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COMMENTS: Gr5 Sci Q2 strengths 1=Over the last few months we have completed out Microworlds unit, and started our Tissues and Organs work. You had the opportunity to use microscopes, prepare specimens and learn about cells. You understand the importance of carefully recording your observations, and you have made many intricate drawings and diagrams. Understanding cells is a difficult concept, especially because many of them are microscopic! You have an impressive understanding of the different cell organelles, and you have e 2=Just before the winter break we completed our Microworlds unit, and we have just started our Tissues and Organs work. You have grasped the vast majority of the concepts and I have been pleased with how you used your microscope and prepared specimen samples carefully and responsibly. Learning about cells was difficult, but you persevered with the complex word definitions and how they work. I am pleased with how you are beginning to apply your understanding to answer many of the questions about 3=In Science we have recently completed our Microworlds unit, and have just started Tissues and organs. Over the months you have used microscopes to view cells and various micro-organisms, and I have been impressed with the way you prepared and viewed microscope specimens. Making detailed observations can sometimes be difficult. Despite this, you persevered with many of the challenges. #N, you are beginning to develop a better understanding of the world around you as a result of you 4=Since our Variables unit we have completed work on Microworlds, and we have just started a unit on Tissues and Organs. In our Microworlds unit you carefully utilized your microscope to observe a range of different specimens, including various cells and some microorganisms. You learned about the different cell terms and have an impressive understanding of what they do. #N, this quarter you have worked towards lesson goals, showing initiative, commitment and perseverance. You have managed your 5=You should be pleased with your accomplishments in science. You worked hard in your Microworlds unit to make observations and learn about the tiny world of cells. Utilizing your microscope properly you prepared a range of different specimens and developed a good understanding of what cells do. This quarter you have demonstrated improved team working skills. #N, you have taken more responsibility, and you are showing greater confidence in yourself with the contributions you make. 6=Before the winter break you completed the Microworlds unit and we have just started work on tissues and organs. #N, you have demonstrated a good understanding of cells, what they do, and how to use a microscope. You also made some good observations of the micro-organisms we studied. Throughout this unit you participated well, and during the microscope activities you identified ways to observe specimens clearly, and overcame difficulties you encountered. 7=Since the first quarter you have completed the Microworlds unit and we have just started learning about tissues and organs. You have become quite skilled at using a microscope to view cells and micro-organisms, and I am impressed that you can prepare wet and well microscope slide specimens. #N, you have developed a satisfactory understanding of the different cell parts, and you are beginning to relate plant chloroplasts to how photosynthesis works. During lab activities you have shown fairnes 8=Over the past few months you have completed the Microworlds unit and we have recently begun learning about tissues and organs. I can see how you enjoy the lab based activities, and you have demonstrated how to use a microscope to make observations about cells. For many of the experiments you have carefully followed directions and on occasions you have successfully broken them down into manageable stepsPropose practical ways forward, breaking these down into manageable steps 9=Over the past few months you have completed the Microworlds unit and we have recently begun learning about tissues and organs. I sensed that you enjoyed the lab based activities, and you demonstrated how to use a microscope to make observations about cells. #N, you have developed a satisfactory understanding of the different cell parts, and you are beginning to understand why they are important. This quarter you have become more confident as a scientist, and you should be congratulated for th 10=I can tell you have a genuine interest in Biology, and the connections you are making between organs, and organ systems demonstrates your high level understanding. You did a marvelous job with your iPad organ system presentation, and it was pleasing to see how you were able to share it electronically on our class website. 11=t is pleasing to see how you are thinking creatively to explain your thoughts, and you demonstrated this marvelously when we completed our bromothymol blue photosynthesis experiment. COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q2 attitude 1=#N, your attitude in class continues to impress me. You always arrive in a positive frame of mind, and I can see that you are eager to learn new things. Throughout this quarter you have remained focused during lessons. You listen carefully to instructions and to other students' ideas and opinions, which you use to help make your own conclusions. 2=#N, you have a great attitude in science and always arrive to class eager to learn and succeed. You always listen carefully to instructions and I can rely on you to carry out experiments safely and reliably. It is pleasing to see how you often help others when they are unsure, and you will share your ideas and opinions too. 3=#N, you have continued to maintain a positive attitude to learning in science. It is clear how you want to succeed and you are trying to take more responsibility for your learning. When you are unsure you ask for help, and I am encouraged with the way you take time to improve your work at home. 4=#N, we are about half way through the year now, and you have maintained a positive attitude to learning. I can see that you are interested in the subject, and I am pleased that you have continued to offer your ideas and opinions. It is fantastic that you are eager to participate, but try to always remember to raise your hand rather than calling out when you want to share. 5=#N, each lesson I can always trust you to work responsibly, and you should be congratulated on the positive way you can collaborate with others. 6=#N, we are well into our grade 5 science curriculum now, and on the whole you have continued to maintain a positive attitude to learning. When you arrive to class you will usually settle quickly ready for the lesson, and I can see that you are enthusiastic about science with the answers you sometimes offer. 7=Offering your ideas, answers and asking questions is very important, but try to remember to raise your hand when you want to share your thoughts. 8=#N, you appear to be enjoying science, and I am pleased that you arrive to class in a positive frame of mind. Sometimes, you will offer your answers during discussions, which demonstrates your eagerness to succeed. Now that we are at the end of the 2nd quarter it is important for you to concentrate on listening / reading instructions. 9=This quarter I can see that you are enjoying science. #N, you have continued to remain inquisitive and sometimes you will offer your answers and ideas. On the whole you seem focused, but I would like you to concentrate on using your time in class wisely, and to not let yourself get distracted. 10=#N, when you are focused you are capable of working well with others to produce a good standard of work. If you think that you have finished take a moment to check it, and add a little more detail. COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q2 C/W 1=I have been thoroughly impressed with the way you have continued to take pride with your classwork; it is always presented neatly and laid out in a scientific manner. This is so important because your notebook is a valuable resource to review from. 2=This quarter you have continued to take pride in your notebook; your work is usually scientifically laid out and is something to be proud of. 3=Your notebook represents your record of work. Try to take care with presenting your work scientifically; remembering to include dates, headings and diagrams. This is important firstly so that you can refer back to you work in preparation for assessments, and clearly understand your work. It is also important to feel proud of what you have accomplished. 4=Your science notebook represents your record of work. On the whole you have written and typed your work neatly and in a scientific way. It is important to remember to include dates and accurately drawn diagrams. Laying your work out in this way is particularly helpful when preparing for quizzes and other assessments. 5=The majority of the work you complete in science is recorded in your science notebook. This quarter you have worked hard, and it is crucial for you to take care when presenting your work. By doing this, your notebook will reflect the hard work you have put into science. 6=Your notebook reflects the time and effort you put into your science work, and because of this, it is important for you to continue to take care with your written work. Try to remember to always include a title, date and to write your answers in full sentences. This is particularly important so that you can properly review your work in preparation for assessments. 7=#N, you have remained consistent with your effort in science. COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q2 H/W 1=To support the work we carry out in class I regularly set you science homework. I have been ever so impressed with the effort you have put into completing homework activities. It is clear that you review your class notes and sometimes research your answers. #N, you have not faltered with completing these tasks on time, which should be commended. 2=In science I regularly set you science homework, which is designed to support the understanding you develop in lessons. I have been impressed with your level of organization, as you have handed in all of the homework assignments on time. However, it is crucial for you attempt to expand a little more on your answers, and to proof read your answers. 3=Your science homework is designed to support the understanding you develop in lessons. I have been impressed with your level of organization, as you have handed in all of the homework assignments on time. However, it is crucial for you remember to always write / type in full sentences, and this will help you when reviewing for quizzes and tests. 4=I regularly set you science homework, and you usually complete it on time. For next quarter, try to carefully plan when you do your homework. Remember, you do not have to complete it all in one go, and if you are unsure about the assignment drop by to see me at least a day before the deadline. 5=When you work on your homework always remember to write / type in full sentences, so that you can understand what you have written when reviewing. 6=I regularly set you science homework, which you sometimes complete by the deadline. Work organization is an important skill, and I would like you to carefully review your agenda and Moodle each night after school to help you plan your work. Always remember to carefully review the instructions for each homework assignment. 7=If you are unsure come to see me at least a day before the homework is due. Carefully proof read you homework and make sure your answers are typed / written in full sentences. 8=#N, you are clearly organized with your homework, and you have handed in the majority of your assignments on time. I would like you to make sure you carefully read any instructions, which go with the homework, so that it is completed to the best of your ability COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q3 C/W 1=#N, your class note book is presented scientifically, and it demonstrates a deep, thorough understanding of all the concepts. You write in full sentences and it is pleasing to see how you always take time to respond to the comments I write on your work. 2=#N, your class note book is presented scientifically, and it demonstrates a deep, thorough understanding of all the concepts. You write in full sentences and you sometimes take time to respond to the comments I write on your work. 3=#N, you have continued to take great pride in your science work. Your work is scientific and is presented in a clear logical way. 4=#N, this quarter I have been impressed with the way you have concentrated on your science note-book presentation. Your work is laid out chronologically, and is easy to follow. 5=On the whole your science notebook is looking scientific and neat. You can write in a scientific style, and your sentences are usually written in a complete way. 6=Your science notebook is an important record of your work. Some times your work is presented neatly, and your work is usually organized in date order. 7=#N, your science notebook represents much of your science work. Some times your work is presented neatly, and it is usually in date order. COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q3 H/W 1=This quarter you have maintained your complete homework record, and you are clearly very organized, and motivated. 2=I have been impressed with the way you have managed your homework assignments this quarter. They are always completed to a high standard and on time. 3=#N, this quarter you have completed most of your homework assignments on time, and they are usually completed to a good standard. 4=#N, this quarter you have completed most of your homework assignments on time, and they are usually completed to a satisfactory standard. 5=#N, this quarter you have completed some of your homework assignments on time, and they are usually completed to a satisfactory standard. COMMENTS: Gr5. Sci Q3 ICT skills 1=Over the weeks we have used technology to help us process data and present work. You improved your strong IT skills by using Microsoft Excel to present information about the nutritional value of different foods. 2=Using your laptop responsibly, you have had a lot of success at using Microsoft Excel to record and process data about the nutritional value of different foods. #N, you have become quite skilled at using the math formula and graphing functions. 3=Using IT responsibly is important, and over the weeks you have used your laptop and the iPads properly to help develop a better understanding of science. I was pleased with the way you used iPad QR codes to learn about different stages of digestion. 4=Using technology responsibly, and efficiently helps us learn more about science. I was pleased with the way you used the iPads with others to scan QR codes, and gather information about the digestive system. 5=Using technology responsibly and efficiently is important as we learn in all subjects. Over the weeks, we have used our laptops and the iPads to help us present work and process data. #N, try to make sure that in class you only use your laptop for science work related activities. 6=#N, you are skilled at using IT, and you have been quite successful at using Microsoft Excel to display and process data about the nutrition in different foods. It is important however, that you only use your laptop for work related activities in class. 7=Throughout this quarter you have had many opportunities to use your laptop and our iPads to present your science work and process data. You are becoming increasingly more skilled at this, and I have been impressed with how you used the graphing and formula function in Microsoft Excel to analyze data on different food labels. COMMENTS: Gr5.Sci Q3 intro 1=#N, you have maintained a fantastic attitude in science, and you should feel proud of your accomplishments in the tissues and organs, living systems and digestion units. 2=Working diligently, and with enthusiasm, you have progressed well this quarter. #N, you should feel proud of your accomplishments in the tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion units. 3=#N, this quarter you have worked extremely hard to succeed in all aspects of your science work. 4=#N, this quarter you have successfully completed the tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion science units. 5=Throughout this quarter you have met expectations in the tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion units. 6=#N, for the third quarter you have worked in a satisfactory way to meet expectations in the tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion units. 7=#N, for most of your science lessons this quarter you have tried hard to complete your work on tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion. 8=This quarter you have applied yourself consistently to achieve most of the science objectives in grade 5. We have completed units on tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion. 9=This quarter you have applied yourself reasonably well to achieve most of the science objectives in grade 5. We have completed units on tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion. 10=#N, for the majority of you science lessons this quarter, you have worked in a satisfactory way to complete your work on tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion. 11=#N, this quarter you have worked in a satisfactory way to meet most of the expectations for the tissues and organs, living systems and food and digestion units. COMMENTS: Gr5.Sci Q3 Living systems 1=For the living systems unit you worked hard to link up how the respiratory system, circulatory system and digestive system work together. #N, you demonstrated some impressive higher order thinking skills by explaining why our breathing and heart rate increases during exercise. 2=For part of the living systems unit you measured your lung capacity. #N, you used your critical thinking skills to explain how reliable the experiment was, and you made some suggestions about how it could be improved. 3=Towards the end of our living systems unit you collected some data on your pulse rate and breathing rate. You carried out these experiments well, and you began to explain how a person's heart rate is affected by exercise. 4=In PE you collected some data on your pulse rate with exercise. In science you measured your lung capacity, and you carried out both these activities carefully. #N, you began to think about how these ideas are connected. 5=In PE you collected some data on your pulse rate with exercise. In science you measured your lung capacity, which you did using a fair test. 6=For part of the living systems unit you collected some data in PE and science about your pulse and breathing rate. #N, you began to make connections between these ideas, but you must aim to think carefully about collecting data using a fair, reliable method. COMMENTS: Gr5.Sci Q3 tissues and organs 1=For much of the tissues and organs unit you collaborated with other students in the class to produce an outstanding poster presentation on how different organ systems work. The challenging part of this project was to explain how the different organ systems work together, and you explained your ideas in a scientific, articulate way. 2=During our tissues and organs unit, you were absolutely committed to not only how tissues and organs work, but also how some of the different organ systems team up to work together. 3=For the tissues and organs unit you worked hard to not only understand what tissues, organs and organ systems are, but you also demonstrated through your poster presentation how the organ systems work together to carry out different functions. 4=During the second quarter we spent some time learning about cells and what they do. Our tissues and organs unit was designed to build on this, and by collaborating well with others you produced a well-planned, detailed poster presentation explaining how different organ systems work together. 5=This quarter you appeared to enjoy learning about tissues and organs, and the collaborative poster work you completed on organ systems demonstrated your thorough understanding. 6=At the beginning of this quarter you produced some satisfactory work on the way organs work together to carry out different jobs. Most of your work was completed in collaboration with others, and you produced a poster presentation, which met the expectations for this unit. 7=Early on this quarter you applied yourself in a satisfactory way to complete a poster presentation on how different organs work together. You collaborated with others for this, and on the whole you remained focused and on task. 8= Early on this quarter you applied yourself in a satisfactory way to complete a poster presentation on how different organs work together. You collaborated with other for this, and showed consideration towards your team mates' ideas and explanations. 9=Your organs systems work was completed to a satisfactory standard. On the whole you took care with your poster presentation, and you worked hard with others to complete the task by the deadline. 10=For the end of the organs systems unit you produced a poster in collaboration with others to explain how different organ systems work together. For most of this activity you remained on task and produced work of a satisfactory standard. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentence 1=#N has had a mixed term but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentence 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h project-work and I was especially pleased with #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. 3=#H project-work has varied considerably however #h #SampleScienceTopics assignment was excellent and has been displayed in reception. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentence 1=#N has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. LIST: Gr5quarter32013 1=Intro 2=Tissues and organs 3=Living systems LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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