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Introduction 1=#N is an able and enthusiastic member of the class who takes a keen interest in physics and appears to enjoy all aspects of the work. 2=#N has demonstrated an excellent understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to meet the outcomes of #GradeArea. 3=#N has demonstrated a strong understanding of the outcomes taught in the first two units of #GradeArea. 4=#N has demonstrated a very good understanding of the concepts and skills necessary to meet the outcomes of #GradeArea. 5=#N has met, and often exceeded, the expected outcomes for #GradeArea. 6=#N has difficulty with some of the concepts and skills necessary to meet the outcomes of #GradeArea. 7=#N has not yet met minimum expectations for the outcomes taught in #GradeArea to date. 8=#N has met and exceeded the expected outcomes for #GradeArea. 9=#N has not demonstrated an understanding of several of the outcomes associated with #GradeArea. COMMENTS: 2. Topics 1=#E has been studying #Topics during this reporting period. 2=We have been studying #Topics during this reporting period. 3=During this reporting period #e has been studying #Topics. 4=During this reporting period we have been studying #Topics. 5=We have been working on #Topics during this reporting period. COMMENTS: 3. Knowledge 1=#E speaks and writes about physics ideas in considerable detail, showing a confident use of physics terminology. 2=#E has developed an excellent general physics knowledge and is always willing to share #h ideas with the rest of the class during discussions. 3=#E has developed a good general physics knowledge and is always willing to share #h ideas with the rest of the class during discussions. 4=#E has found this subject challenging but has continued to put effort into every activity and assignment. 5=#E has made steady progress this year and has demonstrated #Type understanding of many of the topics we have covered. 6=This is consistently demonstrated on #h tests, assignments and labs. 7=#E consistently demonstrates this on #h labs and assignments. 8=#E will continue to apply these skills as the course progresses, so I anticipate continued success. 9=#H excellent work habits and determination have given #h the skills needed to be an exceptional student. 10=#H mark reflects #h excellent work ethic and determination which #e demonstrated in #h assessed work, class contributions and positive attitude. 11=#H assignments, tests and labs were very well done and demonstrated a strong understanding of many physics concepts. 12=#H mark reflects #h excellent work ethic and determination which #e demonstrates in #h assessed work, class contributions and positive attitude. 13=#H assignments, tests and labs are very well done and demonstrate a strong understanding of many physics concepts. 14=With continued focus on #?, #h will strengthen their understanding and be even more successful in the upcoming term. 15=Although #N found some of the concepts challenging, they were able to overcome the difficulties by consistently attempting homework, completing assignments and getting extra help when needed. 16=By not completing required assignments and labs, evidence of #h understanding could not be assessed. 17=#N has difficulty with the necessary math skills used in Physics and this effects #h ability to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts. 18=This could be better assessed if #h consistently submitted assignments. Doing so will allow their mark to reflect #h level of understanding. 19=#H grade is a reflection of their work ethic and not their level of understanding. 20=By consistently completing assignments and attempting homework, #N would be able to reinforce their learning while providing more opportunities for assessment. COMMENTS: 4- abilities 1=#E has shown a lot of growth in #h critical thinking abilities. 2=#E has good critical thinking abilities and put them to good use solving difficult problems this year. 3=#E has a natural ability in science showed a lot of growth this year. 4=#E readily grasped new concepts and ideas and was always open to new ideas. 5=Throughout the year #e was determined to understand and did not give up until #e mastered the concept. COMMENTS: 4- opening 1=#N has had a great year in science. 2=#N has done well in science this year. 3=#N has had ups and downs in science this year, but has managed to prevail at the end of the year. 4=Overall, #N had a good year in science, but had a slip in grades towards the end of the year. 5=#N has made huge improvements over the year and should be proud of #s. 6=#N has had ups and downs this year in science. COMMENTS: 4- opening A 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student that excels in science. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. COMMENTS: 4-abilities 1=#E has great critical thinking abilities. 2=#E as good critical thinking skills and has mastered some difficult problems. 3=#E has a natural ability in science and has strong critical thinking skills. 4=#E readily grasps new concepts and ideas. 5=#H ability to think through problems #EGN. 6=I love #h determination to understand things and #e never gives up until #e fully grasps it. 7=I applaud #h willingness to ask questions when #e does not understand something. 8=#E has strong critical thinking and problem solving skills. COMMENTS: 4-behavior 1=One goal for next year would be less disruptive in class and focus more on the material at hand. 2=This year #e has been rather social and at times disruptive and I encourage #m to focus more next year in class. COMMENTS: 4-close 1=It has been a pleasure teaching #N this year. 2=I wish #m the best of luck next year. 3=I have really enjoyed teaching #N the past two years and I wish #m the best of luck next year. 4=I look forward to another year with #N! 5=I hope that #N has a restful summer and is recharged for the new year. COMMENTS: 4-goal 1=One goal that #e may want to set for next year would be to #goal COMMENTS: 4-hw suggest 1=I encourage #m to use #h planner on a daily basis. 2=I encourage #m to slow down and double check for accuracy. 3=I encourage #m to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 6=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 7=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments, slow down, and check #h work. 8=One suggestion for #N is to slow down on #h assignments as #e has a tendency to make careless errors. COMMENTS: 4. Attainment 1=#H test results have been #TestResults. 2=#H test results have been generally quite #TestResults, #ButAnd would benefit, I am sure, from extra revision. 3=#H test results have been generally #TestResults, #ButAnd #e will need to revise more thoroughly in the future. 4=Earlier test results were very good but, more recently, #e has allowed #h standards to drop slightly, and this is reflected in a lower grade. 5=Earlier test results were not very good but, more recently, #e has improved, and this is reflected in a better grade. 6=#H test results have been generally quite #TestResults, #ButAnd #e will need to revise more thoroughly in the future. 7=#H test results have been #TestResults, but the rest of #h work has been completed to a better standard. #E will need to revise more thoroughly in the future. 8=#H test results have been generally #Type, #ButAnd they show far to many gaps in #h knowledge. #E will need to revise more thoroughly in the future. 9=Earlier test results were very good but, more recently, #e has allowed #h standards to drop slightly, and this is reflected in no improvement in #h grade. COMMENTS: 5. Written work 1=The quality of #h written work has been consistently #Type, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #h written work has been consistently #Type, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=Written work has been rather variable, often detailed and carefully presented, but sometimes only just adequate. 4=#H written work often displays #Type physics understanding but #e needs to spend a little more time on the presentation of #h work. 5=#H written work has been very variable, occasionally #Type, but too often superficial and/or rushed. 6=#H written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as I would wish. 7=#E would benefit from improving #h organisation as #e has not always handed in homework on time. 8=#E would benefit from improving #h organisation as #e has not always handed in homework on time . COMMENTS: 6. Targets 1=#E should aim to maintain the high quality of #h work next year. 2=I hope #e can sustain #h current interest in and enthusiasm towards physics. 3=I hope #e can maintain #h determination to understand all aspects of the work. 4=#E should aim to increase #h confidence by making an effort to be more involved in class discussions. 5=#E should try to take a more active part in practical investigations to improve #h confidence in this area. 6=#E should make an effort to be more actively involved during lessons. 7=#E should aim to produce #h best work at all times, and always revise thoroughly for tests. 8=#E needs to get back to the really high standard of the first half of this term. 9=#E needs to be more methodical in #h approach to the subject and revise carefully for tests if #e wants to improve #h grades next term. 10=I would like to see #N put more consistent effort into #h homework. 11=#E just needs to spend a little more time on #h homework. 12=#E should make an effort to concentrate more during discussions. 13=I would like to see #N make more effort to avoid being distracted during lessons. 14=#E should try to improve the presentation of #h written work. 15=#E puts very little effort into this subject and must do so if #e is to improve. 16=#E needs to put more effort into this subject if #e is going to improve. 17=#E needs to listen more carefully if #e is going to improve in this subject. COMMENTS: 7. Final 1=A very impressive term. Well done! 2=#E has made good progress overall. Well done #N. 3=I am pleased with the effort #N has put in this term. Well done. 4=The progress #N has shown this term has been hindered by attendance issues. 5=Thank you for your exceptional contributions to this class. 6=Congratulations. 7=Please take advantage of the opportunities to receive extra help. 8=#H excellent work habits and determination have given #h the skills needed to be an exceptional student. 9=#H enthusiasm for this subject makes #h an invaluable member of the class. 10=With a renewed focus on paying attention to details and consistently attempting homework assignments, #e will be able to meet the remaining outcomes. 11=#H excellent work ethic has contributed greatly to this level of achievement. Congratulations. 12=#H strong desire to achieve, along with #h mature work ethic, allows #N to demonstrate a high level of understanding. COMMENTS: abilities 1=#E has great critical thinking abilities. 2=#E as good critical thinking skills and has mastered some difficult problems. 3=#E has a natural ability in science and has strong critical thinking skills. 4=#E readily grasps new concepts and ideas. 5=#H ability to think through problems #EGN. 6=I love #h determination to understand things and #e never gives up until #e fully grasps it. 7=I applaud #h willingness to ask questions when #e does not understand something. 8=#E has strong critical thinking and problem solving skills. COMMENTS: Application improvement 1=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 2=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #h hard work and positive attitude continues. 5=I am extremely pleased with #N's progress this year. I hope #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in year 10. 6=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next quarter. COMMENTS: Application positive 1=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 2=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 3=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 4=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #h hard work and positive attitude continues. 5=I am extremely pleased with #N's progress this year. I hope #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in year 10. 6=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next quarter. COMMENTS: Assessment - Absent 1=#N has started Semester 1 with #startofyear set of results, so far, and #attitude attitude. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N has made #SampleRatingList start to the year. 4=#N has made a poor start to the course, but there are signs of improvement in #h attitude of late. 5=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. 6=Throughout this semester #N has been able to remain focused on set tasks and as a result has continued to progress. 7=#N has remained consistent with #h effort in science. 8=#N has made some progress this semester, and although #e has found some of the content challenging, #e has been working hard to improve. COMMENTS: Assessment - Assignment Improvement 1=#N would also benefit from asking questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts and #e should endeavour to show more creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 2=N must ensure that #e carefully addresses the marking criteria and consults #h teacher when experiencing difficulties. 3=To improve #h grade #N needs to apply #s more during assignment work. 4=#N assignment work shows room for improvement. 5=#N would benefit from showing creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 6=With more effort to ensure #e is answering questions in assignments according to the marking criteria provided, #N has the ability to improve and achieve very pleasing results. 7=#N would benefit from paying closer attention to the marking criteria when completing assessment tasks. 8=#N needs to devote more effort to the completion of assessment tasks and should pay closer attention to the marking criteria used to grade them. 9=#N would benefit from submitting a draft assessment to receive feedback from their teacher prior to submission of all tasks. 10=As #N progresses into #h senior studies, I encourage #m to submit a draft of #h assessments for feedback to ensure #e is able to maximise #h marks. 11=#N needs to seek clarification from #h teacher to gain a better understanding of the detail required to be successful with #h tasks. 12=I encourage #N to read the marking criteria of assessment tasks carefully to know what is being asked of #m and to submit a draft to gain valuable feedback prior to handing the task in. 13=I encourage #N to seek more clarification with written assessments and to read the marking guidelines carefully so that #e has more success with them. 14=I would also encourage #N to submit a draft to gain valuable feedback prior to handing the task in. COMMENTS: Assessment - General Performance 1=The creativity shown in #N selection of a medium to display #h project work is impressive. 2=#N's overall result is quite pleasing. #E has demonstrated a distinct aptitude for understanding scientific concepts and has been an active member in all aspects of this class. #N's assessments show that #e has the ability to present information using a range of technologies to a specific audience and that #e has the ability to recall scientific knowledge to answer exam style questions. 3=#N has consistently performed to a #grd standard in Science this semester. 4=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts taught this semester. 5=#N has worked consistently this year and has been rewarded for #h effort. #H exam mark has shown a solid understanding of scientific concepts. #E is able to use and manipulate data effectively and apply scientific skills to answer exam style questions. 6=#N has only been able to demonstrate a #grd level of knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts taught this semester. 7=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of knowledge and understanding in Science. This is a significant improvement to #h performance in the first semester and #e should be proud of this achievement. 8=#N performed to a #grd level in the #? this semester. 9=#N's performance in the #? was of a #grd standard. 10=#N's performance in the #? was #grd. 11=However, #h performance in the #? shows room for improvement. 12=However, #e was only able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the #?. 13=#N has improved this semester and is congratulated on #h efforts. However, #h overall grade is still impacted by #h performance in first semester. 14=However, #h performance in the #? was of a #grd standard and #e was only able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the #?. 15=#N's #? assessment task was submitted #? days late and this significantly affected #h overall grade. 16=#N failed to submit #h #? assessment task until well after the due date and this has had a significant effect on #h overall grade. 17=It was a disappointment to see #N's grades slip in assessment tasks this year as #e is capable of better. 18=#N found the unit on #? particularly challenging which was reflected in #h test result. 19=#N's exam result was a little disappointing and does not reflect #h commitment to #h studies. 20=#N's #? test was a little disappointing even though it was an open book test. This highlights the need for #N to ensure #h work book is kept tidy and up to date to ensure #e is able to access the information #e needs. COMMENTS: Assessment - N-Determination 1=Failure to complete and submit an assignment has negatively affected #N results and has the potential to jeopardise #h attainment of a RoSA for Science. 2=#N failed to submit #h #? assessment task. This has had a significant impact upon #h grade. 3=Unfortunately #N overall grade is still hampered by #h failure to submit a task in Semester 1. 4=#N failed to submit #h #? until well after the due date. This has had a significant impact upon #h overall grade. COMMENTS: Assessment - Plagiarism 1=I encourage #N to ensure that all work submitted is #h own. 2=#N needs to learn to put things into #h own words as this had a detrimental affect on #h grade in the #? assessment task. 3=#N needs to learn to put things into #h own words rather than cutting and pasting from the internet as this had a detrimental affect on #h grade in the #? assessment task. COMMENTS: Assessment - Research Tasks 1=#N has worked hard this year on all of #h assessment tasks but I was especially impressed with the #Grd quality of #h #? assessment task. 2=#N's assessment tasks have been done to a minimum standard and are often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #? was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#N's assessment tasks are always of a #Grd standard as demonstrated in #h #? assignment. 5=#N's performance in assessment tasks has varied considerably, however #h #? assignment was of a #Grd standard. COMMENTS: Assessment - Test and Assignment Improvement 1=#N has the ability to further improve #h grades if #e adopts a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and continues to carefully answer all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 2=However, there is still some room for improvement. With a diligent approach to future assignments, ensuring that #e carefully addresses the provided marking criteria and maintaining consistent effort in revising for tests, #N has the potential to attain excellent grades. 3=#N has the ability to improve #h grades if #e adopts a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and carefully answers all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 4=To improve #h grades, #N needs to adopt a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests and needs to carefully answer all questions in research assignments according to the marking criteria provided. 5=#N would benefit from applying a greater effort to carefully revise for tests and complete assignments according to the marking criteria provided if #e is to achieve to #h full potential. 6=I encourage #N to seek assistance when #e does not understand concepts being taught or criteria being used to grade assessment tasks. 7=#N needs to spend more time preparing for assessment tasks and should seek clarification when #e does not understand concepts taught. 8=#N needs to continue to work hard in Science and should consult the teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught or criteria used to grade assessments. 9=I encourage #N to submit drafts of #h assessments for feedback and to revise carefully #h work especially in the lead up to #h exams. COMMENTS: Assessment - Test Improvement 1=#N should adopt a thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 2=#N's result in the #? suggests that #e needs to adopt a more thorough and consistent approach towards revising for tests. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 3=#N needs to revise work more regularly, rather than just around test time. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 4=#N needs to spend more time revising for tests and should seek clarification from the teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 5=#N's grade would improve if #e spent time revising material taught in class before tests and exams. #E should also seek clarification from #h teacher when #e does not understand concepts taught in class. 6=I encourage #N to seek clarification on any concept that #e has not fully understood and to revise #h work consistently to gain a deeper knowledge, especially in the lead up to tests and exams. 7=I encourage #N to set #s a study timetable to ensure #e is adequately prepared in the lead up to #h exams. 8=#E would also benefit from more thorough and conscientious note taking skills. 9=#N would also benefit from a more thorough and conscientious approach to #h note taking skills. 10=#N's exam result shows #e still has some areas that require extra work and I encourage #h to ask more questions in class to consolidate #h learning. I would also like to see #N maintain a regular revision program especially in the lead up to #h exams. 11=Whilst #h overall result is pleasing, I would like to see #N revise #h work more thoroughly in the lead up to exams and to consult more frequently with #h teacher to facilitate a deeper understanding. 12=I encourage #N to seek more assistance from #h teacher to help deepen #h understanding of the more difficult scientific concepts #e is yet to master. COMMENTS: behavior 1=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. 2=#E is very social and needs constant reminders to stay on task. 3=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 4=#E often daydreams in class and misses important information 5=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 6=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Commendable 1=#N is a #adj student who actively seeks to participate in class discussions and does so to demonstrate a well developed understanding of scientific concepts. 2=#N has maintained a pleasing approach towards completing set work during lessons and is deserving of praise for #h efforts. 3=#N always strives to reach #h full potential in class and is a positive influence on #h peers. 4=#N has exceptional note taking skills and #e takes pride in keeping a neat, well organised work book. 5=#N is a #adj student who is well behaved in class and completes work to the best of #h ability. 6=#N has displayed a mature and conscientious approach to learning this semester. 7=#N is a well mannered and highly capable student who applies consistent effort to complete set work during lessons. 8=#N's behaviour in class is commendable. 9=The level of enthusiasm that #N shows in Science is commendable. 10=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in Science next year. 11=It is a real pleasure to have #N in the classroom. 12=#N has worked consistently throughout the semester and has achieved some pleasing results. #E is capable of working well both in group work and individually. 13=#N has a solid work ethic and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 14=#N has an effervescent nature and contributes well to all facets of the class. 15=#N is an active participant in class discussions and seeks clarification of any concept #e has not fully understood. 16=#N has been an active member of this class, participating well in all aspects of the course. #E is able to work effectively and safely in group practical work and can be relied upon to start work quickly with minimal fuss. 17=#N has contributed well to group work activities and can be relied upon to work safely in practical tasks. 18=#N has a keen interest in Science and a level of curiosity that encourages #m to research ideas further and enabling #m to contribute well to classroom discussions. 19=#N is a delightful student with a solid work ethic. #E undertakes all activities with minimal fuss and can be relied upon to work safely and effectively during both practical and individual tasks. 20=#N has been a delightful student displaying a strong work ethic and commitment to do well. #E participates well in class discussions and is an active participant in practical work. #N has the confidence to seek clarification from #h teacher for any concepts #e has not fully understood. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Device 1=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class as it is a source of distraction to #h learning. 2=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=#N finds it difficult to manage the distraction of using #h device. This is an area where #E should seek to improve so that #e does not miss out on gaining important knowledge and understanding in this course. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Disruptive 1=#N is a friendly student who has the potential to work well in class. 2=When engaged in learning #e has the ability to demonstrate a well informed and high level of intelligence. 3=#N usually completes work to the best of #h ability. 4=Unfortunately, #N often requires reminders to not participate in distracting and disruptive behaviour with #h peers. This is an area where #e should seek to improve if #e is to ensure that #e takes the opportunity that school offers #m. 5=#N does not always use class time to #h advantage and can become distracted at times. I encourage #m to focus in class and ignore distractions. 6=#N needs to learn to focus #h energy on learning activities when in class. 7=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 8=There has been some improvement in #h level of attention of late that I hope will continue. 9=To #h credit #e has shown improvement of late. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Mobile Phone 1=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class as it is a source of distraction to #h learning. 2=#N should refrain from using #h mobile phone in class. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. COMMENTS: Behaviour - New Student 1=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. I commend #h ability to make good decisions when selecting peers and #e is well behaved in class. 2=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. #E is an affable student and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 3=#N seems to have settled in well at Southern Cross. #E is a polite student and #h behaviour in class is commendable. 4=#N has shown a mature and conscientious approach to learning since #h arrival at Southern Cross. 5=I look forward to teaching #N Science. 6=I look forward to teaching #N Science in the remainder of the school year. 7=At this stage there is not enough evidence to provide #N with a grade in Science. 8=#N was able to demonstrate a #Grd level of knowledge and understanding in the yearly exam. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Poor Attendance 1=#N completes work to a satisfactory level when in class. However, #h attendance is cause for concern. 2=However, #h attendance is cause for concern. 3=#N would benefit from a higher attendance to ensure that #e is not missing out on important scientific knowledge, skills and understanding. 4=#H attendance is also cause for concern. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Poor Participation in Pracs 1=#N is generally well behaved in class. 2=#N needs to work on #h group work skills during practical activities. 3=#N is reluctant to participate in practical work. This is an area that shows room for improvement to ensure that #e is not missing out on important practical and group work skills. 4=To #h credit #N has shown improvement of late. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Quiet 1=Although #N does not voluntarily participate in class discussions, when asked direct questions #e is comfortably able to demonstrate #h understanding. 2=#N would also benefit from showing creativity in the selection of a medium to display projects. 3=#N is a quiet student who works well in class and always completes work to the best of #h ability. #N could aim to increase #h involvement in class discussions to help clarify #h thoughts and ideas. However, when questions are directed to #m #e demonstrates a sound understanding of scientific concepts. 4=#N is quiet in class and should be encouraged to ask questions when #e does not understand concepts taught. 5=#N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts. 6=#N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to enable a deeper understanding of scientific concepts. 7=#N is a quiet student who works well in class. #E needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of concepts taught. 8=#N is a quiet member of class who chooses to listen to classroom discussion rather than participate but is able to answer questions directed towards #m confidently. 9=#N is a quiet and effective worker in all lessons. Although #e chooses not to participate in class discussions, #e listens intently and is able to answer any question specifically directed to #m. 10=#N is a well mannered and highly capable student who applies consistent effort to complete set work during lessons. #N needs to ensure that #e asks questions to clarify #h understanding of scientific concepts. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Requires Prompting 1=#N is a #adj student who, with prompting, completes assigned work in class. 2=#N needs to listen carefully to teacher instructions in class and should seek clarification when #e does not understand the requirements of set activities. 3=#N is prone to distractions and needs to focus on learning activities when in class. 4=#N is often slow to attend class and slow to commence work. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 5=#N needs prompting to initiate #h engagement in lessons. This is an area where #e could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 6=In class #N needs constant supervision to ensure that #e is on task. 7=To #h credit #e has shown improvement of late. 8=#H engagement in learning is improving. COMMENTS: Behaviour - Talkative 1=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. 2=At times #e requires reminders to limit socialising with peers so that it doesn't distract #m from learning. This is an area where #N could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=At times #N can be too talkative and would benefit from a greater focus on learning activities during lessons. 4=At times #N can be a little chatty which could lead to #m missing some important explanations, but #e is able to be quickly directed back on task. 5=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 6=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 7=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. 8=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. COMMENTS: Behaviour Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should aim to take more pride in the presentation of #h work. At times it is difficult to work out what #e has written or tried to shown in #h book. 2=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 3=#N should also try to answer questions by putting #h hand up rather than continually shouting out and disturbing the lesson. 4=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or #h homework planner. 5=#N does have the tendancy to be a bit of a day dreamer. #E needs to try and improve #h concentration so that #e doesn't miss important details and information. 6=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. COMMENTS: blurb 1=This quarter in science we began the quarter by reviewing the scientific method and designing our own experiment. We then moved on to studying the properties of matter, such as mass, weight, and density, and then applied these concepts to properties of water. These fundamentals have laid out the groundwork for our next units on atmosphere and weather. 2=This quarter in science we applied our first quarter lessons on properties of matter in order to understand atmosphere and weather. We learned how to read weather maps and what causes different types of weather and how hurricanes occur. We also had a unit on addiction, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. We looked at what causes addiction, and what each drug physically does to the body and mind. At the end of the quarter, the students went online as drug scene investigators to investigate imaginary 3=-------- 4=This quarter in science we have been focusing on the scientific method and on chemistry. We started the year reviewing the scientific method and creating our own lab procedures in order to get them to use their critical thinking skills. We then moved onto chemistry, looking at the make up of an atom and how different parts of the atom can cause changes about the atom's properties. We also did an extensive study on nuclear decay and radioactivity. 5=This quarter in science studied the trends within the periodic table and how the periodic table is organized. Students then used this knowledge to predict how elements come together to form molecules via ionic and covalent bonds. We experimented with behavioral differences between covalent and ionic bonds and which ions readily bond and which ones do not. We learned about conservation of matter and how to balance chemical equations with mathematics, manipulatives and computer simulations. Thi COMMENTS: CAS Comments 1=#N has reached the end of #h CAS commitment. I am incredibly pleased to confirm that #e will be submitted as a pass. Over the past eighteen months I really hope that #N has felt like the experiences #e gained have been memorable and the skills #e honed will be useful later in life. I sincerely hope that #N continues with some of the activities undertaken as a part of the CAS programme in the future. COMMENTS: Chemistry 1=#N showed a particular strength in chemistry this semester. #H ability to solve and balance complex equations, as well as calculate molar masses was impressive. This is work normally reserved for year 11. 2=#N seemed to particularly enjoy the chemistry topic this semester. Despite it being a very challenging topic #N approached it with enthusiasm and worked tirelessly to understand the highest level information and #e attempted all extension tasks with success. 3=#N worked very hard during the chemistry topic and showed great resilience in the face of challenges. The topics covered in this module require a high level of abstract and critical thinking which #N attempted with enthusiasm. I was very pleased to see #N working outside of #h comfort zone in order to achieve in this module. 4=#N doesn't appear to enjoy the chemistry aspects of this course as much as the other sciences. In spite of this #e worked exceptionally hard to understand the challenging topics and #e embraced the practical work. It was encouraging to see #N achieve whilst outside of #h comfort zone. COMMENTS: close 1=#N is well on #h way to having a great year! 2=#N is a pleasure to teach. 3=Keep up the great work, #N! 4=I look forward to next quarter with #N! 5=I have no doubt that #e will continue to succeed in science if #e continues to work hard. 6=It is a pleasure to have #N in class! 7=I believe that if #e refocuses #h energy #e will improve. 8=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next quarter. COMMENTS: Closing sentence Improvement 1=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 2=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. 3=#N is often distracted in class will need to increase #h effort and show more responsibility towards #h studies next term. 4=#E participates in class discussions. With continued effort and diligence I am confident #N can achieve #? next term. 5=I am confident that with continued effort and revison #e will be very successful on #h exams next term. 6=#E has had many absences during this semester and I am concerned that #e may be missing important notes that #e will need when it is time to review for exams. I recommend that #e avoid missing school whenever possible and make a stronger effort to take detailed notes in class. 7=#E needs to revise thoroughly and develop more #h practical skills in #subjects. There is still new learning to do but thorough revision and plenty of practice #e will attain a better grade. 8=#N still is lacking the commitment to do better in #subjects. 9=#E has a lot of gaps in #h understanding and #e is not meeting deadlines for assignments. #E needs to have a regular nightly revision and do more exercises to practice if #e wants to improve next semester. 10=#N needs to focus more during class in order to achieve #h potential. 11=#N needs to apply #s more to fully achieve #h potential. 12=#N has struggled with some of what we have studied. #E will require much more focused study time to make a positive impact upon results. 13=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. 14=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 15=but has had difficulty understanding the concepts taught this semester. 16=#N has applied #s this year but would benefit from revising #h work to further #h understanding. 17=#N has struggled with some of what we have studied. #E will require much more focused study time to make a positive impact upon results. 18=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. 19=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 20=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next semester COMMENTS: Closing sentence Positive 1=#N has worked well and with continued effort #e could achieve better next semester. 2=#N has worked hard and is to be commended for #h effort. 3=#N is to be commended for the effort they applied this year. 4=#N has applied #s this year but would benefit from revising #h work to further #h understanding. 5=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance from a dedicated student. 6=and displays a general understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 7=and has shown a firm understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 8=#N has worked well and with continued effort #e could achieve better next semester. 9=and has shown an excellent understanding for the subjects covered this semester. 10=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 11=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 12=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #h hard work and positive attitude continues. COMMENTS: Conclusion 1=Overall, #N has had an exceptional semester in science. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach #m. I wish #N every success for next year and #h future studies. 2=Overall I am pleased with the progress #N has demonstrated this semester and I am confident that #e will continue to enjoy the same success next year. Well done. 3=#N has had a pleasing semester and I hope that #e takes on board the advice given to #m. Good luck and enjoy the break. COMMENTS: Confidence 1=#N sometimes needs particular encouragement to overcome #h lack of confidence. 2=#N often seeks for validation of #h answers and #e is almost always correct. #E is bright and #e should trust #s. 3=Often, #e begins to panic early in the lesson. This makes it harder for #m to learn and it would help if #e trusted in #h abilities and gave it a chance to sink in before shutting out the information. 4=However, there are times when #e loses confidence in #h science abilities and convinces #s that #e can't do certain problems. With a little encouragement and support, I'm sure this will resolve. 5=#N should try to have a bit more confidence in #h own ability. #E often knows the correct answers and now needs to take a bit of a risk by putting #h hand up to offer an answer or get a bit more involved in the lesson. 6=#E needs to try and develop the confidence to share more of #h ideas with the rest of the class or group that #e is working with. COMMENTS: Confidence Next Steps Sentences 1=#N should try to have a bit more confidence in #h own ability. #E often knows the correct answers and now needs to take a bit of a risk by putting #h hand up to offer an answer or get a bit more involved in the lesson. 2=#E needs to try and develop the confidence to share more of #h ideas with the rest of the class or group that #e is working with. COMMENTS: Distance Learning 1=#N struggled early on with participation in distance learning activities, but showed great persistence and became an active participant in #h own and #h classmates’ learning. 2=Although #N demonstrated increasing confidence and engagement during online class sessions, #e was often reluctant to join a discussion or activity without being asked. 3=#N did a great job adjusting to and following the modified curriculum that was put in place during our distance learning sessions. #E was a model for other students in this regard. 4=#N was able to effectively use Google Classroom with limited assistance to engage in class activities, complete and submit assignments, and communicate with teachers, staff, and other students. 5=#N did a great job staying focused during online learning sessions and activities, even when faced with distractions and technology glitches.. 6=#N very effectively maintained #h in-class behaviour and work habits after the transition to distance learning. #E demonstrated a remarkable ability to adapt to a very challenging transition! 7=#N required minimal assistance with all the new technologies we encountered online and was helpful in assisting other students in developing proficiency with them. 8=#N was an enthusiastic participant in online learning sessions, but sometimes had to be reminded to let other students have time to share their work and ideas, as well. 9=#N did an excellent job of following through on #h completion of offline assignments, homework, research, and other independent activities. 10=#N was accountable for #h attendance, behaviour, and participation in distance learning sessions and was a model for other students in this regard. 11=#N responded very well to the challenging transition from in-class to distance learning, with the exception of submitting #h assignments in a timely manner. 12=#N always showed up prepared, organised, and motivated to make the best of distance learning sessions. #E was a joy to have in class. 13=#N's ’s participation and behaviour in distance learning sessions was inconsistent and sometimes disengaged or distracted. This was different from #h behaviour in a classroom setting. 14=#N struggled in the distance learning environment but tried hard and did #h best to engage and be part of the discussions and activities. 15=#N was proactive and took initiative to reach out and ask for help when necessary, both academically and with technology and distance learning problems. COMMENTS: effort 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the group, who takes a keen interest in science. 4=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 5=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 6=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 7=#E has been working hard, particularly towards the end of the quarter and if #e started with this effort from the beginning of next quarter, #e will make even bigger strides. COMMENTS: Enthusiasm 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 4=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 5=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 6=#N has consistently worked to the best of #h ability. #H attitude and work ethic are a tremendous asset and I hope that #e will continue to show both for the remainder of the year 7=If #N continues to show such a positive attitude towards #h work, #e will reap the benefits in year 10. COMMENTS: GCSE Specific 1=#N would now benefit from regularly reading through and revising #h class notes to ensure that #e is constantly revising and learning the content covered in class. 2=#N would benefit from looking through some past exam papers to start working on applying #h knowledge to an exam situation and looking at the number of marks available for different questions. 3=#N needs to try and read around the topics covered in class to improve #h general scientific knowledge. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e starts revision for the next set of exams a lot earlier than #e did for the exams in May. This will ensure that #e is far better prepared. COMMENTS: grades 1=/Assignments: #hwgrades /Labs: #labgrades /Tests: #testgrades 2=/Assignments: #hwgrades /Labs: #labgrades? /Tests: #testgrades /Final exam gade: (10% of year grade): #? COMMENTS: Group Work 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. 5=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. COMMENTS: Group Work Improvement 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. COMMENTS: Homework Next Steps Sentences 1=Homework is an area of concern as #N needs to ensure that it is completed with the required amount of effort and handed in before the deadline. 2=Homework needs to be an area of focus. It needs to be detailed and well thought out, taking the required amount of time to complete. It shouldn't be a rushed attempt to simply have some work to hand in. 3=If #N is ever stuck with homework #e should come and ask for help straight away. Rather than saying nothing and then not having anything to hand in. Homework is set to assess understanding and further learning and is an important part of the course. COMMENTS: hw 1=On occasion, #N forgets to turn in #h assignment in on time. 2=#E has had many late and missing assignments this quarter. When #e does make up the work, it is generally after we have moved on to a new topic and therefore #e has missed the practice phase before the test. This in turn has lead to poor test scores. 3=Sometimes #N forgets to do #h work at home and often rushes in the first five minutes of class to complete #h work. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=#H grades tend to fluctuate up and down all areas, suggesting that #e may not be fully grasping some areas and should come in for extra help from time to time. 6=#N can get easily distracted in school and which often leads to careless errors or rushed work. Focusing more on #h work will lead to improvements in the quality of #h work. 7=#E is easily distracted in school and needs to improve in #h work habits. 8=#E has had a few incomplete assignments this quarter, which is often an indication that #e forgot that it was due. 9=I encourage #h to use #h planner on a daily basis. 10=I encourage #h to slow down and double check for accuracy. 11=I encourage #h to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 12=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 13=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 14=One goal for #N next quarter is to slow down as #e tends to rush and make careless errors. 15=-------- 16=#N takes pride in #h work and does everything to the best of #h ability. 17=#E always puts #h best effort into #h assignments. 18=#E is always willing to learn new things and accepts academic challenges with enthusiasm. COMMENTS: hw suggest 1=I encourage #m to use #h planner on a daily basis. 2=I encourage #m to slow down and double check for accuracy. 3=I encourage #m to come in after school when #e gets below a C on any assignment. 4=-------------------------------------- 5=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments as #e has a tendency to do either the minimum required. 6=#E needs to learn to answer questions thoroughly as often times #e only gives partial answers. 7=I encourage #m to put increased effort into all assignments, slow down, and check #h work. 8=One suggestion for #N is to slow down on #h assignments as #e has a tendency to make careless errors. COMMENTS: Intro sentence negative 1=#N can work well in class. 2=At times #e requires reminders to limit socialising with peers so that it doesn't distract #m from learning. This is an area where #N could seek to improve to ensure that #e does not miss gaining important scientific knowledge and skills. 3=At times #N can be too talkative and would benefit from a greater focus on learning activities during lessons. 4=At times #N can be a little chatty which could lead to #m missing some important explanations, but #e is able to be quickly directed back on task. 5=To #h credit #N has shown improvement of late. 6=#E is very social and needs constant reminders to stay on task. 7=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. This behavior has impeded #h learning and in turn has affected #h grade. 8=#E often daydreams in class and misses important information 9=#H behavior in class has been highly disruptive with contant irrelevant or inapporpriate comments and I would appreciate a curb in this behavior. 10=Sometimes #e can be disruptive during class. While the disruption has not affected #h grade, it distracts the rest of the class. 11=#N would find #h work a lot easier if #e concentrated more on #h work and less time creating distractions. 12=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or the correct footwear 13=#N should try to do #h best in all #h work as #e does tend to coast through #h lessons. If #N pushes #s more then #e will do #effortlist better. 14=#N has made a poor start to the course, but there are signs of improvement in #h attitude of late. 15=#N has started Science with #startofyear set of results, so far, and #attitude attitude. 16=#N has had a mixed year, but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 17=#N has had a mixed year, with effort and attitude fluctuating. 18=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Late, incomplete, or missing assignments contribute to #h effort marks and grades. 19=#N has shown glimpses of #h potential. It is now #h choice as to whether #e reaches it or not. COMMENTS: Intro sentence positive 1=#N's performance has demonstrated a good grasp of the subject concepts. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. 3=#N is a pleasure to have in class and a delight to teach. 4=#N is very responsible and has shown a high level of effort. #E has worked enthusiastically throughout this term in #subjects. 5=#N is pleasure to have in class. #E usually completes all assignments and homeworks and this is reflected in #h effort marks. 6=#N is a plesure to have in class. #E consistently completes all homework and assignments and continues to work hard to understand the concepts in #subjects. 7=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homeworks and assignments on time and participates in class in a possitive manner. 8=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E is capable of improving the quality of #h work. 9=#N is a plesure to have in class. However late or missing assignments are contributing to #h effort grade. 10=#N has improved #h effort toward the end of this term 11=#N has demonstrated a good understanding and knowledge of the topics cover in #subjects. During the course #e has shown evidence of excellence and #h commitment to be a good student has made #m a pleasure to teach. 12=#N has been an enthusiastic and likable student. #E has demostrated that #h now has a good understanding. 13=#N has demonstrated that #h is an independent thinker with the ability to equire deeper into the topics covered on this couse. 14=#N is a thoughtful student who has worked hard to improve #h appreciation and application of topics covered in this subject. 15=#N has achieved well-deserved grades overall 16=#N's diligent approach and keen interest are reflected in #h impressive grade this semester. Should #e maintain this high standard of work, #N should continue to enjoy success in Science. . 17=#N has been a delight to teach this semester and is an asset to both the class and the school. If #e maintains #h positive attitude and motivation, #e should do well in year 10. COMMENTS: introduction 1=#N's performance has demonstrated a good grasp of the subject concepts. However #e needs more reading at home from the text book and #e will improve #h knowledge and conceptual understanding. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the term. It is understandable that #N is adjusting to the demands of a new educational system, #e still needs to put more effort into this process. 3=#N is very responsible and has shown a high level of effort. #E has worked enthusiastically throughout this term in #subjects. 4=#N tends to lose focus during lessons. #E needs to maintain #h concentration throughout and in all areas of the programme. 5=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Late, incomplete, or missing assignments contribute to #h effort marks and grades. 6=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homework and assignments on time. 7=#N is pleasure to have in class. #E usually completes all assignments and homeworks and this is reflected in #h effort marks. 8=#N is a plesure to have in class. #E consistently completes all homework and assignments and continues to work hard to understand the concepts in #subjects. 9=#N is capable of achieving higher marks. Low exam scores have contributed to #h marks. 10=#N continues to struggle with the curriculum in #subjects. 11=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E always turns in homeworks and assignments on time and participates in class in a possitive manner. 12=#N is a pleasure to have in class. #E is capable of improving the quality of #h work. 13=#N is a plesure to have in class. However late or missing assignments are contributing to #h effort grade. 14=#N continues to struggle with the curriculum in #subjects. On the test #e got #?% and left entire sections blank. 15=#N has improved #h effort toward the end of this term 16=#N has demonstrated a good understanding and knowledge of the topics cover in #subjects. During the course #e has shown evidence of excellence and #h commitment to be a good student has made #m a pleasure to teach. 17=#N has been an enthusiastic and likable student. #E has demostrated that #h now has a good understanding. 18=#N has demonstrated that #h is an independent thinker with the ability to equire deeper into the topics covered on this couse. 19=#N is a thoughtful student who has worked hard to improve #h appreciation and application of topics covered in this subject. 20=#N has not made the progress that I would have liked so far this term. #E has not been able to demonstrate that #e understands the subject. COMMENTS: Introduction Sentences for Strengths 1=#N has made a pleasing start to the year. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the year. 3=#N is a pleasure to teach in Science. 4=#N has had a shaky start to #h Science studies so far this year. 5=#N is capable of working well in Science when #e concentrates and focusses on the task at hand. 6=#N seems to enjoy #h Science lessons. 7=#N is an enthusiastic Scientist. 8=#N could do very well in Science. 9=#N has the potential to do well in Science COMMENTS: Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: labs 1=#E has the tendency to rush to get the labs done and makes careless errors. I recommend that #e slow down. 2=#E ha a tendency to be very social during labs and does not pay attention to the details, leading to careless errors. 3=#E has a tendency to follow other people's lead during labs and sometimes ends up following their errors. I encourage #h to think for #s. COMMENTS: Literacy Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has put a lot of effort into #h classwork. #E has shown a particular strength in writing detailed answers and explanations that contain the correct key words and terms. 2=#E has shown #keywordlist grasp of key words and terms and can often use them to give some very strong verbal answers. 3=#E is starting to grasp some scientific key words and terms and is using them to give some good verbal answers in class. 4=#N can write some very clear longer answers. This is a brilliant ability to have as more and more exam questions now require extended answers. 5=#N has shown real improvement in the standard of written work that #e can produce. #E has started to use more scientific words and is now checking #h work through more regularly. 6=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. 7=I was particularly pleased with #N's APP work on #?. #E clearly spent a lot of time on it, which was reflected in #h grades. #N showed a particular strength in being able to #? COMMENTS: missing and late 1=/LATE work: #? /Missing work: #? COMMENTS: OLD-Confidence 1=#N sometimes needs particular encouragement to overcome #h lack of confidence. 2=#N often seeks for validation of #h answers and #e is almost always correct. #E is bright and #e should trust #s. 3=Often, #e begins to panic early in the lesson. This makes it harder for #m to learn and it would help if #e trusted in #h abilities and gave it a chance to sink in before shutting out the information. 4=However, there are times when #e loses confidence in #h science abilities and convinces #s that #e can't do certain problems. With a little encouragement and support, I'm sure this will resolve. COMMENTS: OLD-Enthusiasm 1=#E has been #effort and it has #effortresult 2=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. 3=#E is an enthusiastic member of the class and asks great questions. 4=#E is a very conscientious student and puts effort into everything #e does. 5=#E has shown a positive attitude towards the subject and involves #s to the best of #h ability. COMMENTS: OLD-Group Work 1=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with great solutions to difficult problems. 2=#E works cooperatively in a group situation and encourages others to contribute. 3=#E is a strong leader in group activities and is great at helping everyone come up with solutions to difficult problems. 4=#E has a quiet conscientious approach to #h work in science and is sensitive to the thoughts and opinions of others in the group. 5=#E has worked hard with the group projects and I have been impressed with the leadership qualities that have emerged. 6=#E is an active participant in small group discussions. 7=----- 8=#E usually works cooperatively in a group situation, but sometimes #e needs extra encouragement to share #h bulk of the responsibility. 9=#E finds it difficult to work cooperatively in a group situation unless support is given. 10=#E is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen carefully to others' suggestions and ideas. 11=We had a couple of group projects this quarter in which #e participated minimally and left the work up to others while #h socialized. COMMENTS: OLD-Knowledge Sentences for Strengths 1=#N is able to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. 2=#N is starting to apply knowledge gained in lessons to new and different situations. A skill that will be vital if #e is to continue to do well in #h Science studies and as #e progresses towards the end of the Key Stage. 3=#N has a good working scientific knowledge. COMMENTS: OLD-participation. 1=I am very pleased to see that #e has been very active in discussions with a lot of positive energy. 2=#E is #AUR attentive in class and participates in class discussions #willingencourage. 3=#E is attentive in class and willingly participates in group discussion and goes beyond just answering questions. 4=#E is asking some good questions that bring about interesting discussions. 5=------------------------- 6=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. 7=I would love to see #m participate more in class as I believe that #h could add a lot to the class discussions. 8=One goal for next quarter would be for #m to ask questions when #e does not understand. I understand that #e may be shy, but I encourage #m to take #h charge of #h learning. COMMENTS: OLD-personal comment 1=#? COMMENTS: OLD-personal comment 2 1=#? COMMENTS: OLD-Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: OLD-Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. {BR}{BR} Next semester dates: {BR} Monday September 1st - Friday December 22nd. COMMENTS: OLD-suggest 1=#E is bright and I encourage #h to start next quarter out on a strong note rather than scrambling at the end to bring it up. 2=I believe that with just a little more effort on #h part, we will see an improvement in #h grade. 3=One suggestion for #N is to not give up so easily. I often see that if it doesn't come to #m immediately, #e won't push #s until #e gets it. With a little more "stick to it", #e could excel. 4=I also recommend that #e come in for extra help a day or two before a test. 5=#E also has a tendency to do the minimum possible to get by. #E is smart and should take pride in #h work. COMMENTS: OLD-test suggest 1=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 2=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 3=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. 4=In particular, #e struggled in the area of #testarea and I suggest #e review this area before finals COMMENTS: OLD-tests 1=#H test scores #testing this quarter. 2=#N's weak area this quarter was #? and I recommend that #e review and get a better grasp of this topic before finals. 3=However, #h test scores do not reflect #h science ability and may need to spend more time preparing for tests. 4=Overall, #e does well, but #h test scores fluctuate which indicates that #e may not be grasping everything. 5=----------- 6=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 7=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 8=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. COMMENTS: opening A 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student that excels in science. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. COMMENTS: opening B 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a good student that has found success is in science this quarter. 4=#N has made big improvements in science and should be proud of #s. 5=#N has been working hard this quarter and it has payed off. COMMENTS: opening C 1=#N has #RatingList in the #quarter quarter of science. 2=#N has been #RatingList2 in the #quarter quarter of science. 3=#N is a bright student, but I feel that #e has not been applying #s. 4=#N had a rough start to the quarter and #e made great strides towards the end of the quarter. COMMENTS: Participation 1=#N always shows a high level of enthusiasm when #e participates in the practical components of this course and #e should be congratulated on #h efforts. 2=#N has demonstrated a #grd level of participation in the practical components of this course. 3=#N requires prompting to participate in the practical components of this course. 4=#N participation in the practical components of this course is disappointing. COMMENTS: participation. 1=I am very pleased to see that #e has been very active in discussions with a lot of positive energy. 2=#E is #AUR attentive in class and participates in class discussions #willingencourage. 3=#E is attentive in class and willingly participates in group discussion and goes beyond just answering questions. 4=#E is asking some good questions that bring about interesting discussions. 5=------------------------- 6=#E is attentive during lessons and is willing to answer questions, but I would like to see #m begin to contribute #h thoughts and go beyond just answering questions. 7=I would love to see #m participate more in class as I believe that #h could add a lot to the class discussions. 8=One goal for next quarter would be for #m to ask questions when #e does not understand. I understand that #e may be shy, but I encourage #m to take #h charge of #h learning. COMMENTS: personal comment 1=#? COMMENTS: personal comment 2 1=#? COMMENTS: Physics 1=In the latter part of this term we have been studying physics. #N has approached this topic with #h usual enthusiasm and as a result has been producing some outstanding work. 2=More recently we have been studying physics. #N has been producing some thoughtful and quality work. 3=During the physics topic, #N has not shown the same level of enthusiasm as #e has in the other topics. COMMENTS: PLTs Next Steps Sentences 1=I would like to see #N developing #h group working skills. At present the temptation to cause distraction when working with others is to great, meaning that often #N starts to fall behind in #h work. 2=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to work more independently on tasks. At present #N gives up far too easily when the work gets difficult. #E needs to persevere and try to solve the problem #s before asking for help. 3=I would like to see #N taking a bit more of a lead in practical tasks. At the moment #e relies very heavily on other members of #h group to set up equipment and run experiments. 4=I would like to see #N developing #h ability to evaluate other peoples work and investigations, suggesting areas for improvement and analysing the quality of the evidence that other people have gathered during experiments. 5=#N also needs to improve #h graph work skills. #H needs to be more accurate when drawing graphs as well as being able to comment on the patterns and relationships that pre-drawn graphs show. COMMENTS: PLTs Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has demonstrated that #e is willing to work independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 2=#E is starting to work more independently, even on more extended and demanding tasks. 3=#N will work with any member of the class and has shown a particular strength in taking the lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. This may be in either a practical activity or more paper based task. 4=#N will work with most members of the class and is starting to take more of a lead on tasks when a number of students are asked to work together. 5=#N has shown a talent for being able to stand up in front of the class and present ideas or work that #e has researched. This is fantastic to see as it is an area that so many students struggle with. 6=#N has shown a real ability to comment on the reliability and validity of other pupils results and investigations. This is a difficult skill to master but is essential for course work. COMMENTS: Prac work good 1=#N participates effectively during practicals, often taking a leading role. 2=#N participates fully during practicals, working well as part of #h group. 3=#N usually works well during practicals but could apply #s more. COMMENTS: Prac work Sentences for Strengths 1=#E has taken to practical work with real enthusiasm. #E has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems and has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment. 2=#E has shown improvement in #h practical work and has started to follow scientific methods to investigate problems. #E has shown an ability to use a variety of different pieces of new equipment and is starting to take more of a lead in practical tasks. COMMENTS: pracwork weak 1=#E has the tendency to rush to get the labs done and makes careless errors. I recommend that #e slow down. 2=#E ha a tendency to be very social during labs and does not pay attention to the details, leading to careless errors. 3=#E has a tendency to follow other people's lead during labs and sometimes ends up following their errors. I encourage #h to think for #s. 4=#N has difficulty focusing during practical and is often off task. COMMENTS: Prepared for Learning 1=#E should also try to ensure that #e comes to lessons suitably equipped to learn. On too many occasions #N has not had a pen, pencil or the correct footwear 2=#N is consistently prepared for learning COMMENTS: Read work through Next Steps Sentences 1=#N now needs to ensure that #e reads #h work through in between lessons and spends time revising. This should ensure that #N's grades improve and that #e is a step closer to attaining #h target grade of a #?. 2=#N now needs to read through all #h written work to ensure that there are no silly mistakes and that #e has included all the correct keywords and terms. 3=#N would benefit from setting some time aside to learn the correct spelling and use of key words and term as this would help #m to improve #h written work and attainment. 4=#N needs to ensure that #e checks all of #h written work through carefully as #e is prone to making the odd silly mistake. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 2=#N has made steady progress throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period, well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Science Intro 1=This semester in science we have been learning about chemical reactions and light and sound. All students are assessed on their ability to write a scientific report and complete an analysis of the results of their experiments. COMMENTS: Science_writtenwork 1=The quality of #N's written work has been consistently excellent, both in terms of content and presentation. 2=The general quality of #N's written work has been consistently very good, both in terms of content and presentation. 3=#N's written work has been rather variable, some work showing detail while other work only just adequate. 4=However, although the quality of #N's answers is usually excellent, #e needs to work on the presentation of #h written work. 5=#N's written work, while usually acceptable, is rarely as detailed or as well presented as expected. COMMENTS: suggest 1=#E is bright and I encourage #h to start next quarter out on a strong note rather than scrambling at the end to bring it up. 2=I believe that with just a little more effort on #h part, we will see an improvement in #h grade. 3=One suggestion for #N is to not give up so easily. I often see that if it doesn't come to #m immediately, #e won't push #s until #e gets it. With a little more "stick to it", #e could excel. 4=I also recommend that #e come in for extra help a day or two before a test. 5=#E also has a tendency to do the minimum possible to get by. #E is smart and should take pride in #h work. COMMENTS: Sum up1 1=#N has achieved well-deserved grades overall. Well done #N. 2=#N has not been achieving in this subject. With a little more effort #e could easily lift #h grades. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at a low level within the class 4=If #N can keep up #h current work ethic #e should continue to do well. 5=With motivation and a positive attitude #e could reach #h full potential in this subject. 6=#N has been a pleasure to teach so far this year and with continuation of #h positive attitude and work ethic #e should continue to excel. 7=I know #N can easily achieve at a much higher level and I hope #e will start Year 10 with a desire to reach #h full potential. #H examination results reflect effort not ability, #e can do better. 8=It would be fantastic to see #N working with greater motivation to succeed as #e is not currently reaching #h full potential. 9=#N has been a valuable member of the class and I hope #h hard work and positive attitude continues. 10=To improve #N will need to come to class with a positive attitude, #H results are a reflection of #h effort and attitude not ability. 11=#N has been an absolute pleasure to teach so far this year and is an asset to the class. If #e can maintain #h positive attitude and motivation #e should continue to excel. 12=#N has been a delight to teach so far this year and is an asset to both the class and the school. If #e maintains #h positive attitude and motivation, #e should do well in year 10. 13=I am extremely pleased with #N's progress this year. I hope #e will continue to show such a positive attitude in year 10. 14=If #N continues to show such a positive attitude towards #h work, #e will reap the benefits in year 10. 15=#N has shown glimpses of #h potential. It is now #h choice as to whether #e reaches it or not. 16=#N has consistently worked to the best of #h ability. #H attitude and work ethic are a tremendous assett and I hope that #e will continue to show both in year 10. 17=#N has the ability to do well in science and would improve if #e put more effort into #h work. I hope #e takes up this challenge next quarter. COMMENTS: Summing-up sentence 1=#E also needs to improve the practical write ups in #subjects. This is one of my concerns for #h #subjects grade. 2=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. With a little more effort #e could reach Level #?. 3=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. 4=#E will need to recieve extra support from the resource deparment if #e wants to improve #h grade next term. 5=#N is often distracted in class will need to increase #h effort and show more responsibility towards #h studies next term. 6=#E participates in class discussions. With continued effort and diligence I am confident #N can achieve #? next term. 7=I am confident that with continued effort and revison #e will be very successful on #h exams next term. 8=#N is one of the brightest students in class and should be getting an outstanding grade next term. 9=#E must have a constant revision if #e wants to achieve a better grade next term. 10=#E still needs to have a more detailed revision and practice with more past paper questions. 11=Next term #e must improve #h classwork and show me #e really is interested in #subjects. 12=I have no doubt that #N has the potential to pass the subject and achieve grades beyond an #subjects level #?, but this will only happen if #e is prepared to spend more time on #h studies. 13=#E has had many absences during this first semester and I am concerned that #e may be missing important notes that #e will need when it is time to review for exams. I recommend that #e avoid missing school whenever possible and make a stronger effort to take detailed notes in class. 14=#N may want to consider getting a few tutoring sessions for improving #h knowledge and conceptual understanding in this subject . 15=If #N is to attain a better grade in this subject, #e needs to pull #s more for the tests and meet assignments deadlines. I am concerned about #h absences. 16=#E still needs to revise thoroughly and develop more #h practical skills in #subjects. There is still new learning to do but thorough revision and plenty of practice #e will attain a better grade. 17=#N still is lacking the commitment to do better in #subjects. If #e doesn't change this attitude #e won't pass this subject. 18=#N finds difficult to manage data based questions in #subjects paper #?. #E must refine #h revision technique and do lots of exercises as an essential part of work to ensure a successful result in #h examination papers. 19=I am confident that if #e once more revises and practices with past paper exercises #e will achieve an average grade in #h mock examinations next January. 20=#E has a lot of gaps in #h understanding and #e is not meeting deadlines for assignments. #E needs to have a regular nightly revision and do more exercises to practice if #e wants to pass this subject in the mock session. COMMENTS: test suggest 1=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 2=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 3=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. 4=In particular, #e struggled in the area of #testarea and I suggest #e review this area before finals COMMENTS: tests 1=#H test scores #testing this quarter. 2=#N's weak area this quarter was #? and I recommend that #e review and get a better grasp of this topic before finals. 3=However, #h test scores do not reflect #h science ability and may need to spend more time preparing for tests. 4=Overall, #e does well, but #h test scores fluctuate which indicates that #e may not be grasping everything. 5=----------- 6=I would encourage #m to come in during extra help from time to time when #e doesn't understand something. 7=I would encourage #m to come in for after school help a day or two before a test. 8=I believe that #e is not always studying for #h tests and using the planner to mark down upcoming tests would be helpful. COMMENTS: thinking 1=#N is also able to use mathematical concepts in a range of problems. 2=#N has been able to use mathematical concepts in solving some problems. 3=#N finds it difficult to use mathematical concepts to solve problems. COMMENTS: understanding 1=#N has worked hard and is to be commended for #h effort. 2=#N has worked well and with continued effort #e could achieve better next semester. 3=#N needs to focus more during class in order to achieve #h potential. 4=#N is to be commended for the effort they applied this year. 5=#N needs to apply #s more to fully achieve #h potential. 6=#N has applied #s this year but would benefit from revising #h work to further #h understanding. 7=#N has struggled with some of what we have studied. #E will require much more focused study time to make a positive impact upon results. 8=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance from a dedicated student. 9=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. 10=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. COMMENTS: Working in class 2 1=#E has worked well during practical lessons and has shown skill progression in all areas. 2=Participation during practical lessons has been at a minimum and this has affected #h physical skill and social development. 3=#H effort in class varies considerably, some days #e puts in very little effort while others #e works very well. 4=#E always participates to the best of #h ability. 5=#E always gives an honest effort in class. 6=#E is always fully engaged in the lesson. 7=#E usually participates to the best of #h ability. 8=#E is generally fully engaged in the lesson. 9=Unfortunately too often this year #N has taken a long time to settle down and get on with #h work. COMMENTS: working with others 1=#N has shown fantastic teamwork skills and the ability to work well with others. 2=At times #e is easily distracted by #h peers and needs reminding to refocus. 3=#N is able to work well with all members of the class and has shown well developed interpersonal skills. 4=It would be good to see #N put more effort into working with all members of the class. LIST: adj 1=affable 2=delightful 3=diligent 4=friendly 5=polite 6=quiet 7=well mannered LIST: attitude 1=an excellent 2=a positive 3=a lacklustre 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: AUR 1=always 2=usually 3=rarely LIST: ButAnd 1=but 2=and LIST: Difficulty 1=very difficult 2=difficult LIST: effort 1=working hard 2=not working to #h potential 3=putting forth adequate effort LIST: effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: effortresult 1=paying off. 2=hurt #h grade. 3=#e has made good progress. LIST: EGN 1=is excellent 2=is good 3=needs some work LIST: finalgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=Fl LIST: goal 1=stay on top of due dates for assignments and labs. 2=come in for extra help a few days before a test. 3=slow down on #h work in order to avoid careless mistakes. 4=reduce the socializing and focus on the work at hand. 5=show more patience with peers during group work. 6=participate a little more in class discussions. 7=participate a little more with #h group during activities. LIST: Goal-s 1=goal 2=goals LIST: GradeArea 1=Physics 11 2=Physics 12 3=Biology 12 LIST: grades 1=A 2=A- 3=B 4=B 5=B- 6=C 7=C 8=C- 9=D 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: grd 1=outstanding 2=very high 3=high 4=sound 5=satisfactory 6=basic 7=very basic 8=limited LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: hwgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: labgrade 1=A 2=A- 3=B 4=B 5=B- 6=C 7=C 8=C- 9=D 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: labgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: lateassignments 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 10=10 LIST: OLD-AUR 1=always 2=usually 3=rarely LIST: OLD-effort 1=working hard 2=not working to #h potential 3=putting forth adequate effort LIST: OLD-effortlist 1=much 2=a bit 3=considerably 4=far LIST: OLD-effortresult 1=paying off. 2=hurt #h grade. 3=#e has made good progress. LIST: OLD-EGN 1=is excellent 2=is good 3=needs some work LIST: OLD-finalgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=Fl LIST: OLD-goal 1=stay on top of due dates for assignments and labs. 2=come in for extra help a few days before a test. 3=slow down on #h work in order to avoid careless mistakes. 4=reduce the socializing and focus on the work at hand. 5=show more patience with peers during group work. 6=participate a little more in class discussions. 7=participate a little more with #h group during activities. LIST: OLD-grades 1=A 2=A- 3=B 4=B 5=B- 6=C 7=C 8=C- 9=D 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: OLD-How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: OLD-hwgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: OLD-keywordlist 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an improving LIST: OLD-labgrade 1=A 2=A- 3=B 4=B 5=B- 6=C 7=C 8=C- 9=D 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: OLD-labgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: OLD-lateassignments 1=1 2=2 3=3 4=4 5=5 6=6 7=7 8=8 9=9 10=10 LIST: OLD-quarter 1=first 2=second 3=third 4=fourth LIST: OLD-RatingList 1=excelled 2=done well 3=struggled 4=improved LIST: OLD-RatingList2 1=excelling 2=doing well 3=putting in minimal effort 4=showing great improvement LIST: OLD-SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: OLD-SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: OLD-subject 1=science 2=chemistry 3=physics 4=weather and atmospere LIST: OLD-testarea 1=mixtures and solutions 2=acids and bases 3=solubility 4=unit conversions LIST: OLD-testgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: OLD-testing 1=have been excellent 2=have been good 3=have been below average 4=have fluctuated LIST: OLD-Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: OLD-willingencourage 1=willingly 2=with some encouragement LIST: quarter 1=first 2=second 3=third 4=fourth LIST: RatingList 1=excelled 2=done well 3=struggled 4=improved LIST: RatingList2 1=excelling 2=doing well 3=putting in minimal effort 4=showing great improvement LIST: SampleRatingList 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: SampleScienceTopics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: startofyear 1=an excellent 2=a good 3=an average 4=a disappointing 5=a poor LIST: subject 1=science 2=chemistry 3=physics 4=weather and atmospere LIST: TermType 1=An excellent 2=A very good 3=A satisfactory 4=A disappointing 5=A poor LIST: testarea 1=mixtures and solutions 2=acids and bases 3=solubility 4=unit conversions LIST: testgrades 1=A 2=A- 3=B+ 4=B 5=B- 6=C+ 7=C 8=C- 9=D+ 10=D 11=D- 12=F LIST: testing 1=have been excellent 2=have been good 3=have been below average 4=have fluctuated LIST: TestResults 1=excellent 2=very good 3=good 4=satisfactory 5=disappointing 6=poor 7=very disappointing LIST: This-These 1=this 2=these LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term LIST: topiclist 1=Particles 2=Elements 3=Space 4=Forces 5=Electricity and Magnetism 6=Energy 7=Cells 8=Reproduction LIST: Topics 1=general physics 2=thermal physics and the properties of waves 3=electricity and magnetism 4=nuclear physics 5=mechanics and thermal physics 6=wave physics, electricity and electromagnetic induction 7=waves, circuits, fields and forces 8=sight and wave phenomena LIST: Type 1=an excellent 2=a very good 3=a good 4=a satisfactory 5=a poor 6=a disappointing 7=excellent 8=very good 9=good 10=satisfactory 11=poor 12=disappointing 13=some 14=reasonable LIST: Type1 1=an excellent 2=a very good 3=a good 4=a satisfactory 5=a poor 6=a disappointing 7=excellent 8=very good 9=good 10=satisfactory 11=poor 12=disappointing 13=some 14=reasonable 15=very disappointing LIST: willingencourage 1=willingly 2=with some encouragement /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.