed all the assigned work on time. 7=However, #e needs to ensure that #e stays focused in lessons and complete all of #h tasks using the guidance and comments given to #m. 8=#N needs to ensure that #e stays focused in lessons and complete all of #h tasks using the guidance and comments given to #m. 9=#N has demonstrated good ICT capability this term. 10=#N has worked with growing confidence this term with just some occasional assistance to complete tasks. COMMENTS: ICT Y7 High/Middle Attitude 1=#N has shown a keen interest in the topics studied and has participated well in group activities. 2=#N has worked consistently well throughout the year in ICT. 3=#N is well motivated during practical work and is willing to help others. 4=#N works quietly and completes work on time. 5=#N is a pleasure to have in the class and always approaches tasks with a positive attitude. 6=#N is well motivated during practical work and has often made good contributions to class discussions. 7=#N is an able and conscientious member of the class who displays a real interest in ICT. 8=#N has always shown an enthusiastic approach to the subject, working hard to complete tasks on time. 9=#N has demonstrated a keen interest in ICT and has completed work to a good standard, although #e can occasionally be too chatty. 10=#N usually works well and enjoys participating in small group activities. 11=#N has made a reasonable effort in lessons. 12=#N has listened attentively in lessons and has made some good contributions to class and group discussions. 13=#N has always been keen to complete #h work to a high standard. 14=#N is keen to participate during class discussions and usually behaves in an appropriate manner. 15=#N is keen to do well, but has sometimes struggled to keep up with the work, due to frequent absences from lessons. 16=#N has always tried hard despite finding some of the work difficult. COMMENTS: ICT Y7 Low Attitude 1=#N has always tried hard despite finding some of the work difficult. 2=#N is a capable student but is occasionally distracted in lessons resulting in work that is a little rushed. 3=#N sometimes loses work due to difficulties saving correctly. 4=#N's effort in lessons has varied as #e has often been distracted from work. 5=#N has had a mixed approach to the subject and has often distracted others from their work. 6=#N sometimes struggles to focus on the tasks #e is set. COMMENTS: ICT Y7 PLTS 1=I have been impressed by how #N can evaluate #h own work, independently from teacher instruction, to improve its quality. 2=I have been very pleased with #N's ability to carry out research independently to obtain facts and images to use in #h work. 3=#N has worked well independently especially whilst carrying out research tasks and deciding how to present work effectively. 4=I have been pleased with #N's level of independence whilst carrying out research activities. 5=#N has shown that #e can work confidently as an independent enquirer during research activities or when finding out how to use software that is unfamiliar. 6=I would like to see #N work more independently whilst evaluating #h own work to decide how to improve its quality. 7=#N has worked well independently whilst carrying out research tasks, selecting relevant information for #h project work. 8=Overall, #N is a good team worker and I would now like #m to continue to develop #h independence whilst working on #h own. 9=I would like to see #N work more independently whilst carrying out research, for example, deciding on which keywords or phrases to use in a Search Engine. 10=I would like to see #N try to become more independent whilst completing research activities. 11=I would like to see #N try to become more independent whilst completing classwork, aiming to meet the deadlines set. 12=If #N continues to work on #h self-organisation and motivation, I am confident that #e will soon improve #h ability to work independently. COMMENTS: ICT Y7 Work 1=#E has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far, especially on the #ProjectName project. 2=#E can assess the use of ICT in #h work and is able to reflect critically in order to make improvements in future work. 3=#E can use appropriate evaluation criteria to critically assess the fitness for purpose of #h work as it progresses. 4=#E can use ICT to plan, refine and present information in different forms and styles for specific purposes and audiences. #E has made good use of #h creative skills on the eSafety project. 5=#E can use ICT effectively to present ideas in a variety of ways showing a clear sense of audience; this was demonstrated well in the #ProjectName project. 6=#E has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far, making effective use of basic formulae on the spreadsheets project. 7=#E can use ICT to present information in different ways showing some awareness of the intended audience. 8=#E can use ICT to present information in different ways, understanding the need for quality in #h presentations. 9=#E is able to combine and refine different forms of information from various sources; this was demonstrated especially well on the eSafety project. 10=#E has made use of appropriate software to complete a range of activities to present information for different purposes. 11=The work #e has produced has demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the software used so far, especially on the #ProjectName project. 12=#E can produce presentations containing images and text and can organise data in a spreadsheet with assistance. 13=#E is comfortable with the basic aspects of presentation software and has used spreadsheet software with assistance. 14=#H work on the eSafety project has demonstrated #h understanding of the risks associated with communicating digitally, including the importance of keeping personal information safe. 15=#E can use ICT to present ideas in a variety of ways showing some sense of audience. 16=The work #e has produced has demonstrated some understanding of the software used so far. 17=#E has struggled to remember the instructions from a demonstration, but has completed tasks to the best of #h ability with assistance. 18=Although #N has occasionally been distracted, #e has completed a range of presentation and data handling tasks during project work. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 Close Positive 1=I have been very pleased with #N's focused approach to independent research and #h willingness to contribute ideas in group discussion work. 2=#N's work on the #ProjectName project demonstrated #h ability to carry out research independently. 3=I was impressed by #h skills as a team worker whilst discussing and evaluating project work with #h peers. 4=#N has worked well independently to evaluate the quality of #h own work, making improvements where necessary. 5=I have been impressed with how well #N has completed independent research and then worked within a team to share ideas. 6=I was pleased with #N's ability to select information carefully from #h research and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 7=#N has worked well within a team, especially whilst creating an online presentation together. 8=#N has also worked well within a team to share ideas through discussion based tasks. 9=I have been impressed with how #N has evaluated #h own work independently in order to make improvements. 10=I was pleased with #N's ability to carry out research independently and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 11=#N has worked well within a group whilst researching a topic and evaluating project work. 12=I have been impressed with how well #N has worked as part of a team to share ideas and evaluate project work. 13=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whilst learning how to use unfamiliar software, such as Google Drive or Sketch Up. 14=#N has always worked well in paired and group discussions and then shown the ability to focus well whilst completing tasks independently. 15=#N has worked well independently whilst researching a topic to find relevant facts and images to include in #h work. 16=I have been impressed with #N's ability to evaluate #h project work, making improvements where necessary. 17=I have been especially pleased with how #N has worked on independent tasks, managing #h time well so that work is completed by the deadlines. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 Close to Improve 1=#N now needs to become more independent whilst carrying out research activities so that work is completed on time. 2=I would like to see #N try to improve #h personal organisation whilst working independently. 3=I would now like to see #N become more independent whilst researching specific topics. 4=I would like to see #N become more independent whilst completing research activities. 5=I would now like to see #N try to become more focused whilst carrying out research activities. 6=If #N continues to work on #h self-motivation, I am sure #e will improve #h ability to work independently. 7=I would like to see #N concentrate more whilst working independently so that work is completed to a higher standard. 8=With more concentration and effort, the standard of #N's work will improve to reflect #h true potential. 9=I would like to see #N develop #h skills as an independent enquirer so that #e can summarise the key points from the information #e finds. 10=#N is keen to contribute to class discussions and I would now like #m to improve #h concentration whilst working independently so that #e can complete work to a higher standard by the deadlines set. 11=#N has worked reasonably well when asked to carry out a research task independently and I would like to see #m become more confident when experimenting with new software. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 High Attitude 1=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the year. 2=#N has shown a keen interest in the topics studied and has participated well in small group activities. 3=#N is a conscientious student who always completes work to a high standard. 4=#N has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a clear understanding of the software used. 5=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed with confidence to class discussions. 6=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT, tackling each topic with interest. 7=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT lessons and has always been willing to contribute to class discussions. 8=#N is a capable student who can confidently discuss the impact of ICT on society. 9=#N is well motivated during practical work and is willing to help others. 10=#N has always shown an enthusiastic approach to the subject, managing time well to complete tasks by the deadlines. 11=#N is an able and conscientious member of the class who displays a real interest in ICT. 12=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 13=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who displays a real interest in the subject. 14=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this shows in the standard of #h work. 15=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. 16=#N is a friendly student who works with enthusiasm in this subject. 17=#N has usually worked with interest and has participated well in paired and group activities. 18=#N has found some of the work challenging this year, but has always aimed to do #h best. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 Medium/Low Attitude 1=#N's effort in lessons has varied as #e has often been distracted from work. 2=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 3=#N has usually been keen to attempt the tasks set, although #e has occasionally become distracted. 4=#N has had a mixed approach to the subject and has often distracted others from their work. 5=#N has often struggled to remain on task during lessons resulting in work that is rushed or incomplete. 6=#N is an enthusiastic student who is keen to participate during class discussion but #e needs to put more effort into #h classwork to demonstrate #h knowledge fully. 7=#N has occasionally found it difficult to focus on the tasks set in class, thereby distracting others. 8=#N has had a mixed approach to #h ICT lessons during Year 8, but #h effort has recently started to improve. 9=#N has had a varied approach to #h ICT lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e sometimes allows #s to be distracted. 10=#N needs to put more effort into this subject if #e is going to achieve the high standards of work that will reflect #h true potential. 11=#N has struggled to focus on the classwork and has occasionally distracted others from their work. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 Work 1 1=#E has used a variety of software applications to create effective digital products, such as #h presentation for the #ProjectName project. 2=#E is comfortable with the basic aspects of presenting text and images in a variety of applications and enjoyed using Photoshop to edit images. 3=#E has demonstrated that #e can work well independently, using #h initiative to overcome problems within a task. 4=#E has worked hard to learn how to use new software this year, producing some very carefully edited images using Photoshop in the Faking It project. 5=#E can confidently discuss the impact of ICT on society, especially the use of airbrushing photographs in the media. 6=#E has selected relevant facts and images from research for different purposes which have then been presented clearly, as demonstrated in the #ProjectName project. 7=I was particularly impressed with #h careful use of editing tools using Photoshop to enhance images as part of the Faking It project. 8=During the year #e has combined and refined text and images from various sources; this was shown particularly well in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 9=#E enjoyed using Photoshop to enhance images, but with more focus #e could have completed more tasks within the time available. 10=#E has enjoyed acquiring new skills such as using Sketch Up for 3D design and Google Drive to present and share work online. 11=#E has been keen to acquire new skills, especially when editing images using Photoshop in the Faking It project. 12=When creating presentations, #N has selected key facts from #h research and chosen relevant images to support each point; this was shown particularly well in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 13=#E has used a range of applications to combine and refine text and images so that information is presented clearly; this was shown particularly well in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 14=#H work on the #ProjectName project clearly demonstrated #h ability to use the Internet efficiently for research and then to summarise the key points. 15=#E can use a variety of applications to present information effectively and #h work on the #ProjectName project demonstrated the ability to summarise facts found in #h research. 16=#E has made effective use of ICT to plan, refine and present information in a variety of styles. 17=#E has often allowed #s to become distracted which has resulted in some work being rushed and lacking in attention to detail. 18=#E enjoyed the Faking It project where #e acquired new skills using Photoshop to enhance images and #e was able to discuss the use of airbrushing techniques in the advertising industry. 19=#H work has demonstrated a reasonable understanding of the software used to combine and refine facts and images from research, such as during the #ProjectName project. 20=#E has consistently produced work to a high standard and has enjoyed acquiring new skills, such as the editing tools in Photoshop, to enhance images in the Faking It project. COMMENTS: ICT Y8 Work 2 1=#E has developed skills in different software applications to present carefully selected facts and images, as shown in #h work for the #ProjectName project. 2=#N also enjoyed learning how to apply some of the editing tools using Photoshop to enhance images. 3=#E has researched a range of issues as part of the #ProjectName project and has carefully selected and presented relevant facts and images about the topic. 4=#E has always made thoughtful contributions to group discussions about the use of ICT in a variety of situations. 5=#E has worked hard to develop #h skills when presenting information in a clear and consistent style that is suitable for the target audience, as demonstrated in the #ProjectName project. 6=#E is able to use presentation software to combine and refine information from various sources and #e enjoyed developing new skills in the #ProjectName project. 7=#E has worked hard to learn new skills in a variety of projects, using a combination of software applications including collaborative work using online documents. 8=#E has worked on a range of topics this year and particularly enjoyed the creative aspects of the #ProjectName project. 9=#H computer-based in class work usually covers the main points, rather than going into detail, such as #h presentation in the #ProjectName project. 10=Although #e has occasionally been distracted, #e is capable of producing some pleasing work. 11=#E demonstrated the ability to exchange information online with others, for example using Google Drive during the Sketch Up project. 12=#E has always taken care over #h work, completing tasks on time and to a high standard; this was demonstrated especially well in the #ProjectName project. 13=#E has developed a range of new skills in #h project work including editing images using Photoshop and investigating 3D design with Sketch Up. 14=#E has made good use of graphics software to edit images and has shown the ability to select relevant information from #h research on the Internet to include in presentations. 15=This was demonstrated particularly well in #N's work on the #ProjectName project. 16=#E has used the Internet to find facts and images to use in presentations but #e is often content with just covering the basic requirements of a task rather than going into detail. 17=#E enjoyed using Photoshop to enhance digital images in the Faking It project, making effective use of a range of new techniques. 18=#E has developed #h presentation skills by considering the use of various formatting tools to enhance the layout of text and images within #h work; this was shown clearly in #h #ProjectName project. COMMENTS: ICT Y9 Intro sentence 1=#N has had a mixed year but there have been signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N sets a very high standard for #s. #E shows a vigilant and enquiring approach to learning. 4=#N works enthusiastically and to capacity at all times. 5=#N works quietly and unobtrusively so that steady progress has been maintained. 6=#N's work is good when #e sets #h mind to it. 7=#N is capable of better work but lacks concentration 8=#N very receptive to new ideas and takes a great interest in any new venture. 9=#N has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and interest throughout the year. 10=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 11=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed with confidence to class and small group discussions. 12=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who has displayed a real interest in the subject. 13=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the year. 14=#N has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far. 15=#N has found some of the work challenging this year, but #e has always tried #h best. 16=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this is reflected in the standard of #h work. 17=#N has had a varied approach to #h ICT lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e occasionally allows #s to be distracted. 18=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT, tackling each topic with interest. 19=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 20=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. COMMENTS: Improve ICT 1=To improve, #N must now aim to support all #h statements with a more detailed explanation and evidence. 2=To improve, #N must add much more detail to #h explanations and deliver work that fits the instructions. 3=To improve, #N aim to add more detail to #h explanations and answers and ensure #h work answers the question. 4=#N should also seek guidance wherever #e feels #e needs it and use the guidance and comments given to #m to produce #h work. COMMENTS: Improvements 1=I would #recommend #e to focus on improving #h organisational skills, so that #e comes to every lesson fully prepared. 2=#N now needs to ensure that #e reads through #h work, in between lessons, and that #h spends more time revising. This should ensure that #N's grades improve and that #e is a step closer to attaining #h target grade. 3=#N now needs to read through all #h written work to ensure that there are no mistakes and that #e has included all the correct keywords and terms. 4=#N would benefit from setting some time aside to learn the correct spelling and use of key scientific terminology, as this would help #m to improve #h written work and attainment. 5=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions, as I believe that #h could add a lot to the class discussions. 6=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is too great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 7=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #e can give up too easily, when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 8=I would #recommend #h to now focus on #h organisational skills and that #e tries to hand in every piece of homework before the deadline. 9=I would #recommend that #e now aims to improve their concentration in lessons and that #e tries to focus on the instructions being given. 10=#N would now benefit from regularly reading through and reviewing #h class notes, to ensure that #e is constantly revising and learning the content covered in class. 11=#N needs to read around the topics covered in class to broaden and improve #h general scientific knowledge. 12=I would also #recommend that #e improves #h attendance and that #e catches up on any work missed due to absence. 13=#N needs to ensure that #e starts revision for the next set of exams a lot earlier. This will ensure that #e is far better prepared. 14=#N would benefit from looking through exam-style questions from the textbooks, in order to start applying #h knowledge to an exam situation; paying close attention to the number of marks available for different questions. 15=I would #recommend that #e now focuses on improving #h exam technique and that #e spends more time practising examination style questions, using all the resources at #h disposal. 16=I would #recommend #m to carefully analyse those areas where marks were lost in the mock examination, and that #e studies the corrections we have gone through in class. 17=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. 18=One goal for next term would be for #m to ask questions when #e does not understand. I understand that #e may be shy, but I encourage #m to take #h charge of #h learning. 19=#E should also try to spend more time on #h homework and ask for help whenever #e is unsure about any of the activities. 20=I would encourage #N to focus on improving #h exam technique, by practising more examination style questions, from #h textbook and revision guide, as well as additional resources, such as those on the my-GCSEscience webpage. COMMENTS: Intro sentence 1=Prior to the lock down. 2=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this is reflected in the standard of #h work. 3=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 4=#N sets a very high standard for #s. #E shows a vigilant and enquiring approach to learning. 5=#N works enthusiastically and to a high standard at all times. 6=#N works quietly and unobtrusively so that steady progress has been maintained. 7=#N's work is good when #e sets #h mind to it. 8=#N is capable of better work but lacks concentration 9=#N has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and interest throughout the year. 10=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 11=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed well in class discussions. 12=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who has displayed a real interest in the subject. 13=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the year. 14=#N has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far. 15=#N has found some of the work challenging this year, but #e has always tried #h best. 16=#N has had a mixed year but there have been signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 17=#N has had a varied approach to #h ICT lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e occasionally allows #s to be distracted. 18=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT, tackling each topic with interest. 19=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 20=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. COMMENTS: Introduction Sentences for Strengths 1=#N has made a pleasing start to the year. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N is a pleasure to teach in Science. 4=#N has had a shaky start to #h Science studies so far this year. 5=#N is capable of working well in Science when #e concentrates and focusses on the task at hand. 6=#N seems to enjoy #h Science lessons. 7=#N is an enthusiastic Scientist. 8=#N could do very well in Science. 9=#N has the potential to do well in Science COMMENTS: IT skills 1=#N has made an excellent start to IT this #Time-period. 2=#N has shown that IT is a strength over the course of this #Time-period. 3=#N has made a good start to IT over the course of this #Time-period. 4=#N has shown good efforts in IT this #Time-period. 5=#N has started well in IT in #h first #Time-period 6=#N has made a good start to #h IT course this #Time-period COMMENTS: Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: KS- end sentence 1=#E needs to try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge. 2=#E needs to ensure that #e maintains #h good effort, and always aims to complete extension activities. 3=#E needs to maintain #h excellent effort in lessons and continue making a valuable contribution to discussions. #N should try to extend their knowledge by asking questions about the work in lessons. 4=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons when unsure of the work, #e also needs to revise thoroughly for end of topic tests. 5=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and to revise thoroughly for all tests. 6=#E needs to increase #h focus in lessons, and rate of work production so that #e can achieve #h potential. 7=#E needs to try to get started on classwork activities more quickly, so #e can complete more work in the lessons. 8=#E works at a casual rate in lessons, #e needs to push #s to complete as much work as #e can and aim to complete extension activities. 9=#E needs to work at a faster rate during the lessons, getting started on activities more quickly and asking for help as soon as #e needs it should help to achieve this. 10=#E can work well in lessons, however at other times #e needs to increase #h rate of work production. 11=#E generally works well in the lessons, but rarely asks for help. #E could aim to add more detail to independent learning . COMMENTS: KS3 end sentence 1=#E needs to try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge. 2=#E needs to ensure that #e maintains #h good effort, and always aims to complete extension activities. 3=#E needs to maintain #h excellent effort in lessons and continue making a valuable contribution to discussions. #N should try to extend their knowledge by asking questions about the work in lessons. 4=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons when unsure of the work, #e also needs to revise thoroughly for end of topic tests. 5=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and to revise thoroughly for all tests. 6=#E needs to increase #h focus in lessons, and rate of work production so that #e can achieve #h potential. 7=#E needs to try to get started on classwork activities more quickly, so #e can complete more work in the lessons. 8=#E works at a casual rate in lessons, #e needs to push #s to complete as much work as #e can and aim to complete extension activities. 9=#E needs to ask for help as soon as #e needs it, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 10=#E can work well in lessons, however at other times #e needs to increase #h rate of work production. 11=#E generally works well in the lessons, but rarely asks for help. 12=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 13=#E should try to ask questions in the lesson to extend #h knowledge. 14=#E needs to stay more focussed on class work activities in order to complete more work in the lessons. 15=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge, and revise thoroughly for tests. 16=#E needs to ask for help as soon as #e needs it, and make sure that #e revises thoroughly for tests COMMENTS: KS3 middle sentence 1=#E achieved #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination. 2=#E did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination. 3=#E did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the in end of unit tests. 4=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the end of unit tests. 5=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in many of the end of unit tests. 6=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the end of unit tests. 7=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in many of the end of unit tests. 8=#E exceeded their minimum target grade in the end of year examination. 9=#E greatly exceeded #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination. 10=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h target grade in the end of year exam. COMMENTS: L5 sentences 1=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 2=#E has made effective use of graphics editing software to manipulate images; this was clearly demonstrated in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 3=#E has made effective use of graphics editing software to manipulate images; this was clearly demonstrated in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 4=#E has shown a good awareness of the impact of ICT in society during discussion work within small groups. 5=#E has selected a range of relevant websites during research tasks and decided which information is suitable for use in #h work. 6=#E has completed a range of projects making use of a variety of software applications. 7=I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project. 8=#E has used ICT effectively to present ideas in a variety of ways showing a clear sense of audience. 9=#H work on the #ProjectName project was particularly well presented. 10=#E has struggled when learning how to use unfamiliar software, but has completed the set tasks with assistance. 11=#E can use ICT to present information in different ways showing some awareness of the intended audience. COMMENTS: L6 sentence 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project work and I was especially pleased with #h #ProjectName assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 4=#E has demonstrated a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 5=#E has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 6=#E has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 7=#E has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 8=#E has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 9=#E has made effective use of ICT to plan, refine and present information in a variety of styles. 10=#E has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #E particularly enjoyed working on the #ProjectName project. 11=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to #h target audience; this was clearly shown in #h work on the #ProjectName project. 12=#E has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 13=#E has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 14=#E has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. COMMENTS: L7 sentences 1=#E has demonstrated the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format; this was shown particularly well in the #ProjectName project. 2=#E has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 3=#E has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 4=#E is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. 5=#E is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. COMMENTS: Literacy Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h classwork. #E has shown a particular strength in writing detailed answers and explanations that contain the correct key words and terms. 2=#E has shown #keywordlist grasp of key words and terms and can often use them to give some very strong verbal answers. 3=#E is starting to grasp some scientific key words and terms and is using them to give some good verbal answers in class. 4=#N can write some very clear longer answers. This is a brilliant ability to have as more and more exam questions now require extended answers. 5=#N has shown real improvement in the standard of written work that #e can produce. #E has started to use more scientific words and is now checking #h work through more regularly. 6=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. 7=I was particularly pleased with #N's APP work on #?. #E clearly spent a lot of time on it, which was reflected in #h grades. #N showed a particular strength in being able to #? COMMENTS: Maths_ability 1=#E is a student who makes full use of #h natural talents and abilities, and shows considerable insight with new concepts. 2=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 3=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 4=#E has a sound grasp of the basic concepts and builds diligently upon that base. 5=#E generally possesses a strong base of skills in mathematics, although there were some clear areas of difficulty during the #time-period. 6=#E generally performs at a good level, but there were a few topics that proved challenging for #m in the second semester. COMMENTS: maths_attitude 1=#E works hard and makes interesting contributions to class discussions. 2=#E has worked with a lively interest, producing a pleasing semester's work. 3=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 4=#E is a talented student who achieves success through #h hard work and dedication. #H work is always well planned. 5=#E always works well in class and contributes whenever #e can. #E is a pleasure to have in class. 6=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 7=#E has a sound grasp of the basic concepts and builds diligently upon that base. 8=After an impressive start to the year, #N somehow found some of the topics challenging. 9=#E has worked extremely hard, showing interest and a desire to improve #h skills and knowledge. 10=#E has not always found the work easy but #e is a very conscientious student who always gives of #h best. 11=After a slow start to the year, #N showed considerable improvement in both work and attitude. 12=After a pleasing start to the year, #N manifested a marked decline in work and attitude. 13=Although #e is capable of good work #e is not producing the consistent level required for success at this level. 14=#E does not seem to have a hunger for success. 15=#E shows little desire or willingness to take part in class. COMMENTS: maths_attitude_end of year 1=#E works hard and makes interesting contributions to class discussions. 2=#E has worked with a lively interest, producing a pleasing semester's work. 3=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 4=#E is a talented student who achieves success through #h hard work and dedication. #H work is always well planned. 5=#E always works well in class and contributes whenever #e can. #E is a pleasure to have in class. 6=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 7=#E has a sound grasp of the basic concepts and builds diligently upon that base. 8=After an impressive start to the year, #N somehow found some of the topics challenging. 9=#E has worked extremely hard, showing interest and a desire to improve #h skills and knowledge. 10=#E has not always found the work easy but #e is a very conscientious student who always gives #h best. 11=After a slow start to the year, #N showed considerable improvement in both work and attitude. 12=After a pleasing start to the year, #N manifested a marked decline in work and attitude. 13=Although #e is capable of good work #e is not producing the consistent level required for success at this level. 14=#E does not seem to have a hunger for success. 15=#E shows little desire or willingness to take part in class. COMMENTS: maths_attitude_mid year 1=#E works hard and makes interesting contributions to class discussions. 2=#E works with a lively interest, producing a pleasing semester's work. 3=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 4=#E is a talented student who achieves success through #h hard work and dedication. #H work is always well planned. 5=#E always works well in class and contributes whenever #e can. #E is a pleasure to have in class. 6=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 7=#E has not always found the work easy but #e is a very conscientious student who always gives of #h best. 8=Although #e is capable of good work #e is not producing the consistent level required for success at this level. 9=#E does not seem to have a hunger for success. 10=#E shows little desire or willingness to take part in class. 11=#E does not hesitate to ask questions whenever necessary, and is always eager to make interesting contributions to discussions. 12=#E is a mature student who takes responsibility for #h learning and asks questions whenever necessary. #E is also always willing to answer questions and volunteers to help #h peers understand some of the more difficult concepts of the course. 13=#E is a mature student who takes responsibility for #h learning and asks questions whenever necessary. COMMENTS: Maths_Description of Ability 1=#E is a student who makes full use of #h natural talents and abilities, and shows considerable insight with new concepts. 2=#E generally performs at a good level, but there were a few topics that proved challenging for #m in the second semester. 3=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 4=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 5=#E has a sound grasp of the basic concepts and builds diligently upon that base. 6=#E generally possesses a strong base of skills in mathematics, although there were some clear areas of difficulty during the #time-period. 7=#E has a good grasp of the basic concepts and is able to build upon that base. 8=Unfortunately, #e struggled with some of the more difficult concepts of the course. COMMENTS: maths_Effort 1=#N is to be commended for the effort #e applied this year. 2=#N needs to apply #s more to fully achieve #h potential. 3=#N has applied #s this year but could do with extra tutoring to further #h understanding. 4=Nevertheless, #N's attitude towards #h studies was positive and #e continued to strive to do better. COMMENTS: Maths_Ending 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved well-deserved results. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=I look forward to seeing #N further approach #h potential in the next term. 3=Well done, #N! 4=Keep it up, #N! 5=I would like to see #N participate more in the lessons and ask questions when needed. 6=I would like to see #N participate more in the discussions without being asked directly. 7=Keep up the good work, #N! 8=Continue to do your best, #N, and keep making the effort! COMMENTS: maths_final 1=#N is to be commended for the effort #e applied this year. 2=#N needs to apply #s more to fully achieve #h potential. 3=#N has applied #s this year but could do with extra tutoring to further #h understanding. 4=Nevertheless, #N's attitude towards #h studies was positive and #e continued to strive to do better. COMMENTS: Maths_homework 1=#E applies #s well both in and out of class, completing all set work in a timely fashion. 2=#E completes #h homework to a high level and applies #s in class. 3=#E needs to work harder at completing set work, including homework, on time. 4=#E focuses well on the task at hand and takes care to produce quality work. 5=Unfortunately, #N turned in #folder-number of work throughout the #time-period, showing very little evidence of work that is completed or done at home. 6=#E completes all the set work on time, takes the initiative when #e needs assistance, and always comes prepared for #h classes. 7=#E comes to class prepared, completes all the set work on time, and maintains a pleasing focus in class at all times. COMMENTS: Maths_homework_End of year 1=#E applies #s well both in and out of class, completing all set work in a timely fashion. 2=#E completes #h homework to a high level and applies #s in class. 3=#E needs to work harder at completing set work, including homework, on time. 4=#E focuses well on the task at hand and takes care to produce quality work. 5=Unfortunately, #N turned in #folder-number of work throughout the whole year, showing very little evidence of work that is completed or done at home. 6=#E completed all the set work on time, took the initiative when #e needed assistance, and always prepared for #h classes. 7=#E came to class prepared, completed all the set work on time, and maintained a pleasing focus in class at all times. 8=#E will need to work on completing the set work on time and on submitting #h folder in a timely fashion. COMMENTS: maths_improvement 1=After a slow start to the year adjusting to the demands of the course at this level, #e made a very impressive turn-around. #E showed extraordinary improvement, delivering some fine results in the #Time-period. 2=Nevertheless, #N produced a consistent, committed effort to the course. It is this kind of dedication which will serve as a great asset for #h studies in the long run. 3=After a mediocre start to the year, #e made an impressive turn-around, producing quality results in the second semester. COMMENTS: Maths_needs to improve effort 1=#E is a student who makes well use of #h natural talents and abilities, and shows considerable insight with new concepts. 2=#E generally performs at a good level, but there were a few topics that proved challenging for #m during the #time-period. 3=#E is a talented student of mathematics who makes full use of #h natural abilities. 4=#E is a most diligent student who takes full advantage of #h considerable ability. 5=#E has a sound grasp of the basic concepts and builds diligently upon that base. 6=#E generally possesses a strong base of skills in mathematics, although there were some clear areas of difficulty during the #time-period. 7=Unfortunately, #e struggled with some of the more difficult concepts of the course. 8=In order to improve #h understanding, #N should really ask more questions in class. 9=In order to expand #h knowledge, #N will need to make sure #e keeps at tight focus on the task at hand, and seek help whenever necessary. 10=In order to expand #h knowledge, #N will need to make sure #e communicates with the teacher as well as seek help whenever necessary. COMMENTS: maths_opening 1=#N has worked well this term. 2=#N has generally worked well this term but needs to focus better in class. 3=#N's progress has been quite erratic. 4=#N has made considerable progress in this course during the term. 5=#N has worked #diligence through this course, showing a mature attitude towards #h studies 6=#N worked steadily throughout the term, and has achieved some good progress. 7=#N is a very capable student of mathematics, and has produced some fine results this semester. 8=#N continued to demonstrate a keen interest and a strong desire to improve throughout the term. 9=#N is a very capable student of mathematics, but needs to be more focused during lessons. COMMENTS: maths_understanding 1=and has shown a firm understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 2=and displays a general understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 3=but has had difficulty understanding the concepts taught this semester. 4=There were glimpses of stability in #h work ethic, although #N was unable to sustain this consistently throughout the year. 5=Unfortunately, #e struggled with some of the more difficult concepts of the course. 6=#E takes responsibility for #h learning and will ask questions whenever necessary. COMMENTS: maths_work ethic 1=#E continued to demonstrate a keen interest and a strong desire to improve #h standard. 2=#E would consistently contribute in class discussions and kept a pleasing focus on the work. 3=#E is dedicated and conscientious, striving to do the best #e can, always with the desire to improve #h standard. 4=In class, #e would often take the task on hand and work on it. #E would often contribute to class discussions, and would sometimes ask questions. 5=#E would take responsibility for #h understanding and would seek help when needed. COMMENTS: math_farewell 1=I wish #m only the best in all #h future studies. Good luck, #N! 2=It was a fantastic year working with #N, and I wish #m only the best in all #h future studies. Good luck, #N! 3=Congratulations on an excellent two years' work, #N and I wish you the best in all of your future studies! COMMENTS: Methods 3/4 area of improvement 1=In order to improve I would recommend that #N has a more structured workbook. This will allow for better time management and give direction to some the harder calculations they need to follow. 2=In order to improve, #N should use #h time more effectively when revising. This will give #m a little more direction when time is important. 3=#E could also seek more feedback from the teacher. 4=In order to improve, I would recommend that #N seeks the finer points of the course. This may mean that extra questions will need to be asked. #E should really take advantage of the various opportunities that are available for support, both in and out of the classroom. 5=In order to improve, #N needs to work on the mathematical solving component of the course. This includes solving for unknown variables as well as the correct use of the calculators. COMMENTS: Methods 3/4 Attitude to Learning 1=In order for #N to improve, #h attitude to learning will need to improve. This could be achieved through increased awareness of expectations. 2=#N will need to improve #h attitude to learning in the following #Time. 3=#N has an inconsistent attitude to learning. Some days #h is very focused and responsible for #h learning, but other days this is not evident. 4=#N has a positive attitude to #h learning. This is evident through #h questioning, #h response to teacher feedback and through a diligent approach to the work set. 5=#N maintains a hardworking attitude both in and out of the classroom. 6=#H attitude to learning about physics concepts is positive and #e has developed a fair understanding of them. COMMENTS: Methods 3/4 intro 1=#N has had a mixed start to the year. 2=#N has been a positive contributor to the Mathematics classroom but would probably be a little disappointed with the grades #e has attained. 3=#N has received mixed marks throughout #Time. 4=#N has had a consistent start to the year. 5=#N has had a tough #Time in the Methods course. 6=#N's scores have fluctuated throughout the course of #Time. 7=#N has demonstrated that #e is capable of achieving some good results in this course. 8=#N has been an outstanding student for #Time. 9=#N has had a consistent year; however I'm sure that #e would like to see some improvement in #h test scores next year. COMMENTS: Next year 1=As #N goes into #NextYear, #e needs to continue to work as hard to ensure that #e has every success. 2=I wish #N every success as #e goes into #NextYear 3=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N all the best for #h future. 4=With #N going into #NextYear, #e needs to think about #h options for GCSE and I wish #m a successful #NextYear. 5=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N every success and am sure that #e will do well. 6=I hope that I will see #N in #NextYear after #h GCSE exams, and am sure that #e will do well. COMMENTS: Next year Form 1=As #N goes into #NextYear, #e needs to continue to work as hard to ensure that #e has every success. 2=I wish #N every success as #e goes into #NextYear 3=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N all the best for #h future. 4=With #N going into #NextYear, #e needs to think about #h options for GCSE and I wish #m a successful #NextYear. 5=With #NextYear approaching, I wish #N every success and am sure that #e will do well. 6=I hope that I will see #N in #NextYear after #h GCSE exams, and am sure that #e will do well. COMMENTS: OLD-Alerts other targets 1=#N has been elected as a member of the school council and is looking forward to representing student viewpoints next year. 2=#E needs to improve #h punctuality to school.. 3=#N needs to improve #h organisation as #e has received a number of alerts for having the incorrect books and equiptment. 4=#N needs to work on completing independent learning on time, #e has received a number of alerts for late and incomplete independent learning. 5=#N needs to work on improving #h punctuality to school, and the standard of #h independent learning as #e has received a number of alerts for these. COMMENTS: OLD-co-curricular/trips 1=I hope that next term #e will join in with some of the activities available, as they offer our students many benefits, and additional opportunities. 2=I hope that next term #e will join some of these, as they offer our students many benefits. 3=#E took part in the Christian Union weekend. 4=#E enjoyed going away on the Year 8 trip. COMMENTS: OLD-I/L comment 1=#E has produced good pieces of independent learning. 2=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning. 3=#E has produced good independent learning at times although some work has been late. 4=#E could improve #h independent learning by spending more time adding detail. 5=#E could improve #h independent learning by spending more time on it to ensure it is #h best work. 6=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning. 7=#E has produced some satisfactory pieces of independent learning, but at times #h this work has appeared to have been completed in a hurry. 8=#E needs to spend longer on independent learning completing it to the best of #h ability. 9=#E needs to make a much greater effort with independent learning, completing the work fully and handing it in on time. COMMENTS: OLD-KS- end sentence 1=#E needs to try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge. 2=#E needs to ensure that #e maintains #h good effort, and always aims to complete extension activities. 3=#E needs to maintain #h excellent effort in lessons and continue making a valuable contribution to discussions. #N should try to extend their knowledge by asking questions about the work in lessons. 4=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons when unsure of the work, #e also needs to revise thoroughly for end of topic tests. 5=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and to revise thoroughly for all tests. 6=#E needs to increase #h focus in lessons, and rate of work production so that #e can achieve #h potential. 7=#E needs to try to get started on classwork activities more quickly, so #e can complete more work in the lessons. 8=#E works at a casual rate in lessons, #e needs to push #s to complete as much work as #e can and aim to complete extension activities. 9=#E needs to work at a faster rate during the lessons, getting started on activities more quickly and asking for help as soon as #e needs it should help to achieve this. 10=#E can work well in lessons, however at other times #e needs to increase #h rate of work production. 11=#E generally works well in the lessons, but rarely asks for help. #E could aim to add more detail to independent learning . COMMENTS: OLD-KS3 end sentence 1=#E needs to try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge. 2=#E needs to ensure that #e maintains #h good effort, and always aims to complete extension activities. 3=#E needs to maintain #h excellent effort in lessons and continue making a valuable contribution to discussions. #N should try to extend their knowledge by asking questions about the work in lessons. 4=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons when unsure of the work, #e also needs to revise thoroughly for end of topic tests. 5=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and to revise thoroughly for all tests. 6=#E needs to increase #h focus in lessons, and rate of work production so that #e can achieve #h potential. 7=#E needs to try to get started on classwork activities more quickly, so #e can complete more work in the lessons. 8=#E works at a casual rate in lessons, #e needs to push #s to complete as much work as #e can and aim to complete extension activities. 9=#E needs to ask for help as soon as #e needs it, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 10=#E can work well in lessons, however at other times #e needs to increase #h rate of work production. 11=#E generally works well in the lessons, but rarely asks for help. 12=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 13=#E should try to ask questions in the lesson to extend #h knowledge. 14=#E needs to stay more focussed on class work activities in order to complete more work in the lessons. 15=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge, and revise thoroughly for tests. 16=#E needs to ask for help as soon as #e needs it, and make sure that #e revises thoroughly for tests COMMENTS: OLD-KS3 middle sentence 1=#E achieved #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination. 2=#E did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination. 3=#E did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the in end of unit tests. 4=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the end of unit tests. 5=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h minimum target sublevel in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in many of the end of unit tests. 6=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in some of the end of unit tests. 7=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination, but has achieved this level in many of the end of unit tests. 8=#E exceeded their minimum target grade in the end of year examination. 9=#E greatly exceeded #h minimum target grade in the end of year examination. 10=Unfortunately #e did not achieve #h target grade in the end of year exam. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample intro sentence 1=#N has had a mixed year but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 3=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 4=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 5=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! COMMENTS: OLD-Sample project-work sentence 1=#E has worked hard on #h project-work. I was very pleased with #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work varies considerably however #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment was excellent. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample summing-up sentence 1=#N has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: OLD-Starter ks 3 1=#N works well in lessons, completing work to the best of #h ability. 2=#N is enthusiastic about practical work, and group activities. 3=#N enjoys class work activities where there are opportunities for discussion with other students. 4=#N enjoys practical work, and paired work. 5=#N enjoys group work, and practical work. 6=#N is enthusiastic about #h Science studies, and contributes well to class discussions. 7=#N works well in lessons, and often volunteers to read aloud for the class. 8=#N works well individually, and in paired activities. 9=#N works well in lessons completing classwork activities to a good standard. COMMENTS: OLD-Tutor group starter 1=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group. 2=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group who integrates well with the other students. 3=#N is a popular and lively member of the tutor group. 4=#N is a polite and cooperative member of the tutor group. 5=#N is a polite and thoughtful member of the tutor group. 6=#N arrives punctually at tutor time wearing correct uniform. 7=#N is a quiet and thoughtful member of the tutor group. 8=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group. COMMENTS: OLD-tutor group-curricular activities 1=#E has taken part in as a co-curricular activity this year. 2=#E has enjoyed taking part in as a co-curricular activity this year. 3=#E has enjoyed taking part in and as co-curricular activities this year. 4=#E has enjoyed taking part in as a co-curricular activity, and has performed in several concerts. 5=#E has not participated in any co-curricular activities this year. COMMENTS: OLD-Tutor time activities 1=#E works quietly on tutor time activities, but has not helped to present our assemblies. 2=#E works quietly on tutor time activities and occasionally helps to present our assemblies. 3=#E is enthusiastic about taking part in tutor group assemblies and regularly helps to present these. 4=#E has taken part in presenting some of our tutor group assemblies. 5=#E completes tutor time activities with encouragement, but is reluctant to help present any tutor time assemblies. 6=#E completes tutor time activities 7=#E completes tutor time activities, but could take a greater role in presenting or helping to present the tutor group assembly next year. COMMENTS: OLD-yr 10 end comment 1=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 2=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 3=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and extend #h knowledge. 4=#E should try to get onto and complete extension activities in the lessons. 5=#E should ain to get onto, and complete extension activities in the lessons. 6=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge and understanding. 7=To improve #h performance #e needs to work to the best of #h ability in all lessons, and ensure that #e gets onto and completes extension activities. 8=To improve #h performance #e needs to apply #s fully to tasks in lessons, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, #e also needs to revise work on a regular schedule. 9=#E should aim to ask questions each lesson to extend #h knowledge, and make sure that #e always completes all extension activities. COMMENTS: OLD-Yr 10 end sentence 1=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 2=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 3=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and extend #h knowledge. 4=#E should try to get onto and complete extension activities in the lessons. 5=#E should ain to get onto, and complete extension activities in the lessons. 6=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge and understanding. 7=To improve #h performance #e needs to work to the best of #h ability in all lessons, and ensure that #e gets onto and completes extension activities. 8=To improve #h performance #e needs to apply #s fully to tasks in lessons, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, #e also needs to revise work on a regular schedule. 9=#E should aim to ask questions each lesson to extend #h knowledge, and make sure that #e always completes all extension activities. 10=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding and to use a range of revision techniques to improve #h attainment in future exams , 11=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and revise work on a regular schedule. COMMENTS: OLD-yr 10 Exam info comment 1=#E achieved #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 2=#E just achieved #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 3=#E did not achieve #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 4=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 5=#E exceeded #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. COMMENTS: OLD-yr 10 starter comments 1=#N grasps new concepts quickly and can apply them to new situations and problems. 2=#N has an enquiring mind and asks relevant, searching questions. 3=#N works methodically in the lessons. 4=#N has steadily made progress. 5=#N works methodically in the lessons, producing work of a satisfactory standard. 6=#N can produce work of a satisfactory standard in lessons. Often however #e could get started on tasks more quickly, and work at a faster rate. 7=#N can produce work of a satisfactory standard in lessons. Often #e works at a leisurely rate, and does not complete as much work as #e could. 8=#N enjoys opportunities for paired work, and contributes to the discussions involved. 9=When focused , #N grasps new concepts quickly. #E works at a leisurely rate, and often does not complete as much work as #e could. 10=#N thinks carefully about the work and asks relevant, searching questions. 11=#N works methodically in the lessons, producing work of a satisfactory standard. 12=#N grasps new concepts quickly and can apply them to new situations and problems. #E completes #h work to the best of #h ability. 13=In lessons #N usually completes tasks to reasonable standard, although #e could be more self motivated. 14=#N works with enthusiasm occasionally, which is wonderful to see. 15=#N works very well on rare occasions, which is wonderful to see. 16=#N is a logical thinker who takes the time to consider different viewpoints before answering questions. COMMENTS: Personal nature 1=#E has taken responsibility this year in the form by being #FormRole, which is a good reflection upon #h willingness to contribute to the overall school. 2=#E has been an enthusiastic participant in form time activities, which reflects well upon #m. 3=#E is a quiet member of the form, but #N is a very good representative of #House, and #e just needs a bit more confidence in form time. 4=#E is often quite chatty during form, which #e needs to be careful of, but overall #N is a very good representative of #House COMMENTS: Personal nature Form 1=#E has taken responsibility this year in the form by being #FormRole, which is a good reflection upon #h willingness to contribute to the overall school. 2=#E has been an enthusiastic participant in form time activities, which reflects well upon #m. 3=#E is a quiet member of the form, but #N is a very good representative of #House, and #e just needs a bit more confidence in form time. 4=#E is often quite chatty during form, which #e needs to be careful of, but overall #N is a very good representative of #House COMMENTS: PHSE 1=#N should now focus on completing #h Personal Statement for #h UK university application, so they have the best opportunity to access the course at the top of their choices. 2=#N has made a good start to Year 13. Overall, I am #feeling with #h report. 3=#N's punctuality is #progress, but #e must improve #h attendance as #e has missed a number of days of school. It is now crucial that #e catches up on any missed work due to these absences. 4=#N is a #characteristic member of my tutor group and I am #feeling to see that #e has received a #progress report this #Time-period. 5=#N's attendance is #progress and #e #frequency arrives for morning registration on time. 6=#N's attendance is #progress and #e #frequency comes to morning registration on time. 7=#N's attendance is #progress, but #e must improve #h punctuality as #e is #frequency late to morning registration. 8=It is clear from #h subject teacher comments that #N has performed #grade well in #subject and #subject. 9=#But #e must now focus on improving #h grade and work in #subject. 10=#H uniform is #quality and #e #frequency #follows the school rules. 11=#E wears #h uniform correctly and #frequency #follows the school rules. 12=#E #frequency #follows the school rules regarding uniform. 13=Have a great break and come back refreshed in January. 14=Have a great Christmas and see you in January! 15=Have a well-earned holiday and see you in January! 16=Enjoy your holidays and see you in September! 17=Have a wonderful Summer. 18=Have a well-earned holiday and see you in September! 19=Have a great break and come back refreshed in September. 20=To date, #e has #?% absences and #?% late arrivals on #h attendance record. COMMENTS: PLTs Next Steps Sentences 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. 5=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. COMMENTS: PLTs Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has demonstrated that #e is willing to work independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 2=#E is starting to work more independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 3=#N will work with any member of the class and has shown a particular strength in taking the lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. This may be in either a practical activity or more paper based task. 4=#N will work with most members of the class and is starting to take more of a lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. 5=#N has shown a talent for being able to stand up in front of the class and present ideas or work that #e has researched. This is fantastic to see as it is an area that so many students struggle with. 6=#N has shown a real ability to comment on the reliability and validity of other pupils results and investigations. This is a difficult skill to master but is essential for course work. COMMENTS: Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: Project work 1=#N has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #ProjectName assignment. 2=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #ProjectName assignment was excellent and reflected a clear interest in the topic. 3=#N is able to explain the new skills learned in a project and how they have been used to achieve the finished product. 4=#N always takes an active part in class and group discussions on the use of ICT, demonstrating sound awareness of its impact on society. 5=#N has made good use of feedback from others when developing a digital product in order to improve #h work. 6=#N shows the ability to combine information from a variety of sources to present to specific audiences in a suitable format. This was shown particularly well in the #ProjectName project. 7=#N is able to identify the advantages and limitations of different software tools and use this information to enhance #h work. 8=#N demonstrates a good awareness of audience and purpose when producing publications using different types of software. 9=#N has become a confident user of a variety of software packages to create publications for different audiences and purposes. I was especially pleased with #h work on the #ProjectName project, where #e demonstrated #h skills with #Software software. 10=#N is able to use sound editing software to mix and edit pre-recorded sound files. #H demonstrated this well in the #ProjectName project. 11=#N has shown the ability to evaluate #h own work and consider ways to make improvements. This is a vital skill when aiming to create high quality work. 12=#N has evaluated features of different types of software, identifying how they can be used to complete different tasks. 13=#N has produced a range of publications using different types of software and showing some awareness of audience and purpose. #H particularly enjoyed working on the #ProjectName project. 14=#N has used the Internet efficiently to search for specific and complex information required for project work. 15=#N has identified some features of different types of software and how they are used to carry out different tasks. 16=#N has made some use of peer evaluation to assess #h own work. 17=#E has undertaken research activities with minimal guidance selecting information that is accurate and suitable for its purpose. 18=#N has maintained consistency within presentation work by #h careful use of colour schemes and text styles. 19=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. COMMENTS: Punctuality 1=As well as this, #N's punctuality is #punctuality. COMMENTS: Punctuality Form 1=As well as this, #N's punctuality is #punctuality. COMMENTS: Read work through Next Steps Sentences 1=#N now needs to ensure that #e reads #h work through in between lessons and spends time revising. This should ensure that #N's grades improve and that #e is a step closer to attaining #h target grade of a #?. 2=#N now needs to read through all #h written work to ensure that there are no silly mistakes and that #e has included all the correct keywords and terms. 3=#N would benefit from setting some time aside to learn the correct spelling and use of key words and term as this would help #m to improve #h written work and attainment. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e checks all of #h written work through carefully as #e is prone to making the odd silly mistake. COMMENTS: Remote Learning 1=Since the lock down. 2=#N engaged effectively with [classmates, teacher] during individual and group distance learning activities. 3=#N struggled early with participation in distance learning activities, but showed great persistence and became an active participant in #h own and #h classmates’ learning. 4=Although #N demonstrated increasing confidence and engagement during online class sessions, #e was often reluctant to join a discussion or activity without being asked. 5=#N was able to effectively use #tech-resource with limited assistance to engage in class activities, complete and submit assignments, and communicate with teachers, staff, and other students. 6=#N did a great job staying focused during online learning sessions and activities, even when faced with distractions and technology glitches. 7=#N very effectively maintained #h in-class behaviour and work habits after the transition to distance learning. #E demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt/adjust to a very challenging transition! 8=#N required minimal assistance with #tech-resource and was helpful in assisting other students in developing proficiency with #tech-resource. 9=#N was an enthusiastic participant in online learning sessions, but sometimes had to be reminded to let other students have time to share their work and ideas, as well. 10=#N did an excellent job of following through on #h completion of offline assignments, homework, and other independent activities. 11=#N was accountable for #h attendance, behavior, and participation in distance learning sessions and was a model for other students in this regard. 12=#N responded very well to the challenging transition from in-class to distance learning, with the exception of submitting #h assignments in a timely manner. 13=#N always showed up prepared, organized, and motivated to make the best of distance learning sessions. #E was a joy to have in class. 14=#N's participation and behaviour in distance learning sessions was inconsistent and sometimes disengaged or distracted. This was #sim-diff #h behavior in a classroom setting. 15=#N struggled in the distance learning environment but tried hard and did #h best to engage and be part of the discussions and activities. 16=#N was proactive and took initiative to reach out and ask for help when necessary, both academically and with technology and distance learning problems. 17=#N rarely attends online lessons, however, #e needs to be a more active participant and join in the discussion without being asked. 18=Although #N attends the online lessons, #e usually fails to participate in the discussion and rarely completes the homework. 19=#N has rarely joined the online lessons and has failed to complete the assigned homework. 20=#N rarely attends online lessons and generally participates in the discussion and usually completes #h homework. COMMENTS: Remote Learning 2 1=Since the lock down. 2=#N's participation and behaviour in distance learning sessions was inconsistent and sometimes disengaged or distracted. 3=#N struggled in the distance learning environment but tried hard and did #h best to engage and be part of the discussions and activities. 4=#N was proactive and took initiative to reach out and ask for help when necessary, both academically and with technology and distance learning problems. 5=#N rarely attends online lessons, however, #e needs to be a more active participant and join in the discussion without being asked. 6=Although #N attends the online lessons, #e usually fails to participate in the discussion and rarely completes the homework. 7=#N has rarely joined the online lessons and has failed to complete the assigned homework. 8=#N rarely attends online lessons and generally participates in the discussion and usually completes #h homework. 9=#N did well in the online lessons and did #h best to engage and be part of the discussions and activities. 10=#N's participation and behaviour in online lessons was consistent and #e stayed engaged and on task throughout the sessions. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentence 1=#N has had a mixed year but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentence 1=#E has worked hard on #h project-work. I was very pleased with #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work varies considerably however #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment was excellent. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h Glastonbury Festival project. 2=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 3=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h Glastonbury Festival project. I was very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 4=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences Form 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentence 1=#N has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. This has been an excellent term's work, keep it up! {BR}{BR} 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences Form 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Science Comments 1=#E has the potential to do well in #subject. 2=#E is an enthusiastic Scientist. 3=#E seems to enjoy #h #subject lessons. 4=#E is a pleasure to teach in #subject. 5=#E is capable of working well in #subject, when #e concentrates and focuses on the task at hand. 6=#E has shown real improvement in the standard of written work that #e can produce. #E has started to use more scientific words and is now checking #h work through more regularly. 7=#E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. 8=#E scored #?% in the end-of-year examination, which has contributed towards a #progress overall grade in #subject for Year #yeargroup. 9=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. 10=#E carries out practical tasks safely and with enthusiasm. 11=Despite finding the language a challenge, #N is gradually improving #h knowledge of scientific vocabulary and this is something #e should continue to work on. COMMENTS: Science Progress 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h #subject studies. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. 4=#E has put a lot of effort into #h classwork. #E has shown a particular strength in writing detailed answers and explanations, that contain the correct key words and terms. 5=#E has shown #keywordlist grasp of key words and #e can often use them to give some very strong verbal answers. 6=#E is starting to grasp some scientific key words and #e is using them to give some good verbal answers in class. 7=#N can produce some very clear, longer answers in #h written work. This is a brilliant ability to have, as more and more exam questions now require extended answers. 8=#N has shown real improvement in the standard of written work that #e can produce. #E has started to use more scientific words and is now checking #h work through more regularly. 9=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. 10=I was particularly pleased with #N's class work. #E clearly spent a lot of time on it, which was reflected in #h grades. #N showed a particular strength in being able to #? 11=I am very pleased to see that #e has been very active in discussions, with a lot of positive energy. 12=#E is #frequency attentive in class and participates in class discussions #willing. 13=#E is attentive in class and willingly participates in group discussion and goes beyond just answering questions. 14=#E is asking some good questions that bring about interesting discussions. 15=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. 16=I would really like to see #m participate more in class, as I believe that #e could add a lot to the class discussions. 17=#E scored #?% in the end-of-year examination, which has contributed towards a #progress overall grade in #subject for Year #yeargroup. 18=#E scored an average of #?% in #h end-of-topic tests, which has contributed towards a #progress overall attainment grade in #subject so far. COMMENTS: Starter ks 3 1=#N works well in lessons, completing work to the best of #h ability. 2=#N is enthusiastic about practical work, and group activities. 3=#N enjoys class work activities where there are opportunities for discussion with other students. 4=#N enjoys practical work, and paired work. 5=#N enjoys group work, and practical work. 6=#N is enthusiastic about #h Science studies, and contributes well to class discussions. 7=#N works well in lessons, and often volunteers to read aloud for the class. 8=#N works well individually, and in paired activities. 9=#N works well in lessons completing classwork activities to a good standard. COMMENTS: Summary 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N is well on #h way to having a great year! 5=Keep up the great work, #N! 6=I look forward to seeing more of the same next term #N! 7=I have no doubt that #e will continue to succeed in #subject if #e #todonext to work hard. 8=It has been a pleasure to have #N in class this year. 9=I am confident that if #e refocuses #h energy, #e will improve next term. 10=#N has the ability to do well in #subject and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next term. 11=I have no doubt that #e will reach #h target in #subject, if #e can listen to this advice. 12=I would recommend that #e now persists to work in this manner and that #e regularly reads around each topic, to improve #h general scientific knowledge. 13=#N should now focus on maintaining this high level of achievement into Year #yeargroup and aim to share more of #h ideas in lessons. 14=I am confident that if #e refocuses #h energy, #e will improve even more next term. 15=#E has been set a high target in #subject; #but, I have every confidence that #e will rise to this challenge if #e #How-to-improve. 16=I have set #m a very high end-of-year target in #subject; #but, I am confident that #e can rise to this challenge. 17=#H target in #subject is challenging. #But, I firmly believe #e has the ability to meet this goal. COMMENTS: Summary - high 1=I have been very pleased with #N's focussed approach to independent research and #h willingness to contribute ideas in class discussions. 2=#N's work on the #ProjectName project demonstrated #h ability to carry out research independently and then share ideas within a team to create a joint presentation. 3=#N has worked well independently to evaluate the quality of #h own work, making improvements where necessary. 4=I have been impressed with how #N has evaluated #h own work independently in order to make improvements. 5=I have been impressed with how well #N has completed independent research and then worked within a team to create a joint presentation online. 6=I was pleased with #N's ability to select information carefully from #h research and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 7=I have been impressed with how well #N worked as part of a team to create a joint online presentation on the #ProjectName project. 8=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whist producing #h #ProjectName project. 9=#N has shown a high level of independent learning skills, especially whilst learning how to use unfamiliar software. 10=#N has always worked well in paired and group activities and then shown the ability to focus well when completing tasks independently. 11=I have been especially pleased that #N has worked well on independent tasks, managing #h time so that work is completed by the deadlines. COMMENTS: Summary - low 1=#N now needs to become more independent whilst carrying out research activities so that work is completed on time. 2=I would like to see #N try to improve #h personal organisation whilst working independently. 3=I would now like to see #N become more independent whilst researching specific topics. 4=I would like to see #N become more independent whilst completing research activities. 5=I would now like to see #N try to become more focussed whilst carrying out research activities. 6=If #N continues to work on #h self-motivation, I am sure #e will improve #h ability to work independently. 7=I would like to see #N concentrate more whilst working independently so that work is completed to a higher standard. 8=With more concentration, the standard of #N's work will improve. 9=I would like to see #N develop #h skills as an independent enquirer so that #e can summarise the key points from the information #e finds. 10=#N is keen to contribute to class discussions and I would now like #m to improve #h concentration whilst working independently so that #e can complete work to a higher standard by the deadlines set. COMMENTS: Summary - medium 1=I was impressed by #h skills as a team worker whilst producing a joint online presentation with #h peers. 2=#N has worked well within a team, especially whilst creating a presentation together. 3=#N has also worked well within a team to produce a joint presentation. 4=I was pleased with #N's ability to carry out research independently and then contribute ideas to group tasks. 5=#N has worked well within #h group to produce a joint presentation online using #Software. 6=#N has worked well independently whilst researching a topic to find relevant facts and images to include in #h work. 7=I have been impressed with #N's ability to work well within a small team, especially by producing a joint presentation in #Software software. 8=#N has worked reasonably well when asked to carry out a research task independently and I would like to see #m become more confident when experimenting with new software. COMMENTS: Term 2 Y11 Bio Sent 1 1=#N has been consistently working hard to improve this term, and it is wonderful to see this reflected in #h mock examination grades. 2=#N is to be congratulated on #h ongoing efforts in #h Biology learning. As #e keeps growing in confidence #h results keep improving. 3=#N performed fantastically in #h recent mocks, improving from a B in November to an A. #E has clearly been working hard and putting in the effort. 4=As evidenced by #h performance in the most recent mock examinations, #N has unfortunately not put in the focus and effort, in and outside of chemistry lessons, necessary to do well in this subject. 5=#N has the ability to perform well in Biology, yet #e has unfortunately not put in the levels of effort and engagement that would see #m do so. 6=#N has performed very poorly in #h recent mocks. #E has missed many lessons this term and has not spent enough time revising at home and this has been reflected in #h responses to all three papers. 7=#N has been inconsistent this term and I feel that this is reflected in #h overall grade from the recent mock examinations. 8=#N has clearly worked hard to improve upon #h performance in the November mock examinations. 9=#N has shown #s to be an able Biology student. #E pays attention in lessons and #e often puts #h hand up when a question is asked, showing that #h confidence in #h own abilities keeps growing. 10=#N has shown #s to be a decent Biology student. #E generally pays attention in lessons, yet would benefit from engaging more with the learning content. 11=#N has had an exemplary term, improving significantly since the last round of mock examinations! 12=#N has clearly worked harder this term to improve #h grade in recent mocks. #E has put in consistent effort with skills taught and applied these to a variety of tasks. 13=Although #N has made more of an effort to attend and participate in lessons recently, this has unfortunately resulted in only a small improvement in grade as #e still has much to catch up on from earlier this academic year. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 1 1=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h subjects this term, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. 2=#N seems to be showing #quality grades in #some subjects. #E will need to work hard in these subjects in term 3 and seek help from #h teachers. 3=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, showing #quality grades in those subjects this term. Keep up this #quality work! 4=#N is working #Workrate in #some of #h classes, #But #e is showing #quality grades in #some subjects this term. #E needs to work with #h teachers to improve in these subjects. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 2 1=#N demonstrates #Behaviour behaviour around school. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 3 1=#N does not dress appropriately and there are times when #e needs to be reminded of the dress code for school. 2=#N dresses appropriately for school on most days, however there are times when #e needs to be reminded of the dress code. 3=#N is well dressed for school and follows the school dress code at all times. 4=#N is always well dressed and smart, showing the utmost respect for our school dress code COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 4 1=#E never has the correct equipment for school and this is a major concern as it is affecting #h performance in lessons. 2=#E carries the correct equipment to school but sometimes forgets and this needs to improve. 3=#E always has the correct equipment for a school day, including stationery and homework diary. 4=#E brings the correct equipment to school everyday and is a model student to others in this respect. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 5 1=#E has a very poor punctuality to school and lessons. This is a major concern and if it doesn't improve then #e will be placed on report. 2=#E arrives to school and lessons on time for most of the time, but this can be improved as there are many occasions when #N is late. 3=#E has a good punctuality record and #e is on time to school and lessons. 4=#E has an excellent punctuality and #h is always on time to school in the morning, and sometimes early. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 6 1=#N has a very poor attendance record. #E has missed a lot of the term and this is affecting #N's education a lot. 2=#N has an average attendance record, and #N knows this must improve to help #h progress. 3=#N has a good attendance record. #N is rarely off school unless it is absolutely necessary and this has helped #h progress. 4=#N has an excellent attendance record, and has not missed any days this term. COMMENTS: Tutor Comment 7 1=#N has not taken part in any ECA this term, and must try to sign up to one next term. 2=#N has taken part in an ECA that #e has enjoyed. 3=#N has participated in an ECA that they try hard at. 4=#N takes part in many ECAs around school that show great enthusiasm, and they enjoy them. COMMENTS: Tutor group starter 1=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group. 2=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group who integrates well with the other students. 3=#N is a popular and lively member of the tutor group. 4=#N is a polite and cooperative member of the tutor group. 5=#N is a polite and thoughtful member of the tutor group. 6=#N arrives punctually at tutor time wearing correct uniform. 7=#N is a quiet and thoughtful member of the tutor group. 8=#N is a friendly member of the tutor group. COMMENTS: tutor group-curricular activities 1=#E has taken part in as a co-curricular activity this year. 2=#E has enjoyed taking part in as a co-curricular activity this year. 3=#E has enjoyed taking part in and as co-curricular activities this year. 4=#E has enjoyed taking part in as a co-curricular activity, and has performed in several concerts. 5=#E has not participated in any co-curricular activities this year. COMMENTS: Tutor time activities 1=#E works quietly on tutor time activities, but has not helped to present our assemblies. 2=#E works quietly on tutor time activities and occasionally helps to present our assemblies. 3=#E is enthusiastic about taking part in tutor group assemblies and regularly helps to present these. 4=#E has taken part in presenting some of our tutor group assemblies. 5=#E completes tutor time activities with encouragement, but is reluctant to help present any tutor time assemblies. 6=#E completes tutor time activities 7=#E completes tutor time activities, but could take a greater role in presenting or helping to present the tutor group assembly next year. COMMENTS: Ways to improve 1=To improve #N needs to start to clearly show #h working fully when answering questions. 2=To improve #N needs to be completing homework fully and handing it in on time to take full advantage of the benefits it can bring. 3=To improve #N must pay close attention to the introduction at the start and if necessary make notes to ensure #e understands the work later. 4=To improve #N will have to look at the methods that #e employs to complete revision. Using postcards to condense notes or mind maps to display information. 5=To improve #N needs to change #h behaviour and attitude to work. 6=To improve #N needs to make sure that #e comes properly equipped for lessons. 7=To improve #N must use the time in class wisely and focus on completing all tasks set. 8=To improve #N must aim to attend class more regularly and copy up missed work when absent. COMMENTS: Withdrawal or not (GCSE) 1=With only a small amount of taught time left till the final exam, it is important that all time remaining is used to it's full effect. COMMENTS: Y9 Intro sentence 1=#N sets a very high standard for #s. #E shows an enquiring approach to learning. 2=#N works enthusiastically and to a high standard at all times. 3=#N works quietly and unobtrusively so that steady progress has been maintained. 4=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 5=#N's work is good when #e sets #h mind to it. 6=#N very receptive to new ideas and takes a great interest in any new venture. 7=#N has maintained a reasonable standard of effort and interest throughout the year. 8=#N has shown some interest in the subject, although #e has occasionally been distracted from work in class. 9=#N has worked with interest on all the topics covered this year and has contributed with confidence to class and small group discussions. 10=#N is an able and conscientious member of the group who has displayed a real interest in the subject. 11=#N is a conscientious student who has worked well throughout the year. 12=#N has made good progress this year and has demonstrated a good understanding of the software used so far. 13=#N has found some of the work challenging this year, but #e has always tried #h best. 14=#N has made a good effort during all lessons and this is reflected in the standard of #h work. 15=#N has had a varied approach to #h ICT lessons. Whilst #e is capable of producing some good work when #e concentrates on the tasks set, #e occasionally allows #s to be distracted. 16=#N has shown an enthusiastic approach to ICT, tackling each topic with interest. 17=#N is a friendly student who always approaches lessons with a positive learning attitude. 18=#N is keen to participate in class discussions and has offered many relevant comments. 19=#N is capable of better work but lacks concentration 20=#N has had a mixed year but there have been signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. COMMENTS: Year 10 closing 1=It is now just a matter of keeping up all this good work so that we do not slip back. #N must continue to really push to ensure #e is prepared for starting #h GCSE next year. 2=It all comes down to how much #e wants to be ready for next year. #N must really push to ensure #e is prepared for starting #h GCSE next year 3=It all comes down to getting ready for next year. #N must decide how much #e wants to gain a grade C and how much time and effort #e is willing to put into gaining this. 4=I would recommend that #N completes essential skills maths instead of GCSE. This will give #m a better opportunity to achieve a qualification that is transferable to the workplace or further study. COMMENTS: Year 10 report level 1=#N is currently working at a Level 5 overall. This is in line with expectation and points towards gaining a grade C or above at GCSE. Well done, #N. 2=#N is currently working at a Level 6 overall. This is in line with expectation and points towards gaining a grade B or above at GCSE. Well done, #N. 3=#N is currently working at a Level 4/5 overall. This is a good achievement for #N and with hard work will still lead to a grade C at GCSE. Well done. 4=#N is currently working at a Level 4 overall. This is in line with where I would have expected #N to be by the end of year 10, based on year 8 projections and past progress data. Well done, #N. 5=#N is currently working at a Level 3/4 overall. This is in line with where I would have expected #N to be by the end of year 10, based on year 8 projections and past progress data. Well done, #N. 6=#N is currently working at a Level 3 overall. This is in line with where I would have expected #N to be by the end of year 10, based on year 8 projections and past progress data. Well done, #N. 7=#N is currently working at a Level #Levels overall. This is below where I would have hoped #N would achieve this year. #N will need to work hard from here on to ensure that #e is ready for next year. COMMENTS: Year 11 closing 1=It is now just a matter of keeping up all this good work. #N must continue to really push to get the best result in May. 2=It all comes down to how much #e wants to be ready for May. #N must continue to really push to get the best result that #e can in all future exams. 3=It all comes down to how much #e wants to be ready for May. #N must really push to get the best result that #e can in all future exams. 4=It all comes down to getting ready for May. #N must decide how much #e wants to gain a grade C and how much time and effort #e is willing to put into gaining this. COMMENTS: Year 11 opening 1=#N had a mixed start to Year 11 but there are signs of improvement in #h work of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year so far. 3=#N has put in a good amount of effort throughout the year so far. 4=#N is a conscientious and hard-working pupil. 5=#N is a quiet pupil but is working well. 6=#N is a quiet pupil and needs to try to speak up when #e needs help. 7=#N is a well behaved pupil but does have a tendency to be distracted by engaging in conversations. 8=#N is not working in a way that I would expect to see at this stage. 9=#N has shown a real commitment to improving #h work in Maths. #H attendance of after-school support has made a big contribution to this. 10=#N has made some great progress this year and I have been impressed with the improvements made. COMMENTS: Year 11 progress 1=#N has taken advantage of every possible opportunity to succeed. We have completely covered the course and have been working on the revision phase. A number of resources of past paper questions have been given alongside a wealth of revision tips. The use of the online support videos and resources is also encouraged. 2=#N has taken advantage of most opportunities to succeed. We have completely covered the course and have been working on the revision phase. A number of resources of past paper questions have been given alongside a wealth of revision tips. The use of the online support videos and resources is also encouraged. 3=#N has not taken advantage of enough opportunities to succeed. We have completely covered the course and have been working on the revision phase. A number of resources of past paper questions have been given alongside a wealth of revision tips. The use of the online support videos and resources is also encouraged. COMMENTS: Year 11 report est. grade 1=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade A. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. 2=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade A or B. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. 3=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade B. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. 4=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade B or C. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. 5=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade C. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. 6=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving at the moment is a grade D. Hopefully things will come together and #e may exceed this estimate. Extra help will continue to be available after school and must be used to improve #h grade. 7=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade D. This needs to improve if #e wishes to pass this course. #N can recognise when #e misunderstands #h work but this has yet to really turn into action to solve the problem. Extra help is available after school and must be used to improve #h grade. 8=If #N continues as #e is currently working then the grade I would estimate #m achieving is a grade E. This needs to significantly improve. This has mostly been due to a lack of focus in class and a greater interest in other things than #h work. There is also a lack of effort in trying to fix gaps in #h understanding from past work. This must change. Extra help is offered after school but as yet this is not being used. COMMENTS: Year 12 closing 1=It all comes down to this last unit now, examined in May. #N must really push to get the highest possible mark in this exam. 2=It all comes down to the exams in May. #N must decide how much #e wants to gain a grade C and how much effort #e puts into gaining this. 3=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January T6 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may involve completing a resit, attempting a higher level paper (T4), or it may be the result we were hoping for. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March. 4=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January T5 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may be the result we are hoping for, or if not, a resit in T5 will be required. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March regarding this decision. 5=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January T5 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may be the result we are hoping for and only involve completing a resit of T2, or a resit in both T2 and T5 will be required. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March regarding this decision. COMMENTS: Year 12 closing (2019) 1=It all comes down to this last unit, examined in early June. #N will need to consider if #e wishes to push for the A or A* grades by completing the M8 exam, or whether #e is happy with at most a B grade, finishing with the M7 exam. I have started the M8 course with #N to let #m make an informed choice. 2=It all comes down to this last unit, examined in early June. #N must really push to get the highest possible mark in this exam. 3=It all comes down to this last unit, examined in early June. #N must decide how much #e wishes to gain a passing grade in this subject. 4=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January M7 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may involve completing a resit, attempting a higher level paper (M8), or it may be the result we were hoping for. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March. 5=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January T5 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may be the result we are hoping for and only involve completing a resit of T2, or a resit in both T2 and T5 will be required. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March regarding this decision. 6=We will now just have to wait and see what result comes from the January T5 exam. This will determine the path #N continues to follow towards May. This may be the result we are hoping for, or if not, a resit in T5 will be required. We will be in touch again when the results arrive in early March regarding this decision. COMMENTS: Year 12 opening 1=#N had a mixed start to Year 12 but there are signs of improvement in #h work of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N has put in a good amount of effort throughout the year. 4=#N is a conscientious and hard-working pupil. 5=#N is a quiet pupil but is working well. 6=#N is a quiet pupil and needs to try to speak up when #e needs help. 7=#N is a well behaved pupil but does have a tendency to be distracted by engaging in conversations. 8=#N is not working in a way that I would expect to see at this stage. 9=#N has shown a real commitment to improving #h work in Maths. #H attendance of afterschool support has made a big contribution to this. 10=#N has made some great progress this year and I have been impressed with the improvements made. COMMENTS: Year 12 progress 1=Additional support will be offered in a number of different ways, particularly after school. These times have proved to be extremely valuable to pupils, who have been responsible for attending by their own choice. COMMENTS: Year 12 report est. grade 1=#N is currently working at a grade A standard in class and hopefully this result will be reflected in #h exam results. We completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N was familiar with the different types of questions that were asked. 2=#N is currently working at a grade A/B standard in class and hopefully the higher result will be reflected in #h exam results. We completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N was familiar with the different types of questions that were asked. 3=#N is currently working at a grade B standard in class and hopefully this result will be reflected in #h exam results. We completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N was familiar with the different types of questions that were asked. 4=#N is currently working at a grade B/C standard in class and hopefully the higher result will be reflected in #h exam results. We completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N was familiar with the different types of questions that were asked. 5=#N is currently working at a grade C standard in class and hopefully this result will be reflected in #h exam results. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. We have completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that are asked. 6=#N is currently working at a grade C/D standard in class and hopefully the higher result will be reflected in #h exam results. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. We have completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that are asked. 7=#N is currently working at a grade D standard in class. This needs to improve if #e wishes to pass this course. #N can recognise when #e understands #h work but this has yet to really turn into action to solve the problem. We have completed nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N has the opportunity to become familiar with the different types of questions that are asked. COMMENTS: Year 12 report est. grade (2019) 1=#N is currently working at a grade A standard in class and hopefully this will be reflected in #h exam results later in the year. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 2=#N is currently working at a grade A/B standard in class and hopefully this will be reflected in #h exam results later in the year. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 3=#N is currently working at a grade B standard in class and hopefully this will be reflected in #h exam results later in the year. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 4=#N is currently working at a grade C* standard in class and hopefully this will be reflected in #h exam results later in the year. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 5=#N is currently working at a grade C standard in class and hopefully this will be reflected in #h exam results. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 6=#N is currently working at a grade C/D standard in class and hopefully the higher result will be reflected in #h exam results. Continuing to ensure that #e has no gaps in #h knowledge will help with this. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #N is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. 7=#N is currently working at a grade D standard in class. This needs to improve if #e wishes to pass this course. #N can recognise when #e understands #h work but this has yet to really turn into action to solve the problem. We will be completing nearly every possible past paper question to ensure that #e is familiar with the different types of questions that will be asked. COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 effort 1=Algebra concepts. #N should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.mymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. The login for both is "lisnagarvey" and the password is "treble". 2=Shape, Space and Measures. #N should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.mymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. The login for both is "lisnagarvey" and the password is "treble". 3=Handling data. #N should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.mymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. The login for both is "lisnagarvey" and the password is "treble". 4=Problem Solving. #N should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.mymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. The login for both is "lisnagarvey" and the password is "treble". 5=Number problems. #N should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.mymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. The login for both is "lisnagarvey" and the password is "treble". COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 effort 1 1=#N generally understands new concepts well and knows the appropriate time to ask for help if #e gets stuck. 2=#N easily takes on board new concepts and is ready and willing to challenge #s. 3=#N is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to slow down and check #h approach. COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 effort 2 1=#N displays aptitude for mental maths and quickly solves problems in #h head. 2=#N needs to work on #h mental maths skills, developing estimation and quick ways to solve problems. COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 effort 3 1=#N approaches challenges with enthusiasm and is willing to retry questions when incorrect. 2=#N approaches challenges with enthusiasm but can lose heart when incorrect. 3=#N needs to learn to approach challenges with enthusiasm and be willing to retry questions when incorrect. COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 progress Alfie 1 1=In the recent assessment it has been highlighted that #N needs to work on #h understanding of Algebra concepts and 2=In the recent assessment it has been highlighted that #N needs to work on #h understanding of Shape, Space and Measures and 3=In the recent assessment it has been highlighted that #N needs to work on #h understanding of Handling data and 4=In the recent assessment it has been highlighted that #N needs to work on #h understanding of Problem Solving and 5=In the recent assessment it has been highlighted that #N needs to work on #h understanding of Number problems and COMMENTS: Year 8 + 9 progress Alfie 2 1=Algebra concepts. #E should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.lisnagarveymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. 2=Shape, Space and Measures. #E should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.lisnagarveymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. 3=Handling data. #E should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.lisnagarveymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. 4=Problem Solving. #E should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.lisnagarveymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. 5=Number problems. #E should use www.mathsworkout.co.uk and www.lisnagarveymaths.co.uk to try to build on #h understanding. COMMENTS: Year 8 closing 1=A good year's work completed. Well done! 2=#N needs to make some changes for next year and start Year 9 with a renewed focus and determination! 3=#N should be pleased with #h efforts over the last year. 4=#N needs to start Year 9 with a renewed focus and determination! COMMENTS: Year 8 progress 1=#N is currently working at a Level #Levels overall. This is in line with where I would expect #m to be. 2=#N is currently working at a Level #Levels overall. This is above where I would have expected #m to be and is clearly down to #N's hard work. 3=#N is currently working at a Level #Levels overall. This is below where I might expect #N to be working and #e will need to work hard next year to improve this. COMMENTS: Year 8,9 and 10 closing 1=It is now just a matter of keeping up all this good work so that we do not slip back. #N must continue to really push to get the best result next January and May. 2=It all comes down to how much #e wants to be ready for next January and May. #N must continue to really push to get the best result that #e can in all future exams. 3=It all comes down to how much #e wants to be ready for next January and May. #N must really push to get the best result that #e can in all future exams. 4=It all comes down to getting ready for next January and May. #N must decide how much #e wants to gain a grade C and how much time and effort #e is willing to put into gaining this. COMMENTS: Year 8,9 and 10 opening 1 1=#N is working very well in class. I am pleased with the progress that #e has been making. 2=#N has impressed me this year. #E has presented a very mature attitude towards #h studies. 3=#N has made steady progress this year. I hope that next year we can see an extra push in effort to extend this progress further. 4=#N has had a mixed year. I hoped that we could have made a lot more progress than we have. Greater focus in lessons will help #N to improve on this position. 5=#N has had a mixed year. I need to see #N putting greater effort into completing classwork and homework if #e wishes to improve. COMMENTS: Year 8,9 and 10 opening 2 1=#E participates well during class discussions and in groups. 2=#E needs to try to look for opportunities to participate in whole class discussions, however, #e does work well in a smaller group setting. 3=#E finds it hard to participate during lessons in an acceptable manner and can cause a distraction from the focus of the lesson. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 1=#N is such an enthusiastic student and is always willing to get involved in discussions. 2=#E explains #s very clearly. 3=#E seems to be knowledgeable about computers and enjoys the discussions and tasks. 4=It is early days as yet, but #e is doing well so far. 5=#N has worked with care and attention so far in ICT. 6=#N performed very well in #h recent test. 7=#N has had a great term so far. 8=#H enthusiasm is infectious and #e keeps everyone on their toes. 9=#E contributes a lot to the group and #h work is always done to a high standard. 10=#E contributes to discussions and makes salient points when required. 11=The standard of #h prep has fallen slightly in recent times. 12=Overall this has been a good term. 13=I have been impressed by #h knowledge and how #e goes about #h work. 14=There are times when #e tunes out in lessons, but generally #e is attentive. 15=#N is learning to be more detailed in prep work. 16=, and must continue to read comments about #h prep. 17=#N is very good at getting down to tasks and working fast. 18=#E seems to understand how to undertake tasks without much outside help. 19=#E does ask questions when unsure of something. 20=#E is able to give a good account of #s orally. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 2 1=Sometimes #e can be a bit chatty in lessons. 2=Prep needs a bit of extra care. 3=#E is able to give a good account of #s orally. 4=#N is working hard in lessons and contributing a lot to discussions. 5=#E has done good quality prep this term, but recently the standard has gone down very slightly. 6=#N is an able student who can work well in lessons once #e settles down. 7=One prep has not been done this term and two have been late. 8=From day one #m work has been of a very high standard. 9=#E clearly cares a lot about how #e performs in ICT. 10=All but one prep has attained grade A. 11=I would like #N to ask questions when #e is unsure of something. 12=#E is always attentive and follows instructions very carefully, 13=#E puts in the detail required to get top marks. 14=#E is always enthusiastic about the tasks and #e sets about #h work with energy and a desire to do #h best. 15=All of #h prep has been done to grade A standard. Well done. 16=#E especially enjoyed composing a poem about being safe on the internet. 17=The quality of #h prep has improved as the term has gone on. 18=#E has contributed well to the discussions about eSafety. 19=#N has shown an interest in ICT lessons, but can be distracted by #h iPad on occasions. 20=I feel that #e could push #s a little harder in both lessons and prep. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 3 1=The latest prep has not been submitted. 2=There are times when #e could be a bit more proactive when presented with a new task, but.... 3=There are times when #e could be a bit more confident in #h own ability, but even so #e gets the job done to a good standard. 4=#E is confident in #h ability and has produced good quality work in both lessons and prep. 5=#N has had a solid term and is always enthusiastic in lessons, contributing well in discussions about eSafty and social media. 6=#E has contributed in discussions on eSafety and social media. 7=#E is very diligent in #h approach to the tasks and asks lots of questions in order to get #s to a place where #e can produce the quality work required. 8=#N has had a successful term in ICT. 9=#H prep has been a bit variable, and needs to be checked before submission. 10=#N has contributed a lot in ICT lessons and has been a frequent contributor in class discussions, making salient points. 11=#E is an able ICT practitioner whose work is always of a good standard. 12=#N's prep has been satisfactory, but needs more attention to detail. I know #e can do better. 13=#H work in lessons has been fine so far and shows #e can do it, and #h prep has been satisfactory but needs more attention to detail. 14=I know #e can do better. 15=#E works really hard and challenges #s all the time, wanting to improve #h outcomes. 16=#E is a very capable ICT practitioner and knows a lot about the subject. 17=#E is always so enthsuiastic and wants to get down to work straight away. 18=#E always has something useful to contribute to discussions. 19=#E always has something useful to contribute to discussions and is able to communicate #h ideas easily. 20=#N's effort in prep has dropped slightly this half-term. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Extra comments 4 1=#H written work has also been fine. 2=#E goes about the work quietly and efficiently and the outcomes have been good. 3=The quality of #N's prep has increased as the term has gone on. 4=#H work is always well presented and done with care and attention. 5=#N is attentive in lessons and knows how to approach the tasks without much guidance. 6=#E has a natural ability to work out how to go about tasks. #E tries out ideas for #s and uses past knowledge to inform this. 7=#N is a clever fellow when it comes to computers. 8=#E is able to attempt tasks without much guidance and this has served #m well. 9=#H is inventive in #h written work and likes to do tasks #h own way. 10=#E is inventive in #h written work and likes to do tasks #h own way. 11=#E has worked well in lessons and shown a keeness to succeed. 12=However, #e could do with paying more attention to prep work, as its quality has gone down this half-term. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Introduction 1=#N has made #standard-of-progress progress throughout the term so far. 2=#E can be #standard-of-talkative talkative at times, but #e is enthusiastic in lessons and wants to get involved. 3=#N has been an enthusiastic student. 4=#E is willing to contribute during discussions and has fitted in very well since joining the group at half-term. 5=#N has been keen to do well in Mathematics. 6=I enjoy teaching #N as #e is an enthusiastic student who clearly wants to learn. 7=#N seems to enjoy the Mathematics lessons. 8=#E gets down to the work quickly and is always keen to do #h best. 9=#E is attentive in lessons and contributes when #e has something worthwhile to add. 10=#N is a lively fellow who has contributed well in lessons and got involved in discussions. 11=#N pays a lot of attention to detail and this results in well presented work. 12=Sometimes #e could do with thinking out #h answer before replying. 13=#H produced #standard-of-work standard in Mathematics. 14=#E tries things out for #s even when #e finds the tasks challenging. 15=#E tries things out for #s even when #e finds the tasks challenging. 16=#N's work has been a bit variable this term. #E is not always as focussed as #e could be ,and tends to give up too easily when the task requires thought. 17=#E is so positive and #h contributions have been #standard-of-contribution. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Prep 1=#E did #standard-of-test in #h end of year test. 2=#E needs to be a careful that #e gets #h prep done on time. 3=#E needs to make sure #e gets #h prep in on time. 4=#N is capable of better quality prep but this will require spending longer on it. COMMENTS: Year 9 - Prep & tests 1=#E did #standard-of-test in #h end of year test. 2=#E needs to be a careful that #e gets #h prep done on time. 3=#E needs to make sure #e gets #h prep in on time. 4=#N is capable of better quality prep but this will require spending longer on it. 5=#E did #standard-of-test in #h end of topic test. 6=#H prep has been done to #standard-of-work standard. 7=#H produced #standard-of-work standard in prep. 8=#N is very knowledgeable about computers. 9=Well done, #N. 10=#N has done very well so far and is growing in confidence. 11=#E is attentive in lessons and has made #standard-of-work contributions. 12=#H prep has been done to #standard-of-work standard and shows #standard-of-work understanding of the topics. 13=End of topic test on social media and eSafety: 84% 14=#H prep needs a bit more care and attention. 15=, but I think #e is starting to understand the requirements of prep. 16=There have been some issues with attentiveness in lessons, but #e is trying hard to address these. 17=#N has worked steadily this term and is making solid progress in #h understanding of the topics. 18=I would like #m to ensure #e is attentive when instructions are being relayed as #e sometimes misunderstands the requirements of tasks. 19=#N performed very well in the recent test. 20=#E has a very good feel for the subject and #h work is always of a high standard. COMMENTS: Year 9 closing 1=As we move now to Year 10, there is a far greater emphasis that all work is leading towards GCSE. If #N continues working as well as #e is currently then I am sure #e will be well prepared. 2=As we move now to Year 10, there is a far greater emphasis that all work is leading towards GCSE. As such #N needs to ensure that all content taught is fully understood and able to be applied. 3=As we move now to Year 10, there is a far greater emphasis that all work is leading towards GCSE. #N needs to change the manner in which #e is working or #e may cause #s to fall behind #h potential. COMMENTS: Year 9 effort 1 1=#N can quickly pick up new concepts and will ask for help if #e gets stuck. 2=#N quickly picks up new concepts and is ready and willing to challenge #s. 3=#N is keen to learn but sometimes, when faced with new concepts, needs to slow down and check #h approach. 4=#N takes a bit of time to pick up new concepts but puts in plenty of effort to get there. COMMENTS: Year 9 Effort 2 1=#N is skilled in mental maths and can quickly solve problems in #h head. 2=#N needs to practice working on #h mental maths skills. Particularly the use of estimation and partitioning. COMMENTS: Year 9 effort 3 1=#N has a mature approach to #h work and will not let the first hurdle defeat #m. 2=#N generally works with a mature attitude but can become disheartened when the difficulty increases. 3=#N needs to develop a mature approach to #h work. A commitment to try #h best in all #h work will never hold #m back. COMMENTS: Year 9 level 1=#N is currently working at a level #Levels overall. This is in line with expectations. Well done #N. 2=#N is currently working at a level #Levels overall. #N has been working hard and this will improve with their continued efforts. 3=#N is still working at a level #Levels overall. #N will need to put greater effort into classwork and homework to improve this. COMMENTS: Year 9 opening 1=#N has been making pleasing progress throughout the year. 2=#N has impressed me this year with #h hard work and determination. 3=#N has made steady progress this year. Next year I hope that we can see a little extra push in effort to extend this progress further. 4=#N has had a mixed year. I hoped that we could have made a lot more progress than we have. Greater focus in lessons will help #m to improve on this position. 5=#N has had a mixed year. I need to see #m putting greater effort into completing classwork and homework if #e wishes to improve. COMMENTS: Year 9 opening 2 1=#E participates well during class discussions and in groups. 2=#E needs to try to seize opportunities to participate in lessons. #E does, however, work well in a smaller group setting. 3=#E needs to participate during lessons in an acceptable manner as #e can become a distraction to others. COMMENTS: yr 10 end comment 1=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 2=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 3=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and extend #h knowledge. 4=#E should try to get onto and complete extension activities in the lessons. 5=#E should ain to get onto, and complete extension activities in the lessons. 6=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge and understanding. 7=To improve #h performance #e needs to work to the best of #h ability in all lessons, and ensure that #e gets onto and completes extension activities. 8=To improve #h performance #e needs to apply #s fully to tasks in lessons, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, #e also needs to revise work on a regular schedule. 9=#E should aim to ask questions each lesson to extend #h knowledge, and make sure that #e always completes all extension activities. COMMENTS: Yr 10 end sentence 1=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 2=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding. 3=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and extend #h knowledge. 4=#E should try to get onto and complete extension activities in the lessons. 5=#E should ain to get onto, and complete extension activities in the lessons. 6=#E should try to ask questions in the lessons to extend #h knowledge and understanding. 7=To improve #h performance #e needs to work to the best of #h ability in all lessons, and ensure that #e gets onto and completes extension activities. 8=To improve #h performance #e needs to apply #s fully to tasks in lessons, and ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, #e also needs to revise work on a regular schedule. 9=#E should aim to ask questions each lesson to extend #h knowledge, and make sure that #e always completes all extension activities. 10=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding and to use a range of revision techniques to improve #h attainment in future exams , 11=#E needs to ask questions in the lessons to check #h understanding, and revise work on a regular schedule. COMMENTS: yr 10 Exam info comment 1=#E achieved #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 2=#E just achieved #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 3=#E did not achieve #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 4=#E narrowly missed achieving #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. 5=#E exceeded #h minimum target grade in the year 10 Biology exam. COMMENTS: yr 10 starter comments 1=#N grasps new concepts quickly and can apply them to new situations and problems. 2=#N has an enquiring mind and asks relevant, searching questions. 3=#N works methodically in the lessons. 4=#N has steadily made progress. 5=#N works methodically in the lessons, producing work of a satisfactory standard. 6=#N can produce work of a satisfactory standard in lessons. Often however #e could get started on tasks more quickly, and work at a faster rate. 7=#N can produce work of a satisfactory standard in lessons. Often #e works at a leisurely rate, and does not complete as much work as #e could. 8=#N enjoys opportunities for paired work, and contributes to the discussions involved. 9=When focused , #N grasps new concepts quickly. #E works at a leisurely rate, and often does not complete as much work as #e could. 10=#N thinks carefully about the work and asks relevant, searching questions. 11=#N works methodically in the lessons, producing work of a satisfactory standard. 12=#N grasps new concepts quickly and can apply them to new situations and problems. #E completes #h work to the best of #h ability. 13=In lessons #N usually completes tasks to reasonable standard, although #e could be more self motivated. 14=#N works with enthusiasm occasionally, which is wonderful to see. 15=#N works very well on rare occasions, which is wonderful to see. 16=#N is a logical thinker who takes the time to consider different viewpoints before answering questions. LIST: attendance 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: Behaviour 1=excellent 2=exceptional 3=exemplary 4=outstanding 5=very good 6=good 7=poor 8=appalling 9=very poor 10=reasonable 11=appropriate LIST: But 1=But 2=However 3=Yet 4=Nonetheless 5=Despite this 6=Still 7=Unfortunately 8=Fortunately 9=Therefore 10=Nevertheless 11=I am happy to report that 12=however 13=nonetheless 14=nevertheless 15=despite this 16=but 17=unfortunately 18=fortunately 19=therefore 20=yet LIST: change 1=change 2=rectify 3=improve 4=work on 5=correct 6=alter 7=ammend 8=put right 9=maintain 10=continue 11=work on 12=uphold LIST: characteristic 1=helpful 2=friendly 3=enthusiastic 4=polite 5=talented 6=respectful 7=conscientious 8=cheerful 9=hard-working 10=diligent 11=reliable 12=valuable 13=mature 14=considerate 15=popular 16=dynamic 17=resourceful 18=independent 19=inquisitive 20=intelligent LIST: Diligence 1=diligently 2=hard 3=conscientiously 4=steadily 5=consistently LIST: distance 1=far 2=slightly 3=quite a bit 4=a bit 5=somewhat 6=a little 7=well LIST: effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: ExamTypes 1=IB 2=A-Level 3=GCSE LIST: extstd 1=extended 2=standard LIST: feeling 1=happy 2=proud 3=pleased 4=delighted 5=very happy 6=content 7=surprised 8=somewhat disappointed 9=disheartened 10=concerned 11=overjoyed 12=thrilled 13=glad LIST: folder-number 1=only one folder 2=only two folders 3=only a few folders LIST: follows 1=follows 2=adheres to 3=complies with 4=acknowledeges 5=conforms to 6=obeys 7=observes 8=respects 9=fulfills LIST: FormRole 1=lead student 2=house representative 3=school council representative LIST: frequency 1=always 2=usually 3=regularly 4=sometimes 5=rarely 6=never 7=often 8=consistently 9=constantly 10=occasionally 11=at times 12=now and then 13=on occasion 14=every so often 15=seldom 16=barely 17=generally 18=not always 19=not often LIST: future 1=#h future studies 2=Extended Maths next year 3=Grade 10 next year LIST: grade 1=excellently 2=superbly 3=outstandingly 4=pleasingly 5=very 6=quite 7=mostly LIST: House 1=Byron 2=Cassidy 3=Fitzgerald 4=Hildegard 5=Sommerville 6=Tomlinson LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat to friends during lessons 4=develop #h notetaking skills 5=pay more attention to instructions in lessons 6=make a greater effort in completing classroom tasks 7=ask for help in lessons 8=ask more questions in lessons 9=participate in more class discussions and activities 10=work on #h revision skills 11=develop #h English comprehension 12=get more sleep at home 13=practice past paper questions 14=routinely make use of the online textbook 15=put time aside to study each day 16=schedule a time to study Biology more often 17=answer questions from past papers 18=review Google classroom materials 19=improve #h attendance LIST: ITTopic 1=spreadsheets 2=databases 3=Python 4=Scratch 5=HTML LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a very good 3=a good 4=an improving LIST: Learner 1=a very quick learner 2=a fast learner 3=an average learner in this class 4=a slow learner 5=a very slow learner LIST: lettergrades 1=A 2=A* 3=B 4=C 5=D 6=E 7=F 8=G 9=U LIST: Level 1=excellent 2=impressive 3=inadequate 4=decent 5=fantastic 6=very good 7=good 8=insufficient 9=disappointing 10=poor 11=low 12=well 13=strong 14=great 15=fair 16=difficult 17=challenging 18=tough 19=demanding 20=outstanding LIST: LevelBuilds 1=diligently builds 2=conscientiously builds 3=steadily builds 4=attempts to build 5=successfully builds LIST: Levels 1=3 2=3/4 3=4 4=4/5 5=5 6=5/6 7=6 8=6/7 9=7 LIST: Levelwithan 1=an excellent 2=an impressive 3=an inadequate 4=a decent 5=a fantastic 6=a very good 7=a good 8=an insufficient 9=a disappointing 10=a poor 11=a low 12=a slow 13=a strong 14=a great 15=a fair 16=a difficult 17=a challenging 18=a tough 19=a demanding 20=an outstanding LIST: Lifecycle 1=analysis 2=design 3=annotations/explanations 4=feedback 5=testing LIST: MathsProgress 1=strong and impressive 2=strong 3=erratic 4=somewhat erratic 5=steady 6=quite steady 7=somewhat disappointing 8=quite impressive 9=highly impressive 10=somewhat inconsistent LIST: MathsTasks 1=recognise patterns, find a rule, and explain why it works. 2=communicate clearly and explain logically. 3=apply mathematics in the real-life. LIST: mock 1=does accurately reflect 2=does not accurately reflect 3=truly reflects 4=adequately reflects 5=unfortunately does not reflect 6=does not adequately reflect 7=appropriately reflects 8=suitably reflects 9=does reflect 10=actually reflects 11=does not fully reflect 12=fully reflects 13=does truly reflect LIST: NextYear 1=next term 2=in term two 3=in year 10 4=in year 11 5=for #h iGCSE exams next year 6=on #h iGCSE exams next year 7=in term three 8=in year 9 9=In year 10 10=In year 11 11=For #h iGCSE exams next year LIST: OLD-effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: OLD-ExamTypes 1=IB 2=A-Level 3=GCSE LIST: OLD-FormRole 1=lead student 2=house representative 3=school council representative LIST: OLD-frequency 1=often 2=occasionally 3=frequently 4=sometimes 5=consistently LIST: OLD-House 1=Byron 2=Cassidy 3=Fitzgerald 4=Hildegard 5=Sommerville 6=Tomlinson LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h practical skills 6=pays more attention to instructions 7=continues to put the effort in 8=continues to work hard 9=continues in this manner 10=persists in working to the best of #h ability 11=doesn't lose focus 12=focuses on the goal 13=focuses more in the lessons LIST: OLD-ITTopic 1=spreadsheets 2=databases 3=Python 4=Scratch 5=HTML LIST: OLD-keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: OLD-NextYear 1=year 8 2=year 9 3=year 10 4=year 11 5=year 12 6=year 13 7=#h GCSE exams 8=#h A-Level exam year 9=#h IB exam year LIST: OLD-ProjectName 1=Future Technology 2=Infographics 3=Animation 4=South Africa Movie 5=spreadsheets 6=eSafety 7=Harry Plotter 8=Faking It 9=Cryptography 10=Game Maker 11=Sketch Up 12=Computers LIST: OLD-punctuality 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: OLD-ratinglist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: OLD-SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor 6=a reasonable 7=satisfactory 8=really good 9=reasonable 10=a satisfactory 11=a really good LIST: OLD-SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-Software 1=graphics 2=online presentation 3=Prezi 4=presentation 5=audio editing 6=Photoshop 7=Google Drive 8=Sketch Up 9=3D design 10=spreadsheet LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=term 3=first term 4=second term 5=third term LIST: paper-number 1=paper 1 2=paper 2 3=first 4=second LIST: praise 1=Well done 2=Congratulations 3=Superb effort 4=Outstanding job 5=Great work 6=Great job 7=Keep it up 8=Stick with it LIST: progress 1=outstanding 2=excellent 3=fantastic 4=pleasing 5=superb 6=splendid 7=first-rate 8=very good 9=good 10=satisfactory 11=gradual 12=solid 13=sound 14=acceptable 15=steady 16=notable 17=some 18=basic 19=disappointing LIST: ProjectName 1=Future Technology 2=Infographics 3=Animation 4=South Africa Movie 5=spreadsheets 6=eSafety 7=Harry Plotter 8=Faking It 9=Cryptography 10=Game Maker 11=Sketch Up 12=Computers LIST: punctuality 1=outstanding 2=very good 3=good 4=room for some improvement 5=essential to improve, this is impacting #N's achievement 6=poor and putting #s at serious risk of under-achievement LIST: quality 1=reasonably 2=fairly 3=exceptionally 4=very 5=pleasingly 6=moderately 7=quite 8=rather 9=adequately 10=passably 11=pretty 12=averagely 13=satisfactorily 14=slightly 15=acceptably 16=somewhat 17=extremely 18=fantastically 19=significantly LIST: quality2 1=impressive 2=exemplary 3=exceptional 4=high 5=decent 6=poor 7=lower 8=splendid 9=excellent 10=very good 11=good 12=superb 13=satisfactory 14=worthy 15=acceptable 16=great 17=insufficient 18=not so high 19=not so good 20=somewhat good LIST: quality3 1=an impressive 2=an exemplary 3=an exceptional 4= a high 5=a decent 6=a poor 7=a lower 8=a splendid 9=an excellent 10=a very good 11=a good 12=a superb 13=a satisfactory 14=a worthy 15=an acceptable 16=a great 17=an insufficient 18=a not so high 19=a not so good 20=a somewhat good LIST: ratinglist 1=an excellent 2=a very good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: recommend 1=advise 2=strongly recommend 3=recommend 4=urge 5=encourage 6=suggest LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: sim-diff 1=similar to 2=different from LIST: SL2Sem1topics 1=Trigonometry and Calculus 2=Vectors 3=Sequences and Series 4=All of Calculus LIST: SL2topics 1=Trigonometry and Calculus 2=Vectors 3=Sequences and Series 4=Differential Calculus 5=Integral Calculus 6=Modelling Trigonometric Graphs 7=Kinematics LIST: Software 1=graphics 2=online presentation 3=Prezi 4=presentation 5=audio editing 6=Photoshop 7=Google Drive 8=Sketch Up 9=3D design 10=spreadsheet LIST: some 1=a few 2=some 3=many 4=most 5=almost all 6=all 7=none 8=very few 9=several 10=a lot 11=much 12=a little 13=very little 14=a good 15=a lot of 16=a bit of 17=a good amount of 18=a fair amount of 19=few LIST: standard-of-contribution 1=good 2=very good 3=excellent LIST: standard-of-progress 1=unsatisfactory 2=reasonable 3=satisfactory 4=steady 5=good 6=very good 7=excellent LIST: standard-of-talkative 1=a bit too 2=too 3=very LIST: standard-of-test 1=unsatisfactorily 2=satisfactorily 3=well 4=very well 5=superbly 6=superbly well LIST: standard-of-work 1=a satisfactory 2=a very satisfactory 3=a good 4=a very good 5=an excellent LIST: StrategiestoImprove 1=have a more consistent approach to the subject 2=adopt a tighter focus on the task at hand 3=avoid idle chatter 4=make sure to practice what #e has learned in class 5=ask more questions 6=seek help whenever necessary 7=not leave everything to the last moment 8=take advantage of the available support outside of class LIST: subject 1=Mathematics 2=English Language 3=English Literature 4=Biology 5=Chemistry 6=Art 7=French 8=History 9=Physics 10=Business Studies 11=ICT 12=Travel and Tourism 13=Psychology 14=Music 15=Further Mathematics 16=Spanish 17=Science LIST: tech-resource 1=Google Classroom 2=MyiMaths 3=Phet simulations LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: todonext 1=continue 2=work on for 3=maintain 4=further develop 5=try to uphold 6=continues 7=persists LIST: topiclist 1=Particles 2=Elements 3=Space 4=Forces 5=Electricity and Magnetism 6=Energy 7=Cells 8=Reproduction LIST: willing 1=willingly 2=with some encouragement LIST: WorkRate 1=very well 2=well 3=reasonably well 4=okay 5=poorly 6=very poorly 7=fairly well 8=rather well 9=adequately 10=passably 11=rather poorly 12=extremely well 13=exceptionally well 14=quite well LIST: yeargroup 1=7 2=8 3=9 4=10 5=11 6=12 7=13 /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.