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COMMENTS: Cluster booklet summary 1=#E has completed the majority of cluster booklets required which increases #h eligibility of receiving the full qualification. 2=#E has satisfactorily completed all competency requirements to achieve #h Cert 1 in Engineering and should be proud of this. 3=#E has completed all required cluster booklets to date. This enables #m to demonstrate competence on a regular basis. 4=#E had some difficulty in consistently managing #h time and priorities though when on task #e was focused and quickly developed new skills. 5=At the time of writing, however, #e is yet to submit all of #h cluster booklets which #e must do to demonstrate #h competence and gain the qualification. 6=In order to demonstrate #h competence it is important that #N completes and submits all cluster booklets to gain the qualification. 7=At the time of writing, however, #e is yet to submit cluster book 4 which #e must do to demonstrate #h competence and gain the qualification. 8=#E is yet to submit any cluster booklets which #e must do to demonstrate #h competence and gain the qualification. COMMENTS: Communication/Teamwork 1=#E is able to speak and write in a confident manner, allowing effective teamwork to occur. 2=#E is able to work well as part of a team, often taking a leadership role. 3=#E works well both as part of a team and individually. 4=#E is able to work effectively as part of a team and is actively involved when planning the resource requirements for a project. 5=#N is able to effectively communicate with #h peers when working as part of a team and, with assistance, determine #h role. 6=#E is able to understand and deliver verbal communications effectively but requires assistance to write with coherence. 7=#E is able to further develop some of #h skill set and communicate effectively with #h peers when working as part of a team. 8=#E understands the roles associated with working as a team, but lacks the motivation to contribute to #h full potential during practical tasks. 9=In order to see an overall improvement in #h performance #e should work on how #e participates in group tasks to achieve a task. 10=When #N participates regularly, #e is able to work as a part of a team and follow instructions accurately. 11=#N can work individually, as well as in a team, and is usually able to maintain focus despite distractions. COMMENTS: Construction Concreting 1=#E quickly learnt how to mix a good batch of concrete using the concrete mixers which helped to improve the quality of each slab. 2=When prompted, #e confidently mixed a batch of concrete using the concrete mixers but this was often initiated by the teacher. 3=At the beginning of a pour, #e was eager to mix concrete but as the pour progressed #e became less productive. 4=When present for pouring concrete slabs, #e had some motivation to contribute but #h did not demonstrate the urgency required to achieve good concrete results. 5=#E quickly learnt how best to spread, screed and edge a concrete pour to achieve the best slab finish but needs to spend more time learning how to use the mixers effectively. 6=Throughout the semester #e was only able to produce a couple of reasonable concrete batches using the concrete mixers and this always required frequent intervention from the teacher. 7=When mixing concrete, #h batches were usually of sound quality but #e often required prompting before any progress was made. COMMENTS: Hand tools 1=#E is able to correctly identify and use hand tools with confidence and #h marking out for #h folding stool project was very accurate. 2=#H folding stool project was constructed with skill, highlighting #h ability to measure and use hand tools. 3=#H folding stool project is constructed with skill, however there were occasions where distraction led to inaccurate work. 4=With assistance, #e is able to correctly identify and use some of the hand tools, however distraction from #h peers would often lead to poor tool choice and inaccurate measurements. 5=While #e can correctly identify and use some of the hand tools, #e is reluctant to learn new methods to increase #h accuracy. 6=While #e is able to recall details regarding hand tools and their uses, #e could improve further by spending greater time with unfamiliar tools and processes. COMMENTS: Hand tools metal 1=#H knowledge of metalworking hand tools has progressed steadily throughout the semester which enables #m to work with greater efficiency. 2=#E is able to correctly identify and use hand tools with confidence. 3=#H folding shovel project was constructed with skill, highlighting #h ability to measure and use hand tools. 4=#H folding shovel project is constructed with skill, however there were occasions where distraction led to inaccurate work. 5=With assistance, #e is able to correctly identify and use some of the hand tools; however, distraction from #h peers often leads to poor tool choice and inaccurate measurements. 6=While #e can correctly identify and use some of the hand tools, #e is reluctant to learn new techniques to increase #h accuracy. 7=While #e demonstrates correct use of the available hand tools, #e does not commit to learning their names or their other uses. 8=#E relies on prior knowledge to identify some hand tools but does not demonstrate further learning in this area. COMMENTS: Improvement 1=#N should continue to explore the limits of machining to create industry-worthy components. 2=For #N to improve, #e should start spending time on more complex tasks, such as using the metal lathe to make a greater range of industrial quality components. 3=#N will naturally increase #h skill level to allow #m to conceptualise #h own projects, which is a fundamental skill for senior metal classes. 4=#N could further improve by continuing to ask clarifying questions to ensure #e learns as efficiently as possible. 5=#N could further improve by continuing to ask clarifying questions and by actively participating at all times. 6=#N could further improve by continuing to ask clarifying questions while maintaining #h hard-working attitude. 7=#N could further improve by putting greater focus on the task at hand, rather than becoming distracted by factors unrelated to #h learning. 8=To improve, #N should maintain a more proactive presence in the workshop as this provides more learning opportunities. 9=To succeed, #N must take the initiative to attend class regularly and actively participate at all times. 10=#N has the potential to increase #h skill set; however, #e needs to maintain #h focus, particularly during whole-class learning time, to achieve this. 11=To improve, #N must avoid distractions wherever possible and demonstrate the design process in the development of #h own projects. 12=For #N to improve, #e must change #h attitude so that learning becomes paramount as it opens more doors to success. 13=It is important that in the future #N is prepared to invest time and effort in learning new skills. 14=To improve, #N is encouraged to minimise personal distractions which prevent #m from focusing on classroom activities. 15=#N is encouraged to develop strategies to minimise distractions, participate in all classroom activities fully and incorporate teacher feedback into #h learning. 16=#N can improve by participating in classroom activities fully and by consistently apply #h best effort through a positive focus. 17=#N is encouraged to continue to develop positive strategies to minimize distraction, and consistently apply #h best effort towards maintaining positive work habits. 18=#N is encouraged to improve #h attendance in class, participate in classroom activities more fully, and consistently apply #h best effort towards maintaining positive work habits. COMMENTS: Intro Construction 1=#N demonstrates an enthusiastic and productive approach which is evident when contributing to school projects. 2=#N manages #h time and priorities effectively to demonstrate competence in numerous construction activities, particularly while transforming the school's 'Maker Space'. 3=#N has managed #h time and priorities effectively to demonstrate #h competence on numerous construction activities, particularly while constructing the school's 'Maker Space'. 4=Zachary demonstrates a natural ability in Construction, particularly when constructing #h sawhorse project and when contributing to school projects. 5=#N listens to instruction and actively participates in all construction activities enabling #m to work to the best of #h ability. 6=In Construction, #N has not demonstrated enough skills and knowledge to meet course requirements. 7=#N maintains a sporadic approach towards Construction as #e was often off task and distracted by #h peers. 8=#N maintains a sporadic approach towards Construction as #e was often off task and distracted by #h peers. 9=#N struggles to manage #h time and priorities effectively within this course. 10=In Construction, #N has not demonstrated enough skills and knowledge to meet course requirements. COMMENTS: Intro IT metal 1=#N demonstrates an enthusiastic and productive approach which was evident when constructing #h toolbox project.. 2=#N demonstrates a natural ability to complete numerous projects with accurate components. 3=#N participates in all learning activities, improving #h knowledge and understanding of metalworking through the construction of #h dice and toolbox projects. 4=At times, #N demonstrates initiative when learning new metalworking skills 5=#N maintains a sporadic approach towards the content of this course as #e is often off-task and distracted by #h peers. 6=#N has not demonstrated enough skills or knowledge to meet course requirements due to #h frequent absences and disengagement with the set tasks. 7=#N can demonstrate some skill progression but this only during a limited number of lessons as #e is generally disengaged with the course content. 8=#N is a respectful student who sometimes struggles to remain focused in the workshop. 9=In this course, #N has not demonstrated enough skills and knowledge to meet course requirements. 10=#N has demonstrated some skill progression but #h frequent absences limited #h ability to learn this semester. COMMENTS: Intro IT Wood 1=#N demonstrates an enthusiastic and productive approach which was evident when working on #h barbeque tray project. 2=#N manages #h time and priorities effectively to demonstrate skill for a number of machines and processes. 3=#N has made good progress to improve #h knowledge and understanding of workshop techniques. 4=#N is a respectful student who sometimes struggles to remain focused in the workshop. 5=#N demonstrates only a portion of the skills and techniques in the workshop. 6=#N maintains a sporadic approach towards the classwork as #e is often off task and distracted by #h peers. 7=#N has not demonstrated enough skills and knowledge to meet course requirements. COMMENTS: Intro Metal Engineering 1=#N maintains an excellent work ethic in Metal and Engineering. 2=#N manages #h time and priorities effectively, demonstrating #h competence on a number of machines and processes. 3=#N demonstrates an enthusiastic and productive approach which was evident when contributing to school projects. 4=#N manages #h time and priorities effectively to demonstrate competence on several of the machines. 5=#N manages #h time and priorities effectively to demonstrate #h competence through the completion of each cluster booklet assessment. 6=#N maintains a sporadic approach towards Metal and Engineering as #e is often off task and distracted by #h peers. 7=#N has not demonstrated enough skills and knowledge to meet course requirements which is due to #h frequent absences and disengagement with the set tasks. COMMENTS: Linking comments 1=This accumulation of knowledge enables #m to assume greater leadership roles in team working situations. 2=This skill progression enables #m to work on their project with little teacher intervention. 3=This accumulation of skill provides #N with numerous opportunities to positively impact class and individual projects. COMMENTS: Machine use IT metal 1=#H increasing knowledge and understanding of metal engineering practices, such as cutting and welding, allow #m to produce very accurate and well-made components for #h projects. 2=#E demonstrates a natural ability when completing metal engineering practices, such as cutting and welding, which helps to inspire others in the class to participate. 3=#E efficiently learns how to produce very effective and attractive welds but does not commit enough time to other machines, such as the metal lathe. 4=#E exhibits an eagerness to weld but needs to comitt greater time to other engineering machines such as the metal lather or mill. 5=#E demonstrates an eagerness to weld but needs to attempt to use other machines like the milling machine or metal lathe. 6=#E can correctly operate the metal lathe to complete a number of simple processes, which is very encouraging, but greater time should have been spent on learning other processes within the workshop. 7=#E demonstrates aptitude when using the cutting to size and welding, but requires assistance to change any settings. These skills will develop over time with use. 8=#N can clarify the importance of establishing workshop knowledge to increase #h ability when using machines such as the metal lathe. 9=#E correctly operates the metal lathe to complete simple parallel cuts, but #h depth of understanding of machine processes and component names, is limited. 10=#E can sporadically fabricate sheet metal and weld competently but does not attempt to try other machines, such as the metal lathe. 11=#E sporadically uses some of the machines, which is encouraging, but a greater commitment is required to become fully competent in their operation. 12=However, #h ability to work on the machines is difficult to ascertain as #h frequent absences meant #e did not spend sufficient time to master those skills. COMMENTS: Machine use MAE 1=#H increasing knowledge and understanding of steel engineering practices allows #m to produce very accurately and well-made components for #h projects, often with minimal teacher intervention. 2=#H increasing knowledge and understanding of steel engineering practices, such as working to a specification, allow #m to produce very accurately and well-made components to industry standard, often with minimal teacher intervention. 3=#E possesses a natural ability when cutting, drilling and welding which helps to inspire others in the class to participate. 4=#E demonstrates aptitude when cutting, milling and welding but required assistance to change any settings. By continuing to engage with these machines #h understanding and skill set will develop further. 5=#E demonstrates an eagerness to weld but is yet to increase #h machining skills on other machines such as the metal lathe or mill. 6=#E sporadically fabricates sheet metal but made no attempt to try other processes, such as turning round sections to set specifications. 7=#E sporadically used some of the machines, which is encouraging, but greater commitment will be required. 8=#H ability to work on the machines is difficult to ascertain as #e did not attempt to use them, which severely limits #h ability to progress. COMMENTS: Measurement/Accuracy 1=Every component of #h project is accurately cut, enabling #m to produce functional and attractive projects. 2=#E can mark out and measure accurately which enables #m to develop well-made projects. 3=#E is able to accurately mark out and cut #h material to maintain the quality of #h projects. 4=When on task, #h appreciation for measuring and marking out enables #m to cut and shape #h job components with minimal teacher intervention. 5=When measuring and marking out #h components, #N maintains a patient attitude to ensure accuracy resulting in minimal errors. 6=#H appreciation for measuring and marking out enables #m to cut and shape #h job components with confidence. 7=#E needs to spend more time and attention on measuring and marking out as those core skills are the foundation of all well-designed projects. 8=#E needs to spend more time on measuring and marking out accurately as #h projects were often out of square and poorly finished. 9=When measuring and marking out #h components, #N often rushes which leads to inaccurate measurements and a poor fit. This skill must be practiced regularly to increase overall quality. COMMENTS: Not doing anything 1=For several lessons, #e did not attempt to start #h practical work which has made it difficult for #m to develop the necessary skills in metalwork. 2=#E would often not commence practical work which has severely compromised #h ability to develop the necessary skills in metalwork. 3=#E needed to remain in the workshop at all times as #h continual absences meant #e missed crucial setup information and therefore found it difficult to work on #h project. 4=#N needs to think about #h behaviour within the workshop and how it not only affected #h learning, but also the learning of others when they were interrupted. 5=There were numerous occasions when #e chose to disregard the teacher's instructions and did not participate in learning that lesson. This has meant that #e has not fully developed the skills and outcomes the class were working on at that time. 6=It is difficult for #N to progress #h skills when #e would often choose to sit outside and socialise, rather than completing the goals of that lesson within the workshop. COMMENTS: Not doing anything/absent a lot 1=Avoiding distractions and engaging with class discussions could see #N enhance #h skills and knowledge. 2=A renewed focus on self discipline and time management should see #N continue to improve in the future 3=For several lessons, #e did not attempt to start #h practical work which has made it difficult for #m to develop the necessary skills in metalwork. 4=#E would often not commence practical work which has severely compromised #h ability to develop the necessary skills in metalwork. 5=#E needed to remain in the workshop at all times as #h continual absences meant #e missed crucial setup information and therefore found it difficult to work on #h project. 6=#N needs to think about #h behaviour within the workshop and how it not only affected #h learning, but also the learning of others when they were interrupted. 7=There were numerous occasions when #e chose to disregard the teacher's instructions and did not participate in learning that lesson. This has meant that #e has not fully developed the skills and outcomes the class were working on at that time. 8=It is difficult for #N to progress #h skills when #e would often choose to sit outside and socialise, rather than completing the goals of that lesson within the workshop. 9=#H attendance affects #h ability to participate in consecutive lessons to obtain subject content. 10=#E may achieve this by ensuring #e remains focused #h set work and does not allow #s to become distracted by matters unrelated to #h learning. 11=At times #e can find #s off task and as a result #h classwork remains incomplete. 12=#E started this semester with enthusiasm towards practical lessons; however, due to #h decreased application, it is hard to gauge #h true progress and potential. 13=#N has struggled this term while working on #h practical projects and has subsequently not demonstrated enough skill to be deemed competent. 14=Social and technological based distractions; however, frequently break #N's focus and prevent #m from achieving to #h true potential in the workshop. 15=#N may also benefit from actively listening in all explicit lessons, limiting #h social interactions and avoid using #h mobile phone. 16=#N is an energetic student; however, #e has struggles to separate #s from disruptive influences. 17=#N is an energetic student; however, #e has struggled to regulate #h own behaviour and is easily distracted. 18=#N is sometimes reluctant to participate fully in classroom activities, and #e struggles to develop positive strategies to minimize distraction. COMMENTS: Pack up 1=#E always contributes to class pack up which helps increase learning time for all students who use the workshop. 2=#N frequently made little attempt to contribute to packing up the workshop when instructed. This behaviour must cease as cleaning the workshop is ultimately a group commitment. 3=A greater effort is required for #N to become a team player as #e currently avoids packing up with workshop. 4=During class #e would often choose to leave early and miss pack up. This must cease as cleaning the workshop is a team effort. 5=#N usually cleaned up #h after #s but was very reluctant to contribute to a whole workshop clean. COMMENTS: Planning/Organising 1=#N demonstrates excellent planning towards #h project which was evident in #h portfolio assessment. 2=#E contributed to the planning of the class project which helped #m to lead some processes, such as the amount of material required for each process. 3=#E did not add any contribution to the planning class projects, which limited #h ability to plan for future processes. 4=#E is always willing to share these insights with the class and offer support and encouragement to #h peers. 5=While #N can demonstrate some commitment to planning #h project, particularly during practical lessons, this was not evident in #h portfolio assessment. 6=During practical lessons, #N often requires repeated teacher instruction or relies on #h peers for assistance. 7=#N needs to place greater importance when planning for #h projects, as this has slowed #h progress, reducing each components accuracy and overall quality of the project. 8=#N's project planning allows #m to confidently work, increasing the efficiency and overall quality of #h projects. 9=#H extensive planning enables #N to work with confidence, resulting in quality projects with minimal errors. COMMENTS: Problem Solving/Initiative 1=#E demonstrates an ability to problem solve innovative and creative solutions to unfamiliar problems and, when in doubt, always asks questions to clarify. 2=#E exhibits leadership when solving problems on class projects, thus allowing greater efficiency. 3=#E demonstrates initiative when solving problems, often with little teacher intervention required. 4=#E willingly contributes to class discussions, often reinforcing #h peer's understanding of the concepts being taught by asking relevant, clarifying questions during demonstrations. 5=#E can effectively problem-solve innovative and creative solutions to unfamiliar problems and work independently when required. 6=#E demonstrates good problem-solving skills to overcome issues on site. 7=#N ability to problem solve is evident when completing small jobs in the workshop but was less apparent when working on complex tasks. 8=#E demonstrates limited problem-solving skills as #h frequent absences impacted #h ability to learn the core concepts of this course. 9=At times, #e demonstrates initiative in identifying and solving problems while completing a project and can adapt a plan to take into account new situations. 10=#E is able to plan an achievable project and demonstrates initiative when faced with unfamiliar situations allowing #m to work with confidence. 11=#E can develop some solutions to common problems but has difficulty in creating new and innovative ones when faced with situations in which #e is unfamiliar. 12=Occasionally, #e is able to overcome some problems but this usually requires frequent intervention from the teacher. 13=During practical lessons, #N often requires repeated teacher instruction or relies on #h peers for assistance 14=Very occasionally, #e demonstrates competent work practices but this is only when #e is engaged with the content. 15=When on task, #e requires repeated teacher instruction or relies on her peers for assistance. COMMENTS: Safety 1=#E is always aware of workshop safety regulations which allow greater learning opportunities to occur. 2=#E has an excellent awareness of safety regulations and is able to regularly apply them within the workshop and while working on site. 3=When #N actively participates #e maintains a safe attitude which allows #m to work independently. There were a few occasions when unsafe behaviour occurred, but this has since improved. 4=While in the workshop, #e is always aware of the safety requirements and follows safe operating procedures. 5=#H ability to work safely has progressed, allowing #e to work with increased independence. 6=#H maintains a suitable attitude towards safety in the workshop which enables #m to work with increased independence. 7=It is also difficult to attain #h ability to safely work, as #h lack of participation did not enable #m to demonstrate #h skills and attitudes. 8=While #e has had some measure of success to demonstrate safe working practices there is room for improvement in this area. 9=In order to see an overall improvement in #h performance #N must demonstrate safe working practices at all times while in the workshop. 10=#E has the confidence to use many of the machines, but #e needs to seek teacher assistance more often to ensure #e follows safe operating procedures. 11=On occasion #e displayed unsafe behaviour in the workshop. #E must understand that working in the workshop environment carries significant risk for all so maintaining a safe attitude is very important. 12=While #N can identify safe working practices, #h intermittent participation limited #h opportunities to demonstrate safe skills and attitudes. LIST: How-to-improve 1=focus more in the lessons 2=put more time aside for homework 3=try not to chat during lessons 4=do more project research on the internet 5=develop #h computer skills 6=pay more attention to instructions LIST: Science-topics 1=Heating and Cooling 2=Light and Sound 3=Exploring Magnetism 4=Changing Earth LIST: Time-period 1=year 2=semester 3=1st semester 4=2nd semester 5=3rd semester 6=4th semester 7=term 8=1st term 9=2nd term 10=3rd term 11=4th term /*========================================= /* HELP: Creating & Importing Files /*========================================= /* /* See also, YouTube Teacher Training Video at: /* SCHOOL REPORT WRITER .COM /* https://schoolreportwriter.com/ /* /* #N - Name /* #E - She/He/They /* #e - she/he/they /* #H - His/Her/Their /* #h = his/her/their /* #b - girl/boy/child /* #m - him/her/them /* #s - herself/himself/themself /* #? - be prompted for text later e.g. #N achieved #?% in the exam. /* #your-list-name - select from a list later e.g. #N excelled in #topics. /* {BR} - line break; {BR}{BR} - double line break. /* /* /* DID YOU KNOW? /* /* You can also import comment files in the, /* Teachers Report Assistant format. /* There are 1000s around the web. /* School Report Writer automatically converts them. /* /* /* YOUR EXISTING COMMENTS ARE SAFE: /* /* When you upload, you will be shown the comments /* you are about to import. 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