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COMMENTS: ALL Learner Profile 1=#N is an inquirer, showing natural curiosity and independence. 2=#N is open-minded, showing appreciation toward others' ideas different than #h own. 3=#N is caring, showing respect and kindness toward others. 4=#N is a risk-taker, approaching challenges with courage and an independent spirit. 5=#N is reflective, giving consideration to #h learning experience. 6=#N is principled, taking responsibility for #h own actions and shows respect toward others. 7=#N is a communicator, expressing #h ideas confidently and creatively in more than one language and works well with others. 8=#N is knowledgeable in art, seeking in-depth understanding of issues that interest #m. 9=#N thinks for #s, makes independent decisions and is creative when solving problems. 10=#N is reflective about #h learning, knowing what #e is good at and what #e can improve. 11=#N is balanced, taking care to develop #h whole self: mind, body and emotions. 12=#N has been more willing lately to try new techniques and be more accepting of mistakes as part of the learning process. COMMENTS: Art 7 BC 1=For Criterion B, #e has shown outstanding development of skills especially using digital photography. 2=For Criterion B, #e has shown outstanding development of skills especially using digital photography, though #e'll still want to continue working on drawing techniques using a full range of tone. 3=For Criterion B, #e demonstrates good development of skills, though this is still an area to practice, especially using the full range of tone. 4=As a note, #e needs to present #h process journal with more care, remembering that presentation of #h work will always affect its achievement in any discipline. COMMENTS: Art 8 BC 1=For Criterion B, #e has shown outstanding development of skills including chalk pastel drawings and tonal studies of artworks studied. 2=For Criterion B, #e has shown consistent development of skills including chalk pastel drawings and tonal studies of artworks studied. 3=For Criterion B, #e demonstrates good development of skills, though this is still an area to practice, especially using the full range of tone. 4=For Criterion C, #e has created beautiful, imaginative ideas for #h own sculpture in #h process journal! 5=For Criterion C, #e has created very imaginative ideas for #h own sculpture in #h process journal! 6=For Criterion C, #e has shown good initial ideas, though I would have liked to see a little more development of ideas in #h process journal, with written description and justification linking to #h inspiration. 7=As a note, #e needs to present #h process journal with more care, remembering that presentation of #h work will always affect its achievement in any discipline. COMMENTS: Art Conclusion 1=Overall, it has been a pleasure teaching #N this year, and I wish #m all the best in the next academic year. 2=Overall, I'm pleased with the progress #N is making in Visual Arts, and I look forward to #h continued development over the coming years. 3=Overall, I'm mostly pleased with the progress #N is making in Visual Arts, and I hope that next year #e will develop a deeper level of focus and commitment to #h learning. 4=Overall, it has been a pleasure teaching #N this year. 5=Overall, it has been a successful trimester of Visual Arts for #N this year . 6=CONTINUING 7=Looking forward, #e needs to practice drawing to keep #h skills sharp, aiming to refine #h skills. 8=Looking forward, #e should continue to experiment with a range of art materials, aiming to gain confidence in a range of media. 9=Looking forward, #e should practice drawing to reinforce #h understanding of perspective and tonal shading techniques. 10=Looking forward, #e should practice drawing to reinforce #h understanding of proportion and tonal shading techniques. 11=SUMMER 12=This summer, I'd like #m to keep a journal of #h ideas, drawing for pleasure and as a means of developing #h sense of artistic expression. 13=This summer, #e should try to visit some art exhibitions for exposure to a wider knowledge base in the Arts. 14=This summer, #e should practice drawing from #h photographs to gain some confidence in #h drawing and painting skills. 15=This summer, #e should practice drawing to reinforce #h understanding of proportion and tonal shading techniques. COMMENTS: ART IBDP AOs 1 1=CONTEXT 2=#E is able to examine and compare the work of other artists, considering the cultural context of their work and making connections with #h own. 3=#E is learning to examine and compare the work of other artists, considering the cultural context of their work and beginning to make connections with #h own. 4=METHODS 5=#E is confident in #h investigation of new techniques and applies #h innovations to #h own work. 6=#E is investigating and experimenting with techniques, learning to apply relevant new techniques and ideas to #h own work. 7=However, to be academically honest, #e needs to refer to #h own primary photographs and drawings rather than relying on secondary sources. 8=COMMUNICATION 9=#E is producing a body of artwork that demonstrates personal reflection and synthesis of skill, techniques and ideas. 10=#E is producing a body of artwork that demonstrates emerging personal reflection and development of skill, techniques and ideas. 11=SKILLS TECHNIQUES PROCESSES 12=#E has done an excellent job recording #h processes in making artwork. 13=However, #e needs to put more effort into recording #h processes in making artwork, not just the final outcomes. 14=CRITICAL INVESTIGATION 15=#E has also selected relevant artworks to learn from and shows authentic connection to #h art-making practice. 16=However, #e needs to select relevant artworks to learn from and make connection to in #h own art-making practice. 17=However, #e needs to analyse and reflect on how #h critical investigation into artworks #e has studied has had an impact on #h ideas and processes. 18=IDEAS INTENTIONS 19=However, #e needs to record initial ideas and intentions rather than writing descriptively to achieve higher marks on this component. 20=However, #e needs to think more deeply about the implications of #h ideas and how they impact the audience. COMMENTS: ART IBDP AOs 2 1=#E now needs to improve #h writing about #h work so that #h stated intentions match what #e has done in #h artwork. 2=REFINE REFLECT 3=However, #e needs to write more reflectively about what #e has learned through the art-making process. 4=However, #e needs to write about #h ideas and intentions and reflect on #h learning rather than writing descriptively to achieve higher marks on this component. 5=PRESENTATION LANGUAGE 6=#N needs to refine the presentation of #h submission. 7=#N needs to be sure to use Art terminology correctly throughout #h submission. 8=I'm very proud of the progress #e has made and I expect #m to continue to improve. COMMENTS: ART IGCSE AO1, AO2, AO3 1=GATHER 2=#E needs to take photos to inspire and inform #h artwork. 3=#E needs to work more directly from #h own photos to inspire and inform #h artwork. 4=#E needs to work on drawings from #h photographs, aiming to refine #h drawing and painting skills. 5=#N has worked hard to develop drawing skills to a high degree this year. 6=#N has really improved #h drawing skills and techniques. 7=#N displays sensitivity using art materials for expression. 8=#H drawing skills are improving, though this is an area #e still needs to focus on, especially refining drawings with more detail and depth. 9=#E must make an effort to record #h ideas and experiments in #h sketchbook in visual and written forms. 10=DEVELOP 11=#E needs to develop #h ideas in more depth, giving more consideration to creative ways of expression. 12=This summer, #e needs to take more photographs, aiming to develop #h ideas in more depth. 13=ORGANISE 14=#E always presents #h work creatively with care. 15=#E sometimes presents #h work creatively with care. 16=#E presents #h work creatively but needs to use more care. 17=#E is able to follow through with in depth exploration of ideas in order to create insightful and personally relevant artworks. 18=#E is able to create personally relevant artworks, but needs to record #h investigation more thoroughly. 19=#E needs to consider composition and aesthetic choices with more care. COMMENTS: ART IGCSE AO4, AO5 1=EXPERIMENT 2=#E achieves a high level of refinement in #h artwork. 3=#E makes an effort to refine #h work most of the time. 4=#E needs to remember to work back into #h artwork to refine and improve. 5=#E needs to take more risks with media, aiming to learn new media and improve existing skills. 6=#E makes some effort to refine #h work, though sometimes lacks commitment. 7=#E has also begun to explore many different materials and techniques. 8=#E needs to gain confidence when exploring materials and new techniques. 9=VISION 10=#E has begun to develop personal vision in #h artwork. 11=#E is working toward creating personally relevant artworks. 12=#E has begun to develop personal vision in #h artwork but needs to give more time and effort to developing #h skills. 13=#E shows insight and critical understanding when analysing works of art relating the context to #h own work. 14=#E shows insight and critical understanding when analysing works of art. 15=#E makes attempts at researching the work of other artists, but needs to challenge #s to think more critically about their work. COMMENTS: ART IGCSE exam 1=#N's exam reflects the preparatory work that #e did over the recent months in addition to the artwork produced during the 8 hour period. 2=#N's exam reflects the hard work and high level of skill that #e has developed, and #h dedication to art. 3=#H exam result was good, and I'm expecting #m to continue improving as we explore new media and refine skills over the next semester. 4=#H exam result was good, but would have been better if #e would have referred to #h photographs more for visual information in #h final artwork. 5=#H exam result was good, but #e needed to take photographs to inform #h final artwork. 6=#H exam result was good, but #e needed to develop #h ideas in more depth. 7=#H exam result was good, but #e needs to refine #h use of media through practice. 8=#H exam result was not as good as I hope it will be next year, as #e needs to refine #h use of media through practice. 9=#H exam result was not good, as #e needs to refine #h use of media through practice. 10=#H Art exam piece shows creativity and willingness to take risks with ideas, however in the future #e needs to plan #h ideas more thoroughly and take time to refine #h techniques, especially paying more attention to detail when necessary. 11=#H Art exam piece shows creativity and willingness to take risks with ideas, however in the future #e needs to plan #h ideas more thoroughly and take time to investigate all elements #e intends to present in #h final piece. 12=#N should be very proud of #h final Art exam piece, as it showcases the skills and ideas that #e has developed this year. 13=#N performed well on the final Art exam, creatively linking #h ideas from the start of the project through to #h final artwork. 14=Unfortunately #N did not submit #h sketchbook, preparatory work, for the due date. A percentage of the final grade is based on an approximation of #h preparatory work. 15=#N performed well on the final exam, but this is not reflected in #h grade because much of the preparatory work is incomplete. 16=#N performed well on the final exam, but this is not reflected in #h grade because #h preparatory work lacks depth and breadth of media, skills and links to relevant artists. 17=#N would have performed better on the exam if #h preparatory work showed more depth and breadth of media, skills and links to relevant artists. 18=#N would have performed better on the exam if #h preparatory work showed more depth and breadth of media and deeper links to relevant artists, investigating their techniques and use of media. 19=#N would have performed better on the exam if #e experimented more with the final composition and had completed more of the preparatory work. 20=#N could have performed better on the Art exam if #e made more connections with what we learned in class in #h final artwork. COMMENTS: ART IGCSE exam negative 1=#N did not do as well on the Art exam as I hoped, as #e did not complete much of the classwork and homework. 2=#N found the Art exam to be very difficult, as #e was not prepared. 3=#H exam shows innovative exploration of media, but #e still needs to include studies from #h photographs, aiming to refine #h drawing and painting skills. 4=#H exam grade reflects the current standing of #h Process Portfolio. 5=#H exam reflects #h current Exhibition IA submission, and I hope for this to improve before our final submission. COMMENTS: ART MYP1 1=Criterion A is about Knowing & Understanding and #e has investigated artworks studied this year and consistently used appropriate Visual Arts vocabulary. 2=Criterion A is about Knowing & Understanding and #e needs to put more effort into to researching and investigating artworks studied, especially aiming to use of appropriate Visual Arts vocabulary. 3=Criterion A is about Knowing & Understanding and #e needs to give more effort to analyzing artworks in more depth, exploring the meaning expressed in the work. 4=For Criterion B Developing Skills, #e demonstrates excellent acquisition and development of the skills and techniques! 5=For Criterion B Developing Skills, I have seen some good progress in this over the year. 6=For Criterion B Developing Skills, #e needs to put more effort into practicing the skills and techniques we have learned. 7=For Criterion B Developing Skills, #e needs to put more effort into practicing the skills and techniques we have learned, especially using perspective techniques and tonal shading in #h drawing. 8=In Criterion C Thinking Creatively, #e has shown confidence to identify an artistic intention, and make this clear in #h process journal. 9=In Criterion C Thinking Creatively, #e has shown a high level of creativity, developing multiple ways and alternatives to express #h ideas. 10=To improve Criterion C, #e needs to give more consideration to #h artistic intentions, thinking more deeply about how #e can use the techniques and media learned to express #h ideas through art. 11=To improve Criterion C, #e needs to more clearly identify an artistic intention, and make this clear in #h process journal. 12=To improve Criterion C, #e needs to be willing to explore more alternatives and perspectives, showing more willingness to adapt #h intentions to suit the media or situation. 13=As evidence of Criterion D Responding, #e has consistently identified connections between the art and its context, and made good connections with #h prior learning. 14=To improve Criterion D Responding, #e needs to try harder to identify the connections between the art and its context, and make stronger connections with #h prior learning. 15=To improve Criterion D Responding, #e needs to put more effort into describing the Elements of Art and Principles Design in artworks we study, aiming to make connections with the meaning expressed in the work. 16=For Criterion A and D, #e has worked hard to make links between the knowledge acquired and artwork created. 17=For Criterion A and D, #e needs to put more effort into to investigating, understanding and responding to the artworks studied, especially aiming to understand the ideas expressed in the work. 18=For Criterion A and D, #e has given good effort toward investigating, understanding and responding to the artworks studied, and shows that #e is beginning to understand the ideas expressed in the work. 19=For Criterion A and D, #e could put a little more effort into to investigating, understanding and responding to the artworks studied, especially aiming to understand the ideas expressed in the work and how this can impact #h own work. 20=#E could push #s a little harder, as #h work is always good, but with a bit more effort could reach the next band of each criterion. COMMENTS: ART MYP3 1=For Criterion A and D, #e has given good effort toward investigating and responding to the artworks studied, and shows that #e is beginning to understand the ideas expressed in the work. 2=For Criterion A and D, #e needs to put more effort into to investigating and responding to the artworks studied, especially aiming to understand the ideas expressed in the work. 3=For Criterion A, #e has investigated artworks studied this year and to make links between the knowledge acquired and artwork created.. 4=For Criterion A, #e has worked hard to understand and demonstrate awareness of the relationship between the art form we study and its context 5=For Criterion A, #e needs to put more effort into to researching and investigating artworks studied and to make links between the knowledge acquired and artwork created. 6=For Criterion A, #e needs to give more effort to understanding artworks in more depth, exploring the meaning expressed in the work. 7=Criterion B is about developing skills, and #e demonstrates excellent progression so far. 8=Criterion B is about developing skills, and I have seen some good progress in this over the year. 9=Criterion B is about developing skills, and #e needs to put more effort into practicing the skills and techniques we have learned. 10=Criterion B is about developing skills, and #e needs to put more effort into practicing the skills and techniques we have learned, especially more care for detail in #h work. 11=For Criterion C, #e has shown confidence identifying #h artistic intentions, and has made this clear in #h process journal. 12=For Criterion C, #e has shown a high level of creativity, developing multiple ways and imaginative solutions to express #h ideas. 13=To improve Criterion C, #e needs to more clearly identify an artistic intention, and make this clear in #h process journal. 14=To improve Criterion C, #e needs to be willing to explore more alternatives and perspectives, showing more willingness to adapt #h intentions to suit the media or situation. 15=As evidence of Criterion D, #e has consistently identified connections between the art and its context, and made good connections with #h prior learning. 16=To improve Criterion D, #e needs to put more effort into identifying the connections between the art and its context, and make stronger connections with #h prior learning. 17=As evidence of Criterion D, #e has done an excellent job evaluating the Elements of Art and Principles Design in artworks studied this year, and has begun to analyze and make connections with the meaning expressed in the work. 18=To improve Criterion D, #e needs to put more effort into evaluating the Elements of Art and Principles Design in artworks we study, aiming to make connections with the meaning expressed in the work. 19=#E has consistently showed strong effort and achievement in all of the assessment criteria. 20=#E could push #s a little harder, as #h work is always good, but with a bit more effort could reach the next band of each criterion. COMMENTS: ART oral exam 1=In the oral exam, #N showed that #e is able to communicate confidently about #h artwork, eloquently using the appropriate Art language. 2=In the oral exam, #N showed that #e is able to communicate well about #h work and uses appropriate Art language. 3=The oral exam results showed that #N must make more of an effort to use appropriate Art language. 4=#N would benefit from taking part in class discussion to enable #m to use the correct terminology more fluently and improve #h oral exam results. 5=The oral exam results showed that #N needs to practice speaking English more regularly to improve fluency and sentence structure. 6=The oral exam results showed that #N needs to practice speaking English more regularly to improve confidence and fluency. 7=The oral exam results showed that #N has learned new Art vocabulary, but needs to practice speaking English more regularly to improve confidence and fluency. COMMENTS: ART positive start 1=#N has shown enthusiasm and a desire to improve #h skills, knowledge and creativity this year. 2=#N has shown enthusiasm and a desire to improve #h skills this year, and #h continued effort has paid off. 3=#N is a very confident and skillful Art student. 4=#N has developed an excellent understanding of all the new skills and concepts taught so far. 5=#N is beginning to develop the confidence to develop #h ideas as #h skills improve. 6=This year, #N has explored and used a wide variety of ideas, media and techniques and is beginning to develop the confidence to review, modify and enhance #h work as it progresses. 7=#N has a positive attitude that contributes to the learning environment. 8=#N is a quiet member of the group who displays an interest in Art and always works with enthusiasm. 9=#N is a kindhearted member of our class who displays interest in Art and demonstrates a growing understanding of the skills taught. 10=#N is a friendly student who works with enthusiasm in the art room, and contributes constructively to class discussion. 11=#N has made real progress in Art this year. 12=#N is a bright and cheerful student who displays a high level of creativity. 13=#N has developed a good understanding of the skills and concepts taught so far. 14=While #N is still developing foundational skills, #h overall effort has improved. 15=#N is developing an understanding of the skills and concepts taught so far. COMMENTS: ART target 1 1=QUALITY 2=#E should aim to maintain the high quality of #h work. 3=#E needs to take more time over tasks to develop higher quality work. 4=PROCESS JOURNAL 5=#E needs to improve #h writing in #h process journal to justifying #h artistic intentions. 6=#E needs to take more time to document #h learning in #h process journal, reflecting on #h process and learning experience. 7=FOCUS 8=I would like to see #m improve #h level of focus during lessons so that #e can really gain the benefit of each lesson. 9=#E needs to remember that #e #h here to learn, and that should be #h primary focus in each lesson. 10=INDEPENDENCE 11=#E shows a high level of creativity in #h work, but needs to work with more independence 12=ATTITUDE 13=I hope to see #h positive effort and attitude continue. 14=I hope #e can sustain #h current interest in and enthusiasm towards Art. 15=I hope #e can maintain #h determination to develop skills, knowledge and understanding. 16=#E should try to take a more positive attitude toward #h work. 17=I would like to see #m put more consistent effort into #h homework. COMMENTS: ART target 2 1=CONFIDENCE 2=I would like to see #N gain confidence to share #h ideas in class so that other students can learn from #m. 3=I hope that #N will gain more confidence to explore #h natural curiosity in the coming semester. 4=I hope that #N will gain more confidence to explore new ideas and techniques in the coming semester. 5=PARTICIPATION 6=#E should try to increase #h confidence by getting more involved in class discussion. 7=#E should make an effort to be more actively involved during lessons. 8=#E should try to be more attentive to #h own work during lessons. 9=SKILLS 10=#N needs to take time to practice the new skills taught. 11=#E should regularly practice drawing to continue improving skills. 12=#E needs to focus on developing fine motor skills so that #m creative efforts can be fully realized. 13=#N needs to practice #h drawing with more precision and sustained focus. 14=I would like #N to continue drawing regularly with precision and focus to develop #h skills further. 15=IDEAS 16=#E must explore and use a wider variety of ideas, media and techniques in order to develop greater confidence and improve #h work. 17=EFFORT 18=I would like to see #m put more consistent time and effort into #h homework. 19=I would like to see #m make more of an effort in all aspects of classwork and especially homework. 20=I do feel will a little more effort #e will be a top art student. COMMENTS: ART target 3 1=PROCESS JOURNAL 2=#E needs to take more time to document #h learning in #h process journal and reflect on #h processes and learning experiences. 3=#E should try to improve the presentation of #h work in #h process journal, remembering that the viewer is always affected by the quality of presentation. 4=#E really needs to focus on writing more about #h ideas to show #h learning journey in #h process journal. 5=#E has consistently presented #h work with care and detail, showing a high quality of work throughout #h process journal. 6=ORGANIZATION 7=#E has always brought a positive attitude to the classroom, but I do hope #e can develop more personal organization with #h belongings and #h homework to give #m the best chance of success next year. 8=LISTENING 9=I would also like to see #m improve #h listening skills so that #e can really gain the benefit of each lesson. COMMENTS: ART Topics 1=In the first trimester of Grade 6 Arts, students studied Visual Arts we began by creating ceramic vessels to represent something we value. Next, we investigated Public Art in Hong Kong, exploring how the context of the artwork relates to its meaning, creating our own HK model trams with murals to promote one of the 8+1 virtues. 2=In the first trimester of Grade 7, we have been exploring how the materials an artist uses has an impact on the meaning of their work. To do this, students have collected their own sustainable materials and have created abstract sculptures to express their own ideas about the waste problem in Hong Kong. Next, we have begun an expressive exploration of abstract painting in response to music. Students are exploring color theory and developing skills with a range of painting techniques. 3=I am very pleased with the work that #N created for each project, and it seems that #e is really developing a keen interest in artistic expression. 4=I am pleased with the work that #N created for each project, and it seems that #e is beginning to make connections with #h own work and the artists and contexts that we study. 5=I am mostly pleased with the work that #N created for each project. 6=I would have liked to have seen more consistent effort and commitment to learning in each project. 7=This year in Grade 7, we began with an expressive exploration of abstract painting in response to music. Students explored color theory and painting techniques. Next, we explored photography and digital manipulation techniques, exploring how changes in Hong Kong culture can be expressed in visual and written forms. Finally, we have been exploring the use of sustainable materials in creation of our own abstract sculptures. 8=This year in Grade 8, we began by exploring a range of animation techniques to express identity. Next, we investigated the Elements of Art and Principles of Design through drawing and sculpture, learning about a range of different sculptural techniques, finally using plaster to create 3D organic and abstract forms. COMMENTS: ART: improve 1=However, #N finds the skills of listening to and following instructions difficult. 2=However, some work is missing from #h process journal, and #h overall achievement may be impacted by this. 3=However, #e has not completed much of the homework assigned this year, and therefore #h learning and attainment suffer for it. 4=However, #e has not completed any of the homework assigned this year, and therefore #h learning and attainment suffer for it. 5=However, #e needs to gain more independence from #h peers so that #e can achieve what #e is capable of. 6=However, #e finds some of the new techniques challenging. 7=However, #e finds some of the new concepts challenging. 8=However, #e needs to put more effort into homework. 9=However, #e has difficulty sustaining effort to develop #h ideas in depth. 10=However, #e has not put consistent effort into #h homework. 11=However, #e is easily distracted by #h peers, and therefore #h learning and attainment suffer for it. 12=However, #h work is often hastily finished. 13=However, #e needs to try to sustain effort, taking a little more time on each piece of work to get the most out of it. 14=However, #e often finishes #h work a little too hastily, and I'd like to see #m take a little more time refining each piece. COMMENTS: TOK Conclusion 1=#N is a very enthusiastic and active student, always offering new perspectives on the knowledge issues discussed. I look forward to seeing #h continued development over the coming year. 2=Since the start of the course, #N has further enhanced #h critical and conceptual thinking, and is getting better at developing a clear and convincing argument when writing #h TOK reflections. I look forward to watching #h continued progress over the next year. 3=#N is a knowledgeable student and #h insightful comments are always appreciated by #h peers and myself. I look forward to seeing #h continued confidence and willingness to scrutinize #h knowledge claims over the coming year. 4=#N is a very strong critical thinker, though #e tends to focus more on the context rather than looking into the internal structure of the issues discussed. I hope that #e can shift the focus of #h critical thinking toward the nature of knowledge itself over the coming year in TOK. 5=#N has a very good understanding of the need for various perspectives and viewpoints; however, now #e needs to look beyond the obvious and start analysing individual points in isolation. I look forward to seeing #h continued confidence and willingness to scrutinize #h knowledge claims over the coming year. 6=#N has a basic understanding of the concepts surrounding knowledge but #e struggles with extracting Knowledge Questions and discussing issues on the level of metacognition. This is something we will strive to develop over the coming year. 7=With continued effort and willingness to work hard asking questions, I do believe #N will be successful overall in TOK. 8=It has been a good start to the course, and I hope that #N can continue to put forth effort and enthusiasm toward exploring Knowledge Questions and discussing issues on the level of metacognition. 9=It has been a good start to the course, and I hope that #N can put forth a little more effort and enthusiasm toward exploring Knowledge Questions and discussing issues on the level of metacognition. COMMENTS: TOK G11 improve 1=As we work towards the real TOK presentation which students will deliver at the end of Grade 11, #N should aim to improve by: 2=- not only acknowledging different perspectives but exploring these extensively. 3=- considering and deeply exploring the perspectives of different knowledge communities and experts within each Area of Knowledge being explored. 4=- making sure that all #h claims are supported by convincing examples. 5=- focusing on using original examples where possible. 6=- avoiding generalizations by replacing phrases such as 'people would typically believe ' with concrete references to specific perspectives. 7=- citing all sources consistently throughout #h work in TOK, both in the presentation and the essay, giving full attention to academic honesty. 8=- developing a well-formulated Knowledge Question that is clearly connected to the Real Life Situation 9=- staying focused on knowledge issues throughout the presentation 10=- considering and extensively exploring the implications of #h arguments, and what can be said against them. 11=- considering the implication of #h arguments in even more depth. 12=- at the end of the presentation, returning to the initial real-life situation and reexamining it in relation to the outcomes of analysis. 13=- building off of each others’ ideas to allow more depth in a group presentation. 14=- being careful about making assumptions about other people’s perspectives. 15=- giving equal effort in TOK taught in English, so that #e can benefit from an additional perspective. 16=- giving equal effort in TOK taught in Chinese, so that #e can benefit from an additional perspective. 17=- contributing more to class discussions so that #h ideas can be more fully developed when challenged. 18=- aiming for more depth of analysis. 19=- making the connection from the Real-life situation to #h Knowledge Question more explicit. What was it about the situation that caused #m to ask the question? 20=- unpacking the meaning of key words and phrases and being consistent in their use. COMMENTS: TOK G11 Intro 1=#N has made a good start to the TOK course. 2=#N has shown effort and curiosity in TOK. #E consistently contributes to class discussions, and listens well to #h peers, building on and questioning their ideas. 3=#N is a leader in our group, and has showed dedication to learning and applying TOK concepts in small and large group discussions. 4=#N is an engaged thinker who has an inquisitive mind and seems to really enjoy exploring the ideas we discuss in class. 5=#N contributes well to group discussion and #h TOK journal reflections are well-developed, thoughtful and thorough. 6=#N has consistently shown effort and curiosity, and #e regularly contributes to class discussions, and listens well to #h peers, building on and questioning their ideas. 7=#N has shown good effort in TOK taught in Chinese, but rarely contributes to discussion in TOK taught in English. While #e will likely choose Chinese as #h language for TOK assessment. It is still important that #e gives full effort to TOK taught in English, as this will enrich #h perspective and have an impact on #h critical thinking in other IB courses. 8=#N has made a good start to the TOK taught in English, but shows inconsistent effort in TOK taught in Chinese. While #e will likely choose English as #h language for TOK assessment. It is still important that #e gives full effort to TOK taught in Chinese, as this will enrich #h perspective and have an impact on #h critical thinking in other IB courses. COMMENTS: TOK G11 practice presentation 1=In #h practice presentation, #e and #h partner extracted an insightful Knowledge Question, "KQ" and they made clear, thoughtful claims about knowledge, and proceeded to analyze these with reference to specific examples. 2=In #h practice presentation, #e and #h partner addressed the underlying assumptions about their claims and were able to present an excellent first assessment with some very insightful ideas! 3=#H practice presentation was well-structured, and #e and #h partner were able to remain successfully focused on the knowledge question throughout. 4=In #h practice presentation, #e and #h partner made good links between the real world and TOK abstract concepts. 5=In #h practice presentation, #e was very passionate about #h topic, and I was quite impressed by how eloquently and clearly #e spoke. 6=#H practice presentation explored a Knowledge Question that was relevant, though could have been better phrased to more directly focus the presentation on issues about knowledge. 7=#H practice presentation explored a Knowledge Question that was just too narrow, and this limited the outcome of #h analysis. 8=#H practice presentation was not as strong as I had hoped, but #h in class discussions #e shows good understanding of TOK language and ideas. 9=#E showed some difficulty applying TOK concepts in #h practice presentation. 10=They extracted an insightful Knowledge Question, "KQ" and they made clear, thoughtful claims about knowledge, and proceeded to analyze these with reference to specific examples. 11=They addressed the underlying assumptions about their claims and were able to present an excellent first assessment with some very insightful ideas! 12=It was well-structured, it remained successfully focused on the knowledge question throughout. 13=They made good links between the real world and TOK abstract concepts. 14=#E was very passionate about #h topic, and I was quite impressed by how eloquently and clearly #e spoke. 15=They explored an interesting question, but it could have been better phrased as a Knowledge Question to focus the presentation on issues about knowledge. 16=They explored a Knowledge Question that was just too narrow, and this limited the outcome of #h analysis. 17=#H practice presentation was not as strong as I had hoped, but #h in class discussions #e shows good understanding of TOK language and ideas. 18=#E showed some difficulty applying TOK concepts in #h practice presentation. COMMENTS: TOK G12 Essay Improve 1=In order to build on this strong start to #h final essay, #N should: 2=In order to improve #h final essay, #N should: 3=In order to improve #h final essay and give #m the best chance at success in TOK, #N should: 4=- build on #h existing ideas within the essay, aiming for clarity as much as possible, while developing more depth of analysis. 5=- build on #h existing ideas within the essay, aiming for clarity as much as possible, while still maintaining the nuance of the questions #e is asking in the essay. 6=- be selective with the ideas that #e explores. 1600 words is not much so #e needs to focus on covering only those ideas that are most relevant or most interesting; 7=- provide concrete examples of perspectives to support each point #e is making. 8=- explore more relevant and original examples to support #h claims. 9=- ensure that #e cites all of #h sources. 10=- stay focused on the title, asking questions in #h essay writing more specifically about the knowledge question in the title. 11=- avoid generalizations (most people think, general public opinion, the majority) for which #e has no evidence. 12=- more clearly state #h thesis or line of argumentation. 13=- analyze in more depth the ways in which each example supports #h claim. 14=- evaluate the ways that each example #e presents supports #h claim. 15=- remember to consistently link back to the main knowledge question in the title. 16=- consider implications of #h arguments. How does it relate to the "big picture"? What impact do these ideas have? 17=- be more succinct with #h choice of words and phrases. 18=- explore the limitations and what can be said against #h arguments in more depth. 19=- ensuring that the argument #e constructs is clear, straight-forward, logical and easy for the examiner to follow. 20=- ensuring that #e has clear topic sentences at the start of every paragraph to explicitly outline the point #e is making in that paragraph. COMMENTS: TOK G12 Essay Titles 1=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question of the extent to which the quality of knowledge is best measured by how many people accept it. 2=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question of the extent to which the production of knowledge is always a collaborative task and never solely a product of the individual. 3=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question "Do good explanations have to be true?" 4=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question of the essential role of "disinterestedness" in the pursuit of knowledge. 5=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question of the extent to which the production of knowledge requires accepting conclusions that go beyond the evidence for them. 6=For #h final TOK essay, #e has chosen to explore the question of whether nurturing contrasting perspectives is one way in which we can assure the health of an academic discipline. 7=In preparation for this task, #e has developed an outline plan, and has submitted a good first draft, showing good understanding of knowledge questions, some investigation of different perspectives, and shows good quality of analysis. COMMENTS: TOK G12 Intro 1=#N is an outstanding student of TOK, and has consistently engaged in TOK discussions and debates. 2=#N is a thoughtful student of TOK, and has often engaged in TOK discussions and debates. 3=#N is a conscientious and hard working student who meets deadlines and can be relied upon to put the required amount of effort into #h work. 4=#N has shown effort and curiosity in TOK. #E consistently contributes to class discussions, and listens well to #h peers, building on and questioning their ideas. 5=#N is a leader in our group, and has showed dedication to learning and applying TOK concepts in small and large group discussions. 6=#N is an engaged thinker who has an inquisitive mind and seems to really enjoy exploring the ideas we discuss in class. 7=#N contributes well to group discussion and #h TOK journal reflections are well-developed, thoughtful and thorough. 8=#N constantly pushes #s to contribute to class discussion where #e demonstrates a sound understanding of course content and a real interest in the subject area. 9=#N has at times found the TOK course challenging, and yet has maintained a positive and willing attitude toward improving, and this has really paid off. 10=#N has often shown effort and curiosity in TOK, though in many ways #e has struggled with the course. 11=#E produced a strong TOK presentation at the end of Grade 11, setting #m up for a strong result overall. 12=#H TOK presentation at the end of Grade 11 was good, setting #m up for an adequate result overall. 13=#E took advantage of the opportunity to redo #h presentation at the start of the year, and this has had a very positive impact on #h overall grade in TOK. LIST: aadjective 1=good 2=very good 3=steady 4=strong 5=difficult 6=slow LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.