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In the recent S4 Prelim, which was the exact format of the final exam, covering material from all three units, #N scored #?/80 (#?%). 2=#E has submitted a review of the questions where marks were missed in the S3 exam which demonstrates #h commitment to improve. #E should continue to practise refining #h answers to questions that #e finds challenging and submit them to myself to check. 3=#E has submitted a review of the questions where marks were missed in the S3 exam which demonstrates #h commitment to improve. However, the revisions submitted appear to have been completed in a rushed manner. I would encourage #N to ensure #e is giving #h best effort to all tasks both in class and at home. #E should continue to practise refining #h answers to questions that #e finds challenging and submit them to myself to check. 4=Unfortunately, #e has failed to submit a review of the questions where marks were missed which was recently assigned for homework. This is unacceptable and #e will find it difficult to progress #h grade if #e is not completing the required tasks. In order to improve #N must complete all homework tasks and be revising course material regularly. COMMENTS: RMPS SQA Next Steps 1=In order to improve, #N must work on incorporating evidence and examples within #h answers. This will require regular revision of course material to ensure relevant quotes and information are memorised. 2=#N needs to work on developing effective study habits to build #h confidence. 3=#E should revise the strengths and weaknesses of the Cosmological and Teleological arguments in order to develop #h evaluation skills for answering specific questions types. 4=#N needs to complete more revision at home in order to consolidate #h learning. I recommend that #e sets #s a weekly revision schedule so that #e is reviewing the RMPS course material at least twice a week in addition to classwork and homework. 5=#N should continue to focus on applying feedback on how to improve. 6=Doing wider reading and making full use of the resources, such as course booklets and blogs, will help #m to increase #h knowledge and understanding, which will help #m to improve #h performance in the subject. 7=#N needs to increase #h effort, particularly in relation to revising at home and completing homework tasks of a consistently high quality. 8=Though #N has made excellent progress this year in the units covered, #e should be sure to maintain #h high standards as there is still a final unit to be covered, the assignment to be completed and the challenge of remembering all material covered this year. COMMENTS: RMPS SQA Opening Sentence 1=#N is currently on track to pass the N5 RMPS Course. 2=#N has the potential to pass the N5 RMPS Course, however #e is not currently secure at this level. 3=#N is not currently on track to pass the N5 RMPS Course. 4=#N is not currently on track to pass the N5 RMPS Course and is being recommended to move to N4. COMMENTS: RMPS SQA Strengths 1=#N works well in class both individually and with others. 2=#N contributes very well to class discussions and has an excellent ability to communicate ideas in a coherent manner. 3=One of #N's strengths is #h ability to explain the Cosmological argument which is a feature within the Existence of God unit. 4=One of #N's strengths is #h knowledge about how some religious people apply the sanctity of life to the treatment of embryos and euthanasia. 5=One of #N's strengths is #h ability to analyze and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of various viewpoints. 6=Another strength I have noticed is #e regularly supports #h points with relevant examples. 7=#E speaks and writes about RMPS ideas in considerable detail, showing a confident understanding of course material. 8=#E has found this subject challenging but has continued to put effort into every lesson. 9=#E has actively sought feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best. 10=In the classroom #e is very attentive and focused on learning with the goal of achieving #h personal best results. 11=#N has shown an excellent understanding of our RMPS this year and has made very good progress because of #h very positive and enthusiastic approach to learning. #N is able to listen attentively, make contributions in class discussion and also ask questions if unsure about any anything that we are covering in class. COMMENTS: S1 RME Development Needs 1=#N scored #?/20 on #h Christianity assessment. The average score for S1 was 14.8. Along with the evidence of #h classwork, this shows that #e has some areas to work on in order to improve within RME. 2=#N scored #?/20 on #h Christianity assessment. The average score for S1 was 14.8. Along with the evidence of #h classwork, this shows that significant improvements need to be made in order for #N to achieve #h potential in RME. 3=#H work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #S1assessments. I was very impressed with #h creative and original design which was an inspiration to the class. 4=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #S1assessments. 5=#N should work on improving #h writing skills by checking #h work once #e has finished. 6=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 7=Although #h #S1assessments was satisfactory, I do expect #m to improve the quality of #h work next time. 8=#H work has varied considerably, however #h #s1assessments was excellent. 9=While assignments are often presented well, #N should work on improving #h the legibility of #h handwriting when completing tasks in class. 10=#N can sometimes rush to finish tasks and should ensure that #e produces the best quality work possible in the time given. This might mean adding further points, explanations or examples when answering questions or adding detail and design when completing creative work. 11=#N needs to concentrate on managing #h time more effectively when completing tasks. 12=#N's key target is to focus on #h own work and not be a disruptive influence on those around #m. 13=Due to the variety of #h conduct in class, #N's key target is to maintain a consistently high standard of effort and behaviour in class. 14=#N needs to complete #h classwork with more confidence. 15=At times, #N's attention in class lacks the focus needed to ensure tasks are completed to the best of #h ability. 16=In order to improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 17=In addition, #N also needs to #How-to-improve. 18=#N often arrives to RME without a writing utensil. This unfortunately demonstrates a lack of personal responsibility for #h learning. #E should ensure that #e is prepared for class with enough pens or pencils for the school day. 19=#N's misbehaviour has unfortunately resulted in #m being put on a target card earlier this year. While #e has made positive changes and no longer requires that target card, #e must ensure that #e maintains the high standard of effort and behaviour expected in RME. 20=#N's misbehaviour has unfortunately resulted in #m being put on a target card. While #e has made some positive changes, #e must ensure that #e maintains the high standard of effort and behaviour expected in RME to ensure #e achieve #h potential and does not disrupt the learning of other pupils in the class. COMMENTS: S1 RME Next Steps 1=#N has been very successful in S1 RME and I am confident that if #e continues with the same effort and attitude #e will make further developments in #h critical thinking skills within RME. 2=#N should continue to have the very positive approach that #e has for learning and make the very most of the learning opportunities that RME can offer. Excellent effort #N, and well done! 3=I encourage #m to maintain #h high standards in effort, behaviour and homework. 4=There has been a definite improvement over this whole year and #N now has a greater understanding of the expectations of the class and what is required of #m to do the very best that #h can. 5=#N has struggled to complete some of the required homework tasks and #e needs to ensure that all tasks are completed to a good standard and on time. 6=#N has struggled to complete all of the required homework tasks and this needs to improve. 7=#N should always come prepared for class and with the right equipment. 8=#N needs to improve #h organisation as #e does not come to class prepared for lessons and with the right equipment. 9=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for getting on with the set tasks and using the class time that #e has to complete activities and avoid needless distractions. 10=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for #h learning to achieve #h full potential. 11=#N should ensure that #e is consistent in #h behaviour and effort. COMMENTS: S1 RME Opening 1=#N is working very well in RME and has shown a positive attitude towards issues of belief and morality. In class #e has been learning about Types of Beliefs, Fairtrade, Christianity, Animal Ethics and Martin Luther King. #N has shown a good understanding and analytical ability concerning issues of religion and morality. 2=#N is an able pupil, who is highly motivated and can engage very well with issues of belief and morality. In class #e has been learning about Types of Beliefs, Fairtrade, Christianity, Animal Ethics and Martin Luther King. #N has shown an excellent attitude towards #h work and has applied #s to successfully complete the various tasks in class throughout the year. 3=#N works effectively in RME and has shown a good attitude towards issues of belief and morality. In class #e has been learning about Types of Beliefs, Fairtrade, Christianity, Animal Ethics and Martin Luther King. #N has shown decent understanding concerning issues of religion and morality. 4=#N is working reasonably well in RME and has shown some engagement with issues of belief and morality. In class #e has been working on learning about Types of Beliefs, Fairtrade, Christianity, Animal Ethics and Martin Luther King. #N could benefit by being ready to work and apply #s to the tasks that need to be completed. 5=#N is capable of working well when focused and prepared for lessons. However, #e struggles to engage with the course content and can at times be distracted. In class #N has been learning about Types of Beliefs, Fairtrade, Christianity, Animal Ethics and Martin Luther King. COMMENTS: S1 RME Strengths 1=#N is a polite and respectful pupil who is a pleasure to teach in RME. 2=#N is an outstanding pupil in RME who sets a strong example for #h peers to follow. 3=#N is able to show respect to those who hold beliefs that are different to #h own. 4=#N is able to show empathy to situations which highlight poverty and injustice. This was highlighted in #h classwork and participation during our Fairtrade unit. 5=#N understands religion and morality as an important part of human experience. This was shown in #h excellent work during the Martin Luther King booklet project. 6=#N is very reflective in #h approach in class and enjoys the opportunity to think more deeply about questions and issues. This was demonstrated in #h effective participation in the Animal Ethics unit. 7=#E contributes well within a small group and also within the whole class setting. #N worked effectively with #h group to complete the investigation task during the Christianity unit. 8=#N participates very well during lessons, providing contributions which are useful and beneficial to the class. 9=#N has completed all homework tasks to the best of #h ability. 10=#N is developing #h critical thinking skills in relation to course content. This was shown especially in #h answers to the evaluation questions on the Christianity assessment. 11=#N has a likable personality and can bring a positive energy to the class at times. 12=#N has made significant improvements throughout this year which demonstrates #h commitment to succeed. 13=#N scored #?/20 on #h Christianity assessment. The average score for S1 was 14.8. Along with the evidence of #h classwork, this shows that #e is making outstanding progress in RME. 14=#N scored #?/20 on #h Christianity assessment. The average score for S1 was 14.8. Along with the evidence of #h classwork, this shows that #e is progressing well in RME. COMMENTS: S1 SS Development Needs 1=#H work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #S1SSassessments. I was very impressed with #h creative and original design which was an inspiration to the class. 2=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #S1SSassessments. 3=#N should work on improving #h writing skills by checking #h work once #e has finished. 4=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 5=Although #h #S1SSassessments was satisfactory, I do expect #m to improve the quality of #h work next time. 6=#H work has varied considerably, however #h #s1SSassessments was excellent. 7=While assignments are often presented well, #N should work on improving #h the legibility of #h handwriting when completing tasks in class. 8=#N's key target is to focus on #h own work and not be a disruptive influence on those around #m. 9=#N needs to concentrate on managing #h time more effectively when completing tasks. 10=#N needs to complete #h classwork with more confidence. 11=In order to improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 12=Due to the variety of #h conduct in class, #N's key target is to maintain a consistently high standard of effort and behaviour in class. 13=#N can at times be a disruptive influence and needs to remember to not shout out and raise #h hand before speaking. 14=#N also needs to #How-to-improve in order to ensure #e is progressing well in RME. COMMENTS: S1 SS Next Steps 1=#N should continue to have the very positive approach that #e has for learning and make the very most of the learning opportunities that Social Subjects can offer. Excellent effort, #N and well done! 2=I encourage #m to maintain #h high standards in effort, behaviour and homework. 3=There has been a definite improvement over this whole year and #N now has a greater understanding of the expectations of the class and what is required of #m to do the very best that #h can. 4=#N has struggled to complete some of the required homework tasks and #e needs to ensure that all tasks are completed to a good standard and on time. 5=#N has struggled to complete all of the required homework tasks and this needs to improve. 6=#N should always come prepared for class and with the right equipment. 7=#N needs to improve #h organisation as #e does not come to class prepared for lessons and with the right equipment. 8=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for getting on with the set tasks and using the class time that #e has to complete tasks and avoid needless distractions. 9=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for #h learning to achieve #h full potential. COMMENTS: S1 SS Opening 1=#N is working very well in Social Subjects and has shown a positive attitude towards the topics studied. In class #N has studied three units this year based around the theme of Human Rights. These included a Geography unit centred around Japan, a History unit on the Holocaust, and a Modern Studies unit on Children in Crisis. We are currently finishing up a history unit on Scotland during the Industrial Revolution. 2=#N is an able pupil, who is highly motivated and can engage very well with topics we have studied in class. In class #N has studied three units this year based around the theme of Human Rights. These included a Geography unit centred around Japan, a History unit on the Holocaust, and a Modern Studies unit on Children in Crisis. We are currently finishing up a history unit on Scotland during the Industrial Revolution. 3=#N has shown an excellent attitude towards #h work and has applied #s to the various tasks in class throughout the year. 4=#N is working reasonably well in Social Subjects and has shown some engagement with subjects studied. In class #N has studied three units this year based around the theme of Human Rights. These included a Geography unit centred around Japan, a History unit on the Holocaust, and a Modern Studies unit on Children in Crisis. We are currently finishing up a history unit on Scotland during the Industrial Revolution. 5=#N could benefit more in class by being ready to work and apply #s to the tasks that need to be completed. 6=#N is capable of working well when focused and prepared for lessons. However, #N struggles to engage with the course content and can at times be distracted. In class #N has studied three units this year based around the theme of Human Rights. These included a Geography unit centred around Japan, a History unit on the Holocaust, and a Modern Studies unit on Children in Crisis. We are currently finishing up a history unit on Scotland during the Industrial Revolution. COMMENTS: S1 SS Strengths 1=#N has completed all classwork and homework tasks to the best of #h ability. #E consistently works hard and should be commended for the effort and progress #e has made this year in Social Subjects. 2=#N is able to show empathy to situations which highlight poverty and injustice. This was highlighted in #h classwork and participation during the Children in Crisis unit. 3=#N understands human rights as detailed in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This was shown in #h excellent work on the Children in Crisis project. 4=#N is well-behaved in class and follows instructions carefully. 5=#N is an active participant in class discussions and is able to confidently contribute. 6=#N is very reflective in #h approach in class and enjoys the opportunity to think more deeply about questions and issues. 7=#E contributes well within a small group and also within the whole class setting. #N worked effectively with #h group to complete group work activities during the Modern Studies unit. 8=#N is developing #h critical thinking skills in relation to course content. COMMENTS: S2 RME Development Needs 1=#H work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h Life After Death assessment. 2=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h Day of the Dead poster. 3=#N should work on improving #h writing skills by checking #h work once #e has finished. 4=Classwork has been done to a minimum standard and is often incomplete. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 5=Although #h Life After Death assessment was satisfactory, I do expect #m to improve the quality of #h work next time. 6=#H work has varied considerably, however #h Life After Death assessment was excellent. 7=While assignments are often presented well, #N should work on improving #h the legibility of #h handwriting when completing tasks in class. 8=#N's key target is to focus on #h own work and not be a disruptive influence on those around #m. 9=#N needs to concentrate on managing #h time more effectively when completing tasks. 10=#N needs to complete #h classwork with more confidence. 11=In order to improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 12=Due to the variety of #h conduct in class, #N's key target is to maintain a consistently high standard of effort and behaviour in class. 13=An area for development for #N is to be able to analyse how people's beliefs affect their actions. #E should work on incorporating this type of analysis in #h written work in future units. 14=With a more concentrated effort #h marks will reflect this improvement. 15=To improve further #e should continue to review success criteria and proofread writing pieces to ensure the quality is sufficient. 16=To improve chances of success, #e is encouraged to concentrate to the best of #h ability in class and ask questions if difficulties arise. 17=To improve #h results #e must develop more mature work habits. More attention to detail would have improved #h results in this subject. 18=There are occasions when I believe that #N is not consistently working to the best of #h ability. #E should ensure that #e is focused on achieving #h potential. 19=More organisation, concentration and effort in #N's assignments and set work would have helped #m to reach the expected standard. 20=More consistent application is required by #N to improve #h skills. COMMENTS: S2 RME Next Steps 1=#N should continue to have the very positive approach that #e has for learning and make the very most of the learning opportunities that RME can offer. Excellent effort #N and well done! 2=I encourage #m to maintain #h high standards in effort, behaviour and homework. 3=There has been a definite improvement over this whole year and #N now has a greater understanding of the expectations of the class and what is required of #m to do the very best that #h can. 4=#N has struggled to complete some of the required tasks and #e needs to ensure that all tasks are completed to a good standard and on time. 5=#N has struggled to complete all of the required tasks in class and this needs to improve. 6=#N has frequently comes to class without a pen or pencil. Therefore, #e needs to take responsibility to be prepared for class and ensure #e has the right equipment. 7=#N needs to improve #h organisation as there have been occasions where #e does not come to class with the right equipment. 8=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for #h learning by using the class time that #e has to complete tasks and avoid needless distractions. 9=I would like to see #N develop more responsibility for #h learning to achieve #h full potential. 10=I would encourage #N to increase #h concentration in class in order to ensure that #e progresses in the future. 11=If #N were to choose RMPS at National 4/5 the units #e would explore would be the Existence of God, Medical Ethics, and Islam. COMMENTS: S2 RME Opening 1=#N is working very well in RME and has shown a positive attitude towards issues of belief and morality. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. #N has shown a good understanding and analytical ability concerning issues of religion and morality. 2=#N is an able pupil, who is highly motivated and can engage very well with issues of belief and morality. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. #N has shown an excellent attitude towards #h work and has applied #s to the various tasks in class throughout the year. 3=#N is working reasonably well in RME and has shown some engagement with issues of belief and morality. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. #N could benefit more in class by being ready to work and apply #s to the tasks that need to be completed. 4=#N is capable of working well when focused and prepared for lessons. However, #N struggles to engage with the course content and can at times be distracted. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. 5=#N is working well in RME and demonstrates a good understanding of the subject and is able to explain the key aspects of learning explored in class. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. 6=#N is not working to #h potential in RME. In class, #N has been learning about Life After Death and Judaism. Later this year #e will explore Gender Stereotypes and Buddhism. COMMENTS: S2 RME Strengths 1=#N achieved #?% on the Judaism assessment and the average score of the year group for this assessment was 69.5%. #E achieved #?% on #h Life After Death assessment and the average score of the year group for this assessment was 67%. 2=#N has completed all classwork tasks to the best of #h ability. 3=#N is able to show respect to those who hold beliefs that are different to #h own. 4=#N is able to show empathy to situations which highlight poverty and injustice. This was highlighted in #h classwork and participation during our Life After Death unit. 5=#N understands religion and morality as an important part of human experience. This was shown in #h excellent work during the Judaism unit. 6=#N is very reflective in #h approach in class and enjoys the opportunity to think more deeply about questions and issues. 7=#N contributes well within a small group and also within the whole class setting. #E has made some excellent contributions to class discussions. 8=#N is developing #h critical thinking skills in relation to course content. 9=#N is a pleasant pupil who produces written work of a high standard. 10=#E shows responsibility in the class and works well both individually and collaboratively. 11=#E participated in lessons this term with enthusiasm, always contributing in a positive way. 12=#E has participated actively in all tasks and has shown a positive attitude and effort in RME. 13=Throughout this year #e has been a reliable student. 14=It has been good to see an excellent level of application from #N so far this year. 15=I have been impressed with #N's positive attitude towards #h work and #h determination to do well in this subject. 16=I have been generally pleased with #N's positive attitude towards #h work and endeavour to do well in this subject. 17=A self-motivated student, #e has shown a great deal of maturity in #h approach to this subject. 18=A basic understanding of the content was evident in the Life After Death assessment. 19=#N's investigation into beliefs about what happens when we die showed a clear understanding of the subject matter. 20=#N is an alert and attentive student who participates keenly. COMMENTS: S3 History SQA Assessment Information 1=For the Free at Last end of unit assessment, #N scored #?/23 (#?%). The year group average for this assessment was 60%. For the end of S3 exam covering material from the Free at Last unit and the Wars of Independence unit, #e scored #?/24 (#?%). The year group average for the S3 exam was XX%. COMMENTS: S3 History SQA Opening Sentence 1=#N has completed the broad general education and is currently on track to pass the N5 History course. 2=#N has completed the broad general education and has the potential to pass the N5 History course; however #e is not currently secure at this level. 3=#N has completed the broad general education; however #e is not currently on track to pass the N5 History course. 4=#N has completed the broad general education; however #e is not on track to pass the N5 History course and is being recommended to move to N4. COMMENTS: S3 RMPS SQA Assessment Information 1=For the Existence of God end of unit assessment, #N scored #?/25 (#?%). The class average for this assessment was 57%. For the end of S3 assessment covering material from the Existence of God unit and the Morality, Medicine and the Human Body unit, #e scored #?/25 (#?%). The class average for the S3 assessment was 64%. 2=#E has submitted a review of the questions where marks were missed in the S3 exam which demonstrates #h commitment to improve. #E should continue to practise refining #h answers to questions that #e finds challenging and submit them to myself to check. 3=#E has submitted a review of the questions where marks were missed in the S3 exam which demonstrates #h commitment to improve. However, the revisions submitted appear to have been completed in a rushed manner. I would encourage #N to ensure #e is giving #h best effort to all tasks both in class and at home. #E should continue to practise refining #h answers to questions that #e finds challenging and submit them to myself to check. 4=Unfortunately, #e has failed to submit a review of the questions where marks were missed which was recently assigned for homework. This is unacceptable and #e will find it difficult to progress #h grade if #e is not completing the required tasks. In order to improve #N must complete all homework tasks and be revising course material regularly. COMMENTS: S3 RMPS SQA Next Steps 1=In order to improve, #N must work on incorporating evidence and examples within #h answers. This will require regular revision of course material to ensure relevant quotes and information are memorised. 2=#N needs to work on developing effective study habits to build #h confidence. 3=#E should revise the strengths and weaknesses of the Cosmological and Teleological arguments in order to develop #h evaluation skills for answering specific questions types. 4=#N needs to complete more revision at home in order to consolidate #h learning. I recommend that #e sets #s a weekly revision schedule so that #e is reviewing the RMPS course material at least twice a week in addition to classwork and homework. 5=#N should continue to focus on applying feedback on how to improve. 6=Doing wider reading and making full use of the resources, such as course booklets and blogs, will help #m to increase #h knowledge and understanding, which will help #m to improve #h performance in the subject. 7=#N needs to increase #h effort, particularly in relation to revising at home and completing homework tasks of a consistently high quality. 8=Though #N has made excellent progress this year in the units covered, #e should be sure to maintain #h high standards as there is still a final unit to be covered, the assignment to be completed and the challenge of remembering all material covered this year. 9=#N's results reveal that #e will need to make adjustments to the amount of revision #e is currently completing if #e wants to have the potential to pass N5 RMPS. 10=#N should continue to sustain the excellent effort #e has displayed so far in order to work on improving #h knowledge and understanding of the course material. 11=#E should review the religious and non-religious viewpoints we have studied on the use of embryos. COMMENTS: S3 RMPS SQA Opening Sentence 1=#N has completed the broad general education and is currently on track to pass the N5 RMPS course. 2=#N has completed the broad general education and has the potential to pass the N5 RMPS course; however #e is not currently secure at this level. 3=#N has completed the broad general education; however #e is not currently on track to pass the N5 RMPS course. 4=#N has completed the broad general education; however #e is not on track to pass the N5 RMPS course and is being recommended to move to N4. COMMENTS: S3 RMPS SQA Strengths 1=#N works well in class both individually and with others. 2=#N contributes very well to class discussions and has an excellent ability to communicate ideas in a coherent manner. 3=One of #N's strengths is #h ability to explain the Cosmological argument which is a feature within the Existence of God unit. 4=One of #N's strengths is #h knowledge about how some religious people apply the sanctity of life to the treatment of embryos and euthanasia. 5=One of #N's strengths is #h ability to analyze and evaluate strengths and weaknesses of various viewpoints. 6=Another strength I have noticed is #e regularly supports #h points with relevant examples. 7=#E speaks and writes about RMPS ideas in considerable detail, showing a confident understanding of course material. 8=#E has found this subject challenging but has continued to put effort into every lesson. 9=#E has actively sought feedback asking meaningful clarifying questions in order to fully understand the task requirements and to achieve #h best. 10=In the classroom #e is very attentive and focused on learning with the goal of achieving #h personal best results. 11=#N has shown an excellent understanding of RMPS this year and has made very good progress because of #h very positive and enthusiastic approach to learning. #N is able to listen attentively, make contributions in class discussion and also ask questions if unsure about any anything that we are covering in class. 12=#E has demonstrated a keen ability to evaluate viewpoints and support #h perspective with valid reasons. 13=#E has shown an aptitude for analysing philosophical and moral issues which is reflected in #h high marks on "Explain" questions. 14=#N's excellent work ethic both in class and at home is a strength that has enabled #m to succeed in the course so far. 15=#N has developed very good exam techniques by adhering to structures and advice that have been taught in class. 16=#N's attendance of support study sessions shows #h dedication to do well in the course and has helped #m make significant improvement over the course of the year. COMMENTS: Sample intro sentences 1=#N is an outstanding student who has worked very hard throughout the #Time-period and I expect #m to do well in #h exams next year. 2=#N has had a mixed #Time-period but there are signs of improvement in #h behaviour of late. 3=After a difficult start #N has done some excellent work and is now back on target. A very pleasing #Time-period. Well done #N! 4=#N is a friendly and hard-working member of the class and has put in a steady performance throughout the #Time-period. 5=Overall #N has worked very well but there are a few issues with #h time-keeping and homework that #e needs to address. 6=We have been working on the Environmental Issues module throughout the #Time-period. #N seems to enjoy this topic and has made very pleasing progress. COMMENTS: Sample project-work sentences 1=#E has worked hard this year on all of #h projects but I was especially impressed with the high-quality of #h #Science-topics assignment. 2=Project-work has been done to a minimum standard and is often handed in late. To improve #e needs to #How-to-improve. 3=Although #h #Science-topics project-work was satisfactory, I do expect #m to do more background research next time. 4=#H project-work is always excellent as demonstrated in #h #Science-topics assignment. We were all very impressed with #h creative and entertaining website designs which were an inspiration to the class. 5=#H project-work has varied considerably, however #h highly-imaginative #Science-topics project was excellent and was displayed in reception at the School Open Day. An excellent achievement #N. COMMENTS: Sample summing-up sentences 1=#N always tries #h best and has achieved a well-deserved Level #? overall. An excellent performance, keep it up! 2=#N has reached Level #?. This was #h target and #e should be proud of #s. To ensure #e keeps this up next year #e should #How-to-improve. 3=#N has achieved a Level #? overall. #E often works below #h best and with a little more effort #e could easily reach Level #?. To improve #e should #How-to-improve. 4=#N has not had the best of starts this year and is still working at Level #?. #E rarely completes #h work on time. To achieve more next year #e needs to #How-to-improve. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons and avoid distractions 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=use class time effectively 5=pay more attention to instructions 6=pay more attention to the success criteria 7=refrain from shouting out in class and raise #h hand 8=check that #e has met all the success criteria 9=review material from previous lessons to prepare for tests 10=ensure that #e allocates sufficient time to complete tasks 11=develop #h evaluation skills by providing effective reasons LIST: S1Assessments 1=Christianity homework task 2=Fairtrade poster 3=Christianity investigative task 4=Martin Luther King research project 5=Types of Beliefs assessment 6=Christianity assessment LIST: S1SSAssessments 1=Holocaust assessment 2=Japan assessment 3=Children in Crisis research project 4=Children in Crisis assessment 5=Irish famine writing assessment LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. You will be told if names /* are already in use and you can pick-&-click which /* comments to add to your comment bank. /* /* /* USE 'PLAIN TEXT' (.txt) FILES ONLY: /* /* Import files must be 'plain text'. The easiest way to /* create one is to download a comment file from our site /* and open it on your computer. On most systems it will /* automatically open in a plain text editor. If you /* make changes and save, the file should automatically be /* saved as plain text. On PCs it will usually open in /* NotePad. On Macs, usually TextEdit. In Word, and other /* word processors, use 'save as' (see Word File menu) /* and then choose file type: 'text only/plain text'. /* /* /* ADDING HELPFUL NOTES: /* /* Lines starting /* are for notes (like this line). /* They are ignored when files are imported. /* You can add notes anywhere in the file. Blank lines /* are also ignored and can also be included anywhere. /* /* /* COMMENTS AND LISTS: /* /* Files contain groups of comments and lists. /* Each group should start with either: /* /* COMMENTS: your-comment-name-here /* or /* LIST: your-list-name-here /* /* List names are 2-30 characters long and contain /* only letters, numbers, '&', hyphens and NO SPACES. /* /* Comment names can include spaces, and any other /* characters except: < > \ # (max length 50). /* /* Each group may include up to 20 numbered lines, e.g. /* /* COMMENTS: Science Yr7 project work /* 1= #N's work on #Science-topics was excellent. /* 2= #N gave an inspiring #Science-topics presentation. /* 3= #N received a well-deserved A+ in #Science-topics. /* 4= etc... /* /* LIST: Science-topics /* 1= Heating and Cooling /* 2= Light and Sound /* 3= Exploring Magnetism /* 4= Changing Earth /* 5= etc... /* /* REMINDER... lines beginning /* are for notes. /* So to import the two science examples above, /* you would need to remove the /*, otherwise /* the lines would be ignored when imported. /* /* /* NEED MORE HELP? support@SchoolReportWriter.com - we usually reply the same day. /* /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* The FREE ONLINE school report writing software & school report card comments bank.