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COMMENTS: Sem 1 Academic 1=This has been an #approaches first semester for #N in science class. #E has demonstrated a very secure understanding of how to conduct 'fair tests' and control variables when experimenting. #E thinks critically and is often looking for ways to improve the experiments we conduct. 2=This has been a good first semester for #N in science class. #E has demonstrated a solid understanding of how to conduct 'fair tests' and control variables when experimenting. 3=#N has had a productive first semester in science class. #E has shown a good understanding of the main concepts taught and been able to successfully plan, conduct and reflect upon experiments where the variables were controlled. 4=This has been a good first semester for #N in science class. With the help of accommodations as listed on #h individual learning plan, #N has demonstrated a solid understanding of how to conduct 'fair tests' and control variables when experimenting. 5=This has been a good first semester for #N in science class. With the help of accommodations such as extended time for assignments and tests; alternative questions requiring shorter responses, preferential seating and frequent teacher check-ins #N has demonstrated a developing understanding of how to conduct 'fair tests' and control variables when experimenting. 6=This has been a productive yet challenging first semester for #N. #E has demonstrated a developing, yet insecure, understanding of how to conduct 'fair tests' and control variables when experimenting. 7=With the help of accommodations as listed on #h individual learning plan, this first semester has been one full of challenge and yet steady progress for #N in science class. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Goals 1=#E does need to take time to plan investigations carefully and finish experiments by creating new questions based on findings. 2=#N needs to work on entering the room calmly and following the directions on the board. #E sometimes misses oral and/or written directions and as a result can find #s off task. 3=#N needs to continue to work on completing and handing in all assignments on time. 4=I encourage #m to ask questions when #e doesn't fully understand a concept that we are studying. It would also be beneficial for #m to take time at home to go back over the concepts in preparation for class and assessments. 5=For extra challenge perhaps #e could take the concepts that we discuss in class and create #h own experiments at home and then share the results with us at school. 6=#E needs to have the confidence to show #h understanding of course content by constructing models that make sense to #s and others. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Introducing unit of study 1=During our last #course-content unit #e demonstrated #level-of-understanding understanding of the 'big ideas' studied in class. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Investigating 1=#N has worked extremely well with fellow classmates and #h involvement and participation in experiments has been enthusiastic and proactive. #E works carefully and thoughtfully with materials when conducting experiments. 2=#N has worked consistently well with fellow classmates, getting involved in experiments and sharing responsibilities and roles. #E works thoughtfully with materials when conducting experiments. 3=#E works thoughtfully with materials when conducting experiments however #e does not always focus on written and oral instructions and can sometimes find #s off task and being less productive. 4=#N has worked inconsistently with fellow classmates. #E is sometimes happy to take a 'back seat' role and does not always get fully involved in experiments or equally share responsibilities. 5=#E does need to take time to plan investigations carefully and finish experiments by creating new questions based on findings. 6=Whilst #N is excited about investigating new ideas and experimenting with 'hands on' science, #e has not always been thoughtful or careful with materials. #E often rushes the planning and clearing up stages of the process in an attempt to spend more time with the more active aspects. COMMENTS: Sem 1 matter movie 1=During #N's 'Matter Movie' performance of understanding #e used models very effectively to communicate an excellent understanding of all key concepts studied in this unit. 2=During #N's 'Matter Movie' performance of understanding for #h communication was clear and confident. #E used models effectively to demonstrate a good understanding of the properties of matter. 3=During #N's 'Matter Movie' performance of understanding #e used models well to effectively communicate a good understanding of the properties of matter. 4=During #N's performance of understanding for #h 'Matter Movie,' #h communication was not always well organized or fluent, however #e did use models effectively and #h #modellist was thoughtfully used to demonstrate a developing understanding of the properties of matter. 5=During #N's performance of understanding for #h 'Matter Movie,' #e found it a challenge to create and use models to demonstrate #h developing understanding of the properties of matter. #H communication was clear, but lacking in depth and specific vocabulary. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Oral Communication 1=#N's participation in class discussions has been thoughtful and thought provoking. #E often shares ideas and connections in an enthusiastic manner that motivates others to do the same. 2=#N contributes to class discussions and makes connections to the material we are studying. I encourage #m to continue to do this as often as possible as this helps to develop a deeper understanding of the main concepts taught. 3=I encourage #m to take risks and verbalize #h thinking to the class more often. By contributing more to class discussions and attempting to make connections to the material we are studying, #e will develop an even better understanding of the main concepts. 4=#N's communication skills are good, however #e does need to look for ways to plan #h experiments with a little more attention to detail. I encourage #m to continue to ask questions to clarify goals and/or expectations. 5=#N's communication skills are good, however #e does need to look for ways to plan #h experiments with a little more attention to detail. I encourage #m to continue to ask questions to clarify goals and/or expectations. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Work Habits 1=At times, #N, has found it a challenge to keep up with time constraints and maintain a speed that allows assignments to be completed in the given time. 2=#N does not always focus on written and oral instructions. Due to this, #e can sometimes find #s off task and being less productive. 3=#N does not always focus on written and oral instructions. Due to this, #e can sometimes find #s off task and being less productive. 4=#N is easily distracted by things going on around #m. As a result, #e is sometimes off task and less productive in class. 5=#N has made a good start to #h first few weeks here at ASH and in the science lab. #E has already shown an ability to work well with fellow classmates, getting involved in experiments and sharing responsibilities and roles. Welcome to ASH! 6=When instructions and demonstrations are being given, #e is often on the periphery of the group and not always involved in discussions or activities. 7=Accommodations that are helping #N to succeed are: COMMENTS: Sem 1 Wrap up 1=I am excited to see what #N can achieve in the second half of this academic year. 2=I am sure that #N will continue in the positive direction that #e has taken so far this year. 3=I encourage #N to continue with the good work habits shown so far this year. 4=I hope that the positive trend in work habits continues throughout the year. 5=I look forward to helping #N reflect on #h successes, and work on #h challenges in the second semester. COMMENTS: Sem 1 Written Communication 1=#N's journal is very well organized and presented. #E follows the process steps carefully and clearly and has conducted experiments with care and precision. 2=#N's communication skills are mature and #h journal is very well organized and presented. #E follows the process steps carefully and clearly and has conducted experiments with care and precision. 3=#N also takes time and effort to record thoughtful and careful journal entries. However, I would like #m to expand on #h thinking when writing predictions and conclusions. 4=Whilst the content of the work in the science journal is generally good, #e does need to take time and effort to present the planning and results in a manner that is easy for another to read and follow. I would also like #m to expand on #h thinking when writing predictions and conclusions. 5=Whilst the content of the work in the science journal is generally good, and #e has done a wonderful job in demonstrating variables that have been controlled. I would like #m to expand on #h thinking when writing predictions and conclusions; drawing ideas together and making connections between experiment data, patterns seen and possible explanations for unexpected results. 6=#N's journal is generally well organized and presented. #E follows the steps in the correct order and conducts experiments with care. However, #e needs to spend more time thinking about the concepts behind the experiments and try to make connections to these ideas when writing predictions and conclusions. 7=Whilst presentation of work in the science journal is satisfactory, #e does need to take time and effort to express #s clearly when writing predictions and/or conclusions and go back over #h own work to look for inconsistencies and clarity of meaning. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Academic 1=#E has been an enthusiastic and motivated participant in all activities and conducted experiments in a thoughtful and scientific manner. #N has worked #Academic-effort on individual and group assignments, finding ways to make #s proud of the results. 2=#N worked productively on group and individual assignments throughout the year, often looking for ways to make #s proud of the results. I commend #m for the time and effort #e has put into recording #h ideas in a thorough, thoughtful and precise manner. 3=#E has been an enthusiastic and motivated participant in all experiments and activities. #N has worked #Academic-effort on both group and individual assignments throughout the year, often looking for ways to make #s proud of the results. 4=#E has been an enthusiastic and motivated participant in all experiments and activities. #N has worked #Academic-effort on individual assignments throughout the year and been a willing member during group work. 5=Although #N has sometimes found it a challenge to remain focused for extended periods of time, #e has generally worked #Academic-effort on individual assignments throughout the year. #E is working on taking more of a pro-active approach to #h learning. 6=Although understanding some of the more abstract concepts has been a challenge this year, #N has continued to work hard and persevere which has led to significant development. 7=Although understanding some of the more abstract concepts has been a challenge this year, #e has been an enthusiastic and motivated participant in all experiments and activities. #N has worked well on individual and group assignments throughout the year, however, presentation and organization, whilst improved, remains a challenge. I encourage #m to continue to space out work carefully, use a straight edge when appropriate and have the audience/reader in mind when communicating. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Challenges 1=#N needs to be aware of time constraints and look for ways to 'speed up' when necessary to complete assignments. 2=#N needs to continue to work on following the directions given to prevent the loss of valuable learning time. This is particularly true when entering the room at the beginning of the lesson when start-up directions are written on the board. 3=#E does periodically need to be reminded to keep #h own standards and expectations for written work high and not be satisfied with anything but #h best work. When #N has been engaged and focussed on the task this has improved. 4=#H also needs to spend more time reviewing material studied and independently preparing for tests and quizzes on course content. 5=#N needs to continue to ask questions when #e is unsure of a concept, and review material studied in preparation for tests and quizzes on course content. 6=I encourage #N to continue to look for ways to go beyond general class expectations, think 'outside of the box' and pursue #h own interests and passion. 7=#E has generally worked productively on individual and group assignments throughout the year. However #e has sometimes found it a challenge to remain focused for extended periods of time and #e can easily be distracted by social influences. 8=I encourage #N to continue to take risks when sharing ideas and thoughts with the class as this will help #m to make further connections with the concepts being studied. 9=I encourage #m to continue to build on #h own thinking and dare to take risks with #h predictions, conclusions and learning in general. 10=#N needs to continue to focus on instructions, ask questions when #e is unsure of a concept and review material studied in preparation for tests and quizzes on course content. 11=#E does periodically need to be reminded to follow directions carefully and also to keep #h own standards and expectations for written work high. #N can sometimes lose focus due to social distractions around #m and then #e can let #h standards slip. 12=I encourage #m to continue to build on #h own thinking, believe in #h own decision making and dare to take risks with #h learning in general. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Communication 1=#N continues to communicate excellently. #E produces work that has been created with time, thought, effort, and with the reader/audience in mind. #E consistently attempts to make #s proud of the work #e creates. 2=#N continues to communicate well. #E produces work that has been created with time and effort. #E often attempts to make #s proud of the work #e creates. 3=I commend #N for the extra time and effort #e has put into recording #h ideas in a more thorough, thoughtful and precise manner when communicating predictions, conclusions and/or explanations. This consistently improved as the year progressed. 4=#N demonstrates understanding of the main ideas and concepts, but presentation and organization, whilst improved, remains a challenge. I encourage #m to continue to space out work carefully, use a straight edge when appropriate and have the reader in mind when communicating predictions, conclusions and/or explanations. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Earth In Space Modeling 1=During our 'Earth in Space' unit #N demonstrated an excellent ability to model abstract ideas in a clear and thoughtful manner, using keys, labels, captions and detailed drawings to communicate to #h audience. 2=During our 'Earth in Space' unit #N demonstrated an ability to model abstract ideas in a clear and thoughtful manner. 3=During our 'Earth in Space' unit #N demonstrated an ability to draw thoughtful conclusions by analyzing graphs and data. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Environmental research 1=#N independently researched and combined a lot of information for #h environmental science presentation and then shared in a very clear, organized and engaging manner. 2=#E was able to independently obtain and combine information for #h environmental research presentation. #N's presentation was clear and easy to follow with lots of good facts and data. 3=With very little guidance #N was able to obtain and combine lots of information for #h environmental research presentation. The presentation was clear and easy to follow and #e shared a lot of interesting facts and information in a clear and well-organized manner. 4=A little guidance was needed to obtain and combine information for #h environmental research presentation, however the presentation was clear and easy to follow and the main ideas were communicated well. 5=Significant guidance was needed to obtain and combine information for #h environmental research presentation, however the presentation was clear and easy to follow. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Fair testing Data 1=During our investigation into the variables affecting plant growth, #N's attention to detail, the written data #e collected and the connections #e made to 'big ideas' from within our unit of study were very impressive. 2=During our investigation into the variables affecting plant growth, #N demonstrated an ability to make thoughtful and insightful observations. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Group Work 1=#N has worked very productively on group projects as well as individual assignments, finding ways to make #s proud of the results. 2=#N has worked productively on group projects as well as individual assignments. 3=#N has worked hard on group projects, but not also found the cooperation and compromise necessary when working with peers. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Intro 1=This has been an excellent year for #N in science class. #E has demonstrated the ability to make deep and abstract connections between the concepts we have been studying. 2=This has been a very good year for #N in science class. #E often makes thoughtful and astute connections between the concepts we have been studying in class. 3=This has been a good year for #N in science class. #E has demonstrated understanding of all of the main concepts we have studied in class. 4=This has been a good year for #N in science class, and #e has made considerable progress. #E has demonstrated understanding of most of the concepts we have studied in class. 5=This has been a successful, yet challenging year for #N in science class. #E has demonstrated understanding of most of the concepts we have studied in class. 6=With the continued help of accommodations as listed on #h individual learning plan, this second semester has been one full of challenge and yet steady progress for #N in science class. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Newton's Laws Enrichment 1=I would also like to commend #m for the enrichment work on Newton's laws that #e independently undertook to broaden #h knowledge in this unit of study. COMMENTS: Sem 2 Wrap Up 1=It has been a pleasure to teach #N this year, and I wish #m a lovely summer and good luck next year in grade 6. 2=I wish #m a lovely summer and good luck next year in grade 6. 3=I wish #N a wonderful summer and continued success next academic year. 4=Good luck next year in grade six. Continue to look for ways to make yourself proud. 5=I commend #m for all of #h hard work this year, wish #m a lovely summer and good luck next year in grade 6. LIST: Academic-effort 1=very productively 2=productively 3=well 4=inconsistently LIST: approaches 1=excellent 2=satisfactory 3=weak LIST: course-content 1=variables 2=properties of matter 3=energy in ecosystems 4=human reproduction 5=Earth's systems and sustainability 6=Earth in space LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: level-of-understanding 1=an outstanding 2=an excellent 3=a good 4=a fair 5=a solid 6=a secure 7=a fragile 8=a limited 9=a beginning level of 10=a mastery Level of LIST: levela 1=good 2=strong 3=fair 4=high LIST: modellist 1=state change poster 2=density poster 3=conservation of matter model 4=density demonstration LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: understanding 1=excellent understanding 2=developing understanding 3=developing yet insecure understanding 4=developing yet fragile understanding 5=limited understanding /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.